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Demon Diary #2

Demon Diary, Volume 02

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After failing his tutor, Eclipse, and sparing the life of an enemy life (very un-demonlike!), young Raenef decides to leave his homeland alone until he's become a Demon Lord. But life in the big world isn't easy for an unskilled demon. There are many who hate demons and would kill Raenef on sight. When Raenef stumbles into the temple of Rased, he meets someone who would love to do just that. Fortunately, Raenef isn't the only one who's still in training.

208 pages, Paperback

First published July 8, 2003

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100 books53 followers
"Kara" consists of two illustrators: Yoon-Gyeong Kim and Eun-Sook Jeong.

Not to be confused with French author Philip Kara who uses the same pseudonyme.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews
Profile Image for Mir.
4,914 reviews5,232 followers
June 10, 2018
This was considerably less nonsensical than the first volume, and I actually found myself missing the wacky disregard for logic.

Also, in the first book it appears that the characters are meeting for the first time, but here we learn that Eclipse went out and found someone he considered suitable for the role of demon lord. And we get Raenef's background: he's a street kid running with a gang of thieves, which makes no sense with how naive and gentle he is.
Profile Image for Devann.
2,458 reviews176 followers
March 23, 2018
Again this is just ...soooo early 2000s lol. This volume has a little bit more going on in the actual plot department as well as introducing a new character and a flashback telling us how Eclipse and Raenef first met. It's all absolutely ridiculous and over the top but like I said before, I'm rereading this as a nostalgia thing so it's all okay.
Profile Image for Leo.
4,661 reviews498 followers
September 22, 2020
I liked this one better then the first one because it has more plot and things going on. But it's feels a little too sweet and childish for me to fully enjoy it but will continue on with it
Profile Image for Yoyomaus Die Büchereule.
2,154 reviews32 followers
November 1, 2020
Zum Inhalt:
Götter und Dämonen befinden sich in einem unendlichen Krieg; das Reich der Toten ist ihr Schlachtfeld. Die Gründe für diesen Krieg sind bereits längst vergessen, und es regiert nur noch der Hass. Die Orakel sagen voraus, dass eines Tages jemand kommen wird, der den Frieden wieder herstellt: Der junge Lord Raenef! Doch dieser ist so unangemessen herzensgut und nett, dass die Dämonen ihre berechtigten Zweifel an seinen diplomatischen Fähigkeiten haben…

Nachdem die Ritterin Erutis in das Schloß von Nachwuchsdämonenlord Raenef eingedrungen ist und den Kampf gegen ihn verloren hat, soll Raenef die junge Ritterin töten - so zumindest die Vorstellung seines Lehrmeisters und hochrangigen Dämonen Eclipse. Doch der herzensgute Lord denkt gar nicht daran udn verschont die junge Frau, die fortan mit im schloss leben soll. Eclipse scheint verzweifelt und fragt sich, ob Raenef als Dämonenlord überhaupt eine Chance hat. Als sich Raenef aus dem Staub macht, um ein besserer Dämonenlord zu werden, macht sich Eclipse auf die Suche nach ihm. In seiner Gutgläubigkeit tappt Raenef in eine Falle der Kleriker, als der Magier Kiris einen Beschwörungskreis aktiviert. Es kommt wie es kommen muss. Während die Kleriker sich wundern, wer der unschuldige Knabe in dem Bannkreis ist, taucht Eclipse auf und die Situation scheint fast nicht mehr zu retten.

Im zweiten Teil zu der Manga-Reihe "Demon Diary" bekommt der Leser wieder jede Menge Material, über dass er sich köstlich amüsieren kann. Denn während Eclipse von seinem Schützling erwartet, dass er abgrundtief böse ist, hat dieser nichts besseres zu tun, als sich seinen Mitmenschen gegenüber stets höflich und loyal zu verhalten. Kein Wunder also, dass er im Bannkreis der Kleriker auftaucht und diese mächtig aufmischt. Die Charaktere die die Autoren hierbei präsentieren könnten unterschiedlicher nichts ein, auch wenn man sich noch nicht wirklich einen reim darauf machen kann, welche Rolle die Ritterin Erutis und der Magier Kiris einmal im Leben von Raenef einnehmen werden. Unterbrochen wird die Hauptgeschichte mit einem Rückblick, bei dem man erfährt, weshalb Eclipse gerade Raenef als Dämonenlord auserkoren hat. Denn in dem kleinen Kerl schlummert nicht nur reine Herzensgüte, sondern jede Menge magisches Potential, welches keinen Zweifel daran lässt, welche Rolle Raenef vom schicksal zugedacht bekommen hat. Nur leider setzt er sein Potential nicht so ein, wie er soll. Trotz den Problemen die Raenef seinem Lehrmeister bereitet, so scheint er das Herz des gefürchteten Dämonen aber auch ein bisschen zu erweichen. Es bleibt abzuwarten, welche Rolle Raenef wirklich bekommt, doch ich denke, dass er im Laufe der Geschichte den jahrhundertelangen Krieg zwischen Gut und Böse durchaus ein Ende setzen könnte. Was ich in dem Manga ein bisschen vermisse sind mehr Details in der Storyline und bei den Zeichnungen. Manchmal wirken die Zeichnungen sehr lieblos und es gibt sehr große Szenensprünge, bei denen man nicht so recht weiß, was man davon halten soll. An manchen Stellen sind die Autoren dann aber wieder zu genau und es geht einfach nicht in der Geschichte weiter. Man muss sich ab und an wirklich beplätschern lassen. Das finde ich ein bisschen ungünstig gelöst.

Empfehlen möchte ich den Manga allen, die etwas für Zwischendurch suchen, sich jedoch auch gern beplätschern lassen wollen. Einen wirklichen Tiefgang gab es auch im zweiten Band nicht. Deswegen konnte mich die Story auch nicht wirklich überzeugen. Ich bin gespannt, ob der Manga noch die Kurve bekommt.

Idee: 4/5
Emotionen: 3/5
Spannung: 3/5
Details: 3/5
Design: 3/5
Gesamt: 3/5

Taschenbuch: 200 Seiten
Verlag: TOKYOPOP; Auflage: 1., Aufl. (3. Januar 2005)
Sprache: Deutsch
ISBN-10: 3865800726
ISBN-13: 978-3865800725
Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: 13 - 16 Jahre
Größe und/oder Gewicht: 12,6 x 1,7 x 19 cm
Profile Image for ~Cyanide Latte~.
1,598 reviews90 followers
May 14, 2020
I was dragging my feet just a little on starting this one, but I'm glad that I finally gave in and got around to reading it. It feels like thus far, both volumes of Demon Diary have been a very fast-paced read, and they tend to stay pretty lighthearted overall, which is really what I need at the moment. This volume was largely fluffy and funny at least, save for the last couple of chapters, which are flashbacks from Eclipse's POV, detailing how he first met Raenef the 5th. Those chapters feel rather serious by comparison, but that's not a bad thing. (They're not the complete story either; it looks like this flashback will be further elaborated on in a future volume.)

Regardless, I'm glad that I read this. I'm not sure when I'll get around to picking up the third volume. Fluffy or not, it's harder sometimes to hype myself to read an older series. But I think there are five more volumes to go with this one, so maybe sometime in the future I'll try to pick them all up in one or two orders from Thriftbooks, so I can get around to finishing the series. (I think another part of my struggle to read through Demon Diary is still stemming from the sense of disconnect with the sister series, Angel Diary. The settings are just so different as far as I've read in this and what I remember of how far I got in Angel Diary, and I feel like that's not helping my weird reluctance to continue.)
Profile Image for Lexie.
2,096 reviews342 followers
August 16, 2018
WELCOME as we embark upon volume 2 of this series. In this volume we meet Chris, the one day High Cleric of Rased who is one egomaniacal threat away from being the villain of the world.

We changed writers in this volume, though the tone stays pretty much the same. COMEDY, darkness, COMEDIC DEATH THREATS, horrifying realities of being a demon lord. So forth abd so in.

Erutis takes something of a back seat here since we spend a good chunk of the book watching Raenef fumble around and not get treated like a serious Demon Lord.

He's such a PUPPY. So happy to meet people and have new playmates. Poor Eclipse has become a den mother...(Eclipse's and Chris's master/adoptive father Hajem, current Head Cleric, spend some amusing moments commiserating over the fact they both have such DUMB guys to watch over.)

By the end Eclipse is stuck with another mouth to feed.
Profile Image for Luru.
166 reviews4 followers
July 8, 2017
Strong 3½ stars.

The humor is more on point this time. The story still doesn't take itself too seriously, but the expressions and comedy are better balanced here - and there is an actual serious note in there somewhere, too.

Looking forward to seeing where things progress.

My one complaint could be that telling male and female characters apart is near impossible by looks - or name (if name is even provided). One has to wait until 'he'/'she' is introduced in a sentence, which could be much further down the line.
Profile Image for Cecillie.
869 reviews13 followers
May 28, 2021
As other reviewers have said, the story is way easier to follow in the this volume compared to the first one. After reading the first volume for the first time in years I was a bit scared that the whole series was an incoherent mess, and I'd just imagined there being an actual story. But there is one!
However, I still feel like the reason I first picked this up as a kid was mostly for the art style.
Profile Image for Sundee Perkins.
261 reviews10 followers
November 5, 2021
Volume 2 starts with Raenef leaving (and us meeting new, important characters) and then, halfway through, with no warning, we're thrown back in time to when Eclipse and Raenef met. It's a little disorienting. Backstory is crucial, but give a heads up. Still, it is nice to see Eclipse lightening up, and nice to see Raenef taking on more responsibility for his future.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Emily.
906 reviews6 followers
July 15, 2019
The premise is cute, but it is really forgettable. I just read this volume this morning and I already forgot everything that happened in it.
Profile Image for Cheyenne.
108 reviews2 followers
December 25, 2021
Um einiges besser als der Vorgänger. An einigen Stellen wirklich lustig und besonders die Hintergrundinfos die man im Laufe des Bandes bekommt, machen die Story spannender.
+ Eclipse ist hot
Profile Image for Kate Dostálová.
302 reviews1 follower
August 28, 2022
Raenef zklame svého učitele Eclipse a uteče z domu. Eclipse ho marně hledá. Mezitím Raenefa přivolá nešikovný kněží z Rasedova chrámu. Nám se tím trochu poodhalí minulost tohoto světa.
Profile Image for Rain Misoa.
510 reviews69 followers
June 3, 2011
This book was amazing! I am so hooked to this series! I know this is my sixth time reading it but I remember when I first started collecting it back in 2003 that I was super excited to read through the entire series! The author may have been changed from the one who wrote the first volume but it still manages to continue where the first one left off. It was funny, entertaining, and very informative. I do so love this manga. It has everything I've ever loved a manga having!

As I said earlier, Lee Yun Hee isn't the original author. However, she did a wonderful job in picking up the story where it left off and expanding on it. The humor is much the same as are the characters so you don't really notice the difference in author change. She even went as far as to show more background information on Eclipse and Raenef which you didn't get in the first volume. You see how they met and how Raenef came about to being a demon lord. Just seeing their history was a joy! She even introduced more characters and, let me tell you, it is so worth seeing them come to life! They are so hilarious and loving but more on that later. Kara still has it down! Her art style is so beautiful! I can stay staring at her background images for a very long time. And her characters? They are one of the most gorgeous people to ever set themselves on the scene of manga. I want to marry Eclipse, that's how hot he is! (And because he reminds me of someone I care deeply for but... we won't get into that...)

Characters! I CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF THE SMEXY AWESOME PEOPLE!!! Raenef is just too adorable for words! In this volume you see him slowly grow from being a clutz... to wanting to become a much better demon lord to not disappoint Eclipse anymore. Though he doesn't really improve much, the sentiment of him wanting to take his role seriously is there and you just hope he is able to learn new abilities. You hope he is able to please Eclipse, who, has changed as well. He is much more animated and open with his feelings for Raenef. Once Raenef runs away (not spoiler, says it on the back), he goes crazy with looking for him. He even says something that proves he cares about the young demon lord. They are both teaching each other how to become better people. Rae is learning how to be more responsible and Eclipse is learning how to be more caring. It's really a beautiful relationship they have.

Three new characters are introduced in this volume! Well, two. We met Erutis in volume one but we didn't get to see much of her. In fact, in this one, we don't get to see much. However, it is more than the first. She's funny, a smart-ass, a bit of a chicken shit (but is's more on the side of, "Ack! Don't kill me! I give you cookies" than actually being a coward. It's hilarious!), and just all-around fun! I love her dialogue with Eclipse the most because he intimidates her and she tries to act all cool when she just fails. Chris, a Rased cleric heir, is probably more foolish than Raenef, in a good way! He's stupid but thinks he's a genius, conceited, lively, and always gets his ass handed to him by his master. Now, I love his master. He's always beating down Chris and telling him to use his brain and calling him stupid... yeah, I love him. All of the characters in this manga! They are just so entertaining!

Really! I HIGHLY recommend you pick up this series. It's so much fun just to read through it. However, it's not just fun and games! There are serious things to the plot as well. Most of it being revealed later on but it is so interesting that you must must MUST keep reading until the very end. Right now it's all fun and games and a history lesson and even THAT makes the manga worth reading. If you like magic, comedy, with a tiny bit of romance (seriously, you have to squint in order to see it) then read this! It's one of the best series out there!
Profile Image for Carrie-Anne.
673 reviews61 followers
November 6, 2019
This was a quick fun read. I didn't enjoy it as much as the first one (If we're talking about just the main story and not that random bit added onto the end of the first volume) but only by a small margin.

It's quirky, a bit silly and just an enjoyable series.

I thought the little 4th wall break was hilarious! good times.
Profile Image for Theodora.
223 reviews7 followers
December 23, 2022
Kender du det, når man har læst en serie, da man var yngre, og er bange for, at den ikke holder? 🫣 ⁠
"Demon Diary" var den første mangaserie, jeg læste som barn, og da jeg genlånte de første tre bøger i serien, var jeg meget nervøs - heldigvis er serien ligeså god, som jeg huskede! 🤩⁠

Mangaerne handler om den unge dreng Raenef, der grundet sit navn er blevet udpeget til at være den næste dæmonhersker. Den forhenværende dæmonhersker er død, og derfor er det Raenefs opgave at herske. Der er kun ét lille problem: Raenef er ikke særlig ond af natur. ⁠
Derfor er det noget af en udfordring for hans læremester, dæmonen Eclipse, at få oplært Raenef. Især når de står midt i en krig mellem guder og dæmoner, og Raenef har travlt med at være nuttet og skåne dem, han burde dræbe. ⁠

De første tre bind i mangaserien er både spændende og sjove - og så er de flot illustreret! Dynamikken mellem den nuttede Raenef og den frygtindgydende Eclipse er perfekt indfanget, og serien kan varmt anbefales. ⁠

Det er da meget rart, når sådanne serier holder 👀
1,965 reviews17 followers
November 30, 2014
Raenef runs away to become a dread Demon Lord so as not to disappoint Eclipse. Eclipse blows off a meeting because he's worried about his charge and goes haring off to the West to find him.

Meanwhile in the East... Raenef falls for the demon summoning of gung-ho cleric apprentice Chris. There's a non aggression pact between clerics and demons which could start a war if Chris succeeds in defeating Raenef. Can Eclipse get to him in time to avert disaster.

Another sweet edition - lovely artwork and a fun story. We also get a little of how Eclipse first meets Raenef and determines that he's the Demon Lord he's been looking for.
Profile Image for Robert Beveridge.
2,402 reviews189 followers
July 28, 2008
Yun-hee Lee, Demon Diary vol. 2 (Tokyopop, 2000)

Raenef decides to leave the castle and not return until he's a good and proper demon lord, but his plans get sidetracked by Chris, supergenius and next in line to become the high cleric of a sect that is currently locked in an uneasy truce with the demons. We also get some backstory about Eclipse trying to find Raenef. Good stuff, as usual, despite Kara needing to find a new author after Chi-hyong Lee needed to drop out. (No word on whether the new author is related.) ***

Profile Image for Jody Mena.
445 reviews8 followers
June 1, 2015
I love this! Demon Diary is lighthearted, very funny, often goofy and peppered with moments of intense drama and sweet fluffy moments. It's impossible to take it seriously, yet by the end of each volume, you've fallen for the characters all over again! Eclipse is my favorite, he's like a diabolical mother hen! Raenef is wonderful too, but he's a terrible demon lord ~ he's much too sweet and naive! I can't figure out whats' going to happen to these two in the end, but they're such a great odd couple that I couldn't put the book down! Looking very forward to the next volume!
Profile Image for Cember.
265 reviews
May 10, 2015
An amazing fine. I've read all the this particular manga series at least a dozen times and still laugh out loud and cry each time. You can really get a feel of the characters and how important they are. There is plenty of comedy with this failed Demon King who in all honesty can barely handle things on his own. Thankfully Eclipse is right there to give him some serious guidance. Did I mention the art is phenomenal? I just can't get enough of it! For the out of the world readers or someone who's into a good comedy manga this is excellent to pick up and read over and over again.
Profile Image for Sarah-Jayne Briggs.
Author 1 book47 followers
August 8, 2013
(This review may contain spoilers).

So another character joins the group, apparently to Eclipse's dismay. I like the hints of a more compassionate side from Eclipse, even if it's really only to Raenef. I also really like Raenef.

The humour in this one was just as good as the first book. I really liked this book as well. The characters are interesting and it's good to see more of Raenef's past as well.

I definitely intend to read the next book soon.
Profile Image for Kirsten Simkiss.
851 reviews3 followers
December 30, 2020
This volume of Demon Diary shows you how Raenef and Eclipse originally met, as well as bringing the cleric Chris into the fold of Raenef's supporting cast. I like that Raenef was an orphan living as a thief on the streets before becoming the demon lord. Again, I do find the characters to be a little one note. And, as always, the art is pretty.
Profile Image for Lilly.
256 reviews
January 12, 2024
Upon reread: it’s so funny I love it so much ❤️

I really like the art and it’s funny, so I really like it because I love those things. Looking forward to reading volume 3 :) also I can’t wait for the little dragon to be introduced because it’s been drawn on the first page of the first two volumes but it hasn’t been in the story.
Profile Image for Michelle (In Libris Veritas).
2,115 reviews86 followers
February 28, 2017
I really love how random this can be at times. The characters are really awesome and I'm interested in the plot, not to mention it's pretty.
- 2017 Update: Changed from 5 to 4 stars. I still really like it, though, but maybe not as much. The art is still gorgeous and the humor is pretty good.
Profile Image for Starbubbles.
1,522 reviews122 followers
December 5, 2010
honestly, it's really cute. but the constant author interjections do take away from the story a bit. it makes it seem more, eh comical? honestly, i lack a better word. but i'm looking forward to book 3.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews

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