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Jobe Delaro served proudly with his Special Forces squad, but to focus on his duties he gave up the one woman he had planned on spending his life with. Four years later, seeing his friends find love reminded him that he had never forgotten the woman whose heart he broke.

Mackenna Dunn worked tirelessly with the women’s center that she ran and assisting her mother who was recuperating from a stroke. She had tried to forget the man who had stolen her happiness, but was stunned to have him come to her rescue when her program was threatened by gangs.

Mackenna must decide if she can forgive Jobe or hold on to the hurt. Calling on his brothers from Alvarez Security, Jobe is determined to make up for the past and create a future with the woman he never stopped loving, but… he has to keep her alive first.

Will the past forever halt their chance at a future or will McKenna and Jobe finally find healing together?

****Due to scenes of an explicit sexual nature and language that some consider crude, please be warned - for 18+ only!
If you do not like alphas with heart who fall instantly in love with strong female characters while dealing with real life issues... again be warned!!*****

338 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 20, 2015

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About the author

Maryann Jordan

143 books1,239 followers

As an Award Winning and International Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo Best Selling Author, I have always been an avid reader. I joke that I "cut my romance teeth" on the old historical romance books. I’ve written as a hobby for over 30 years. In 2014, I finally gave in to the characters in my head pleading for their story to be told. Thus, Emma's Home was created.

My first novel, Emma's Home became an Amazon Best Seller in 3 categories within the first month of publishing. Its success was followed by the rest of the Fairfield Series and then led into the Love's Series. From there I have continued with the romantic suspense Alvarez Security Series and now the Saints Protection & Investigation Series.

My books are filled with sweet romance and hot sex; mystery, suspense, real life characters and situations. My heroes are alphas, take charge men who love the strong, independent women they fall in love with.
I worked as a counselor in a high school and have been involved in education for the past 30 years. I recently retired and now can spend more time devoted to my writing.

I have been married to a wonderfully patient man for 35 years and have 2 adult, very supportive daughters.
When writing, my dog or one of my cats will usually be found in my lap!

I love to hear from readers, so please email me!
[email protected]

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 130 reviews
Profile Image for Gi's Spot Reviews.
1,114 reviews1,339 followers
November 28, 2015
3.5 Stars
Basic Info

Standalone or Part of a Series:
MF, Ménage, etc.:
Descriptive Sex with OW/OM:
Safety Gang Notes:

Personal Overview

Jobe and MacKenna were once very much in love and engaged, but something happened to Jobe on a mission, and he shattered Mackenna's heart in a Dear John email.
I understand part of his reasoning, what I don't understand is was why she was the only one that the pushed away, after being together for two years, and in a cruel way.
Five years past and doesn't once try to actually search for her, even do he says he loves her , well, boo hoo to you, if you really loved her, you would have tried to get her, immediately after you realize the mistake you have done, no matter the consequences, you're the security business for Christ's sake! This was the first point were for me he shows that he's a weak H.
Only when Fate put them in each others path, did he take action, and decide to make her understand what had happened to him and trying to win her back.
“I know that you don’t have a reason to believe my word right now. But you will. I can’t change the past, but I can change the future.”

He explained of all the events that led to him breaking them up, and also way he never searched for her after realizing he made a mistake.
“I could not stand the thought of seeing you with someone else. A Facebook page showing you happy in another relationship. I know that was selfish because I did want you to be happy. I...I guess I was a coward. I just did not want the evidence of you without me. But I also didn’t feel like I could try to get your forgiveness. It took me a helluva long time in counseling to see what had happened to myself. How could I even try to get you to understand?”

And that was a pretty lame excuse for me, and truly a cowardly way out. But to sleep around while still loving her, he sure had courage enough... Arghhhh, I really hate it when that happens, I only made me question his so called "love" for her.
Of course it didn't take much groveling for him to reach her,
“We had a past. I fucked it up, but that’s still in the past. What about now? What about the future? Is there any way you can forgive me? Give me another chance? Give us a chance?”

“I’m not the same man I was, Mackenna. I can’t promise that I won’t ever make you mad or do something stupid. But I swear on my life...I’ll never walk away. I’ll never hurt you like that again. If all you can do is start with forgiving me, then I’ll take it from there. I’ll work every day to make sure you know that you’re the center of my world. Always.”

but just a few nice words and bam, he manages to get through to her, and convince her (girl, I really wished you held up much longer).
“I...I choose us, Jobe,” she said, her voice choking with tears. “I choose us.”

Swallowing hard, her eyes sparkled as she realized what a gift she had received. Giving forgiveness to this man had taken nothing away from her. Instead, it allowed her to move forward. With him. With them. Face planting into his chest, she felt his steady heartbeat against her cheek.

One of the things I really like was that the rest of the man took responsibility for their part in the situation surrounding their break up.
“We all fucked up years ago, one way or the other. Mine was knowing you needed help to stay in the field but not pushing you harder to take care of home. That’s on me. That’s on all of us that were there.”
Jobe jerked back at Tony’s words, shaking his head. “No, sir. That was squarely one me. My decision. My fuck up.”
“Not in my book. Brothers don’t let brothers fall without taking care of everything—and that included the girl back home. If you’d broken up with her for the right reasons, we would have been good in standing down. But we all knew it wasn’t right and not one of us took it upon ourselves to help that situation. We just took care of you in the field. And that, Jobe...is on us.”

After the reconciliation, the relationship followed the natural course and became stronger and stable, with both the MCs completely devoted and caring to one another, and the love declarations just kept flowing.
“Yeah. When I was overseas, the idea of being in love and not being able to control anything,made me crazy. But now? I’m good. I’m dealing. I’m learning that I don’t have to control everything.And most of all, as long as you’re in my life...we got this, babe. We got this.”

“We gave our vows today in front of everyone,” he said, “but this right here is my promise to you. My heart is yours, Mackenna. All my love for all my life.”
“You have all of me, soldier-boy. Always and forever”

The gang plot sometimes it seemed a bit much, especially their respective POVs at times, but I came to realize that that is part of the author's writing style.
Since this was the last book of the series, this love story's epilogue, wrapped up in a pretty bow, where we can see and remember all the couples of the series and their families, not that they weren't present in all the books.
Alvarez Security was indeed a truly sweet series.
Profile Image for CeCe.
3,547 reviews109 followers
October 29, 2015

Did not work for me but may work for you. I loved the premise, but the writing and execution of the plot did not work for me. It felt like too much effort to get into the story. Reading for me is supposed to be mindless...where I can get lost. When I found myself struggling to get through scenes, it was time for me to quit.

The hero sees his friends getting married and having kids and that is when he decides he wants his old girlfriend back?!?!? The one he wrote an email to and told her he did not want her anymore. She wrote him several letters after that, but he ignored them. Now, he is hired to watch the facility she works at and he wants her back BUT THIS IS only after, I feel, like his friends had to talk him into it. The hero is not an alpha if his friends tell him not to give up. It would have been a great second chance romance. (loc 699) This is my opinion. You may have a different opinion.

Multiple POVs. The switch would happen in a paragraph. I do not want to know what the gang members are thinking. That could have been the suspense of the story. I do not need everyone's thoughts and feelings at every moment. I am not telling you not to read it.
Profile Image for Maryann Jordan.
Author 143 books1,239 followers
September 7, 2015
I loved writing this book (as I do all of my books). This story is about second chances at love. There are times that life intervenes in our carefully laid plans and decisions are made that are later regretted. Such is the story of Jobe and Mackenna.
It is also about family, friends, learning, and growing in a relationship. If you like my other books, I hope you will love Jobe as well!
395 reviews11 followers
June 3, 2018
The author didn't redeem Jobe for how he hurt Mackenna. I somewhat get it but at the same time, he got off easy, he got off WAY TOO EASY. He didn't have to put in much work and Mackenna initially stuck to her word of not just forgiving and forgetting but then caved when she had a moment of weakness. Halfways into the book but not very long after he came back in her life, she completely let him back in and picked up right back where they left off like nothing. The only thing she didn't give back was that she loved him but other than that, all was forgiven, trust was given back without him having to work for it, they didn't even try to work from being friends to a couple as they hinted at when she still held her ground. I couldn't be happy for them because everything was wrong and happening too fast.

Both his family, her mom, and everyone around them were pushing her toward him, in listening to what he had to say and assuming he had a good reason for what he did. That's fine for his friends and family, but what about the people that don't know him well, why do they assume that there must have been a reason? Why is there coincidentally people who have knowledge of what the military can do to people? For easy plot resolutions, of course. That doesn't work for me. None of these people had Mackenna's best interests at heart, they all wanted her to forgive Jobe simply because there must have been something that happened to him, no one took into account how much she hurt, how his actions affected her, it was all about him.

She started out someone I could respect because she stood her ground and showed him that just because he regretted pushing her away, that if she eventually forgave him, didn't mean that she was gonna want to give him another chance. But right after she finally decided to hear him out and had a stressful situation she didn't know how to handle, she gave in so easily and it made me resent her even more than him for teasing me that she wouldn't be like other girls who don't make an effort to protect themselves by holding out on starting a relationship again, by taking things slowly to make sure they're truly sorry and can trust them not to hurt them again, to teach them from making the same mistake in the future. How are you supposed to know that they've learned from their mistake if you don't get to know them again at your own pace? Five years is a long time and people can change for better or worse, she wasn't that naive college girl anymore, she was a different person then and now. She became a stronger, smarter, guarded adult who knew better than to trust anybody and everybody.

To say I was disappointed with this couple and their story is putting it lightly. I hated how they "resolved" their past, I hated both of them for reasons above, I hated the side characters for their unwanted advice and unprofessional behavior. Particularly, Tony should have reprimanded BJ and taken Jobe off the job for violating a client's right to privacy and their personal life that had nothing to do with the job. They reminded me of Jennifer when she divulged private information pertaining to Sherrie to Tony and Gabe with an ulterior motive in trying to set them up when she had no business telling them of her plans. These people have no problem violating other's personal lives and thinking that they know what's best for someone when really they all just need to back off and let the couple work things out themselves instead of getting involved and trying to "help" them so they can be happy.

This series was a huge drag to get through and now I'm questioning if I want to even take a chance on her other spinoff series. I think I'll take another break from this author and come back to the other series sometime later this year.

Profile Image for Brianna at Renee Entress's Blog.
3,850 reviews116 followers
October 2, 2015
5 Stars!

When I stumbled across this author's Love series, she completely captivated me and since then, I just keep coming back. Her alpha males fight hard and love even harder. And one thing you can expect is when they fall, they fall so hard that they will do anything they can for the woman they love. This book is part of a series and is a standalone but I promise you will want to read them all.

I loved this book. It was a fast read that I devoured in one sitting. From the first page, I was sucked in and couldn't put it down until the end, knowing they got their happy ending. This book was sexy, sweet, fun, intense, passionate, and had a sweet love story wrapped with suspense and tons of twists. Get ready for Jobe who is going to make you swoon and Mackenna to make you smile big.

This is Jobe and Mackenna's story. They have history and not all of it is good. They were once in love until Jobe cut off all times. Now years later, Jobe is watching his best friends and fellow brothers slowly fall in love and find happiness... something he wants. Jobe desperately wants that with Mackenna. Now he just needs to convince her of that and keep her safe from the danger brewing.

Mackenna was heartbroken once upon a time ago when Jobe dismissed her and never looked back. She has now achieved some dreams and cares for her mother. But when her life becomes in danger, Jobe suddenly reappears wanting more from her than she is willing to offer. Will she be able to forgive Jobe and move on from the past? Or will someone hurt her before they have a chance?

I highly recommend this book and series!

Review Post---> http://reneeentress.blogspot.com/2015...
Profile Image for Dina.
691 reviews5 followers
September 21, 2015
Best finish but still beginning

This series was awesome. I loved every book and even though I'm sad it's over I can't wait for what comes next :)
Profile Image for Jenni Bishop.
4,555 reviews49 followers
July 26, 2023
You will fall in love with the Elite boys.

This romance tale is full of suspense, thrills, tension, sexy and soooooooooo much more.

You won't be disappointed reading this series.

All Maryann's series are interconnected.
Profile Image for Rachael*Caribbean*girl*bibliophile.
1,949 reviews435 followers
Shelved as 'nfmaa'
July 19, 2018

They both slept with other people during separation
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Holly Noelle.
404 reviews45 followers
October 3, 2017
3.5 stars! Not as bad as Vinny's book, but certainly not as good as the other ones.

Like other characters, I met Jobe in the Saints and Protection series as Miriam's brother. Jobe is actually the reason I realized I read the books out of order so it's kind of funny that I read his book last.

Jobe Delaro gave up on love after he witnessed something heartbreaking overseas. He was unable to handle the fallout, his PTSD and trauma from the event making him act without thinking, and he sent a Dear John letter to the love his life.

Years later, he's come to terms that he made a mistake and regretted it ever since. So imagine his surprise when his next assignment brings him face to face with that love.

Mackenna Dunn never got over her first and only love. After she received his letter ending their relationship, she begged him to change his mind. She only gave up after her own tragedies had her focus shift and she did her best to never think about Jobe Delaro. However, easier said than done. For years she thought about Jobe everyday, wishing she knew what she did to make him run.

Putting all of her focus on her work and ill mother, she works hard and sleeps little. Working on a rescue program to rehabilitate women involved in gangs, she's suddenly thrust into danger when those gangs find her safe house. No longer safe, she calls on Alvarez security to help her keep the girls safe. She wasn't planning on Jobe being one of those agents.

With a second chance in front of him, Jobe is determined to win her back.

Sigh. I had problems with various things in this book. In reverse of Suzanne and BJ's relationship, it felt like it took her too long to forgive Jobe. It made the book drag and I was just ready for them to get over the hump.

I felt like the ending was weak in comparison to some of the others. Not as entertaining and introduction was definitely not as cool as others.

However, at the same time, once they were together I was really enjoying them being back in love. I liked them as a couple and they fit together.

I also enjoyed the side story and I wish it was rounded up better.

Overall, the series was good. Not the best, but I definitely liked it. I think the best thing about Jordan's writing is she gives us books where couples are actually together and in love. We don't spent a book trying to get the couple together - she does that fast and lets us see them in love. It's the absolute best part of her writing.

I didn't want to finish this. I need more Maryann Jordan books in my life!
Profile Image for Lynn Smith.
2,681 reviews8 followers
September 20, 2015
Jobe Delaro's whole world changed after a mission. He went from that laid back man, to the man that focused only on the squad. He couldn't and didn't allow anything else in. Including the women he was in love with. Now five years later, he is still focused but the one the men go to for advice on the women each of them have found and fallen in love with. He tells them do that they can to keep them, don't let them go. Mackenna Dunn would do anything to make New Beginnings a success. To get the girls out of the gang life. She would even threaten the gang members themselves if she had to. When Mackkenna's friend Jen mentioned the company her husband worked for maybe being to help her out with security. She never thought it would bring back the one person in her life that hurt her the worse.

I loved Jobe in this series of books. He seemed to be the one who had his life in order and the guy to go to about issues of love. When all along he has been covering up his broken heart. Mackenna is a strong women, he went through so much when she lost Jobe, father issues going on at the same time. She picked up the pieces and was doing a job she loved. She is feisty and jumps before. Plenty of suspense and mystery in the story and steamy hot sex scenes. The book can be read as a standalone but you can get so much more enjoyment from the characters from reading the books in order. I was gifted a copy of this book.
Profile Image for Estelle Martinez.
78 reviews1 follower
September 12, 2015
Maryann Jordan has given us another amazing read. I was lucky enough to have gotten a copy from the author and she does not disappoint in her latest alpha male Jobe!

Mac is a social worker who's goal is to help young women make a better life for themselves. Providing a safe place to learn skills to be independent. She is total badass!

Jobe is former special forces and works for our guys at Alverez Security. He is the cool calm controlled one of the group but it's his past that made him need such control.

These two have a history that will pull at your heart strings but both are strong will individuals.

When local gangs come knocking on Mac's door it's the guys we have come to love in Maryann's previous books that show the bother good we love and look out for this women and her dream.

This book is about second chances, life choices and above all Love that can overcome everything

Get ready for your next five star read. I can not wait for the next book!
Profile Image for Marie Mckenney.
309 reviews3 followers
September 22, 2015
Another awesome book by Maryann.

Jobe and Makenna's early story was so sad when they split up. Jobe's emotional roller coaster before seeing Makenna's again was rough. After they split Makenna's life got rough also. When the two meet up again things start to get crazy. Love the emotions between them in this book and how they open up to each. Her current job makes him trying to keep her safe. She is so funny with some of the things that she does. Love the ending. The Alvarez security company is so awesome. Love all of them.
Profile Image for Kaitie.
1,053 reviews33 followers
September 25, 2015
Wow! Maryann Jordan did it again! She sure knows how to mix the right amount of suspense, romance, and the alpha male together to make one heck of a story! One thing is for sure she's got romantic suspense down to a T!!! I can't wait for more stories! I love me some alpha males with a soft side always there protecting their women!
Profile Image for Allison Connors.
153 reviews6 followers
September 21, 2015
Another Hot Alpha

I have been impatiently waiting for Jobe and he did not disappoint. He was a strong and sexy Alpha who still carried the scars from his past. He was tortured by his lost love. I love the Alvarez Security series. Each man was more intriguing than the last. They are so strong and protective. Perfect book boyfriend material.
Profile Image for Jana Gundy.
1,919 reviews17 followers
October 24, 2015
Loved every word!

Second chance love can be heart breaking and authors can drag it out but this one didn't! We get the background, we get the second time meeting and we get to see a great love flourish. Underlying their journey was the danger involving gangs and revenge. It was a great story with a great ending.
550 reviews2 followers
September 20, 2015
A good read

One thing I love about this series is that you get to see the couple develop in their relationship. I love characters who love easily and forgive easily. Looking forward to reading more from this author.
Profile Image for Pattisue Mulder.
26 reviews
September 21, 2015

Another lovely story. Great story line with interesting characters. Happy to see Jobe with a new outlook. Loved Penny. Would love to know Terrance, Doug and maybe Little Joe's stories...maybe in a novella? Thank you for creating lovable and human characters.
416 reviews
September 24, 2015
Great ending to this series

I couldn't wait to have Jobe story told he had helped his brothers get their happiness it was great to see him get his. Please read this series.
Profile Image for CA.
690 reviews3 followers
September 24, 2015
I had already read the other books in the series, this book made me cry in the beginning but thankfully had a happy ending.
Profile Image for Christy.
43 reviews14 followers
September 25, 2015
The Best!

I've read every book by Maryann Jordan and have loved them all, but I have to say Jobe is now my FAV of her books thus far. Absolutely could not put it down! A must read!
Profile Image for ~`*Ella Lee*`~.
546 reviews48 followers
October 5, 2015
Great finale to a great series.
Jobe finally got a 2nd chance with his true love.
The story was, while a little predictable, very sweet, definitely hot and enjoyable to read.
Profile Image for CarolKat.
2,278 reviews27 followers
February 13, 2019
I took a break after reading Vinny because I needed to know about Shane, Matt and BJ. The Love's Trilogy covers their stories and also how Tony and Sherrie meet. Now I'm caught up and Jobe is the last of the Alvarez series. At least up to this point.

At one point Jobe was with the one woman who made his life worth living, then an incident overseas causes him to break it off with her. Now home, and working with Alvarez Security, having undergone therapy which has helped his version of PTSD, he wants to find happiness. He just doesn't expect to find it, he never got over Mackenna.

Mackenna is now a social worker and friends with Gabe's wife Jennifer. Yet there hasn't been an occasion where Jobe and Mackenna would run into each other. Until now. As director of New Beginnings, a program that helps women and girls get away from gangs and hopefully prevent them from joining as well, she is tough, determined and underfunded.

When Jennifer realizes how little security Mac has at the New Beginnings house. She enlists Gabe to present it to Tony as a possible pro bono job.

Mackenna isn't quite sure how to react when she realizes Jobe is part of Alvarez Security and the drive by she was shaking a bat at didn't help at all.

After Jobe gets over the shock of seeing her, and discovers she's not taken, he's determined to win her back. They have a lot to reconcile and plenty of problems with regard to New Beginnings and the gangs the women left.

Many hold your breath scenes, laughter, and tears will keep you turning the pages.
I can't wait to see what's next!
Profile Image for Lisa Gibbs.
800 reviews2 followers
February 25, 2019
Jobe met Mackenzie while he was training to be a soldier. She was it for him. He deployed and they still communicated and she was planning their wedding for when he came home. Only one incident while on deployment shattered all of that and Jobe threw away his future with her and shredded her heart. He never forgot her but never looked he up when he got home either.

Mackenzie or Mac as her fellow social worker Jennifer Malloy calls her, gets into it when a gang called the Sixers stalk her home for female gang members who want to get out of the gang. She takes in the gang leaders pregnant girlfriend. And well things go bad from there.

Jennifer tells her husband Gabe and he enlists the help of Alvarez security. Jennifer is in the midst of disrespecting and threatening a car full of gang members with a bat when she is hauled up into the arms of the man who broke her heart years ago.

Jobe has to work hard to win her back. He seeks the advice of his friends but they usually go to him for advice. He works hard to win her back and even goes to talk to her mom who he finds out has had a stroke. He missed so much and learns just how much he hurt her. Can she forgive him and trust again?

I was sad to see the series end. It's always had when there are no more books to read a series that you love. Jobe's story is no different. I loved getting to know the men from Alvarez Security and the women who love them. These books are well written with action and romance and well sexy, hot alpha males who will do anything to protect there women.
674 reviews3 followers
March 4, 2020

This was a great read with a unique storyline. I liked Jobe in the other books in the series so was very glad to read his story. This book was filled with action and suspense. I liked how it was laid out with insights for us into the gang's plans and motivations. The love story between Makenna and Jobe was very tender and loving, passionate and sweet. I was so glad that the angst did not go on for chapter after chapter and that they found their way back to each other in such a lovely way. Just like all of Maryann Jordan's books the story was well rounded and featured many heartwarming instances of love, affection, support and caring between all the characters. I think that is one of the many reasons that once I started reading Maryann's books I keep coming back for more. She writes her characters with so much loving detail that you feel like they are real people and very easy to get invested in. This story was a great way to end the series with a wrap up of all the numerous growth over the years for the couples and it left me feeling contented and satisfied to know how happy they all turned out to be ..... I highly recommend this book and the whole series.... It is a winner!😁
Profile Image for Pet.
3,459 reviews8 followers
May 11, 2018
3.5 stars Second chance stories are the bane of my existence, I can't resist them, am drawn to them like catnip, and yet I have found very very few that satisfy me. A betrayal of trust is a massive massive thing, yes you can love someone despite betrayal, and yes having them apologize and explain their actions helps to scab over some of that open wound, but it does not mean that any human being is going to instantly trust that person again, we are not built like that. Trust needs to be built, and earned and it takes time, lots and lots of time.
So while I fully understand why Jobe did what he did, I get that he could not help himself and I even get why it took him 4 years to pull his head out his behind. I also get that she can forgive him, of course considering what he went through, but instantly trust him again? Nope, can't see that happening, that would take time, a lot of time. So I'm with the reviewers that thought Jobe and Mac needed to take the time to get to know each other again, not jump straight into a relationship and more!
Profile Image for Anna-Marie Buchner.
772 reviews5 followers
May 16, 2024
Wow I got that wrong.

Jobe's read was awesome. Matt and Shane need Alvarez's help with a major gang problem they are having in their town. Remember Jennifer is a social worker and when her friend Mackenzie tells her about the drive byes and how she needs to keep her woman safe but it's just in the budget that's when Jennifer offers up her husband Gage and Alvarez Security. When Jennifer sets up the meeting for Alvarez to evaluate what Mackenzie will need she gets more than she bargains for. Coming face to face with her ex lets just say OMG awkward. Aren't 2nd chances the best.

Mackenzie takes in a woman who is pregnant by one of the gang leaders which puts a target on her and Gabby. Jobe is going out of his mind. He feels himself losing control BUT with all the counseling and his training he reins himself back in. Great read. Great ending but I have to say I got something so wrong. I thought Rose was feeding the gang information. NOT. You have to read this book.
Profile Image for Dawn Cruikshank.
1,005 reviews4 followers
April 15, 2018

OMG! This is an intriguing story of second chances. Move thought he lost his chance with the love of his life but once he explained how things went with him, McKenna forgave him. Move was truly grateful that he got a second chance with her. Once they found out she was pregnant, things started to move fast. They got married. There was still the threat of the gangs but was the immediate threat was neutralized, they were able to move the center to a better location and McKenna stuck to her promise to give up the administrator of the center and just be a counselor to the women at the center and gave birth to their first child. The ending was perfect having all of the main core group of Alvarez Securities at a picnic with all of their children playing. FANTASTIC job Maryann with this series. I would recommend this book and series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 130 reviews

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