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How to Write a Novella in 24 Hours: And other questionable & possibly insane advice on creativity for writers

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Andrew Mayne, star of A&E’s Don’t Trust Andrew Mayne and ranked the fifth best-selling independent author of the year by Amazon UK, presents insider advice from marathon writing to how to create a professional book cover in just ten minutes. Also included is a bonus section of 100 free (and almost free) ways to promote your ebook.

+ How to write a novella in 24 hours
+ How to start building your empire
+ How long should a story be?
+ How to write a bestselling novel on your iPhone
+ The secret to making a book cover (that mostly doesn’t suck) in 10 minutes or less
+ Why you're staring at a blank screen
+ One Weird Trick to Boost Your Creativity
+ Your worst idea may be your greatest
+ Managing criticism
+ The Curse of a Creative Mind
+ 100 free (and almost free) ways to promote you ebook

77 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 24, 2015

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Andrew Mayne

60 books2,645 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 135 reviews
Profile Image for Anna – ARC reader extraordinaire! .
121 reviews342 followers
May 24, 2022
If you’re a complete beginner at writing, this is a great book. It highlights some important points about writing and sets you off on the right track. I also feel that writing a short story or novella is a good place to start rather than an entire novel for a new writer. However, the book gives you an overall picture. I would have loved for it to be more detailed, especially when it came to writing. On the other hand, the book also tells you what to do once you’ve written the story. As in it looks into cover design, promotions, and marketing. Which, again, for a beginner, is helpful.
Profile Image for Alexis.
Author 11 books2,162 followers
February 20, 2016
This short ebook includes some good practical tips but I was looking for structural advice about plotting, outlining, and actually writing a novella. However, this is a good quick read for people starting out.

Except for this part, which came after some solid advice about conflict and character goals. This bothered me:

"Some genres thrive on meandering plot lines that never really go anywhere. Romance and period books are often really just about spending time inside that world. Readers pick these books up for escapism, not clever plot twists or information. They just want to be somewhere else while they read them. When you write these kinds of stories it's okay to take all the time you please. Often enough in those stories, once the relationship is consummated, it's all downhill from there anyway."

Romance novellas sell incredibly well, and writing about them in such an offhand, condescending, and uninformed way put me off and almost made me quit reading.
Profile Image for Rachel.
Author 15 books44 followers
July 3, 2017
This book had some interesting advise. I bought it for the chapter on writing a novella in 24 hours, which sounds tiring but fun. Yet, it also had some other good stuff to like the promoting your book ideas, some of which I will try. For some reason though, it just didn't feel all that memorable. It was well written but short (but I already know that). In one chapter, it seemed like he was just giving a personal story without much advice. But, each chapter had different advice on accomplishing the topic. The main point of the book was to encourage the writer's writing, which was very good. I personally like the advice at the end of the chapter The Curse of the Creative Mind. Thanks for the tips and encouraging read.
Profile Image for Kenneth.
502 reviews11 followers
February 3, 2023
A short collection of blog post length articles. Some nuggets of wisdom, but nothing life altering. Glad I have kindle unlimited, because I wouldn't have wanted to pay money for such a thing. It was an hour or so of reading. A nice little inspirational hit, but not much more.
Profile Image for Scott Jenkins.
Author 21 books12 followers
November 3, 2021
An Invaluable Book to Get the Creative Juices Flowing

This book is for anyone who wants to write and then share their work with the world. The title refers to novellas, but the advice on writing, creativity and marketing will help any writer at any level.
Profile Image for Caitlyn Lynch.
Author 87 books1,829 followers
January 26, 2018
So I have a tendency to buy and hoard (fortunately electronic copies of) self-help writing books. A while ago, I had the idea of starting a regular blog column called Non-Fiction Fridays where I'd read and review them, and hopefully garner a collection of the best snippets for my own future reference too. You'll be able to find all these reviews in the Writing Advice Books section under the Reviews tab.

I'm going to start with Andrew Mayne's How To Write A Novella In 24 Hours (And Other Questionable and Possibly Insane Advice On Creativity For Writers). Now, you may have heard of Mayne as a magician-illusionist, but he's also a very successful independently published author of scifi and thriller fiction (the #94 author on all Amazon at the time of writing this post).

HTWANI24H (which is an utterly ridiculous acronym for a book but I couldn't figure out any other way to shorten it) is only 90 pages, which isn't a lot of book for $3.99. It needs to be packed full of some really good information to be good value for money at that price - though it is in the Kindle Unlimited program too.

This book doesn't get into any of the nitty-gritty of writing technique, or any of the details of how to self-publish. If that's the information you're looking for, this isn't the book for you. (Go buy On Writing for the first and Let's Get Digital for the second). What it does is share, in an approachable and friendly way, Mayne's own methods for writing a novella - defined as a 17,500 - 40,000 word work of fiction - in a very short period of time, along with some other helpful tidbits.

This book isn't really for the experienced writer. Mayne's advice is simple and can be boiled down to neat soundbites like "Know what your story is before you sit down to write it", which could lead to a more in-depth discussion about plotting methods but doesn't. Instead Mayne talks about choosing which ideas to work on and sticking with them even if you run out of steam, a classic mistake many aspiring authors make.

Probably my favourite piece of advice in the entire book is one which, as a book critic and reviewer as well as an author, I wish more authors took to heart, and that is Learn to embrace criticism. Ignore reviews at your own peril; they are a major tool to help you improve your skills, especially if you're self-editing. I can't tell you how many authors I've seen get up in arms because a reviewer pointed out a factual inaccuracy or unconscious racism in their work, instead of thanking the reviewer for taking the time to read it and provide valuable feedback.

This is a very approachable read, and probably most helpful for someone who struggles to finish off stories or is suffering from impostor syndrome, considering some of the great examples given in the book. I don't think it's worth $3.99 - I'm pretty sure I bought it during a 99¢ promo - but if you have KU or can pick it up on a promo, it's definitely worth a read. I'm giving it 4 stars mainly because I think he needed to talk more about plotting and fleshing out your plots before you start to write.
Profile Image for Sophie Bowns.
Author 16 books90 followers
April 18, 2022
I loved how relaxed this book felt and it has really spurred me on to have a go! I enjoyed the writing style and the content was helpful and informative!
Profile Image for H.G. Ahedi.
Author 19 books47 followers
December 30, 2023
Pretty alright

If you are starting out or even if you are a published author this book has good tips, is insightful and is a good reads. I wanted a little bit more.
Profile Image for Alexia Purdy.
Author 115 books1,093 followers
March 22, 2016
Interesting and full of examples, tips, and timesavers. I'd say this is more for authors starting out or even already published but not expert level. It's very informative and I did pick up some tips that I've never heard of before in other writing how to's. Short and sweet and it gets to the point without being dry. Definitely kept my attention with interesting writing and the examples were perfect! Thanks for a great reference to add to my collection.
Profile Image for Treasure Malian.
Author 49 books122 followers
December 14, 2015

Very informative & straight to the point. He gives enough detail without dragging to reach his point. I definitely recommend this to all writers and aspiring writers.
Profile Image for Michele Bardsley.
Author 249 books1,447 followers
December 26, 2015
Like it a lot

Great advice, clever promo ideas, and practical information. I plan on using some of Mayne's techniques right away. Highly recommend!
Profile Image for Victoria.
761 reviews10 followers
March 25, 2018
One of the best things about this book is the author's attitude, which seems to suggest that anything is possible. There is a clear disclaimer (even in the title) that some people might consider some of his ideas to be insane, and then he dives right into telling you how to write a novella of 20,000 words in the space of 24 hours.

The disappointing this is that the book does not really develop any of the ideas it covers. He describes it as a series of essays on creativity. I would say it's like a 1 hour seminar with Andrew himself, where he quickly gabbles out all of the things he's learned from being a writer and creative. There are plenty of anecdotal stories from his own experience and from the industry, all of which have a moral behind them, but there is no real system behind the advice spewed out. People who picked up the book thinking that it would be a comprehensive "how to write a novella" guide might feel slightly cheated. I mean, yes he talks about writing a novella and how he did it in 24 hours, and provides advice for people who might want to do the same, but it's only a few pages long. Andrew even explains how he chose the title to be catchy and make people pick up the book. My feeling is that it (the title) raises reader expectations which later come to be disappointed.

However, I still enjoyed the book and felt that there were some good tips to be gained. The tone of writing is very pleasant and conversational and the advice obviously comes from real experience rather than speculation. The part about sticking to one creative idea until the end particularly resonated.
Profile Image for Jerry Walch.
574 reviews15 followers
August 26, 2020
This is a book that every aspiring writer needs to have in his craft books library and a book every aspiring writer needs to read many times. How To Write A Novella in 24 Hours and Other Questionable & Possibly Insane Advice on Creativity For Writers by Andrew Mayne is an easy, quick read. A mere 78 pages in length, this book contains vital knowledge that could fill a book four or five times its page count.

 How To Write A Novella in 24 Hours and Other Questionable & Possibly Insane Advice on Creativity For Writers has something to offer every writer, even old pro technical writers like me with forty-plus years under their belts. Back in the day when I got my start in electronics at the ripe old age of nine, one of my favorite magazines had a regular monthly column called Back To Basics. The premise was that the longer one practices a craft, the more of the basics they forget and need to refresh them on their memories from time to time. I think the same thinking applies to us writers. We do things without remembering the reasons we do them, and we need to be reminded of the why.

 A job well done, Andrew. This book will be in my eBook library for many years to come.
Profile Image for Jordan Stivers.
584 reviews2 followers
December 6, 2018
Loved this little book that packs a big punch! I've been on the fence about putting aside a big project (multi-book fantasy epic story) for a smaller one-off story. Though I've finished books in the past, none were even close to the size of a novella (They were monsters.) so I was intimidated by the thought of fitting so much of fantasy/sci-fi complexity into a shorter word count.

Andrew's advice really encouraged me to take the leap though. This small book is absolutely packed with so much great advice that my notes from it are easily half as long as the book itself. His prose is so friendly and relaxed, it felt like getting advice from a friend which was precisely what I needed.

I absolutely recommend this to any writer, novella project or no, and already have blasted it out to my own little writing circle. Thanks for the great book, Andrew!
2 reviews
October 21, 2023
Worth the 20 minutes to read it

When I see a monster grammar error on the first page, I Normally dump the the tome. I did not do that on this one. There is nothing epiphany creating here, but I thought of all things, Andrew's take on covers was useful and good advice to newbies and even old pros.
The write fast school has been around for a few decades. I think it may be something to be avoided. First it is a bitch fix. Rewriting, which is really what creative writing is, is killer when the draft is really dirty. Writing fast may give one a sense of getting it done, but the thoughts of Mr. Steinbeck from his novella called The Eden Letters where lauds slower and more thoughtful transcription of his stories. I gave Andrew three stars. He loses one for that grammar bump, and the because.
Profile Image for Cass Rosewood.
29 reviews
September 19, 2023
I enjoyed the information provided it gave me something new to think about. I feel like "why you're staring at a blank screen" and "one weird trick to boost creativity" could be expanded on with more information. Overall a good book. It gave me some ideas to try since I've been stuck in writer's block for a while. To write stories again I'll take what I currently have and turn it into novella size for fun and try the very simple outline process. I've been stuck writing 1 to 5 chapters for a few years after I completed one book's draft. I'll take a few days to ponder over things that was mentioned in this book and see what I come up with. :)
November 8, 2022
informative and entertaining…

I really enjoyed this book by Andrew Mayne. Writing can be and often is so daunting a prospect many budding authors simply give up. I’m not one of them I have to say but I have been so thoroughly daunted that I felt like throwing in the towel more than once.
This helpful guide is so well written from Andrew’s own personal experience and research that it is just littered with green lights all the way through. It is an inspiring, encouraging, insightful and marvellously easy read that I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Angela Boord.
Author 9 books110 followers
December 27, 2023
This was an impulse read. I opened my Kindle library and it appeared in the list of recommended titles. I thought it sounded funny and I kind of wanted to know how he’d written a novella in 24 hours and it was on Kindle Unlimited, so I checked it out.

I’d classify this as a comfort read for writers, if such a thing exists? No earth shattering advice, more like meeting a friend and talking shop and having a few chuckles and snickers as you relate. I do, however, think it was all good advice, and I’m happy I read it.
Profile Image for Johnny Parker.
Author 87 books
July 23, 2017
Loads of info

Entertaining and informative with shed loads of useful suggestions. A further edition might also want to touch on dictation/transcription software like Dragon. As a slow typer with minimal time, together with Andrew's inspiration it's pushed my productivity through the roof.
Profile Image for Kunal Prakash.
16 reviews3 followers
May 25, 2018
An extra star for showing me the google forms method.

It's a decent reference book and offers some content that was new to me. There are some mistakes in the text which can be a little jarring but overall a decent book. I would give it a 7.5/10. Unfortunately, that's not possible here so I rounded up.
Profile Image for Renee.
338 reviews
July 5, 2018
Generous! My review in a nutshell...

I read books like this to peek into a writer’s world to see how they work. It inspires creativity. I consider this little gem a more practical, get it done inspirational for the modern writer. It has more about end product presentation and promotional ideas than expected and it’s a very quick read.
Profile Image for Sophie Heng.
Author 9 books6 followers
June 20, 2019
Incredibly awesome

I was eager to finish this book in hopes that the author would light that creative fire that died within me and I was right. He understood me. What I needed, I got from this book. It is a short and sweet reference guide from start to finish. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is stuck staring at a blank screen.
Profile Image for Bill Glover.
Author 3 books2 followers
March 14, 2020
Concise, Useful Tips

I especially enjoyed the collection of e-book promotion ideas, but there's also some very good advice on finishing things. I may have to try to write a novella in one day sometime. I've done it in three before. Love the idea of that kind of instant gratification.
Profile Image for Laney.
18 reviews
May 23, 2021
Not what was expected

Seemed like those blog sites that give you recipes but first they tell you an entire story and then the recipe but this never really got to the recipe part. Expected more details on how to write the actual novella than why you should write it and why you have trouble writing it
37 reviews
October 22, 2021
Full of good ideas!

Many books on writing are interesting but haven't triggered my own creativity in a way that shows up in my writing. A. Mayne's book actually opened up a whole new burst of usable ideas for me! I also suggest his book on writer's block. That was also practical and helpful.
Profile Image for Sharon Milligan.
Author 66 books97 followers
May 16, 2022
Didn’t take long at all to read this but it was totally worth it. Sometimes you get so bogged down in your own ego that you forget you actually have to write to be a writer. Sounds simple but it is true. I feel motivated to write now.

And not only that. He has some really excellent promo ideas that I am 100% going to try next time I release a novel.

All in all, this book was a great investment.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 135 reviews

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