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La nouvelle année approche… Mais pour Naho et ses amis, cela signifie aussi une chose : la date fatidique du terrible choix de Kakéru arrive également. Pourront-ils aider leur ami et lui éviter le pire des futurs ? Mais qu'adviendra-t-il, dans tout ça, de l'amour de Suwa ? Rien de tout ça n'est sûr, et c'est le coeur lourd et inquiet que Naho envisage les semaines qui viennent… L'inévitable pourra-t-il être évité ?

240 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published November 12, 2015

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About the author

Ichigo Takano

55 books609 followers
Ichigo Takano is a Japanese comic strip author. She is mainly known for being the author of the manga Orange.
Associated names : 高野苺

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 747 reviews
Profile Image for Coco.
1,092 reviews541 followers
May 10, 2017
Azu y su risa; Takano y su fuerza; Hagita y sus bromas, Naho y su timidez y Suwa y su corazón.
Todos y cada uno de ellos hicieron posible ese final.
Llorando como una magdalena.
Profile Image for Medha .
115 reviews68 followers
August 21, 2021
” People often say, “A lot of people would be sad if you died.” But you don’t know that for sure unless you die. Even if the going is tough now, hang in there and it’ll get better. Hanging in there….living….is the toughest thing there is.”

Whoa! What an appealing way to end the series. I loved the way the characters developed and the storyline had me feeling tearful and gleeful at the same time. I didn’t feel like putting this down even for a second. It shows you numerous ways to deal with regrets and how you can get over them. The message this manga put across was dominant over everything else. I would definitely recommend this!

Breathtakingly amazing! Happily ever after! The end!
Profile Image for Maria Clara.
1,122 reviews623 followers
December 12, 2019
¿Ya se ha terminado??? Una historia muy pero que muy bonita. Maravillosa❤
Profile Image for Floripiquita.
1,391 reviews158 followers
September 28, 2019
Reseña de los cinco volúmenes. En general me ha gustado mucho, es un canto precioso a la amistad, aunque la excesiva timidez de Naho me ha superado algunas veces y no sé si ese final tan abierto me convence. Me quedo, por encima de todo, con ese personaje maravilloso que es Suwa 😍😍
Profile Image for Mary ♥.
458 reviews115 followers
December 26, 2018
5/5 stars

If you ever cry alone again...or even if the day comes where you just find living to be painful...then I promise I'll save you again and again.


This was such a cute and heartwarming but at the same time heartbreaking read. I had the best experience reading it, and the idea behind this manga was in my opinion beautiful. The plot was very smooth but the sci fi element totally made sense and was carefully wrapped around it, influencing everything that happened. It was a contemporary story with a few sci fi elements, and it also dealt with mental illness. It has a trigger for mentions of suicide and suicidal thoughts, so if any of you are not in the right place to read it, do not. If you do not mind reading it now, I totally recommend it, though ♥

The characters were so well made, fleshed out and nicely written and drawn, and they all had multiple layers and faults, but also strong points and beautiful, beautiful hearts. Naho, the main character, as well as Kakeru, the main love interest, got such a huge character development, that was a result for both their own personal growth but also the help they offered to each other. Suwa, another very important character, bloomed throughout the story and showed the reader that some times, we should move away from the things we love, for a greater purpose. The rest of the characters were also perfectly spun, and their friendship was the most adorable thing ever.

The art was also really interesting, as it was cute but turned darker with the characters who had dark thoughts. The portrayal of depression was very, very realistic, as it involved mood swings, lack of motivation, feelings of helplessness and self-hate, constant fear and a difficulty to communicate feelings. I was really glad to see that it was done right, as the representation of mental illness in stories is very important for the world to understand how it works and help their loved ones who might experience it.

The friendship, as I slightly mentioned before was so cute that it warmed me like the most comfortable sweater. The bonds between the characters were strong, beautiful and full of mutual understanding and helping. They were all here for each other, constantly put themselves in each other's shoes and were not afraid to admit their feelings. It was so refreshing to see meaningful platonic relationships between men, as well as beautiful relationships between women.

Overall, it was such a beautiful manga, sunshine warm and lollipop sweet and very, very important, and I totally recommend during Christmas ♥


Until my next review, stay cozy, with some chocolate and books, enoy your holiday if you celebrate, and the most important, never give up ♥ You are all beautiful and deserve happiness ♥
Profile Image for Elisabeth.
235 reviews233 followers
January 16, 2018
Welch ein Finale! Ich bin völlig platt und kann nach dem letzten Band nun noch überzeugter sagen: Jeder sollte diese Reihe lesen. Was zunächst aussieht, wie eine japanische Teenie-Geschichte, ist eine Reihe, die so wichtige Themen mit sich führt und einfach bewegt. Es kommt noch ein 6. Band als Sequel heraus, den muss ich dann unbedingt auch noch lesen. Große Liebe!
Profile Image for Lauren Lanz.
813 reviews287 followers
January 18, 2023
This series will be close to my heart forever, I can hardly find words to describe how beautiful it is. Orange delivers such a meaningful message about suicide prevention, living life with no regrets, and always checking in on your friends, no matter how happy they may seem.

Having received a letter from herself ten years in the future, high school student Naho learns that one of her friends will commit suicide before his eighteenth birthday. In an effort to save Kakeru and change the future, it is up to Naho and her friends to do everything they can to heal Kakeru’s fractured heart before the future repeats itself.

I was honestly prepared for this series to end in heartbreak (since sadly, that’s the reality with a lot of situations like this). I cried an embarassing amount, both out of joy and sadness towards seeing Naho, Suwa and the others try to make Kakeru smile. There’s something priceless about alleviating another person’s pain, and seeing Kakeru slowly learn that it’s okay to tell his friends when he’s feeling sad or suicidal, getting him to understand that he isn’t a burden, really touched me.

Such a fantastic series, one that I will be thinking about for a long time.
Profile Image for Patry Fernandez.
496 reviews252 followers
July 5, 2016
Esto se ha acabado y ha sido uno de los mejores,mangas que he leído.

He adorado a todos y cada uno de los personajes, y un pedacito de esta historia se queda conmigo para siempre, y no dudo que lo reeleré una y otra vez. Preciosa, dura y triste historia que nos muestra el valor de la amistad y la familia.
Profile Image for Ana Encinas.
371 reviews67 followers
April 24, 2021
Orange, quinto tomo de la serie de Ichigo Takano. El final de este manga ha llegado y con ello la despedida de todos sus personajes. Ha sido una verdadera montaña rusa de emociones. Las ocurrencias de Hagita me han hecho reír, la personalidad y sacrificio de Suwa me enternece a más no poder y la ternura de Naho me llena el alma. Ha sido un final duro y precioso al mismo tiempo. Todo lo que ha tenido que pasar Kakeru en su vida y mantenerlo en el anonimato para que no sufriera nadie más por su culpa me ha destrozado por completo. Este grupo de amigos podría definirse como el significado de la verdadera amistad, y que seguirá perdurando por muchos años que pasen. Esta historia te deja con un vacío inmenso pero con el corazón lleno de amor por sus personajes.
Profile Image for Mangrii.
1,034 reviews357 followers
November 2, 2016
Buen cierre de la historia, muy redondo, duro por momentos, alegre por otros y con una sensación de tensión durante las 240 páginas. Orange ha sido una historia que me ha ganado por sus personajes y que en un principio me atrajo por su premisa de ciencia ficción, pero que termina siendo realmente lo de menos. Tematicas como el valor de la amistad, la importancia de la familia o la depresión adolescente son abordadas de pleno pero sin abrumar. Si como yo no soléis leer manga de este género, os lo recomiendo igualmente, estoy seguro de que os gustará y os llegará a emocionar. Además, la edición de Tomodomo con todos sus detalles y esa caja para guardarlos, es una preciosidad.
Profile Image for Nahia.
720 reviews92 followers
November 7, 2017
Creo que no tengo palabras. Ha sido muy muy intenso hasta el final y ya tenía hasta miedo de lo que podía pasar.

Sé que a los primeros tomos no les he dado un 5/5, pero después de terminar de leer la serie creo que puedo decir que en general es un 5/5 y que me ha encantado a pesar de hacerme pasarlo mal en ciertos momentos.
Profile Image for Mel.
153 reviews190 followers
May 6, 2018
Erst einmal: die Botschaft die dieser Manga vermittelt ist wichtig! So wichtig das ich mir wünschen würde jeder würde sich diesen Manga anschauen und darüber nachdenken! Dennoch bin ich etwas unbefriedigt was das Ende angeht, aber es gibt ja mittlerweile noch Band sechs. :)
Profile Image for Bine.
716 reviews110 followers
September 12, 2017
Das Ende war sehr schön und generell war der Manga einfach ein Genuss <3
Profile Image for Josiemaus85.
379 reviews
August 1, 2017
Ein trauriges, tolles und etwas unbefriedigendes Ende zugleich. Und trotzdem einfach wundervoll 💕
Profile Image for Janani(ஜனனி)⁷.
598 reviews259 followers
February 28, 2017
I'm glad I read this manga series. I will never know this one unless it's for jessethereader . After watching his video , I chose this one.

Boy oh boy how I love this one. This is my second manga and I know I'll never come across a manga as good as this. This is everything I need. Friendship, cuteness, adorable characters, and hilarious Hagita! Every issue left me speechless and I want more. It made me happy, sad, cry at the same time.

I wish more people would read this phenomenal series.

Profile Image for Emi.acg.
587 reviews216 followers
June 19, 2022
Voy por el 6 que lo encontré por ahí, y me sale que el 7 se publico en abril de este año pero no me aparece jajaj en fin
Me gusta la historia, conmueve mi cora pero también hay cosas que no se explican muy bien y no me agrada mucho el tema de los arrepentimientos. Pero bueno igual es un lindo tema y los personajes 10/10
Hasta ahora se salvo Kakeru 🥳😂
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for shannon✨.
1,460 reviews44 followers
February 22, 2021
I was determined not to cry, but when I was almost finished, I did shed some tears. This manga was genuinely so good and so heartbreaking. I really should watch the anime soon.
Profile Image for Romina.
276 reviews27 followers
April 24, 2023
"I'm sorry we invited you to walk home with us. It wasn't your fault."
"No...I'm glad you invited me. Thank you for being...my friends!"

توی کل یک ساعت و نیمی که داشتم این والیوم رو میخوندم قلبم تند میزد و نگران شخصیتاش بودم.
با اینکه این والیوم غمگین‌ترین والیومش بود...قشنگ‌ترینم بود. من عمیق‌ترین و واقعی‌ترین احساساتو با شخصیتای این مانگا تجربه کردم. گاهی وقتا خودم شوکه میشدم که چطوری یه داستان اینقدر تاثیرگذاشته روم.
و وقتی به تهش رسید بالاخره یه نفس راحت کشیدم.
چون Naho بالاخره تونست بفهمه چیکار باید بکنه. وقتی بالاخره وقتی حرفای Kakeru رو شنید بغلش کرد و بهش حرفای درستو زد واقعا بالاخره یه نفس عمیق و راحت کشیدم...
رابطه‌ی این دوتا واقعا قشنگه!
اینکه همدیگه رو درک میکنن و به هم اعتماد دارن و خود واقعی همدیگه رو میبینن و کنار هم آرامش دارن؛ خیلی قشنگ بود. مخصوصا چون چیزی که Kakeru توی زندگیش کم داشت همین آرامش بود.
در کنار اینکه رابطه‌ی اونا خیلی خوب بود باید بازم مثل همههه‌ی والیوم‌ها به دوستی فوق‌العاده‌ی در حال رشدشون اشاره کنم.
خیلی دوستی‌های قشنگی داشتن:)
بهترین دوستی‌ای که هرکسی میتونه آرزوشو داشته باشه توی این مانگا هست. اگه به خاطر Azu و Takako و Hagita نبود، رابطه‌ی این دو نفر یا نجات دادن Kakeru اصلا ممکن نبود!
بیشتر از همشون اگه به خاطر Suwa، پسر قشنگم، نبود...هیچ اتفاق خوبی نمیوفتاد.
اینا توی هرقدم که اون دو نفر داشتن اشتباه میکردن یا کم میاوردن پشتشون بودن و همه چیزو درست میکردن و این خیلی خیلی دوست داشتنی بود.
دردناک‌ترین و عمیق‌ترین بخشش دیدن آینده‌شون بود. آینده‌ای که توش Kakeru نبود و با وجود اینکه ۱۰ سال گذشته بود هنوز همشون از ته دلشون دوستش داشتن و دلشون براش تنگ شده بود:)
هرچند که یه والیوم دیگه هست ولی فکر کنم بخش حال این داستان همینجا تموم شد...هیچوقت فکر نمیکردم یه مانگا رو اینقدر دوست داشته باشم و خیلی دلم براش تنگ میشه.
Profile Image for Diana.
448 reviews63 followers
May 14, 2018
Me acabo de romper en mil pedacitos... esta historia, sus valores, los personajes, el final... Es todo tan bonito. El valor de la amistad verdadera, la familia. No pensaba que me gustaría tanto pero ahora mismo me ha convertido en una bolita llena de emociones.
Profile Image for Yuki.
223 reviews54 followers
October 15, 2016
振り返らず 今を駆け抜け

立ち止まるほど 意味を問うほど
今見てるもの 今出会う人



過ぎし日々に 想いを預け
時間だけ ただ追いかけてく
背に寄り添った 誰かの夢に




けど そんな出会いを
別れを 繰り返して



letter song | 10年後の私へ

4.3 stars
Profile Image for Ellis ♥.
942 reviews10 followers
September 7, 2016
Nonostante la sua brevità (il manga consta di 5 volumi) questa serie mi ha letteralmente conquistata; uno shojo ben fatto, a parte alcune piccole imperfezioni di trama, che tocca diversi punti salienti: il valore dell'amicizia e dei sentimenti, la percezione dei rimpianti e delle gioie della vita e molto altro ancora. I personaggi hanno una psicologia ben tratteggiata, che a primo avviso può sembrare scontata ma non è assolutamente così. In particolare il personaggio di Kareru è quello che mi ha maggiormente colpita per la sua fragilità ed emotività, un ragazzo dalla personalità ricca di mille diverse sfaccettature. Ho versato fiumi di lacrime (anche se il lieto fine c'è), ma non importa anzi è proprio questo entrare in totale empatia con la storia che me l'ha fatta apprezzare ancora di più.

Dal manga: [...] La gente spesso dice: "anche se la situazione ora è difficile, tieni duro e vedrai che le cose miglioreranno". Facile a dirsi. Tenere duro, vivere... è la cosa più difficile in assoluto.
Profile Image for violeta.
59 reviews97 followers
June 30, 2016
Le doy un cinco al último tomo porque no lo estoy pensando fríamente y sí con mis sentimientos de persona encariñadísima con este manga. Y el 5 es para la historia en general. Hay cosas que no sabes exactamente porque pero que te tocan la fibra sensible. Y a mí me ha tocado con Orange. Y me encanta. Porque son historias que me tocan de esta manera tan especial lo que me hacen sentir viva. Tan viva que hasta sabe dulce el aire que estoy respirando. Tan viva que me da taquicardia. Viva, viva, viva.
Profile Image for Hugo.
41 reviews15 followers
August 26, 2016
Orange es una saga que no deja indiferente. Con una historia emotiva, buenos personajes que la sustentan, una argumentación maravillosa y temas que tocan de cerca como el primer amor, la verdadera amistad;así como un tema que podría ser más controvertido: la depresión en los adolescentes.
Todos estos temas son tratados de manera magnifica por Ichigo Takano, en cinco volúmenes que saben a poco cuando llegas a enamorarte de la historia, pero que no querrías más porque tal y como es, ya es perfecta.
Reseña completa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLHyl...
Profile Image for Loredana (Bookinista08).
687 reviews284 followers
July 19, 2016
I think this may actually be THE BEST manga I have ever read!! It was simply amazing! The feels were too much sometimes, so I thought my heart wasn't gonna make it, but I finally got the ending I wanted. It was perfect! Even if you don't usually read or like manga, just read this one! It portrays the battle with depression impeccably and it glorifies friendship like a boss! What an amazing experience...
Profile Image for Ece..
133 reviews22 followers
May 29, 2016
Çok fazla manga okumuş biri değilim, yeni başladım daha. Ama bu, çok başkaydı. Okuduğum ve okuyacağım muhtemelen en güzel manga olarak kalacak.
İlk bölümünden son bölümüne kadar gözlerim hep dolu okudum, özellikle finalde göz yaşlarımı tutamadım.
Herkese okumasını öneriyorum, lütfen okuyun bu güzel mangayı!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 747 reviews

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