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Village Love #1


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How long can you wait on a promise?

After his first night with Mal, Rick broke the habit of a lifetime and invited the sexy radiographer to spend the weekend in the sleepy English village he called home. Rick isn’t in denial but he’s afraid to reveal his sexuality in the close-knit community that has known him since he was a babe in arms.

The sex is amazing but equally Mal loves lazy days spent in the garden at Slopy Bottom, and every precious moment he spends with Rick. For Mal the village quickly becomes an oasis of peace, far from the noise and grime of life in London, a slice of tranquillity with Rick at the heart. But Mal has defied his family and his religion to be true to himself, and there is no way can he join Rick in his self-built closet, no matter how comfortable it is...

Rick is afraid revealing the true nature of his relationship with Mal will change the way his neighbours see him. He adores these people, this village, and he can’t face the thought of losing everything over who he chooses to sleep with. When the alternative is giving up a man who has slotted perfectly into his life—a man who he might just love—it’s no choice at all. But, knowing what has to be done isn’t always as easy as putting it into practice.


First published July 5, 2016

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About the author

Lillian Francis

17 books102 followers
Lillian Francis is an English writer who likes to dabble in many genres but always seems to return to the here and now.

Their name may imply a grand dame in pink chiffon and lace, but Lillian is more at home in jeans, Converse, and the sort of T-shirts that often need explaining to the populous at large but will get a fist bump at Comic-Con. Lillian is a self-confessed geek who likes nothing more than settling down with a comic or a good book, except maybe writing. Given a notepad, pen, her Kindle, and an infinite supply of chocolate Hob Nobs and they can lose themself for weeks. Romance was never their reading matter of choice, so it came as a great surprise to all concerned, including themself, to discover a romance was exactly what they’d written, and not the rollicking spy adventure or cosy murder mystery they always assumed they’d write. Luckily there's always room for romance no matter what plot bunny chooses to bite them, so never say never to either of those stories appearing.

Lillian lives in an imposing castle on a windswept desolate moor or in an elaborate shack on the edge of a beach somewhere, depending on their mood. And while they’d love for the heroes of their stories to either be chained up in the dungeon or wandering the shack serving drinks in nothing but skimpy barista aprons more often than not they are doing something far less erotic like running charity shops and shovelling elephant shit.

Drawn to the ocean, although not in a Reginald Perrin sort of way, Lillian would love to own a camper van and to live by the sea.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 36 reviews
Profile Image for Jay Northcote.
Author 48 books1,632 followers
July 9, 2016
This is a really sweet, feelgood story. I particularly recommend it to all Anglophiles as the setting is gloriously British.
Looking forward to more in this series, but this book definitely works as a standalone.
Profile Image for Stella ╰☆╮╰☆╮.
746 reviews30 followers
November 1, 2016
Resistance is the first book in a new series by Lillian Francis called Village Love. I recommend to read the short prequel Resonance, first, just to better enjoy the story of Mal and Rick and to see how they met in a MRI scan room.

I liked this book so much for many reasons. First of all I found in Lillian Francis, once a new to me author, an amazing talent and I soon put her among my favorite authors. I’m pretty sure I’m going to read more of her stories in my next future.

Rick and Mal and their relationship is exactly what I like to see in my books, it was sweet and sexy, but most of all was realistic, in the fear of being out of the closet, in the fear of lose someone cause you don’t want to close that closet you opened years ago. I saw the deep hope in a possible future made of uncertainties and at the same time full of the desire to be beside your love one even if you are miles away from him. I saw how much they tried, just like we do everyday in our real lives.

The bonus was the setting. I adore romance set in small villages like Slopy Bottom, the peace, the people, the nature and the sceneries Lillian was great at describing.

I can’t wait to know more about these boys and a couple more of guys I fell in love with while reading Resistance. I’m so happy to know (cause I’m stalking the author and I’m not sorry about it) there is so much coming soon.

I feel to recommend it especially if you’re looking for an angst-free, light and well written story.

The cover art by Garrett Leigh follows the style of the series covers, different and so welcomed.
Profile Image for Jax.
976 reviews34 followers
May 25, 2020
Oh, I liked this very much. Spending time with these two sweet guys (from Resonance) in this sleepy English village was the perfect escape from real life pandemic stress. But really, it’s just a good story well told. Perfect for anytime you don’t want murders and mayhem or loads of angst. Moving right on to book 2 featuring two other village characters.
Profile Image for Daniel Mitton.
Author 3 books37 followers
August 6, 2016
(Originally reviewed for Love Bytes Reviews with a copy provided by the publisher / author for an honest review.)

I was so in the mood for this sweet, no angst love story. Malik and Rick are the sort of feel good couple that leave you with a smile on your face. Was there some drama, some resistance to change, resistance to coming out, and some miscommunication in their story? Of course. Isn’t there in any new relationship?

When we rejoin the two men, they’ve moved beyond the initial infatuation stage and started spending weekends together…well…sort of. Rick is still in a panic about Mal coming to his tiny village of Slopy Bottom because it is so tiny that everyone knows everyone else’s business. How will he hide that he and Mal are seeing each other if he comes? So he is making excuses right and left and going to London to see Mal instead of Mal coming to see him.

Then Mal surprises him by already being on the train out from London when he calls him. Rick can’t back out this time, and Mal arrives for the weekend. What follows is a series of weekends as the men get to know each other better. But will the residents of Slopy Bottom, who have known Rick all his life, understand what is going on? How will they react?

I’m really hoping we get some more of their story. This one ends in a great place, but I’d like more! What happens with Malik’s mother, sister and cousin? What is the story with some of the other men in the sleepy little village? Inquiring minds want to know! Well…at least this one does!

I highly recommend this story. If you’re in the mood for a feels good type read, it would be perfect.
Profile Image for Melissa.
182 reviews4 followers
July 27, 2016
Mal and Rick are a sweet and fun couple that I enjoyed spending time with. The snapshot of their world exposed the blooming romance between these two very different people. I liked reading about their individual nuances from Mal's religion work and London life, to Rick's farming in the sleepy village of Slopy Bottom and his cooky neighbor Edna. Resistance was a very endearing story with charming characters thorough out.
Profile Image for Elisa Rolle.
Author 62 books235 followers
November 26, 2016
2016 Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention: Resistance by Lillian Francis
The best was the setting. I felt small-town England seen through a Muslim's eyes. Great. Next best was the character development. Nice to have a practicing Muslim paired up with a Brit.
Profile Image for Shandra.
204 reviews18 followers
December 31, 2017
I want to live in Slopy Bottom!

Small town life is not new to me -I'm so far in the Deep South I live in perpetual fear of being battered and deep-fried- yet Lillian Francis manages to make me yearn for a quaint English village of my own to live in with her Village Love series. Mal and Rick are still batting a winning game of love together after their meeting in Resonance; I absolutely treasure the joy I got to share in with them as they fell more and more in sync with one another leading up to both of them realizing love such as theirs shouldn't be kept separate in any manner.

Coming out isn't easy for anyone no matter how open-minded the world is becoming to lifestyles outside the views of classic heteronormativity. I respected Mal for giving Rick time to adjust to the idea of his entire world -his village filled with all his friends as well as his family and his business- knowing he was a gay man. I respected Rick more for realizing Mal didn't deserve to be with someone who wanted him to hide his true self while claiming to care for him.

Resistance moves with the leisurely pace of life in a small village, calm, cozy, and complete with a few bits of gossip, rumors, and little disasters. I never wanted to leave the love story of Mal and Rick or the people of Slopy Bottom. I have to admit having two hopelessly lovesick men rescue baby ducklings in what amounts to the village green is the best coming out story I've ever read.

I was privileged enough to receive a complimentary copy of Resistance from the author through the MMRG Don't Buy My Love review program. I intend to add a copy to my permanent collection as I know I'll want to visit with these men and this village again in the future. I can't wait to see what happens next in Village Love!
Profile Image for Grace.
3,039 reviews183 followers
January 22, 2018
Enjoyable read!

I really enjoyed the small English-town setting, and the dynamic between Rick and Mal was lovely. The relationship did feel like it moved a bit fast, and I felt like the author was spending a little too much time trying to sell me on background characters that I am fairly certain she intends to write as sequels, which I wasn't that interested in...But I did enjoy. :)

(Also, this is such a silly, small qualm. But I found it a little annoying that for how much they kept going on about how much Rick liked being fucked, we never actually got a scene with that happening. There was always something that prevented full penetration on screen. Small thing, but I was like, stop talking about it so much if you're not actually going to write it!)
Profile Image for Mari  Cardenas.
2,189 reviews25 followers
July 26, 2016
*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie in exchange for a fair and honest review. ***

Resistance is book 1 in the Village Love series, however, I suggest picking up Resonance, a short story that shows us how Mal and Rick met and is currently free at ARe (until July 31st), because I have to admit I was feeling a tad lost until I did.

Rick and Malik met in Resonance when Rick had to go to a different hospital to get an MRI of his shoulder and they hit it off, deciding to start a long-distance relationship.

In Resistance, Rick and Malik are still going strong, however, they have a few hurdles that they need to get over if they plan on continuing their relationship. Namely, Rick's reticence at having Malik visit Slopy Bottom, the village where he's lived all his life and where he's the handyman. Rick is not ready to be out there, even if he is all for the PDA whenever he visits Mal in London. And Mal isn't ready to introduce Rick to his family, since he's not sure they'll be able to get past Rick's issues. Would they be able to find a happy medium and a way to get their happily ever after?

I adored Rick and Malik, they were very likable characters and despite them both doing some things that made me want to slap some sense into them, I couldn't just not love them anyway. They were awesome together and had the kind of chemistry and love you know it's everlasting.

The villagers were amazing as well, and having them interact with both Mal and Rick, gave the book depth and many scenes that had me laughing out loud. I'm very eager to find out who will get their book written next, Smudge, Adam or someone else entirely? Anyone it is, I'm definitely going to be waiting for it eagerly!

This was one of the most disarmingly charming British books I've ever read, it was funny, sweet, romantic with fantastic characters that I fell in love with. Definitely recommendable!

Rating: 4.5 Stars!!!
3,056 reviews21 followers
January 14, 2021
There is something just utterly special about these two
Well these two have so much pain in their life really but finding each other has bought them happiness. You’ve got Mal Who lives in the most amazing village where everybody knows everybody. He is very happy where he is but there is one super big secret he is hiding from them because he doesn’t know how they react if they found out that he is gay. Then you have Rick who is happy to tell people that he’s gay but his family can’t except his sexuality. When Rick surprises Mal With a visit to his sleepy sleepy village. Mal first panics wondering what the villages will think of a man coming to visit him. But then the time they share is so precious he just asks Rick to hide it when they go out the house.
Will Mal ever get the courage to come out to the people of his village??
Will ricks family ever except him??
Will they stay together or will it all just get too much??
I was totally hooked on these two. Because I can imagine this happening and it broke my heart really to see how much they both hurt but together it was like they were whole. The romance in this book made my heart sing they were just so magical together the passion for one another just gave me a warm feeling. But on the other side the pain that they felt to hide who they were or to not be accepted for who they were was just soul destroying really. This is a brilliant book And I can see myself re-reading their story

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Marion.
1,204 reviews
January 1, 2022
This is the first book in the series that I have read. As with all books by this author it is very well written and easy to read. This is a slow building love story. When we meet Mal and Rick they are already in a relationship of sorts. Mal is a radiographer who lives in the big city. Rick is a local handyman who loves his small town. They met when Rick went for some tests for an injured shoulder. The chemistry was instant and they have been together ever since. Rick cares a lot about Mal and is happy to go visit him in the city. Mal wants to be with Rick in his home town. That is where the drama begins. While Rick may be comfortable in being gay; he isn't too sure about letting all his neighbors know. He is afraid to lose the only home he has if people react negatively. An oh too common fear no matter where you live. Rick must decide when the fear of rejection by his friends and neighbors no longer outweighs his fear of losing Mal. This is their story.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Emily Pennington.
18.9k reviews321 followers
January 12, 2021
After one night with Malik (“Mal”), Rick inadvertently invited the radiographer to spend the weekend in the sleepy English village that had always been his home, a community which had known him since he was a baby. But now he’s squirming at the thought because he is not sure how the village would accept his relationship that he doesn’t want them to notice. He loves his neighbors and is afraid how they will see him and how things might change. But he may be falling in love with Mal, and he definitely doesn’t want to give him up either! Mal is open about his sexuality, and Rick realizes it would not be right to make him hide who he is. So a decision will have to be made. Will Rick choose Mal? Or is Slopy Bottom too much a part of his life to risk, even for love?

This is a terrific story that is well worth reading. The characters are very likable and the author lets the reader share their emotions in a real way. There are many issues to consider, but maybe only one truly matters. Grab your copy and let the town pull you in.
Profile Image for Calila.
1,167 reviews96 followers
December 19, 2017
*A free copy was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*

A little bit of a slow read, but it is deeply intimate. The relationship is very well developed. I accidentally read this first, instead of Resonance. But I didn't feel lost, all that was missing was how they met, not having read it doesn't detract from Resistance. I will say, I feel like it could've been shorter. It dragged in spots for me. I struggled with Rick's reluctance to be public. I struggled with Mal's refusal to be honest (though at the same time I appreciated his desire to give Rick time.) I do like how it's resolved. So it kind of ends up worth it. I really liked all the side characters, I'm excited to read Smudge and Raleigh's story. Hoping Adam gets his own.
Profile Image for Melanie S.
1,813 reviews30 followers
January 13, 2021

Some time back, I read Resonance, and fell utterly under the spell of Rick and Mal and their tentative, hopeful, beautiful love story. Resistance is the sequel, the unfolding of hope into courage, fear into acceptance, and vague promise into solid reality. Against a backdrop of the ordinary, mundane life of a sleepy English village, the tension and drama build as Mal’s commitment and courage prove to Rick that being different and being accepted are simultaneous possibilities. Soft-focus description, an atmosphere of gentle, pastoral tranquility, sweet and erotic M/M love scenes, and touches of teasing good humor make this a completely delightful read. I need more of Lillian Francis’ lovely stories! This is a voluntary ARC review.
Profile Image for Antonella.
1,416 reviews
April 15, 2017
Sweet but not sappy. Great British setting in a small village. Believable, mild conflict, although Rick’s fear of coming out in the village seems a bit exaggerate. I like the fact that one MCs is of Pakistani origin and also Muslim: IMO the racism issue is dealt with sensitivity.

Event though this is a standalone, I suggest that you read first Resonance, about Rick meeting Mal. For ex. you can buy it for $0.99 USD at Smashwords
Both books have gorgeous matching cover illustrations.
Profile Image for Diane.
349 reviews1 follower
July 27, 2016
This was a great book where Rick wants Mal but doesn't want his little village knowing he is gay. What transpires is a great story where love can conquer all and it doesn't matter what others think as they already know.

Lillian has written a great story where other people's perceptions are not what you think but can be refreshing when it is all out in the open.

I was given a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review -Naughty Book Eden
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
2,192 reviews
November 25, 2016
I enjoyed very much reading this sweet, angst-free story. I particularly liked the setting, the English village and its people. I'd love to read about the other gay people in the village, hopefully the author is working non-stop in order to have their stories soon!
Profile Image for Lily.
46 reviews
July 6, 2016
Loved it. Nice to catch up with the characters from the first story & to see the progression to Rick's coming out. Looking forward to more stories about the people in this village.
Profile Image for PaperMoon.
1,679 reviews72 followers
July 13, 2019
A great read - I was comfortably charmed by the MCs and the gathering village clan of gays. It's like a Miss Read novel with some gay sex thrown in LOL.
Profile Image for Kaa.
601 reviews63 followers
December 12, 2017
A free copy of the book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

This was miles better than the prequel in terms of writing style - switching from first to third person narration was a good decision. There were still a few bits of dialogue that I couldn't believe someone would actually say, but overall this is a pretty well-written book.

This book also didn't make me nearly so uncomfortable in the way it addressed Mal being Pakistani. I appreciated seeing a character who was both gay and a practicing Muslim, and I think it's important to acknowledge the reality of racism, as this book does. I can't really comment further on the accuracy or quality of this representation, though, being both white and American.

The storyline, for me, was a bit frustrating. I really enjoyed the bits about the development of Mal and Rick's relationship and life in the village, and fortunately this was a lot of the book. I had more trouble with the parts, especially at the end, relating to coming out to the village, because I felt this element was rushed and didn't have the emotional impact for me that I would have wanted. It didn't feel like Rick had to do nearly enough of his own work to earn a happy ending.
490 reviews10 followers
December 14, 2017
A copy of Resistance by Lillian Francis was given to me in return for an honest review.
I read this book this morning and I loved it. Resistance is not a long story but everything that needs to happen and needs to be said is covered.
The book is a romance and echoes the slow village in which it is set. I loved the atmosphere created here by Lillian. All characters are well defined and very believable. I could understand Rick's nervousness as he and Mal begin their relationship and I could understand that he was scared to out himself in the village. He's not the only gay but he feels that he would not be accepted if he were to come out. I do not want to spoil the book for others so I wont say anything here.
I thought the big rescue at the end was great. I have seen this sort of thing happen in real life so I was pleased to see it happen on page.
The book is well written and, as I suggested earlier, I enjoyed every minute of reading it.
There is a short prequel, Resonance, which I do recommend you read before starting this book as it tells the story of how Mal and Rick met.
Me - I am now going to read the next book in the series.
Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Stephen.
1,147 reviews217 followers
December 23, 2017
Well written, m/m romance cum coming-out novel for those anglophiles among us.

Rick is small village born and bred and he can't imaging wanting to live anyplace else. However, he's gay and comfortable with it personally, but has remained in the closet because he fears losing the acceptance and respect of his neighbors.

But when he meets and falls for Malik, a Pakistani radiologist, Rick must confront his fears of coming out. Mal loves Rick's small village and from all signs, the people in the village are accepting of Mal as Ricks buddy from the city. They are even accepting that he's Muslim, but will they be equally as accepting if and when the boys should come out?

Malik has already come out to his family and while he's willing to conceal his sexuality for a while, he's not willing to resume any permanent residence back in the closet.

This was a fun read. The novella is relatively short and the angst is never too deep. The village and its inhabitants are charming as are the two romantic leads. I also found the story a bit of an education. Despite decades of working with Brits and several Pakistanis, I learned quite a few new details that I'd never encountered before.

Some have criticized the tale for the somewhat "too easy" way in which the main conflict is resolved but as with many things in small towns, hard problems sometimes become easier in a small supportive community.

I understand that this novella is intended to be the first in a series and that we'll meet a few more of the gay inhabitants of "Slopy Bottom" in the ensuing stories. I personally look forward to it.

*** Note: I received a copy of this e-book for free from the author in exchange for an honest and impartial review as part of the Don't Buy My Love program ***
564 reviews3 followers
July 27, 2016
I've read a few of Lillian Francis books and I must say that each and everyone of them have been good and now I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed this great story too. Lillian Francis has given us a story that is easy going with just one or two moments of tension. The characters Mal and Rick are just sweet loving and are just all around good guy's , and the secondary characters each have different personalities that make this story flow smoothy . Mal and Rick meets up in (Resonance ,Village Love o.5) you really don't have to read the first book ,but I say do you really want to miss anything I know I didn't. We now join Mal and Rick just when Rick is trying hard to dodge an arrangement that he had made with Mal about visiting his sleepy village. But leave it to him to always have an excuses in the past, but Mal this time is really very determined to visit Rick's home .But deep down Rick is afraid that if he comes out to his village and friends ,that they just meant turn their back on him. Mal doesn't really think that Rick's friends or the villager's would do that to him . Mal really loves village life it's became an oasis of peace for him. . The village really thinks alot about Rick ,but he's always hidden his being gay, but he finds his relationship with Rick has made him think about choices because they both want more out of their relationship when hiding in the closet. The patientions that Mal has is wonderful well he waits for Rick to be more opened for friends.But there's one thing in Mal's life that plays a small part and that is religion with his family ,but that doesn't come into play with Rick .I could tell you more about this great M/M story ,but that would spoil it for you. I highly recommend that you read this great story ,you won't be disappointed .
Profile Image for C.E. Case.
Author 7 books17 followers
August 10, 2016
Despite the title, there's nothing particularly challenging about this story of Mal and Rick falling in love in a sleepy English village. It's pure romance stuff: hot sex, family issues, internalized homophobia. But while the story feels familiar, it doesn't feel old fashioned. Rick and Mal inhabit a modern world. Francis shows us that world with tenderness and depth.

She didn't have to make Mal "Malik," a gay Muslim trying to get along in a world that doesn't quite know what to do with him. She didn't have to make Rick less than perfect, less than educated, less than heroic. She did anyway. The story is richer for those details. She offers neither assimilation nor ostracizing, but instead a world where people are treated well when simply present. No litmus test required.

Resistance gets better as it goes along. It twists from two blokes getting it on into a true tale of a relationship where the only enemy is fear.

It's also a quick read, which I always appreciate. It's a wonderful book to spend a day with. There's a prequel available, totally worth checking out.

Five Stars

~ Christy

I was provided this book in exchange for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads. I was not compensated, coerced, or flattered into an opinion.
Profile Image for Tamika♥RBF MOOD♥.
1,224 reviews144 followers
July 23, 2016
2.5 stars

This was a first read for me by this author. I hadn't read the novella, and I don't really think I missed much but their initial meeting and getting together. I definitely think you can read this as a standalone. I think the story had alot of potential and certain areas I enjoyed tremendously. But the overall feeling of the story was that it was so slow. I'm all for a slow burn, but for it to be such a novella, I still felt everything was dragged on and on.

I get the not coming out because of living in a small community. Maybe it's me being overprotective of Mal because all I've seen thus far is the compromise he makes to be with Rick. Being in love isn't easy, and Mal gives up alot. Yes it's because he loves Rick and likes what they are to each other. I think he brought up important facts to Rick about their relationship and what it means to one another. I do like Rick and understand where he came. I am happy with the resolution that both guys were happy to come up with. I think the story was okay, but it was really slow for me.
4,028 reviews16 followers
January 15, 2021
Be true to yourself. Rick, is a beloved member of the town. He hid in the closet, because he didn't think the town would care for him if they knew he was gay.Mal soothed him through a medical procedure. He met Mal and was smitten. They had a one nighter, and it wasn't enough. Rick invited Mal to Slopy Bottoms for a visit. Mal, felt he sacrificed a lot to be true to himself. He had a chosen family that was supportive, but he needed more. Mal, gets to meet all Rick's friends and the villagers. How does Rick feel about PDA. Will Slopy Bottom notice Rick and Mal, are a thing? Will Rick let Mal and Rick be a thing? Good character development. Slopy Bottom is a nice village with great people. Nicely done. I received an ARC from Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 36 reviews

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