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Can you live a life of lies?
That’s exactly what Geneva finds herself doing to protect everyone she loves. While Geneva and her friends embark on a dangerous mission to fulfill her destiny, the dark forces that seek her powers are closing in, putting everyone she cares about at risk. Geneva must lie about who she is, what she knows and her true feelings. Are all these lies worth it or will she go too far and lose everything she’s been fighting for?

485 pages, Paperback

First published September 1, 2015

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About the author

Christina Benjamin

67 books320 followers
Award-Winning author, Christina Benjamin, lives in Florida with her husband, and character inspiring pets, where she spends her free time working on her books and speaking to inspire fellow writers.

Christina is best known for her wildly popular Young Adult romance novels, The Boyfriend series.

The Boyfriend series proves that book boyfriends are like Chocolate… you can never have enough. Check out the Boyfriend series for fast, fun, YA romance reads. These destination novels let you fall in love in a new city with new character every time.

Christina loves to read and write across genres. YA is her favorite but she's a sucker for a good love story. Don't miss her YA Fantasy, The Geneva Sommers series under her pen name CJ Benjamin as well as the multiple anthologies she's been a part of.

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Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 reviews
Profile Image for Eve (Functioning Insanity Reviews).
410 reviews18 followers
November 6, 2015

Rating: 4.5 Stars

Lies takes place just where we left off and it is true to the title. There are an abundance of lies being told throughout the story. Geneva and our gang try to sneak back into the orphanage to try and locate the other two pillars but things don’t go as planned. They are caught as soon as they step inside and treated to a non to pleasant welcome. The orphanage is no an Academy for all students orphans and Luxors to attend and learn funded by the new headmaster, Malakai aka also secret leader of the Ravinori, things are not as they remember. The place is now clean and full of the finer things in life but the dangers inside are more real than ever.

We get to meet new characters and connect with old ones as well. Loyalties are tested and new bonds are forged. New mysteries are revealed and new schemes are put in place. There is a constant black out of information as everyone is lying left and right for one reason or another be it justified or not. The two biggest players in the lying game are Geneva and Jemma, though more Jemma since they all start with her. The lies start to pile up quickly. I did get a bit frustrated with them and how she was allowing herself to keep them when every instinct told her to be honest. I think mostly because of Jemma, I don’t care any reasons why she should be given a chance or a benefit of the doubt since book one she has been nothing but a total bitch. She has undermined the group and the mission at every turn with any way to put herself ahead. She is selfish and I wouldn’t have taken her on the mission to begin with. Jemma is a real piece of work and my opinion of her only plummets from in Lies.

Geneva is stuck in a hard spot. I didn’t understand this as much because of my personality, I’d rather watch the world burn than give someone the satisfaction of hurting me when I could flip things on them by telling the truth consequences be damned. I’m a bit stubborn in that way. Still I could see how Geneva struggled with it. I also liked getting to know Kia even though I hated that as she got to know him, for the cause, it was hurting Nova. Nova I still adore him and his hot temper. It’s hard to get to know people and get them on your side when you have to be careful who you tell the truth too. Plus all the tricks and trials they face all designed to confirm what the baddies already know and figure out a way to use her further.

I really liked this story and I look forward to learning what happens next even more since I was shocked with the ending. I was convinced somehow that this was a trilogy and I was getting anxious as the pages dwindled and we were getting more and more into something and trying to figure out how it could be resolved in so few pages but then I find it isn’t over and many things are not resolved. I NEED answers and I’m intrigued to see where things go from here. As for why this book went down just a touch in rating for me is just a personal pet peeve of mine. When lies play a big part of the story (hence the title) there is only so many times you can promise no more lies and follow it up with a lie before I hold it against you. No matter the reason after you swear it you don’t break it, definitely not more than once. Plus I wanted a certain someone to get maimed the whole story and I got no karma or retribution there, but I hope it will come in the next book. Still I highly enjoyed the book and look forward to continuing on in the series.
Profile Image for Kathryn Svendsen.
468 reviews11 followers
September 9, 2015
Lies picks up right where Secrets left off. There isn’t much of refresher to remind you what happened in book two which isn’t a problem if you are reading the books one immediately after the other, but if there is a great space of time between the books you may want to skim part of Secrets to remind yourself of why they are returning to the Troian Center.

This third book in the series is most aptly named. Geneva is trying to protect her friends from Malakai, the new headmaster of the renamed Troian Academy. To do so she has chosen to lie to them, or at least omit the truth, thinking they’d be better off without all the information. Unfortunately the others are also doing the same thing and lies are flying about the Academy multiplying faster than rabbits.

But it’s not just Geneva and her friends that are telling lies either. Malakai is also a master of lies and he is not above lying to his son Kai in order to use him to get information about Geneva without Kai knowing it.

There are so many twists and turns in Lies that you’ll feel like you’re sitting on a corkscrew gone wild. It doesn’t seem that there is anyone that can be trusted with the truth. How the friends make any plans to coordinate anything at all is quite a feat.

There is definitely one thing we can learn from reading Ms. Benjamin’s book and that is that lies only breed mistrust and damage relationships. Whether those relationships can be mended at a later date as Geneva felt they could is debatable and probably depends on the relationship, but I think that some relationships would be irreparably damaged.

Jemma surprised me in this book. I won’t say what happened with her in order not to spoil it, but I just don’t understand people like her.

I think Geneva has grown more mature throughout the book and is more quick-thinking and resourceful even though she doesn’t feel that way. Her romantic experiences are helping her to discover what true love is.

I like the new characters that were introduced in this book – Kai, Terran and Sadie. They all seem like trustworthy characters; even Kai who is Malakai’s son. I could be fooled though and he could be one of the worst liars (most successful) in the book, we’ll just have to see.

This book ends in a cliff-hanger, but at least Geneva has a plan (so she says). I’ll be waiting on book 4 to find out. This one was a nail-biter. I gave Lies 4 stars out of 5.

Thank you to the author for providing a copy of the book in exchange for a fair and honest review. A positive opinion was not required. All thoughts are my own.

To see my complete review visit Shelf Full of Books http://kathrynsshelffullofbooks.blogs...
Profile Image for Kimberly Vanderbloom.
509 reviews37 followers
November 18, 2015
With a plan in place the group decides to head back to the orphanage to find the four Pillars. Of course with the secrets in play succeeding is harder than they imagined. They will have to come together and fight the big bad.

Now this story is heating up. We have love triangles and family secrets lighting up the pages. This book made me turn the pages so fast I felt like I had whip lash. Geneva and the gang were in so deep with the secrets and now the lies. Once again the theme of this book is lies. Can lies really protect the ones you love or are they for nothing but heartache? This is a great question for everyone to ask themselves. I love it. It is a great theme to the book and series. I'm impressed with this series and hate that I have to wait awhile for the fourth book to come out. I have enjoyed every page. Geneva continues to grow as a character and is developing quite the layers. It makes me smile to read her become a woman and make sacrifices. I love to hate Jemma. Her character is always being devious and even after reading it I question where her loyalty will be by the end. I'm interested where the author is going to take it because I have no clue. One last thing I like Kai. I was a leery of him at first but I really like him. He is one of my favorites.

Profile Image for Jaci.
155 reviews2 followers
October 19, 2015
I was given an ARC book for an honest review free of persuasion from the author or anyone else affiliated with this book.

This was an amazing YA read! This is a continuation from Secrets, Book 2 in the Geneva Project Series. So far you have learned who 65 is by way of Nova, Remi, Sparrow and let's not forget Jemma.
So now you that you have learned who she is and what she must do. Geneva seems to learn more about herself, everyday. In this book she really comes into her own and makes the decisions that are hard enough for adults let alone teens.
Lies made me wonder if there will be a happy ending for Geneva, or even if she can overcome the obstacles in her way now that she returned back to the orphanage, turned academy.
I was pulled into each book from the first page and was not disappointed with the character development, range of emotions that I was experiencing or the lack of plot. There was plenty of plot in the book. I loved how Mrs. Christina Benjamin wove each character's own individual sufferings through the main plot, this made it more intriguing for me to read.
I could not imagine reading each book separately, however, Lies does end in a cliffy and now we have to wait for book 4.
Profile Image for Carla.
989 reviews3 followers
September 6, 2015
*I was given a copy of this book as a gift from the author in exchange for an honest review.

This is the third book in the Geneva Project series.

Geneva and her friends have returned to the Troian Center, and they have fallen into the hands of Malakai, the leader of the Ravinori. The Ravinori's goal is to bring their deceased leader, Ravin, back to life and take over the world. In order to try and protect her friends, Geneva starts keeping secrets. While this isn't a very smart idea on her part, Geneva learnsthat even though she is the "savior" , she still needs the help of her friends.

Just as the first two books, this one draws the reader into this mysterious world. The story line is engrossing, and the addition of several new characters only serve to make it more enjoyable. This story ends with a pretty huge cliffhanger that will leave the reader anxiously awaiting the next book in the series. Kudos to Benjamin for continuing to create a great story filled with mystery and intrigue!
Profile Image for Jenn Sut.
547 reviews32 followers
November 19, 2015
Geneva Project : lies

I was given a book in exchange for an honest review free of persuasion from the author or anyone else affiliated with this book.

The third book picks up right where the story stopped in book two. Unfortunately soon after, Geneva and her friends are caught by the Luxors. They are in the orphanage compound where they are forced to get hair cuts and to dress in uniform. The girls are forced to wear makeup and a suspicious bracelet. Geneva continues to look for the pillars. Unfortunately Malaki wants her to find the pillars under his careful watch. There is no way to write more about the plot without spoiling it.

The third book is another great addition to the series. It explores the characters in more depth. I don't know if I will ever be able to tolerate Jemma. Maybe she will transform more in the next book or maybe she is just meant to irritate me as much as she irritates Geneva. The third book is as entertaining as the first two and makes you want to read the next one. The series is almost addicting.
Profile Image for Melissa Burcham.
240 reviews3 followers
November 21, 2015
I was given an ARC book for an honest review free of persuasion from the author or anyone else affiliated with this book.


Lies picks up right where Secrets left off. I highly recommend that this series is read in order. There is very little flash back to the previous books, so one would be lost picking up in the middle of this series. That being said, this is the 3rd book in The Geneva Project books. It was a little slow to start, but once it started to pick up, it was a good fast read.

Geneva and her friends find themselves back at the Troian Center. They are looking for the last two pillars in hopes of finding them before the Ravinori do. Eva finds herself getting twisted up in the lies she tells her friends in order to protect her secrets. As they build, Eva doesn't know where the lies end and the truth begins any more. Will she come clean with her friends? Will they be successful in finding and rescuing the pillars?

I highly recommend this series. I cant wait for the next book in this series.
5 reviews
September 1, 2015
What a fantastic third installment to the Geneva Project! In this book we see Geneva and her friends back in the Troian center, but it’s very different now. The teenagers begin searching for the four pillars to keep the Ravinori from coming fully into power, and on the way there is more romance, magic and character development. Geneva has to deal with all of the lies she is telling to keep her friends, and most importantly Nova, safe from Malakai. I have to admit, along the way she made me angry at times as I felt she was making very stupid decisions, but this ended up being a way for her to grow and accept her destiny as the Eva. It was also interesting to get a little more into Jemma’s head and understand her motives for her actions. The storytelling in Lies is wonderful, with vivid imagery and new characters that added to the plot even more. This is my favorite book in the Geneva Project yet!
Profile Image for Jan farnworth.
1,525 reviews130 followers
November 17, 2016
This is third book in the heart stopping thrill ride that is the Geneva Project and if you think this is it your so wrong their more and as found their also so prequels that i did not know about so i be checking those out once i finish book four Destiny. I have to say this book gives you the depth of how despicable a character can get i usually hate at least one maybe two characters in the story and usually they have a redeeming quality somewhere in them or they just bad apples. But when it your family member i really am waiting for the redeeming quality to come out but so far it not in fact i gone so far as to tell the author on twitter just how despicable i deem this character. I love this series so much and i excited in anticipation as start book four to see how this saving of this island is all going to come about. Thanks for the adventure.
Profile Image for Leanna.
175 reviews31 followers
July 17, 2016
4.5 Stars

This was another great book by this author. This is book two. Although it started off a bit slow, it definitely got better quickly. There was more magic and romance in this story which I liked. There were twists that surprised me.

Geneva is still growing and learning to make better and more mature choices. She and the group encounter many challenges. We see much more about Jemma and it's not good. I'm STILL strangling her in my mind what a selfish girl she is. Poor Geneva has to deal with many lies in order to keep everyone safe.

Another thumbs up to you author Christina Benjamin for this story. You got me with your twists. This had an amazing and great story line. I'm truly a fan of your fun writing.

I received an arc of this for free in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Philip Benjamin.
3 reviews2 followers
September 1, 2015
This captivating story from author Christina Benjamin vividly represents the journey that Geneva and her friends continue on as they strive to bring peace back to their island. Lies starts with a bang and keeps you engaged throughout the story with wonderful character development and a fast moving plot. I’m curious to see how the story will come to an end in the next book
Profile Image for Jaimie Engle.
Author 33 books262 followers
September 4, 2015
This is a great series and the author keeps you hooked with the characters and unending twists. Her story is fun to follow and I loved the numerous love triangles that kept me guessing. Invest in this series, and be on the look out for her next book. If you like fantasy, YA, and romance-adventure, then this is the book for you!
Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 reviews

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