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Remembrandt #2

Van Gogh Gone

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“Espionage isn’t just her job, it’s a work of art.”

Seventeen-year-old Alexandra Stewart finally has a life worth remembering - a Spanish tutor who gives perfecto a new name, a roommate that could double as her sister, and a special role in a secret spy organization that exists in the basement of Brown University.

But when her colleague, Daly, returns from a recent trip to Moscow accompanied by a man she never thought she'd see again, Alex is ripped away from her life in Providence and sent across the globe in search of a stolen piece of art. In desperate need to find the Van Gogh painting, she will do anything to find it. Anything.

From Barcelona to Paris with only Daly at her side, the bonds of friendship are stretched as the duo uncover a truth neither one of them saw coming. Finding the painting could mean discovering a part of Alex she is ashamed could even exist, but without it, she could lose everything. The world around Alex threatens to corrupt the memories she holds most dear and the person she loves the most is at stake.

242 pages, Paperback

First published October 5, 2015

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About the author

Robin M. King

5 books141 followers
Robin M. King received her Bachelor's degree in education from Brigham Young University and has been instructing children and young adults for over twenty years. When she's not writing or helping her students remember the quadratic formula, she leads a clandestine life as a mother of six. Don't tell anyone, but she's also an undercover marathoner, photographer, singer, seamstress, baker, and household appliance repairman.

Her first novel, Remembrandt, a romantic suspense, introduces seventeen-year-old Alexandra Stewart. With her eidetic memory, Alex can't forget anything. When she solves an impossible puzzle for her Russian professor, she is catapulted into a life of cryptic codes, covert missions, and unexpected love. Check it out HERE on Amazon.

Read the continuation of Alexandra's story in Van Gogh Gone (Remembrandt #2) HERE . Get Memory of Monet (Remembrandt #3), the last book in the series HERE .

Robin is in the process of publishing her next two books, a young adult contemporary that will make you want to write love songs and an adult romcom that will make you laugh and cry within its pages.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 39 reviews
Profile Image for Audrey.
1,200 reviews205 followers
August 14, 2020
3.5 stars

This is the sequel to Remembrandt. It helps to have read that book, but if you insist on starting here, you won’t be lost.

Alexandra is a student at Brown University by day and a spy by night, aided by her eidetic memory and her mother’s passion for art. This book’s artist is Van Gogh. Alexandra is blackmailed into stealing a stolen Van Gogh. (My reader friends who are less lazy than I have told me that this is a real stolen painting that actually showed up a couple years after the book was published.) Then she has to pull of another Van Gogh heist from the Louvre.

So it can be a little over the top, but it is fun and fast-paced, and I was hooked enough by the end to stay up past my bedtime to finish it.

It has two tropes that I dislike: a budding love triangle and giving in to a blackmailer without telling anyone. Other than that it was good.

Clean language | No sexual content | Some non-graphic violence
Profile Image for Karen.
524 reviews19 followers
December 5, 2015
The secret life of Alex continues in this page turning sequel! R. King has amped up the suspense and action in this second installment of young Alexandra Stewart who not only works for an undercover intelligence agency, but also possesses an infallible eidetic memory.

Alex's life is thrown into chaos at the return of someone that she once trusted but who betrayed her. Suddenly everything she thought she believed is being questioned. Her past is unraveling and Alex must find the truth and is now unsure of who she can really trust.

This was such a fun and entertaining read while the plot twists and turns as Alex tries to get to the truth. Along the way, she must make life changing decisions in order to protect those she loves.

I will stop there so as not to spoil anything for you. Alexandra has her hands full in this adventure...and oh yes, there is a dash of romance to sweeten things up a bit. I can't wait to dive into the next chapter of Alexandra's life!
Profile Image for Mary.
176 reviews
August 31, 2015
OH MY GOODNESS! What can I say? I really enjoyed Remembrandt and I ADORED Van Gogh Gone!! Such a fun read! It kept me guessing with a fun new plot and some of my favorite characters. I love Robin King's writing style. It's minimalistic yet so flavorful and enticing. She always surprises me. I love Alex and her determined personality. I love how fiercely she loves and tries to protect her family. I definitely recommend this read!
Profile Image for Rebecca Trujillo Batty.
48 reviews12 followers
September 18, 2015
Robin King is an escape artist, a travel agent and more! Van Gogh Gone continues the adventures of Alexandra and takes you along for the ride! One of my favorite things about this story is the focus on family, one of my top quotes is from Alexandra's father: "There's so much history here on the East coast. I can almost feel it in my bones." I look forward to more 'escapes' to come from Robin!
Profile Image for Jessica.
220 reviews1 follower
August 24, 2015
I was honored to be a beta reader for this second book in the remembrandt series. I loved the first book, and also this second book. It's great to see how Alex progresses in the Company, and how her personality develops. Can't wait for the next book!
4 reviews2 followers
September 27, 2016
The story-line of this one was fantastic. It was unexpected and unique. I really didn't see the plot twist coming. I can't wait for Memory of Monet.
May 16, 2019
Alexandra doesn’t expect to see the man who almost killed her, but Daly returns from Moscow with him in tow. He claims he can help bring back her loved one, who she thought, was gone forever. But his demands could be impossible to pay, Alex must find and retrieve a stolen Van Gogh Painting. Alex is uncovering a truth she didn’t see coming, her gift helps protect her and the people she cares about. She just needs to learn who to trust and when.

I loved Remembrandt and I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough to read Van Gogh Gone, I like how the author weaves a tale through Alex’s life, a loved one she thought was gone! A love she thought she wanted! An unexpected answer to a question she didn’t ask, through her brilliant mind, she now know who caused the fatal accident. In this wonderfully written book, Alex continues to search for answers, she goes on risky and nail biting missions. Her back up team always has her back. She is learning to know who to trust, how to rely on her team and how to get her loved one back. This book was a great read. Can’t wait to read the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Melanie Forbush.
100 reviews1 follower
September 2, 2018
Monumentally better than the first book. When I start a series, I really try to find the drive to read all the books of the series, unless it is a complete waste of my time. With Remembrandt, I thought it utterly predictable, but I thought Robin King had a really good basis for great storytelling. And the idea of a 17-year old spy intrigued me. So I stuck with it and I was right. This book was much better, less predictable. Ms. King definitely improved from the first book.

I will definitely read the last book of the series.
Profile Image for Rita.
397 reviews
October 21, 2016
Just ok. Not as good as the first book. I wish Alexandra didn't fall into that false category of 'I have to do this all by myself to save those close to me'. It got REALLY old. And, her relationship with her brother seems unhealthy--way too attached. I grew up in a loving home and I loved my brothers, but I didn't base my life around them. And there were inconsistencies in the book, which also bugged me. Sad, since I liked the first one.
Profile Image for Susan.
956 reviews16 followers
February 17, 2020
Alexandra goes rouge to save her family. Memories of her brother, Tanner, and learning he is alive, make her mission even more personal. Will she choose between saving him and helping a dangerous terrorist, or follow her conscience. This is a fast-paced story full of intrigue.
Profile Image for LitJoy Crate.
28 reviews77 followers
January 24, 2018
Our favorite author does in again. Alex's adventure takes us to Paris this time and it does not disappoint!
Profile Image for Maree.
666 reviews
February 6, 2018
This book was o.k. but again I found several things not very believable and I wasn’t happy with the ending.
5 reviews
May 3, 2016
If you have already read Remembrant, you already know that Alex has a new, cute boyfriend while she helps out in an underground spy organization. You know that she is still battling her bizarre memory and is finding more out about herself. But what you didn’t know is that she is more worried than ever about being a spy. A 'friend' who betrayed her has come back and needs help.

You'll find out some shocking secrets about Alex and her family. With every twist and turn that Robin took me on, I couldn't put down the book and was so excited to see how Alex had changed and matured. You think you know everything about her, but then you learn something new that makes you look at her in a new light. Again, Alex's life is put on the line; along with the lives of others who she loves. Run with Alex and see where her adventures take her, and you of course.

I really enjoyed reading this book, I have read the novel that came out before this one (Remembrant) so many times and was so thrilled to find this sequel in stores. I would predict something that was going to happen and then the outcome was totally different then what I was expecting it to be. I am SO obsessed with this ending and love the was Robin wrote it. Don't laugh at my crush on Daly until you have read both books. I didn't totally love him as much as I loved William until about halfway through the second book but now I am so obsessed with the relationship between Alex and him. I can't reveal my favorite part of the book, I'll only tell you that it was almost at the very end. Like the last chapter. Hahahaha I need a Daly in my life.

Robin King is a spectacular writer with an amazing gift. She will keep you captivated throughout both books. I would definitely recommend Van Gogh Gone to any reader (mostly female readers, I just don't think guys would really enjoy this book.) looking for a good, and clean romance novel that is a quick read. If you loved Remembrant, you'll definitely love this sequel. I'd give this book a five star rating and I know I have said this before, but I am so obsessed with Daly and Alex. Ahhhhhh! It is SO hard to not SPOIL this entire book!

Fabulous job Robin!!!

Profile Image for Dana.
272 reviews5 followers
February 22, 2017
I love a good spy book, and Van Gogh Gone did not disappoint. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough. It had emotion and suspense. I can't wait to read the next book in the series.
3 reviews
February 7, 2016
I thought this book was terrific even though I do not believe that I am the target audience. I am 46 and the book is categorized as young adult fiction. But because it is well-written, clever, smart, fast-paced and fun, I loved it despite my age. Alexandra is a student at Brown University. (And a side note: The author did such an effective job of creating a mental picture of Brown and the surrounding area, I now want to go back to college if I can please go to Brown.) Alexandra has an eidetic memory and a haunting past. While studying Russian, her professor presents her with a unique opportunity that involves intrigue, adventure and espionage. Is she up for the challenge, physically and mentally? It’s an exciting ride as the answer to this question unfolds for the reader in page-turning fashion.
One of my favorite things about Alexandra, is that the author made me privy to her internal dialogue—dialogues that are familiar to all of us:

“Why can’t I keep quiet? What is wrong with me? I keep losing control of what comes out of my mouth in his presence.”

“Get a hold of yourself, Alex. Think about something else. Anything else.”

I loved that about this character. Instead of finding Alexandra intimidating with her many abilities and talents, I found her endearing because she was a “real” person with the same insecurities and anxieties of the average person. In particular, me. I wanted to be her friend and cohort because of those quirky, in-head conversations.
This book was a fun and fast read, with intelligent writing, a clever plot and witty dialogue (both internal and external). I’m anxious for my 8-year-old daughter to be old enough to enjoy it, but in the interim, I will be recommending it to my daughter’s babysitters. Oh, and I’m ready for the next book in the series, as well. Loved it.
Profile Image for Mindy.
1,010 reviews99 followers
December 21, 2015
Van Gogh Gone starts right where Remembrant leaves off, and the action and suspense does not let up until the end. I love Alex. She is a fantastic and fascinating character. As I read, I was thinking how cool it would be to have her memory, but as I got further in the book, I thought of what a burden it would be. I loved how Robin showed the conflict and struggle Alex was experiencing. I loved the realization she has about it at the end of the book though. Alex has some hard decisions to make and I really enjoyed the end result. Truth always wins. I appreciated how the author used flashbacks, it didn't interfere with the pacing at all, and it was needed background information. A character returns that has a secret, well secrets, and that part really added to the story too, but it also brings more trouble for Alex. Alex also needed to make decisions about the men in her life, and I must say, I was happy with how that turned out as well. I'm excited for the next book!

I received a paperback copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Julia King.
Author 1 book26 followers
December 17, 2016
Such a lovely lovely book and an amazing sequel to the Remembrandt series. I applaud Robin M. King for the brilliant story. If you want to read a good series, do pick up this one. You won't be disappointed.

Highly recommend!

Rated PG13 for an audience of 16 and older.
Content: spy themes, heist robbery, kidnapping
Profile Image for Melanie Mason.
Author 25 books38 followers
July 8, 2016
This was a masterful continuation of the first book. Many times in series we see a continuation of the same theme over and over in the following books, but not this one. In Van Gogh Gone we may still have the same characters, but a whole new dynamic appears among the characters forcing them to learn and grow and decide what really matters in their lives and the lives of those they care about.

Alex's struggles with who she is and how her choice can change everything becomes an even more important decision in this installment. On top of all that we also get an amazing trip into the world of espionage and art theft, and it isn't always the bad guys stealing the art . . . or is it?

King has once again created a story that is impossible to put down until the very last page and even then I left hoping for more. :) The twists and turns will keep you guessing and in the end you'll be surprised by the decisions Alex must make.

Two thumbs up!!!
Profile Image for Heather.
708 reviews
February 7, 2017
I liked this book. It is a solid 3.5 stars. But it is lacking something (in my mind) to keep it from being "great." Maybe I just don't love the character or find her very believable, or maybe this genre isn't really my thing -- but that's just the way I feel. I think this book would have been better read in just a few sittings (they are very short books) but because of my life lately, I read it at the pace of a single chapter (sometimes only a page) per day. So that can make it harder to get involved and engaged. Still, I've enjoyed it enough to continue on and finish the next book.
Profile Image for Valerie Gentry.
20 reviews15 followers
February 5, 2016
I read the first book, Remembrandt, and I was awaiting more. When Van Gogh Gone came out I was excited to see what would become of Alexandra. To my pleasant surprise, I was engulfed in this book as much as I was in the first. I felt like I was watching the story unfold. I enjoyed the adventure the book took me on. In the end, I had strong feelings about certain characters. I credit the author, Robin King, with pulling out strong emotions in me through her character development. I HATE giving away endings, so I will refrain from telling you my particular thoughts, but I felt like I was a part of the story as I read!
Profile Image for Brooke Hargett.
147 reviews31 followers
November 2, 2015
Once again Robin King pulls out a cleverly crafted and witty story that will keep you guessing! I love her writing style and the twists and turns you won't expect. Just when Alex thinks she has everything figured out, something happens that rocks her whole world and brings new meaning to the lengths she will go for loved ones. Her path takes her on unexpected travels and forces her to delve into things she never saw coming, even with her perfect memory. If you enjoyed Remembrandt, you'll LOVE Van Gogh Gone! Can't wait for more!
5 reviews
September 27, 2016
I liked this one even better than the first book, Remembrandt. The ending was unexpected and the characters were more developed. Usually second books in series are kinda dull, but this one definitely isn't. I was also surprised to like it because I'm a guy and its about a teenager girl. I was wrong. It was cool to read about the paintings and Barcelona and Paris. I REALLY want to know what happens with a certain character I will not name!
Profile Image for Debbie.
356 reviews5 followers
October 14, 2016
A 4.5. Another exciting, clean book with a lot of adventure, twists, and sweet romance. I wasn't as in love with the decisions Alex made in this book, but I did like to see her growth. She is a teenager after all, what teenager makes awesome choices? But other than that this was a very, very enjoyable read and I was so sad when it was over! I am so excited that the third book comes out this month!
8 reviews
October 28, 2015
Exciting! More adventures for Alexandra. You are all in for a treat with suspense, surprises, and relationships unfolding. Wait until you meet the bad guy! There were lots of twists and turns. I wasn't sure where the story was going to lead. I'm already waiting for the next in this serious. I want to find out where Alexandra's next adventures takes her. And, most of all where romance leads her.
Profile Image for April.
2,898 reviews14 followers
May 14, 2016
I don't like this book as much as the first. Alexandra is not developing into an admirable person. There is so much lying and deception. She manages to survive several dangerous situations, but she thinks she is all that because of her memory. She treats William poorly.
I guess I am disappointed because the first book felt so promising.
Profile Image for Marissa (Rae Gun Ramblings).
593 reviews72 followers
January 5, 2016
oh I just adored this. Great spy story. If you read the first one you'll love this one! If you haven't read the first one go grab it. I love the characters and I love Alex. Maybe it's because I relate to her but I really like how she doesn't do the normal stupid or immature things most YA main characters do. I can't wait until book 3 comes out!
Profile Image for Steff.
167 reviews
June 23, 2016
I received this book free in a giveaway. All my opinions are my own.

I enjoyed this book a lot. I felt like this book was more solid then the first. It flowed very nicely and some of my unanswered questions from the first book weren't exactly answered but they were made more clear. I am excited to read the next book in this series!
2 reviews2 followers
January 11, 2016
Loved this book! I accidentally read it before reading the first book, "Remembrandt", though. It reminded me a little of the TV series "Alias". It kept my attention, had great characters, and wasn't too sappy. It had a great balance of suspense, adventure, and just a hint of romance. Most of all, I appreciated that it was CLEAN! This is a book I can recommend to my daughters as well.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 39 reviews

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