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No Compromise: The Life Story of Keith Green

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Longtime fans and new listeners can experience the impact of Keith’s character, courage, and commitment in this revised and expanded testimony of his extraordinary life. Who better to tell Keith Green’s story than the woman who shared his life and mission—his wife, Melody. At the time Keith and two of their children were killed in a tragic plane crash, Melody was pregnant and had a one–year–old child at home. She inherited Keith’s musical legacy of published and unpublished songs and his private journals, which she has put together in this extremely personal biography of Keith.

392 pages, Paperback

First published September 28, 1989

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About the author

Melody Green

28 books25 followers
Melody Green is a songwriter, musician, counselor, author, chaplain, and activist. Born into a Jewish family, she became a Christian in 1975 and wrote a number of songs which her husband Keith Green performed, including "Make My Life a Prayer to You" and "There is a Redeemer."
They bought a ranch in Texas and began Last Days Ministries in 1979. Melody has since then been the editor and a writer for Last Days Ministries Magazine.
In 1982 Keith died in a plane crash, along with two of their children.
In 1985 Melody founded Americans Against Abortion, and since has distributed over 20 million copies of her tract "Children...Things We Throw Away?"
She resides in Hollywood, CA, and continues to speak. She may be reached with inquiries at: [email protected]

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Profile Image for Natalie Vellacott.
Author 16 books925 followers
July 18, 2020
This was one of the first books I read after becoming a Christian and I wanted to see how my perspective has changed over the last fifteen years or so.

Keith Green was a young musician who became a Christian, with his wife, after a long journey of seeking the truth about life in New Age and other spiritual experiences. They lived communally with many others and tried to share the Gospel with everyone they met. They were naïve and sometimes reckless which is highlighted in the book.

I enjoyed re-reading this account of Keith's life from the perspective of his wife, Melody. I don't endorse the various charismatic experiences detailed or the need for them as part of the Christian life. I felt quite sad reading how Melody felt that she must have the same supernatural experiences as Keith to be quite sure she was saved. I hope others won't feel that these experiences are necessary and that greater discernment will be applied in assessing where these things originate.

Worthwhile read.
Profile Image for Jason Hackwith.
8 reviews35 followers
January 13, 2013
Other than the Bible (of course), this is one of the most life-changing books I have ever read... and reread... and reread. I've gone through ten or 12 copies because I always seem to be giving them to friends. This is the biography of a remarkable man, written by his widow, with excerpts from his journal. The simple yet unbelievably profound explanation for Keith Green is that he tried to be like Christ. No, he wasn't at all perfect, but he just wanted to be like Jesus. On the surface of things, that doesn't seem all that remarkable, but it really means so much. Keith was madly in love with his Savior, and this showed in everything he wrote and sang. He spoke out against a lukewarm Church, boldly gave the missions call, and discovered Grace more amazing than any song could ever tell. Please, read this book.
Profile Image for Benjamin.
3 reviews1 follower
March 22, 2012
No book other than the bible has ever changed my life the way this has. To see the irresistible way Keith and Melody Green have walked and seeing their transformation through God is amazing. And what's most compelling to me is: Love. This book is full of love and speaks of the love God has for every one of us. That's also the big reason why this book played a key role in God winning me back at a time I thought I was done with him.
Profile Image for Kathleen L. Maher.
Author 10 books92 followers
July 20, 2009
This is the story of authentic Christianity--one that few see, and fewer live. Keith Green began his spiritual quest as a '60's hippie musician and searched out drugs, free love, perfectionist musical performance, and eastern mysticism before encountering the Living God. He managed to escape the Christian dogmatism of church indoctrination, and learned the Word of God by *gasp* reading it for himself. He and his wife Melody, co-author of the book, lived the sort of life that took Jesus literally, as in giving away your shirt and your cloke also, and feeding the poor and housing the homeless--in their own homes.
Keith was a prophet, calling a back-slidden and lukewarm church to repentance. He did nothing half-way and his lyrics and music resonate with the unusual passion of this man. This is the story of his life, told by the one who walked step by step of it with him until his last tragic plane flight.
For anyone who ever wondered what true Christianity looks like, this is a must-read.
Profile Image for David.
13 reviews4 followers
August 14, 2012
I've always been a big fan of Keith Green and especially love the story of his life. Melody Green did an excellent job telling the story and this will always be one of my most favorite books. It's a glimpse into the life of a real person with an extraordinary faith, but who didn't keep it to himself as some kind of mystic. Keith lived it out with sincerity and invited everyone in for the journey. His mistakes and triumphs matched with his humility and passion for God show us that it is completely possible to live without compromise as we walk in the grace of God.

One of the elements of Keith's life and ministry that I continue to find encouraging and compelling was his determination to present ministry without charge! This remains a striking challenge that most in today's so-called Church are still not heeding (and would rather sweep aside and ignore). Some write this off as a "radical tendency" he had that was unrealistic and over-zealous, yet few are willing to sincerely consider and acknowledge the fact that Keith's decision in this regard aligns perfectly with the New Testament and especially the character and example of Jesus who, himself, said: "Freely you have received, now freely give."

The story of Keith's life and music remains an incredible inspiration for so many, including myself. He was indeed just a regular guy, trying to work out life in connection with his faith, but he demonstrated an extraordinary passion for truth, love and relationship with God that is as compelling as it is convicting!

This new edition is nicely put together. It has a contemporary look and maintains the readable print size of the original. There are more pics in this one too, which is great! I'm just now reading through it again and haven't been able to pick out the added sections yet, which I think is probably good; they are blended well into the new edition.

My original concern was that this "updated" version might make subtle attempts to slant the story a bit with a modern influence. So far, that does not appear to be the case. I was concerned about this because the book features new endorsement by Mike Bickle of the Kansas City prophetic movement; which embraces some concerning doctrines and bizarre beliefs (including a view of ministry that is quite contrary to the mindset that Keith demonstrated in his own life). I'm sure this new endorsement is added because of Melody's favorable connection with some of the people in this movement and I'm sure her intentions are good... It simply led me to be more cautious in the review of this edition (and, as I said before, I am still reviewing it and, so far, it seems to be untainted).

Despite my arguably minor concerns I am really happy to see this great book still in print and I pray it remains so for years to come.
Profile Image for Bridget.
199 reviews22 followers
January 10, 2019
I was basically raised on Keith Green's music, and still love it to this day, so I was very excited to read this book. I knew the basic outline of his story, but there were so many pieces that I didn't know. I learned a lot about his spiritual journey and how he found the Lord, as well as details about his years doing music ministry. It was also fun to read the stories behind all the songs! And yes, I cried at the end, even though I knew it was coming.

But this book is more than just a biography. It challenged me in so many ways. Keith was such an intense person in everything, especially his faith. Watching him learn and struggle and grow in his new relationship with Jesus made me look at some things as if I was hearing it for the first time. Keith's message was direct and often uncomfortable, but true- we are called to follow Jesus with everything we are, no compromise.

If you like books about real, raw spiritual journeys, or books about music and ministry, I would highly recommend this one to you, as well as listening to Keith Green's music!
Profile Image for Tarah Lewis .
44 reviews2 followers
December 27, 2020
I loved this even more the second time. I'm thankful to have Keith and Melody's example - especially in their brutal honesty in prayer. It's encouraging to see how some of our favorite songs were written and how God can use flawed people for His good.
Profile Image for Simon K.
5 reviews
March 27, 2023
A review? When did this happen??

After having just read another Christian biography about the 70s I was a bit skeptical, thought I’d be tired of that narrative - am I glad I read this. Melody Green recounts a compelling story of her and Keith working through drug culture and Christian hypocrisy to become a wildly obedient and faithful ministry to anyone they came into contact with. It was encouraging to read just what can (and did happen) through simple obedience to the Lord, but one of the book’s biggest strengths is how it doesn’t shy away from their mistakes. Both fail over and over and Melody digs into the dirt in order to further expose how God worked through their repeated failure. No compromise as a theme hits right at home in the present day as it did back then, and Keith’s life takes a solid dive into juggling culture, condemnation, and combatting that with radical love. This book includes all of the feels, and necessary reminders in each chapter. Would recommend a lot!
Profile Image for Sarah.
Author 44 books456 followers
October 15, 2022
Age Appropriate For: 16 and up (drug use, promiscuous lifestyles, and many false doctrines are discussed all in a negative light)
Best for Ages: 18 and up

Let me start this review by explaining how I come into reading biographies. My star ratings do not often reflect the percentage of which I agree or disagree with their person's personal philosophy. There are many things I disagree with Keith Green on when it comes to theology, but this book was not a theology book, this was telling his story.

I grew up listening to Keith Green music in my home. We listened to quite a bit of music from this era of Christian music. I’ve been curious about this book for many years and was surprised and pleased that my library had the book I checked it out and devoured this huge book in two days.
Melody Green is a gifted writer who shared her heart across these pages. She was very honest in her sharing, without going into unnecessary detail about some of the sins she and Keith were involved in. On the other hand, I appreciated that she didn’t whitewash her past or Keith’s. She shared openly and honestly about their struggles, faults, and even some of the big mistakes that were made after they came to Christ.

Green’s story is one of a broken person who chose to live radically for Jesus. He may have been a believer for only the last four years of his life, but he lived with passion. He was devoted to what he felt Jesus wanted him to do, even when others weren’t supportive. His whole-hearted devotion and passion were inspiring.

I don’t agree with some of the charismatic leanings in this book, and I think this book also showed why such teaching is often detrimental. I was so sad at the point in the book when Melody wasn’t having the same experience some others were having, so she felt like she was missing out. She went through so much to have an experience. I felt like this part of the book could be a great way to have discussions about some of the pitfalls of charismatic theology. I know it sparked some great ones with my husband and me. We both grew up with many people around us who were charismatic and others who cessationists. We don’t fit squarely in either camp, so it’s nice to read books like this and have discussions and, of course, go back to the Bible to learn more.

While there were several things I personally disagreed with the Greens on, I also kept in mind this was a man in his twenties whom God used to do great things and who lived with a passion for Jesus. His music continues to bring people to the throne of God in worship. I hope this inspires more people to remember that we aren’t guaranteed a certain number of years, but we can make an impact for the kingdom in how ever many years God gives us.
Personally, my biggest takeaway from this book was to be inspired to live with an undivided heart for Jesus, no matter what He calls me to do.

I highly recommend this book for those who enjoy learning about 80s Christian music, Christian biographies, or just want to be inspired to live fully for Jesus.
Profile Image for Cynthia Egbert.
2,410 reviews32 followers
October 1, 2011
I really loved this book. It was not easy for me to read, in some ways. For one, I knew the ending and I knew I did not want to face it. I also struggled because I understood so much of what Keith Green was struggling with and I just wanted to sit down and talk to him and compare notes! This man truly turned his life over to the Lord and the music that he created along that path is beyond beautiful. I appreciated his widow's very honest and open approach to telling his story. So often it is difficult to be honest about the dead. We tend to idolize them. She did not do this, in this biography. She let us see the very real man that was Keith Green. I recommend Keith Green's music WHOLEHEARTEDLY and I also recommend this book and the inspiration to go forth and do go that it offers.
November 7, 2023
I have so many thoughts and feelings after reading this book. The thing that stood out to me the most was the growth in Keith’s life, as he grew in Christ.

He became a Christian when he was 21 and wrestled with his human flaws and sins, but as he got older his love and devotion to Christ were evident. As each page turned, I saw the work of God in his life, humbling him, moulding him and changing him. Sometimes painful, sometimes hopeful, and always rewarding.

Keith was a singer/songwriter and spoke God’s Word to his audience. His songs were filled with longing and love for Christ. My favourite has always been…

“Oh, Lord, You're beautiful
Your face is all I seek
For when Your eyes are on this child
Your love abounds to me”

This book also confirmed my concerns about the Christian music industry. Many of Keith’s worries and concerns have come to pass. The love of money and fame within the industry are abounding, as well as the lack of standing for Christ. (not to mention the many CCM artists that have turned away from the Lord and His ways) I believe Keith would be grieved immensely if he were still here.

I loved what Keith said near the end of his life, when he realized he was not a ‘special’ prophet as so many had tried to label him…

“So many people told me I was a prophet over the years. I believed they must be right.

It’s not that I no longer believe I’m called to do that. It’s just that now I see that every believer is called to do that.

I’m not called to be a prophet. I’m called to be a Christian, a servant of the living God! That is the highest calling anyone can realize.”

Keith knew who he was, a servant of the living God, and he wanted all Christians to know they were too. No one is more or less in the eyes of God.

Keith passed away in a plane crash at the age of 28. Such a young life, yet such an impactful life. He was truly a man after God’s own heart.
Profile Image for Nancy.
2,275 reviews56 followers
February 23, 2023
Read before Good Reads. Inspiring.
Feb 2023 Lord~You are beautiful. Your face is all I see. And when Your eyes are on this child. Your grace abounds to me.
Make my life a prayer to You. ….
I think the Jesus Revolution had big impact on KG’s life.
Profile Image for Gina.
80 reviews2 followers
July 15, 2014
I loved Keith Green! When I was a teen, I went to one of his concerts, and loved it. After the concert, I went to his album table, and stared admiring the newest album. He actually came out to the table to talk to the guy working it. I asked the guy how much the album was. He told me, and I thanked him and told him I didn't have that much money. I think I only had two or three dollars. Keith overheard and said, "Go ahead and give it to her." Keith was just that kind of guy. He didn't believe in "selling" the gospel. I dare you to get through this book without having a deeper desire to follow Jesus!
Profile Image for Christina.
1,240 reviews
May 24, 2011
I love this book- it's an amazing story of one of the pioneers of contemporary Christian music. Keith Green's legacy reflects his radical faith in Christ and what God can go through a heart sold out to Him. His music and lyrics are timeless worship. Most amazing is this story is written by Melody after Keith's tragic and early death. Her perspective, along with entries from his journal are very detailed. I first read this story over 15 years ago, and plan to re-read it soon.
Profile Image for Rob Tiedemann.
64 reviews1 follower
December 17, 2015
I've been finding recently that I enjoy biographical pieces and to get around to reading about Keith Green was quite a pleasure. Getting such an intimate look at Keith's life is eye-opening as it covers a lot of details about the struggle of faith that I feel a lot of biographies of conversions tend to gloss over.
Profile Image for Demetrius Rogers.
416 reviews73 followers
October 9, 2022
Keith Green was a flame that flickered for a little while and we still feel the heat from his all too short life. This book will give you an appreciation for his music. A beautiful man this guy was. An intense love for Jesus.
Profile Image for Deborah.
3 reviews4 followers
September 2, 2012
Very convicting book about a man out and out for Jesus...even if you come down different on doctrine and particulars of holy living...this guy lived what he believed!
Profile Image for Elizabeth Theobald.
2 reviews1 follower
December 22, 2014

I loved his music as a young Christian and was heartbroken when God took him home. His story will challenge all Christians. Awesome book!
Profile Image for Renée.
356 reviews
January 10, 2024
Not quite what I was expecting and very long-winded.

This is the story of the late musician Keith Green, written by his wife Melody. It starts when they first meet, before they became Christians and tells the story of their journey into faith and all the way through to Keith’s untimely death at 28 years old.

I enjoyed a lot of the music history, but everything else was hard to get through. Keith and Melody became really “holier than thou” as soon as they became Christians. At least that’s how the book made it sound. Are they really surprised the church is full of sinners? Mere pages ago they were still hippy drug addicts themselves, so why are they judging everyone around them for their imperfections? Maybe it’s a generational gap thing…or maybe it was the zeal of youth…but it just wasn’t enjoyable to read their constant criticism. It made Keith and Melody sound like horribly judgmental folks, which I’m hoping they were not.

I watched the “The Jesus Music” documentary halfway into reading this and it helped me get a bit of context. The sixties and seventies were just a very different time. The whole rise of Jesus Music is really cool though. And his fellow musicians seemed to all really respect Keith and his music touched a lot of people, so he was doing something right. It’s sad that he tragically died so young and alongside two of his kids.

If you are curious about his story I would recommend skipping the book and instead give his Wikipedia page a quick glance before diving into his music. That’s where his legacy is truly found.
Profile Image for Matthew.
49 reviews
June 23, 2020
I loved this book! Although not written very well (grammar errors, bad sentences, etc.), the story/message is so good that I give it 5 stars.
This book was quite raw--but that's what I loved. Melody Green is extremely open and transparent in recounting Keith's life. She tells it as it was. In doing so, she pushes the reader towards God (rather than to Keith's greatness). "No Compromise" was relatable and convicting--at least for me. I highly recommend it :)
Profile Image for Evelyn  Lilyana.
217 reviews8 followers
March 7, 2022
This is my 3rd time reading this biography and oh my goodness it still convicts me to the core. This is easily one of my top 5 favorite books of all time.

The legacy Keith Green left behind was so powerful and so anointed that it touches us, a generation born years after his death. I wish I had been alive during his time when he had those spirit-led, powerful concerts. He was the kind of person I wish I had known because I know his passion and zeal for the Lord would have encouraged me tremendously in my walk of faith.

Keith's no compromise kind of faith, boldness for the Truth, strong conviction, humility, and child-like faith challenges me and pushes me to seek a deeper relationship with God.

I listen to his music almost daily and can always feel the spirit of God move and break me wherever I am, even in the car.

Profile Image for Micaela Rojas.
16 reviews
April 9, 2019
It's hard for me to find the words to sum up how much this book has meant to me. Growing up listening and dancing to his music, Keith Green has always held a warm place in my heart. After reading this book, my Respect for him has grown significantly. His passion for the Word of God and love for Jesus is compelling. His hatred of luke-warm, passive Christianity was convicting. Sometimes I wonder about Christian artists and their authenticity...Keith seemed to be the real deal. He practiced what he preached. I will be processing this book for a long time and plan to read it again. Can't wait to meet this man in Heaven someday!
Profile Image for Josh Skaggs.
125 reviews7 followers
September 24, 2016
Keith Green's life convicts and inspires. There's something special about a person who doesn't compromise, who still has rough edges that haven't been filed down.

Melody's prose is more flowery (with more exclamation points!) than anything I'd normally read, but if you can settle into her voice it's a pleasure to see Keith through the eyes of his wife. There's no objective biographer here; it's Melody's closeness to her subject that carries the narrative impact.
56 reviews
January 29, 2018
No Compromise is the biography of Keith Green written by his wife, Melody. The book spans his early life, musical career, path to Christianity, marriage, family, and untimely death at the young age of 28. As a college student, I was greatly influenced by Keith's music. I hoped No Compromise would reveal the inspiration for the songs I love. I was not disappointed.

No Compromise is very engaging and a quick read. I found myself contemplating what I read throughout the day and looked forward to reading it at every opportunity. Maybe this was the result of already being emotionally invested in the music, or simply because it recalled a positive time in my life. Whatever the reason, I was as pleased with and drawn to the honestly of Keith's life as I had been to the honesty of his music.

Keith was a "spiritual/philosopher/seeker" even as a teenager. While experimenting with sex, drugs, and music to satisfy his ongoing quest for truth, he began a relationship with Melody. Together, they investigated any spiritual or faith claim or religion. I will let the biography fill you in on the path and people God used to open doors and answer questions. However, the story illustrates that God remains eager to connect a sincere seeker with an obedient witness.

After surrendering completely to Jesus, Keith's innocent, child-like faith dramatically changed his life. He embraced Christianity not as behavior modification but as heart transformation. In a prophetic way, he challenged the staid, comfortable Christianity of his day. Though sometimes controversial in his ideas or seemingly harsh in his delivery, he nevertheless spoke from a loving heart and personally lived with an incessant determination to obediently follow God's leading. He realized the depravity from which he had been saved and responded with matching zeal. He strove to jolt "religious" Christians out of their complacency while pleading with the unsaved to join him in enjoying the goodness of God as His dearly-loved child.

The book is a wonderful chronicle of Keith's spiritual journey. After his salvation, I was struck by his continual passion to emulate Jesus which was evident, for example, in his teachable and humble spirit. He desired and accepted instruction, correction, and rebuke, and allowed God to temper his energy and drive in order to be a more effective ambassador of Truth.

Keith's message and music had an important impact on my Christian life during and after college. I recently picked up The Ministry Years, Volume 1, a 2-disc CD of best songs from 1977-1979, and was joyfully transported back to the early 80's (which evoked my desire to learn more about his life through this book). Thirty-plus years later, Keith's songs and (God's) message are still relevant and convicting.
Profile Image for Shala Reads.
12 reviews
January 18, 2021
I really enjoyed reading Keith's biography, I learned many things about his walk that I had no idea about before reading this book (especially learning about how passionately Keith searched for meaning in life in many different places and religions before finding God).

I finished this book feeling as though I knew Melody and Keith personally. Tears rolled down my cheeks when I read about how Keith and the other people perished in the crash; that only happens when I have felt I have known and appreciated the person I have read about. I am grateful for how honest Melody was in telling Keith and hers' stories; she was transparent about the mistakes that her and Keith had made in their walks, and this encouraged me because it showed a realistic account of a Christian's walk following God. I loved hearing about the special ways God revealed himself to Keith and Melody.
Profile Image for Amanda Tranmer.
135 reviews11 followers
August 20, 2021
Keith Green started his ministry years around the time that I was born. His songs were woven into my childhood. I experienced the power of His testimony before I really understood it through his lyrics and passion and through the influence I saw him have on my parents. I have been decades hesitating to read his story because I know the end of it. I think the Lord was saving it for this season of my life. I needed this fire lit under me right now. The Lord of 1978 is the same Lord of 2021. And He still calls us to a life of no compromise and still covers us in His grace.
Profile Image for Denise.
24 reviews2 followers
August 20, 2018
Having enjoyed Keith Green's music for over 30 years now, it was nice to read his biography, and get to know more about him, his wife Melody, family and friends. I think my favorite thing about this book though, besides what I mentioned, is that my husband read it with me. I highly recommend this book, especially if you like Keith Green's music.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 333 reviews

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