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Moments in Time #4

Moment Of Silence

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A Moments In Time Novel

Growing up, Jason Stern led a charmed life complete with devoted sisters, a father who was one of Brooklyn’s most respected rabbis, and a mother who made the world's best babka. He headed to NYU ready for anything—except falling for the wrong guy, coming out, and getting disowned by his once-loving family. In spite of that, Jason managed to graduate with honors. He's got friends who treat him like family, and he's proudly running the largest LGBTQ teen shelter in Manhattan. Life is good, but he's still falling for the wrong men.

When charming, sexy Quinn Fitzpatrick begins work at the shelter, Jason falls hard and fast. Quinn is tall, blond, funny—damn near perfect. Only if Quinn’s gay, even he doesn't seem to know it. If he does, he's not telling anyone. And he's about one ceremony away from becoming a Catholic priest.

Long hours of work turn to long nights of talking and laughter, and Jason dares to hope this time he's falling for the right guy. But Quinn's got a past to deal with and major decisions to make about his future. When Quinn leaves for a silent retreat, Jason knows the silence may change everything.

230 pages, ebook

First published December 18, 2015

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About the author

Karen Stivali

41 books358 followers
Karen Stivali is a prolific writer, compulsive baker, and chocoholic with a penchant for books, movies, and fictional British men.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 126 reviews
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,259 reviews261 followers
December 15, 2015

I have mixed feelings about this book. While there some amazing moments there were some looow points as well. I found the first 30%of this book dull. The story is only told from Jason's POV and at the beginning, I felt as if there was more telling than showing and I wasn't feeling the chemistry between Jason and Quinn. I think if the story had been written from an alternating dual POV it would've strengthened the story, it would've shown the sexual tension they were feeling towards each other. The first 30% it all felt one-sided.

After 30%, the book took a turn. We were shown more on page time between Jason and Quinn. There were stares and secret glances. Feelings started to grow. I adored the book from this point to about 64%. It was sweet and sexy. Jason's patience and Quinn's take charge attitude- they fit perfect together.

Then something terrible happens to one of Jason's loved ones. I won't go into specifics because it's a major plot point. I will say what happened-- it's such a cliche story line. To me at least. Maybe it's because I've been reading romance for half my life, and I'm immune to that kind of life event/tragedy- in books. I know I'm very vague, I'm sorry- I just don't want to ruin it for future readers. Anyway, this ruined some of the momentum the book had gained.

Everything after this point I enjoyed. There was heartbreak, hope, and happiness. Overall, it was a great story about family, loyalty, and being true to yourself. I believed in their HEA. The end was emotionally satisfying.

*There are two quick points I wanted to address before I finish. If you are hesitant to read it because:

1. You haven't read the first three books. I hadn't either, and I didn't feel lost at all.
2. Religion. The book is not heavy on religion, at all, so don't let that stop you.

Despite there being some low points I would recommend this book. It was romantic, erotic, and angsty. 3.5 Stars.

ARC kindly provided by Dreamspinner Press to Gay Book Reviews for an honest review.

Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,581 reviews3,923 followers
January 7, 2016
Absolutely loved this one. I haven't read the other books in this series, because well...they sounded a bit too angsty for me at the time. I wanted to give this one a try though, and I'm so glad I did.

Jason is the son of a rabbi and he was disowned by his family (especially his father), when he came out at 19. He never gave up on his dreams and ambitions and with the help of a very good friend he manages to finish school. He now runs a LGBT shelter for teens (which is owned by his best friends grandmother). He's out and proud and has a habit of falling for men who aren't available (like Collin from the previous books).

Quinn is one step away from becoming a priest. He's also Collins brother and had the same fucked up childhood. He was caught masturbating by his mother at age 15 and send directly to a priest for confession. What nobody knows however, is that he was jerking off to gay porn. Quinn is on a haiatus right now to the decide what he really wants....is priesthood really something he wants to commit to ? He's spending his little break working at the LGBT shelter.

Jason and Quinn become friends really fast. Jason is lusting after Quinn from the beginning and after a while it becomes quite clear that these feelings are returned by Quinn. They really go at it...Quinn has some catching up to do ;)

The only thing standing I their way is Quinns upcoming priesthood...what will he decide ? The other part of the storyline is focused on their family, especialy Jasons. They weren't really bad people, his dad really just needed a kick in the ass...or face !! He was quite the asshole for kicking his son to the curb, but at least he owned up to his mistakes. We don't get a lot about Quinns family. Which is the one thing that bothered me a bit. The book is completely in Jasons pov. I would loved to have known what Quinn was thinking and feeling, so I felt a bit robbed !! I also would have liked to read about Quinn bottoming, since he hinted at that, but it never happend on page :(

Other than that I don't have a lot of complaints about this one. It was very nice, sweet, sometimes funny and there were some really hot scenes. It wasn't too angsty either. Also...if you're worried about the religion in this book...don't !! There is not a lot of religion in this one.

4,5 stars from me...I couldn't give it a full 5 because the single pov bothered me a bit ;)
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,717 followers
June 22, 2017
3.5 Stars!

I liked this one but I didn't love it.

No real complaints.

It was low angst. And had some good steam.

But it just didn't wow me. I was never dying to pick it up and read it.

Rounding up because I didn't skim or anything but it definitely falls in to that 3.5 star category.
Profile Image for Dia.
534 reviews145 followers
December 31, 2016
3,5 rounded to 3 stars

Image result for gif painful men

My first book by Karen Stivali and I must say I have to read some of her other books. I like her writing style and the dialogues made me chuckle a few times:

"What the F did they put in your egg cream? Mine's made with milk and syrup and sanity. I think you got the crazy seltzer."

"The guy's so far in the closet, he's probably organizing his neighbor's shoes".

Unfortunately this story didn't really work for me. I'm not sure if it's because I had too high expectations, or I just couldn't connect with the characters. For me it was too predictable, and when the MC's throw the L-word too easily, I'm all like:
Image result for really gif

I bought it knowing it can be read as a stand alone. I didn't feel for a moment that something was missing, that I should have read the other books in the series before, to get to know the characters better.

Jason is a rabbi's son. But his father pushed him away because he couldn't accept his son being gay. And his family respected his father's wish of cutting all contact. It's been years since he last saw his beloved little sister and now she's asking for his help. I couldn't forgive her as easily as Jason did, because I cannot accept how all his family let him go without a word, FOR YEARS! We get a glimpse of his struggle all alone, and I just can't forgive them as easily. I mean, we read a lot about him getting on the streets, and then years later, he just accepts their excuses? No. No, thank you! They should have worked much harder for his forgiveness.

Quinn is a straight man who wants to take his vows as a priest. But as he works with Jason, he becomes attracted to him, and from a beautiful and honest friendship, they get to have something more.

I think I would have enjoyed it way more if we'd have had both the MC's POV.
My biggest problem would be the dropping of the L-word far too soon. And all that time Quinn took to choose between Jason and the priesthood, well it just added to the predictable I was mentioning before.

Overall it was a nice and light read, with low angst, so it's a sweet story for a Sunday afternoon, snuggling in the blanket with a hot tea in hand.

"You're not pathetic. You're human. Being human hurts sometimes. Too often. And you're a good person. Good people tend to hurt more, as unfair as that seems."
Profile Image for Aeren.
510 reviews30 followers
March 7, 2018
En realidad serían 2.5, porque la verdad, ha sido una gran decepción. No me ha gustado nada la pareja o la historia, me ha resultado todo demasiado forzado, además de seguir el mismo esquema que en los tres primeros, llegando incluso hasta a copiar diálogos casi palabra por palabra. Lo peor sin embargo han sido ellos dos, no sabía si darles un par de leches o qué, una cosa es ser buena gente y otra rayar en la idiotez, lo siento, no compro para nada a Jason y menos al páter, virgen hasta los 25 pero que de pronto , me quedo con los otros dos, que al menos eran más o menos creíbles. Muy mal. :'(
Profile Image for Elithanathile.
1,883 reviews
December 24, 2016
Probably thee EASIEST 10 star rating I've given ;-)!!! This gets INFINITE STARS; A SKY FULL OF THEM!!! Officially one of my absolute favorite M/M books, with Quinn and Jason being one of my absolute favorite book couples <333!!!
Glorious, magnificent, wonderful book!! Expertly and stunningly written :-); my goodness, Karen Stivali, your books are most definitely on my radar now! Wow, just WOW!!! I have SO much to say and as always, I'm going to tell you my written thoughts will come ... I'll be busy this weekend, for sure :-) (as I'll have more of a review up by then)!!
In the meantime, highly highly HIGHLY recommended!!!!

Cannot wait for book 5, which should be out in February :-D!! I know the name but I'm not sure if it's supposed to be the surprise you discover when you get to the end of this book or not, so I'll keep it a secret for now :-P!

I would gladly have paid FULL price and then some for this gem of a book!!!Got this for $1 on Amazon [WOOHOO]. I've decided to clear my queue of this title before continuing with other books I've got lined up. I'm trying to clear my queue of discounted or KU books, before heading for (and cracking open) books on my main Kindle-TBR shelves. I've heard great things about this one, so I'm very intrigued :-)!!
Profile Image for Sybil aka Lala.
478 reviews217 followers
December 29, 2015

Jason runs a shelter for LGBT teens. It’s this very same shelter that gave him the support he needed while his Rabbi father disowned him after coming out. Ever since then he’s carved out a quiet but wonderful life for himself with close friends and a fulfilling job. If only he could let go off his habit to fall for men who are off-limits. Enter Quinn who works at the shelter during a brief hiatus before making the final decision to become a priest.

Jason was such a great character. He was hilarious and quirky and his inner monologue had me in stitches all throughout the book. His attraction to Quinn and the awkward interactions that followed had my toes curling in both glee and anticipation. I so needed this to happen for Jason.

The story is mainly told from Jason’s POV which I loved. It made the angst and insecurities feel that much more real as we are only given a few glimpses into Quinn’s feelings and motivations. Every one of his actions are left to the reader to decipher and the slow burn between these two was unbearably delicious.

Soon though, the two of them are tangled up in a blissed out love affair and they were so SO cute together. While Jason was completely head over heels for Quinn, he was still afraid of coming on too strong and scaring Quinn off but as Quinn came into his own, he did a lot of pushing of his own, even as Jason was taking care of him, he did the same in return.

This was such a beautiful and well thought out story. Even apart from the intriguing plot the story took its sweet ass time as a relationship built between these two from first meetings, to awkward first interactions, to tentative friendships and committed relationship, every feeling was put out there. I ate up all the insecurities and doubt and angst and I loved them as a couple. The sexy times were incredibly erotic and I loved that the author tackled some lesser known elements. It wasn’t just straightforward sex and it made it all feel that much more authentic.

However, Quinn’s life was standing still while there was still a big decision he needed to make about his future. His whole life had been about working towards priesthood and when he still hadn’t made any decisions or gotten any clarity about the path he needed to take, he decided to go seek the advice of his mentor and go on a silent retreat. Quinn needs to make a decision either way. If he decides to be a priest he wants to be one hundred percent invested in the lifestyle and everything that goes with it, but if he decides to be with Jason he wants to be all in there too, out and proud without any secrets. So which will he choose? The life he always had planned, or the secret desires he’s always kept buried?

A fantastic M/M romance that I definitely recommend.

(ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review)
Profile Image for Susan.
2,288 reviews439 followers
August 24, 2016
This can be read as a stand-alone. I haven't read the others in the series and I was not once confused when reading this.

Very meh.
Nothing really happens.

The boys were sweet and I liked that this didn’t have a lot of relationship angst, but I was also pretty bored.


I felt there was nothing standing in their way once they got together at 30%. The rest was conversation, movies and sex. And some family drama that was resolved rather quickly.

There was the almost priest thing, but I never once felt as if Quinn was really going to go through with it, so if that was the conflict... it was a bad one.

Overall, I can't really find anything wrong with it. It has great writing, and the characters were sweet. But I also can't find anything really good about it.
Profile Image for Heather the Queen of (Smut)Books.
433 reviews7 followers
December 24, 2016
Beautiful. The relationship development from besties to lovers is believable, the angst is low key, the MCs are wonderful and the sexy times are hot af. No big drama or big misunderstandings. These MCs actually talk to each and communicate well together. It was beautiful to watch them fall in love and get their much earned HEA. Lovely epilogue.

Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Jaime.
1,762 reviews308 followers
December 22, 2015
Highly Recommend this Book ~ 5+ Stars ~ One of the best books I have read in a while

"Almost-priest. He hasn’t taken his vows yet. The hopeful thoughts popped into my head"
And I am hooked from the first paragraph!!!

“Tell me exactly what you’ve thought about. Tell me what you want.” “I want to lube you up and fuck you like the world is ending.”

O.M.G. This Book!!!!!

See full review at: Gay Book Reviews

*ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by JLoves2Read from Alpha Book Club
and Gay Book Reviews
description description description
Profile Image for Ezi Chinny.
2,625 reviews524 followers
April 25, 2016
Full review published at Oh My Shelves Blog

*I recommend that you read the prior books in this series to help get a better sense of background.

19 yr old Jason Stern went to NYU for college, where he came out as a gay man. When he told his father, a rabbi, Jason was disowned and cut off from his family. He pursued a relationship with Colin, who didn't return his feelings. In this installment, Jason is running an LGBTQ shelter and working with Colin's older brother Quinn Fitzpatrick. Quinn in training to be a Catholic priest.

In his own words, Jason has a pattern for falling for the wrong men--and what better way to continue this trend than to fall for a man who intends to become a priest?

I enjoyed both characters because they made bad choices but had a good heart. Jason was there for a sister who hadn't spoken to him since they was thrown out of his home. He has a heart for helping people. Most of all, he longs to be accepted as he is and loved completely. Quinn, on the other hand, worked so hard to balm his mother's wounded heart. He denied himself so he could be pleasing to her. It was sad but I admire the courage it takes to put others needs and wants ahead of your own.

The journey wasn't an easy one for both guys. After all, Quinn hadn't decided what to do about his pursuit of the Priesthood and Jason didn't want to stand in his way even though he loved Quinn so much. I found the sex got repetitive or maybe just a tad too much for me given the angst of the situation. I was pleased with ending and felt like both Jason and Quinn had grown individually and as a couple.

If you are looking for a steamy read with a side plot of family drama, then this book is for you.

**E-arc received from Inkslinger Publishing in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,046 reviews859 followers
December 3, 2015
Slick's review posted at Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews

My emotions are all over the place after reading Karen Stivali's Moment of Silence. Once again I purestdelightawardam blown away by this author's ability to immerse me in her story and make me feel a part of her character's inner circle. This book was uplifting, it was heart breaking, it was joyful, it was spiritual, it was life changing for the characters, it was sexy and I loved every minute of even the ones that made me cry.

Quinn Fitzpatrick is at a crossroads in his life; before taking his final vows to become a Catholic priest Quinn is taking some time off to make sure he is ready to commit his life and self to the priesthood and church. While Quinn thoroughly believes in God and religion recent events in his family have caused him to question the teachings of the church. Quinn is a good man; no he is a great man and always sees the good in others, is always willing to lend a helping hand and believes in serving those less fortunate. Honestly anyone would be lucky to have Quinn in their lives. That doesn't mean he hasn't made mistakes including some he's made recently with his own family and quite possibly the one he was semi forced to make as a young man about entering the priesthood. Quinn is living in New York and working as a handy man at New Home a center for at risk GLBT teens and a job his gay brother, Collin help him get.

Jason Stern's life was turned upside down when he was a student at NYU and figured out once and for all he was gay. Coming out to his large and loving family didn't go as planned with his Rabbi father immediately disowned him and cut him off financially and forbade his mother and sisters from seeing him. He was befriended by a fellow student who helped him when he was a moment away from being homeless and that friend got him a job at the New Hope center, his grandmother's pet project. Once he graduated Jason became the manager of New Hope and loves his work in not only serving and helping the teens that come through the center but in writing grants and finding funding to keep it open. Jason has suffered from falling for the wrong men including Quinn who is one step away from priesthood but as far as he knows very heterosexual.

The story of these two men just grabbed me by my heart from the start mainly because they are both intelligent, hard working and nice men (okay so maybe some of Jason's thoughts were kind of raunchy but he IS a nice guy). I love the way they formed a friendship and began to share so much of their lives with one another as friends. I felt like they really knew one another deep down so when Quinn makes a move on Jason it isn't unexpected. While there was a moment of panic I appreciated that Jason understood Quinn's panic and helped him through it. For Jason being the one with experience, Quinn really did take charge in their sexual explorations and while Jason very much enjoyed that I think he was also aware that Quinn needed to be in charge of this part of his life. I will say their intimate scenes were not only smoking hot it was evident there was much more going on that physical needs between them. As the reader I could feel their connection on a much deeper level something they both experienced as well. It was amusing watching them figure out their relationship especially since Quinn still had some pretty big decisions to make about his life, but I loved that they enjoyed each and every moment together and they talked a lot throughout their time together. More importantly Quinn went above and beyond when Jason was faced with a family crisis proving once again what an outstanding human being he is.

This romance was not without its ups and downs and the lingering question of if Quinn would take his vows or renounce them and I really felt for them both because their love was clearly shown throughout this book, but I felt especially bad for Jason who would be the one left behind.

Moment of Silence was and emotionally charged story but it was filled with so much happiness, hope and love that while there were moments of sadness (and tears for me) it was still a story that was very easy to appreciate and love. I especially enjoyed the way Ms. Stivali blended the two faiths of these young men, that she showed you can be religious and be gay and most of all to not be afraid of owning who you are and living the life you deserve. Most of all I thank Ms. Stivali for their journey; it wasn't easy but they both discovered so much about themselves and each other that I have no doubt they will lead a very long and happy life together.

PS--Ms. Stivali if you read this review I need to know what was in the "blue" envelope as it is driving me a wee bit crazy not knowing.

Review copy provided for an honest review.
Profile Image for Veronica of V's Reads.
1,528 reviews42 followers
December 17, 2015
This is the fourth book in a series, but can be fully enjoyed as a standalone book.

Jason is on his own, working as a grants writer and administrator for a a shelter home for LGBTQ teens/young adults who have been turned out due to their sexuality. Jason knows this experience first hand--three years ago his father, the esteemed Rabbi Stern, disowned him for coming out. He's had no contact with his family since, and has relied on the strong friendship with Campbell--who literally saved him from homelessness--to get by.

While supervising the renovation of a bigger living space for the shelter, Jason meets Quinn, the eldest brother of Collin from the first three books in this series. Quinn attended seminary, and is expected to take his final vows of the priesthood any day now. He took a short leave of absence to consider his path, and is enjoying his time working as the lead carpenter on the rehab job.

Jason is completely gone over Quinn--and his internal monologue is hysterical. Jason--raised a conservative Jew--has given up his faith following his father's banishment, but he's sensitive to the idea of seducing a priest. Still, it's been a long time since Jason's had a buddy, and he and Quinn just click. They go out for dinners and drinks as two friends would, with Jason's lust rolling at a low simmer. They spend gobs and gobs of time together, with Jason becoming increasingly frustrated with his inability to NOT love Quinn.

Expect Jason's feelings to be reciprocated. Ten-fold.

As Jason and Quinn find each other, in the Biblical sense, Jason's called on by his sister to help with another domestic issue. Jason's overwhelmed by family drama, but thankful to have some reconciliations on the horizon. All the while, Quinn steps up as boyfriend, and carpenter. Their days are numbers by the length of time to rehab the building. The shelter's grand opening (and Quinn's departure) draws steadily nearer.

This book is so about the feels. Jason's agony is palpable. His wistfulness regarding his family is present in the pages as poignant micro-flashbacks. I was completely with him, throughout. This story is told only from Jason's POV, which helps keep the tension high. We don't know how Quinn's feeling until he reveals himself, and that's only after several long bouts of deep thinking. Quinn's decision to pursue a romance with Jason is monumental, and world-changing for him. It means disappointing his bigoted mother, and walking away from a career in the church that he's worked toward since his was 15--ten years now. Expect serious HEAs--not only on the romance, but on the family side, as well.

I was really touched by the beautiful moments of family and friends and festivity. Quinn being taught to make latkes from scratch by Jason's mom. Campbell and his gram taking Jason into their family when he was adrift. Jason's sister Leah's plight--pregnant by a good man who won't be accepted in their family, and fearing that she'll be cast out just like Jason. There are great secondary characters here, but the focus is always on Jason, and Quinn. They have such a tender love, with Jason being a patient teacher to novice Quinn. It's the perfect balance of sweet and scorching. We've seen a similar scenario in earlier MOMENTS books (with Collin and Tanner) yet it didn't feel derivative.

I've enjoyed all the Moments in Time books, but this one is my fave, so far. It's a fully rounded novel with great plot turns and deep emotions, not swamped in angst. That said, I wished we had a LITTLE more time of experiencing Jason's anxiety during the SILENCE part of the book. I wanted to tag along to his tattoo appointment and experience his decision-making there. I wanted to mope, just a bit longer. I heard he moped, but three days of depression happened in a few statements. The distortion of time leeched a bit of the tension away, for me. Still, the book's great and I'm glad to hear there are more stories on the horizon!

Profile Image for Crina | booktwist_.
523 reviews280 followers
December 28, 2015
Originally posted on my blog - http://readingadd.blogspot.ro/2015/12...

I wrote the tiniest part of my thoughts about this book, but I'll go with that. We don't have an eternity just for this review! Sadly.
This book let me speechless and had me drooling all over my kindle, multiple times; but don't worry it still works.

I knew that I was going to enjoy this an devour every chapter and page, because I also read the others in the series and I loved them. But that wasn't enough. And I won't even try to write a long and coherent review, because I can't and I don't really want; so you can see what effect this books can have on people.

I'm a very hard to convince and a reader that hardly falls badly in love with a book but with this one was love at first page, chapter, letter? I don't even know. I think I knew I would love it just when I was reading the synopsis or when I find out that a new installment is going to be in the series. And I think I'm addicted to these characters as I'm to the other ones in the novels before this one. Because it's so well written and you can feel and see and breathe the emotions and feelings and when they kiss you feel sparks and butterfly and... be careful not to explode. Is very hard to not to :))

I won't talk about the plot or the end, or the middle, but this was SO GOOD and I will say it over and over and over again until you read this one, but first read the other ones, and fall in love with the story and the characters and the dialogue and the description. The writing style is so good, Jason and Quinn are cute, smart, amazing, really realistically made, thei dialogue is very hot, funny, emotional and how you want to name it.

I finished this book breathless and I have such big and stupid smile on my face, it goes beyond my ears, and if someone sees me will think that I killed someone or that I'm crazy. But I've just finished a mind blowing, amazingly hot and cuteness overload book and now I'm trying to write a coherent review and restrain myself to not jump and yell at everyone to pick it up. I'm a good reader and I have patience, so I'll wait for you to pick this up and read it, and after we can talk.

I'll end this here and I'll continue fangirling in my head, also trying not to faint or to have a massive nosebleed, because my mind remained set on the book. *cough* At it was very calm... *cough* and not eventful, at all. Just have a ton of chocolate near you and a huge bottle of water. You'll need it!

And now just go and read!

Profile Image for Tracy~Bayou Book Junkie.
1,566 reviews47 followers
January 16, 2016

*copy provided to bayou book junkie by author/publisher in exchange for an honest review*

Mari: Jason has had a hard life ever since he came out to his family. After living an idyllic childhood and being sure of his family's love for him, he suddenly finds himself on his own. He pushes through with the help of his family and becomes the driving force behind New Home. He's attracted to unattainable men, and who could be more unattainable than an almost-priest? Not that he could've resisted Quinn anyway.

Quinn is on leave for a few months, prior to making his final decision in taking his vows as a Catholic priest, and working at New Home. He's attracted to Jason and even if he is aware it will complicate his decision he can't stay away.

They fall into a relationship, and while things between them are almost perfect, there's the dark cloud look over them that there's a deadline to Quinn making a decision. Jason is intent on making the most of the time they have together, trying not to think of the impending heartbreak, because even if he hopes otherwise, Quinn wouldn't choose him over God, or would he?

Tracy: I fell in love with Jason when we met him on Fire Island. I didn't want him with Collin, but I really loved his character and couldn't wait for him to find love. Karen picked the perfect person for him in Collin's brother, Quinn. They fit and had an electrical chemistry and connection from their first on page scene together. There's was a slow burn, but as soon as they let go, WOW... Fireworks exploded. There was sex and more sex, it was hot, but it was sweet, tender, loving and had an innocence about it. The writing of the love scenes was beautiful and poetic.

I adored Quinn and I loved watching him grow and come into his own. Discovering love, relationships and sex. Discovering Jason.

I loved Jason's patience and tenderness. I adored watching him fall completely in love for the first time.

Mari: I loved Jason from the prior books, too, and I fell even more for him on this book, especially after realizing all he'd gone through with his family. Seeing him crushing and then falling for Quinn, was bittersweet, with all that was hanging on the line and reading his doubts even as he gave his all, almost crushed me.

Quinn was adorable! And I also loved seeing him embrace his relationship with Jason so fully. They were hot, hot, HOT! together, but also sweet and as Tracy says, there was something poetic and beautiful to their lovemaking.

Tracy: This was a well-written story that I held me captivated from the first to the last page. Karen kept me on edge the entire time. I just knew the bliss between Quinn and Jason was going to blow up in my face. I waited for the other shoe to drop, and when it did Karen had me bawling like a baby. (When I informed her of this she graciously offered me Kleenex and Chocolates).

Mari: I can attest to that! Hahahaha! Tracy read it before me and told me that she knew things were coming to a head, because they were too perfect. And yes, even kind of knowing that things couldn't remain that good, I got all teary when it actually happened.

Tracy: I loved the story, the characters, getting to see Collin and Tanner again. Most of all, I just love Karen's writing and I'll be waiting somewhat patiently for Bryan and Oliver's story.

Mari: I love Karen's writing and while I adored the Moments of Time series, I think this book and Jason and Quinn are my favorites. It was an emotional, loving, fabulous read, one to be cherished for sure!
Profile Image for Pixie.
1,227 reviews17 followers
January 3, 2016
I won this book in a giveaway. I don’t know why I’m telling you that but I think I’m supposed to.

I have only read one other book by the author & while that rocked my world this series blurbs didn’t sound like my kind of thing. Most of my opinions mirror Lili’s. Something about the buildup was off for me & like she said I think it was because it was presented to us one sided. Jason was super nice & cautious to the point that even when describing the amount of time the two were spending together I had to believe him….yup you’re just two buddies hanging out.

Another aspect of the book that was a huge part of the story was the fact that Quinn was on some type of “about to be a Priest” sabbatical. I am not religious, I don’t understand how that type of thing works BUT I know enough to figure he probably wasn’t going to be rocking the black and white anytime in the future. I don’t know if it was because I didn’t get his POV but Quinn & I didn’t connect. I’m sure he was a likable guy, Jason liked him, but I was never sure if the attraction started because Jason had previously had a thing for Quinn’s brother or not & Quinn was supposed to resemble his brother a lot.

I’m sure what saved this story for me was ALL SEX ALL THE TIME. Sue me…this lady knows how to write a sex scene & will….time & time & time again. I think Quinn had 25 years of being hands off after some childhood embarrassment that had his mom taking him to confession so he had a lot to make up for.

I did read the blurb for the next book & plan on reading it.
Profile Image for Jessica.
102 reviews12 followers
January 8, 2016
Sexy, Low Angst, emotional.

Moment Of Silence is a tale about love and hard choices. Jason was raised in a loving family so when he falls for a guy he doesn't think twice about letting hos family know. He is completely shocked and broken hearted when he is disowned. Despite his circumstances he still manages to graduate at the top of his class and build a new life for himself.

Unfortunately Jason has a knack for falling for unobtainable men. This time it's Quinn a sexy co-worker who can swear in as a priest any day. Jason is not sure of Quinn is straight or not, and with his pending priesthood it seems that Jason has fallen for the one guy that he last the least chance with. Or has he?...

Slowly Jason and Quinn starts to spend more time together. A dinner here... A family gathering there... Everyone around them can see the sparks flying, however Jason doesn't believe it.

Jealousy is what finally pushes both Jason and Quinn to face their attraction for one another. They are amazingly in love.

Will Quinn give up becoming a priest? Or is his relationship with Jason temporary?

I couldn't help but fall for Jason. He is a true romantic and has a sensitivity that draws you in. The novel is written in his POV. I really felt his emotions and wanted him to have his HEA.

Karen Stivali did an excellent job telling the characters stories. I will definitely be exploring some of her other work.

*4 Moment of Silence Starts*
**ARC provided to Books Need TLC in exchange for an honest Review**
Profile Image for Maria Rose.
2,557 reviews265 followers
April 2, 2016
This is the fourth story in the Moments in Time series (the first three having been a trilogy with the same two characters Collin and Tanner). The two main characters in this story, Jason and Quinn, show up as secondary ones in the earlier books in the series. Jason had a brief crush on Collin but got over it quickly when he realized that Collin and Tanner were meant to be together. And Quinn? Well, Quinn is Collin’s older brother and for a while was estranged from him due to his family’s beliefs about Collin coming out of the closet. Raised in a staunch Catholic home, Quinn in fact is in the discernment process of becoming a priest. But he’s also questioning those beliefs and the realization that he made a lot of mistakes in pushing his brother away. In trying to make amends, he’s taking a break from his studies to help with renovations at an LGBTQ teen shelter that Collin’s friend Jason works at. With Jason’s Jewish background and Quinn’s Catholic one, it’s an unlikely pairing but their friendship develops at a steady pace as they spend many hours working together and eventually spending social time together too. Jason admits to himself that crushing on a very straight, soon to be priest, guy like Quinn is foolish, but he can’t help himself. And at an encounter with an ex-lover, Quinn does something that rocks Jason’s world.

Quinn interrupted. “We met a few months ago.” He threw me a quick glance and a crooked smile that almost make me forget how embarrassed I was. And then he picked up my fucking hand.
The look on Ken’s face was priceless.
My own face felt frozen. What the fuck? I stared at our joined hands, wondering if someone had roofied my drink. Or his. Or if this entire evening was some whacked out figment of my imagination. Quinn gave my fingers a squeeze, and I realized I hadn’t been breathing.
He’s holding my hand. He’s holding my hand, right here in the restaurant, right in the middle of a roomful of people, with Kent standing right next to us. My heart hammered so hard, I could feel every racing beat. What is he doing? Is he trying to be my beard? My reverse beard? Can a straight guy even be a beard? He’s the antibeard.

Though Quinn is trying to be helpful in the face of Jason’s ex, it is in fact a reflection of his own feelings toward Jason, which come to a head soon after when he lets those feelings out in a decidedly forward fashion after a party.

The frigid night air rushed up the stairwell, sending a chill straight through me. I closed the apartment door to keep the cold out. “You know, you don’t have to–”
Quinn cut me off with the intensity of the look on his face. He strode towards me, eyes blazing with an expression I couldn’t read. He backed me up against the door, hands on my shoulders.
My heart pounded out of control and definitely out of rhythm. “Quinn?”
He searched my face, eyes wild, breathing hard. His thumb grazed my chin, fingers tracing my jaw. My pulse picked up with each touch. Quinn remained silent. “You sure you’re o—”
He gripped my neck harder and planted his lips on mine. My brain couldn’t compute what was going on. Quinn’s mouth pressed harder, warm and firm, his tongue licking out to swipe at my lower lip and suck it gently between his lips. My cock figured out what was going on. It hardened more with each movement of that sweet, smooth tongue as it teased and tasted every inch of my mouth. Holy fuck. Quinn’s kissing me. My brain finally caught up, no less confused. He’s kissing me?

And with that, the friendship they’ve developed is turned on its head as Quinn admits that he is gay too, just very in the closet. Truth be told, despite his sexual attraction to Jason, he is still in a quandary over what to do about his future, as entering the priesthood is something he’s been gearing up for, for the last ten years. He’s caught now in a real bind, as his feelings for Jason intensify and his sense of right and wrong come with shades of grey.

The conflict in this story is pretty straightforward, with Jason falling for Quinn and Quinn having to make the ultimate decision that will either keep him with Jason or break them apart. I really enjoyed both of the characters in this story, and though it’s told entirely from Jason’s point of view (I confess, I wouldn’t have minded getting into Quinn’s head periodically) there are enough scenes between them to bring Quinn’s character to the forefront. They are both honest, hard working, nice guys and deserve to be happy. Their sexual orientation is an issue with their families (a not uncommon occurrence sadly) and it’s resulted in an estrangement for Jason from his, in particular because his father is a Rabbi. When his father suddenly becomes ill, it’s a chance for Jason to reconnect with them and I really liked how this part of the story played out. Similarly, Quinn knows to expect issues with his mother if he comes clean and that’s just another aspect to factor into his ultimate decision. Once the attraction between Quinn and Jason is out in the open, they share several steamy scenes together (first times galore for virginal Quinn) and I think this story might be the hottest of the series! (and I thought the first three were pretty hot!). The story moves along at a smooth pace, with just the right amount of drama and tension and some really sweet moments too. This one definitely goes on my best reads of 2015 shelf. 5 stars.

Note: a coy of this story was provided by the author for review.

This review appears as a blog post at : http://straightshootinbookreviews.com...
Profile Image for Meep.
2,162 reviews215 followers
January 12, 2023

I got just past 50% but was already skimming.

The religious theme wasn't as strong as I expected but heavily effects the characters.

Both men seem nice and there's some good friends. It's just so bland!

The reuniting with his sister - because she needed something from him! A totally random idea that he'd help make things easier for her by getting hurt himself.

Quinn, suddenly he was gay, all out gay. No hesitation, no praying, no self doubt. Breaks off and go for it. Which is great, but too simple.

A lot of telling, no real tension. Just bland.
Profile Image for Bella.
598 reviews119 followers
September 24, 2016
This book was so powerful.

What I love about this book:
A little taboo (Quinn is almost a priest).

HOTTTTTTT. The chemistry between Jason and Quinn is unbelievable. I just loved every moment of how their relationship progressed.

Angst. OMG the angst. What will Quinn decide????? Will he stay with Jason, will he get ordained as a priest???? My heart was bursting.

Acceptance. Jason's family disowned him when he came out to them. It has been 3 years since he spoke with them. 3 YEARS. I can't imagine this. I can't imagine cutting my children out of my life. I wanted to reach into the book and cause physical harm to Jason's father, mother and how many sisters did he have - 6? It was a lot of sisters - WTF, people??? How could they abandon him? And Jason is such a good person. He is so forgiving and so loving. This part was so emotional. SO emotional. I had to sneak out of bed to not wake up my husband with my tears.

I picked up this book looking for a hot m/m read. And I got it, but I got so much more. I stayed up well into the night to finish.

Highly recommend. READ THIS BOOK!!

Now I'm going to start at the beginning as I picked this up not having read the first books in the series.

Merged review:

I read this book a while back and just finished listening to the audio book.

This book is amazing. When I picked it up, I didn't realize it was part of a series, so I hadn't read any of the other books in the series. I didn't feel like I was missing anything, so don't be afraid to dive in with this book.

Moment of Silence was so much more than I expected. It is told 100% from Jason's POV and I love this character so much. He has been disowned by his family for being gay and is working for a LGBTQ teen shelter, trying to be there for teens struggling with the same circumstances.

Quinn is working at the shelter and Jason is instantly attracted to him. But the more he gets to know Quinn the more he likes.

The problem is that Quinn is almost a priest. He has taken a hiatus before his final vows to make sure the priesthood is what he really wants.

I loved watching these two characters find their way to each other. There was so much angst in this book because these two guys are AMAZING together. But the whole time I kept wondering if Quinn was going to go through with becoming a priest and break Jason's heart OR if he was going to choose Jason. GAH!!!

Don't let the religious part of this book scare you away from reading it. It really didn't delve too deeply into the religious side of things. Only that people of all religions struggle to accept homosexuality. And the people that are gay sometimes struggle to accept that side of themselves in order to make other people happy.

The book was amazing and the audiobook was fantastic!!! Robert Nieman was a perfect voice for Jason. I loved the way he brought the story to life. I could literally listen to him talk forever. His voice is amazing - if you get a chance to listen to this story, I highly recommend!

Bottom line: read this book. It's hot. It's angst. It's struggle. It's love. It's acceptance.

It's everything.
Profile Image for Cat.
379 reviews3 followers
January 20, 2016
This was my very first Karen Stivali novel (it will definitely not be the last!), and it is the fourth in this series. When I read it I was completely unaware that it was the fourth novel, and it as such I can state with authority that it is a completely standalone novel.
Jason Stern has picked himself up by the bootstraps, finished college, and is successfully running an expanding residential gay teen shelter, despite having been thrown out of the house after telling his rabbi father that he is gay. Jason has a wonderful support system in the form of his best friend/roommate Campbell and Campbell’s grandmother, who owns the property housing the shelter.
Quinn Fitzpatrick is the elder brother of one of Jason’s friends, and while he is on sabbatical from seminary before taking his vows to become a priest, he is working at the shelter helping with the expansion. Due to the vehement response his mother had when his younger brother came out, he has never done so, but in working at the shelter and seeing what the kids there have faced, he is faced with his own dilemma – finalizing his vows to the priesthood or… not.
Told from Jason’s perspective, and including a great deal of inner dialogue to really broaden his character, the evolution of the two characters from coworkers to friends to lovers and through their struggles was a pleasure to read.
Written in a flowing style and including peripheral characters who each bring something unique to the table, Moment of Silence deals with legitimate situations that come up in households around the world. I quite appreciated the depth that Ms. Stivali incorporated into this work. There is nothing in this novel that feels contrived; there is a realism that is demonstrated in the dual religions that play a part in this book. There is no preaching involved, so if you are concerned about the religious aspect, let me put that to rest. The religious aspects show up more in the various foods the characters eat than anything else. Pierogi, babkas, and blintzes make regular appearances, and this book made me hungry! Grab a snack, curl up in your favorite reading spot, and enjoy!!

ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.
Reviewed by Cat from Alpha Book Club

description      description
Profile Image for Monika .
2,258 reviews34 followers
August 13, 2016

This story!!!! OMG!!!! I have to say I wasn’t expecting much after reading the previous 3 books in this series, meaning I figured it would be much of the same. I did like those books a lot but there was so much sex that it overshadowed Collin and Tanner’s relationship.

In Moment of Silence Karen Stivali did EXACTLY what I would have liked to have seen in the previous books. The sex has been toned down, not gone just less, and the love story was ramped up! The story is more about the men and less about what went on in the bedroom. This was one of those slow burn stories that got RED HOT when Quinn and Tanner finally took that step to an intimate relationship.

These guys made me smile, laugh and melt. My stomach clenched and my heart was in my throat and you guessed it….I cried. Any story that can make me do that is a win.

I was disappointed that I didn’t get to see more of Collin and Tanner, I was really hoping I would but I fell so hard for Quinn and Jason I almost forgot about Collin and Tanner.

Moment of Silence wasn’t perfect, it had its faults but it was so freakin’ close it deserves a 5 star rating!

This series was my first time reading this author and I can't wait to read more from her.

Profile Image for CrabbyPatty.
1,674 reviews181 followers
June 2, 2016
After reading the first 3 books in this series, Moment of Impact, Moment of Truth and Moment Of Clarity, I was expecting a bevy of characters with lotsa angst, loads of communication problems, working at boring jobs, set on Fire Island.

What I got instead was a story that surprised me because of its tender and heartfelt emotions, two main characters that just really got each other on such a basic level, lots of respect and care, the resolution of family discord, and loads and loads of steamy sex. I'm pretty happy 'bout that.

The book is told in Jason's POV throughout - it would have been great to have Quinn's POV as well, and while I respected that Quinn's decision was not an easy one, it seemed to drag on quite a bit until the resolution.
Profile Image for Isabella ~Mikku-chan~.
799 reviews38 followers
April 17, 2016
The fourth book of this series shows Quinn and Jason. Both guys are so amazing together I really enjoyed it. :3 I was a bit surprised by Quinn's behaviour, he made the book even more captivating. :3

It was also good to have had a small reunion with Tanner and Collin. :3

The excerpt at the end of the book of the 5ths book of this series was hot, I hope it'll published soon, can't wait to read it. :3
Profile Image for Melissa.
1,316 reviews88 followers
March 5, 2017
I was provided a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Don't read this review if you hate spoilers.

Okay, the star rating system for this book (for me) was hard. I liked the book...up to a point. I was in fact ready to give it more stars when I started the book. But, after I was several chapters into the story, I started thinking. Why, why, why!?!?!?! Why did Quinn start a relationship with Jason before he knew if he wanted to continue becoming a priest? Um, hello! That is just cruel to Jason.

Okay, to start off the story, Jason is in charge of a youth center for LGTB kids. And Quinn is there to help with the rehab of the facility. Quinn is taking a break before making his final priest vows; we learn this break is so he can be sure he is doing this (becoming a priest) for the right reasons. When he meets Jason, he is attracted but doesn't do anything about it.

Jason is attracted to Quinn, and in fact is almost in love with him without even knowing him. He has a serious, serious crush on Quinn. One night at a party, Jason is talking to a guy and they exchange contact info to set up a date some time. After everybody leaves the party, Quinn is all that's left and he basically attacks Jason in a kiss, fully body groping, etc...

Jason is trying to understand what's happening (he wasn't even sure if Quinn was gay before this!), and they kiss for a long time before Quinn stops. Here is where I should have had my WTH moment, but it took me a few more chapters to see the light. I would have given this story more stars had the following been true: 1.) the point of view alternated. I would have loved to have heard Quinn's inner battle with his attraction to Jason and his path to being a priest. We only hear Jason's voice, which is seriously limiting. 2.) During the alt point of view, Quinn is thinking about what he wants out of life, he talks to his family, other priests (which he does at the END of the book), he MAKES A DECISION before he ever approaches Jason. 3.) The story was shorter. In my opinion, there was a lot of extra fluff that was totally unnecessary in the telling of the story. In the start of the story it was nice, but the story just dragged on and on and I found myself skipping a lot of the book because I didn't learn anything about the characters. The false drama that was created, with Jason giving himself an ulcer wondering if Quinn was going to be a priest or not, was unnecessary. The real drama should have been with Quinn battling his attraction to Jason (before he decides to act), and his desire to become a priest. The rest of the drama could have been with Quinn’s family not understanding his choice (of picking Jason), and possibly with Jason’s family because they are Jewish and clearly Quinn is not. That would have been a more realistic path for these characters.

Back to how the story did play out. Jason and Quinn grow closer and closer, they fall in love, and in the midst of all this, Jason's sister becomes pregnant, is basically kicked out the house by their father (who kicked Jason out for being gay), and then Jason's father gets hit by a car and is in a coma for about a week. Jason's father has a change of heart after he wakes from his coma and becomes accepting of Jason being gay. Then, Quinn is called away because some other priest is dying, so Jason is all sick with worry because he doesn't know if he will ever see Quinn again. What a jerk! This is my opinion of Quinn. He is totally selfish and mean and uncaring of Jason's feelings because if he did, he would never have put Jason through all that uncertainty. Quinn should never, ever, have made a move on Jason until he (Quinn) knew what the hell he wanted out of life. One does not allow another person to fall in love with them and still hang the potential for them to never be together in a HEA in this way. Sure, all relationships have questions, but THIS? This is NOT how a relationship is supposed to be. We can see how much anguish Jason goes through at the end when he worries about never seeing Quinn again. This was wrong, and should never have happened. Quinn should have manned the hell up and said: "I am going to be a priest, we cannot be together - not even for a few months because it would be too hard to say goodbye, and it's not fair to you,” or, “I am not going to be a priest, I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Marry me." This is not how it played out, of course.

Something else I thought of: If the plot did in fact have to have Quinn not deciding if he wanted to be with Jason long term before he had sex with him, then Jason should have DEMANDED that Quinn talk to him more about why he had trouble choosing. Jason was kind of a coward when it came to his insecurities about their relationship - and instead of outright telling Quinn to talk to him, tell him what he was thinking, list all the reasons why (be a priest, or be with Jason) or why not - Jason was a doormat, letting Quinn have all the power in his (Jason’s future). Jason should never have let be Quinn be the driver of his life; Jason should have taken the wheel and fought for what he wanted.

When I started the story I got caught up in all the lovey dovey stuff. But the more I read, the more I saw Jason suffer, the more I grew to dislike Quinn (and Jason a little because he couldn't just demand Quinn make a choice and stop giving him possible false hope, tormenting him). I would have loved to have given more stars, and if I could give separate stars for the writing quality itself I would, because story line aside, it was written well. But overall, because I saw too many flaws with the plot, I cannot give more stars. It's more like a 2.5 rating than the 2 I gave. I may go back later and up the star rating to 3; not sure. I need to really think about it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kristina Sanchez.
Author 5 books238 followers
May 24, 2017
More like a 3.5. Cute book. Very sweet. Likable boys. The way the two biggest points of drama were resolved came on like a whimper instead of a bang, but not bad by a long shot.

I didn't read the first three books in the series, but this one stood alone okay.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 126 reviews

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