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7 hrs 38 mins

I fell in love with Liam only to be left shattered into a million pieces. Again. The idea of being without him cripples me but the reality is, he’s gone.

He doesn’t understand and I can’t make him.

If only he’d see the conviction behind my words—then Liam would still be here.

8 pages, Audible Audio

First published May 27, 2015

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About the author

Corinne Michaels

64 books14.1k followers
Corinne Michaels is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of romance novels. Her stories are chock full of emotion, humor, and unrelenting love, and she enjoys putting her characters through intense heartbreak before finding a way to heal them through their struggles.

Corinne is a former Navy wife and happily married to the man of her dreams. She began her writing career after spending months away from her husband while he was deployed—reading and writing were her escapes from the loneliness. Corinne now lives in Virginia with her husband and is the emotional, witty, sarcastic, and fun-loving mom of two beautiful children.

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Profile Image for Christy.
4,235 reviews35.1k followers
May 24, 2015
5 stars!!!

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After reading Consolation, I was desperate for Conviction. I had to know what happened next. I needed to find out what direction Natalie’s journey would take. It could have went so many different directions. After finishing the story, I think that Corinne handled this delicate situation perfectly.

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Natalie’s life has been a whirlwind of crazy. And it’s taken even more unexpected turns as of late. I loved the way our leading lady handed things. I respected her and admired that she had so much strength in this hard spot. I saw so much growth in her character from the first book.

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Any spoilers for this story would be such an injustice to anyone who is wanting to read it, so that’s why I’m being so tight lipped about the actual story. It’s one you’ll want to go into without knowing how it’s going to go. And if you haven’t had the pleasure of reading Consolation yet, I most definitely don’t want to spoil that either.

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Conviction is a captivatingly beautiful story that gripped me from the very beginning. It has a fantastic heroine, a wonderful hero and the writing is superb.

Once again, Corinne Michaels left me emotional in the best way. I laughed, I cried and I felt. I truly loved this story. The ending was perfect and I can’t recommend The Consolation Duet enough! 

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Profile Image for Candi~Dirty Laundry Review.
122 reviews246 followers
May 29, 2015
I’d like to start by saying first, the beauty of Corinne’s writing is something powerful. This book gutted me. Made me happy. Made me laugh. Yes. There are lots of those laugh out loud moments. You will cry. Happy and sad tears. The writing will strip you bare and truly make you feel every. God. Damn. Emotion. The feels, guys. You will feel it. Everywhere.

Can I start by saying holy mother of EFFEN endings in book 1. I swear. I thought my heart was going to literally jump out of my chest. And I’m so glad that book 2 picks up exactly from that moment. What I love about Natalie, is strength. She is by far one of my favorite heroines. I actually think she played a little bit of hero too. She’s the kind of lady you want as a friend. She’s loyal to the core. She stands by her choices and never wavers. She comes out even stronger in this book. She’s grown a lot. Has dealt with more than anyone could ever imagine. And she is determined to not let anything or anyone stand in her way.

Liam. Sweet, sexy, strong Liam. I love him. I’m starting to think if I look up the word perfection, the definition will be Liam. Because yeah. He’s just got it all. We get to see a more vulnerable side of him. Which just breaks my heart and made me fall more in love with him. The situation he’s in, it’s twisted and horrific. He has some weak moments, but it’s Natalie this time helping him.

And than we have Aaron. I was so conflicted with my emotions for this man. I loved him. I grieved for him. Then I wanted to kick him in the balls and hated him. Then I felt sorry for him. I still don’t know how I feel. I feel like I shouldn’t like him. And it’s wrong if I do. But yeah. If that makes sense. He’s a huge part of the story. I love how everything evolved. And how things turned out. But God. I felt so sorry for him. I hurt for him. See. This is what I mean. My emotions are still all over the place with him. Aaron is a good man. That made a very bad choice. We will leave it at that.

I’m trying to not give any of the story away. But I will say this, that ending. That couldn’t of been a more perfect ending. I love the places everyone was in and where everyone should be. I don’t think my heart could of stood another ending like book 1.

If you have not read this book, or this series, you truly must. This is one of those books that will just make you feel everything. One you won’t forgot. This series is military related. It will give you a whole new level of respect for military families. Their struggles, their loyalties, their heartaches. Their strength. Their selfless sacrifices. And to the military wives. You ladies. Are my heroes.
Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
May 31, 2015

SQUEEEE!!!!! What an awesome book duet!!

I read both books in this series back-to-back and absolutely loved them!! I was hooked from the first page of the prologue and couldn't put either book down even for a minute. These books were  addictive , thrilling, emotional , romantic, sexy , and everything I could want in a series! 

I'll be honest, it was the blurb of the first book that made me want to read them...
Liam wasn't supposed to be my happily ever after.

He wasn't even on my radar.
He was my husband's best friend -- forbidden.

But my husband is dead and I'm alone.
I ache for him and I reach for Liam.

One night with Liam changed everything. Now I have to decide if I truly love Liam or if he's just the consolation prize.

See?? C'mon. Admit it. That's intriguing!

What you don't know from the blurb (but is revealed in the prologue) is that the heroine was pregnant when she got word that her husband was killed so this story isn't just about her and Liam, it's also about her daughter too. And let me tell you... watching Liam with this little baby girl was heart-melting!!!

I loved the way Liam came into their lives. There was nothing rushed about it. Initially he was just there to watch over them. He's been her husband's best friend and wanted to do for him what he would have done for any of his fallen brothers -- care for their loved ones. Their romance just... happened. It was very believable to me and I absolutely was rooting for them. He was open and honest with Natalie about everything -- talked with her about things he could have hidden, helped her in every way he could, was just there for her through everything, and also welcomed her daughter equally into his heart.

Lying on the couch is Liam with [my daughter] fast asleep on his chest. Her tiny hand is wrapped around his and they’re both holding on to each other. His huge body shields her as his arm holds her tight. It breaks my heart and mends it at the same time. Two parts of me are pulled apart. The one side that’s sad it’s not her father. The other part is grateful it’s Liam. Aarabelle shifts a little, and even in his sleep, he moves to accommodate and protect her.

The story was honestly just  addictive to an extreme. It's the kind of story where you start it and then suddenly realize that you're half way through and feel like you've barely stopped to breathe. It's well written, flows smoothly, and the story just draws you right in and keeps you flipping pages!

It's told in alternating POVs (but more of her POV than his). It was angsty, but not gut-wrenching, emotional but not the ugly-cry kind... it was just enough of everything to keep my heart racing the whole way through and make me unable to put it down until I got to the very end.

Liam and Natalie had fantastic chemistry and their banter was pure awesomeness (I have so many highlighted sections in my book) and I just generally loved the way their relationship built and developed.

They had a lot of things to work through though -- like for example how she was naturally wary of falling for another SEAL after already loosing her husband to this dangerous career. But regardless of the set backs, they fell strong and hard for each other and I totally believed in their love.

It’s difficult to love someone and know they might not come home, but the idea of not loving him is unimaginable. I was built for this life — not every woman can be a military wife, but even fewer can handle being a SEAL wife. You have to love deeper, stand stronger, but know that at any moment bonds can break. 

The ending of the first book was thoroughly gasp-worthy (even though I admittedly did guess that that would happen about half way through the book). Still, it had the intended effect and I immediately dove into the next book without hesitation.

Given the nature of the twist, the second book was naturally a little more... stressful?... than the first book, but no less addictive. For those of you who maybe have worries, I'll just say: don't be scared. K? You guys know the kinds of things that bother me and I promise this series doesn't have any of that. So you're good. Just enjoy the ride!

This isn’t my fight. It’s hers.
I’ll never be able to push her away. I’ll wait forever if I have to, but I can’t fight this battle.
She has to be the one to choose me.
If she loves me like she says, she knows where to find me.

I'm pretty sure I read the second book even faster than I read the first one -- that one made me almost more desperate to be sure things all worked out the way I wanted them too. I can say though that I was really thrilled with it. And I loved the way the epilogue completed the story. It was just beautiful!

If you love badass Alpha male heroes and sexy romances that keep your heart racing, then this highly addictive series is a must-read! These are definitely new favorites for me!

Rating: 4.5 stars! Complete 2-book series.
Contemporary Adult romance.


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Profile Image for Sleepless Readmore.
163 reviews305 followers
June 1, 2015
The worst distance between
two people is misunderstanding.
5 All aboard Dreamboat .. time to make some Dreambabies STARS

Natalie .. and Liam

Nothing in this world comes easy,
but if it's right, you fight for it.


Fight for me.
Fight for us.
So what, you're going to walk away?
Just hand me over like I mean nothing?


I need you, and I'm not letting you go
without a fight. I lived for you and our daughter.

As soon as that clock struck midnight and it was officially the 27th of May .. the anticipation just about killed me! I could NOT WAIT to get home and D-E-V-O-U-R this novel. It feels like I've been waiting CENTURIES not months. The only thing I wanted to do after reading "The End" was writing this review. I'm in awe .. speechless! Corinne Michaels never seizes to amaze me .. she captivates you from the prologue straight through to the epilogue. I was DREADING each page because it meant the story was coming to a conclusion. Corinne Michaels keeps on getting better (if that's even possible). Do I recommend? Now I know there's no such thing as stupid questions however that would be one .. due to the fact that this series is truly remarkable.

Last night I had a dream about a dream
About you, now every time I dream
It seems to be about you ..►♫

When your world is falling apart,
sometimes you need something to hold on to.


Loving you was never the issue.
It's keeping you when you're not mine to have.

One minute I was over love
A second later I was a part of us..►♫

SPOILERS about the story. After that cliffhanger from Consolation .. I was like HOLYF*CK this is going to be a helluva novel. Aaron is ALIVE! He expects to come to his home, his child, and his WIFE. What he doesn't expect is to lose the two closest people to him (his wife and bestfriend .. to one another). One thing I loved about this story was Lee didn't go back and forth. She was certain she loved Liam and not due to the circumstances. She didn't lead on Aaron and was forthcoming with her feelings. I hope Aaron finds his happiness .. hopefully he gets a novel? As for Liam .. he truly found his match with Natalie. He's ideal #BookHusband and talk about #DILF .. I need me a #Dreamboat!


How did I ever get so fucking lucky?
You loved me at my lowest.
You healed me by being the man you are.
I'm the lucky one.


Conviction Corinne Michaels
Consolation (The Consolation Duet, #1) by Corinne Michaels Conviction (The Consolation Duet, #2) by Corinne Michaels
Profile Image for Maria✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦.
662 reviews2,730 followers
October 20, 2016

➦Ok. so... this has actually never happened to me before... but I DNFed the book that I actually LIKED! lol

➦I will try to explain. I really loved the first book in this two installment series. I think that these two books should have been one longer book. Conviction, although interesting and at times very touching, was waaaaaaay too long. For me the book actually ended by 80%. I stuck around until 90% and eventually dropped it.

➦It was happiness OVERLOAD. It felt like the last 30% of the book was one long epilogue >.< It must be just me, it's just not my thing. I certainly don't discourage anyone from reading this series... on the contrary - I hope you do read it. I just found this second book to be sickeningly satisfying LOL

➦I think sometimes less is more but more importantly there needs to be a balance >.< I am having a hard time rating this book but I really liked this series as a whole so 3 stars it gets.

Books in this series:
Consolation (Salvation, #3) by Corinne Michaels Conviction (Salvation, #4) by Corinne Michaels

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Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews791 followers
January 13, 2016

LIVE on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1KnJvmY

Earlier this year I was introduced to Corinne’s writing when I read a preview of her upcoming release Consolation. I read a few pages and started balling. I was in shock and honestly disbelief, amazed that just a few pages could completely break my heart.

I became mildly obsessed with reading this book. After some serious begging, I was able to read Consolation early. Well, I should have known better, but Consolation only made me want more. Now I have read Conviction, the story is complete, but my heart, the feels, they're still here.

“I’ll always wonder if you really loved me or if I was just the consolation prize.”

When we last saw Natalie she was just as stunned as we were, yes, delivering the unexpected is Corinne’s specialty. I was completely blown away and left gasping.

There are so many directions Conviction could have gone and I am not sure I would have been too surprised with either direction. I have thought about this situation, rationalized all sides and in the end was left lost as to what direction would be best. Delivering a conclusion to a story like Consolation is difficult, but Corinne did it flawlessly.

First, I loved the depth she gave her characters, I was able to empathize with them and feel things I never imagined feeling. Natalie was a character I could admire, she was selfless, but not weak. She was confident in herself and didn’t waiver in her feelings. I loved seeing Natalie grow throughout the story, she is by far one of my favorite heroines.

This story made me completely question and doubt myself. I felt crazy going back and forth, but I blame Corinne. Her story is intricate, included all angles and left me with tons of emotions. If you could read my messages while reading this you would think I am crazy. I was going back and forth, crying one moment, laughing another and swooning the next.

As I said in the beginning, the story is complete, but my heart, the feels, they're still here. That’s not because I was left wanting more, it’s not because the story is incomplete, it’s because these characters will always have a piece of my heart. I love them. They're real to me, I will never forget some of these moments in Consolation Duet, their heartache or seeing their growth. I cannot recommend this series enough, it is definitely one of my favorite reads of 2015.

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡.
736 reviews1,070 followers
May 27, 2015
It's Live! * Amazon US * Amazon UK *

Conviction is pure unadulterated romance with an added dose of heart wrenching angst. Readers addicted to this genre will devour with love. It's the second and final part in the Consolation Duet. The first part left me breathless with anticipation, and craving more. The story arc of the entire series is beautiful and unexpected and one that needs to remain unspoiled for all readers, so my review will be purposefully ambiguous and simply provide an overview of thought and feelings. The story layers need to be uncovered moment by moment.

Conviction is primarily and wholeheartedly about LOVE. It's also a story that showcases choice, grief, happiness and realisation, richly laced with a warm wealth of exquisite angst. It's sensual, sexy and passionately HOT. I felt the intense connection of Liam and Natalie deep in my chest, squeezing my heart. I ached for them to be together, yet felt despair at the potential fallout from part one of their story.

During the opening chapters the author reminds her readers of occurrences and happenings from Consolation... The reasons why and the motivation driving her character's thoughts and actions so I was immediately drawn back into their world. My feelings for the characters and story came flooding back to my book heart. Corinne Michaels made me care for EVERYONE, although some of the conflict with a particular person irked me somewhat, I felt annoyance, but I think I had to feel this way to feel content with the protagonist's choices and the story as a whole. Hand on my heart, I can say that the Consolation Duet fulfilled my romantic angst reading needs in an all-encompassing manner.

There's a wonderful, not-to-be-missed moment for Jackson fans and, even though I've not read Jackson's story, I ADORED the contribution his character makes to Conviction. I felt his character through the prose and it made me want to dive into his story.

I basked in the emotional complexity that Conviction develops into. It showcases the juxtaposition of life and death, tragedy and happiness in a beautiful and delicate manner. Every single page is encased in stunning words evoking meaning and feeling. There's always a danger that emotional feels can become gushing but I felt Corinne Michaels' romantic tone for this story is perfectly paced and had me captivated from beginning to end. I was enchanted and longed for a particular outcome.... I recommend this story to lovers of angst and romance. It left me overflowing with emotions and craving more romantic stories from this author.

Excerpt #1

**Reading note: Conviction is the second part in a two part series that links in with the Beloved Duet Series. It's not necessary to have read the Beloved series prior to the Consolation series as they're mainly linked by secondary characters

My review thoughts for Consolation (The Consolation Duet, #1)

Advanced copy provided by the author, via TRSoR, for my honest review thoughts
Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,229 followers
June 1, 2015
4 Convicted Stars.

This second installment begins right after the end of the first. After the big reveal it’s all in the ends of Natalie how to decide which way she wants to go.
She knows exactly what she wants, but when she and Liam’s lives are once again turned around, can they find a way this time to be happy?


I confess that after the previous book, I was a little scared about this one and the direction it would take. Luckily, Natalie was very strong on her actions and Liam was pretty much amazing. Seriously, where can I find a Liam for me?
There was some minor aspects that pissed me off, but overall, I loved how this story developed and how it ended. It was definitely a great journey!
If you want to read a steamy, heartwarming with some heartbreaking moments and enough drama to keep you on your toes, give this series a try.


Rating: 4 Stars.
Steam: Hot.
Sensible Subjects:
Love Triangle:
Profile Image for Akanksha❤ Søren♰.
654 reviews2,659 followers
June 2, 2015
“Be safe, be smart, and please come home to me,”

Lets just take a minute to appreciate the duet's covers! The guy on it is SMOKIN!

A beautiful book, it wasn't as intense or emotional as the first book... but it sure as hell was a lot cuter and maybe even more steamier.. I was smiling throughout because of the books cuteness..

Lee is mental but I'm happy the book didn't go into the weird territory where you didn't know who will be a flake and what will happen... She held her ground because she had love and support and totally took control of her life :)

“Life is cruel.
Love is a joke.
And not even death is final.”

Its frightning how accurate this must be for the wives with husbands in the service... its touching this line..

I’m a blank canvas on the easel. One call will define the color that gets painted and whether it’s filled with joy or sorrow.


I loveeeeeeeee Dreamboat and Mark and all their weird pet names.

*Contains tiny spoilers if you haven't read the end of Consolation*

Aaron was messed up, he was a big jerk, but on some level, I could understand where he came from.. I mean like you loose your head if you can't take control of some aspects of your life

I had only two problems with this book...

1. She always left the kid with a sitter or like anyone and took off... its ridiculous. You wanted that baby soooooo bad, when you have her shouldn't you cherish every moment with her?

'mission we lost Brian, Devon, and Fernando altered all of our lives.'

And the second problem I had with this book was that, in the first book.. or even maybe even as a start to this book.. we should have gotten a background about HOW these group of people became friends, and how THAT mission, changed their lives which lead him to get so closed off.. It could have been shown as a nightmare Aaron was having; or even Mark, Aaron or Jackson speaking about it in their POV, In this duet series...

because I seriously didn't know this book was connected to any previous book until I read the end :P

I love it when a book involves all the side characters, and when they are amazing friends!
All their friends were wonderful and understanding and always there!

anddddd seriously...
Could the last chapter get any cuter?????

I mean... I cried.. It was overflowing with cuteness and quirkiness..

Thank you Corinne Michaels, for giving me an ARC, I seriously was tooo desperate to know how their story goes. x

I swear to GOD, I'm going to die.

I want/NEED this book like fucking right this minute.

My heart and head, both are going crazy! 2 MONTHS? Left hanging off the cliff? NOT COOL <|3

Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews887 followers
October 2, 2015
100% Spoiler Free Review.

First I owe Reanell Tisdale a huge thank you for not only recommending this author but for sending me a copy of Beloved; which ultimately hooked me.

Part two of the Consolation Duet is tricky, it’s all about the resolution that comes from the first part and the shocking ending of Consolation and so it would be a huge disservice to the readers out there to go into that resolution. If you have not read Consolation yet, fix that. Be wary of spoilers in reviews to Conviction – avoid them at all costs!

I was dying for this book seconds after hitting the end in book one. After that ending, I knew I wouldn’t survive the long (which ultimately wasn’t long – a few months, but in book world that is like a lifetime!) wait. I was dying. I needed book two. This reader had questions and needed answers, but most of all I was scared to know. I was equal parts fearful and excited to start this read. I knew it was going to consume me and I also knew that I was going to be an utter mess while reading it.

I was gutted within the first 10% of this book. My heart broke and then it broke again. The dual POV allowed me to get attacked by the feels at all sides – I was in tears and I didn’t even make a dent in the story. At 15% I got the piece of book one that I wanted so badly and it confirmed everything I thought it would, but even that moment made everything more intense, more emotional. From this point to the halfway mark I was an utter mess. I was waiting for a huge moment that would twist my insides. The angst was delivered perfectly. I had to stay guarded, I had a heart I needed to protect but I couldn’t help myself from having hope. This battle between my head and heart was all consuming and at this point, I was way past midnight and knew I hit the point of no return. There was no way I was going to be sleeping.

Corinne Michaels’ wrote an incredibly gripping love story that was not an easy read, nor was it a simple story of two people falling in love. We grieved alongside these characters, we were standing beside them with our fist held high in anger, and we wept with them.

One thing I love about this series (and the prior) is that although we are getting military heroes; we are getting a look inside the lives of the women who love them. We are shown the strength they have while they hold their lives together at home while their hearts are halfway around the world. Often times we get the romances with the soldier who has returned home, we rarely see the side of the story for those who are still active duty. I love that this author is paying homage to the wives of those serving.

Jackson might have made me weak in the knees, but Liam stole the breath from my lungs. I am excited for Mark’s story in Defenseless and although Liam is going to be hard to top, there was something about the Mark we saw in this book that makes me think we are in for one helluva story. Now although this duet can be read as a standalone, I highly recommend that if you are going to read it – that you also read the Beloved Duet.

Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,106 followers
September 11, 2016

What an emotional,intense heartbreaking,hot and sweet story!I fell in love with the first book but in this one there was something that made me love it even more!I had so many feelings while I was reading this book.Especially in the first pages.What I love more about this story is the fact that I felt connected with the characters who were realistic!The writing was so beautiful and the story captivating.Conviction picks up right where Consolation left us off with a cliffhanger.I was waiting for this book to finally get my answers and see what would happen!


Natalie had finally moved on with her life and found happiness with Liam but life has other plans for her...Nothing can be easy...If you love you must fight for it..


Natalie proved for one more time what a strong character she is!!She didn't break before and not now!She is strong,determined and sweet!Liam...Can I love him more???Oh yes,yes,yes!!He is so amazing!!I loved how his character developed!We witness a vulnerable side of him, and we see more of his character.


And what can I say about Aaron..I hate him when his secret was revealed, but in this book I could understand him and why he did what he did,but I'm not saying that it was the right think to do!In this book he tries a lot to win back his family!

The ending of the story couldn't have been more perfect!!I'll miss these characters so much!I highly recommend it to everyone!! This book will take you on a journey of emotions.So be prepared when you read it and have with you Kleenex!!
Profile Image for Didi.
865 reviews286 followers
June 2, 2015
JEEZ! Can you possibly have more drama than this?! Okay, so I knew going into this book that shit had just hit the fan. The ending of the first book, Consolation, left me no choice other than to buy this book. In all honesty, I wasn't impressed with the first book and reluctantly bought this one because I had to know how things ended. I'm in the minority here, mind you. Many people loved this, just not me.

The drama was unparalleled and preposterous, literally crammed into every.single.page. I could easily predict what would happen because if you pictured the worst possible scenario, then it would occur. The angst was high, understandably, and the character dynamics were eyebrow raising. I couldn't believe the developments that happened. Have you ever read a book that you couldn't put down but hated the fact you couldn't put it down? That was me with this book, and not in a guilty pleasure sort of way. I'm so glad I finished, so glad I turned the last page. Everything was so far fetched and ridiculous. I'm glad others loved this but I'm almost mourning the time I spent reading this series. Next time I'll listen to my gut. There's a reason I avoid books like this that rely heavily on creating drama, my headache can attest to that.
Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,598 followers
October 10, 2016
I loved this series. This second book is also as good as the first book. I only wished it were shorter because in my opinion, it dragged a little bit with some unnecessary details. Still, it was really good.

The first book ends at a crazy cliffhanger and this book starts right at that point.

There were a few huge plot twists in Book 1.


(You shouldn't read any more of this review if you haven't read Book 1 yet because there will be many spoilers to ruin Book 1 for you.)

If you have, you know that Natalie has learnt her husband was cheating on her. And at the end of the book, we learnt that the dead husband was not dead at all. Mark and Liam brought him back from the combat zone. Now, with him back at the scene, what will happen to Natalie and Liam?

On one side there is her first love, her daughter's father and a very long relationship and on the other hand there is her new love, which is stronger and better.

On one side, there is her cheating and lying husband, begging forgiveness; on the other side, there is this noble friend and lover, offering to step aside, not wanting to destroy a family no matter how much he loves her and telling Natalie to take some time apart to let her make her choice freely.

“Loving you was never the issue. It's keeping you when you're not mine to have.”

Aaron is determined to win Natalie back. Liam is devastated. He always wondered who Natalie would choose if Aaron wasn't dead and now, she has both of them alive and she needs to choose.

What will Natalie do?
Who will she choose?
How will she act towards each man?
What is best for her and her little daughter?

Well, I mostly have trouble in loving the heroines in novels because I always expect and want them to act in the way I would act. And this is not always possible, of course.

Natalie acted in this book just in the way I would like her to act and I loved her for that.
She earned more of my love and more of my respect.

Fight for me.
Fight for us.
So what, you're going to walk away?
Just hand me over like I mean nothing?”

"You think this is what the hell I wanted? To deliver your husband back to you when I’m so fucking in love with you that I would’ve rather cut out my own heart? I hate that I brought him home to you.”

Natalie suffered a lot in both books and she deserved to be happy. And with everything going on around her, I wasn't so sure what would happen in the end.

Anyways, this was a beautiful love story and I can wholeheartedly recommend it...

"Nothing in this world comes easy, but if it’s right, you fight for it. I’ll fight everything and everyone in this world for you and our family. I give you my word—I’ll never forsake you."

Profile Image for • Jodi Bibliophile •.
311 reviews1,158 followers
August 3, 2017
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“My heart is yours, my love is yours, my days and all my nights are yours. I’ll hold you up, stand by you, and give you everything I have.”

When you finish a book that has completely blown your mind you find it hard to put into words how you’re feeling. Like there are no words powerful enough to express yourself.

I’ll be honest having not read this author before I didn’t know what to expect and I didn’t think her words were going to effect as much as they have.

Sitting here now writing this I feel like I’ve just been on one of the most beautiful adventures of my life and everything around me didn’t exist but these characters and the goosebumps covering my arms whenever I think about them are just a reminder that it was real to me.

I pretty much experienced every emotion possible with this story from crying a few pages in to getting that butterfly feeling when you first meet the book boyfriend to feeling my heart shatter into a million pieces to being so shocked and pumped with adrenaline that I couldn’t stop shaking. I’m completely emotionally fucking drained.

Liam and Natalie have a love that I’ll never forget. Sometimes you read these romance books and wonder if 10 down the line would those couples still be together? With these two their love was so strong and so powerful, it would last an eternity.

It wasn’t an easy love but it was a love songs are written about.

Consolation and Conviction are by far one of the most beautiful books ever written and one I will hold close to my heart for the rest of my life.

September 6, 2015
3.5 - 4 ★'s

At the end of the first book, Consolation, there was a big bombshell and now everything is in utter chaos. The only good thing is that Natalie knows exactly what she wants.

My one big problem with this book, (and I can't believe I'm really saying this), is that there is just too much angst. That's right...too much, as in, over the top, cheesy and never ending. It was almost borderline ridiculous at times.

But...I was happy with the way Natalie handled things. Thank goodness for having a female lead with a good head on her shoulders. Unfortunately, Natalie does have a whole other situation she has to deal with.


However, with this being the last book...there has to be some resolutions and there are. I enjoyed how things turned out and it was very sweet and romantic.

I also enjoyed getting to know all the other characters, especially the ones that will be having their own books. I think that CM set things up nicely and definitely got my interests up.

The Good Stuff:

Dual Pov's? Again, mostly Natalie's but a few chapters from Liam's POV.

Steam Factor? (Scale 1 - 5) 3ish...not as much as the first book.

Angst? (Scale 1 - 5) 5+++

Next book? This is the last for Natalie. Jackson already has two books out. Mark's book is Defenseless, and Quinn's is Indefinite. Both don't have release dates at the time of this review.



Favorite quotes:

♥ "That was quite a way to welcome me to South Carolina."

♥ "It was all my super sperm. Glitter and Sparkle, baby."

♥ "Well, that was the best fucking Skype of m life."
Profile Image for Wendy ⏃: ✦Nerdy Book Reviews✦.
970 reviews300 followers
May 27, 2015
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+++ 5 STARS! +++
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

There’s so much to be said about this story. The first being that it was beautifully written and left my heart soaring.

Corinne, sure knows how to make a person suffer. From start to finish, I was feeling a wide range of emotions. If you’re just tuning in, Consolation is the first book, and it ended with the mother of all BANGS!!

Now with Conviction, we experience Lee, in a whole new light. She’s strong beyond everything that is thrown at her and even in the moments of despair she pulled through. She didn’t back down for nothing. That to me, is a true heroine.

Sigh Dreamboat… Liam. Man, oh man, how much I love this man! He too grows as a character and we witness a vulnerable side of him. We experience in every way that personal side of him that makes us fall more in love with him.

This book will take you on a journey of emotional turbulence; you feel emotions on every page. Saying goodbye to characters you become attached to is always hard but I’m content with where they ended. The ending couldn���t have been more perfect!! The fact that I was a part of their story in a sense... will stay with me forever. Thank you Corinne, for creating such breathtaking stories with amazing characters and riveting plots.

*ARC was kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Nancy's Romance Reads.
261 reviews440 followers
Want to read
February 26, 2015
Cover Reveal!! Here's also the beautiful cover of part-two in the Consolation Duet series! Release day: 27 May. ;)



I fell in love with Liam only to be left shattered into a million pieces. Again. The idea of being without him cripples me but the reality is, he’s gone.

He doesn’t understand and I can’t make him.

If only he’d see the conviction behind my words—then Liam would still be here.
Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,052 reviews357 followers
May 31, 2015
5 Happy Ever After Stars!

I am going to spoil the hell out of this...READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!

When Consolation ended, I was completely wrecked. Corinne Michaels can bring the angst and tears like no other. She delivers passionately hot romance that is deep and gut-wrenching, and she NEVER makes the road to HEA easy! Such is the case with Natalie Gilcher and the men who love her.

If you read book 1, you know she fell hard for her deceased hubby's bff and Seal partner Liam Dempsey. Hell, we all fell for him! While I loved the tragic love story that was, I was left shocked at the return from the dead, past cheating, forever love Aaron...Say WHAT???

Yep, I do not know who was more devastated...me or the characters! Have no fear...I KNEW that no matter what, Liam would get his HEA. Why? you ask...well because he is simply amazing and he damn well deserved it!

So while it seems as if a long tedious love triangle was about to ensue there was just one love story to tell...just one couple that were it...just one love that was forever...LIAM and NATALIE!

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yes, I know the husband was back, but he was just wrong. He cheated...nuff said! So I am moving on from him. The only drama here is just convincing Liam that he truly is loved and deserving. Natalie knows who and what she wants...

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Page after Page of Natalie finally getting herself back. She grows strong and she grows sassy! She knows what she wants and she will not let time or outside voices influence her. She knows there is a difference between "love" and "cannot live without the mere thought of you love." Liam didn't just provide her comfort and support during a dark time in her life. He physically and emotionally claimed her heart. How could he ever doubt that? How could anyone?

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So Happy to have the fabulously perfect conclusion!

Profile Image for logan .
380 reviews3,362 followers
January 26, 2023
now this duet will put you THROUGH IT. it's a hard fight to the HEA but such a great love story. natalie is 8 months pregnant when she finds out her husband has been killed while on an assignment. she eventually picks up the pieces and life goes on with her new daughter. and then her husband's best friend comes to town to help her out and look after them. in the midst of grieving and trying to move on with life, their friendship eventually shifts to more. they try to ignore the romantic feelings growing between them, but eventually can't fight it anymore.

i always struggle with the love after loss trope because it's always painful and needs to be done delicately obviously this being her late husbands best friend makes it even trickier. but i personally thought it was done so well and by the end you truly cannot help but root for them and their love story. there's a lot of twists and secrets and emotional moments, but their HEA was totally worth it. plus - a hot guy who steps up and would do anything for her and also loves her cute baby more than life??? say less
Profile Image for MJLovestoRead.
2,100 reviews55 followers
May 19, 2015
The anticipation for this book was overwhelming for me. I fell in love with Natalie's story in Consolation and craved the conclusion I know I would find in Conviction. To say I was overwhelmed by the beauty of this book is an understatement. Corinne Michaels has once again proven she is an incredible writer who delivers exactly what the readers desire.

The author is so well versed in the military life that her ability to convey the absolute joy and horror Natalie faced at finding her presumed-dead husband, Aaron, alive felt completely viable. This could definitely happen in real life and I found myself completely consumed with how Natalie could possibly be able to reconcile her life now that she had fallen in love with Aaron's best friend Liam Dempsey. This book covers the agonizing journey she must now take in trying to come to the right decision that is both right for her heart and for her daughter. But it never felt overdone or redundant or superficial. It is a powerful story of one woman's fight to get the happy ending she both craves and deserves.

What I loved the most was Natalie's drive. Never does she back down or run away like so many other heroines I've read before in her situation. This woman knows what she wants and is not afraid to make it happen. Not wanting to hurt either Aaron or Liam, we are witness to the compassion and sensibility Natalie encompasses in order to realize the dreams she so desperately doesn't want to give up. Watching her juggle a myriad of conflicting emotions, wanting to do right by everyone involved and not losing herself or her beloved daughter, Aara, in the process was quite the feat. To the Author's credit, this rollercoaster of heartbreak was handled with true grace. I loved the way the story progressed and the heroine's ability to handle such conflict when she didn't know at times where to turn.

The secondary characters are the perfect compliment to this book. The love each of the guys have for Natalie, Liam and Aaron, warmed my heart. The loyalty that is on constant display was a joy to read. Reanell is the friend we all wish we had to lean on. And Mark stands out for me as the big brother we all want by our side when times get tough.

I would be remiss if I didn't at least express my feelings about Liam. There aren't enough words for this man. This selfless, caring, compassion and sexy man who would move mountains and step aside if it would make Natalie happy. How he loves Aara as his own, how conflicted he is yet prays he'll get the life he never knew he wanted but is now desperate for. I will only say that my passion for him grew by leaps and bounds in this book and he is definitely a book boyfriend I won't soon forget.

The author's writing has been taken to a higher level with this series. Her capacity to convey tender moments, passionate nights, all-consuming heartbreak and even lighthearted exchanges all in one story is not an easy task. But she wrote a beautiful tale that at times took my breath away. I didn't want it to end simply because I was enjoying it that much, despite all the pain.

I will only say this: I strongly suggest you read Consolation first, then dive right into Conviction. This is a series that happily grabbed onto my heart and didn't let go until that very last page was read. And even now, I'm not quite sure I'm over this story. A reread is definitely in order!

You will devour it just like I did. Don't say I didn't warn you because yeah, it's that good.

An ARC was graciously provided by the author.
Profile Image for AJ.
3,093 reviews1,035 followers
May 31, 2015
“Nothing in this world comes easy, but if it's right, you fight for it.”

A beautiful finish for an amazing love story.

5 stars

I just read and loved Consolation (see my review here), and dove into this sequel as soon as I finished it. I can’t really say anything about the story without spoiling the first book, so all I will say is that it’s an emotional rollercoaster, but it was absolutely perfect. It showed me everything that I wanted to see, and more.

Natalie’s story takes a turn in a direction she never saw coming and like the first book, I was completely sucked in and felt every little moment of it. The happy, the sad, the gut-wrenching and the utterly beautiful.

“I love you more than anyone could love another. My world only makes sense since you’ve come into it.”

Once again, Natalie’s strength absolutely floored me. This book could have so easily dissolved into overly-angsty frustration and stupid behaviour, but I could empathise with everything the characters were going through, and I thought their reactions were realistic for the situation that they found themselves in. And Natalie, in particular, handled it all beautifully!

“I won’t lose you.”
“You’re damn right you won’t.”

I loved the way it all played out, and despite the heaviness of the story, there are lots of light moments that had me grinning like a fool, plus a nice amount of steamy time. And, surprisingly, the ending of the book and the epilogue had me laughing my ass off! I’m still chucking as I sit here writing my review. It’s gold, and after the emotional turmoil that I went through during these books, it’s a fantastic treat.

I loved these books! I devoured them both in a day, and know that they will be ones I reread again and again. A heartwarmingly beautiful story of family, friendship, letting go and fighting for what you want, and an incredible love story that had me swooning madly.

5 stars.
Profile Image for Christy.
330 reviews48 followers
April 27, 2015
If you’ve read Consolation then you know this is one very anticipated book! If you haven’t, go do that now!
OMG The feels! ----> This book was all that, a bag of chips AND a big piece of chocolate cake! Ms. Michaels words shattered my heart a few times, made me laugh, made me cry and sometimes had me seeing red. When an author can make me feel all of those with one book, it’s like hitting the reading jackpot! Cha-Ching! Natalie's journey wasn't always pretty but it was her journey to take! I don’t want to go into great detail with this review because it is definitely one you need to read for yourself.I will just say that Ms. Michaels rocked my world! Consolation and Conviction are must reads and not to be missed.
Profile Image for Ash.
383 reviews39 followers
July 1, 2015
I enjoyed the first one, but I think I actually loved this one :)

The first one had more to do with grief, and moving on...it was a good story, but this one had a lot more to it - it told more of a story. I love Liam :) and his relationship with Natalie, but there were 2 relationships I loved even more...Liam and Aarabelle and Liam and Robin :) [the first being beyond sweet and adorable, the 2nd being completely hilarious and ridiculous]

This, overall, was a beautiful duology, and I am glad I took the advice from some of my friends on here to check it out. So, for that...thanks ladies :)
Profile Image for P .
691 reviews342 followers
May 31, 2015
หนังสือเล่มนี้มีครบทุกอารมณ์นะ ซึ้ง เศร้า ตลก อย่างที่เราบอกไปว่าเลียมเป็นพระเอกในอุดมคติที่เราคิดว่าเพอร์เฟ็คและแสนดีจนน่าใจหาย ปกติที่เราอ่านนิยายแนวๆนี้จะเจอแต่พระเอกที่อดีตช้ำชอก จนแทบจะซดน้ำใบบัวบกแทนน้ำเปล่า แต่คือเรื่องนี้พระเอกดี๊ดี เป็นเสาหลักให้กับนางเอก อุทิศดูแลครอบครัวและรักเด็ก! เราชอบอ่าน POV ของเลียมมากกว่าของนาตาลีนิดหน่อย แอบเสียใจตรงที่ว่า Liam's POV มีมาให้อ่านน้อยเหลือเกิน ToT ส่วน Conflict ในเรื่องนี้เราว่าใส่มาแบบพอดิ���พอดีเลยแหละ ไม่มากไม่น้อยจนเกินไป ปมไม่ได้ยุ่งเหยิงอะไรมาก แต่ก็ดึงความสนใจเราไว้อยู่ตั้งแต่ต้นจนจบ

ชอบเล่มนี้กว่าเล่มที่แล้วนะ แต่ตอนจบเราว่ามันเนิบไปหน่อย เหมือนเนื้อเรื่องตลอดทั้งเล่มเป็นพายุทอร์นาโดที่เป่าอารมณ์เราซะกระจุย พอมาตอนท้ายๆกลับกลายเป็นพัดลมตั้งโต๊ะที่พัดลมแผ่วๆใส่หน้าเราแทนซะงั้น ไม่รู้สิ ! อ่านไปตลอดทั้งเรื่องก็ระแวงกลัวพระเอกจะตาย กลัวนางเอกจะสะเทือนใจอีกรอบ พออ่านจบบทแล้วไม่มีอะไรเลวร้ายก็ขึ้นก็โล่งใจ เฮ้อ ! พระเอกรอดไปอีกบทแล้ว (นี่เราคิดแบบนี้จริงๆนะตอนที่อ่าน 555)

ชอบตรงที่นางเอกไม่งี่เง่า ส่วนพระเอกก็ยังเป๊ะเหมือนเดิม เล่มนี้ยัดใส่ความเข้มข้นทางอารมณ์มามากกว่าเล่มที่แล้ว การเล่าเรื่องกระชับ แม้ว่าบางครั้งเราก็รู้สึกเหมือนว่ากำลังขับรถวนไปวนมาอยู่ตรงที่เดิมก็ตามเถอะ เพราะตัวละครเถียงกันไม่ไปถึงไหนสักทีนึง -*- นอกจากประเด็นที่เราชอบรำคาญตลอดเวลาที่อ่าน แต่โดยภาพรวมแล้ว...เนื้อเรื่องจะออกแนวซอฟท์ๆ อ่านสบายๆ ตัวละครมีความเป็นมนุษย์อยู่สูงเกือบทุกตัว ไม่แลดูสุดโต่งเป็นแบบ Alpha male เหมือนในนิยายอีโรติคบางเรื่อง

Profile Image for Donna ~ The Romance Cover.
2,817 reviews321 followers
May 27, 2015
Conviction (The Consolation Duet, #2) by Corinne Michaels
4 stars!!

“Life is cruel. Love is a joke. And not even death is final.”

Conviction is another great read from Corinne Michaels. After the ending of Consolation I was on high alert for a lot of emotion and a lot of angst and Corinne Michaels delivered on both counts. While this was not as emotional as Consolation, this book was more a journey, a journey for all three of them.

The one thing I loved the most in this book was Natalie’s CONVICTION, this woman knew what she wanted and didn’t waver, she had her wobbles but right from the onset she knew who she wanted and she stuck to her guns. While the “other man” tried his best to get her to change her mind, Natalie was a force to be reckoned with and out of everybody in this book; it amazed me that she was the strong one. The men crumbled, Natalie remained strong and resilient, she was the cement, now she just needed her brick.

“You have no idea how strong you are.”

The fact that this was not the drawn out “will she, won’t she” book that most probably all of us anticipated was refreshing. After a while that to and fro, back and forth can be soul crushing and I was glad that this was not prevalent in this book. As I said above, this book is a journey, still a long one, there was a lot of soul searching to be done by all parties and this was captured brilliantly within these pages.

“He knows that was the end of any chance he had. He just lost me. Completely.”

The growth in Natalie’s character was amazing, as I said above the change in her from Consolation was dramatic, in Consolation she was destroyed but we slowly saw Liam put her back together again, the emotional scars were still there, but she living and glad to be alive. In Conviction her strength was unparalleled, she was the driving force in this book, she called the shots, you couldn’t help but stand back and admire her, after everything that she had been through, she was still standing and she was standing tall and proud.

“Ignorance is a beautiful place sometimes, but I don’t plan to live there anymore.”

As much as I would love to go into my thoughts and opinions of the men involved in this book, to do that would be a huge disservice to those that haven’t read this book yet. Even the smallest of opinions would still be a spoiler so I am going to refrain. I think that after the end of Consolation we all had our favourite, I know I did. I wasn’t at all disappointed, I totally understood and I loved the way that Corinne Michaels delivered this to us, the readers.

This was one great love story, I have cried, I have grieved, I have loved, I have had those emotional lows and then some amazing emotional highs throughout this series, this is testament to Corinne’s writing because she really delivered a well thought out, emotional, gripping read. I was totally invested in this story, I had been itching for Conviction’s release and was so glad that we didn’t have too long to wait, another plus side to this duet.

“…because if this plays out poorly, it’ll be my heart that never beats again.”

I am a sucker for military romances too and you can tell that the author has first hand experience of what it is like to be the one left behind. I love that we get to see this side of a soldier’s life. We are always hyper aware of what or how a soldier thinks and it is refreshing to see the other side. I was trying to look for an appropriate quote but I found an even better one instead “Behind every strong soldier, there is an even stronger woman who stands behind him, supports him, and loves him with all her heart.” This is what this series shouts from the pages, these women are strong.

“Military wives aren’t strong because they want to be. They have to be.”

Although Consolation and Conviction are a duet, I highly recommend if you haven’t read the Beloved series yet that you read that too. Although this duet is Liam’s, Jackson and the crew all appear throughout and I personally think that you would get a better understanding of the dynamic between these characters. I understand that Mark is up next and I cannot wait to see what Corinne has in store for us with him. He is quite the enigma and I am sure that we are going to be surprised when his surfaces are scratched.

I have loved this series with a passion, true romances with a good ole dose of angst, with great underlying messages throughout. For all us romance junkies this is one series you will fall in love with, I cannot recommend them highly enough.


Buy Links:

Conviction (book 2)

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1FOeZCU
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1Q9DKuE

Consolation (Book 1)

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1H1gi2L
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1wZI6AX
Profile Image for Arlene.
1,191 reviews636 followers
June 24, 2015
I enjoyed this second installment just as much as the first. The Consolation was perfect as a duet. The story didn't drag out, but at the same time, we really got to know Natalie and Liam as they worked toward their happy ending.

If you haven't read the first book, this second installment will be a bit of a spoiler so proceed with caution. Conviction picks up right where the last book left off where Natalie must face yet another blow to her life. Just when she and Liam caught their stride and were finally building a life together, Natalie finds that what she thought was a closed chapter from her previous life has only blown up to cause a complete twist of fate for her and Liam.

What I really enjoyed about this novel is the fact that Natalie never led anyone on with her true feelings. She was honest and stayed true to how she felt and what she wanted. At times where it could almost feel selfish of her to fight for her own happy ending, I had to keep reminding myself what she went through in the previous novel, and she never wavered on her feelings.

The drama in Conviction was continuous but never over the top. Liam and Natalie sure went through a lot, and I feel they earned their ending. It was clear from beginning to end how much these two characters cared for each other. The story had an ample amount of sweet moments to balance out the heavy events.

Overall, Conviction definitely rounded out Liam and Natalie's story quite nicely. Well done!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,669 reviews

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