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The Hollows #3

Every Which Way But Dead

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There's no witch in Cincinnati tougher, sexier, or more screwed up than bounty hunter Rachel Morgan, who's already put her love life and soul in dire jeopardy through her determined efforts to bring criminal night creatures to justice.

Between "runs," she has her hands full fending off the attentions of her blood-drinking partner, keeping a deadly secret from her backup, and resisting a hot new vamp suitor.

Rachel must also take a stand in the war that's raging in the city's underworld, since she helped put away its former vampire kingpin - and made a deal with a powerful demon to do so that could cost her an eternity of pain, torment, and degradation.

And now her dark "master" is coming to collect his due.

501 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published June 28, 2005

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About the author

Kim Harrison

81 books18.3k followers
Kim Harrison is best known as the author of the New York Times #1 best selling Hollows series, but she has written more than urban fantasy and has published over two-dozen books spanning the gamut from young adult, thriller, several anthologies, and has scripted two original graphic novels. She has also published traditional fantasy under the name Dawn Cook. Kim is currently working on a new Hollows book between other, non related, urban fantasy projects.
Kim reaches out to her audience at Facebook https://www.facebook.com/KimHarrisons...
and her blog http://kimharrison.wordpress.com/

other pseudonyms: Dawn Cook

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Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,782 reviews1,590 followers
November 20, 2014
Welcome to our What Kind of Heroine are you Quiz. Please select the option that best describes what you would do in the following situations:

You have recently started a business with a friend. Should you
A. Work as a team and solve mysteries and crime
together playing off each other’s strengths.
B. Go off on your own rarely telling your
partner what you are working on and where you
are going, with no indication on when you will
C Hedge your bets and have a few other people
/beings you are working with on the side for the
same goal as your partner.
Clearly the answer is B I can do
this all on my own I don’t need and help. I mean
what could possibly go wrong and if I do get in a
bind I guess I could still call someone to come
rescue me later.

Your boyfriend/significant other leaves town to get a handle on things after something extremely traumatic happens. The first thing you do is?
A. Accept a date with a guy you kissed recently
while you still had said boyfriend/significant other.
B. Accept responsibility for part of the situation
that the two of you are in He did have a seizure
and almost die because of you
and give him the
time and space he needs to work it out.
C. Go kick some bad guy ass and trust that things
will work out. You don’t need a man to be validated
and you are perfectly capable of entertaining yourself
in the meantime.
Well B sounds good but if Nick really loved
me like he said he did he wouldn’t have left town and
Kistin is pretty hot. I’m sure Ivy won’t mind if I
go out with her Ex at all I mean it isn’t like they are
together anymore…right? So I think A

While out on a ‘Plutonic’ Date *bullshit* no such thing *bullshit* and meeting a handsome stranger in your date’s absence….your gut instinct would tell you that….
A. Some stranger has just come to talk to you 
while you have been singled out. Warnings about
what that person might want and who he really is
jump through your head.
B. Wow…he is so nice and he has a Demon scar too.
I’m so glad I’m not the only one. I should flirt with
him and see if he wants to get me number and
♪♫♪Call me maybe♫♫.
C. I wonder if he knows anything about this place?
I should covertly pump him for information find out
who all the main players in the room are.
Huh…he is cute and look we have so much in
common all ready. B because my mom would
probably love it if I brought a witch home for dinner.

You have just defeated your nemesis in a battle during which he told a loved one you are as good as dead and can never be pulled back from where he is taking you. The first thing you do is….
A. Drink some coffee and hope your head feels
better soon because you have a big job that night and
need to get a little rest before then.
B. Call said person to let them know you are okay and
that you have escaped a fate worse than death, they
don’t need to find a way to save you.
C. Hang out with some people and wait for your loved
one to find you since as soon as he knew you were in
trouble nothing could keep him from tracking you down.
This is easy….A coffee of course. I
can’t do anything until I get rid of this headache.
Besides my semi-loved one left town so I bet a demon
telling him I’m dead isn’t going to matter much and I
do have a big job to do tonight.

You know that using a certain power or magic will be dangerous and could alert your enemies to your location and compromise you. When in trouble do you….
A. Do everything in your power to never use that 
magic/power so that you can’t be found by your enemies,
unless it can be masked by other power around you.
B. Jump the gun and use that power to intimidate your
enemies and convince them you aren’t worth the trouble.
C. Forget in the heat of the moment at every possible
instance and use that power accidentally.
B Damn it….it only happened twice, who
told you. I was trying not to use it but really my
roomie can get a little handsy sometimes it really
wasn’t my fault. Anyone could have made the same mistake.

The man you are thinking of starting an intimate relationship with confesses to you that he has killed multiple people and will try not to do it again but really won’t make any promises. Your reasoning for why you can still be together is????
A. Is he Jericho Barrons? Because really
if he is Jericho Fucking Barrons I’m totally okay
with that. He is the best Anti-Hero EVER.
B. I’m sure that every time he has killed anyone it is
for the good of his family. He would never do anything
like that without a reason and for protection of everyone
he loves including me.
C. Well it’s not like he wants to kill people and he
isn’t a scion right now so the chances of him killing
me on purpose aren’t that big.
Kistin is really hot…and he is here. Nick sure
isn’t here right now. Sure he wants to be a scion again
to the guy that wants me dead but he is soooo hot and he
makes my scar tingle. That totally makes it okay I think.
Definitely C

Would you say that your relationship with your father was…
A. Really Good, my dad is the best.
B. A Bit Complicated, My dad pushes me to be the best.
C. Somewhat neglected…He missed a lot since he wasn’t
Well I’m sure that my dad would have been
there for me if he could have been. It’s not like he
wanted to die or anything and really he was a good Dad.
Sure the answer is C but that is only because our
time was cut short since he was involved with something big.
I’m gonna find out what really happened to my father.

Based on your responses we have accessed you to be Rachel Marianna Morgan - You often fly off on your own without thinking about the others around you who care for you. You rarely take personal responsibility for things that are your fault, but often take responsibility for things that really had nothing to do with you. You make horrible decisions, even knowing at the time they are really the worst possible decisions you could make. In relationships you either choose the wrong guy or completely forget to communicate with your partner in any way letting them know what is going on in your life. You are very prone to hasty and rash decisions that usually leave you off worse than where you started.

The other possible solutions to the quiz were Kate Daniels or Makala Lane both more likable and savvy than you in this writer’s opinion. Our suggestion is that you slow down, quit fawning over every cute guy you run across. Stop making deals with demons. seriously though we thought this one was obvious. Maybe sever one relationship before starting another. Quit keeping secrets from your business partners and lovers. Decide what kind of witch you really are and then learn something so you quit making stupid mistakes because you didn’t have any information.

That said the world in this is what I’m sticking with the series for right now. I have been told it gets better by book 5 and I’m counting on that. The world building and secondary characters are the main draw for me at this time. The final battle was interesting and almost made me like Rachel again until she did that stupid thing so she is now in more trouble than she was before. Ceri was actually my favorite character in this book and I hope to see her again in future books. Holding on until book 5 to make final judgements.
February 9, 2020

DNF at 61%. Go me and stuff.

Why the murderous crustaceans are DNFing this PoC™ thing and won't bother continuing with this series :

All relationship/romance/dating BS/crap and NO plot/story whatsoever. Rachel, Ivy, Nick, Kisten, Skimmer …Reading this book feels like watching a bloody shrimping culebrón. Which might explain why much eyerolling and facepalmingpincing occurred while the crustaceans were skimming through immersed in this fantastically enjoyable masterpiece.

Rachel Mariana Shrimping Morgan's TSTL tendencies poor decision making skills are slightly rampage-inducing exasperating. Also: she is bloody shrimping shallow. She whines. She is delusional. She is the worst friend/partner/whatever ever. She is fickle. She acts like an immature, spoiled brat. What's not to love?

Ivy is an irritatingly aggravating and aggravatingly irritating drama queen. Also, she acts like a spoiled brat. Ha. Must be contagious or something. No wonder she likes Rachel Mariana Shrimping Morgan so much. These two are a match made in heaven.

Kisten is one of the most unlikable, manipulative asses in the history of unlikable, manipulative asses. And no, he is NOT hot. He is, just, you know, pathetic and stuff. Also, he is a vamp. Ergo, he is a total wimp. You are quite welcome.

Nick is a lame coward who deserves to die get his pathetic ass slightly kicked and stuff.

Ridiculously pooooooooor writing.

Total snooze fest.

And the icing shrimp on the cake paella: NO means bloody shrimping NO . In one scene, Rachel Mariana Shrimping Morgan repeatedly tells Manipulative Ass Kisten to "let her go" and to "stop it." Does he listen? Don't be silly now. He is a manly piece of shit man, you see. He knows exactly what she needs, you see. He knows how bad she wants it, you see. So of course Rachel Mariana Shrimping Morgan gives in. Because that's what stupid girls do when faced with Overbearing, Bullying Bastards Males Who Know What's Best for Them (OBBMWKWBfT™).

Fish. This. Shit. This is exactly the kind of revolting crap that condones demeaning behavior towards women and is at the very root of rape culture. No, Kim Harrison. JUST NO .

» And the moral of this Ding Dong this Witch is Off the Crustaceans' TBR Shelf Crappy Non Review (DDtWiOfCTBRSCNR™) is: Jenks dear, wherever you are, we love thee. Too bad your colleagues are all pathetic idiots/selfish, overindulged nitwits/exasperating asses/infuriating jerks/whatever. We murderous crustaceans feel your pain. Our home subaquatic kingdom is your home subaquatic kingdom, so feel free to immigrate with your family whenever. We are quite positive you would all love it here, as slightly abhorrent cast of characters are not tolerated in our Most Wondrous Undersea Domain (MWUD™). Also, free massages and stuff.

· Book 1: Dead Witch Walking ★★
· Book 2: The Good, The Bad and The Undead ★★★★★
Profile Image for Luffy Sempai.
756 reviews1,032 followers
June 24, 2017
This is a paranormal urban fantasy that I can like. It wasn't always apparent. I have been reading this series because it has an end. That kept me going in this particular book. Then things got marginally, then noticeably better.

The thing is that I don't know how to review a book from this subgenre. I didn't gasp in rapture at the sex scenes and I didn't take sides in Nick vs Kisten. I read the books for the story and the dialog, sometimes.

The ending was like a cozy mystery; family and friends together in a celebration. But what I also liked was the revelations that the author has been giving us in small doses. It looks like everything has been told to us, but I wouldn't bet on it. New characters will always bring in new secrets. What a potent story in store for us!
Profile Image for Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ .
1,283 reviews8,900 followers
September 10, 2017
Reviewed by: Rabid Reads

You know how "they" say the things you hate in others are the things you like least about yourself?

When I was 21, after an extreme bout of poor decision-making, I decided to take a sabbatical from dating. In quick succession, I had dated a slightly-younger-than-me guy, a guy who was my age, and a more-than-slightly-older-than-me guy, and they were ALL great, big lamewads.

19 y.o. Mark, the 6'7'' college basketball player and DRAMA QUEEN liked to wake up, drink milk, and then try to kiss me . . . I tried (really hard) to come up with a collection of letters that could accurately describe how completely disgusting that was, but failed utterly. Then there was 22 y.o. Ryan, who onlywantedonething. Then there was 29 y.o. Luke, who hated his job and was under-appreciated in his work. Even though he wasted many a morning shooting emails back and forth with me instead of, oh, I don't know, working.

I made it nearly a year, and it was fabulous. I would have made it longer, but I started working at the front desk of a local gym, and well . . . I'm only human. *wink*

Then right before I met my husband (who is, of course, perfect *snorts*), there was Ivan the hipster musician, who . . . played his own music in his car on our one and only date.

Oh yes. He did. Come on, guys, I can't make stuff like this up.

All of them had great, big WARNING signs flashing over their heads, and I chose to ignore every, single one of them. Then when things didn't work out, I (being the ridiculous female I was) wailed and lamented, "What's wrong with me? How did I manage to scare him off this time? Oh, what a world!"

*rolls eyes*

At the time, it didn't matter that these guys were all HEP-big losers . . . I liked them, damnit!

And all of that is why I (in equal parts) am completely exasperated with, love, and relate to Rachel Morgan.

Let's talk about Rachel's love interests thus far.

Fair warning: this is more of a commentary on Rachel's love life so far than a review. But come on . . . it's book 3. Either you've read it and know what I'm talking about, or, if this was a normal review, you'd be afraid I'd spoil you, so this is a new thing I'm trying. No spoilers this way, AND a chance to vent.

First up, we have Nick. Nick, whom she met in the ring of an illegal rat fight, b/c he had been turned into . . . well, a rat . . . in retribution for his sticky fingers. And not just any old case of sticky fingers either, nope, Nick got sticky-fingered with the belongings of a MASTER friggin' VAMPIRE.

So Nick has a loose moral code, AND is either too stupid to realize how stupid and dangerous it is to steal from a master vampire, or is so cocky he thought he could get away with it. Or both. Could definitely be both. But he did save Rachel's life, and he's awfully geek-sexy, and well, humans apparently have a bit more going on down there than male witches . . . He took a demon mark for her! Come on . . . doesn't he deserve a chance?

NO. No, he does not.

Then there's Kisten . . . ye gods . . . So many road blocks that should never have been ignored.

All you lovers-of-Kisten, CALM DOWN. I love him too. As a character. But as a potential boyfriend for Rachel . . . well, let's look at this rationally:

1. He's a VAMPIRE. Rachel refuses to ever be food for a vampire. IT'S A PROBLEM. Even if you want to argue that Kisten is a living vampire, and therefore technically doesn't need blood yet . . . YET. Kisten WILL die, and when that happens, Kisten will lose his SOUL, and he will NEED blood. Even if Rachel really does like Kisten-the-living-vampire, she will want absolutely nothing to do with Kisten-the-true-undead, and Rachel's not interested in casual that I can tell.

This relationship was DOOMED before it even got started.

2. Their very first "date" was a SHAM. That Kist would blindside her that way does NOT bode well. And then she gets all goo goo-eyed b/c he saved her . . . *grinds teeth* . . . if he hadn't asked her out under false pretenses, her life never would have been endangered in the first place<------ALL of that would be in caps if I wasn't worried about annoying the hell out of you. But know that I am screaming in my head.

And Lee . . . Lee is more of a flirtation than a real romantic interest, but he is also a perfect example of Rachel's stupidity with men. Almost immediately after she lays eyes on him for the first time, she sees that he has a DEMON MARK, but still, after he teaches her how to gamble, she's disappointed that he leaves without asking her for her number.

I know I'm not the only one driven crazy by this kind of behavior, but I also know that I'm not the only one who feels this way due to flashbacks of "I am become that which I hate."

But relationship choices aside, EVERY WHICH WAY BUT DEAD continued the steady improvement of the THE HOLLOWS. More action, more new characters to love, more to love about old characters . . . and all of that is in addition to yet another definitive and unique plot with side-plots weaving through all the while, paving the way for new adventures. Seriously people . . . come and watch Rachel grow and learn from her mistakes with me. This is not a series to be missed.

Jessica Signature

My other reviews for this series:

Dead Witch Walking (The Hollows #1)
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead (The Hollows #2)
A Fistful of Charms (The Hollows #4)
For a Few Demons More (The Hollows #5)
The Outlaw Demon Wails (The Hollows #6)
White Witch, Black Curse (The Hollows #7)
Black Magic Sanction (The Hollows #8)
Pale Demon (The Hollows #9)
The Undead Pool (The Hollows #12)
Into the Woods: Tales from the Hollows and Beyond
Profile Image for  Danielle The Book Huntress .
2,701 reviews6,443 followers
December 6, 2010
It's been a while since I last read a Hollows book, but it was good to be back. I like this world that Kim Harrison created. I like the mix of different species, and how complex their relationships are. I really like Rachel. She's down to earth, and flawed enough to be relatable. I like that she's self-conscious about her appearance, freckles and frizzy hair, and boyish figure. She seems like she'd be a nice person to know in real life. Although Rachel slips up in her inter-personal relationships with the people in her life, she is a good person who really does care about others, and that always shines through. I feel bad for her having been hurt by people she should be able to trust. It makes her gun-shy about committing to the new people who come into her life. Completely relatable. This aspect adds a realism to this urban fantasy novel that resonates with me.

I did have a big complaint: too much vampire storyline. The whole vamp pheromones and allure aspect gives me indigestion. In a way, it's pretty interesting. I really hate how these vamps try to control humans and others with their allure. It gets my goat. After all, there are plenty of willing victims, but they seem to prey on those who aren't interested, namely Rachel. I wish Ivy would get over her fixation with Rachel and being able to bite her and take her blood. She's way too predatory about Rachel. It gives me the creeps. It's not even mainly sexual. It's like it's killing her that Rachel won't share her blood. It's really too much for me. I'm not sure how I feel about Ivy. Sometimes I like her, sometimes I don't. She's not a comfortable character at all. But, I do give Ms. Harrison props for creating such a complex female character. Let me just say this...I do not want Rachel and Ivy being a couple. That would not work for me. There are some heavy sexual tension vibes between them, all tied up with the vampire bloodlust, and a deeper affection. It's just messy. I think they'd be a lousy couple. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the story doesn't go in that direction. A friend on here who's a big fan of this series told me the vamp storyline stops dominating. I hope so. This world is so intriguing with the mixes of fae and other species with witches, that I feel a lot more interesting plotlines could come to pass beyond the vamp thing. But that's just me.

I didn't like the 'resolution' with Nick. It seems like it sort of just faded away. I would prefer that they had it out and it was clear that it was over. Part of me thinks that this was done on purpose. Sometimes relationships ends like that. I guess I'm in the minority, but I liked Nick, although I don't like how he 'dumped' Rachel. I wanted to see what happened with his dabbling in black magic. That was a huge worry of mine. I've stayed mostly spoiler free, so I don't know if he will come back or not. If he does, I hope he doesn't end up turning bad. I'd rather he just be a jerky ex-boyfriend.

The whole Kisten storyline ended up winning me over. I didn't like him. He seemed sort of like a wannabe and a pretender. He still kind of has that aspect, but I see him deeper after this book. I started thawing at the scene in the dance club. I definitely started seeing his appeal, and he dances!!! I think that he was there for Rachel when she needed him, and they have good chemistry, so I think I'm okay with them being together. Kisten is okay--a nice beta with appeal that I ended up appreciating.

I love Ceri. I was so glad that Rachel was able to save her. She's very interesting, and I'm a sucker for fae/elvish storylines. I hope to see more of her. For some reason, when she was crying and Jenks' pixy daughters were trying to comfort her and were braiding her hair, I got all teary. Aww! It must be the faery fanatic in me. I perk up whenever that is a big part of a scene. Which leads me into another thing that makes this series stand out over a lot of other urban fantasy:

I love Jenks and his family. The pixies are such a rich aspect of this story. I want pixy roommates!!!! I'd happily allow them to plait my hair, and spread pixie dust all over the house. But, I guess I like my cold environment a little too much for them. I hope that Jenks gets over his anger at Rachel. I missed him and his family when he moved out.

The demon storyline...very twisted. Poor Rachel can't seem to stay out of trouble with those demons. Things got better, but possibly worse, since she owes two demons now. The images of the ever-after reminded me of the movie Constantine, when John would cross over to Hell, and it looked like Los Angeles, but much worse. Vivid, disturbing imagery there. Whenever the demons come around in this story, it gives me the shivers. But the Christian in me really feels uneasy with Rachel making deals with demons. It feels very wrong to me. However, it is fiction, so I leave it at that.

The bad guy and the story resolution. Ms. Harrison threw me for a loop here. I started getting this idea toward the end about who would end up being the Big Bad, and there you go. I liked how Rachel turned things around on him. Good for her. Rachel is interesting in her arrogance about her rep as a tracker, yet seems to doubt her confidence as a witch. I think she will come to realize how truly powerful she is as this series progresses.

Trent--I get this vibe that he has a thing for Rachel. That should be interesting. Rachel mostly hates him, but some part of her doesn't. As she said herself, she tends to go for the guys who tend to be bad. So who knows? He has an intriguing anti-hero vibe that appeals to me. What can I say? Maybe I'm like Rachel when it comes to characters???

To sum up my rambling: I liked this story, a lot. The progression toward the climax seemed to go kind of slowly, and I felt like it would take forever to get there. But it ended picking up. Some things I love about this book, some things, no so much. But, I'm in this series for the duration. It's too good to stop reading.

Overall rating: 4.25/5.0. The vamp aspects are like eating a really rich, spicy meal and getting a stomach ache, so it detracted from my enjoyment, and it was a bit slow in parts. Otherwise, solid entertainment.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lazaros.
271 reviews598 followers
July 25, 2015
I'm glad this hasn't reached a low point. And I sure as hell hope it won't because so far I'm loving every second of reading this series. It's fast-paced, the action is abundant and there are so many characters I just can't help but love.

As you must have assumed, Rachel finds herself in an impossible situation once again. As the shit hit the fan and everything goes to hell. Rachel must find a way to get herself out of the deal with Algaliarept without getting herself or her friends killed in the process.

In each book, it's apparent how much she grows to love her friends, Jenks & Ivy and that's admirable. In this book we don't see much of Jenks, which was the result of Rachel keeping things from him.

I love Ivy, she's so badass and at the same time so sensitive and so emotional and she has a heart of gold, even if she's a vampire. She wants Rachel's blood and that's her nature and I understand it wholeheartedly and I love how she respects Rachel's decision and doesn't act upon her instincts.

Rachel & Nick grow apart. Instead, there's a new love interest for Rachel, I'm sure you all know who that is. I'm talking of course about , he's total badass and while he's a complete diffrent person than Nick, he can be just as sweet but I'll say, yes, more hot. He & Rachel have some pretty steamy, hot and heavy, moments where they undress each other with their eyes.

This book introduces a new character which I'm sure we'll see more of. I grew to love Trent who I simply found interesting in the previous books. He's amazing and I want more of him in the next books, he's a fucking genious and not as much of a villain as I thought he was.

The key word about this series is action. There's lots of it. There's action in the most unexpected moments, and it'll come right when you thought things would get boring and everything gets interesting. It's refreshing. Mrs. Harrison does a good job of keeping her readers on the edge.
Profile Image for Kat Kennedy.
475 reviews16.3k followers
December 11, 2010
I have to deduct stars from this for several reasons. All three books so far have suffered from a shit-poor editing job and my inner editor constantly screams while reading them.

Then there's the fact that Rachel Morgan is just unbelievably stupid. Painfully stupid. So stupid that she shouldn't be allowed to live. So stupid that I don't understand why she IS alive.

I WILL read the next book because there're a number of things that intrigue me. However, if the next book isn't markedly better then I doubt my curiosity will be able to maintain another sojourn into Harrison's literature.
Profile Image for Carole (Carole's Random Life).
1,922 reviews565 followers
September 28, 2016
This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life.

I liked this audiobook but it was bit of a disappointment after absolutely loving the first two books in the series. This was a re-read for me but I actually didn't remember anything about it from my initial read years ago. I am actually pretty sure that this is the book that I stopped on when I started the series the first time. It was a good book but it wasn't anywhere near as entertaining as the first two in the series were for me.

This book started out really strong with Rachel having to deal with Big Al. Things looked pretty bad for her and I had no idea how she was going to outsmart him. She ends up getting a bit of help from his familiar and a werewolf insurance agent. It was a close call for Rachel and while she is trying to recover a secret slips out and Jenks ends up mad...and leaves. I missed Jenks constant presence in this book.

This book really seemed a bit more focused on the character relationships. I can't say that I really liked all of the developments in this installment. Nick can't handle being near Rachel so he leaves town. Rachel starts dating Kisten and while they have chemistry it seemed to happen way too fast. Ivy is having her own struggles with Piscary and staying in control. Jenks needs some time away to cool down. This felt like more of a transitional book that may be laying the framework for future books.

I did enjoy the narration in this audiobook. Marguerite Gavin is really the perfect narrator for this series. She is Rachel in my mind but she also performs all of the different voices very well. I never have any trouble understanding who is speaking and her delivery really keeps my focus on the story.

I would recommend this book to others. This is the third book in the series and I really do think that this series needs to be read in order since everything builds from the earlier books. Readers who try to read this as a stand alone will most likely be quite lost. I am looking forward to starting the next audiobook in this series very soon!

Initial Thoughts
I liked this one but not as much as I did the previous one in the series. It felt like more of a transitional book in some ways.
Profile Image for Jonetta.
2,364 reviews1,191 followers
April 30, 2015
Even though there's a lot going on in this story, there seemed to be quite a few lulls. Fortunately, the many revelations kept it moving.

One of the things I like about Rachel is her ability to think her way through situations, especially when she's figuring out how to balance her magic skills with what she knows about the rules of her world. She's pressed to her limits in this story and learns so much about herself and her gifts.

I've not liked or trusted Nick Sparagmos and he doesn't do anything to change my opinion. Rachel's relationships expand and/or change significantly with some familiar names and some new ones. The jury's still out on some of them but they're infusing life in the series and are intriguing.

There's a moment with Trent that provides insight about the past as it relates to Rachel's father. With each story we seem to be learning more about Rachel's past and the implications on the present, which I find fascinating.

Marguerite Gavin continues her superb narration and it makes all the difference for me in staying in the story. Her characters are distinctive and her pacing is off the charts. I'll never go back to the eBook format.

I enjoyed the story and the action, though at times I thought they were unnecessarily drawn out. My most favorite scenes are where Rachel and Algaliarept (Al) match wits. You can't ever predict who'll end up on top. I'm very much enjoying the series.
Profile Image for Trish.
2,218 reviews3,689 followers
April 6, 2021
This third volume definitely did not have enough pixie in it! Nevertheless, it was hilarious, enlightening, breathtakingly fast-paced and FUN!

Rachel is hired by a musician to run security at his next concert. Then she finds out that - surprise! - her crappy as fuck "boyfriend" really is a rat and "needs space". For the record: I don't care about the familiar situation, he's a whiney ass and Kisten summarized it perfectly: the actual problem is Nick not liking that he's not the stronger one in the relationship. The sooner this asshole is gone, the better.
A subsequent date (on a dare) with Kisten ends up with Rachel having a run-in with Piscari's competition that gets more complicated throughout the novel.
The worst part, though, was when Jenks quit! I totally understand his situation, but mistakes were made on both sides and I want my damned pixie back - even if he did eat a wishing fish of all things! *lol*

From the details on Trent, his father's camp where Rachel was cured and the reason for the drug deals, to Ceri and how she can kick even a demon's ass - the book was a rollercoaster that was thrilling, hilarious, emotional and just great.

A few new characters (boy, do I hate Elsbeth already, but I love Trent's housekeeper), some old ones and - most importantly - a lot of fantastic magic (can't wait for Ceri teaching Rachel and therefore us readers more). Just what the doctor had ordered.
I just hope Rachel will stop being so stupid and needy when it comes to romantic (or even only sexual) interests.

Noteworthy is also that the author had yet another socio-political topic examined on an aside here. Where it was the nature/psychology of rape in the last book, it was the "one rotten fruit doesn't ruin the entire harvest" argument (Piscari is a master asshole and actual villain with no redeeming quality, but that doesn't mean all vamps are like him).

The series really is strong and versatile and the author is very talented. I'm feeling like I'm on a wonderful road trip with some friends and I can't wait to dive into yet more magic, which is why I'll be continuing with the next volume right away (which should tell you everything you need to know about just how addictive the series is).
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,098 reviews396 followers
August 6, 2015
I have a confession to make, I didn't love the first book in this series, in fact, I forced myself to finish it. And months later, decided to give the second a chance because some many people loved it.

And while I did like the second book, I still wasn't blown away by it and was still wondering, what all the fuss was about.

You see, it wasn't until book three, this book, that I finally got it. That something clicked and I understood what all the fuss was about.

Can I just say, I love Rachel, Ivy, and Jenks so very much? I mean, truly, I get it now, I really do.

This book was so much fun and I ended up reading late into the night to finish it and knew without hesitation, that I had to buy all the others. Thank goodness this series is over because now I get the privilege of being able to binge read the whole thing and it's summer so lots of late night readings for me!

So yeah, this series has everything I like in a good urban fantasy. Witches, demons, fairies, pixies, vamps, weres...the list could go on. Add in romance, action, adventure, danger, and Harrison truly did write something funtastic. I'm so excited to jump into book four.
Profile Image for John.
162 reviews7 followers
May 23, 2008
This, third, book of Kim Harrison's Rachel Morgan series has the weakest plot so far. On the other hand, the character driven scenes kept me reading, and when the plot finally got rolling in the last 30% of the book, I was frothing.

The book starts out with two problems presented to Rachel: A demon that she owes favors to has come to collect, and a new crime boss in town is making life difficult for everyone. After that, we get a lot of character development and the plot fades away, showing up now and again to remind the reader it exists. When it returns for good, it was intense, and I stayed up late into the night turning pages.

From about the 10% to the 70% mark the book is mostly character driven. As a guy, it edged on getting a bit too soap operaish and girlish. However, even the one scene that should of had me nodding off, a date scene with lots of clothes talk, was so well written I kept right on going. Without spoiling anything, I will say Rachel's love life gets a lot more complicated in this book.

I do like a strong plot, and I can a problem with this protagonist. She's throws herself into situations without a plan, and reacts. So unless the antagonist is in her face, scene after scene, she looses focus, and Harrison fills up the pages with side issues. I like a little of that, it makes it feel more real, but I'm hoping for stronger plots in the rest of the series.

One theme that this book addresses is "Who are the Monsters?" Trent, the very evil antagonist from the first book is back, but is he really on the side of darkness? And what about what Rachel and Ivy are doing for a living? Are they crossing over to the dark side? Many shades of grey in this book.

Anyway, a fun read, with a bit too much soap opera in the middle. I would not recommend this as a stand alone book, you'll want to start with Dead Which Walking.
Profile Image for Emma.
2,621 reviews1,039 followers
November 4, 2017
This one was excellent! A series that started well, got better in the second and has hit its stride in the third. I really enjoy the large cast. It reminds me of the Dresden files in that way, where each builds on the one before and the side characters develop along with the main protagonist and broaden the whole picture of the world created.
Recommended series. Book 4 here I come!
Profile Image for Sara Kate.
542 reviews167 followers
July 19, 2017
I loved this one, starting to really get into this series. Also.... I mean can we talk about Kisten?!?! I am so up for Rachel and Kisten as a couple. I feel kinda bad for Ivy though and her strong feelings toward Rachel and her not knowing what to do with them. I hope Ivy will find someone.
Profile Image for Kira.
1,262 reviews138 followers
March 22, 2020
2011: 3 stars
2020: 2.5 stars

This is the book of unhealthy relationships. It was difficult to get through because in almost every situation I wanted Rachel to make the opposite choice of the one she did. Many parts highlighted how insecure Rachel is and how she is desperate to be liked. Those emotional issues are why she makes many of the poor choices that she does.

Rachel is a mess. She dives into things without thinking of the consequences over and over again. She’s only still alive by sheer luck. Rachel may stand her ground with Ivy, but everyone else can easily convince her to do what she doesn’t want to do. Kisten convinces her to go on a date with him. When it all goes to shit, they start a relationship, which really isn’t cool considering he is her best friend’s ex. I hate it that Rachel bounces from one guy to the next when none of them seem compatible with her IMO.

Ivy continues to act like a jealous lover although she says it’s only about blood. I find that hard to believe. Their relationship is still unhealthy. Ivy is too needy. Vampires are not in good control of themselves because they are controlled by their instincts. Kisten has better control of himself than Ivy. He appears to be a good guy but some things about his personality annoy me. He’s a weird blend of dominant and submissive. He’s pushy with Rachel although not in the way Ivy is.

Al is an asshole although the scenes with him were entertaining and enlightening. I had forgotten how much I hated him in the early books because as the series goes on he grows on me. The physical abuse he inflicted on Rachel is hard to forgive.

Surprisingly Trent treated her better than anyone else. Their time together was my favorite part of the book. Trent’s motives don’t seem as bad as more is learned about him although he is definitely not a good guy. Rachel did learn more about what happened to her father from Trent.

I liked this book less than the first time I read it. Rachel is immature, and it shows with just about every interaction she has. Almost every word that comes out of her mouth is more idiotic than the last. Her outbursts are inappropriate and get her in a lot of trouble. I’m not looking forward to the next book because it’s my least favorite one in the series.
Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 5 books4,538 followers
March 28, 2021
The great Hollows Re-read!

It's funny how re-reads sometimes make you love the books even more. I mean, let's be real. Sometimes a re-read means you LOSE some of the charm that you felt the first time around.

But not here. I'm frankly flabbergasted at how much I'm loving this. My memory is apparently all wonky, too, because enough happens in books 2 and 3 to fill at least 4 average UF books and the development of the recurring side characters is absolutely delicious. Kisten in particular, but Al is really getting on my nerves in a good way and NEWT! Sheesh.

The only character I want to kick in his butt is Jenks, however. Come on, buddy! Eating that fish isn't the end of the world! The lies surrounding that fish, either! lol

And then there's Trent. Trent, Trent, Trent, Trent...

Still loving this. And it's so damn impressive to see this versus what happens later, together.
Profile Image for Linda.
2,042 reviews62 followers
March 10, 2020
Re-reading via audio and it´s even better the second time around =)

Rachel´s having a hard time, the last time she had to save herself put her in debt with a demon, not a place you want to be. Now he´s coming to collect, her latest enemy is wanting her help and somehow she has to keep her new family safe. Could it be done?
PNR suspense, action and fluff in an awesome combo.
Bingelistening and loving it =)
Profile Image for La La.
191 reviews
September 7, 2012
I'm currently on book three and I really don't know what to say. This series doesn't really do it for me but I feel deeply compelled to continue on hoping that it gets better. So far I find Rachel to be judgemental, a bit of a victim, and too stupid to live, yet she's suppose to be the baddest b^%$!. I don't see it. She's constantly getting her butt kicked and getting lucky in the end with the help of others. She can't stand Trent for his business dealings, drugs and biomedical research, which is illegal. Even after he finally confesses to her the reason behind his activity she feels no sympathy for his plight. Yet she forgives Kisten, her vampire lover, for "accidently" killing 16 people on a rivals boat. His excuse "I warned my enemy and I thought he would get the people off the boat". That would not be a good enough excuse for me. That's like saying "Yeah, I pulled the trigger but they were suppose to get out the way. I wasn't aiming for them." I figured as an ex I.S. agent she would feel compelled to turn him in considering the right and wrong of the situation, but no. She decides it wasn't his fault because his rival should have gotten the people off the boat. WHAT?

What keeps me coming back are the supportive character, Trent, Jenks and fam, Glenn & Edden, and even Ivy, when she not creeping me out. This series has so many flaws I'm constantly reading in disbelief but I will definitely finish the series because even a bad book can in someway's be good. It's like reading a Jackie Collins book, you know it stupid but you just can't stop.
Profile Image for Belen (f.k.a. La Mala ✌).
846 reviews569 followers
January 8, 2016

¿Alguien más que extrañe a Buffy tanto como yo?


Bien, no os preocupeís más....


....porque Buffy vive en casi todas las novelas de fantasía urbana y THE HOLLOWS no es una excepción (por suerte)


Y si no hay ganas de leer, Buffy está en Netflix ;)

ACLARACIÓN: Aunque esta reseña tiene marcado 'spoilers' después de cada ítem, no suelo spoilear nada. Es decir, no escribo nada que arruine la trama principal. (En caso de hacerlo, lo advierto previamente con una nueva marca de spoiler>!! O sea, te encajo un spoiler adentro del spoiler, porque estoy muy jugada, y soy re heavy y re jodida.)

¿De qué trata? : Rachel Morgan, la bruja que se queja de todo y todos, tiene un nuevo del tema del cual quejarse y situaciones riegosas en dónde perder el tiempo quejándose. ¿De quién se quejará en conjunto en esta nueva entrega?

Género: Fantasía Urbana (a.k.a Fantasía influenciada por Anne Rice y/o Joss Whedon)

La historia en cuestión, ¿Se adapta correctamente a su género ?

Punto de vista :
¿Es parte de una serie?
En caso de serlo, ¿es necesario leer los libros que lo preceden?

¿Hay romance?
En caso de haberlo, ¿entorpece la trama?:

Personajes: ¿Están bien desarrollados? ¿Son creíbles?

Personaje favorito:

Personaje a jubilar:

Narración: ¿Está mal escrito?

¿Presenta situaciones realistas?

Clichés :

Nivel de Originalidad

Puede causar gracia (sin intención del autor/a)


Urban Fantasy

¿Qué podemos esperar?

¿Escenas hot?

Posibles bajones (puede variar según el lector)

Credibilidad del world-building: Del 1 al 10

¿Ofensas? ( Ya sea el autor, quien narra la historia, o desde comentarios de personajes secundarios…)


¿Me gustó? Sí. Más allá de las decepciones. El mundo de los Inderlanders sigue siendo atrapante. Cuando la autora se vuelca de lleno el la aventura, es insuperable.

¿Hay cosas peores?

¿Libros peores?

¿Libros mejores? En el género, supongo que sí. (¿Kate Daniels? No soy seguidora de esa serie, pero reconozco que es superior)

TL;DR: Si se bancan el cliché de *toma aire*, si dejan de lado eso (que, desafortunadamente, en esta ocasión ocupa más espacio del que debería) la serie vale la pena, las escenas de acción y la trama de The Hollows (mucha bruja y mucho demonio, intrigas de drug-lords y los mundos del más allá-más acá) son interesantes y muy entretenidas.

Lo recomendaría a quienes les gusta.. A cualquiera que le guste la fantasía urbana y lea a Ilona Andrews, Kelley Armstrong, etc.

Puntaje final: 3.5

Profile Image for Kribu.
510 reviews55 followers
May 21, 2014
Hmm. I felt this one was a little weaker, overall, than the second book - possibly because there was a little less emphasis on plot and a little more on Rachel finding more or less every single guy hot.

It didn't really bother me - for which I need to give the author some props, because it so easily could have, and should have - but really, it was getting ever so slightly ridiculous how Rachel was basically drooling over every man she met. Kisten's hot. Trent's hot. David's hot. Lee's hot. Nick .. who? I have to admit, I was more intrigued by the guys Rachel didn't drool over but described in appreciative ways anyway, though - Quen, Takata and, well, yeah, Algaliarept. Can't help that. (Also, the other ones all just sound far too young for my taste.)

I do hope there's a little ... well, maybe she could just settle for drooling over no more than two guys a book, hmm? Although I don't really foresee that happen. Ah well.

I do hope the next books will eventually be, well, edited, though. So many things in this one made me wince - not just misspellings but there was one lengthy part in the middle of the book in particular where there was a horrid over-abundance of epithets. The distasteful man. The older elf. The overly tall man. The shorter but well-proportioned man. All for people whose names we (and Rachel) knew. Grgh. (Sorry, it's one of my pet peeves as far as writing goes.)

Anyway, all that aside, and in spite of the abundance of things I don't normally care for, there's something undeniably appealing about the series. I've warmed to Rachel enough and find both the general plot and the recurring characters intriguing enough to want to continue for certain.
Profile Image for vale pao.
644 reviews357 followers
March 16, 2010
I loved this one!
So much better than the first 2 books. I enjoyed every page of this book, although it took me much more time to read it.

Rachel is becoming stronger, which I love, I really want her to become even more powerful than she already is.
Nick didn't make an appearance after the first half of the book, which IMHO was the reason for why I adored this book much more than the first 2. He is a boring and irrelevant character and (even if I know it is a terrible thing to say) I wish he could just dye, but a good read's friend told me he will keep coming in all the books.
Kisten is super hot. I love him. And I really like the relationship that is settling between him and Rachel.
Although my fave character is Trent! And I kinda believe that he and Rachel would end up together at the end. I mean don't get me wrong, I love Kist, but Trent is the best and he will win at the very end.

This series is getting better and better with every new book I read. I can't wait to read the next one. If it is as good as this one, both are going to my faves shelf.
Profile Image for Mark.
498 reviews85 followers
March 12, 2015
These just keep the high standards since the first book.

Good character maturity.
Profile Image for Anna.
Author 3 books42 followers
February 4, 2024
Ah, Kisten. Still Rachel's best boyfriend ever. Ch. 7, Ch. 10-15, 21-33.
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,470 reviews352 followers
February 10, 2024
Every Which Way But Dead was another amazing installment in The Hollows series where Rachel has to deal with the consequences of her actions in The Good, the Bad, and the Undead.

Life as a witch is never easy and Rachel Morgan has risked life and limb while out on her runs as a bounty hunter for the supernatural. With Cincinnati's underworld in turmoil after Rachel helped put away its' former vampire kingpin, Rachel finds herself being pulled back into the fray. Rachel already has her hands full fending off her roommate's attentions, dealing with the fallout of keeping a secret from one of her partners, and trying to resist her sexy new vampire suitor. But Rachel's time is almost up as she made a deal with a demon when she took down Piscary and now he's coming to collect his due.

After the ending of The Good, the Bad, and the Undead, I wondered how Rachel's deal with Al would end up playing out. Making deals with demons can be a deadly experience and Rachel's deal in particular is a bad one. Throughout the book Rachel has a number of run-ins with Al as he tries to collect on Rachel's side of the bargain. It was interesting watching her try to work her way around fulfilling her end and I liked the way it ultimately played out. There were quite a few surprises connected to the situation with Al, including the introduction of Ceri's character.

While the whole Al situation is going on, Rachel also has to deal with unrest in the vampire world after she ousted Piscary. Kisten is currently acting as the head of the vampire factions in Cincinnati to mixed results. A situation with Trent also comes up that Rachel ends up roped into and that was actually the most interesting of the three storylines in my opinion. I've come to actually really enjoy Rachel and Trent's interactions which is really a testament to how well the author writes as Trent's character felt unredeemable after the events of the first book. And as if there isn't enough going on in Rachel's life, her love life is also mixed up in this book. Personally I'm not happy with any of the pairings so far but I'm interested to see if my feelings change as the series goes on.

Overall Every Which Way But Dead was a great read and I'm looking forward to picking up A Fistful of Charms soon.
Profile Image for Kat Day.
Author 2 books30 followers
September 25, 2020
Hello fellow reviewers! Minor spoilers ahead. In this installment of the Hollows series, we meet lots of new characters, say interesting goodbyes and even better hellos, and we go in deep with new plots. You may have noticed my four star rating and that may confuse you considering this is my favorite series. That being said, I enjoyed this book but it's not one of my favorites. I'll explain later. I always start with my good feelings on it.

Soooo, I love the budding new alliance between Trent and Rachel. I've always loved Trent - even in the first one because I thought he was such a manipulative, evil genius. I enjoy the complicated feelings Rachel has between Quen and the continued hate she has toward Jonathan. I also like that we get a little insight to what kind of magic they're all capable of. Mmm, Trent. Also, I can't wait for them and Ceri to meet because HA. And Ellasbeth, I want to punch you in the face because I know what you do to Trent later.

I don't like that Jenks left and I curse Rachel for not sharing the secret with him even though I understand why. He does lighten up the books with his humor and his ego. Besides, I love the way she describes the pixies and all their dust and high-pitched giggling. I loved it when he got all choked up about his daughter being the first one to leave the church and how he got Ivy that Bite Me doll.

And well, now there's Kisten. We all know it was going to happen, she's been hinting at it from book two. They had a moment in the elevator and now they had a bigger moment on Ivy's couch - which I find hilarious. Though Kisten has never been my favorite boyfriend, I do love the way he makes Rachel feel. Confident and sexy and professional. I love that he takes her out on dates and plays the gentleman, even when he's slightly manipulating her. I do love that he's just a big teddy bear vampire around some people and a lethal killer around those who deserve it.

But I just love Nick more, which is why I'm so keen to start the fourth one. Oh, Nick. What trouble you'll bring us. I like that even though Nick is human, he still strives to make his magic work and he has all these wonderful little secrets and habits that seem to stress everyone but him out.

So now the reason why I rated this four stars. It's not the writing because I love her writing. Kim Harrison is a very talented world builder and introduces characters that are very multi-faceted and personable. But I feel like we met too many people in this one while dealing with the rest of the plot. We literally meet - David, Erica, Lee, Takata, Ellasbeth, Ceri, Newt, Skimmer, and a handful of minor characters... it was just too much for me strung in with all the rest of what was going on. Information overload. Like this was the book where all the important people for the plots eight books later all came in to play.

And I don't like Algaliarept in this book. Granted, he's a villain. But I love me some villains and he's just not one I enjoy. I feel like this one had a Supernatural curse where the same things tend to happen - Al shows up and Rachel gets her ass kicked and then something happens and Al has to vanish or be banished. I kind of felt his plot was an endless loop even with the ending. She still owes him and we all know he's coming back, regardless of who he chose to keep as his familiar. And now there's Newt, so there's another demon she owes. The back and forth "I'll owe you a favor" gets kind of old and I wish Rachel would find a way just to kill demons already.

But I still enjoyed this book. It's just not my favorite in the series and I wasn't very happy with Rachel through most of it. I know, however, that the fourth one kind of introduces a very exciting premise for me and so I'm ready to get reading.

Recommended for fans of urban fantasy and kick-ass heroines.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,647 reviews

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