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Biker's Baby Girl

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Creed is an ex sharpshooter turned bike crew President, with a rough upbringing and the scars to prove it. Nine years ago an old drunk offered him his twelve-year-old daughter for his next pint. Knowing that as fucked up as he was he was still the kid’s best bet, he took the deal. He left her with an aunt he thought he could trust because Uncle Sam owned his ass for the next little while, and he had no choice. Then his babygirl turned eighteen and shit went south, literally. He knew he had to stay the fuck away from her or she’d be under him before she could blink, but he made a deal with himself. When his babygirl hit twenty-one he was taking her no matter what. Her birthday was three days away and though he’d kept his distance for the last two and a half years he’s been keeping tabs on her. It was time to collect. This book contains cameo appearances from Colton Lyon, The Lyon series, Travis Mallory, Rough Riders, Blade Master, Man of Steel, Lawton Daniels, Anarchist, Jakes Summers, Bad Boy, and members of the SEAL Team Seven series.

404 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 18, 2015

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About the author

Jordan Silver

238 books3,383 followers
Jordan Silver is the author of more than 150 steamy romance novels and novellas featuring over the top alpha males and the women who love them.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 194 reviews
Profile Image for Vintage.
2,605 reviews589 followers
February 11, 2018
Okay, against my better judgment I gave JS another try.

Started out kind of cute, gross but cute, where the H has had a crush on the h for years, and has been kinda celibate until she grows up. A modern day sexed up Daddy-Long-Legs.

Okay, I am an idiot. But I went with it until we got to the H's admission of his 13.5" penis. 13.5 inches. Uh, bye bye bye. Jean Webster, I am so sorry for dragging your name in here. Mea culpa.

Out of here.

Really? 13.5 inches? That's longer than a piece of paper. I want to put this guy's penis in a typewriter and write out a letter to Jordan Silver.

Dear Ms. Silver...

What do I say?

13.5inch penises are not appealing.

They are frightening AND laughable.

I want my money back and this was Kindle Unlimited????

Come ON!!!!

This rivals the ridiculousness of HP's gradually growing giraffe-like Greek/Italian/Sicilian/Spanish etc tycoon. A six foot tycoon is not enough. 6' 3", 6' 4".
Profile Image for Deborah.
3,627 reviews477 followers
October 17, 2017

I have very mixed feelings about this book.

I like the older man/younger innocent woman type of read, I like Biker books with a strong tattooed alpha male so this sounded perfect for me.

But I didn’t like that he’d left her with her aunt without really checking everything out and while initially I appreciate he didn’t have the time but later when Jessica complained he had the time and the means but did nothing.

Did he even know at the time that Sal was in with a nasty group.

While he was waiting for Jessica to grow up he’d still continued to have sex, never considering that once he collected her and brought her back to him she’d be surrounded by women he’d slept with.

He has a eye watering thirteen and a half inch cock that is four inch in girth (think can of pop) and has a ladder going the full length of the underside shaft plus an Apadravya and a Prince Albert in the cockhead.

And Jessica is a virgin.

The first third of this book is about getting Jessica away from her aunt, the middle section is sex (I mean seriously she’s a virgin, he’s huge and yet they have sex constantly for days) to the point I was amazed she could even walk. The last part is strange because a kidnapping /breeding programme story is introduced but left open ended yet this book looks like a standalone so I’m not sure where the rest of the story comes in.

I didn’t like how he treated her at times (he’s certainly the king of double standards) or how he spoke to her at times but still I kept reading.

So there’s my mixed feelings.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Chantal ❤️.
1,361 reviews852 followers
September 6, 2016

Things I did liked about this book:

1- Hero goes ape over the heroine
2- Hero tires to protect her at all cost
3- He gets revenge on the ass who tries to get it on with her
4- She is gone over Head over heels
5- She tells him to get rid of all the girls he slept with in the club
6- Out of respect for her he does that
7- She starts to assert herself in their relationship
8- She finds ways to get what she wants
9- he regrets not believing her and goes out of his comfort zone with her aka the carnival ride.

Things I hated about this book:

1- He sleeps with others while he was in love with her and does not believe her when she tells him that her aunt is treating her poorly.
2- The horrible double standard hero manwhore heroine virgin
3- He makes her to do things without her consent (like having a baby and some sex acts) yes she likes it but man No is No
4- he uses the word "fuck" way too much and it's distracting to me as a reader
(Btw I was raised in military bases all over the world and I have never heard someone with this kind of vile vocabulary)
5- He was sexually abused by his foster mother and he does not even recognize it for what it was.
6- the whole 13.5 inch and pierced penis thing was very overdone for my taste. I don't need to know he has 8.5 inches left to go before he was totally inside her. Good god was he out measuring or something?
7- Imposing his lifestyle choices on her. Example: telling her she was getting her clitoris pierced so that he could enjoy that was like wtf!!! What's next it's her tongue? Where does it stop too?
8- when you love someone you don't try to change them and that is what he was doing to her

All in all its more a two star read but because I enjoyed the random thoughts in his head at times I gave it 3. It actually felt like I was in a guys head for once. Wished I had been in a better head mind you. That part was well done. Just wished we could have had a better understanding of the heroine as well.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jac K.
2,329 reviews357 followers
November 23, 2023
This is standard JS with the sweet 5’0 baby girl virgin with DD’s (Jessie) and the badass 6’5 H packing 13.5 inches (which may be a record for her dudes-Creed), and it probably would’ve worked out if she would’ve kept it to short smut, but this bad boy is 400+ pages with a 200 page plot.

The storyline is broken down into three (unofficial) parts, and I only found one enjoyable.
August 18, 2016
Guy is 12 years older than heroine.. He is her "foster dad" now he has a hard on for her, and hopes she is a virgin otherwise he will whoop her ass.
He also has a 13 inch cock and once he takes her viginity; he effs her about 5 or 6 times, and the next day another 10.
Now, let's be real a 13 inch dick? Hahhaha yea okay!
He is also 6'5 where she is only 5 fee (barely) and he bends her over tables and breakfast nooks? Um, NO! He would have to be on his knees since she is so little.. Plus you're sort of her dad.
And even pornstars wouldn't handle a 13 incher much less a virgin. What a twisted fairy tale.. hahahah
Profile Image for Vashti.
1,194 reviews29 followers
October 28, 2015
This story has an older man ,Alpha biker prez hero ,who is experienced ,has a ripped body, tatted with pierced 13.5 inch penis and is paired with a not yet 21 year old virgin heroine.
Biker prez smitten with his ward who he "brought" from her deadbeat dad when she was 12.At 18,he is overtaken with lust/ love and he wants to wait till she is 21 to claim her and make her his.In the mean time till she turns 21 she is living with her mother's sister and creepy,pervert,biker boyfriend whom the hero placed her with when she was 12,he visited her when he was on leave from the service and pampered her.Hero thinks that all is well and his "baby girl" is being taking care off,he provides for all her material needs,so he thinks.Evil Aunt and BF is taking the money and using it for their own nefairous needs.He remains clueless and leaves her with them thinking that all is right and he will take her with him when she turns 21.In the mean time,life as he knows it goes on,club biz,sex on tap,etc......
A few days before "baby girl" turns 21, biker dude gets a call,something is not right and pervert is the culprit,he is going to bring his woman back home and take care of pervert and the Aunt.How dare they mess with what is his,payback is a bitch as pervert and evil aunty soon discovers.
Of course their are prior women that the hero slept with around the club,but his "baby girl" is it for him,no other women once he claims her and makes the other members know that she is off limits.
There is a mystery plot and this brings in former heros of prior books to assist ,my fav JS hero Lyon makes his appearance along with several others from prior series.An alpha convention with big cocks to be sure!
This is a longer book than JS usually writes and I enjoyed it.
40 reviews
October 20, 2015
Did I read the same book as everyone else?

This "Alpha" male was anything but. He was a man -whore who wasn't even redeemable. If I was the h I would have kicked his a** a long time ago. Just because the H says the h is his so does not make him an Alpha or a lovable H.

His actions spoke louder than his words. He believed nothing the h said, and continued to push her away except to f*ck her. He kept his side **** as friends even though they attacked the h. He cared less.

This was my first and last book of this author. I paid 4.99 for this book, and at that price, I damn well expect the book to be GRAMMATICALLY correct. One page had 20 f*cks. It did nothing for the story but make it trashy. I didn't even know new chapters were starting because the author started sentences with lower case letters. For a self-published author and putting that kind of price tag on an e-book, it better be perfect or close to it. I returned it for my money. Thank God for Amazon returns or else I'd really be mad.
752 reviews73 followers
October 24, 2015
I have no idea why I like so many of Jordan Silver's books. The editing is horrible with misspelled words everywhere, plot holes, sometimes even the names aren't right. The H's are always alpha neanderthals with monster um....equipment (13 1/2 inches??? That does not make me think "hot", it makes me think "ouch"). The h's are usually shy little virgins who after their first time take to sex like porn queens. The sex is usually raunchy as all get out. JS likes to go for shock value, usually with a huge age difference. Some of the books are better than others (don't get me started on The Gambler....ewww), but I really liked this one.

Why? you ask. Because Creed made a mistake, a huge mistake, and he spent the entire book kicking himself. I adored this about him. He fit the Jordan Silver alpha Hero mold to a T - he was hot, crude, rude, the kind you really wouldn't want to take home to Mama (if you have one).

As for the h, Jessie/Baby Girl was just kind of meh for me. I usually don't like the shy, young, total mousey h's that JS writes. They do eventually find their voices, but a lot of times they have a level of immaturity that I don't connect to. Jessie was no exception. I didn't mind her, I just didn't love her.

The shock value aspect of Biker's Baby Girl was basically that Creed was given Jessie by her father in exchange for money for a pint or two. He ended up with custody but since he was often deployed and not around, he left her with her aunt to watch over her. Obviously there is quite the age difference, plus the fact that she was his ward, even though he did not raise her. He did wait until she was 21 before doing the usual Jordan Silver type of claiming.

There was a lot of action in this one. The issues Creed and Jessie/Baby Girl faced involved some of my favorite alphas from other JS books plus some I wasn't familiar with so I get to do some reading and re-reading. Yay! Once I get caught up with everyone's story's, I plan on reading it again so I can get the full experience. It's not great literature, it's more like somewhat raunchy cliterature in vast need of editing, but I'm good with that.

Spice's Rating: 4 Guilty Pleasure Stars
Profile Image for Mariann {at} Belle's Book Bag.
549 reviews167 followers
October 18, 2015
I've been a fan of Jordan Silver for a while and with each new release my adoration for her grows. Her over-the-top alpha males and the females that own their hearts continue to entertain me and have me always looking forward to what stories she can come up with next.
Her men are like no others that I've ever read. They are overprotective, controlling, and bossy to the extreme. They are also sexy, confident, loyal, loving, intelligent, dirty talkers and I'm in love with pretty much everyone of them. Although, Colton Lyon remains my favorite!!
Jordan excels at one of my favorite themes to read in romance: older man/younger woman.
The way she writes her sex scenes often leave me panting for more. ;)

Biker's Baby Girl is another great read from Jordan that has everything that I mentioned above with so much more. Creed captured me from the start and I loved him and Jessie together. Their story contains some twists and turns with some welcomed guests from previous books. I loved that Jordan found a way to cross-over some of my favorite characters. This addition alone added so much more to the story, making it different from her others so far. I'm so looking forward to Cord's book.

Creed *sigh* He rescues Jessie from a bad situation and works to make up for everything bad that she endured and missed out on in her young life. He immediately weaves her into every part of his life. He does everything he can to tie her to him in a way that is unbreakable. Oh...13 1/2 inches and pierced...OH MY!!! ;) What's not to love about him?

Thanks Jordan for giving me a story that let me escape for a little while and filled my afternoon with fun and heat.

Can't wait for more Big-Bad-Overprotective-Alphas with their Big Hearts and Overactive Sex Drives and the women who capture those hearts.
Profile Image for Simona.
179 reviews56 followers
January 15, 2018
Slogged through the diarrhea of H's brain obsessively talking about the piercings (yes, multiple piercings) on his penis, hoping for a decent epilogue with children would make up for it. But nope. No epilogue. This was pure garbled alphabet soup with zero romance and even the smut scenes were bad. I like some of JS's books and this one surely isn't one of them.
Profile Image for Fatimama.
1,017 reviews63 followers
January 29, 2018
This was so cheesy and OTT.

H is 12 yrs older, sorta absentee guardian who waited until the h was 21 yrs old.

The dialogue is so cheesy. The sex sounded painful with a 13.5 inch c@ck with piercings (jacobs ladder plus prince albert plus apravadya) so you could say that the H got the works for his dick

For some reason, the book held my interest from start to finish and I weirdly liked it hence the 3 stars
Profile Image for Princess J. Antoinette.
966 reviews99 followers
December 15, 2017
This was a new author for me. I was impressed by the way she touched the true essence of the MC 's culture.

I also give this read an A+ in the category of the (Epitome of a true alpha-male) who's possessive, controlling and knows what he wants and nothing stopping him from getting it and he loves his woman and will do anything to protect and provide for her at all costs.

I loved the dynamic of the relationship between Creed and Jessi.. Although our author made her weak and naïve which is kinda a pet peeve of mine but for this story I will let it pass due to Jessi history with her parents and then her messed up foster guardians. She just couldn't win for losing in this case.

I guess my biggest critique for this book was Creed's endless monologue.. OMG that was nerve wrecking; however it seems the author caught herself by mid book and there was no more excessive inter monologue on his part or hers.

Creed POV was the main focus of the story which was a good change of pace from the usual.

Overall I rate this book:
3.9 - it was a decent read/not bad.
Profile Image for Nile Princess.
1,402 reviews171 followers
December 30, 2017
Daddy kink without her ever calling him Daddy, but we all knew what it was. Besides, he was literally her adopted dad. Totally ridiculous, and Creed is full Neanderthal. I mean this is growly, mega alpha biker kink, on steroids. I skimmed most of it. Being attracted to your woman is one thing, but the whole mindless, 'led around by your ever swelling hard-on' is kind of eh. Plus everything is super extra. He's 6'5; she's 5 feet tall. She's a virgin; he has a 13 1/2 inch cock, with piercings all down it, AND a Prince Albert. She's having orgasms like they're going out of style, and can take all of that in a few days. Yeah, sure. No rating.


This sounds so far up my alley, it's not even funny. 6 more days. Please don't suck. Please don't suck.
Profile Image for Astraycat.
1,020 reviews85 followers
October 19, 2015
Go for her book if you want to read a hot story with alpha-male H and a much younger h.

It will be better if there were not so many characters from her former books join this story. Although I've read those books, I still got headache and couldn't remember much about each of them except Lyon.
Profile Image for Rochelle.
787 reviews24 followers
October 23, 2015
Creed - strong, obsessed, Alpha, take no shit kinda guy. I love him. This guy is my favorite kind. Loved the story and every possessive part about it. This is the type of Alpha male I seek when reading and I found a piece of heaven here. Going to read more from this author now.
Profile Image for  Rosebud.
1,052 reviews195 followers
October 22, 2015
Creed hasn't had a silver spoon sort of life. Raised in the foster care system then joining the military where he became the type of soldier legends are made of. Timing out he created his own set of rules becoming the President of a biker club with a crew who give him total allegiance following him without question.

Jessie has been Creed's "baby girl" ever since he rescued her at age twelve taking the added step in becoming her legal guardian. At the time he was in the military with a new deployment imminent making it impossible to take her with him, but sets her up with a relative where she's continued to stay up to the present.

Days away from her twenty first birthday, Jessie doesn't know what to think when Creed shows up telling her she's leaving the place that's been her home. Immediately and forever. They haven't been close since he came to her eighteenth birthday when Creed seemed to treat her differently. But. That's also the time she realized her feelings for him had changed too. This might be her last chance to get Creed to look at her as being more than a little girl in need of a white knight.

* * * *

New to me author and book. I guess I didn't realize this book had stronger ties to other series written by the author (though there is a notation in the blurb acknowledging cameo appearances) so there were portions of the story that I did struggle with. For anyone who hasn't read the other series I'd personally say you could read this one regardless. Just expect to get a little lost when the cameo scenes occur.

I do want to comment on the writing style by this author prior to picking apart the actual story. She writes graphic raunchy down & dirty adult content scenes. If you're a fan of alpha dominant MC characters who have strong frequent sexual appetites, this would be a book to check out. If you prefer romance driven scenes featuring men treating women with romanticism with a side of pleasure/pain, ya, skip this one.

I grabbed this book after a recommendation and look at the blurb. Definitely peaked my interest especially after reading the sample before purchasing. Loved the glimpse into a motorcycle club who did the tight rope walk on the right side of justice/law though if they crossed over it was for the right reasons (for them). This is definitely a story that male and female readers can get into as the action adventure scenes have a crossover feel.

As for the core romance between Creed & Jessica. While I was in lust with Creed I can't say the same about Jessie. I believe I understand the way her character was portrayed and the author did stay consistent in that persona throughout the story (for the most part), I just didn't care for that person, that character personally. The end result of that is while I appreciated the couple, I wasn't as vested as I could have been.

Regarding the cast of secondary characters. As I mentioned, there are cameo appearances that did throw me as I wasn't sure how they factored into the story. But. I did get up to speed (for the most part) as the scenes evolved. I'm not sure that I'll grab the existing series for these characters though. The remaining secondary characters exclusive to this installment. This might be a good time to mention that there are scenes of violence and bloodletting that might be disturbing to some. In my case I really would have enjoyed more of these as some of the characters so deserved what they got.

There were more positives than negatives about this story that have me encouraging fans of MC/motorcycle themed books to check it out. For fans who look for the addition of adult content/erotica even more so. I know I enjoyed it. :D
Profile Image for Cheesecake.
2,833 reviews450 followers
July 15, 2016
Creed and 'Babygirl' err what was her name??
This felt like two or more stories uncomfortably cobbled together. One star because that was about how much I enjoyed it. In fact it took a long time to finish it. I kept setting it aside when I got bored.
Creed buys BG (babygirl) from her father when she was 12 and sets her up with her aunt to raise. He is besotted/obsessed, and when she is 16 decides that when she is a woman, she will be his. But in the mean time he keeps his distance until she is almost 21 (he's mid 30's). In that time the only way he keeps tabs on her is through her lying aunt whom he always believes over her. When he finally finds out the truth, sure he's remorseful but it was pretty unforgivable. BG doesn't really deserve a name because she has pretty much no character. So the first part of the story is Creed getting to know BG and wait for her 21st birthday. The sex is boring and kinda painful sounding and too much. He brings her home but didn't bother to get rid of the other skanks he slept with while waiting for her to grow up. One of which is a wee bit crazy. I did like the way she stood up for herself at that point, but it didn't make him a more likable character. It just showed further what an insensitive asshat he is.
Then the story goes off on a huge tangent with lots of other JS characters showing up and multiple POVs, lowest of the low bad-guys. Sounds great, but was actually pretty tedious.
Profile Image for Tami Putvin.
6 reviews11 followers
October 12, 2015
***** I won't give Spoilers****

I have hard time leaving reviews because I don't want to spoil the read for anyone else by giving away the content.

I freaking loved this book Creed and his baby girl *insert sigh* My fave new Silver couple (I love all her couples)..

I can't give too much away but shit is about to go down and all Silver's Alpha men are front and center with their take no prisoners attitude and popping scum in the head... I can't wait for the next installment so we can find out who's behind "The Book"

I am not a series reader if I have to read 3 books to find out the outcome of a couple and I simply love how each book is about a new couple while keeping with this intriguing story line..

Like me I'm sure most of you will be anxious for the next book and think we need the next book NOW (even though we're already spoiled by her amazing publishing rate)

A little begging for the next book never hurt though *Waves to Jordan*

Profile Image for Paige Turner.
1,621 reviews20 followers
October 20, 2015
Has potential but

I was intrigued by the premise of the book. It sounded a lot of dirty but in a good way.
The book didn't seem cohesive. It was like reading 3 different books. The first part was a bit boring and repetitive. The second was all kinds of dirty sex. I want to applaud Jessie for taking a 13x4 inch penis anally.
The last part was about a ungrounded breeding ring. I didn't feel that the book was complete.
There also seemed to be a lot of inner dialogue between the main character Creed. Not much between him and Jessie.
While I wasn't a fan, I had to keep reading to see this couple to the end.
Profile Image for Pamela.
91 reviews4 followers
November 19, 2015
I don't normally 1 star a book but this was beyond terrible. I have read a Jordan Silver book before, but this was bad. Fuck and fuckery were used so many times that the word just lost all meaning. Mild Spoiler....During one of the sex scenes his dick goes from 13.5 inches to 9 inches and had a 4 inch girth! That is like popping a soda can up your whoohaa! I mean ouch! I wanted to like this so bad, but when I was done I was left confused, numb and completely turned off from books for a bit.
Profile Image for jpc.
26 reviews
October 21, 2015
Possibly the worst book I've read in a long time. DNF at 40%. I tried, I truly tried because normally I enjoy Jordan Silver books, even though her her heroes are serious alphas, but this was just ridiculous!
Profile Image for Nara.
409 reviews40 followers
October 21, 2015
rambling story, lame and weak heroine, which I hate most, so so no
Profile Image for Bee Mills.
Author 2 books28 followers
July 16, 2018
Interesting story: When I was eleven, I picked up a pencil and started writing a story. It was a Starcraft fanfic, as it happens. Anyway, I thought "this is fantastic! Nobody's ever going to read this so I can do ALL THE CURSINGS!" And I did. I mean, all the cursings when you're a fairly sheltered eleven is actually not that many, but I did actually write down the word shit twice in the first ten pages.

Why am I telling you this? Because I get the feeling that Silver is doing the same thing in this story, but with a lot more success than I had at eleven. Seriously, I don't have an issue with language but when you have trouble finding a paragraph that doesn't contain the word 'fuck', that's a bit excessive. I understand that the H is supposed to be a big badass biker, and that's cool, but the way he comes off is less badass and more immature. Basically, I feel like the author tried to do what I did when I was eleven and, much like that long-lost fic, nobody should have read it. I know I wish I hadn't.

So that was the language (and I'm not even going to mention the grammar because frankly, this is smut and nobody reads that for the grammar.) On to the biology!

Here, have a quote:
I hit her hymen after about inch five with eight and a half more to go fuck.

I'll get to the monster cock in a bit. And I don't know what that fuck at the end was for, unless it was to fill a quota maybe? I mean, it was the only instance of that particular curse word in the paragraph, although it did contain cock and pussy. Maybe the author felt the hero wasn't coming across as manly enough. *shrug*

Let's discuss the hymen. The hymen, for those of you who don't know (and I count Jordan Silver among them) is, according to Wikipedia "a membrane that surrounds or partially covers the external vaginal opening." Allow me to say that again.

Covers the external vaginal opening. That means, for the curious, that it's basically on the outside. It can be seen without any tools at all.

Want to know where it's not? It's not five inches in!

To be fair, Silver is not the first author to do this, and probably won't be the last, but it still annoys me.

Shall we discuss the 13.5 inch penis? I don't think we need to. Get a ruler and you'll know why I had a full-body shudder when I read about that. And not the good kind, either!

Do we need to talk about the virgin who's suddenly up for all-day sexathons with said monster dick? I think we can skip this discussion as well. Except to point out that she seems to be walking fine the next day, which is possibly the most unbelievable part of this entire story.

Instead, let's talk about the fact that the sex scenes, for all the foul language and frequency of them...weren't actually that hot.

Because the thing is, I know this is fiction, I know it's fantasy. I know that nobody sensible expects sex in smutty books to be realistic. What they expect them to be is hot. And in this book, it isn't. The writing is flat and uninspiring, the characters annoying, and the sex boring.

If you're looking for a smutty read to fill an hour or two, you'd be better off picking up an Alexa Riley. The sex is just as unrealistic, but at least it's hot and it won't make you cringe with the poor girl's imagined pain. I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone, and I'm not enthusiastic about the author either.
Profile Image for Amara.
2,316 reviews73 followers
January 21, 2018
13 inch cock with four inch girth? Holy monster. Not to mention the "ladder going the full length of the underside of my cock shaft plus an Apadravya and a Prince Albert in my cockhead." Good god.

This was a classic case of too much plot not enough smut. I don't really need a plot with JS books. It's like porn, less plot, the better. The ending just kept going...and going...and going....

Displaying 1 - 30 of 194 reviews

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