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Ten years ago Hardy made a mistake, and it nearly cost him Rose. Instead of facing the harsh reality of what he did, Hardy pretended it didn’t happen at all. Now, Rose has left him once again, but this time she’s not coming back. He can’t live without her. She is his reason for living, and with her being pregnant, he has to find a way of winning her back.

For too long Rose has made all the changes in her marriage. She’s done with fearing what might happen with Hardy. The baby growing inside her is all she needs. What Rose didn’t plan on was for Hardy to completely change, becoming the man she always wanted in her life.

Can their marriage heal from old wounds? Can Hardy prove to Rose that she has nothing to fear? Will she stick around to see how good it could actually be for them? How far will Hardy go to win the woman who owns his heart?

198 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 3, 2015

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About the author

Sam Crescent

522 books5,326 followers
Sam Crescent is passionate about fiction. She loves a good erotic romance and so it only made sense for her to spread her wings and start writing. She began writing in 2009 and finally got that first acceptance in 2011 by Total-E-Bound.
She loved creating new characters and delving into the worlds that she creates. When she’s not panicking about a story or arguing with a character, she can be found in her kitchen creating all kinds of havoc. Like her stories the creations in the kitchen can be just as dubious but sometimes things turn out great.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 63 reviews
Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,117 followers
September 28, 2017
***3.5 stars***

Hardy and Rose have never really been a favourite couple of mine in the Skulls series. They have been married ten years but Hardy had cheated on her in the beginning of their marriage. Long story short, she finally decides to divorce him 10 years after the fact and Hardy realizes she means business! Okay, that all seems like it should have gone down when the cheat first happened!!

This book is mainly about Hardy winning her back, especially now that Rose is pregnant... No worries; it's Hardy's!!! ( please don't ask me to explain how that happened when they were supposed to be separated! Lol)

The main parts of this book I enjoyed were about the other club members and what is going on in their lives!!! I'm dying for Gash's book- which is next! I'm going to jump into it right away!!!

This is a well established MC series that I think has gotten better the more books are written! I've enjoyed following the Skulls and hope we will get stories about the next generation too!!
Profile Image for Vashti.
1,195 reviews29 followers
August 7, 2015
Cheating is such a terrible thing to happen in a marriage,it makes the person who was cheated on loose a part of themselves ,if not their whole self.You begin to question yourself,why could my spouse love me enough not to cheat,what did I do wrong,am I going to be cast aside for the new person.Cheating destroys lives,never to be the same again.If my husband cheated on me,frankly I don't know what I would do,anger and pain at his betrayl would haunt me.
This is Hardy and Rose's story,once the "golden" couple of the Skulls,we saw what appeared to be the perfect MC couple slowly disintegrate over the series untill the truth about their marriage is revealed when Rose asks Hardy for a divorce.Seems like badass Hardy was caught by Rose with his pants down fucking a club whore,and it was not the first time.Did I hate Hardy,I still hold a grudge towards him and he did not nearly grovel enough for me.Poor Hardy,his wife was pressuring him to do things with her,he couldn't get her pregnant,and adoption was not on the table.So what else could he do but to fuck a whore,and not only that,knock her up.And where was the condom buddy!!! He would need to scrub with bleach for me.Anyways,Rose agreeded to adopt the baby,but tradgey strikes and baby mama and unborn baby dies in accident.
Fast forward 10 years later,the couple is still together in a sense,but have been separated for a year with a divorce in the works.,but Rose has an unexpected pregnancy with Hardy.Both are happy with this news.From here on ,the book takes you on their journey into becomming a couple again.After the affair,Rose blames herself,then changes herself to be what she thinks Hardy wants.Now,Hardy is attempting to change into what he believes Rose wants.
There were a lot of "I love you's" back and forth,sweet moment when Hardy recreates a prom for Rose,but I cannot get past that he cheated on her.All throughout the book it is mentioned how much he loves Rose,etc,etc.....so I ask myself,how can a person cheat on the person they profess to love so much.
Gash had a lot of airtime in this book so maybe his book with Charlotte is up next.
By the end of the story,Rose and Hardy had twin daughters and was pleased for them.They made their peace with the past .
Profile Image for *CJ*.
4,631 reviews552 followers
August 9, 2019
"Hardy" is the story of Rose and Hardy.

This book deals with the aftermath of cheating in a committed marriage. And it was very well done.

If you've read the series so far, you are already aware of what has happened between Hardy and Rose. An in love couple grow apart due to infertility and immaturity, the hero cheats and gets OW pregnant, the heroine is utterly heartbroken, OW dies with the fetus and they pretend everything is alright..until it is not.
3 years ago, Rose left Hardy to carve her own niche. She never stopped loving him, but she cannot live with the memories of his betrayal. They love each other like crazy, but the past indiscretion is a thorn on their side. When Rose miraculously gets pregnant after a ONS with him, Hardy works his ass off to repent and to properly woo the woman he never stopped loving.

Bittersweet tale about heartbreak and forgiveness. I felt SO bad for Rose, but I also forgave Hardy after reading about his inner sorrow. There are updates about secondary characters, especially Whizz and Gash. I cannot wait to read about the latter and Charlotte.

Profile Image for Reader.
1,195 reviews89 followers
October 29, 2021
So Hardy marries Rose, then she catches him cheating with a club whore, 10 years go by and she’s not forgiven him, which was odd as she’s now having his baby. The general consensus from the other characters is she needs to forgive him. What made laugh was how she eventually comes to the conclusion it’s all her fault. WTF not a fan of this one.
Profile Image for Ash Luna .
698 reviews11 followers
August 11, 2015



mean girls photo: Mean Girls Cry nvrwoh.gif

I adore the Skulls MC series but seriously Hardy's book I just couldn't take! Rose I loved her in every other book, but when her and Hardy finally got there own story I cried and screamed it was awful what a dick head!! I couldn't get over him cheating on her there is just no way especially all that she has to go thru and overcome. Just no nope nope nope.

big brother photo: gm thumbs down bigbrotherginamarie_zpsaeba0798.gif

I think maybe if I could have overcome it I would have loved it, but I just couldn't!

Profile Image for Flavs is Mrs David Gandy♥~♥’.
3,219 reviews2 followers
February 20, 2016
Oh man, all through this book I felt sad for Rose. And she was right to make Hardy work for her trust, her forgiveness and for their marriage.

But all through this book I kept wondering about Gash, and what's going to happen.
I need GASH like NOW!!!! :-)

And also Baker and Milly... Sweet!
Profile Image for Tessa.
758 reviews75 followers
July 16, 2024
3.5 stars

I'm still debating on rounding up or not. I do like this book, and it is a re-read. I haven't read the entire series, so maybe that's why I believe in the hero's remorse and their HEA.

I didn't have issues with the h leaving years after the cheating incident like other reviewers did. So much happened to her back then and in such a short amount of time that it makes sense that she pushed it down and just kept shoving it down over the years until she exploded and then wanted out.

Anyways I enjoyed it and will probably read it again, so I'll round up to 4 stars😂
Profile Image for Hot Reading Mom.
1,139 reviews1 follower
March 20, 2016
Hardy! I wanted so much to hate him; but he redeems himself in this story. Rose, finally grows up and realizes that you can't get what you want until you know what you want. HEA and a nice set as always for the next book.
Profile Image for Neringa Neringiukas.
1,205 reviews85 followers
August 4, 2015
I finished reading it and just...Well, like most of the time with a great story, I don't know where to start. Maybe from the beginning?

From the frost moment we where introduced to Hardy and Rose, they seemed so perfect. So much love, friendship, loyalty, hotness... You saw all that and you wanted it for yourself.

And then out of the blue the true came out. All this was a big fat lie. It was just a beautiful surface. But when the door opened you saw that everything was shattared. No happiness. No friendships. There was... Nothing.

I really was shocked. I didn't know what to think, what to do. Well, yeah, I wanted to fork Hardy and hug Rose. But.... I just was lost for words. Through another couples books, we watched what's going on with Hardy and Rose. I alternated between hugging Hardy and kicking his sorry ass. Because one moment he's sorry and sweet. And the next he's an asshole to Rose. But I still wanted more of them.

And when Sam said she's working on Hardys story, I so wanted to read it and at the same time I was so scared. Scared to read the moment when they broke. When they lost each other. When they gone different paths. I knew it would hurt my heart. And I was right. It was painful to read. It made me feel even myself broken.

And then when Rose decided to find her own way, news comes. She's pregnant. Hardy wants them together. But Rose can't see them together anymore. They fall apart to much from each other. Didn't they? And where would they go from there?

I have to say it was exciting, sweet and a little funny watching how Hardy and Rose finds out more about each other. Though they where together about ten years, they didn't know much about each others wishes and dreams. They didn't do somethings that other couples do. I mean those small little things, that you don't pay attention much and just do automatically not thinking much about them. But those small things is as important as others. And those little things Rose wished she could do with Hardy, but she never voiced them to him. And Hardy was to much lost in his own life.

I really didn't know how to feel about Hardy at the beginning. He felt sorry, he loved Rose. And those little moments between Hardy and Rose where really sweet. But he cheated. Yeah, it was ten years ago. But did time really matters when the person, who should always hold you when you're shattering, was the one who broke you? I was torn. Do I keep grudge on Hardy? Or just simple love him? After all, we all are people and we do mistakes. More important thing is to learn from your mistakes and move on.

I have to say Hardy was wrong on some things when he was trying to win Rose back. He always thought about how to make her fall for him again. I so wanted to say to him "She never stoped loving you. She just stoped believing in you. In 'Us'. So, you need to win her trust. To make her see, that she is and will always be enough. She was his dream."

You gonna love Rose and Hardy. I have no doubt. Actually, I think somewhere halfway through the book, you gonna start to adore Hardy. The thinks he did...That was just priceless. You gonna to forget why you where angry with him in the beginning. I did. I just saw what an amazing man he become.

And let me mention something else in this story. Sam made me crazy with her little tease moments there and there. I'm talking about Gash. And the epilogue...Fuck me! It just killed me. Damn! I so need his story. I don't know how I will be able to wait.

Actually, there is another couple, that I need a ride into their journey. They kinda where silly sweet. Dating, without knowing that you're dating. Lol. You will understand when you read it.
Profile Image for Astrid.
53 reviews
January 1, 2016
ok, i am at page 37 and all i read is a weak man crying " I want her back" and a woman who is stringing him along but can't forgive him for something he did 10(!!!!!) years ago... I normally love Sam's books, but this one I am not so shure... Do I keep reading?

So i skiped trough the rest of the book becouse i didn't want to miss the sidestories from the series. and my opinion of this book didn't change... Looking forward to the next book.
Profile Image for Kimmi.
287 reviews49 followers
August 4, 2015
God I just loved how Hardy became the man Rose need and how he put her needs above his own. Well done Miss Sam. I enjoy this series she always gives them real problems but gives them true love also!!!!!!
May 11, 2016
I started reading out of order which I do not recommend because of the spoilers. That being said, I had no clue Hardy and Rose not only got
Profile Image for Mandy hawkins.
88 reviews8 followers
August 10, 2015
I'm glad they sorted it out therethere a lovely couple looking forward to more of the skulls. I'm hoping I don't have to wait to long for Gash and Charlottes story.
121 reviews
February 16, 2019
I really liked it, and I expected to hate it. Books with cheating are pretty much a no-no for me (though in „regular” romance books usually there's a twist and it turns out there was no cheating, or at least that was the case in books I've read). It may be that I liked it because it wasn't simply about Hardy cheating. We already learned in previous books that Rose changed herself for Hardy, to be someone he wanted. Here we found out that cheating was just a cherry on top. Their relationship was one sided from the very beginning in a way. He loved Rose but he wasn't willing to be someone other than a biker. They've been married for over a decade and he never went shopping with her. He didn't care what she wanted or needed. I'm taking half star away for

I don't think it's a perfect book by any means, I'm not even sure I'd say the pace is that believable, though it's been years since Hardy cheated and a year since Rose left so it's an unusual situation overall. Here's what I liked, Rose didn't put all blame on Hardy. Yes, he was the way more active party is destroying them and as such takes most of blame but she does see she wasn't perfect either. She was too focused on him and didn't demand to be treated better. Rose changed because she thought Hardy wanted a sweet-butt kind of a woman and Hardy didn't stop her because he was horrified she'd leave him (though I'm sure he liked it as well). Should it have lasted as many years? No, but I find it believable that it did. I do think that when Rose apologised for not listening to her doctor close enough, Hardy should've told her there was no need for apologies. Yes, she didn't listen but he was there during other appointments and could've talked to the doctor as well. Don't know how I feel about him violating her privacy by reading her diaries but I guess it made him understand her more. Her thoughts on being replaced were heartbreaking, I admire how she handled the situation with that woman's pregnancy. Him getting a job in a bank was such overkill. She wondered about being with someone „normal” only because you were such a lousy husband and always putting the club before her. It was actually comical. I guess Rose's daughters will be the first girls to get nicknames since their actual names are on the ridiculous side.
I like them as a couple, I think they are my second favourite couple as of now (after Lash and Angel because there's just something about them that I can't help but love and the bits with them here we adorable; I read just a few books from the series up until now, so it may change). I already can't wait till I read Gash's story. I can even see possible beginning of plotting for the next generation, apart from the obvious Simon Tabitha paring.

I see some people justifiably pissed at Hardy for cheating but I have to defend him in a way.

My biggest complaint would be the writing (as with all Sam Crescent books). I feel like certain percentage of the book is there only for the word count. Characters are basically repeating what they already said, saying obvious things, answering yes/no questions with several sentences, sometimes there are continuity mistakes. It doesn't seem natural to me and it takes some joy from reading.
Profile Image for LaBlue.
954 reviews10 followers
February 12, 2020
A marriage in crisis.

I truly enjoyed this book. All parts of it were worth my attention and time. This marriage in crisis had me rooting for the couple. Granted this author’s magic number of ten years for everyone’s problems to finally be revealed and solved was an annoying repetitive plot premise across all the books in this series. And over used. Still, I couldn’t put it down.

While the initial cheating incident was the catalyst to the erosion of their marriage the author showed how it was only one thing amongst many, that showed their marriage was a poor commitment between them for years. They had issues far more deteriorating than infidelity. They didn’t communicate, or trust each other, they didn’t support each other in any healthy ways. They married young and were too immature to have ever made it work and the infidelity was the icing on that crap fest of a relationship.

The author showed that you can love someone completely and still not care for them in positive ways. I loved that she explained their issues more. It was definitely over simplified. A couple who has been together for that long and never managed before to solve their problems on their own, would never have been able to do so now without seeking therapeutic help. However, for a short story it was nicely done and a sweet read.

I loved the budding relationships of Baker & Millie, Simon & Tabitha, Steven & Sally, Anthony & Daisy. I’m not holding my breathe that I’ll ever get a book for the kids though. Anyway, I’m not looking forward to Gash’s story like I was before. I’m pretty sure it’s going to piss me off. Oh well. I would like to read more about Fighter though. He seems like a deep well full of secrets.

Enjoy, because I finally sure did. :-)
2,238 reviews3 followers
June 27, 2017
I was so disappointed in both Rose and Hardy. They had a special kind of love and couldn't communicate to each other until old hurts festered and ruined it. Hardy was an ass and never realized all the times that he shut his wife out of his life. By reading her diaries he got an idea of what he missed out on.
What I don't get about Rose is why she put up with it? For ten years at that. Afraid to lose her man by telling him how he makes her feel. Who wants a man like that anyway?
Yes they were both at fault and Hardy was doing everything he could to make up for all of his mistakes. Me, I wouldn't have forgiven the cheating.
Some really good moments in this with Whizz and Lacey!!
Profile Image for Leeann Pule.
1,018 reviews2 followers
July 23, 2018
Changed man

Swim times people change for others even when they didn't have to. Hardy and Rose have been married for over ten years. But his one mistake year ago has been building to tear them apart. Hardy now has to realize what he did to Rise and how he can change to be the man she needs.

The other stories intertwined here give such a great picture of the whole club and what everyone is going through.
237 reviews
June 14, 2022

The first thing I thought was get rid of Hardy. He`s nothing but a cheater why would I want to read his story
Reading the other stories you see how hardy and rose cared for each other. This story makes you understand how important it is to communicate with each other. If you don't have trust or communicate there is nothing. I ended up loving this story.
Profile Image for Gucci 35.
2,454 reviews32 followers
June 20, 2018
5 Stars

Loved reading about Hardy and Rose. I loved how Rose stood her ground and how Hardy gave it his all to win her back. Great addition to the series. Happy Reading!!!
Profile Image for Amy .
412 reviews5 followers
June 24, 2019

Man through all the skull books I’ve wanted to ring Hardy’s neck, but has he redeemed himself! I’m so happy for Rose, she got her second chance and they are getting their HEA!
191 reviews
October 4, 2020
Does love win?

Hardy and Rose faced the ultimate betrayal in a marriage...adultery! Can they come back from that and would it be worth it. Enjoyable reading experience.
Profile Image for Shaly.
1,197 reviews
August 23, 2015
I didn't think Hardy and Rose would ever get a book, considering they have been married for ten years, putting them as one of the clubs veteran couples; but when Rose began to change and Hardy's infidelity came out, then she dropped the bombshell of her pregnancy, I was very eager to read their story.

The beginning is quite good as this doesn't pick up where Alex left off, but instead gives us brief snapshots of how Hardy and Rose first met, got together and how their marriage proceeded to go from beautifully fulfilled to just plain bad and desolate. Until the cheating and Roses' completes personality and identity change come into play. Then into the present where she announces her pregnancy...

I enjoyed their book quite a lot, I personally would never forgive, let alone take back a man who cheated on me, but every woman thinks differently. I never understood why Rose waited ten whole years to make Hardy suffer for his indescretions, I still don't. Many of the club members don't understand her reasoning neither, because she saw all the other couples getting married, having babies, being happy and loyal to one another? It still doesn't compute in my mind, why wait so many years to serve divorce papers, to hurt him so badly? Those were things she needed to do at the time the cheating occurred, not so many years later, when she already lost her identity. I think Hardy was an asshat for cheating on his wife, but Rose was doubly cruel for staying so long, changing herself, then using him and hurting both of them in the process.

Now that they are having a baby and Rose decided to give Hardy a chance, I think he does an amazing job becoming the man he should have always been, instead of the lazy, hard core biker he always was. The only annoying thing I found about this book was the repetiveness, yes we all get it, you fucked up, you were a shit husband but you are doing everything you can to be a better one, you love Rose and don't want to lose her! Stop repeating the same thing over and over again and just get shit done! After a while I was just skimming through Hardy's lines because they were basically always the same; him professing his past mistakes and his present and future love for Rose...it became redundant.

Overall it was a sweet story, especially the prom setup, that was cute, as was Simon (Devil's son), Tabitha and the future generation of The Skulls and Chaos Bleeds on the dance floor! Gash's story seems very promising, we always knew he wanted revenge, but now there's 'crazy ' Charlotte, whom I don't think is crazy at all but was just done so very wrong by the same people who did Gash wrong, and that other little surprise Gash doesn't know about yet...can't wait to see how he reacts to that!
Profile Image for Brandi .
1,682 reviews4 followers
October 10, 2015
It's so crazy to me that I can like a book, when I HATED the "Hero". *shakes head*

It's interesting to learn about a couple's ups & downs in their relationship, especially over a ten year period of time. You get to learn about the arguments, the "mistakes", the regrets & the good times. You can NEVER put yourselves directly into their shoes (obviously) but you can try & guess how you might feel if you were in their situation. I'm happy that Rose & Hardy are in a good place now... Really, I am. That said...

Hardy ~ No. Just... no. I just CAN'T forgive him for what he has done to Rose in the past. I LOVED how everyone threw up the "why did you ever cheat on her?" in his face but his answer was pathetic. That's not love. He didn't deserve Rose. Period.

Rose ~ I wanted to dive into the pages & give Rose the biggest bear hug ever. Then, I wanted to grab her shoulders, look her directly in her eyes & tell her, "It was NOT your fault. You were not to blame for what happened." Sure, I would've loved for her to address the situation earlier on (say ten years earlier) but... what can you do?

Baker ~ I'm liking where his story line is headed. VERY excited to see things progress for him & Millie hopefully one day soon.

Whizz & Lacey ~ I'm so happy for them but am a little worried that in three years time, they may be fighting Sally hooking up with a new prospect or something like that...

Gash ~ SUPER excited to see what's in store for his book! The news about Charlotte... *GASP*

On to the next installment in the Chaos Bleed/Skulls series, Broken Hearts! Let's see what you got Dick!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 63 reviews

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