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The Austens #1

Wasted Words

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Some universal truths refuse to be ignored.

Peanut butter and jelly are a match made in heaven. Spaghetti and meatballs are best friends forever. And guys like Tyler Knight don’t go for girls like Cam Emerson.

She knew from the second she met him that he didn’t belong on her bookshelf, the six-foot-six ex-tight end with a face so all-American, it could have sold apple pie. So she shelved him next to the supermodels and rock stars and took her place on her own shelf — the one with the flannel-clad, pasty-faced comic book nerds. Most of her boyfriends have existed between the pages of books, but rather than worrying over her own lacking love life, she puts all her energy into playing Cupid, using her job at the book bar, Wasted Words, as her stomping ground.

Tyler Knight always looks on the bright side. His career-ending injury turned into a job as a sports agent. A horrible breakup led him to Cam, his quirky, smart roommate who is far more beautiful than she realizes. She’s made it perfectly clear she’s not interested in him — not like that at least — but if she ever changes her mind, he won’t hesitate. Because he doesn’t see the lines she’s drawn between them, as much as she insists that they’re there. Deep down he knows that despite their differences, they’re a match well made.

*A romantic comedy inspired by Jane Austen’s Emma*

326 pages, ebook

First published May 19, 2016

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About the author

Staci Hart

55 books6,205 followers
I was the kid who stayed inside to read.

As a four-eyed nerd with a bad perm, I was no one’s dodgeball pick, but I had a lot of friends. Frodo and Bilbo, for instance. Kristy, Stacey, Claudia and the gang (iykyk). Once, in the third grade, I wrote a teen murder mystery inspired by Christopher Pike. On solving my mystery in twelve pages, I decided I was a terrible writer and should never, ever do that again.

Fortunately, I didn’t take my own advice.

I write romance for that feeling you get at the end, like you’re standing on top of a mountain with a backpack full of hundred dollar bills. I write romcoms because is there anything better than banter and grand gestures? I write because I love to create and I love words. I love books, and I love stretching my imagination. I love love, and if you do too, bring your coffee and have a seat. I think we’re gonna be friends.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,596 reviews
Profile Image for Christy.
4,234 reviews35.1k followers
February 7, 2017
5 Stars!

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Wasted Words is my second book by Staci Hart and by far my favorite. When I saw it was a romantic comedy inspired by Jane Austen’s Emma, I knew I had to read it. I’m so glad I fit it in! It was sweet, sexy, and so much fun to read. The friends to lovers and nerdy girl troupe were both executed perfectly. Also- I listened to the audio book and both narrators did a fantastic job.

Cam is a match maker. She works in a bookstore/bar and she can tell when people are right for each other. It’s a gift. She also knows that as much as she likes and is attracted to her roommate/best friend- they are not a good match. Why you ask? Tyler is an ex-football star, tall, good looking and totally out of her league… or so she thinks.

After an injury that ended his potential professional football career, Tyler is now a sports agent. Instead of spending his free time with his ex-teammates or dating, he spends it at Wasted Words the bar/bookstore Cam works at. Why you ask? Because not only is Cam his BFF and roomie, he’s got feelings for her. And she has feelings for him. The problem? Cam already has it in her head that they are not a good match. And she’s a stubborn little thing when she wants to be.

Cam is quirky, independent and fun. Tyler is loyal, sweet and pretty darn perfect. I loved these two together. As friends, as a couple, they were just the perfect match. It was great that Cam finally go to see that just because two people are different, that doesn’t mean they can’t be a great match.

This is one of those books that gripped me from the very first chapter. After only listening to the audio book for 10 minutes, I knew I would love it. It’s a ton of fun to read and a truly fantastic romantic comedy/friends to lovers read. I’m giving this one a full 5 stars and I highly recommend it!

 photo 60A3358E-653A-4BD6-9599-102B8D71E4F7_zpsp0kk4ozr.jpg
Profile Image for Lucia.
737 reviews907 followers
August 15, 2016
*sigh* I have had no luck with female characters lately. Cam was judgy, meddling “know-it-all” girl who got on my nerves non-stop. And sadly, romance didn’t do it for me either :(
Profile Image for • Lisa •.
561 reviews1,576 followers
May 21, 2016

"She knew from the second she met him that he didn’t belong on her bookshelf."


A wonderfully put together and brilliantly executed modern day version of Jane Austen's 'Emma'. With themes from a personal favourite of mine this book had a lot to live up to but I can happily say that Staci Hart really did come up with the goods. From the quirky heroine and her hunky hero to the imaginative chapter titles there wasn't much room left to not fall helplessly in love with this story and I'm sure many others will feel exactly the same.

What's it all about?
Can opposites really attract? When bookish nerd, Cam Emerson lands herself a new flat mate she's just as surprised at their budding friendship as anyone. Never allowing herself to feel anything more than fleeting feelings of lust, this heroine can't help but be unsure when things heat up between them. Ex footballer, Tyler Knight can't help but want more from his tiny but feisty friend, but as soon as he starts to be confident in his growing feelings, Cam gets cold feet. Can they find what they are looking for with each other or will they decide that they are not well matched after all?


What did I adore?
What impressed upon me most on reading this authors work was her uncanny ability to make the reader fall instantly under her spell. Almost instantly I was made to feel right at home with this narrative and captivating characters. From the get go I felt fully comfortable with the heroine; Her voice is strong and engaging and I knew I had a connection to her almost immediately. In addition to my heroine crush, I was also luckily, bewitched by the hero, here we have a male protagonist who is equal parts sweet and knowing exactly what he wants (and luckily for us, that includes our leading lady). This hero takes everything that I love about romance and makes it happen in this novel. I loved the setting of the story telling and I'm sure it will appeal far and wide to both new readers of this author and already existing fans who have been waiting for this spin off series to be released. This book quite honestly charmed me silly and If I was to be honest (and I always am) I didn't want this book to ever end.

Why not five?
Let's not get confused, this author produces words that sweep me off my British feet. Her dialogue and character connection are meaningful and authentic. But on this occasion I needed more time with this couple, a few more chapters and an extended life span of this book would have given more room to be convinced of the full five stars. Overall that certain something was missing for me this time around but there's no mistaking that I loved this book and these characters and I know with a certainty that fellow readers will fall in love with this book.


Final thoughts ....
If you have not yet entered the world of this outstanding author then you are missing a trick. Staci Hart writes novels that are full of romance and more importantly characters that are to die for. If you like your books to be full of fantastic dialogue and credible characters then you won't go wrong picking up any novel by this author. As for 'wasted words', I'm officially charmed to the book heavens and back. I'm hoping you love this book as much as I have and come back to tell me your thoughts. Staci Hart, you are one in a million, I don't know what I love more you or your uncanny ability to make me fall dizzy in love with your imagination put onto paper. Enjoy, fellow romance addicts. Kisses.

Profile Image for Angie - Angie's Dreamy Reads.
689 reviews13.8k followers
May 19, 2016
5 - "A GIANT AND A FAIRY" - STARS (swoooonnnnn)

This is my FAVORITE Staci Hart book to date. For me, it was a total hit! I went into Wasted Words excited beyond belief. A new series, with new characters, by one of my favorite RomCom authors .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <<---- I mean! BLISS. That's a bookworm's dream. So I opened it up with some serious zest and MOTHER OF ALL BOOKISH THINGS, did I love it! I ADORED every single word. I ate them up like they were the sweetest little morsels of goodness!

And I tell you what, if there’s one thing that’s so unique about this author's books, it's how effortless and how authentic her characters are. You could LIVE with these people every single day!!! I swear! They are just LIKE us. It's incredible. I relate to them on almost every level. And the way her books flow, the way her characters interact with each other, the authenticity in the writing, the depth of feels, it just comes ALIVE.

I always say this when I recommend a Staci Hart book, but when I read her novels, I LIVE them. I'm in those pages and those stories become my world.

It's delicious.

From the natural dialogue, to the witty, sometimes sarcastic humor, to the sweet and flirty banter, to the array of characters that are painted with such a vivid brush, to the writing, to the steamy sex, to the EVERYTHING, I just can't get enough. There isn't a thing I don't love. And Wasted Words was just perfect. It held everything I NEED in a book and so, so, so much more.

“Maybe I was wrong.”
"About what?” I asked absently...
"About you being able to live without me.”
He met my eyes, saying gently, “Maybe it’s me who can’t live without you.”

Cam helps Rose manage Wasted Words -- A Book Bar. Yes, you read that right. A BOOK. FREAKING. BAR. <<-- HOW genius is that? It's a BAR **cue happy sigh** that sells drinks, books and comics, and hosts SINGLES NIGHT! I mean, what the what? It’s such a unique premise for me. I’ve never read anything like that.

So anyway... Cam does a variety of things at Wasted Words and she's good at them. She loves her job. She keeps everyone in check. She's stubborn, fiery, fierce, and utterly funny. She makes me smile. She's a little bit (okay a lot) of a know it all. I found it cute. Endearing. A little charming even. But she may drive you a little batty, so prepare yourself. **hahaha** Just know that there’s a REASON behind her crazy.

A seriously VALID reason.

Everyone at Wasted Words ADORES Cam. They put up with her quirks happily, because they know she's coming from a good place. Cam likes to make people happy. She likes to see them thrive. And her part in doing that is setting them up! That's right ... Our dainty heroine is a matchmaking fairy . LOL. When she see's two people she deems a perfect match, she goes for it. And she truly LOVES doing it. It's her ‘thing’. It keeps her heart protected. It keeps her in the safe zone!

Tyler Knight **dreamy sigh*** is Cam's roommate, and our HERO. MY GOD IS HE LIP LICKING! No joke. He's downright PERFECT! Our gentlemanly giant. An ex Football player who suffered a career ending injury, now turned Sports Agent.

He's so flipping handsome, guys.
He's so sweet.
He's so perfect.
Like P.E.R.F.E.C.T!!!

It's refreshing to have a hero who didn't really have any flaws! And Tyler didn't have many, if any. He was Goodness personified. So sweet. So yummy. So... defined and hard all over (drools), masculine, and strong and sweet. Did I say sweet? ***hahahaha** I did. Because OH MY GOD. The swoon was so out of control with him. I ADORED HIM. And I loved the way he ADORED Cam.

“You want me to kiss you?” he asked, closing the distance.
“I —no, that’s not what I meant.” I stammered. “Yes. I mean, no! Maybe.”
He stopped in front of me, pressing his hips against the counter between my knees, spreading them apart. His hand found my cheek, and he said softly, “You want me to kiss you right now, Cam?”
“I…” I breathed, looking up into his eyes, unable to say anything, drunk from the proximity of his lips. But he didn’t wait for me to speak. I think he already knew the answer without me having to say a word.

Tyler and Cameron are truly adorable together. They start out as friends who have a natural, easy going relationship. They just get each other. In every way.

Wasted Words is a friends to lover romance. What starts out as roommates with an easy friendship, eventually turns into something SO MUCH more. But that something more isn't as easy as their friendship was. While Tyler is ALL IN from the start, Cam remains unsure. She struggles with some pretty severe relationship anxiety. And that leads to some self sabotage.

I really LOVED that Cameron was such a real character. I can't tell you how many times I have dealt with the very same issue she has. When I first met my husband I was that insecure, needy girl. I was the girl who wanted him close, but at the same time didn’t feel like I measured up, so I pushed him away. Thank God, he was MY Tyler. And it's all worked out. But I really feel like Cam is EVERY GIRL. She's one of us, the girl who just wants to be accepted as is and wants to trust it.

Overall, I thought Wasted Words was everything and more. I fell deeply in love with the story. Once again this author managed to hook me. I was sent straight into a world of pure bookish bliss while reading. Staci writes with such with passion. Her characters have so much integrity and heart. This was a light yet angsty yet undeniable sexy read. It was fun and funny, had those perfect little plot dips and LOL moments. A seamless novel from start to finish. And one heck of a romantic comedy loaded with heart, soul, and tons of sweetness.

It's my FAVORITE Staci Hart book to date.
I more than recommend it.
I'm downright crazy about it.


"Why did you kiss me, Tyler?"
"Because I wanted to."
"For how long?"
"Too long."
<<---- OMG. SO. MUCH. FEELS!

I shook my heard. "It doesn't make any sense that you'd want me."
He stroked my cheek, his dark eyes soft. "Maybe not in your universe, but in mine it makes perfect sense in mine."

"I felt so right about her that it was an absolute truth, she and I, an undeniable fact of the universe." <<---- **thump thump thump** My heart beats for him.
Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,803 reviews2,318 followers
May 26, 2016
Cam puts everyone she meets on a shelf. The jocks and the supermodels on one, and the book nerds on another. In her mind, those shelves should never mix, so even though she likes her roommate as more than a friend, she's not willing to explore those feelings because he's not on her shelf.

Tyler has wanted more from Cam for awhile, but she's never giving any kind of indication that she wanted him too. So he resides himself to being just her friend, taking what little he can get. Until she tries to use her powers of matchmaking to set him up, that is. Realizing that Cam will never see him as more than a friend if he doesn't try, he goes for it and lets her know how he feels. Now if only Cam could get rid of this shelf nonsense.

What to say, what to say. Honestly this is just yet another review where I don't actually know how to explain what I feel. Did I like it? Yes. Was it fan-fucking-tastic? Nope. Overall, I enjoyed the story, but I had some issues that made it less than awesome.

Cam was my major problem and ruined some of the story for me. At first I was liking her character, I mean she's a book nerd who works at bar/bookstore. Pretty awesome! But as I read on I got more of her crazy side, and that's where it went downhill. Her little freak out over one of the couples she tried to play cupid with, really made me not like her. From that point on I became overly critical, I think, and it made me hate her during the rest of the book. On one hand I could understand that she didn't want to get hurt, but at the same time I wanted her to shut up about it and admit her feelings for Tyler. The fact that she was so unsure of their relationship really bothered me.

As for Tyler, I don't really have much to say about him. What I knew about him, I liked, but it was very little. Cam's insecurities seemed to be the main focus of this book, so Tyler got pushed to the back. To focus on the positive, though, the moments that his personality got to shine through, I really liked and it made me enjoy his the book. He's the reason that I finished this story with positive thoughts, and he and Cam trule were a cute couple.

Bottom line, I would recommend this book for anyone that likes a contemporary romance with a heroine that has some self-esteem issues and the Hero has to help fix them. I know my review probably makes it sound like I despised the book, but I really did enjoy it, and I hope everyone else will too.
Profile Image for ambsreads.
746 reviews1,593 followers
December 23, 2016
“There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something. You certainly usually find something, if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after.”

Yes, I know that's a quote from The Hobbit that features in the book but whatever - I loved it.

Wasted Words was a book I went in with super low expectations. I try to do that with every book to truly love it, but for some reason I just had no faith in this particular book. How very glad I am to say I was wrong.

Wasted Words is actually a setting in this particular book as well. It's a coffee shop/bar/comic book store/book store and I've never heard of anything so perfect in my life. I mean, I'm not a drinker, but if I could get a chai latte and read a good book? I'm 110% in!

The novel is split into two perspectives; our male and female leads. The leads are complete opposites, as Cam likes to say. From their heights to career paths to interests.

Cameron Emerson is a girl who prides herself on her match making abilities, the wedding invitations prove she has a knack for it and working in Wasted Words makes it easy for her to connect people. Though, she is unable to find someone for herself that she feels a real connection with after being severely burned by a guy in high school. She's in no way pining after this boy still, but she has a firm belief that opposites do not attract. Due to this she denies her feelings for her roommate and best friend Tyler. I found Cam to be absolutely ridiculous at points. I sat there flabbergasted by how she could at 25 react in such childish ways. Sure, she's smart, but if she has a hissy fit because her best friend doesn't like the guy she wants to set her up with she's obviously immature.

Tyler Knight was set for the big leagues of American football, until a spine injury ended his career in his junior year of college. He now works as an agent for football players looking to enter to league. I don't really have much to say about Tyler. He just seemed like a push over. He was sweet and the 50% hit and I was tired of him just succumbing to everything Cam wanted. It was infuriating that he was just so quickly infatuated by her (I know he liked her before but whatever).

I had some major problems with this book. The main characters, the matchmaking, Cameron in entirety. Though I absolutely loved some parts. I loved the nerdiness, I loved that Wasted Words seemed like my dream place to work, I loved the fact that the first 50% of the book rocked. Something was missing in the end though. Maybe it was because the two leads already knew each other? Maybe it was because we got basically 0 backstory about the characters? Because of whatever this missing element was I couldn't relate to the characters completely. I found myself awww'ing or just smiling along but they felt distant and I didn't like that very much.

Overall, Wasted Words wasn't a bad book. Definitely a solid three stars, but that is purely for the first 50% because it quickly lost its charm as it continued.
Profile Image for Dilushani Jayalath.
1,000 reviews208 followers
March 24, 2020
I picked this book up purely due to the fact that it said it was inspired by Jane Austen's Emma. If there is anyone out there who follows my reviews, you would see that I've read Emma the past week and completely floating in an Austen universe. So when this book came my way and it said Emma too, I was beyond ecstatic.

Biggest rule in reading, do not be too excited for book. Sometimes that would make books not that interesting if you expect a lot. Not just books but anything in life. I have known this for years but I still do the same. Unfortunately this book was like that for me. My love for Emma made me have really big expectations for this. Cam was a great character and Tyler was the perfect modern adaptation of Mr. Knightley. Also the fact the story was not just a modern adaptation of the story was a big yes in my books. But there was just something that made me not like it completely. I am sure others who read it would like it but for me this book just was not it. It was very lovely to read but it was hard to think that people that age act that way. Maybe next time for me.
Profile Image for Alex.
57 reviews42 followers
September 3, 2019
There was nothing wrong with this book exactly.

The best friends to lovers storyline hooks me every time.
Tyler was freaking gorgeous and just the perfect book boyfriend.
And I was never bored.

But well...the protagonist was a bitch.

There I said it. Sentence me to hell, book nerds.
Believe me, I have some serious self-hatred at this present moment.

However, there was no denying the fact that had I worked at Wasted Words and attended that bowling social, the novel would have ended abruptly with Cam in hospital after I attacked her with a bowling ball. She was a brat. A brat suffering from anxiety and other unexplainable, cupid related illness, but still a brat. And Tyler did nothing. You could hardly claim that calling someone a bitch was an adequate telling off after the stunt she pulled.

But otherwise, I really enjoyed it.
Profile Image for mich.
656 reviews225 followers
May 24, 2016
Pretty, eye-catching book cover + visibility in Amazon's top 100 list = Recipe For Success


Haha, got me again. I will fall for it every time. Whatever.

I don't care for the writing at all. It's not completely horrible, but I don't think it's good.

--The dialogue feels like it's trying way too hard while at the same time being so moronic I almost want to blow my fucking brains out.

--The story is told in alternating first person POVs and there is barely any distinction between the characters' voices - the dude's POV sounded pretty much exactly like the chick's.

--The story is BORING.

DNF around 50%

P.S. side note -- When I first saw this book, I was curious whether this was by a debut author since I had never heard of her, so I clicked on the author's page on Amazon and found myself then clicking on one of her recent blog posts shown (http://stacihartnovels.com/the-wild-w...).

I actually thought what she had to say was pretty interesting, and I was kinda really into it and found myself thinking, "Right on, girl! Screw those haters!" (Lol, I am easily influenced and get easily hyped up, can you tell?)

Anyway, I was really excited to read her book cuz I would've LOVED to be able to help validate this chick's success. I guess I sorta have. (I bought the book, didn't I?) Unfortunately, the contents of this book simply ended up proving to me yet once again that success doesn't automatically equal talent.
Profile Image for Maja  - BibliophiliaDK ✨.
1,139 reviews898 followers
June 2, 2020

I had high hopes for this retelling of Jane Austen's Emma and at first I was totally into it. I loved the setting, the characters and the fun way the original story was re-spun. Sadly, the Emma-theme quickly fizzled out and it became more of a run-of-the-mill romance story. Still, I saw glimpses of something great and I might just continue this series.

"I just want a good guy who loves me and brings me donuts when I have a bad day. Is that too much to ask?"
- Bayleigh


Tyler: Tyler was the perfect romance hero - handsome and athletic but also kind and clever. He was a nice, stand-up guy who didn't play games or fool around. He knew what he wanted and he went for it wholeheartedly.

Wasted Words: I want a place like Wasted Words in my life! A coffee shop that is also a book store and a bar?! Sounds like heaven to me!

Lightness: There were so many fun, lighthearted moments in book, it made the overall experience easy and nice.

Cam: Cam really interested me, she was real and approachable. She had fears of not measuring up, of going outside her box and being shut down for it. I liked how she tried to control life by playing matchmaker's for others, it was an interesting take on the original Emma's matchmaking.


Beautiful people: What was up with all the beautiful people? Everyone had model looks which were describes in painstaking detail over and over again. It got boring quite quickly...

Emma: Like I wrote in the beginning, this was really only an Emma retelling for the first quarter of the book or so. After that it was just a normal romance story with no traces of Emma.

Golem: I sincerely hope this was just a typographical error in my book... but I absolutely HATED that Gollum from The Hobbit was called Golem in this book. It felt like the author trying to be nerdy by having her characters read the book but without the author ever having read it herself...

Romantic gesture: To me, the big romantic gesture in this book was not romantic at all... Or even fun. It was just cringy!

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Profile Image for Bex | TotallyBex.com.
555 reviews198 followers
May 24, 2016
★★ 4.5 stars! ★★

I will read just about any Jane Austen reimagining, modern update, sequel, or prequel. I am a huge fan and can’t get enough, so when I read that Wasted Words is inspired by Austen’s Emma, I knew I had to read it. I’m glad I did because Staci Hart does a perfect job of updating Emma for the modern age. The writing is fresh and fun while the characters are descriptive and full of depth. This story was so cute and it made my heart happy.

Cam is a perky, adorably dorky bookworm working as bartender/barista at a bookstore bar (first of all, how awesome would that be?!?). Since she was burned by a boy in high school, Cam has lived by a set of rules: Always know which shelf a person belongs on and never date anyone not on your shelf.

Tyler is an upbeat and funny former football player turned agent who is also Cam��s roommate. After a year of living together, their attraction can no longer be avoided and everything changes between them. However, falling for your roommate isn’t without pitfalls as they soon discover. Cam is very insecure about herself and her relationship with Tyler at almost every step because she thinks they are too different, he could do so much better than her, etc. (Silly girl!)

I absolutely loved Cam and Tyler together, they are so adorable and sweet. Tyler is pretty swoon-worthy throughout the book–even before he and Cam became ‘more than friends’, I knew that he was going to be perfect for her. I’m so happy this book is told in dual point-of-view so that we get to see their relationship from both of their perspectives.

Everything that made Austen’s novel a classic is present here: meddlesome matchmaker, opposites attract, and falling in love with the friend who was right under your nose the entire time. Staci Hart does an excellent job of drawing the reader into Cam and Tyler’s world from the very first page and I was rooting for them the entire time. This have been my first book by Staci Hart, but I loved her writing so much, I will be reading everything she writes!

▸ ARC generously provided in exchange for an honest review.

▸ Order: Kindle | Paperback

▸ For more reviews, visit
Profile Image for Liv ☾.
70 reviews
July 11, 2017

☾That book was so darn cute! Tyler and Cam have been roommates for a long time, and friends for even longer. For as long as both of them have known, their friendship is completely platonic. Truth be told, they both have growing romantic feelings for the other that is anything but platonic.

☾Cam is a nerd. Full blown book loving, glasses wearing, short geek (funny because I guess I'm a nerd too :). She's been burned by the popular guy before in high school. Therefore she believes everyone should date "from the same shelf". Geeks with geeks, 10/10 with 10/10's.

☾Tyler is basically in love with Cam for all of the reasons why she won't think it will work. He's attracted to the smallness of her, her ability to be herself, her love of reading, really everything to be honest.

☾The only thing that bugged me about this book is that Tyler seemed very feminine at times and I would get confused about which POV I was in. Also, Cam's constant insecurities. Seriously, I don't know how many times I could read a page about how "this can't work, we're too different, he's going to cheat on me". Other than that, it was a nice soft read. Just what I needed!
Profile Image for Lana *Lifeinwordsandlyricscom*.
651 reviews148 followers
May 29, 2017
DNF at 60%

It started out great. The thing with Batman and The Reader was cute as hell and I was hopeful about this book. But the more I read the more saccharine it became, to the point where my teeth started to hurt. Everything was just too perfect, like when aliens invade your brain and give you an illusion of every thing they think you'd want, and that's when you realise something's not right and snap out of it.

But what got on my last nerve was how Cam was just unable to stay out of Baeleigh and Martin's business. I just wanted to smack her, badly. She was pissed that their lives didn't fit into how she pictured it. The nerve!

I'm really disappointed.
Over and out
Profile Image for Lisa.
884 reviews1,250 followers
April 6, 2017
*ARC Given to Blog for Honest Review*

4 “Wasted Words” “love” Kisses

OMG YAS!!! This is one of the many reasons why I adore Staci Hart's novels…they suck me in and the next thing I know, it’s 24 hours later and I’ve finished the book and somewhat functioned through regular life. I've been looking forward to Wasted Words basically since I finished Last Call and knew there was going to be a spinoff…the minute I read the blurb for WW I got giddy…then I saw the cover and my excitement level went to a different galaxy, which is where it stayed permanently because Wasted Words completely and totally rocked my socks off. Even though Wasted Words is a spinoff of the Bad Habits Series ( With a Twist , Chaser and Last Call ), they do not need to be read in order to enjoy Wasted Words...but I do recommend them because they're kind of fantastic.

Cameron Emerson…oh my gosh this chick was a little tiny hot mess that I wanted to put in my pocket. I pretty much adored her, most of the time…she is absolutely one of a kind in all the best ways possible. She’s funny and sweet and kind…got enough sass to give her a backbone when she needs one…she’s a real go getter and I loved how outgoing she was. She’s very good at her job, like…could not have found the more perfect career for Cam…I don’t know if the position was made for her or she was made for the position but that is one area of her life that has no issues at all. I did like her passion for wanting to see people happy and in a relationship with someone they connected with…it was her little quirky thing and for the most part she was good at it. Something that Cam and I have in common is the need to be right….well, sometimes it’s a need, most of the time it’s just a God given talent that we can’t help…but the down part is admitting when you’re wrong is not fun…or easy, and that’s (sadly) another thing she and I had in common. So, there were some things that frustrated me about Cam…like the fact that she was her own worst enemy…she had a wicked anxiety/self-doubt combo that packed a serious punch and at first I was sympathetic towards what she was going through because, believe me, I know those feelings all too well…but at a certain point it started to get a little exasperating. All she had to do was open her eyes and see the amazingly beautiful man standing in front of her practically begging her to love him.

‘But I wasn’t … I don’t know. Enough. Sophisticated enough. Sexy enough — at all, if I were being honest with myself. I wasn’t even tall enough, for God’s sake. I was just a fairy-boned dork in glasses with her nose in a book and her head in the clouds.’

Tyler Knight…wow…every time I think I can’t love Staci’s hero’s more, she throws another one at me that is even more outstandingly amazing in brand spanking new ways that completely blow my mind. Tyler is legit everything… everything I tell you! Let’s start with the basics…he’s visual perfection – all American good looks, he’s a former college football player that could have gone pro, so his body is a work of art and all that yumminess is packed in a 6’6” frame…did you see those numbers? Anything above 6’2” sends my heart into over drive but when I see 6’6” you can guarantee I’m an a whole other playing field of obsession and adoration. But…that’s only where my love affair with Tyler began…trust me, once I got to know his personality and understand his heart and how he felt about Cam and just life in general…yeah, I’m founder, president and lifelong member of the Tyler Knight Fan Club. Don’t let his size fool you, he is so incredibly gentle…in every way, shape and form…he redefines the meaning of kindness and patience…he is beyond understanding and tolerant…I mean I could go on for days just listing his perfection.

‘Cam laughed, and when I looked over at her, possession washed over me. She was so beautiful in a way that held no expectation, unassuming and easy. I felt like a thief or a treasure hunter, like I’d found in her in some long abandoned place that could never dull her brilliance, no matter how lonely or dark it may have been. But now she was mine, and I wasn’t going to let her go.
She caught me watching and smiled in a way that I felt deep in my heart, and I turned, not caring that my hands were wet and soapy. I cupped her face, shifted my wet thumb against her skin, leaving a glistening streak in its wake. She wasn’t breathing, her eyes locked on mine, pupils widening as she waited for me to kiss her.
So I did.
I kissed her with my heart and with my soul, trying to tell her something words couldn’t allow because there just weren’t enough of them. Not the right ones. When I broke away, her eyes stayed closed, and she sighed. When they finally opened, she smiled again, blushing.
“What was that for?”
I shook my head, my face soft, mirroring hers. “Just because.”’

So…Cam and Tyler basically have it set – they’re already like the best unofficial couple ever, being roommates and besties kind of eliminates all the awkward stuff that you sometimes have to muddle through to get to the good parts…but we’re there, the scene is set and the magic just needs to happen – and trust me, when it comes to Cam and Tyler, it’s all kinds of magical. Cam may be her own worst enemy when it comes to sabotaging what she and Tyler have, but the peace she experienced in just allowing herself to be with him, to experience what they were feeling together…it made all the self-doubt and worry and freak outs totally and completely worth it. I was 1000000000% in love with just about everything this dude did in relation to Cam – whether it was the way he interacted with her and handled basically every aspect of their relationship…the way he spoke to her….he got her, he knew what he was getting into and he went out of his way to make sure he did everything in his power to protect not only what they could be, but not lose what they already had. He redefined the word perfection. The simplest of gestures spoke volumes…the sweetest words made all the difference…he did anything and everything he could to assuage her worries and keep her confident in what they had together because he knew that their relationship was something he treasured. The exchange of the pinky ring and the friendship bracelet just about slayed my heart…and having those little mementos that would mean nothing to anyone else, but gave them both a little slice of peace…every time a reference was made to them, it melted my heart that much more.

‘With Tyler, I wasn’t afraid. I didn’t care who saw me or what they thought. I didn’t care if we looked silly together because of our height difference, or if they didn’t like my lipstick or dress. None of it mattered. The anxiety fell away, there in his arms. It was one of the safest places in the whole world.’

Staci Hart totally does it for me. After the Bad Habits Series, I knew I had pretty severe addiction (hahaha…didn’t even try with that one – it just came out!)…but now after Wasted Words...the addiction is in full on clinger mode. I just flat out dig her writing…it works for me, it’s funny and quirky and sexy and does amazingly wonderful things to my brain and imagination. I love that WW was inspired by Emma…but Staci did a fantastic job of making it her own story – like I can see some similarities but the twists and different creative takes that Staci took to make it unique were there and I really liked that. I could not love her chapter titles anymore if I tried – not many authors do it, but I love it when they do - to me, the chapter titles put an extra special touch on an already amazing book. I love that she embraces the nerd (as she has in some of her other books as well) but this one especially just gave me a huge nerd-gasm that kept a big smile on my face with all of the different fandom references. I really didn’t think I could love her characters any more than I did with the Bad Habits Series but OMFG I totally did…big time. Staci creates characters that I never want to let go of…that’s where a huge part of my clinger comes in…because her characters are so real and loveable and flawed but yet so perfect that my attachment is fierce and true. A totally random thing that I loved was that Rose (from the Bad Habits Series) was in WW as much as she was – I mean, I figured she would be…it’s her bar, but she had some pretty vital moments and even Patrick got to have his moment and help out, which of course made me love him more.

‘But the truth was simple. The truth was that I was exactly who I was, and that was enough for Tyler, and it was enough for me. The truth was that love had no rules. There was no right or wrong, just as Tyler had said. There was just him and me.’

The ending was…awesome. Perfectly paced…everything came together beautifully and it was all that I needed. And then the epilogue happened and it made everything so much better than I could have imagined. So…I don’t know if Staci plans on making another series with Wasted Words…the character set up is totally there because the crew that work there are pretty uniquely awesome if you ask me. I could feel the magic just with the little we hear and learn about them, so I’ll sit back and cross my fingers that there is more to come…cause Lord knows I’ll be anxiously awaiting them!

Profile Image for Stacey.
1,446 reviews1,139 followers
August 23, 2017
Don't waste your words

***3.5 stars***

Wasted Words was my first read by Staci Hart. It was cute and quirky with an original storyline that kept my attention from start to finish.

Communication is the key to any successful relationship but seems to be the first thing missing in Romacelandia. There is plenty of communication skills being used but not with each other. He's talking his problems out with his parents and she's sharing her concerns with her best gal pal. Here's a refreshing change, have an HONEST chat with the person who matters, your partner/lover.

Do you risk your heart when it seems like you don't match?

Should you only be with someone who is similar to you?

For me, the answer is definitely NO! I couldn't be more different from my hubby if I tried. He's laid back and I stress. I love reading and he couldn't think of anything worse. He watches TV and I hate the fake, unrealistic and monotonous tv shows. But, we're happy and we balance each other out. In this story, Cam's greatest fear is risking her friendship with Tyler by starting a relationship. Cam is sure that Tyler will get sick of her and move on...but if she takes the risk, she could lose everything.

Once Cam and Tyler realise their friendship was more, things seemed to settle, except for Cam's doubts. Will Tyler be able to convince Cam that their relationship is worth taking a risk? Will all the doubters, who think they're mismatched, make it even harder for Cam to commit?

Silly, young whippersnappers, open your bloody mouths and communicate.

There were parts of this story I struggled with a little. Cam is extremely messed up and, for such a supposed smart person, very silly. Her matchmaking skills were a way to distract her from her own issues and lead to some very uncomfortable situations for her friends. To try and match Tyler up with someone else, knowing she had some feelings seemed crazy.

Tyler came across as a little weak to be honest which is strange considering he's muscly and 6ft 6. Keeping a friendship with someone like Kyle, who bad mouthed Cam, was something I found hard to forgive him for. He is sweet, just needed to be sensible when he decided to use his backbone.

I enjoyed reading Wasted Words and will try another book from this author.
Profile Image for Erin .
1,425 reviews1,450 followers
April 28, 2020
3.5 Stars

A cute and sugary sweet romance inspired by Jane Austen's Emma. Once again I have read another book inspired by or a retelling of a Jane Austen novel but I still haven't read a Jane Austen novel(I'm a bad person).

Geeky bookworm Cam is so obsessed with matchmaking others that she fails to see that her love match, roommate former college football star Tyler is right in front of her face.

This book was cute and if you wanna turn off your brain I think this book is perfect for that!
Profile Image for Christy Hall.
354 reviews83 followers
November 20, 2021
I’m a huge Jane Austen fan. I love Emma. I even took a class in college all about Austen in the movies. What could be better than reading Austen novels and then watching movies based on her novels? Of course, we read Emma and then we watched the movies Emma and Clueless. Amazing class! Time well spent!

Sometimes, I enjoy modern retellings of classic stories. Wasted Words came up on my list because it’s a retelling of Emma. I figured it would be entertaining. It was fine. I can see how it’s a version of Emma. Other reviewers were annoyed because Cam is judgmental and meddling, but that’s exactly who Emma is so that didn’t bother me. Tyler, as Knightly, is a bit of a stretch. Clearly, Staci Hart needed to develop his character in a different direction for the modern slant. Cam and Tyler fit well together and the romance between them is good. I suppose it just needed more development - more scenes to show their connection as friends who are meant to be. There are so many other characters that things get a bit lost. Austen could include many characters because her books are longer and the relationships are the basis of every scene. Hart rushes through secondary character development because there just isn’t time to get it all done. Some scenes seem a bit cheesy and forced, which bugs.

I guess that’s why I only rated it about 2.5. It’s fine and was entertaining. However, if I want Emma, I’m going to have to return to the original novel ... or maybe Clueless.
Profile Image for 1-Click Addict Support Group.
3,749 reviews485 followers
May 30, 2016
I'm a big fan of Staci Hart.

I'm a big fan of Emma.

And now, I'm a REALLY freakin' big fan of Wasted Words.

I could not get enough of this book. Seriously. I was done as soon as I opened it—I knew I'd be reading and reading and reading until the final page, and I knew that, given the chance, I'd do it ALL OVER AGAIN, as soon as possible.

It's not simply funny, or sexy, or charming. It's not just that Cam and Tyler are so flipping perfect for each other, or that this cover is so flipping perfect for Cam and Tyler. It's not just the modern, flirty twist on Jane Austen, or the excellent supporting characters, new and old—shout-out to Bad Habit’s Lily, Rose and Tricky for some killer cameos. Its not just the unique, I-wish-it-was-real concept of Wasted Words, or the high level of appreciation for two of life’s greatest gifts—books and booze. (Three, if you include boys). It's ALL of those things.

Wasted Words was EVERYTHING. I loved each page, every character, all the words. Not a single wasted word among them—each and every one gave me feels, and took me a step closer to an ending that left my heart lighter than light, my smile bigger than big, and panties wetter than…oh, let's not go there, actually.

This book right here is exactly why I'm a big fan of Ms. Hart. And why I can't wait for her next categorically NOT Wasted Words. You can call that a universal truth... ~ Beth, 5 Mr Knight(ley) stars


There was a moment, early in Wasted Words, where I wasn't really sure my heart was going to be able to stand it. There were parts that actually hurt me to read—and I became a little afraid that the highs weren't going to balance out the lows for me.

Then…they did.

I mean, forget balance. The highs basically blew the lows right out of the water. Because, while I was sometimes frustrated with Cam's inability to get out of her own way, all of that faded into the background when I got a good look at Tyler.

Because...Tyler? Shit. Game over other book boyfriends—Tyler Knight wins everything.

(Just kidding. I need all my book boyfriends. I was just making an important point.)

My absolute favorite thing about Staci Hart books is how she captures the moments of sublime sweetness in any given love story. When you reach those sweet spots in her books, it feels every bit as good as falling in love. Maybe better, because it's all the sweetness without the fear. It's fluttering pulses, butterflies in the tummy and that warm rush of pure joy—and those moments are stunning, and perfect, and this book is completely littered with them.

There's also a fair bit of what I've come to recognize as Ms. Hart's trademark humor. I love love, love how Ms. Hart writes friendships. The interactions among friends are some of the funnest scenes, and the cause of all my out-loud laughing (and the occasional snort). I somehow wasn't aware that this was connected to the Bad Habits books and so getting some face time with Rose and Tricky (and even a little bit of Lily) was a super-fun (super awesome) surprise.

I loved this book. Cam and Tyler are perfect for each other in a way that allowed me to forgive Cam's insecurities and 100% buy into their love story. And, that ending? That. Ending. It was everything—the very best—and good grief, y'all, I just cannot recommend this book highly enough. ~ Shelly, 5 stars
Profile Image for Jena.
805 reviews178 followers
September 1, 2021
Sooo I finished it. I'll try to keep this short. I really just had two complaints, although they play off of each other a lot. Complaint #1 is that there was really no plot. This is a long time friends to lovers romance. The first 40% of the book is just the main characters dancing around their feelings for one another. If the spoke to each other for like two minutes the conflict would be resolved. As annoying as this miscommunication was, the plot also somehow wasn't slow burn enough, because the other 60% of the book is just the main characters happily dating with no conflict. The only conflict is that Cam doesn't think she's good enough for Tyler, which we hear about all the time in her narration. This leads to point #2. Cam is a poorly written character. Her defining trait is that she's "not like other girls." Annoyingly enough, this is both why Tyler likes her, and why she thinks she isn't good enough for him (which may I remind you, is the only conflict). This whole book, every character goes on and on about how Cam's nerdy, likes to read, wears glasses, isn't blond, and GOD FORBID, she's short. Tyler could never like a short girl :/ It's so repetive and annoying. There's a also a lot of slut shaming between female characters in this book which is annoying. Cam's only other personality trait, aside from being quirky and short, is that she likes to play matchmaker. At first, I liked this addition. This book is inspired by Emma, so this trait made sense. Unfortunately, another characteristic that was carried over from Emma to Cam is being judgemental. Let me explain. Emma is judgmental, but she doesn't try to be a bitch, she's just very blunt. Cam, on the other hand, is just a bitch. She is so judgemental, for no reason might I add, when matchmaking the side characters, it's genuinely hard to read. It also feels out of character and caught me off guard every time. Cam's default personality was "uwu soft girl/I'm not like the other girls," so every few chapters or so when she started being a bitch to Martin, I was always so taken aback. If she's gonna be blunt and judgy, it needs to be her default setting (like in Emma) so it makes sense, not just every 50 pages or so when the story needs conflict. To be fair, Cam also judges herself harshly, but that isn't enough to make her attacks on Martin seem less out of the blue and in character. It doesn't help that Type never even got mad at Cam for lashing out at Martin, like Mr Knightley did in Emma. Anyways, there's enough pining and cute moments that I can see someone else enjoying this, but I just couldn't get past the fact that the main character only had 2 go to moods for the entirety of the novel (AKA, her not like other girls personality and her judge everyone around her personality,) both of which I hated.

DNF at around 10%
I love a good retelling/inspired story, and I LOVE a good friends-to-lovers arc, but I hate specifically friends-to-lovers where the girl is short, nerdy, quirky and chaste, and the boy is some hot player who sleeps around that she just lazily pines over while he broods about how he isn't good enough for her. This book fell about half way on the scale between a good friends-to-lovers romance and the friends-to-lovers romance I just described. It might get better from where I stopped reading, actually I'm sure it does, as I read a different book in this series and quite liked it, but I just wasn't enjoying this enough to continue reading it when I have so many other books on my tbr. This was free on kindle, so now that I have it downloaded, I might go back and give it another try later in the future, but as for now I just wasn't invested enough in this book to prioritize it over the other books on my tbr.
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews887 followers
May 23, 2016
OMG. Can it get any better than Staci Hart? Wasted Words is the spin off series from Bad Habits, which is set in the world of Wasted Words, the new bar-comic book – book store that Rose is the proud owner of. Our main characters, Cam and Tyler are best friends, roommates and complete opposites. For Cam, she ventured from the nerd pool once and that didn’t end well for her, since then she’s all about only dating with or below her weight. Not willing to risk her heart for going after a guy she deems as out of her league, she is living, but not quite loving just yet.

For Tyler, he had everything. Promising future as an NFL player, popularity the hot girlfriend. But all of that ended on the college football field. Now a sports agent, Tyler understands that what he used to want isn’t really what he wants now. Once he starts to realize his feelings for Cam are more than friendly, he can’t seem to shut them off –but making his play could ruin the best friendship he’s ever had. But walking away is not an option.

Jesus, this book amazing. I loved Cam and Tyler. I loved the nerdy, quirks of Cam and how she interacted with Tyler. It was written perfectly and the characters were so lovable that I am praying that Wasted Words will turn into a series were we can see all the characters coupled up with their very own HEA.

I don’t think I’ve read a single book from Staci Hart that was not all-consuming. From page one until the very last page, I am hooked. There is no putting it down and taking a break. You just don’t stop until you’ve read every single word.

If you have not yet discovered this author, you need to remedy that immediately.

Profile Image for Carol.
1,349 reviews256 followers
March 3, 2018
4.5 stars.
Another great book from Staci Hart and it came close to being my favorite read by her but ultimately was a runner-up to "Tonic" (which had me at hello). It is also a spinoff from her Bad Habits series.
I was absolutely mad for Cam and Tyler. I loved how she was so quirky, nerdy and adorable and he was such a sweet genuine guy. I was so rooting for them to hook up and really the whole homage to Jane Austen's Emma just made it an even sweeter read.

 photo emma_zpsfig3ksyl.png
Profile Image for Paula.
721 reviews15 followers
April 9, 2018
Like everyone else, I had to DNF @ about 15-25% in. I did skip a chapter here and there to see if it would get any better for me to finish, but if anything, it just kept getting worse & worse so I trashed it. Blessfully it was a free read and it didn't hurt my pocket....

Unlike others who loathed the heroine, I place blame on the author who wrote this s*&t. Just saying people.....
Profile Image for Bindi Boo .
578 reviews126 followers
May 26, 2016
3 stars

A light maybe fun friends to lovers story i guess. Doesn't have much of a plot, rather it's about the heroine overcoming insecurities and mismatch relationships.

Cam, the heroine started off amazing. She's a book geek working at a book bar(YES! a book-bar..how cool is that!) She's sassy, confident and funny. She lives with her hottie roommate Tyler, an ex-football star. They're best friends and know each other so well. But under all that, lies an attraction so deep, they are afraid they will lose it all should something bad happen.

Cam, devastated from a past event(in high school, mind you), shelves Tyler in the not-going-to-happen-he's-too-hot-for-me shelf but secretly pines for him. Tyler thinks Cam is the most amazingly perfect woman for him. After some soul searching, Tyler decides to make his move to give it his all or lose it all. He actually does as fan-freaking-tastic job. Now here comes the problem, Cam was all sorts of CRAZY around the 40% mark. She kept having one foot out the door, ready to bolt if Tyler hurt her. I DID NOT LIKE IT. Her insecurities were tiring, annoying and my god, Tyler deserved an AWARD for his patience. Hence, the story was a merry go round of her insecurities blah blah blah..

I only continued because of Tyler. Overall, a meh-just-an-ok-read.
Profile Image for The Reading's Love Blog.
1,338 reviews233 followers
August 3, 2018
RECENSIONE COMPLETA QUI: https://thereadingslove.blogspot.com/...

"Nel silenzio del mio amore" è un'interpretazione moderna del famoso romanzo Emma di Jane Austen. Vi ricordate che Emma Woodhouse nel romanzo della Austen ha la frivola attività di pianificare e combinare matrimoni alle sue amiche? E vi ricordate che è amica del suo vicino di casa Mr Knightley di cui alla fine scopre di esserne innamorata? Staci Hart in questo primo romanzo della serie trae spunto proprio da questi due protagonisti principali della Austen. Come Emma anche Cam Emerson, la protagonista di questo libro è un'amante dei libri e della lettura e ha la mania di far mettere insieme le persone di sua conoscenza. Cam è intelligente, dolce e divertente, è una nerd che lavora in un caffè libreria e ama i libri e le storie che vi sono racchiude al loro interno. Ogni libro le regala sogni e tante vite diverse. Tyler Knight è il suo coinquilino, un ragazzo di bell'aspetto e totalmente fuori dai suoi parametri. Dopo un infortunio che ha messo fine alla sua carriera professionale di football, lavora come agente sportivo. Invece di trascorrere il tempo libero con i suoi ex compagni di squadri, lo spende a Wasted Words, il caffè libreria dove Cam lavora come commessa.
Cam e Tyler sono coinquilini, migliori amici e confidenti. Ma Tyler comincia a voler di più di una semplice amicizia e i crescenti sentimenti per Cam cominciano a confonderlo. Possono due opposti essere attratti l'una dall'altro? Il problema? Cam è testarda, non vuole un ragazzo, non intende in alcun modo innamorarsi e farsi male di nuovo. Mi sono innamorata di questi due personaggi, non solo come amici ma anche come coppia. Dove inizia il primo, finisce il secondo. Essere opposti non vuol dire non poter essere la coppia perfetta. Tyler mi è piaciuto sin dal subito per il suo essere dolce e perfetto, per la sua fermezza nelle decisioni e nei sentimenti. Cam mi è piaciuta un po' meno. La sua personalità è forte e coinvolgente, ma le sue insicurezze sembrano l'obiettivo principale di questo libro perché lei lotta contro se stessa, contro le sue convinzioni che in amore si può solo soffrire e ci si può solo illudere e perché prima o poi la persona che ti sta accanto ti può far solo del male. Cam è un po' tutte noi: vuole essere accettata così com'è, vuole fidarsi di se stessa e della persona che gli sta accanto. Lo stile dell'autrice è semplice e coinvolgente, così come le storie che scrive. Staci Hart scrive con tanta passione e ritrovare una protagonista femminile e ancor più un protagonista maschile che ama i libri è sempre un tuffo nel cuore…

Profile Image for Amy.
2,805 reviews563 followers
March 31, 2021
This was not the worst Emma retelling I've ever read. That will always belong to Bespelling Jane Austen (and I don't want to meet the book that makes me think otherwise.)
This wasn't even a bad retelling, necessarily. It sets up a clever premise with a cool bookstore/bar as a setting, fun, matchmaking Emma, and former football player Knightley.
The thing is, the fun premise lasts for...maybe the first 20-30%. And then it gets boring.
So, so boring.

Why do we love (or hate) Emma Woodhouse? She thinks she is always right. Her brash, annoying confidence makes her blind to everything going on around her.

Now take that confidence, throw it out the window, and imagine the opposite of confidence. That's the Emma of this story, Cam Emerson.

Besides some kinda-sorta-it-gets-dropped tension between the Mr. Eliot and Harriet characters, the entire storyline centers on Cam's insecurity and inability to believe the Knightley character actually likes her.

Let me tell you, misunderstandings like that only go so far. It goes from a character trait to the entire conflict of the story and it is boring. I ceased rooting for them as a couple. I ceased caring about the plot. I basically forced myself to keep reading because most of the low-ratings came from people who DNFed and I figured I should at least give it the time of day to see what kept people raving.

And I guess...I just didn't find it.
Profile Image for Esin Elif.
55 reviews9 followers
July 20, 2020
Bu efsane kitap sayesinde kelime bilgimin ne kadar yerlerde olduğunu öğrenmiş oldum. Hatta bir ara dayanamayıp "Kendimi biraz daha geliştirip sonra dönerim," diye bıraktım. Kelime konusundaki yetersizliğim beni üzmüştü ama keşke zorlayıp devam etseymişim. Bu kitap sayesinde artık gözümü karartıp anlatımından korktuğum tüm kitapları okuyabilirim.

Gelelim kitabımıza.

Cam ve Tyler ev arkadaşları. Aslında ikisi de birbirinden hoşlanıyorlar ama Tyler çekindiği için, Cam ise "O kim ben kim?" diye düşündüğü için itiraf edemiyorlar.

Cam, Jane Austen'ın Emma'sıymış. Kitabı henüz okumamış olduğum için tam bilmiyorum ama bana da öyle geldi. İnsanları eşleştirmeye, çöpçatanlığa bayılıyor. Ve nasıl başarıyorsa doğru eşleştirmeyi de yapıyor. Fakat işte bu eşleştirme merakı ve bunun doğru olduğuna sıkı sıkıya tutunduğu için zıt kutuptaki insanların birlikte olabileceğine inanmıyor. Tyler ve kendisi gibi.

Tyler, eski bir sporcu. Sakatlandığı için kariyerine devam edememiş ama spor acentesinde çalışmaya devam ederek sektördeki hayatını sürdürüyor. Ayrıca genelde bildiğimiz o bir sürü kadınla gezeyim ama asla ciddi düşünmeyeyim insanı değil. Aksine ilişkisi olduğu kadına bağlanıyor ve maalesef ki tüm kadınlar onu sporcu olduğu için seviyor. Uzun zamandır hayatına birini almamış olan Tyler içten içe sürekli Cam'e çekiliyor. Cam ise dediğim gibi sürekli kendisini Tyler'a layık görmüyor. Onun sevgili olduğu kadınları ve onu eşleştirebileceği kadınların özellikleri düşünüyor, kendisinde bunlar olmadığı için uyumu görmezden geliyor.

Cam, aslında beni bazen biraz bezdirse de çoğu yerde haklı buldum. Onda biraz da kendimi görmüş olabilirim. Yani çok yakışıklı, atletik, zeki, espirili, Allah'ın verdiği tüm iyi ��zelliklerin hepsini ele geçirmiş bir adama rastlasam ben de aynı şeyleri düşünürüm. Ama işte Tyler, Cam'e bunun yanlış olduğunu sürekli söylüyor, kendisine güvenmesini istiyor. Cam'in ilişki anksiyetesi ikisinin birlikte olmasına izin veriyor mu işte kitapta bunu okuyoruz.

Ben kitabı çok beğendim. Contemporary Romance olduğu için içimizden birilerinin hayatını izliyormuşum hissi çok daha fazla vardı. Çok gerçekçilerdi ve çok da insani hatalar yapıyorlardı. Sonra bu hataları telafi etmeye çalışıyor ve öğreniyorlardı. Karakter gelişimleri çok gerçeğe yatkındı. Bu yönlerden de çok beğendim.

Bazı diyalogları kelimeleri biliyor olmama rağmen anlamlandıramadığım ve yer yer anlatımdan koptuğum için bir puan kırdım. Birkaç yorumda da ana dili ingilizce olmasına rağmen zorlananları görünce bir contemporary romance için dilinin ağır olduğunu düşünmeye başladım. Biraz daha rahat, günlük konuşma dilinde olabilirmiş. Böyle biraz akıcılığı kesilmiş gibi geldi.

Bu arada kitap, genelde yarı bağımsız karakterler olmasına rağmen beş kitaplık bir serinin ilk kitabı. Seri Jane Austen'ın kitaplarından çağdaşa uyarlama olarak yazılmış. Her ne kadar yazarın anlatımından ve yorumlardan korksam da diğerlerini de okumayı düşünüyorum.

Genel Bakış
Tür: Contemporary Romance
Seri/Tek: Bağımsız seri. Birinci kitap.
Aşk üçgeni: Yok.
Cinsellik: Var. Üç bölümdeydi yanlış hatırlamıyorsam.
Favori karakterim: Tyler
Bu yazarın diğer kitaplarını okuyacak mıyım? Okuyacağım.
Bu kitabı/seriyi gelecekte tekrar okuyacak mıyım? Okumayacağım.
Bu kitabı/seriyi öneriyor muyum? Evet.
Profile Image for Melody Kimmons-Allen.
95 reviews14 followers
October 14, 2016
This book was good. It would have been better if the heroine wasn't such a baby and the complaining she did didn't fill half the book. This story could have been so much shorter but Cam goes on and on for chapters complaining about not being enough for Tyler.

Tyler is the sweetest guy and would constantly reassure Cam that he only had eyes for her. Didn't matter much!

I'm not angry about her having low self-esteem (she does have it though). Let's face it, plenty of women have this same insecurity in real life and it needed to be addressed. I was more so annoyed that she came off like a broken record. I really loved her character at the beginning, even the fact that she like to play match maker. But then she got carried away and was way too invested in other people's relationship. I just wanted to staple her mouth shut after a while. She would get really upset if her match ups didnt work out. Almost more involved in those relationships, than her own.

Cam was always questioning why Tyler chose her—by the time she was done, I was wondering why, as well. I don't know how he put up with her. The book also needed more than just the Will back story to explain Cam's low self-esteem. It seems unrealistic that she became that insecure off of that one incident.

Kyles character made no sense to me. This guy was such a great friend, then got famous and turned into an ass. I could see if he just got arrogant because sometimes fame does that to people. But this guy turned into someone else entirely. He had no respect for Tyler or Cam. He kept digging deeper and deeper into a hole. He was completely unredeemable.

Those were all my negatives. Seems like a lot but over all, the book was a good read and I did enjoy the connection between Tyler and Cam. It was also humorous and kept me up reading until I finished it. The plot was super unique, Tyler was hot and a good lead. This was my first book by this author and I would definitely read more of her books. If you enjoy light romantic comedies, this one is worth giving this a try!
Profile Image for Sophie.
590 reviews477 followers
May 7, 2016
Reading a book is an adventure. Something that takes away everything else and propels you into a different world. Some books you just click with, some books you really enjoy Some books though, they speak to you, they embed themselves in you, never to be forgotten. You breathe these books, allow yourself to be consumed by them. You devour every single word, you feel every single emotion and you LOVE EVERY SINGLE SECOND. Some people have favourite books, some have favourite authors. Some have both. I have both.
You see Staci Hart is a top, TOP author of mine. Her books speak to me on a level like no other. I LOSE myself every time I pick up a Hart novel and I drown in words that light up my heart and soul. Each and every time Staci releases a new book it becomes my favourite. After reading Last Call, I said I read one of the best books I'd ever read. Then along came Wasted Words.

Going into WW I knew that by the end I'd be this soppy freaking mess, floating on a cloud of heavenly feels and ready to pour my heart out. But, now that I'm sat here, ten minutes after reading the final word I'm a soppy freaking mess of epic proportions. My heavenly cloud is a full sky and I don't even know where to begin with the heart pouring.

From the very beginning it was hard not to feel bubbles begin in my stomach, my heart kicked up a little faster. Slowly, blissfully, the bubbles grow and pop into butterflies that flutter. The closer Cam and Tyler became the stronger those butterflies kicked up, until I was left with freaking birds flapping through me. And that was just at the first kiss!
As each and every chapter, perfectly named as always, progressed I found myself falling deeper in love. I mean Tyler, come on. He's a walking, talking dream boat. Everything about him was just, well, perfect. No other words needed!
But you know who I fell in love with more in this book.. CAM. That little fairy, sat high on her own shelf flew down and ripped me to shreds. I'm sure, and as much as I hate to say it, some people won't like her, they'll call her “weak” or whatever but THEY WILL BE WRONG. Cam is REAL! She is that person we all have in us, the one that knows our own abilities but still pulls ourselves down. Her anxieties/fears/issues are in everyone, we feel them or will feel them at some point. And those things are what solidified my love for Cam. I felt her, every single word resonated somewhere, every single fear was relatable and it made it all the more beautiful. The raw version of Cam is who I love most.
Together Cam and Tyler are stunning. So perfect. Just everything. I want to burn with them, burn in their fire, because burning together is bliss.
Countless times I felt myself trying to hang onto my emotions. It was pointless. They were ripped from me, along with my breath, my heart and my soul..
I highlighted so many parts of this book, took so many notes, stopped every couple of chapters just to breathe and calm the inner flames of Cam & Tyler but in the end it was no use. My smile couldn't be any bigger, my heart couldn't be any more full, my tears couldn't be hotter. I'm dizzy, beautifully, blissfully dizzy. I've read one of the best books I'll ever read, one that I will pick up anytime and fall in love with every time. This bookworm has fallen deep for the fairy and her giant.

What happens when you let go?
Well you fly.
So freaking high, on the burning flames, TOGETHER.
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