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Hades & Persephone #1

Receiver of Many

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Persephone's life has been one of leisure among the verdant fields: the maiden of flowers, sheltered by her mother, the Harvest Goddess Demeter. Now she is a woman, a goddess in her own right, yearning for freedom— even as the terms of an ancient pact are about to come due.

Hades's life has been one of solitude in the somber land of the dead: the God of the Underworld, he lives without attachments, eternally governing the souls of mortals. But he dreams of the young goddess who was promised to be his wife, and knows it is time for his Kingdom to have a Queen.

When Hades arrives to claim his betrothed, he finds a young goddess eager to unearth her divine potential— and a powerful mother unwilling to let go. Receiver of Many begins an erotic story of passion and possession, duty and desire, and a struggle that threatens both ancient Greece and the Realm of the Dead itself.

492 pages, Paperback

First published September 23, 2015

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About the author

Rachel Alexander

10 books483 followers
Rachel Alexander has been a resident of California all her life and finished her first novel at age 16. She co-wrote a play that won awards from Bill Moyers of PBS and the University of Southern California. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature and Literary Criticism with an emphasis on creative writing.

When not writing, Rachel can often be found sewing corsets, overstocking her spice cabinet, and petting chickens. She is married and lives in Half Moon Bay, CA with her wonderful husband/editor and their son, William.

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149 (3%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 472 reviews
Profile Image for Samantha.
455 reviews16.5k followers
June 18, 2017
I loved the characterizations in this book as well as the world building, but the sheer amount of sex scenes was a detractor for me. Once I started skimming them, I enjoyed the book a lot more. I do plan to finish the duology at some point, but I'm in no hurry right now. I'll be doing a full review on my channel!
Profile Image for Erin.
262 reviews134 followers
June 2, 2015
YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I have been waiting for this day-You know when you read a fanfic and you just know that it's going places? Yeah, this is it. This is the one I felt in my heart of hearts was gonna get published.
I simply can not wait for this to come out in full. I will simply die.
Profile Image for ✩ Mira ✩.
95 reviews157 followers
September 4, 2020

4 stars

"Persephone, I have loved you and only you for forty thousand years. And I will love you and only you until the stars are shaken out of the sky."

Receiver of Many has been on my radar since I finished ACOMAF back in 2016. Over the years I kind of forgot about this book and I'm soo glad I actually came round to reading now some 4 years later. I should note that the book took me longer than expected to finish - it is a bit too thick and not that much really happened considering that it was 500 pages long. It also took it quie a while to finally pick up the action but once it did it got so much better.

I would separate it into two parts - the first 50% and the last 50%.

The First Half
I would honestly rate it 3 stars. Man, the book d r a g g e d here, especially between the 20 and 45 percent mark.

Let me start at the beginning. Hades and Persephone actually got together quite early on. However, I just didn't feel the romance. It felt suuper insta-lovey to me and just so vanilla. Speaking of vanilla, my god, the amount of 15-20-page-long boring as fuck sex scenes was just exorbitant.
Just, honestly nothing describes it better than this gif that Julia commented under one of my updates:

like, we get it you're both forty-thousand-year old teenagers basically but there is a thing such as too much detail

the rulers of the underworld, or more specifically

Where there was actual plot in this half, it was pretty intresting, but overall, it was quite a weak start that left me dreading continuing the book and wondering why everyone was raving about it.
That being said, the plot was mainly around the different side characters whose pov we read from from time to time and I honestly enjoyed them a lot.

The Second Half

Now, THAT'S what I had been waiting for.


After the 50% mark it was like there was a switch flipped and everything just felt right - the plot started moving, there were no more boring ass sex scenes, there was even one that was quite ✨spicy✨; Hades and Persephone's relationship got completely rewritten and it actually made sense, and I actually started liking the main characters and rooting for them. It just, well, made the suffering worth it.

The Romance

"Do you love me?"
"Yes," he said without hesitation.
"I could give you a hunderd answers about your beauty, your wit and curiosity, your strength, and any number of other things, Persephone, but the simplest one I have is that you make me feel alive."

So, for some reason I thought that this was going to be an enemies-to-lovers type of story with our big villian Hades, when in fact it was more of a beauty and the beast retelling with Hades being the most misunderstood and damaged softie there is, and honestly I am so soft™ for my Lord of the Underworld. Hades, bb--

Persephone was written very well. Did she pale in comperison to Hades? Yeah, but, nonetheless, she was an incredibly strong, inqusitive, headstrong and understanding character. For a person (or goddess i guess) who's spend millennia being extremely sheltered by her mother, Persephone acted extremely mature throughout the book and showed incredible spirit even when she literally went to the deepest pits of hell.

One thing that I must note is that both of the main characters share a very important personality trait, namely-

which led to quite a few misunderstandings

Back to the romance, as I said above, I wasn't really a fan of it at first and it was because their relationship was purely sexual - they didn't talk at all, didn't share, didn't get to know each other or even did things together; and even then both Hades and Persephone mentioned that they loved each other and I was like

But as time progressed, they understood that that was not the way to build a long-lasting relationship and actually changed. We saw them learn more about each other, become friends AND lovers, and we could finally see how right they were for each other.

"I wanted you with me after I knew you reached majority, and spent millennia wondering how I should go about courting you."

now that shit had me WEAK, imagine somone pining after you for tens of thousands of years, that's tRUE LOVE!

Hades and Persephone grew beyond their relationship, they grew as rulers of the Underworld together,

"Sweet one, I do not want your place here to be ceremonial or merely as my bedmate. I want you to rule with me."
*cough* Rhys listening from the corner and taking notes *cough*

Honestly, learning more about the Underworld lore and seeing it slowly come alive with their love and both of their efforts was fucking beautiful.

He deserves his own part of this review because Thanatos was my main bitch in this book and I LOVED every scene with him. He is the most iconic hoe there is and I'm hardcore simping for him. The God of Death, honestly just come and take me.

"Do you really think, Olympian, that I would have chosen my divine role willingly? I would have much rather been the God of Love - or better yet, the God of Fucking - instead of the God of Death."

me, anytime Thanatos showed up:

In conclusion, Receiver of Many was a great read - kind of slow at first but amazing afterwards. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a good Hades and Persephone story, but do go in expecting tenderness and gentleness, rather than fiery passion. Also, it is not a full story, this is a part of a duology and I can't wait to dive into the second book soon.

One last beautiful piece of fanart, as a reward for getting through my review:
Profile Image for Nerys Medina.
88 reviews6 followers
February 3, 2019
I read this story when it was still ongoing and every chapter kept me hooked and wanting to read more. It could be said that for a time, it was the only reason I was able to wake up early to go to work on Wednesdays.

I love the way the story is told, the descriptions are clear and the characters make you love them or hate them depending on their role and the situation.

In conclusion, and keeping in mind that I've been a fan of that specific pair for years, I consider Receiver of Many one of the best stories I've ever read about them, I highly recommend it and I actually did to a couple of friends in order to spread the love.

Can't wait for the published version ^_^!
Profile Image for Alex ☣ Deranged KittyCat ☣.
651 reviews424 followers
August 15, 2017
DNF - 50%

I can't do it, no matter how hard I try.

I'm a sucker for mythology and I enjoy my erotica, but Receiver of Many doesn't do it for me. Not as an adult book, and not for its story.

Trigger warning for rape.
I know the Greek gods were bastards and they liked to take whomever they wanted, and it still pains me to read about rape. Ok, I get it why Hades had to take Persephone the way he did, but that poor nymph didn't deserve what she got. The scene itself is not very explicit, but it was enough to make my stomach churn. I like my sexy times to be of mutual consent. Even Hades could have chosen a different way. Non-consensual sex is not my thing.

Also, the point Hades and Persephone reached in their relationship makes it harder for me to continue. Their last intimate moment (up until 50%) is hard to digest. I don't really understand how anyone could feel sex would be a good thing in a moment like that.

So, nope. Can't do it.
Profile Image for B(ea).
247 reviews133 followers
December 4, 2020
4.5 STARS! 🌟🌟🌟🌟1/2

To hell with ‘Beauty and the Beast’ retellings. i only fuck with Hades & Persephone retellings now.

Trigger warning: Kidnapping & Rape
-these two are the original elements of Hades&Persephone tale so i was fully aware before diving in-

I don’t think i can stress enough how AMAZINGLY written this book is!! I was thinking maybe this would be something similar to Radiance by Grace Draven (which i adore) and i’ll tell you now this is 110% better—not as lighthearted and comfy but better plot and romance (*coughs* steam level *coughs*).

This has got equally heavy amount of greek mythology-fantasy and romance. oh my lord the -steamy, heart aching, goo goo eyes- romaaaance!! It’s official now Hades is the real deal for me, ladies. The way he loved his Persephone *sigh*— incomparable to any other couples i’ve read about (I KNOW that’s some major claim i’m scared for myself too).
He’s just tooth-achingly-sweet, super loving, very gentle, mature, passionate, affectionate and sO patient with Persephone throughout the entire book and i desperately demand a Hades for myself this instance!!

Yea some might say it’s cheesy or cliche but i love cheese anyway and this just happen to be some real good, expensive, super stringy, cheese so bite me.

100 stars for the author because she definitely knows her shit with greek mythology. I mean...she could probably lie about some facts but that would only make her a incredible liar because hell, the greek myth in here were read spot on for me and i don’t even know a single damn thing about greek mythology prior to reading this except for Zeus being the horniest greek God.
I just appreciate so much for the in-depth research that’s done to result such a compelling story like this.

However, due to my lack of basic knowledge on greek myth i did struggle a bit to get a hang on which character is which. also, the writing style was only tad bit hard for me to grasp in some chapters. so i didn’t get a vivid image of few scenes ergo the deduction of 0.5 stars.

Btw, this is written in third person and we’ve got several POVs -which was very necessary imo- so it read like high fantasy for me but i’ve no problem with that.

*In other words, if you dig equal heavy amount of romance and greek myth fantasy, please please pLEASE pick this one up because it deserves aLL the hype. i don’t even know why this is self published it’s so sO GOOD. it may feel too long and the smut might be a little too long 😝but it’s all worth it. i swear it. Will 100% reread this soon*
Profile Image for Kate.
433 reviews73 followers
February 28, 2016
Where is this sequel? Why do I not have it in my Kindle as we speak?!

I am a big fan of the Hades/Persephone stories from Greek Mythology and I'm always on the prowl for another version of it. I think that this version may be one of the best. You can tell the author did some heavy duty research and it showed in the writing and plotting. The relationship between Hades and Persephone was so well-written and the ~love scenes were hot, hot, hotttttt.

I am reading this sequel as soon as it comes out!
Profile Image for Melanie.
61 reviews2 followers
July 21, 2015
So what to say about RoM?

Other than it was quite possibly one of my favorite stories of the last year, other than that it spurred me into a fantastic Hades/Persephone obsession that has extended to this year (and also extended into all of Greek mythology). Other than that the language and syntax and emotion in this story is both superb and evoking.

It's just...really, really good. And it's author is an absolute darling. I follow Rachel on tumblr and have as she wrote this, and am so excited she is publishing this, so that others can enjoy this much the same way many of us already have (and will do in subsequent re reads).

Honestly, this is the basis of what I place my Hades/Persephone mythos on now; Along with the illustrations by the amazingly talented Asphodelon, THIS story is how the pairing works in my head and it'll be hard to sway me otherwise.
Profile Image for Robin.
31 reviews8 followers
January 31, 2016
I am a sucker for the Greek epics. I can't lie and I won't try to. The story of Persephone and Hades has always been a favorite of mine, probably because I had a feeling it was less of a "kidnap/rape" and more of a forbidden love scenario. Mostly because Persephone knows better than to eat anything from the Underworld and does so anyway. Moving right along, let's get to the meat of the story!

I am in love with the way Persephone is characterized here: an unwilling maiden, bound by her mother's hatred of all things male and Olympian, along with Zeus's betrayal. Demeter is so against her daughter ever fulfilling the oath she and Zeus swore with Aidon (Hades) that she won't even allow her to go by the name the Fates have given her, instead dubbing her Kore--the word itself meaning "maiden". We see Persephone attempting to grow up, attempting to become the Goddess she was meant to be, and yet Demeter blocks her at every turn.

The road to Hell here is literally paved with good intentions. Instead of preparing her beloved Kore for the inevitable, Demeter leaves her completely in the dark--about the oath, her betrothal to the God of The Underworld, and her destiny as his Queen. And then Aidon arrives to claim his bride.

Basically we have Persephone and Hades the way it should have been told the first time. There are a couple of places that those easily triggered should avoid, a scene of date rape, and later a scene of dubious consent, but they are fleeting and over with in about half a page or so. Nothing too terribly descriptive there (thank you so much for that, Ms. Alexander).

I loved this and am beyond eager to read the sequel!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lilly.
126 reviews20 followers
September 1, 2015
I've read the online version of Receiver of Many and even then I was blown away by how amazing the writing was! I will definitely buy this book when it comes out as an ebook and paperback!

Receiver of Many is a retelling of The Persephone and Hades myth and oh boy, it is the best I've read in a very long time. The writing is engaging and the characters have a depth to them with flaws and strengths that one can relate to.

10/10 would read again!
Profile Image for Kacey.
16 reviews1 follower
August 29, 2015
Followed this from the beginning when it was published online. A must for any fan of Hades and Persephone, or a lover of Greek mythology. The amount of research that went into this piece is astonishing and it's much more than just an erotic romance. Will definitely be purchasing a copy for my bookshelf.
Profile Image for M.M. Strawberry Library & Reviews.
4,318 reviews368 followers
March 1, 2019
Wow. Just wow! I have loved the myth of Hades and Persephone for as long as I remember, and this book does not disappoint the very least! The author remains faithful to her source material, while at the same time adding several fantastically creative twists to the myths. I found her version of the Sisyphus myth to be especially brilliant.

Normally, I'm not a fan of the version of the Persephone myth which has her being promised to Hades by Zeus (or Poseidon, in the couple of versions where Poseidon is her father instead of Zeus) at birth. It's never felt right for me for babies to be promised in marriage, however, Ms. Alexander pulls this off with surprising tact, and there is a very good story behind this promise, which makes the story work so well.

And what about the Hades/Persephone dynamics? Very well-executed here, as well. The entire book has been thought out well, and she put in some fascinating details/aspects about the Underworld that made it feel much more real. Her research, and twists, are spot-on.

And the erotic scenes between our dynamic duo... mmm. Definitely swoon-worthy. I've read too many erotica scenes with cheesy descriptions and metaphors, but Ms. Alexander writes such scenes in such a steamy yet tasteful way that leaves the reader wishing that they were Persephone (or Hades) Nom nom nom.

I await with bated breath for the sequel.
Profile Image for Molly Ringle.
Author 15 books409 followers
March 20, 2016
Epic retelling of Persephone's transformation from Kore, innocent maiden of the flowers, to Queen of the Underworld, as true to mythology as it could be while still being a love story between Hades and Persephone. (And a steamy, erotic one at that!) I loved how, like any proper novel, it went in-depth into the psychology of the gods in question (including a Thanatos who was much more devilishly likable than I expected), but also showed the vast scope of the world these larger-than-life characters ruled over. We get to see the living world freezing over in Demeter's grief and all the ensuing mayhem, as well as receiving an extensive tour of an Underworld that's gigantic and beautiful, if spooky--including a genuinely scary Tartarus. It's all fabulously researched and told gorgeously, in rich colors and sensory details, and made me remember why I fell in love with these stories way back when I was a kid browsing my copy of D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths. This series is sure to become one of the high-quality standouts in the mythology retelling world, and it deserves the honor. So cool!
Profile Image for Julia.
623 reviews622 followers
June 20, 2020
***RE READ****

Still 5 stars. Still one of the most romantic books ive ever read. I could read this 100000 times and never get tired of it.

**Original review***
5 amazing stars. One of the best books I've read this year for sure. At first I was dubious of the page count, because so few authors have the creativity to fill a 500 page book and keep it interesting and not have the romance get stale all the way through. But this did! The hero was.... *swoon* so beyond perfect. One of the best ive EVER read. I am an absolute sucker for a Hades/Persephone love story and it was made even better that the hero waited aeons for his heroine. Cannot wait to read the next one.

Favorite quote:
H: "Persephone, I have loved you and only you for forty thousand years. And I will love you and only you until the stars are shaken out of the sky."

99% safe.
Both MC's are virgins and no OW/OM drama. Slight pushing away by h.
There are a few soft rape scenes; one that happens to a minor character and the other is an illusion meant to upset the heroine.
May 11, 2016
This is a beautiful story. The detail woven into the mythology and world building is simply exquisite, I was completely enthralled by it. I've read it many times and I cannot wait to purchase it.
3 reviews
September 18, 2022
This is an amazing book. The detail into the world is enthralling. Even more so because it takes so much from the original mythology that you want to believe this is the real deal. There are so many secondary characters that are just as compelling as the main ones, it feels more like a real world for it. I also find that there is no "bad guy", there are character you wish not to run into again and there are characters whose wants and aspirations conflict with the main characters but everyone has reasons for what they do. I love stories that put more thought into a conflict than bad guy gets in good guy's way because they are bad guy. All the characters you meet are deep and compelling and you feel for them even if you don't agree with them. The story of Hades and Persephone has always interested me, but I've never found a telling quite like this. Persephone is not some naive little girl to be Stockholm syndromed and her "fate" and her world is a breath of fresh air to the normal patriarchal Greek mythology. A fantastic book I can't wait to start the sequel.
October 18, 2015
Amazing. It's great both if you love Greek myths, and if you just like romantic stories. The characters are great, and very well written. Their interactions feel very real, and fun. You feel sorry for Demeter, and understand her struggle. Hades is both a strong, and weak in a very human way. You can really see him as a real person, not just a character. Persephone has a lovely transformation from innocent girl to powerful Queen in a very fluid way.

I really love that this is a story where the female character is very strong. She starts out very innocent, as many people start out in their first relationship, and you get to watch her become confident and independent. While the relationship is a big part of her, she is capable of standing on her own. It's clear the author knows how to write a good romance, because there is no uncomfortable power dynamic that leaves the heroine as just an object to tell the story. If anything it's her story about her finding herself, and the relationship is her way of gaining independence in a society where she'd have otherwise been losing it.

The sex scenes are really well written. There is nothing uncomfortable, or unnatural in the writing of them. The scenes help to tell the story, but remain entertaining to read.

I'd definitely recommend this book to anyone. It had me on the edge of my seat, and it's probably the first book I've ever finished without being able to read the ending first. It had me reading it the whole night, and the entire next day. I didn't set it down until I'd finished it, then I read it again. If the idea of sex scenes appeals to you, or at least doesn't turn you off to a book definitely read this.
Profile Image for Ray Day.
3 reviews19 followers
June 3, 2015
Erotica-romance in a historical setting. Literary allusions, excellent writing, complex plots and subplots, character growth, flawed and deep characters: this is why I am a reader. I read to be challenged and excited by something new and to be confronted with possibilities. 'Receiver of Many' does all of that. Read this book and you too will fall in love with words and books and humanity all over again.
1 review
October 13, 2015
As someone who has previously read the both books in their entirety on a fan fiction website I can say it was alright. The characters were incredibly out of character with Kore seeming to be more like a simple minded ditzy disney princess then a goddess very Mary Sueish. Hades being a virgin for that long was a bit eye rolling. I felt like I was reading a horrible porno half the time and even the erotic bits were very boring and sort of lacking in true depth. I think if the author would have perhaps published something different and not just copied and edited and republished something one could essentially have read for free on the internet she could have had something going. The majority of these reviews are mostly from the fans of the fanfic. Definitely not worth the $19 dollars for the book nor the $6 for the ebook. Save your money.
Profile Image for Rosemarie Short.
236 reviews5 followers
March 2, 2016
I've always been a fan of Greek mythology. Receiver of Many brings the mythology to the pages in a very accessible, readable way. The romance is a gateway but this book is about much more than just romance. It boasts a strong cast of supporting characters (both likable and not) as well as a fascinating world to delve into.

The two main characters, Persephone and Hades, are a great couple. Whilst I felt that I would like a little more fleshing out of Hades character (at times he felt like a sex-bot rather than a real boy - more on that later on) I liked Persephone's journey from innocent girlhood into strong womanhood. Perhaps the depth of her experiences could have been more fully realized - but there's a sequel coming which I'm sure will assuage any niggling doubts I have on that front.

This is an erotic novel so it would be silly talking about the main protagonists without mentioning the sex. I think Rachel Alexander writes love scenes beautifully. She is very good at getting all the necessary elements, without making me feel like she's trying too hard. There's love, lust, passion and tenderness...all of these qualities which are usually either or blend together nicely to create a fiery and yet character building whole. The only gripe I had was that there were perhaps a few too many of them...I think four or five really well placed love scenes would have had more impact than the plethora that ended up making into the book.

Supporting cast are interesting and diverse. I thought Demeter was a really interesting antagonist, and Alexander doesn't shy away from humanizing the Goddess - even as Demeter time and again attempts to stand in the path of Persephone and Hades' happiness. I would have like more action from her perhaps - she does a lot of crying and withholding but her doing only really starts to be hinted at towards the end of the book. Her love interest felt a little wishy-washy but I'd be on board for more development in the sequel.

Other characters that intrigued me included Merope, Thanatos and Hecate. I wouldn't have minded if Alexander had traded one or two of those love scenes for some more interesting exploration of the characters mentioned above. I also think they could be pretty interesting plot elements - especially with upcoming events from Merope's past coming into play, it seems, in the sequel.

Final piece of sequel bait - Kronos - has me very intrigued.

I'll definitely be back for Destroyer of Light - Receiver of Many was an intelligent, fascinating book with some really hot, really romantic sex. What more can a girl ask for?
Profile Image for ✨ Helena ✨.
389 reviews1,092 followers
March 17, 2023
I really love that, for once, a Hades and Persephone retelling was set in Ancient Greece. Don't get me wrong, some modern-day mythological retellings, like Percy Jackson and Lore, are fun, but ones set back in Greek antiquity just hit different. :P Seeing the proper terms for everything from a peplos to a kylix just made me so happy.

The Hades and Persephone myth, like most fast-paced myths and faery tales, lends so well to instalove and Rachel Alexander certainly put it to good use here. And it was also rather spicey! ;) This is definitely one of the better retellings of the myth I've read, and I'm rather interested to see where the story will go!
Profile Image for Lexi Martinez.
1 review6 followers
September 8, 2015
This is such an amazing retelling about the mythology of Hades and Persephone and I'm so excited for it to be published as a novel!! I highly recommend it as a Fall must-read. I can't wait to finally have the novel in my hands!
Profile Image for Kristin Campbell.
Author 6 books178 followers
February 19, 2016
I adored this book! There was not one part of it that left me unsatisfied...Well, except that I have to wait till the next one, but it's so worth it if the next is anything like this one!

Profile Image for Ri .
418 reviews59 followers
October 5, 2015
I read this novel when it was still a fanfiction categorized under "Greek Mythology" on fanfiction.net.

I don't remember too well the specifics, since it was quite a while, but I remember being enthralled by it and being unable to do anything until I finished reading it (as I do when I'm enthralled by anything, really). The writing (though a first draft) was great and the plot definitely kept me drawn in at all times. The characterization and really the expansion on the characters of these millennia old figures was realistic and really painted a vivid portrait of these mythological gods and goddesses with more realness and fallibility to them.

This is definitely a great read for those who enjoy Greek mythology and great stories.
Profile Image for ~**Anna**~ A Romance Reader.
627 reviews317 followers
April 8, 2020
Really liked it!

The love Hades has for Persephone is so beautiful. He’s so patient and sweet with her it melted my heart.

The world building in this book was amazing. Its so vivid you feel part of the story.

If you like Greek mythology and specially Hades and Persephone you need to read this book.
Profile Image for Xee.
781 reviews57 followers
July 15, 2016
1.75 stars only because there was a lot of interesting stuff other then the actually insipid mary sue female character. The loss of potential just burned me so bad.

ok, let me just say I love fanfiction. Not all fan fiction translate to good reading. But for what it's worth, fan fiction is given lots more leeway than published stuff. What this needed, was the benefit of a very good beta or an actual editor.

On to the story:

Dont get me wrong, I love female empowerment stories. But I hate when the power is imbalanced on the other side just to bring it about. In other words, woobifying a powerful male/inherently taking away all that makes him emotionally stable and strong and 3 dimensional and mary sueing a female.

Oh boy. I fully went in (having read the first few chapters on AO3 expecting a solid 3 star read.
However, the characterization very quickly veers off into wish fulfillment tropes. For some one who has been childlike her whole life, Persephone never really stops acting/reacting like one and yet expects to be treated like an adult. Mind you this expectation only falls on poor Aidon.

I kept trying to think why and what about her was bothering me so much other than her attitude towards Aidon (like really? whats with the wishy washy?) and it hit me, bellaswanitis: the breaking dawn syndrome.

The tone kept shifting to modern day specially when it comes to Thanatos and some other character interactions.

I will continue the second book and get it over with, with hopes that it may atleast go up to a 2 star rate.
Profile Image for Doriana Papa.
8 reviews
August 23, 2015
This is a very masterpiece and I'm very happy for Rachel and for her book. Congratulations !
Profile Image for aqsa.
672 reviews135 followers
Currently reading
October 25, 2015
This fic turned book I'm hearing is AMAZING for those who are into Greek Mythology and love the Persephone x Hades story telling! (MY FAVE ACTUALLY ;))

A few reasons why you should! http://janainaart.tumblr.com/post/127...

-Persephone in this story is trully badass and scary as the Queen of the Underworld should be!

-Persephone’s evolution from a maiden spring godess into the Queen of the Underworld is perfection in itself.

-In many modern retellings of this myth Persephone starts as a very naive, innocent girl only to quickly make a 180 change shortly after she meets Hades. Here she is very shetlered due to her upbringing, but the makings of the future Queen are inside her already. The evolution of her character is not sudden, but gradual, as she is slowly changed by these around her and what happens to her.

-The wonderful way Persephone’s an Hades’ relationship is handled. In this story there are no magical solutions and quick happy resolutions. They are not immediately perfect with each other just because they love each other and at the beginning they even have problems building a normal, healthy relationship, because neither of them has any experience with this. It takes a lot of time and work and even then the relationship still has its ups and downs, is constantly exolving rather than remain in “forever happy forever perfect” stagnation.

-The way Demeter is written. In too many H/P stories Demeter is turned into one-dimensional harpy, who has no other characteristic besides being an overbearing mother and usually not even having a good reason for it. Here her main motivation is still keeping her daughter safe from the world, but there is a good reason - from her perspective! - for such behaviour. She also has more complex personality than simple “Persephone’s overprotective mother” and her relationships with others besides her daughter are also shown and explored.

-Even characters who are presented unfavourably are not one-dimensional, they have various motivations and personalities and are not simply evil or petty just for the sake of it.

-Smut scenes are well-written and actually hot.

-Author has an amazing gift of conveing emotions. Believe me, there are scenes that will have you almost crying and howling or laughting and jumping in joy along with the characters.

-The amount of research that went into this story. Author really made sure that things are historically acurate and grounded in the original mythology. If you are a history geek or mythology nerd you will be loving every minute of it.
Profile Image for Danyelle.
379 reviews55 followers
July 11, 2018
A rare truly good Hades and persephone story.

I'm a big fan of mythology especially greek mythology my favorite Greek mythology is definitely Hades and Persephone every story differs from Persephone was kidnapped to Persephone willingly leaving with Hades but mostly all the stories hold to a certain pattern she starts off as an innocent helpless little goddess and then eventually becomes a powerful Queen of the underworld(so powerful that while most people were afraid of hades they were so afraid of her they wouldn't even speak her name ) and it shows her going from that innocent little girl who was never taught how to use her Godly powers (because of her mother's fear of her leaving) to the queen

Receiver of Many was so realistic that I could honestly believe it was Persephone finally putting her true story on paper!
Profile Image for Alexandra.
179 reviews32 followers
March 26, 2022
Reciever of Many is one of those rare books that has stuck with me long after I've finished them.
I read this book when it was still ongoing on the internet, and there are times, even though I read it 3ish years ago, where I'll be doing something totally unrelated and think "You know what was a good book That Reciever of Many Man that was a good book I need to read that again" So I've decided to bunker down and write a review for this masterpiece.

There are very few books that I actually love (most of them are childhood reads because of the nostalgia factor) but I love this to the moon and back.

I've always been a sucker for retellings and this one hits all the marks.
- Hades and Persephone is one of my favorite myths
- Realistic slow burn type romance
- Well researched interpretation
- Awkward Hades trying to improve is relationship with this new wife (because let's face it, he's just a pasty dork with zero game)
- Persephone's change from the innocent to Kore to the revered Queen of the Underworld is gradual and exemplifies character development. She truly transforms like she did in the original myths, respected even more than her husband out of fear of facing her wrath, and most retellings don't even touch on her transformation at all or give it the credit it deserves.
- Hades and Persephone's relationship is just so well written.

Rachel Alexander has the Hades and Persephone dynamic down to a tee. In that, she maintains all the integrity of the original myth with thorough research and lovely prose - along with lots smut and fluff of course.

author's site where you can find her research and myth related info


TL;DR: if you love the Hades and Persephone myth, mythology in general, or are just looking for a really good read Reciever of Many is for you
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