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The Paper Bag Christmas

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978-1-59995-073-0 This is an alternate cover edition.

150 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2006

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About the author

Kevin Alan Milne

16 books149 followers
Kevin Milne was born in 1973 and grew up in Sherwood, Oregon, a quiet country town south of Portland. He earned a diploma from Sherwood High school in 1991, in a graduating class of fewer than one hundred students.

In college, after studying such varied fields as film, journalism, communications, pre-dentistry, pre-law, and German, Milne eventually earned a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology from Brigham Young University. One of the few things he didn’t study as an undergrad was business, which, ironically, is what he chose to pursue in graduate school, earning an MBA at Penn State University in 2000.

Today, Kevin is a business professional by day, an author by night, and a husband and father around the clock. He and his wife, Rebecca, were married in Washington DC in 1995. They have five children.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 640 reviews
Profile Image for Camie.
950 reviews226 followers
December 19, 2016
I read a few books like this as part of my Christmas traditions each year. This is a heartwarming story about two young brothers who spend the holiday season helping out in a children's hospital and learn a lot about the true spirit of Christmas. 4 stars
Profile Image for Laura.
592 reviews120 followers
January 17, 2018
Sweet, heart warming read that made me all misty-eyed at the end. I would highly recommend this to fans of Donna VanLiere and Richard Paul Evans.
Profile Image for Melissa (Trying to Catch Up).
4,904 reviews2,686 followers
May 16, 2019
One of my favorite Christmas stories, it speaks about giving of yourself rather than giving material things. Such a beautiful tale to re-read each holiday season in order to remember.
Profile Image for Tatiana.
1,029 reviews74 followers
December 13, 2016
«Рождественский мешок» - это история девятилетнего мальчика, по имени Алана, который вместе со старшим братом Аароном и родителями, после Дня Благодарения отправляются в молл на встречу с Санта Клаусом. В свои девять лет Алан еще не растерял наивности и веры в волшебство. При встречи мальчики передают Санте листочки со списками подарков, которые они хотели бы получить, но Санта вместо игрушек предлагает мальчик что-то такое, что намного лучше игрушек... Поездка вместе Сантой (а.к.а. доктором Ранглом) в детское онкологическое отделение обернется для двух братьев настоящим рождественским чудом.

Это книга-сказка. Я бы посоветовала ее как взрослым, так и детям. Потрясающая история, которая заставит вас плакать и улыбаться, которая подарить веру в чудо и покажется вам обыденный праздник совершенно с другой стороны. Милн пишет так просто, но при этом невероятно душевно. Ему удаётся задеть глубокие струны души, как опытный дирижер автор сможет перевернут ваше сердце вверх тормашками и вернут его на место. И это всего за каких то 200 страниц , которые я прочитала чуть больше чем за час. Настоятельно рекомендую к прочтению!!!
Profile Image for Monica H (TeaandBooks).
763 reviews69 followers
October 2, 2017
When Molar Alan and his older brother, Aaron, visit Santa at the mall, they get a few surprises. First of all, after waiting and waiting for Santa while filling out lengthy want lists, Santa informs them that they won't be getting anything on their lists. Rather, they will "receive everything they never wanted." Santa, also known as Dr. Chris Ringle, a pediatric oncologist, enlists the boys to help as elves in the children's ward of the hospital. Molar and Aaron had never spent time in the children's ward before. Dr. Ringle asks Aaron to befriend a boy named Madhu and Molar to befriend a girl named Katrina as special assignments. From there, the kids share a few adventures together in the hospital that bring out the real spirit of Christmas in everyone.

The Paper Bag Christmas brightened my day when I read it even though it is a couple of months before Christmas. It is a heartwarming tale that would be fun to read either alone for your own enjoyment, or out loud as a family during the holidays. My family has a few Christmas books that we read aloud together every year and this one will be added to our family pile. I think The Paper Bag Christmas is a good reminder to readers of all ages what the true meaning of Christmas is. No spoilers here but you may want to have your tissues handy for the ending too.

I received The Paper Bag Christmas from Center Street/Hachette Book Group. I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for the book.
Profile Image for Sandra Nedopričljivica.
718 reviews76 followers
December 27, 2019
"I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year" (Charles Dickens)

Christmas spirit is everywhere - in helping, loving and caring for each other.

"Sorry Mo, I didn't hear anything. But Christmas magic is silent. You don't hear it - you feel it, you know it, you believe it."
Profile Image for Lori Henrich.
1,082 reviews81 followers
February 22, 2015
I loved this!!!! It was heartwarming and shares what the Christmas season is supposed to be about.

Aaron and Molar were busy eating leftover turkey sandwiches when their dad hurried them along so that they could go to the mall and see Santa. Both boys are shocked because they really didn't believe in Santa anymore, and their dad sounded excited about getting to the mall. Upon arrival the boys get in line and are given a piece of paper to write down all of the things they wanted to receive for Christmas. Both boys filled the paper front and back. They were the next to see Santa when the lunch break was called. It would be 2 hours before Santa would return. They decide to sneak into Santa's shack and look around since no one was around. They didn't realize that Santa was still there. Santa motions for them to come in and promises them a very special gift if they help him with something. It is "a gift they never knew they wanted". The boys accept the offer. They never knew that the next few weeks would change their lives forever.

This is a must read if you like Christmas stories and even if you don't.

Loved It!!!!
Profile Image for Mark.
2,015 reviews46 followers
November 27, 2017
I am not big on Santa, so I was a bit dubious about this book. To my surprise, it was not at all what I was expecting.

Though this book is fiction, I found it to be a very touching story. I laughed through the hospital Christmas pageant, and found myself crying as two very different kids gave their own unique Christmas gifts to God. The book definitely had its sad moments, yet the message of the reason for Christmas comes through in the end and there are enough high points in the book to make the book a great read. I am highly recommending it.
4 reviews1 follower
December 18, 2008
This was written by our friend Kevin Milne. This is a great story that everyone will love. I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Nadine Keels.
Author 44 books202 followers
August 23, 2024
Admittedly, I don't reach for a ton of fiction involving this particular subject for Christmas. I remember when YA "Sick Lit" was a pretty big thing among young people back in my adolescence, when reading novels about teens with deadly diseases—especially cancer—was a trendy, morbidly romantic kind of thing.

Because featuring sick children in holiday tales is another trend, I have to be in the right mindset to read a book like this, as I'm not looking to view childhood disease like popular fodder for easy holiday inspiration.

I hope that makes sense. Because I do believe that sick children deserve to have happy Christmases just as much as children in good health.

With that in mind, something I appreciate about this Christmas story is that it illustrates how simply being, say, a sick child, or being a healthcare professional, or being a professing Christian, or being a celebrator of Christmas doesn't automatically make a person wise, kind, or compassionate. No matter a person's position or circumstances, good character has to be developed.

Something else I appreciate about this story? The moments of comedy. And, hey, I don't care if young Mo got it "wrong" in referring to "the three wise guys!" bringing gifts to Jesus. I imagine that now I'll take to calling them The Wise Guys myself from time to time.

Now, unsurprisingly, certain aspects of this story are predictable and/or likely stereotypical, while some of the children's dialogue (including some of nine-year-old Mo's) sounds unrealistic for their ages, like someone put adult wording in their mouths. I also think the ending could have used maybe one less piece of amazingly good fortune (in order to steer clear of outright schmaltz). And on a technical note, the writing is a bit lax in the area of proper punctuation, particularly where there should be commas when the characters address each other by name or noun.

Nevertheless, this story brought me some laughter and a few tears as it portrayed the enduring worth of friendship and family. And for many people reading a tale like this, may kindness and compassion be/become more than a (seasonal) trend but a way of life. Stemming from character.
Profile Image for Melanie.
530 reviews3 followers
November 22, 2020
The only gift is a portion of thyself. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I think the reason I like to read Christmas novels is to capture the spirit of Christmas in my heart. This novel does that spectacularly. No spoilers here. But reading this warmed my heart and brought so many tears to my eyes. Each chapter begins with a familiar Christmas quote and even reading them brought back so many memories of other cherished Christmas reads. I highly recommend this book if you are looking to invite the spirit of Christmas into your heart.
Profile Image for Joshua Wilson.
60 reviews1 follower
April 27, 2024
Not a book I'd normally read but I'm glad I did the once. It's hard for me to be objective. This isn't my type of story. I want to complain that I predicted everything before it happened but then I realize that's not the purpose of the story. I'm 24 reading a kids book lol. I should be able to predict things lol.

It's meant to be a schmaltzy, warm, cozy Christmas story. While those stories aren't my thing, I'm happy that if I only read one, it's this one. If you like these stories, then I think you'll love this one.
Profile Image for Dawn.
841 reviews42 followers
January 5, 2018
An emotional and thought provoking story to end my season of Christmas themed books. This story really makes you think about the true meaning of Christmas and it is not all about the gifts given and received. Sometimes a gift given is not a purchased item. This story is a perfect idea for people to do with their children that may be at the point where they no longer believe in Santa or think they deserve everything they asked for. Sometimes we all need to take a step back and see what truly is important in life.
Profile Image for Natasha.
469 reviews
December 8, 2023
Sweet story. Very touching. Yes, I cried. A good one to get into the Christmas Spirit.
16 reviews
December 28, 2021
I listened to the audio book as I decorated cookies. It was a great feel good story for Christmas.
Profile Image for Linda.
1,699 reviews1 follower
December 9, 2020
A heartwarming book beautifully written. It’s about the magic of Christmas, and understanding it’s more blessed to give than to receive. I love reading books like this in December.
Profile Image for Audrey.
639 reviews8 followers
December 27, 2010
This is one of those stories that is meant to be read while holding a steaming mug of hot chocolate and curled up on a comfortable couch in front of the fireplace.

Mo(lar) and Aaron Alan are two ordinary boys who, thanks to a little trick played by their father, which starts with them deflating the legs of an apparently legless father and ends with them volunteering in the children's ward of a hospital for the Christmas season, have the opportunity to experience their first "real" Christmas at a very young age. They learn to see past the commercialization (don't we all need to do that) and discover the true spirit of Christmas, of giving, of love, and of acceptance.

Both Alan and Molar are charged with befriending some of the more difficult patients, and their charges end up touching their lives in an extraordinary way, as was forseen by Dr. Ringle. Dr. Ringle is the doctor in the children's ward, and if you ask me, there's no doubt in my mind that he's the real Santa Clause. What's so beautiful about this story, though, is that as the children grow and begin to learn the true spirit of Christmas, they help the patients learn to accept their terminal illnesses and see that, no matter what your position in life, friendship is priceless.

It's hard to say more about the book than that without giving anything away. This is a short, cute book that really helps the reader to remember the importance of Christmas and the joy of giving while expecting nothing in return. It reminds us, as cheesy as this is to say, of the true Spirit of Christmas. If you love Christmas, read this - I promise you won't be disappointed.

Profile Image for Miriam.
Author 2 books233 followers
November 23, 2008
I did not expect to like this book, but I read it in an evening and found it both moving, touching and inspiring. Really made me remember what the holiday season is all about.
9 reviews
December 2, 2008
This is probably the best Christmas book I have ever read! I strongly suggest you read this book! It made me cry the last couple of pages, but the rest of the book you will laugh out loud!
Profile Image for Kathy.
38 reviews4 followers
December 16, 2013
A wonderful read. One of the best I've read. Really shows the true meaning of Christmas. Warning: a tear jerker.
Profile Image for Shayne Bauer.
205 reviews6 followers
May 22, 2016
One of my students recommended this book to me. It is the perfect "feel good" holiday book. I ended up purchasing a copy as a gift for a family member. Be sure to have tissues for the ending!
Profile Image for Winnie.
35 reviews2 followers
December 12, 2023
everyone go out right now, but this book, then read it to your family. This book is absolutely beautiful in every way! the story, the characters, the lesson… i can’t even explain it
202 reviews13 followers
December 7, 2018
Oh, what a beautiful story of the true meaning of Christmas! It made me chuckle and also cry tears of sadness and joy all at the same time. I know I'll be reading this over and over again every Christmas.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 640 reviews

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