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AURA Series #3

Kellen's Awakening

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The staff at AURA has had a busy summer. Between chronic understaffing, dealing with warring goblin factions and an unusual number of hazardous Events, everyone is overworked. Sinistrus the incubus, newly hired as an AURA medic, actually enjoys his busy new life of responsible employee and faithful lover to his gorgeous police sergeant, Ness the centaur. Life would be perfect, except for a niggling suspicion about a colleague. Everyone else seems to disagree, but Sin’s certain something’s not right with that pixie.

Kellen, a pixie crossover, loves his job working in AURA medical, even if he is something of an outsider. His job and the friends he manages to make are happy spots in an otherwise dark and secretive life. As the rest of AURA tries to discover the root of the inexplicable rise in violence and large scale Events, Kellen fights to preserve his own life and what dignity he has left.

These two unlikely heroes must put their differences aside and navigate tragedy and ever-escalating disaster together in order to stop the sinister forces that hold Kellen in thrall.

242 pages, Paperback

First published April 29, 2016

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About the author

Angel Martinez

90 books666 followers
Angel Martinez currently lives part time in the hectic sprawl of northern Delaware and full time inside her head. She has one husband, one son, two cats, a love of all things beautiful and a terrible addiction to the consumption of both knowledge and chocolate.

Angel's alter ego writes the all-ages science fiction - Sandra Stixrude.

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Profile Image for The Novel Approach.
3,086 reviews136 followers
May 4, 2016
How do you review a book that rips your heart out, stomps on it, buries you, dances on your grave, and then brings you back to life just to do it again? I swear the authors must get joy out of tormenting their readers, because this book is an emotional ride that grips you and does not let go. I ended up starting this later in the evening one night, and finally put the book down, completed, at five the next morning. I then had only one hour of sleep and was just a mess all day.

The third book in the AURA series brings back all the old, loved characters, and throws new Kellen into the mix. Kellen is a pixie that works for the medical side of AURA, and Sin does not like him. He loves to torment him whenever he can, and even a certain yeti can barely reign him in. When tragedy strikes, the two find mutual ground and begin to work together as well as they can, and when Kellen gets in trouble, it’s up to Sin to help him.

Despite how much this book hurt to read, I loved it. I had the pleasure of meeting Angel Martinez at the Rainbow Book Fair in New York City and was able to introduce myself. She warned me not to read this book on public transit, and now I know why. As it was, I sobbed no less than four times, all of them while in bed reading late at night. It’s a miracle I didn’t wake anyone up.

Sin and Ness are back as two of the main characters, alongside Kellen. I enjoyed seeing their relationship progress. Sin was such a loveable, pitiful character before, being a gay incubus, and while he still needs to feed from females, he’s struck a deal with Ness so that he can feed and maintain a healthy, loving relationship. I mean really, the two of them were so sweet, and it was wonderful seeing Sin happy and not drunk in a bar, causing havoc.

Quinn and Val are also in the book, but to a much lesser extent. It was a bit disappointing because I do love them so much, but the pieces revealed show Quinn working well at AURA and Val getting into stride as the captain. The same goes for Flax, Sage, and Ash. They are briefly on the page (Flax the most of the three), and while I wanted more, I understand it wasn’t their story.

Kai and Tenzin have a much more prominent role, however. Tenzin is Kellen and Sin’s direct supervisor, so it makes sense that he would be around. Seeing him in this new role was fascinating because most of the time he is just portrayed as Kai’s lover. There was a lot of character development for him. And Kai is there because, well, as Tenzin’s lover he’s going to be around. Plus, he’s involved in a pretty big plot point that I can’t reveal here because it would ruin part of the story.

Kellen is the new character. It seems he’s been around for a while, but now is his time to shine. I just wanted to snuggle the little pixie so much during the book. He is good at his job, but he has to hide part of who he is due to dark magic connected to him. Again, what it is I cannot reveal, but seeing more of what society was like for these creatures before Events brought them to our world helps explain more of not only who they are, but why they do what they do.

Fans of the AURA series will love this book, but be advised, you need tissues. And I would also suggest waiting to read this when you have a large chunk of time because you will not want to put this one down!

I cannot wait for the next book to see what it brings. I might even forgive the authors by then.

Reviewed by Jennifer for The Novel Approach Reviews
Profile Image for Christy.
4,000 reviews119 followers
February 7, 2024
4.5 Stars ~ I was super excited to return to the fascinating world of 'AURA' that Angel Martinez and Bellora Quinn have created so wonderfully well. I'll give a quick recap, but I can not stress enough that these books should be read in order and not as stand-alones. This world was created when an accident happened at Berkley that merged our world of technology with a world of magic. Because of this merging, holes, or Events, will randomly appear and other beings drop into this new world. AURA was created to help these beings acclimate, and to handle any hostile creatures that might come through.

I had forgotten the joy of reading this series with all the wonderful characters. Ness is a centaur who works for AURA in the enforcement department. Ness isn't like most centaurs, he's gentle and kind, and madly in love with Sinistrus, an incubus. Sin is a little socially awkward, not always knowing or understanding the right thing to say. He is absolutely crazy about Ness, and even though no one believed a centaur and an incubus could remain together and faithful, that's exactly what they've done. Kellen is a pixie and a medimage with AURA, who loves being in this world as the underground world he was forced to live in before he came through an Event was nothing but abuse and starvation.

Please find my full review at Rainbow Book Reviews
Profile Image for DaisyGirl.
1,203 reviews66 followers
October 14, 2016
3.0 stars

This one is hard to rate. I loved Sin and Ness. LOVED them! I also loved Kellen. I liked the people; I didn't like the journey, if you will, because I didn't like this particular HEA. The events that unfolded were heartbreaking and had me sobbing at multiple points in the story. And, while the HEA was great, it was unbelievable. (This one started to build at about the 90% mark ... Nuff said.) You won't successfully sell me a love story that you begin at 90%. Not happening. Not that the authors waited too long; they didn't. Nothing could've happened before that; it was too soon. So my point: I loved both Sin and Kellan. But they got shortchanged IMO.

Bottom line: Just okay.
Profile Image for Drianne.
1,234 reviews32 followers
February 13, 2017
A pixie, Kellen, works for AURA medical, and everything would be great if only he weren't still under an awful compulsion spell to serve an evil Dark Elf.

First: Quinn and Val do not do much in this book, so it's not really a continuation of the first two in that sense; the storyline continues, however, and wraps up everything from the first two. Nothing bad happens to Quinn, Val, Kai, or Tenzin.

Second: there's explicit centaur/non-centaur sex at the beginning of the book, content note. Also sex between two characters with wings towards the end. So many people's kinks.

Third: Okay, if you're creating a fictional world, you can populate it with as many characters as you want. There is no character shortage. So why would you kill off the centaur boyfriend of the incubus, who you'd happily gotten together in the first book, so that you can pair the incubus with the pixie? Invent a new character. Sin was so distraught by Ness' death that he was DELUSIONAL, and I'm just supposed to be all, oh, hey, he loves Kellen now, it's all better, who cares? Or solve it with a threesome like in Book 2, or whatever. Also, I still think Kellen should've tried harder to tell someone what was going on. Meh.

The actual book, despite other reviews, wasn't really that upsetting to me. But some things about it irritated me (see above spoilers). I did like how the whole plot was wrapped up, though.
Profile Image for AliciaJ.
1,329 reviews107 followers
October 2, 2017
Ok, let me say first that I adore Angel Martinez's writing. She is awesome and amazing. BUT, I am so mad at her right now I could just throw a fit.

Anyway, I did like Kellen, the adorable little pixie that he is. And I truly felt for him and his problem. It was horrible, and I'm so glad it got worked out for him. It was just really hard to enjoy the rest of the book when my feelings were so conflicted about what happened earlier in the story. I felt sideswiped. But the writing was excellent as always, the characters and plot were top-notch. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Liza.
1,403 reviews17 followers
May 15, 2017
How can you rip apart a couple who is so in love and then expect us to watch one-half of that couple fall in love all over again and be okay with it? I don't know, but Angel Martinez & Bellora Quinn manage to do it. The characters and the world in this series are so well-done and so real. I lost myself in the pages and couldn't stop reading, even with a few tears in my eyes.
Profile Image for Anne Barwell.
Author 22 books107 followers
April 10, 2022
I’m hooked on this series, and loved this story, despite the tragedy not very far in. I thought the character death was written realistically, with his partner struggling with grief, and not easily making the decision to move forward. I loved seeing all the AURA regulars and catching up with them too.

I enjoyed the depth of the two MCs in this story. Kellen not only has to break free from the nasty piece of work who has enslaved him, but find the courage to accept himself too. I loved how his and Sin’s friendship developed over the course of the story from Kellen avoiding Sin, to helping Sin through his grief, and Sin showing Kellen he has worth. I thought everything Kellen goes through and survives more than shows his strength of character. I liked how Sin works out what’s going on, almost too late.

I loved Tok, the building maintenance troll who isn’t your typical troll, and especially liked how his concern for Kellen helps save the day. Kellen and Sin’s fostering of the baby squirrel is adorable. I enjoyed seeing Val and Quinn again, and how far their relationship has come. Ditto with Kai and Tenzi, and Flax and his partners. I liked seeing Tenzi at work too. He’s runs medical for good reason.

The drama/action part of the plot is tense, especially during the final showdown. I had to keep reading to make sure they make it out alive especially after not everyone survived an encounter earlier in the story. I also liked how elements of life before crossing wasn’t easily put behind them.
Profile Image for Shaz.
881 reviews116 followers
June 21, 2021
This is one of those books that you can't put down... at least I couldn't! Also expect a full spectrum of feelings to come through. From horror how someone can be treated that way, to hope that things improve. From absolute sadness to joy when things change. These authors definitely know how to keep a reader engaged.

This is definitely a series that needs to be read in order. The storyline really doesn't make sense if you don't. My only peeve is that this seems to be the last one of this series, and that makes me incredibly sad, as I would love to read more books set in this world.
Profile Image for SFBookReviewer.
624 reviews2 followers
January 27, 2022
Kellen's Awakening is the third book in the AURA series. The book is an urban fantasy with some romance and continues the story of previous characters, but also introduces some new ones. This book is more angsty than the previous books and is also heartbreaking. The book is filled with magic and magical creatures and has very good world-building. The book is filled with a good story and lots of great characters. Overall a very enjoyable read and looking forward to more in the series. I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Janet Hunt.
3,511 reviews42 followers
April 15, 2022
Kellen is a pixie crossover who loves working at the AURA, but he is kind of a outsider. Sinistrus is an incubus that was recently hired by the AURA. Both work in the medical. They work together, joke together but don’t really get along. I seriously loved their story, sooo good. The world building seems to get better than before and I not sure how that is because its so good. Overall, a fantastic story. The story is well written and flowed nicely, highly recommend. I’m voluntarily reviewing from an advanced copy that I received. My reviews are solely based on my thoughts and opinions.
Profile Image for Manlove.
468 reviews1 follower
November 16, 2019
Wait, my public library provides erotica now? Including m/m erotica? Niiiiice! Although, the collection seems kinda random which is why I read the third book in this series and don't really see myself reading more (the library only provides #3). Despite some rather heavy happenings, I enjoyed all the magical creatures. Considering one of the big deaths in the book, it may have actually been to my advantage to not have read the previous books.
Profile Image for Ida Umphers.
4,657 reviews35 followers
February 4, 2022
Didn't expect a plot element here, but makes perfect sense in this series and from these authors. They've created a world where the most out there paranormal things can happen (incubus and centaur, anyone?) but also totally ground us in that world with just the right amount of detail and mundane things from our world like being short staffed and overworked. Expect anything in this series. The authors aren't pulling any punches and fearlessly take the story where it needs to go.
1,229 reviews47 followers
April 22, 2022
Pros: Kellen's Awakening is just as good as the previous two books in the AURA series. This story has the thriller, actioned-packed scenes that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Then you have all the feels. You'll cry for your main cast of characters. You'll feel their pain as if they're yours. You'll laugh and feel joy for their happiness. All because of the authors' excellent storyteller skills.

Cons: Not.much of Val and Quinn in this book.
Profile Image for Mere Rain.
Author 22 books29 followers
June 21, 2019
This was very different from my expectations -- the romance was secondary and the story was quite sad, with a lot of abuse and grief. I did enjoy it as a fantasy novel. It is well written and I liked the characters. Just know going in that it won't be fluffy!
Profile Image for T.A.
515 reviews
February 10, 2022
Heart Breaking

Kellen is a Pixie and sadly is being used for nefarious things by a Drow. Sin is a incubus who looses the love of his life. The two become friends and then more.

I did enjoy the story a lot
Profile Image for Tori Thompson.
946 reviews24 followers
June 5, 2016
Reviewed for Love Bytes Reviews.

Ugh! Bellora and Angel are cruel women! I was so looking forward to this book, and it was hard to read, but didn’t disappoint…

This is the third book in an ongoing urban fantasy series, following the drama surrounding a group of magical beings living in New York City. Most of the main characters are from other realms, pulled against their will into our mundane world from magical worlds due to a cluster fuck of an accident. The big issue in this story is the increasing number of Events bringing beings in to the city, and the increasing unrest between existing residents. Something is happening, but it’s not clear what, for some time. Our main characters are Kellen and Sin, both working in the medical department of AURA. Sin doesn’t like Kellen, he thinks there is something fishy going on with the Pixie, but he can’t figure out what. Kellen does actually have some serious issues, and he’d love some help, but he can’t ask for it.

We follow Kellen as he deals with his normal life, going to work and dealing with some low self-esteem issues among many stronger personalities, going home and dealing with a stinky troll living in his apartment basement. We also see the bad shit he is involved in, against his will, and see why he has issues. As the book progresses, him grow stronger, earn some respect at work, and gain some confidence. He even helps Sin when he has something catastrophic happen. The two pull together even more as they play a part in the big bad thing going on.

Yes, I’m being vague in the plot department, but there are things that happen that I can’t talk about! I knew going in to this book that I was going to cry, but I didn’t know why. I won’t say and mess it up for anyone else! But yah…. bad things happen, there is tragedy and angst, and I did cry. But it was so damn good! I love the world these authors have created, all of the details are just amazing.

There are certainly big things I loved about this book, the obvious stuff like the plot and new characters, but I get caught up in the little details. Both Kellen and Sin have wings. I’ve read books with winged characters before and not much is said about the day to day living with big ole wings. We get that in this book! How they work, where they go, how you dress with wings. We also got some sex involving a centaur. I loved the solution they came up with to make that possible. Those are the things I love too, the little details. There’s also a sweet little squirrel! I loved her, and about the time I was wondering where she’d gotten to, she popped back up. So anyway, small details, big details, it’s all just so perfect!

I’ve rambled on in other reviews about how much I love Angel, and Bellora is now getting a nice cozy spot in my heart as well. This whole series is the perfect example of what I love about urban fantasy.

I’ve loved all three of these books, they are a series and need to be read in order. If you are a fan of urban fantasy, give them a try. If you have read the other two, wait until you read this one! You’ll love it!

A copy of this book was provided in exchange for an honest review. Please visit www.lovebytesreviews.com to see this and many more reviews!

Profile Image for Nephylim Nephylim.
Author 18 books34 followers
May 9, 2016
The book is third in a series, all set in the same world, which is basically modern day New York City, but at a time when certain 'events' have snatched fairytale creatures out of their own world and dropped then into ours. The 'creatures' have banded together and have created their own little world-within-a-world where they live together in - sometimes uneasy - harmony.

I, as usual, jumped into the series with this book and haven't read either of the previous books. It was obvious from reading it that there were previous books, as some things were assumed rather than explained. This in no way spoiled my enjoyment of the book and it can easily be read as a stand-alone.

I never rehash the story, because the blurb does that and I don't think I need to rehash. Besides, the story is complex and it would take too long.

There are an incredibly rich cast of characters from pixies to drows to centaurs and even a yeti. If you ever wondered how centaurs would fare in having sexual relations with a human this book goes a long way to answer that - although Sin is not exactly human.

The story starts gently but speeds up very quickly and there is one crescendo after another. Sometimes brutal and always honest the book has light parts, funny parts and sweet parts that serve to contrast the dark parts nicely.

I fell in love with many of these characters, which in certain cases was a mistake - but we won't go into that. I also fell in love with their world, and I am definitely going back to read the earlier books.

I can't think of any negatives, although there are bound to be some because no book is ever perfect. I'm still in the afterglow of reading so everything is surrounded by a rosy glow, and seems perfect.

I loved this book. I loved everything about it - the characters, the story and the world it's set it. If you like contemporary fantasy, this is an absolute must read!
Profile Image for Teresa.
3,613 reviews41 followers
February 2, 2022
Re-read 02/02/2022 and while I still really enjoyed it, I didn't like it quite as much.

****Reviewed for Prism Book Alliance®****

4.5 Stars - I love this series! Kellen’s Awakening is a great addition to it. I must admit I was a little confused as to the blurb and who the couple in this book would be. Kellen obviously is one half of the pair but then it also mentions Sin. However, Sin is deeply in love with Nestor the Centaur (by the way, if you ever wondered how sex between them worked, this book will answer your questions!). This is not a menage scenario like Flax’s Pursuit. In the interest of not spoiling the book, I will not confirm who Kellen ends up with.

What I will say is this is a deeply moving book. Kellen is seriously hurt and in trouble. We get to see the couples from the previous books help him along while the world around them dissolves into chaos. There is an event in the middle of the book that I did not see coming which made my heart ache and sent me into shock but by the end I was mostly recovered.

I love the world building in this series. The different types of creatures and magic make it special. There is a lot of action and character building and not a lot of sex; just enough to cement the feelings of the characters. Though what is there is hot!

I hope there is more to this series!

Prism Book Alliance®
Profile Image for Denise White.
1,896 reviews
July 17, 2016

Okay when I started this book I was like what is this going to be about why would it be about Sin and someone else and he was with Ness?? I even started not to read it right now and save it for later.... But I was like no let me read it now and damn I'm glad I did.... This was a great story... The twist the story took floored me I was so emotional over here... But it went together it made sense I could feel all that stuff happening that Sin went through...I also loved Kellen..I felt for him as well...hats off to these author's!!!! Patiently waiting on the next book!!
2,412 reviews3 followers
May 11, 2016
A Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words Review

Rating: 4.75 stars out of 5

For the Full review, visit http://wp.me/p220KL-7or

From that review: " The AURA series from Bellora Quinn and Angel Martinez just keeps getting better and this book is perhaps my favorite in the series. It did it by breaking my heart and then slowly, finally putting it back together again. But oh how the tears flowed before that happened."

for all our reviews, author interviews, and such, visit http://ScatteredThoughtsandRogueWords...
Profile Image for Lindsay.
1,102 reviews
September 26, 2017
Haunting and painful yet beautiful

Sin is happy and in love with Ness and enjoys working in the medical branch of AURA but one colleague seems to brush up against him. Kellan loves working there but is always edgy and nervous, the story unfolds and there is heartbreak and secret for Kellan is shared with us but not yet in the story arc.
Its hard to read some chapters but the movement and progression makes it worthwhile and a lovely end to the story.
Wishing for a catch up story of our characters though!!!
Profile Image for Donna.
288 reviews25 followers
May 15, 2016
I loved Kellen, Sin, Ness, Tenzin, Tok and reading about the other characters in this series. There was lots of sadness in this story, but I did enjoy seeing how Ness and Sin were like as a couple. I wish this book had been a little longer to deal with the romance of Sin and Kellen. I loved little Lola, the squirrel!
Profile Image for Gyvareva.
90 reviews2 followers
June 24, 2016
I really love the series, the characters and the writing, but I was very disappointed in this books' story. I might come back and raise my rating later when I have recovered enough, but for now the plot's unfolding still upsets me.
Profile Image for Sherry.
874 reviews20 followers
May 3, 2016
A good continuation of the series.
2,821 reviews15 followers
May 8, 2016
Great addition to the series - want more.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 32 reviews

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