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She Who Knows #1

She Who Knows: A Tale of the Heart

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Isolated on a Maui mountaintop, Cassandra has only her imagination to keep her company. Shut in due to her heart condition and shut out emotionally by her father, she meets the Menehune in a dream. Their "Gift" enables her to take the first step away from her loneliness. Along the way she finds an amazing woman in the grandmother she never knew and experiences true friendship with a new classmate. Eventually she learns that to love another she must open her heart, even if it means it may break.

232 pages, Kindle Edition

Published May 29, 2016

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About the author

Barbara Bras

3 books150 followers
In 2015, Barbara Bras left her career to pursue her dream of serving God. She believed that her first step would be to share the amazing ways God had blessed her. As she wrote of her son's miraculous adoption and the challenging years that followed, it led to the rediscovery of her entire life, including the history of her grandparents' remarkable survival in Armenia and her search for purpose and love. Her memoir led to her first novel, which she hopes readers will find engaging and memorable.

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Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews
Profile Image for Jessica Baker (A Baker's Perspective).
1,271 reviews72 followers
July 28, 2016
The was such a fun and whimsical story! My heart went out to poor Cassandra from the beginning, but the more I read about her, the more I became proud of her character. I couldn't imagine being alone as she was and became engrossed in the creative Menehune storyline. I loved Barbara's imagination in writing this book! Between the story of the Menehune, the descriptive dreams Cassandra had, and Cassandra's interesting situation at school, she had my attention throughout the entire story. I felt Cassandra's age progressed at just the right speed so that you saw her mature into a young woman, but not so fast that you felt like you were missing out on her childhood.

This book is out of the normal type of read for me, but I am so glad that I gave it a chance. I hope to read more stories like this one from Barbara in the future! Here is another author to add to my wonderful author list. Thank you Barbara for such a treat!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from CelebrateLit in exchange for an honest review which I have given.
Profile Image for Debbie.
2,319 reviews4 followers
July 21, 2016
"She Who Knows" by Barbara Bras is a story of a lonely little girl who for 5 years lived a lonely life. At age five she was moved to a Maui mountaintop and was visited once a month by her father and a physician.
She had one desire, she wanted to go to school with other children. My heart was sad while reading this book, it brought feelings of my childhood back to me, no I wasn't alone but I felt friendless.

"She Who Knows" weaves Hawaiian scenery and culture into the story.

I like how this story points out that things aren't always the way they seem. I was hoping for a different outcome bewteen Cassandra and her father but the story does have a somewhat happy ending to the relationship.

I really would like a sequel to "She Who Knows".

I really felt Cassandra's pain when she lost the only one she felt understood her, her grandmother. I was really glad when Zack befriended her. And I have to be honest and say I am glad when Micheal went back to his old girlfriend. Hope I have shared enough to make you want to read "She Who Knows.

Oh, I forgot to mention the little dragon that she thinks gives her special powers and then she has to decide if she wants to use the "Gift" or not.

I am giving "She Who Knows" by Barbara Bras four stars.

I was given a copy of "She Who Knows" by Barbara Bras by the author and Celebrate Lit for an honest review in the book tour.
Profile Image for Lori.
1,892 reviews124 followers
June 29, 2016
I think that this book was an interesting read. I can relate to the girl in the story somewhat. I had 2 holes in my heart instead of one. I was only an infant at the time so I don't remember too much.
Cassandra is an amazing person. I don't think I want her gift though. That's a scary deal! I also think in some ways that it would be cool to be able to change a persons mind to get them to do what you want.
Like Cassandra I was very close to my grandmother. I was very upset when my grandmother died because she was a lady that I could tell anything to, or how I felt on some things. But, like Cassandra I also adjusted without her. I think her dad felt lost without his mom.
See, to me, enjoy someone when they are alive. You never know when you might not have them anymore. Life is too short to stay angry. Life is too short for anything really.
To me, the book starts out slow but it really gets interesting about the middle of the book. The cover of the book is just absolutely beautiful!!
I strongly recommend this book to people who like a little bit of a fairy tale, romance and I believe there is a little bit of mystery all rolled into one !!!
I received a copy of this book from Celebrit Lit bloggers in exchange for an honest review
Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this book
1,846 reviews
August 3, 2016
She Who Knows by Barbara Bras is a coming of age story about a young woman who is learning to navigate this world she lives in during the 1950’s. At 5 years of age her mother passes and she herself has a heart problem and is sent away to live in her late grandparents’ home in Maui. She is alone and secluded for health reasons but this also takes a toll on her emotions and socially. Adding a little fairytale mix to the story, at the age of 10 she dreams of the Menehune (which to me seems to be like fairies/leprechauns of European folklore) for the first time and these dreams stick with her. We are with her as she grows up and finally is allowed out into the real world where she encounters a little bit of bullying, she meets her mother’s family whom she didn’t even know existed, and she meets her very best friend. As she opens up her heart she discovers that she must forgive, that some pain is more than physical, and maybe her father really does love her.

This is a sweet story and I enjoyed visiting Hawaii and being introduced to some of its folklore. There is a little bit of paranormal woven into the story as well, enough mysteriousness to keep you turning the pages. I would recommend this to young adults and adults alike. I received a copy through Celebrate Lit for an honest review and the opinions are my own.
1,572 reviews28 followers
July 29, 2016

Cassandra lived a very lonely life because of her illness, not being able to attend school, or even go out an play with other children her age. When she meets little people called Menehune in a dream, her life changed because these little people gave her the ability to read other people's minds.

I felt so bad for Cassandra because she didn't have the life of a normal child. And then she looses her grandmother, which was even more heartbreaking. The story gets interesting when the Menehune arrives, though at first I wasn't sure where the story was going. But then as I kept reading, and the story gets into an older Cassandra, it gets more meaningful for me, and I really enjoyed reading it. This is my first book by Barbara Bras, and it was a delight to read. I encourage you to pick up a copy for yourself to read. You will not be disappointed.

I received this book from Celebration Lit Blog Tours to read and review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 55.
Profile Image for Amy.
134 reviews
July 25, 2016
Cassandra lived a lonely life. Sheltered from the world and overprotected by her family her life is lonely. She meets mythical creatures called the Menehune and they give her an amazing gift, she becomes able to read other people's thoughts. Imagine if you had been granted this, would you use this gift? Cassandra takes on the world around her in attempts to change her future. In doing so she grows as a person and has to make decisions on when and when not to use the gift she has been presented with.

Cassandra was a vibrant character. It takes a really skilled writer to bring a person alive in a story. Barbra Bras did a remarkable job with this! Her back up characters in the story were equally well thought out. I really enjoyed her grandmother, Leora as well. She had a zest for life and brought out the best in her granddaughter. There were also many scenes that required kleenex so I would recommend having a box with you!

I got this book in exchange for a fair review but loved it so much I bought an extra copy to gift to a friend!
Profile Image for Crystal Scott.
230 reviews11 followers
July 25, 2016
She Who Knows: A Tale of Heart is written by Barbara Bras. This is the first book that I have read by this author and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Cassandra, who is isolated on a Maui mountaintop, has her imagination to keep her company. She is a shut-in due to her heart condition and shut out by her father. At the age of 5 she was moved to this mountaintop in Maui, her father and doctor only came once a month to visit her.

Cassandra meets Menehune in a dream and their gift enables her to take the first step away from the loneliness she feels. Along the way she finds true friendship with a new classmate and learns enable to love another, she has to open her heart.

This book had me crying, smiling, and reminiscing about my childhood and even my adulthood. If you are looking for a book that will soften your heart then She Who Knows is for you.

Thank you to the Author, Publisher and to Celebrate Lit for providing me with a copy of this book for my honest review.
Profile Image for Kathy.
587 reviews
July 26, 2016
There was much to love about this book. There were descriptions of Cassie's imaginings and dreams that transported the reader to a fantasy world. There was the opportunity to experience, through the eyes of a child, Cassie growing up physically, emotionally, and socially. There was a theme throughout the book of how important other people are, and how our encounters with them, small or great, can immensely shape the people we come to be. While many descriptive passages were amazing, sometimes I thought that the dialogue and transitions could have been developed more fully.

This book would appeal to those with an interest in folklore, those with an interest in Hawaii, and those who enjoy stories about children.

I received a copy of this book through Celebrate Lit, in exchange for an honest review, which I have given.
Profile Image for Jennifer  J..
481 reviews56 followers
August 1, 2016
A well written and very intriguing storyline.
Barbara Bras has crafted a moving tale of a young girl’s triumph over childhood illness, loneliness and unexplored faith. In a clever mix of reality, fantasy and faith, Cassandra’s story will capture reader’s hearts and bring them along with her as she grows into a young woman of earnest self-realization, spiritual depth who ultimately discovers true family and real love.
All in all, I highly recommend this enthralling read = a 5 of 5 stars! Thank you, Barbara Bras for creating this touching and thought-provoking story!
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review. All expressed opinions are my own, and no monetary compensation was received for this review.
Profile Image for Chastity Ray.
168 reviews2 followers
July 24, 2016
I wasn't sure what to make of the book at first because it's not written in your typical "love story" style but don't let that stop you from reading this wonderful book. I thouroughly enjoyed the author's style of writing. She describes people, places and even plants with such detail that you can vividly see them in your mind's eye. Cassie's struggle is so real that I believe all readers can connect with her one some level. We all want to love and be loved in return. This is a unique novel and a delightful read and I hope everyone will give She Who Knows a try.
Author 4 books14 followers
June 18, 2016
It was a charming story of a lonely girl growing up and finally obtaining the love she yearned for. I enjoyed the "things aren't always what they seem" relation. It's a great life lesson in general!
Profile Image for DiAne Gates.
Author 3 books6 followers
April 7, 2017
A story of innocence, grief, and unusual emotional deformity that may forever ruin Cassandra Bartholomew’s ability to love. Add a splash of folk lore, a cast of powerful characters, and you have a page-turning coming of age story that will keep you up long past the mid-night hour.

Ms. Bras weaves a story in HD that will play across the screen of your mind and keep you guessing, but wanting more. And with a background in Hawaii what’s not to love? Great writing! Great story! Great artistry with words!
Profile Image for DiAne Gates.
Author 3 books6 followers
July 30, 2017

A story of innocence, grief, and unusual emotional deformity that may forever ruin Cassandra Bartholomew’s ability to love. Add a splash of folk lore, a cast of powerful characters, and you have a page-turning coming of age story that will keep you up long past the mid-night hour.

Ms. Bras weaves a story in HD that will play across the screen of your mind and keep you guessing, but wanting more. And with a background in Hawaii what’s not to love? Great writing! Great story! Great artistry with words!

Profile Image for Suzanne Pavlick.
Author 1 book4 followers
February 24, 2017
This is one of those books that you would read again and again. I don't want to give anything away. All I can say is if you want to read a fantastic book this is the one! It makes you feel like you're in the story. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!
Profile Image for Kristen.
356 reviews1 follower
August 13, 2023
Interesting story begins with a young girl , Cassandra, who is house ridden until she is 11 years old due to what is believed to be the best treatment for her heart condition. Cassandra has discovered she also has a gift to read other's thoughts. She is desperate for friends and to go to school and she is finally able to however, not surprisingly, this proves difficult for Cassandra to fit in & make friends. She also learns about and meets family she had no idea existed, who become a big part of her life. The story does skip ahead 7 years and picks up when Cassie is about to leave home in Hawaii & attend a post secondary school in Chicago.

Overall I enjoyed this story a lot & it's ironic to me I am ready a story taking place in Hawaii when the island of Maui is currently dealing with catastrophic fires.
Profile Image for Amy Ingalls.
1,285 reviews14 followers
October 16, 2019
I won this book in a Goodreads Giveaway, and the author was nice enough to send me the sequel as well. The story was charming, although I wish some parts were a little more developed. I enjoyed the Hawaiian setting and would love to learn more about Menehunes.
Profile Image for Lace.
224 reviews
September 20, 2016
I have never read any of Barbara Bras' books before this one so i didnt know what to expect. I really enjoyed her writing style and the way she tells a story. This was a wonderful book that kept me hooked. It was a quick read for me because i had a hard time finding a good spot to stop, so i just kept reading. I will be looking for more of Barbaras books in the future.
Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews

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