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Hell Bent

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Parties, graduation, and having the time of your life is what it’s supposed to be like when you turn eighteen, Unless you’re Isabelle Irons. For Izzy, her eighteenth birthday came with an apartment with her best friend, the stresses of running a recording company, and the biggest lie of her life. In one moment her very identity was stripped away. Everything she knew about herself was based on a lie, and those she trusted most were in fact, the keepers of that lie.

For years Bennett Price has been building up a persona. A false face to show to his fans and the world, but it’s time to shed the facade and reveal what lies beneath. When he finally takes the chance on making his life his own, the changes may bring him more than he bargained for.
After a chance meeting in the most awkward of circumstances, on the worst night of her life, could they possibly find each other?
Izzy may be hell bent on her own destruction, but Bennett is hell bent on making her his.

196 pages, Kindle Edition

Published March 18, 2016

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About the author

Katheryn Kiden

18 books94 followers
Katheryn was born in Maine and has lived there her entire life. Growing up, she was the only girl out of five children. Out of four loving, but hard-assed, brothers she has been set on fire TWICE, shot at, left with a burning car and a five gallon container of gas, scared out of her mind every time they got behind the wheel, and has enough hilarious stories and amazing memories to fill a million books. It made her independent and every female character she writes reflects strength and independence.
Katheryn books are full of page turning suspense, humor, and enough steam to overheat your e-reader.
"There are no weak women, just weak moments."

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Profile Image for Melissa Mendoza.
2,581 reviews50 followers
March 22, 2016
Title:Hell Bent
Author:Katheryn Kiden
Series:Rock Bottom, Book #1
Release Date:March 18, 2016
Genre(s):Contemporary Romance
Page Count:204
Heat Level: 4 flames out of 5
Rating: 5 stars out of 5

Parties, graduation, and having the time of your life is what it’s supposed to be like when you turn eighteen, Unless you’re Isabelle Irons. For Izzy, her eighteenth birthday came with an apartment with her best friend, the stresses of running a recording company, and the biggest lie of her life. In one moment her very identity was stripped away. Everything she knew about herself was based on a lie, and those she trusted most were in fact, the keepers of that lie.

For years Bennett Price has been building up a persona. A false face to show to his fans and the world, but it’s time to shed the facade and reveal what lies beneath. When he finally takes the chance on making his life his own, the changes may bring him more than he bargained for.
After a chance meeting in the most awkward of circumstances, on the worst night of her life, could they possibly find each other?
Izzy may be hell bent on her own destruction, but Bennett is hell bent on making her his.

“Tipping her head back, I capture her mouth, surprised a bit when she actually kisses me back. Since she won’t even look at me I didn’t expect her to reciprocate my kiss with everything going on in her head. She whimpers into my mouth when my free hand slides down her side, landing on her stomach, and I feel her tears hit my top lip.”

5 hell bent stars!!! Sexy and so sinfully hot!

This book will take you on a roller coaster ride of emotions and feelings!! I loved Isabelle and Bennett’s relationship. It was angsty and beautiful!! The story will have you on the edge of your seat, wanting, no needing to see what happens next!! This is the first book I’ve read from this author, but I know I will be reading more in the future!

me alphabookclub
ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Melissa from Alpha Book Club description
Profile Image for Lauren.
604 reviews48 followers
March 18, 2016
Katheryn Kiden, I hope you’re happy. You’ve broken me. Hell Bent left me as a sniffling, miserable mess of emotions that I quite honestly didn’t know was inside of me. This book is by far one of the best books I have read this year. Kiden takes a step away from her usual dark and twisted romance genre and takes on a contemporary romance story. I will admit I was waiting for the secret serial killer to make an appearance while I read Hell Bent because honestly, I thought Kiden would have thrown in a curve ball to mess with us, but she didn’t. As much as I have loved her other books, Hell Bent took me on an emotional journey of growing up and learning to live with the decisions, albeit sometimes horrible decisions, and to learn to cope with grief. Kiden hit all the right notes to turn me into a blubbering, hot mess that couldn’t put this book down. If it wasn’t for the two characters making me cry, the videos from Izzy’s Dad were like a gunshot to my heart.
Izzy is the kind of character that most will be able to relate to. The death of her father changed her life forever and left her seeking out self-destructive ways to make it through life. She’s a wild child who wears her heart on her sleeve and makes horrific decisions. One drunken mistake on her eighteenth birthday comes back to bite her in the ass, but as the story progresses, you watch her grow into the woman she was always meant to be. Izzy is literally an example of how you can pick yourself up from the ashes and learn to live life again after tragedy. Sure, she’s a multi-faceted character whose decision making will frustrate you at times, but as the story goes on, you’ll learn why she is the way she is.
Bennett really surprised me with his personality and actions. You would never think of a rock star being unhappy with fame, fortune, and the never-ending line of girls waiting for their fifteen minutes of fame, but he is. Bennett didn’t want to live the life of a rock star, but that’s the hand he dealt by his label. His band name made me snort every time I read it because who in their right mind would want to be in a band called Moist Wood. As the story progresses and Bennett’s true personality unfolds, you see how genuine and honest of a man he is. He’s done everything that has been asked of him regarding his old band, but it’s time he does something for himself. He takes what he wants, be damned of the consequences, and makes life the way he wants to live it, which does include Izzy. Most men would have run for the hills when faced with the hard work that is required to be in a relationship with her, but he stood his ground and showed her what it was truly like to love. Bennett is yet again another one of those book boyfriends that has sky rocketed into the top ten of my list.
Hell Bent may have been a walk on the wild side for Kiden, but for me, it only cements that this author could take any story that popped into her head and turn it into something wonderful and heart wrenching. It’s been two days since I finished this book and my heart is still lingering with Izzy and Bennett. I’m honestly starting to wonder if Kiden broke me for other rocker contemporary romance novels or other books in general because I haven’t been able to look at another book since I flicked the last page of Hell Bent.
Profile Image for David Maher.
275 reviews9 followers
May 16, 2016
In keeping with the title of the series that Hell Bent is the first of, Rock Bottom Books, the opening pages show show us young Izzy Irons at just that point ... rock bottom. When 18 year olds get taken to hospital after being in a car accident, their blood alcohol level really shouldn't be a topic of conversation, but for Izzy, its just a reflection of the downward spiral she's been on since her 18th birthday.

A day that should have been a milestone, a marking point of a new stage of the journey on the road to maturity, as the narrative jumps back to that day to fill in the blanks, we get to see one of the rock solid foundations of Izzy's short life ripped out from underneath her, and watch as she wobbles towards that wreck no longer with the comfort of training wheels.

Very much a coming of age story, for me this book sparked an immediate emotional connection with Izzy almost to the point of taking what she sees as a betrayal somewhat personally and watching on horrified as, in her hurt and anger, she makes a mess of her life in more ways than one.

Thrown in amongst that high drama and emotion, our hero, Bennett enters Izzy's story almost as an afterthought, pure coincidence. Being older, he's got some life experience with which to put Izzy's confusion into some kind of perspective, but she just ... doesn't.

I found this a fascinating story weaving Bennett's struggle to reinvent himself professionally, taking a step that's potentially career suicide, moving from rock god, to country singer, and choosing the recording company that Izzy just became controlling owner of, Iron sound records, as the vehicle with which to make that transition, and contrasting that with her tortuous path of discovering who she is in the first place, particularly in light of the revelations of chapter one.

Apparently many of the background characters in this story, particularly those who form Izzy's extended family, have had their own stories told in Katheryn Kiden's Save Me series, but I haven't read any of them, and while, having read this one, I'm interested in doing so, didn't feel like I was expected to know things I didn't. So as a standalone, it works well.

An emotional roller coaster ride of a book, I read until I fell asleep with the book still in my hands, and picking it up again, kept on till it was finished. Absolutely marvelous.
Profile Image for Jodie Scott.
236 reviews6 followers
May 24, 2016
Reviewed on behalf of 2 girls who love books blog
I loved this sto1ry it's a story of a broken young girl who learns some Truths and struggles to come to terms with them... but of course there is always someone to save the day!!!
The twists and turns that come with the storyline are some of the best I've read in this type of story and I struggled to put this book down for anything and anyone. Move aside rich man who gets whoever and whatever he wants, this story is how you get a girl and keep her!!!
The storyline keeps you wanting to read more and more the characters have a fantastic feel to them like they could really live next door. There are no major plot holes that I could see and the story flows exceptionally well from one page to the next. All in brilliant story and I will be looking for more from the author
Profile Image for Stephanie.
245 reviews12 followers
April 15, 2016
This is the first Katheryn Kiden book I've read, but it won't be my last! This was a great, emotionally gripping story from start to finish.

Isabelle "Izzy" Irons is a mess, just turned 18, she should be happy starting out her adult life; she is anything but. Since her father died, every year she gets a video he recorded for her to watch on her birthdays. This year's video was a huge surprise for her which throws her into a downward spiral. Her night of trying to erase and forget everything doesn't help in the long run.

"Hey, birthday girl, the guy mutters, pulling his other hand away from his face and pinning me with his intense stare. There's something ridiculously familiar about him, but in my post-drunken haze, I can't put my finger on it. "Whatever got you to this point tonight, don't let it define you...."

Izzy's first professional meeting with Bennett Price is rocky. His cocky demeanor towards her and the fact that she is representing her firm, Iron Sound Records, makes you think he's anything but a nice guy, but Izzy holds her own with him.

"I was told that I would be meeting with a head of the label. Instead, they send, what, an intern? Assistant? You're like twelve; what the hell can you do for me?"

"No offense, Izzy, but you've probably been in this business for about half a minute, and I don't plan on putting my future in the hands of a teeny-bopper playing dress-up as a CEO because she doesn't have the talent to get up on stage."

At that point, I was thinking he's a total jerk, but OMG, I was so wrong. The spark ignites between these two as the story progresses and you can't help but fall in love with Bennett. He's trying to remake his career and in the life that is Izzy's emotional rollercoaster, Bennet is her rock.

As usual, without even actually trying, he makes me feel better. With one simple thought, he took all the stress that was starting to weigh me down by simply thinking about everything I had to do and tossed it out the window.

Without giving anymore of the story away, I will say that there are so many ups and downs, I was glued to my kindle. At times, my heart broke for Izzy, and for Bennett on how Izzy dealt with her circumstances which involved him. She had so many struggles in her life and just when things were going well, something else pops up that derailed her. The book is written in dual POV's from both Bennett and Izzy. While I found Izzy to be an emotional train-wreck and rightfully so, Bennett was a grounding force.

I loved all these secondary characters as well. It is a well written story, the characters were solid and lovable. I highly recommend this story, you won't be disappointed! I look forward to more stories from this talented author.

"...Let yourself feel something other than pain. If you get your heart broken down the road, you get your heart broken. But you deserve to be happy. Someone should be. You've already let him in, let him love you too."

ARC received in exchange for my honest review.

Profile Image for Laura Hampton.
641 reviews36 followers
March 26, 2016
This is the first book I have read by Katheryn Kiden and I loved it! Her writing style is awesome, he characters are gritty, demanding and filled with plenty of angst, this story is nothing short of an emotional roller coaster ride. I am so glad I took the chance and agreed to read and review it for the blog tour. I look forward to reading more of her work in the future.

Isabelle "Izzy" Irons, has just turned eighteen, she should be excited about life and what her future holds. Her birthday's have always been a bit of a struggle for her. Her father raised her as a single parent, leaving her parentless by the age of seven, after cancer took him. Every year for her birthday, Izzy receives a video that her father left for her. This year the video held so much more than she ever bargained for. Hurt and anger drive her to push away all those close to her, in the process she delves into running the recording business that her father left her, but not without the help of pills and alcohol. When a one night stand brings unexpected consequences, Izzy is left to make one of the biggest decisions of her life.

Bennett Price has spent the last several years as the lead singer/growler for Moist Wood. Although his heart truly lies in the country music scene, he changed who he was in order to make things better for his family. He needed to be able to provide for them and give them the life that they deserved. When push comes to shove, he makes the biggest jump of his career. It is time he reinvented himself, but at what cost? His career could be over before he even has a chance to do what he has wanted all along. When a chance meeting throws him and Izzy together, he can't help but feel attracted to the outspoken, crazy, beautiful girl that she is. When she accepts him as a client, he begins to see that Izzy is so much more than the girl she shows everyone around her. She keeps her true self buried and he is bound and determined to find out who she truly is and what makes her tick.

I really enjoyed Izzy and Bennett's story. It gave me the feels. I was sucked in from the first few pages and fell in love with Izzy's crazy, demanding, stubborn and beautifully broken character. Watching her come to terms with hidden aspects of her past was heartbreaking at times. But watching her grow as a character was awesome. She learned to really fight for what she wanted from life. Bennett comes across as this sexy, hard ass rocker. But deep down he is a country boy at heart. The relationship tat he has with his family is heartwarming. He hides this amazing, thoughtful, caring man behind the bad boy rocker facade. Who doesn't love a man like this?

Go and grab your copy of Hell Bent and see for yourself how amazing these two characters are, together and apart. Come along for the ride as they both seek to make their lives better and fight for what they truly want out of life.

5 Emotionally Rockin' Stars
Profile Image for Laura  ~Swoon Worthy Books~.
78 reviews7 followers
March 26, 2016
This is the first book I have read by Katheryn Kiden and I loved it! Her writing style is awesome, he characters are gritty, demanding and filled with plenty of angst, this story is nothing short of an emotional roller coaster ride. I am so glad I took the chance and agreed to read and review it for the blog tour. I look forward to reading more of her work in the future.

Isabelle "Izzy" Irons, has just turned eighteen, she should be excited about life and what her future holds. Her birthday's have always been a bit of a struggle for her. Her father raised her as a single parent, leaving her parentless by the age of seven, after cancer took him. Every year for her birthday, Izzy receives a video that her father left for her. This year the video held so much more than she ever bargained for. Hurt and anger drive her to push away all those close to her, in the process she delves into running the recording business that her father left her, but not without the help of pills and alcohol. When a one night stand brings unexpected consequences, Izzy is left to make one of the biggest decisions of her life.

Bennett Price has spent the last several years as the lead singer/growler for Moist Wood. Although his heart truly lies in the country music scene, he changed who he was in order to make things better for his family. He needed to be able to provide for them and give them the life that they deserved. When push comes to shove, he makes the biggest jump of his career. It is time he reinvented himself, but at what cost? His career could be over before he even has a chance to do what he has wanted all along. When a chance meeting throws him and Izzy together, he can't help but feel attracted to the outspoken, crazy, beautiful girl that she is. When she accepts him as a client, he begins to see that Izzy is so much more than the girl she shows everyone around her. She keeps her true self buried and he is bound and determined to find out who she truly is and what makes her tick.

I really enjoyed Izzy and Bennett's story. It gave me the feels. I was sucked in from the first few pages and fell in love with Izzy's crazy, demanding, stubborn and beautifully broken character. Watching her come to terms with hidden aspects of her past was heartbreaking at times. But watching her grow as a character was awesome. She learned to really fight for what she wanted from life. Bennett comes across as this sexy, hard ass rocker. But deep down he is a country boy at heart. The relationship tat he has with his family is heartwarming. He hides this amazing, thoughtful, caring man behind the bad boy rocker facade. Who doesn't love a man like this?

Go and grab your copy of Hell Bent and see for yourself how amazing these two characters are, together and apart. Come along for the ride as they both seek to make their lives better and fight for what they truly want out of life.

5 Emotionally Rockin' Stars
Profile Image for Jennifer Pierson.
11.6k reviews171 followers
March 22, 2016
Katheryn Kiden is one of my original #EVILWHORE authors, so although I was over the moon excited to get this book, I was gearing up for the violent f-bomb fest that would inevitably take place. She's still trying to KILL ME dead, but she didn't leave me hanging to the point of wanting to hunt her down. Isabelle Irons spends her 18th birthday finding out that her whole life has been a big lie. She's heartbroken, and pissed at hell at all the people she trusted, so she's heading down a self destructive path. Bennett Price has been living behind a persona that he's been building for years. He's tired of it, and decides to make a serious change. After a chance meeting on the worst night of Izzy's life, he acts like a jerk when he sees she's going to be working with him. But the more time they spend together, the more Bennett is Hell Bent on making her his. The question is will Izzy let him?

Yeah I may call the author names, but make no mistake, I freakin LOVED LOVED LOVED this story. The character development is fantastic, with the cast as secondaries being great, and awesome to see them again. An addicting, edge of seat, and well written storyline flows effortlessly. Katheryn Kiden is a master at OMG moments that come out of left field to make me scream, and she did it again in this story. Her talented writing style kept my heart racing cover to cover, and not even a bathroom break could make me put it down. The flammable chemistry leads to FIERY HOT sexy scene goodness, and the ever present emotional feels may or may not have had my eyes leaking. I'll never refuse to read this diabolical #EVILWHORE author as her books always hurt so good, so I will HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO ALL!
Profile Image for Cassandra Lawson.
Author 68 books163 followers
March 18, 2016
Hell Bent is my first book by Katheryn Kiden, and it is book 1 in the Rock Bottom series. Overall, this is a well-written story, and I think it will likely be a 4.5-5 star read for most people who are already fans of this authors. I struggled with rating this book, largely because I felt like I was jumping into a series midway through. There were several times where I felt like I should know more about Izzy’s aunt Abby and her circle of acquaintances. I actually had trouble keeping track of who they were, and it through me off. Still, I found this to be a sweet romance, and gave it 4 stars.

Izzy’s father died when she was a child and left her a series of recordings to watch at certain points in her life. One of those was for her eighteenth birthday, and what was revealed in that recording sent Izzy into a very destructive tailspin, causing her to turn away from her family. I did not like Izzy at first. While I understood why she was upset, I didn’t think it justified her behavior which not only endangered her, but others. I was also surprised there were no legal ramifications form some of her actions. As the book progressed, Izzy grew up a lot and I really learned to like her.

Bennett really does seem like two different people in the beginning of this book, which is what the author is going for, so it makes sense. There was never a point where I didn’t like Bennett. He was devoted to Izzy, even when she was far from the easiest person to be with. Bennett was sweet and sexy all rolled up into one delicious musician. I loved how he helped make Izzy realize what she really wanted in life.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
March 21, 2016
This was my first book by Katheryn and I can honestly say that it won't be my last especially when it comes to this series. I freaking loved this book. The characters were ones that I fell in love with even though at first Bennett seemed like a real jerk and Izzy is on a downward spiral. You will be reading along and rooting for Bennett and Izzy to find a happy ending. It won't be an easy road especially with outside forces and especially with Izzy.

Izzy's father died when she was 7 or 8 and she gets a video on her 18th birthday. A day that should be a great day takes a turn for the worst and drastically changes her life. She finds out that the most important people in her life have been keeping a major secret and she doesn't know how to cope with the information she learns. This sets Izzy on a downward spiral until she hits rock bottom. Along the way she met Bennett who turns out to be a lead singer in a band. He wants to leave the rock band and become a country singer and he just so happens to want to join Izzy's label. Their relationship turns into more than a business one but Izzy will not be someone that is easy to love. She comes with many issues and baggage but Bennett is willing to work through it all because the love that he feels for her. He sets out to prove to Izzy that not everyone leaves.

Don't miss out on this book! It was such a good book and I seriously enjoyed reading it. Izzy will break your heart with all that she has running through her mind and you will be waiting for her to finally be able to find some true happiness for herself. I can't wait to get more from Katheryn and this series
Profile Image for Jamie  Zishka.
803 reviews12 followers
March 27, 2016
Hell Bent is the first book in the Rock Bottom Books series, and is a spinoff of the Save Me series. We meet the main heroine in the save me series when she was a child but now she is an adult and watch out because she has quite the story to tell. I have loved every book this author has written to date and this one was no different. I would give this book a 4.5 stars and would highly recommend to others. Even though this book is a new series and a standalone I would highly recommend meeting the gang from the beginning in the Save Me Series because you will see snippets of them in this book. I have always wondered if Izzy was going to finally get a story given all that she has been through and Katheryn Kiden delivered a beautiful passionate story that had me crying tears of sadness and joy. She also delivered some epic sexy scenes!

Izzy is finally starting a life of her own but with shadows and lies from her past she will get a shaky start... When the sexy singer Bennett comes in to her life he will help her guide the way and also help himself figure out what he wants in life... Can these 2 have a life together?? Or will circumstances and situations keep them apart? Or are they Hell Bent to make it work???

Get to one clickin this fantastic story you don't want to miss it! I look forward to much more from this series and from this author! Thanks for giving us Izzy's well deserved journey and I was explicitly happy with the outcome.
Profile Image for A Book Lover's Emporium Book Blog.
2,814 reviews169 followers
March 10, 2016
5+ Super Stars.

I LOVED this book! I cried like a baby and tried to drag it out because I did not want it to end.

Izzy's Dad died when she was just 7. He left her his record label company and a DVD for every major event in her life… (can you say sob?!) The DVD for her eighteenth birthday reveals a secret. A big secret that makes her go off the rails!
Bennett…… oh Bennett. He has a Rock Star image and bad boy name, but this isn’t the real Bennett. When he decides it's time to get rid of his bad boy image and show the world the real Bennett, he turns to Izzy for help. Once he ditches the manufactured attitude he is just swoon worthy! I want me a Bennett...

Izzy meets Bennett one drunken night. They then meet again when he goes to her record label, wanting her to manage him after he decides that he wants to change his image and genre.
Life changes but can these two fall in love?

I was so emotional reading this story, I cried with happiness and grief. I loved the writing and I cannot wait to read more from this author. Luckily this is book #1 in a new series, so I am waiting impatiently for the continuation of Izzy and Bennett’s story!
Profile Image for Barbara.
2,405 reviews52 followers
May 14, 2016
Loved this story and I can’t wait for Book 2 in the Rock Bottom series! It will have you laughing, crying, wondering what’s going to happen next, and praying for a happy ending.

Bennett is the rock star that has it all, money, fans, fame and women. But this is not the life he wants! Bennett wants to be a country singer living a quiet normal life! To get that dream he decides to leave the rock scene and go with the well a known record label to shape his career. That is where Bennet meets Izzy!

Izzy is a young girl who at age 18, graduates school and steps up to take over her deceased father’s record label. She works herself to the bone to prove she can do the job and she’s not just the spoiled rich kids living off her father's name. Then one night tragedy hits and her life starts to spiral out of control.

Can a rocker who stands to lose everything and an out of control teenager find their way? Can they help each other overcome tragedy and find their dreams? Both are “Hell Bent” to make it in this world but can they do so “their way” without their past mistakes getting in the way? Awesome book with lots of emotionally filled pages - this reader highly recommends.
Profile Image for Maria Vickers.
Author 35 books380 followers
March 24, 2016
Hell Bent by Katheryn Kiden was a wild ride to read. Izzy has inherited her father’s business at a young age and feels like she has to prove to everyone that she deserves her position, and not just because of who her father is. And then in steps Bennett. He wants to leave his band and go solo, and for some reason wants Izzy to be the person he works with. The connections and sparks between the two of them fly almost immediately, but Izzy has skeletons in her closet and she is pushing herself more than humanly possible with “help”. Things fall apart and she needs to decide if she will allow Bennett to be there to help her pick up the pieces.

The book is emotionally charged and there were a lot of times when I didn’t like Izzy very much – even when I felt sorry for her. She’s selfish, somewhat egotistical, and maybe too independent; but at the same time, she is hurt and lost. Bennett is a strong man and loves her and will do whatever he can for her. Your typical hero with a crooked halo. He isn’t exactly perfect, however, together with Izzy, they are dynamic. I give Hell Bent 4.5 stars and recommend you pick it up today!
Profile Image for Donna.
1,361 reviews24 followers
July 12, 2016
I Really Enjoyed This Fast Paced Love Story Of A Very Successful Broken Girl And A Well Known Rock Star. This Book Has Alot Going For It, Its Also Not Your Typical Rock Star Romance.

Izzy Is A Broken Girl Who Was Abandoned By Her Mother As A Child And Was Raised By Her Fathr Until He Died Of Cancer When She Was 7, Every Year She Receives A Message From Her Dad But Her 18 Birthday Brings More Heartache And A Drunken Night Leads To Her Life Changing Forever.

Bennett Is A Successful Rock Star With A Band But He Wants More, He Wants A Solo Career And He Acts Like An Arsehole The Night The Record Executive Izzy Turns Up As He Just See's A Young Girl But Not The Talent That She Is. When He Finally Get His Head Out Of His Arse, He Battles To Change And Win The Lovely Heart Of Izzy.

This Book Is A Beautiful Love Story And It Involves So Much, Friendship, Family, Love, Lies And Betrayal But Also It's About Learning To Trust And To Realise That Things Are Done For Your Best Interest. I Can't Wait To Read The Book In The Rock Bottom Series
Profile Image for She's a Lip Biter.
1,336 reviews29 followers
March 23, 2016
I Really Enjoyed This Fast Paced Love Story Of A Very Successful Broken Girl And A Well Known Rock Star. This Book Has Alot Going For It, It's Also Not Your Typical Rock Star Romance.

Izzy Is A Broken Girl Who Was Abandoned By Her Mother As A Child And Was Raised By Her Father Until He Died Of Cancer When She Was 7, Every Year She Receives A Message From Her Dad But Her 18 Birthday Brings More Heartache And A Drunken Night Leads To Her Life-Changing Forever.

Bennett Is A Successful Rock Star With A Band But He Wants More, He Wants A Solo Career And He Acts Like An Arsehole The Night The Record Executive Izzy Turns Up As He Just See's A Young Girl But Not The Talent That She Is. When He Finally Get His Head Out Of His Arse, He Battles To Change And Win The Lovely Heart Of Izzy.

This Book Is A Beautiful Love Story And It Involves So Much, Friendship, Family, Love, Lies And Betrayal But Also It's About Learning To Trust And To Realise That Things Are Done For Your Best Interest. I Can't Wait To Read The Book In The Rock Bottom Series.

Reviewed by Donna
2,237 reviews3 followers
January 27, 2017
Izzy is all grown up, it is now her 18th birthday and she finds out that her life was a lie. What does she do? Booze, drugs and a one night stand that has consequences.
Bennett no longer wants to be the hard ass rock star. He wants to reinvent himself in Country music.
I didn't really like Izzy in parts of this book. Boo Who! she was lied to, so what. Why didn't she let anyone explain. She just behaved like the child she was and lashed out at everyone.
I'm also confused as to why so many years later that Willow is still depressed about the accident that she wasn't responsible for.
Overall a good book, keeps you interested in what is going on. I do think you need to read the Save Me series first to really get the full impact of all the characters.
Profile Image for Kimberly Anne.
3,167 reviews184 followers
March 22, 2016
Hell Bent was my first read by Katheryn Kiden. There was a lot that I enjoyed about this book. Izzy was going through a rough patch when she met Bennett. It was emotional watching her go through the hardships. Bennett while he had his moments that made you want to hate him, he was good for Izzy and there to help her cope with what she was going through. I really enjoyed watching the relationship between Bennett and Izzy develop. Aside from their relationships I loved watching them develop and grow as individuals. I am definitely going to have to check out Katheryn’s other books.
Profile Image for Maari.
463 reviews
March 18, 2016
I am SO happy to learn that this is the first book in a series!! :D
That means that there will be more coming soon!! :) I love, love, loved this book!! Yes, it was an emotional read for me. Yes, there were tears, but not all unhappy ones.. Such an amazing story, well written. I felt a connection with the characters, and look forward to the next story in this series. Okay, honestly, to anything written by Ms. Kiden!
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479 reviews
April 5, 2016
This was my first book by this author. I really did enjoy it. It's a book that gives you hope. And family isn't always blood it's those that want to be in your life. Izzy and Bennett's story is a different take on the music lifestyle. I'm looking forward to the next book!
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