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Sutherland Scandals #2

A Season of Ruin

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Anna Bradley, author of  A Wicked Way to Win an Earl, continues her Sutherland Scandals series with a tantalizing new Regency romance filled with opulence, elegance, and forbidden desire...
Lily Somerset’s plan for the London season is simple: courtship, marriage to a respectable gentleman, then the comfortable existence of a proper Lady. That is, until one tiny misstep leaves Lily on the edge of social ruin, forcing her to depend on a wicked rogue to save her reputation.
Robyn Sutherland doesn’t save reputations—he sullies them. He'd rather be drawn and quartered than find himself spending the season as Lily's escort. But he has no choice but to stay until her tattered standing is mended.
What begins as a ruse to deceive London soon flames into an uncontrollable passion. Robyn calls to the wild spirit that lurks beneath Lily’s prim exterior, and Lily awakens the hero’s heart within Robyn. But can these unlikely lovers trust themselves enough to let desire overrule reason?

294 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published August 2, 2016

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About the author

Anna Bradley

39 books795 followers
Anna Bradley writes Regency and Georgian historical romance with heat, heart, and happily-ever-afters. Her books have received starred reviews from Publisher’s Weekly, and Library Journal, and her debut novel won the Romantic Times’ award for Best First Historical.

Anna is originally from New England, but now makes her home in Oregon, where she lives with her family, an overgrown English garden and a menagerie of wayward pets. If she isn’t writing, she’s probably hiding in a corner reading, chasing the dog, or herding the cats. Find Anna on the web at www.annabradley.net

Find Anna on the web at www.annabradley.net

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 114 reviews
Profile Image for Angie Elle.
884 reviews109 followers
August 9, 2016
Thank you to BERKLEY and Netgalley for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I’ve been looking forward to A Season of Ruin ever since I finished the first book in this series, A Wicked Way to Win an Earl. I love a rakish hero, and just like his brother Alec, Robyn Sutherland did not disappoint. This book starts right off with a bang, though to Robyn’s dismay, not a real one. An accidental tryst with Lily Sutherland brings to light an attraction he wasn’t even aware he had, and thus begins Lily and Robyn’s season of ruin. Lily has her sights set on a respectable gentleman, someone quite the opposite of Robyn. But when Robyn’s attention lands Lily in a societal pickle, the only way to restore it is to spend even more time together. This was most certainly a story of opposites attracting, and it was against each of their wills. While Robyn’s intent was to improve Lily’s reputation, it was almost as though he couldn’t help himself. Whatever he did painted her in an even worse light as far as the ton was concerned, but it only heightened his pull to her. Robyn and Lily’s attraction smoldered whenever they were on the page together. I also loved Robyn’s interactions with Alec. They’re both pig-headed and funny without meaning to be, and anytime they’re together, it made for a wonderful scene. And just like the previous book, I like that the author didn’t change who the hero was; it’s just now he’s that man for an audience of one.

I enjoyed everything about this story. I’ve said it before, but Historical Romance is like comfort food to me, and this book more than satisfied my craving. It’s like Historical Romance has been waiting for Anna Bradley to come along and write it, and I’m in it for the long haul. I can’t wait to read what she puts out next!

This review was originally posted at Badass Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Caz.
2,984 reviews1,114 followers
November 19, 2016
I've given this a C- at AAR.

I enjoyed Anna Bradley’s début, A Wicked Way to Win an Earl last year, and in my review said:
“Her writing is deft and intelligent with a nice touch of humour, and she has taken a well-used plotline and made good use of it by peopling it with distinctive characters and strongly-written relationships.”

As a result, I was really looking forward to her follow up book, which was to pair off the hero’s roguish brother and the heroine’s rather uptight sister.  Unfortunately, however, the good things I pointed out in my earlier review are largely absent here, making A Season of Ruin a big disappointment.  Perhaps it’s my own fault for having expectations that were too high, or maybe it’s “second book syndrome”; but whatever the case, while Ms. Bradley’s writing is still strong, the plot is bland and predictable, the central characters are barely two-dimensional and rather dull, and the romance is not at all well-developed.

Robyn Sutherland (I kept having to remind myself he’s a bloke because Robyn is a girls’ name; his name is Robert – why not just use that?) is a rake of the first order and has no intention of being otherwise.  He’s an unabashed hedonist, he’s unreliable and not one to keep his promises.  Nobody expects much from him, and consequently, he doesn’t expect much from himself, and that suits him just fine.  Or it did, until the evening he mistakenly kissed the hell out of his sister-in-law, Lily Somerset, in a scene which would undoubtedly win the award for the most uses of the word “tongue” in the history of romance novels.

Lily is determined that her life should be orderly and free from any emotional excesses like love or passion. After all, love only brings hurt, so it’s much safer to live life without it. She has set her sights on securing a marriage proposal from a handsome, rather dull gentleman, but her hopes are dashed after the gossip rags gleefully tout the tale of her secret assignation with a notorious rake. Lily is horrified. It’s true that Robyn kissed her, but it wasn’t her fault; he mistook her for his current lady-love in the dark and kissed her stupid before he realised who she was.

Robyn doesn’t see what all the fuss is about, but his sisters insist there is only one way to deal with the scandal he has created for Lily, which is to squire her about to all the scheduled events of the Season and brazen it out until the next scandal breaks and everyone turns their attention to that instead. Lily doesn’t want anything more to do with Robyn, but reluctantly agrees to the plan. Unfortunately, however, Robyn doesn’t agree to it, and doesn’t turn up to escort her anywhere. Lily is furious at him for causing her such problems and then for leaving her to face them alone and asks one of his friends to be her escort instead. When Robyn discovers this, in a fit of jealousy, he deliberately makes things worse by baiting some of the young ladies who are busily enjoying Lily’s discomfiture and then waltzing with her before she has been given permission. Yep, he’s a real prince among men.

Fortunately for Lily, however, the Deus ex machina is at hand in the form of her formidable grandmother who makes all the scandal go away, so the rest of the story can concentrate on Robyn’s inner fight between his desperation to get inside Lily’s knickers and his knowledge that he is so unworthy of her that the right thing to do would be to leave her alone.

For over the first half of the book, Robyn continues to do just as he wants without a care for anyone else. We’re supposed to believe that this is because he was such a big disappointment to his father that he decided he might as well just disappoint everyone, but that is really just mentioned in passing and never fully addressed. Much later in the book, Robyn and Alec (his older brother and hero of book one) discuss it briefly, but it’s still a woefully underdeveloped plot-point and provides no real explanation or justification for Robyn’s irresponsible behaviour.

Lily is just as under-developed as a character. I could understand her emotional issues as they related to the recent death of her parents in an accident, but there was also something thrown in about her getting lost in a maze when she was five, which was supposed to account for her desire for an unexciting, emotionless life. I know getting lost can be a traumatic experience for a child, but I didn’t see the correlation.

The romance is so unmemorable that I have little to say about it. There’s quite a lot of illicit touching and kissing going on, but romance? Not really; so much so that when the pair realises they are in love I thought I’d missed something. Whenever they are together they argue and there is no development of any mutual understanding or an actual relationship. Robyn goes from having hardly noticed Lily to having an almost constant hard-on for her within a very short space of time, but other than physical attraction, I didn’t see why they would be interested in each other given their diametrically opposed personalities. I couldn’t believe that there was anything more between them than lust on his side and infatuation on hers.

Which brings me to one of my Pet Peeves. Authors often – for some reason – choose to have their protagonists finally consummate their luuurve after one of them has been injured, and that’s what happens here. Robyn has been in a fight and has sustained a nasty gash to his forehead and several bruised, possibly broken ribs. Yet he is still well up for the rumpy-pumpy on offer from the suddenly no longer proper Lily, and able to shag divinely in spite of the fact of his injuries. Seriously? I bruised my ribs a couple of years ago (not in a brawl, I hasten to add) and could hardly move for a few days after. I get that whole sex and death (or near death) thing, I really do, but people doing the deed whilst seriously injured is not romantic or sexy, and every time I read it in a book I find myself thinking they need a bandage and bed rest, not all that thrusting, pumping and bouncing around!

You know those romance colouring books for adults? Well, A Season of Ruin felt like a colour-by-numbers romance novel. 1 = hero is a rake (I give the author props here for showing that Robyn really IS one!). 2 = heroine must maintain control by being very proper. 3 = hero has Daddy issues. 4 = heroine has abandonment issues. 5 = older lady battle-axe who is nothing of the kind… and so on.

If that’s your thing, then all well and good. But otherwise, I think you might enjoy a romance colouring book more than this. I’m hoping that Ms. Bradley’s next effort will see a return to the form she displayed in her début novel.
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,046 reviews859 followers
August 2, 2016
Kitty's review posted at Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews

I love the Sutherland’s. They are just so much fun! I know when I am in the mood to be brought back to times-gone-by, Anna Bradley will definitely bring me to times of high tea, scandal, the Ton, balls and duels. She did not disappoint me one bit with A Season of Ruin … she gave me everything that I expected, and then some.

Robyn was a hoot right from the beginning. You knew that he was going to be a fun-loving Rogue. He didn’t care about anything but having a good time, romping in the sack with a willing woman and tying his cravat around a bar-maid’s leg (with his teeth). Until the scandal papers come out and he finds that he may have ruined his brother’s sister-in-law, Lily. Then again, why should he care … his family always expected the worst from him and he finally did it. They have a solution, he agrees to it and then immediately disappoints them all. It takes the attention of one of his best friends to get him to see the light and step in where he is expected. Only to ruin Lily again and again and again. Not being capable of love, the last thing that he expected was falling for the one woman that was “hands-off” and who he mistakenly took for another.

Poor Lily. She keeps getting her name in the Scandal Sheets through no fault of her own. The match that she was hoping for is gone, she’s drawn the attention of the grandmother that disowned her mother and has been held in the arms of one of the most notorious rakes in all of London, all thanks to Robyn. She knows he won’t keep his promise so she asks Archie to be her escort to stop all the talking. She doesn’t realize that only inflames Robyn even move. Then, when her grandmother steps in, she has to make a choice between the match that she originally wanted and the man that makes her blood boil and has already showed her how wonderful pleasure can be.

Seriously, Robyn and his antics throughout the story had me smiling. A Season of Ruin was such a fun and entertaining read. There may have been serious moments but I was actually turning the pages wanting to see just what Robyn was going to do next that would back-fire on him and Lily. As usual, Anna Bradley’s writing was spot on … she may have taken some liberties with the time-line of the waltz but that only added to the story line. This was a quick, fun read that has me looking forward to the rest of Lily’s family showing up in London.

Review copy provided for an honest review.
Profile Image for Anna's Herding Cats.
1,274 reviews312 followers
August 8, 2016

Reviewed for herding cats & burning soup.
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2aqVwM8

Sometimes you ask the world for one simple little thing--a proper and respectable man--and the world is like pffft wicked rogue for you! *hangs head* Such is the case for Lily. A quiet life? Nope...she's gonna get scandal hounding her heels and one oh so tempting but oh so naughty male who's all about a good time...not commitment. Yeah.

The gist of it is that historical homeboy screwed up and the only way to keep Lily from becoming a social outcast is to come to the rescue and ride out the storm with her and basically pretending that nothing sordid ever happened until all the little bitties move on to someone else. Then Lily can move on to her real proper life with someone else. Once again. Yeah. lol

I enjoyed Robyn and Lily. There's a bit of a growly dynamic and it was pretty fun to watch them together since they were pretty much the exact opposite of what each other wanted. They make a lot of missteps and blunders along the way--well mainly Robyn did. dude is GOOD at causing a scandal-- but I liked them. They both have some ingrained thoughts and fears to get past and it was nice seeing that slowly change for each of them--her fear of scandal or any risk and his of thinking he was nothing bu a ne'er do well and wicked. There wasn't a lot of sex in the book but there were some heated moments between them.

My only moment of eyebrow raising "really now?" was the sex scene which relied on a #supercock and--as one of our reader friends said--the healing power of vagina after the hero got himself all banged up with bloody gashes, bruised or cracked ribs and barely able to climb stairs. But a vigorous roll in the sack? Woohoo! Totally happening. lol And I was over here like 'you just sit down and heal!!!' Ahhhh book sex. Heh

All in all, though, A Season for Ruin was a scandalously good time. I'd definitely be up for seeing all the trouble her sisters get into in the future. If they're anywhere as entertaining as Lily and Robyn they'll be a good time.
Profile Image for Jessica.
148 reviews3 followers
August 27, 2022
Me encantó este libro, no estaba tan emocionada de leerlo porque en el libro anterior ninguno de los dos me llamo la atención.
Lily y Robyn son opuestos y eso hace que sea más entretenido cuando están juntos lo disfruté muchísimo.
Profile Image for Becky (romantic_pursuing_feels).
1,027 reviews1,215 followers
May 14, 2019
*sigh* so loving the Anna Bradley books. Her writing just totally pulls me in. Gives me butterflies. Makes me feel feels. Makes me tear up. I love it.

This book is the second of the Sutherland Scandals series. It can be read as a stand-alone. Of course I recommend you read the first book, A Wicked Way to Win an Earl, because it’s my favorite book ever 😍 and you’ll get some history on Robyn, as well as Delia and Alec’s story, who are occasionally secondary characters in this story.

Robyn’s family has invited Lily to London with them to experience the season. Robyn has no interest in Lily, and knows she’s perfectly off limits to him. He’s content to continue drinking, partying, and flirting his way through London. No one holds him responsible for his actions, and when they try to, he jokes and charms until he’s forgiven and can continue his routine. I don’t think Robyn even really understands or admits the full path he’s on. His behavior started when he was young as a direct result of his fathers parenting style and being a constant disappointment to him.

Lily likes her life controlled and proper. She lost her loving parents in a carriage accident fairly recently. She doesn’t like risk, preferring the safety of missing an experience versus taking a chance. Unfortunately for her, she walks into the wrong room at a house party in chapter one. And from there, everything changes for both of them.

Robyn throws Lily completely off balance. She becomes someone she doesn’t recognize. He can’t help but continue to poke and prod her until she shows some of the passion that lies beneath.

I didn’t like this book as much as the previous in the series (A Wicked Way to Win an Earl). I found Robyn to be quite a bit more immature and it took him forever to come around. But at the same time, it felt very real. He felt like a real man, with real flaws and struggles. And as the time goes by in this book (perhaps 1-2 months?) he just keeps getting in deeper and deeper. He’s totally falling in love and he can’t stop it no matter what he does. He doesn’t understand half of what he’s feeling and he’s reacting and confused. So much of this book felt like it was from his perspective which is something I love love love love in a book. Absolutely loved falling through that process with him.

I also loved the side storyline with Lady Chase 😍 That part made me so happy, especially after reading the previous book.

As far as steam, you get a few kiss scenes, a few more in depth fun, and one full scene at the end. I was slightly irritated with the one full scene as Robyn had just suffered a serious head wound and a broken rib. I mean, I felt like I couldn’t fully enjoy it because I’m thinking, isn’t he bleeding on her? He was literally just bleeding...lol.
Profile Image for Liz F.
719 reviews
June 19, 2016
Review copy courtesy of the publisher via NetGalley.

I thought Anna Bradley was a new-to-me author but when I looked her up on Goodreads, I realized that she's probably pretty new to everyone! This book, A Season of Ruin, is the second book in her Sutherland Scandals series but it's also her second book...period. So I don't feel so out of it now! LOL!

I really liked Lily. There were a couple of times where I thought that maybe she was a little too naive. Maybe. And it really bothered me. But then there were times where her naivete made total sense. There was a scene where Lily danced the waltz at Almack's with the hero and it was a big deal. I didn't realize but apparently, when the waltz was a new dance, a young lady would have needed to ask for permission to dance the waltz. WHAT?! I've been reading Regency romance for YEAR and I had absolutely NO idea!!!! LOL! Anyway, it was cool and Lily could be a little naive but it also made her feel that much more honest and sincere and sweet.

Robyn was definitely a jerk, in a lot of ways. Sometimes, he was just a jerk and an awful guy. Then there were times when he was a jerk but it was kind of cute and funny. I know, that doesn't make sense but his jerkiness kind of bit him on his ass. I liked that he was trying to redeem himself, even if he didn't always do a great job. There was a scene between Robyn and his brother towards the end and it really solidified what a good guy Robyn was. It really explained a lot of his behavior and made a lot of sense. Of course, it didn't really matter because he was easy to like, even at the start!

I feel like I always say this but I'm going to say this again anyway: This is a historical romance so the Sexy Time was definitely slow and pretty mild. But it wasn't a problem since I figured that going in to the book. I liked how Lily and Robyn's relationship progressed. She was SO pissed at him because of his awful behavior and even more because of the way he reacted to the ensuing scandal. And I was pissed right along with her! I don't always feel the same way the heroine does but in this book, I was definitely feeling the same way she was even when she started leaning more towards liking him!

I really enjoyed this book. Even though it's the second book in the series, I think it would be okay to start here. I didn't feel like I was missing any information. However, I liked this book so much that I would go back and read Book 1 just for fun. This one was plenty steamy and had lots of laughs. I can't wait to see what this author comes up with next!
Profile Image for Ermione Pickwick.
300 reviews15 followers
September 16, 2016

This series is fantastic, the first romance was a marvellous surprise, which means that I had expectations for this one. Expectations that have been satisfied.

The author has that great, rare capacity to deeply engage the reader, I was very moved by some parts of the story.

The tension, attraction, longing, between the protagonists is more than palpable; I love a story where the hero is tormented by the emotions for the heroine, and I love the struggle (which makes me slightly sadistic I guess).

Robyn here is obviously very taken by Lily, he knows it, too; he is jealous, he is torn (thankfully not to the point where he ends up being overly penitent and boring in his longing), he wants her but he doesn't know if he's good enough for her and he is so passionate and manly. OH MY GOD! ADORE!

Lily is very innocent and sweet, and I liked it. Now, sometimes she was close to the point of being a bit too naive. However, the author managed to never actually get to that point. I cannot say she's my favourite heroine but the result of the contrast with the hero's personality is actually a winning in the end.

I received an ARC Copy of this novel

For more reviews, visit Il Profumo delle Pergamene!
Profile Image for Amanda.
400 reviews114 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
November 4, 2016
I’m really sad to say that I couldn’t make it past chapter one of A Season of Ruin. In it, the hero mistakes the heroine for a paramour and doesn’t stop kissing her even when she tries to rebuff his advances. She ‘gives in’ eventually, but that is NOT the same thing as consenting. It got even worse when this gem of a thought passed through the hero’s brain:
“...the idea of overcoming her token resistance aroused him. He would make her open for him. He would coax her, render her so dizzy with passion she would have no choice but welcome him into her mouth.”

Eww. I also found some of the hero’s earlier thoughts regarding women equally as troubling.

Look, we all have our limits or breaking points and this evidently was mine as I couldn’t imagine reading any further. It’s a crying shame and maybe this book worked or will work for some but unfortunately it didn’t work for me.
Profile Image for Heather andrews.
9,520 reviews162 followers
March 19, 2016

Robyn is a cunning little devil where Lily is concerned, "Robyn moved a step closer. “I didn’t know it was you I’d kissed. If I let you slap me again, may I kiss you once more?” I liked that even though Robyn was hurt he was eager to soothe his woman, that counts as a good man in my book, “it’s all right, love. Oh, no— don’t cry, Lily.” Too late. Her blue eyes filled with tears. “It doesn’t hurt a bit, ” he lied, desperate to make her stop. It did, of course. It hurt like hell..." I loved this book I loved Robyn he was a good man.
Profile Image for Romanticamente Fantasy.
7,273 reviews215 followers
July 12, 2021
Simo_Mica - per RFS
Una reputazione in pericolo è stato il primo libro che ho letto di Anna Bradley, e nonostante si tratti del secondo di una serie dedicata alle sorelle Somerset, è autoconclusivo.

Nella mia recensione, che riguarda il primo volume Come ammaliare un conte, avevo specificato che l’autrice introduce molto bene i due personaggi di questa storia senza far intuire che sarebbero stati loro i futuri protagonisti.

Ci troviamo sempre in Inghilterra, nel 1814 con Robyn (Robert) Shuterland e Lily Somerset, fratello e sorella dei personaggi principali del suo primo romanzo.

Nonostante le buone premesse iniziali, il mio giudizio su questo romanzo non è molto positivo, il primo infatti l’ho apprezzato di più.

Le azioni sono lente, prive di brio. Non cosa ne pensiate voi, ma a me nei libri Regency piace trovare situazioni avventurose, battute divertenti, conversazioni simpatiche, equivoci …

A parte l’evento iniziale che dà il via alla storia, durante tutta la narrazione non ho più trovato situazioni emozionanti. Forse, a tratti la trama mi è sembrata persino irreale. Secondo voi, due appartenenti all’Alta Società inglese, immischiati in uno scandalo pubblicizzato su un giornalino, possono mettere a tacere le male lingue solo frequentandosi e incontrandosi ogni tanto ai vari ricevimenti londinesi? Sono innumerevoli i romanzi che ho letto dove i protagonisti sono obbligati a fidanzarsi e sposarsi proprio perché un gentiluomo ha compromesso la giovane debuttante, solo poiché si è ritrovato da solo con lei. In questo caso, nonostante siano stati da soli nello studio per parecchio tempo e scoperti insieme, situazione raccontata addirittura sul giornale, loro cosa fanno? Nulla.

Le sorelle di lui propongono che Robyn la accompagni durante gli eventi in società per porre fine allo scandalo.

Secondo me, una storia basata su questi presupposti non regge tanto. Nonostante l’autrice cerchi di mantenere lo stile del primo volume e i personaggi siano ben definiti, ho fatto fatica a proseguire la lettura. Se Come ammaliare un conte lo avevo finito in un lampo, per Una reputazione in pericolo sono andata molto lenta. Normalmente non vedo l’ora di terminare di lavorare per riprendere in mano la lettura, che puntualmente s’interrompe in un momento cruciale, ma questo mantiene vivo l’interesse. Non è stato così, in questo caso. Secondo il mio modesto parere mancano il sale e il pepe nella storia, sebbene la Bradley introduca un altro pretendente per scatenare la gelosia di Robyn, e addirittura un duello. Non mi ha convinto.

Mi auguro che, se ci sarà un seguito della serie, l’autrice adotti lo stile del primo libro.

Profile Image for Maureen.
693 reviews2 followers
May 20, 2022
This is the 2nd and the end of this series about the Sutherland brothers whom married two Somerset sisters Alex to Delia and Robyn to Lily. Luckily there are two more series to complete this saga. One about the Sutherland sisters and the other about the Somerset sisters. My favourite part of the book was their meet cute where Lily goes to find the ladies necessary powder room at a musicale she attended with Robyn’s sisters Eleanor and Charlotte. She opens the wrong door and Robyn believes she is Alicia a married lady willing to have a trist with him and pulls her in kissing her. Lily knows it’s Robyn but kisses him back. The author wrote this scene from two different perspectives Lily’s and Robyn’s.
In the first book they shared the mother of the Somerset girls had married for love to someone outside of the “ton”. She was shunned by her own parents. Recently within the last year the girls were orphaned when their parents died in a carriage accident. Both Delia and Lily suffered nightmares. Lily dreamt of being stuck in a maze and can’t find her way out. She also tries to control everything and maintains order and peace. In this current book the estranged grandmother reaches out and reconnects with her granddaughters.
Robyn was beaten by his father when he attended Easton after beating up a student which that students parent had Robyn’s father banned from one of his clubs. Robyn didn’t believe he was good at anything and played the irresponsible playboy rake never taking anyone or anything seriously.
* Delia and Alec have a son. Robyn and Lily make love before they marry.
I gave this 4 stars.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Profile Image for Matteja LV .
621 reviews28 followers
May 8, 2023
4,5 zvezdic

Po zadnjih knjigah v tej seriji je tale bila osvežitev, zopet me je pritegnila k branju, kjer sem uživala v eni nedolžni zgodovinski romanci.

Glavna junakinja mi je bila pri srcu, žal mi je bilo zanjo, zato sem ji privoščila srečni konec.

Mi pa ni dalo miru, zakaj mi časovnica ne gre, oz. zakaj se mi zdi, da sem o ostalih treh Somerset sestrah že brala- in je res bilo tako... Založba je najprej prevedla drugo serijo, nato pa tole, ki je izšla prej... Tudi po naslovih je cela zmeda, saj so dali v prevodu vse pod besedno zvezo "na preizkušnji"- čeprav se gre za drugo serijo.
Profile Image for Adria's Musings.
843 reviews41 followers
November 29, 2016
Originally posted on Adria's Romance Reviews
* A copy of this book was and provided by the publisher via NetGalley for the purpose of an honest review. All conclusions are my own responsibility and I was not compensated for this review.

Lily’s perfectly planned London season basically goes to hell in a hand basket when a social misstep lands her on the front pages of a notorious gossip column. Her “partner in crime?” None other than Robyn Sutherland, wicked rogue, ruiner of ladies, and now, Lily’s only hope of salvaging what’s left her reputation. The plan is simple: Robyn will act as Lily’s escort for the whole season in order to squash any talk of impropriety between the two but Robyn isn’t known for keeping promises or saving anyone, until now. Spending so much time with Lily is starting to make him want to be a hero and Lily is starting to want to spend more and more time with him as well.

Robyn is every bit the irresponsible character that society paints him as… But wait! There’s a really believable and good explanation for his listless, useless behavior but unfortunately it isn’t revealed until very late in the book where it doesn’t do him much good in a reader’s opinion. I loved Robyn, even though he spent a lot of time being reckless, selfish, and irresponsible but that’s because I had a feeling there was more to his behavior than just “Second Son Syndrome.” However it would have been nice to know the why early on just so I could feel sympathy towards him in addition to liking him. He was an entertaining character and his strongest trait was that he genuinely loved his family but he didn’t know how to show it which again goes with the reason why Robyn was the way he was. I enjoyed his transformation from selfish man-child to full blown hero and stealer of hearts.

Lily kind of dragged things down a bit for me. The problem with Lily was that she was too bland. She was so caught up in being the model miss and bringing her best behavior to all the social events that she forgot her personality at home for about 90% of the book. At least I’m hoping she forgot her personality and not that that prim, boring miss was her personality. I did expect more from her as a character. I expected her real personality to come out way more when she and Robyn would argue but she didn’t even raise her voice, much less deliver memorable responses to his constant needling. She rarely even defended herself when confronted with the harpies of London society. I was hoping for a spitfire with a sharp tongue and a hidden bold streak but alas, that wasn’t Lily at all. She was alright but nothing really impressive.

As a couple Robyn and Lily spent about the first quarter of the book bickering with each other which was fine but I noticed that Robyn had a bit of a “pulling pigtails on the school playground” attitude. It was juvenile the way he poked at Lily and lost me after the first couple of interactions. However, there was a scene in which Robyn started to see that Lily wasn’t going to survive society if he kept up his reckless behavior that I think was key to his behavior changing towards Lily. He kept up his teasing but the tone of it shifted into a more flirtatious overtone mixed with concern for her wellbeing and happiness. That’s when things changed for the better between them. I liked their interactions, and that it was Robyn who forced her to take a good look at where her life was headed if she kept up the prim and proper miss routine. At the same time though, Lily forced Robyn to grow up and take responsibility for himself and his decisions. All in all an interesting balance between the two.

With Robyn’s elder brother Alec and now Robyn himself finding love, it leaves Robyn’s sisters Charlotte and Eleanor to find their own happiness and let’s not forget Lily’s three younger sisters. But if I had to pick a supporting character that would then get their own book, I would pick Robyn’s friend Lord Archibald. He seems like an interesting mix of kind hearted friend and naughty rogue. Anna Bradley took the time to give most of the supporting cast some page time so it felt like I was meeting new friends and having fun along with them. It was also nice to check in with Alec and Delia too since I really enjoyed their story. I have to say that the character that brought the laughs, Lord Pelkey, should have had more page time since his bawdy humor and blunt way of speaking appealed to my own sense of humor.

Final Verdict: A Season of Ruin opened up a wealth of possibilities for the remaining characters while still giving Robyn and Lily time for their romance to develop and take hold. They were the last two I’d pick to pair up but in the end, they ended up being perfect for each other.

Profile Image for eyes.2c.
2,882 reviews90 followers
December 10, 2016

... missteps and misalliances!

A darkened room, mistaken identify, a lovers tryst gone awry, and the unforgiving ton!
Robyn Sutherland finds the kisses he shares with another leave him unsettled.
Lily Sommerset, who's not looking for an untrustworthy rake, especially her brother-in-law. She wants a beau without a blemish on his record, like the handsomely pedestrian Lord Atherton.
Lily appears to suffer from an anxiety disorder. Everything must line up and Robyn, selfish hedonist, and wickedest rake in London, doesn't fit the bill, although his kisses do make her melt.
Lily, the perfectionist seems to go from one scandal to another due to the actions of Robyn--all reported in the latest scandal sheet.
Robyn is in the words of the elderly Lady Chase, a 'Rapscallion.' Thump! Young Scoundrel! Thump! (That's Lady Chase's cane punctuating her utterances with her cane. Thump!)
Lily is conflicted and trying to deny her feelings for many good reasons. After all how can one trust Robyn. 'One of Robyn’s most dangerous qualities was making her believe everything he said, regardless of whether she should or not.'
Meanwhile Lord Atherton has become a distant dream of what might have been--or has he?
Certainly the twists and turns in this romance have been explored before but Bradley has managed a well packaged story, even while employing some recognizable tried and true tricks.
There are some delightful turns of phrase and mildly ironic statements spattered throughout that add a little zest to the mix.
A delightful read.

A NetGalley ARC
Profile Image for Michelle Rupe.
357 reviews25 followers
August 7, 2021
"You told me the other night you wished you didn't need me. But your body needs mine, no matter how much your mind tries to deny it. Pursue you game with Atherton, then, Lily, but do it knowing you give up a great deal to have him, for he will never own your body the way I do."

I really enjoyed this, but it just didn't live up to the first one for me. This is an enemies to lovers story, but I just felt a little disconnected from Robyn. Yes, he is a scoundrel and charming and all those other things, but he is also fickle, irresponsible, and frankly stupid in some of the things he does. He grew on me though, and Lily was fine. I enjoyed seeing Alec and Delia again. I'd still recommend it because he writing and humor really gives a lot of depth to her stories. She's fun and quickly becoming my favorite writer right now.
Profile Image for Amanda.
114 reviews1 follower
August 3, 2016
I've been waiting for this book since A Wicked Way to Win an Earl and it was WORTH the wait.

Where do I begin? Robyn - I can't remember when I last loved a bad boy as much as I loved him. He is wicked and he knows it. After his encounter with Lily, he attempted to carry on his life as he knew it, but his heart and body knew better.

Lily is demure and all that is ladylike but for one very surprising chapter of this book. I actually paused and readjusted my entire picture of her, which meant re-reading the entire chapter. I did not see that coming!

I cannot seem to write reviews as well as my thoughts play out in my mind. However, I do know that this author, Anna Bradley, is now an auto buy for me. Her writing is fresh, lively, passionate and all that is needed for Regency romance!
Profile Image for Deidre.
357 reviews21 followers
October 5, 2016
Amazing! I have recently been in a reading rut......grrr.... But, within the 1st 10 pages of this book I was hooked! I sat down and read until the pages were gone and was wishing for some more.
Anna has a way of writing that draws you in .... she has created a vibrant setting and characters that allows you to picture yourself there and apart of it. I am looking forward to reading book 1 next and will be adding her books to my list favorite historical romance novels.

I received a copy of this book through goodreads for an honest and fair review. Thank You!
Profile Image for Molly.
177 reviews37 followers
July 19, 2016
I do love it when a hero becomes totally unhinged over a heroine. This was a fun read. Our girl Lily was put through the emotional ringer, but she handled it with aplomb. Robyn was charming and fun, and it was nice to see him drop his rakish ways because he wanted to be a better person for Lily. This was charming!
Profile Image for Tellulah Darling.
Author 10 books372 followers
July 17, 2016
Best friend's older brother AND enemies to lovers trope all wrapped in a witty, sexy HR? Yes, please. Exactly what I needed on a lazy summer day. Robyn and Lily are a delight to spend time with.

Thank you to Berkley Publishing Group and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Profile Image for Elaine.
3,647 reviews90 followers
July 21, 2019
Entertaining romance. I do love the Sutherland's. 4.5☆ (although rounded up).
Profile Image for Lori ♡ (Recovering DNF Addict).
1,047 reviews2 followers
August 30, 2019
I had low hopes for this book, as I had just finished reading Book #1 of this series, and really enjoyed it. It never happens that I like two books in a row! But I think I actually enjoyed this book more so :) The only negative thing I can mention would be that the hero's name is Robert, but he is referred to as Robyn thru out the book. Not to start a gender war of any kind, but I am familiar with Robyn being primarily a girl's name, so it took some getting used to to read him as such. The emotional drama for both the H/h was a little over played, especially for the heroine.... But, I felt that the romance portion of the book was spot on. As it should be in a romance book. :) . I see here that Anna Bradley writes perfect heroes with the right amount of machoism, jealousy, protectiveness, honour.... that makes for a sweet falling in love.
Profile Image for Jordan.
1,736 reviews
May 5, 2019
Oh man, I so enjoyed the first in this series, 5 stars. This hero just seemed like he wanted to 'win' for most of the book. I know becoming less selfish was part of his journey, but it took him almost the entire book, and the romance suffered greatly in the meantime, for me at least. I think the couple in the first book must have used up all the interesting past experiences and motivators too, because what served for that in this book was paltry. Very small- I didn't count, but it seemed like it was brought up about 19 times. Also, there was an extraordinary number of continuity errors! At least every other scene or so had someone pick something up that was never put down or mentioned again, (or not pick anything up but then suddenly have a glass in hand), characters changing location about a room without moving, etc. I've never ever read a book with so many! It's not the end of the world or anything, but it feels like they didn't bother to have someone re-read the work before it went to print or something. I've heard good things about Elie's story, so I plan to read it, (but then bad things about Charlotte's story after hers) so I really have no idea if this author will work out for me over all or not.
Profile Image for Matt Jaggi.
66 reviews1 follower
April 14, 2024
This was my first ever paperback romance novel I've ever read, laugh my ass off. At first I thought I was reading a knockoff of Bridgerton by mistake, cause the storylines seemed so similar. But then I realized this was probably a pretty typical life as a Lord and Lady in London back in the day. Wedding season, propriety and reputation, scandal, and of course, lots of burning lust, haha. Honestly I liked it even more than I thought I would.
Profile Image for Tarra.
951 reviews46 followers
August 30, 2018
Not as good as the first, so I was disappointed because I loved Robyn in book one.

This one was just slow and the characters somewhat boring.
Profile Image for AnnMarie.
1,227 reviews34 followers
July 28, 2016
A Season of Ruin is the second book in the 'Sutherland Scandals' series by Anna Bradley. I haven't read the first in the series, but it in no way makes this book less enjoyable. As with most series though, I think it's nice to read the previous books if you can because it is always great to catch up on characters you undoubtedly will have loved in those books.

This is the story of Lily Somerset, and Robyn Sutherland. Lily is a woman who although has a passionate nature, will never let it show. Everything must be in order, safe, not even a hair must be out of place, or a ribbon twisted. Robyn on the other hand has never been made to feel that anything he does is good enough, so in the end he stopped trying. Instead he focuses on what scandals he can get into and which woman he will take to his bed next. He has a well earned reputation of a wicked rogue. Definitely not a man Lily could ever have a relationship with. Or is he?

The man she has set her sights on is Lord Atherton, a nice, stable, respectable gentleman who is good looking as well. She hasn't been introduced to him, but hopes to remedy that at one of the balls of the London Season. Before she has a chance at that introduction she ends up in a scandalous situation with none other than Robyn Sutherland. A misunderstanding, and Lily finds herself out of favour with the very people she had hoped to impress.

The family gather around and decide that the only way Lily's reputation can be rescued is for Robyn to escort her to all the routs and balls until Lily is accepted among the ton again. The last thing she wants is Robyn's help, but without it she will never be able to get the introduction she needs to Lord Atherton, and her dreams of a stable marriage will be doomed. The last thing Robyn wants is to help Lily, not only because balls etc aren't his cup of tea, but also because after his scandalous moment with Lily, he can't stand the thought of her with another man, especially boring Atherton. He has to help her though, and so begins their ruse amongst the aristocracy.

Spending time together is bound to affect them both, Lily with unwanted feelings of desire where Robyn is concerned. He makes her feel off balance, but he also makes her question her goal of becoming Atherton's wife. Robyn is used to only caring about himself, but the more time he spends with Lily, the more he begins to realise that although he could happily seduce her into bed, he can't ruin her. For once in his life he is considering somebody else's happiness above his own. What is happening to him? Will Lily realise just what she is going to lose if she does marry Atherton. Is staid, secure and boring a life that she really wants. She is convinced it is, and poor Robyn will just have to stand by and let it happen. Or will he?

What a great story this was. The author really builds up the passion between Lily and Robyn, it's like a dam ready to overflow. Yet all the time Lily is adding sand bags. We want Robyn to break through them, and knowing that Lily is fighting the urge to stop adding those bags just builds the suspense so much that you know if it gets past breaking point there are going to be fireworks. I really loved Lily's character, and the way that the author makes you feel a deep understanding about why she needs such security in her life. There wasn't once where I wanted to shake her and make her see sense about possibly marrying the wrong man for the wrong reasons. Then there is Robyn, watching him learn that perhaps he isn't the waste of space he has always felt he is, is such a wonderful thing. The story is such an emotional one, but filled with passionate, happy moments. It's a book that I can definitely recommend. Now this reviewer has to buy the first book in the series and any future ones too. I am definitely hooked on the Sutherland family.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Pam.
869 reviews
August 9, 2016
I have been looking forward to this book since I finished A Wicket Way to Win an Earl. This author is a joy and her book continued my love of her voice and character driven stories. The hero and heroine go through transformations that had me wanting to read even when real life interfered.

Robyn is truly a forgotten son; never in line for a title he is the fun loving rogue who does not see any problems with his lifestyle. While hiding away in a dark room he awaits a tryst with a married woman but instead he gets a too prim virgin who also happens to be his sister in law. Now he must help her navigate the ton’s un-approving eye in order to secure a favorable reputation and marriage.

Lily wants order in her life. She is looking to attract the eye of a certain lord who is as boring and reserved as she is. It is unfortunate that she gets a taste of passion while being mistaken for an eager partner, but the moment has changed her forever, even though it takes some time before she realizes it. After the scandal is revealed (in the gossip papers) she tries even harder to keep her life stable as is starts to spin out of control. The two can’t seem to be together without someone finding some fault and their antics were hilarious.

With new found fame comes Lily’s grandmother back into her life, at first wary about a woman who abandoned her mother, she realizes her grandmother wants to make amends for past mistakes. Lily soon becomes the bell of the ball and the scandals fade away, it is amazing how much weight her grandmother has. As she becomes more popular, Robyn is finding it hard to watch, only now realizing what she means to him.

I love the Sutherland and Somerset families, in the first book we meet the Somerset sisters who are just emerging from the scandal that had their mother leaving the area and their grandmother abandoning them. But they are back and with one sister married to a Sutherland, the others are bound to have engaging adventures of their own.

Robyn is adorable. His relationships with both his brother and his friends are fun loving and entertaining. Yet we see a darker side of him, one where he could never live up to his father, and stopped trying. I loved his relationship with Lily from beginning to end. They were friends originally and although they experienced the kiss of a lifetime in a dark room, they try to keep their friendship alive, but the witty banter and continually getting in trouble seemed to bring their relationship to a new level, I often had a smile on my face as I read about their antics.

Lily tried hard to be a person that would never cause a scandal; she never wanted their family name to be the cause of whispers and rumors as they were in the past. However she is having a hard time keeping herself above it all as she is continuously in the gossip column whenever she and Robyn are seen together. It is only when her grandmother comes back into her life does she rise above the scandals, but she begins to miss her friend. As much as she tries to stay away, there is something that pulls them back together and the combustion is amazing. I did dread how often Lily turned her back on him, but that is probably just me wanting them to get together faster than the author planned.

As I said in the beginning, Ms. Bradley is becoming an author who I will automatically buy, her stories are entertaining and I love the characters she has created. Although this is the second in the series, it can easily be read as a standalone as the author keeps the reader informed. This is a fun, quick read and stories like this are the reason I keep coming back to the historical genre.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 114 reviews

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