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Five Boroughs #4


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The Raymond Rodriguez from a few years ago wouldn’t recognize the guy he is today. He’s left his slacker ways far behind him and is now juggling two jobs and school. But the balancing act doesn’t allow much time for the man he loves.

David is doing his best to be supportive, but problems at work and his own insecurity leave him frustrated—in more ways than the obvious—whenever he goes to bed before Raymond gets home. The heat and affection between them is still there, but they barely have the time or energy to enjoy it. And it doesn’t help that Raymond is still hiding David from his colleagues.

The stress mounts so high that a vacation in paradise is filled with turmoil instead of harmony, and culminates on their return to the five boroughs with broken promises and heartache. They have to figure out how to stop allowing their differences to overshadow their love. It’s the only way they’ll make it to forever.

249 pages, ebook

First published October 22, 2016

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About the author

Santino Hassell

36 books2,831 followers
Santino Hassell was raised by a conservative family but grew up to be a smart-mouthed, school cutting grunge kid, a transient twenty-something, and eventually transformed into a grumpy introvert and unlikely romance author with an affinity for baseball caps. His novels are heavily influenced by the gritty, urban landscape of New York City, and his desire to write relationships fueled by intensity and passion.

He’s been a finalist in both the Bisexual Book Awards and the EPIC Awards, and was nominated for a prestigious RITA award in 2017. His work has been featured in BuzzFeed, Huffington Post, Washington Post, RT Magazine, and Cosmopolitan Magazine.

[email protected]

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 370 reviews
Profile Image for Judith.
724 reviews2,870 followers
October 26, 2016
4 Stars.

Whenever I read a book by this Author I simply cannot put it down,I read this in just over 24 hours.
So it's just over a year into David and Raymond's relationship and while they obviously love each other things definitely aren't going smoothly.

Raymond is desperately trying to better himself.He's working two jobs and attending college in the evening.As a result he's too exhausted to give David the attention he craves.

David is becoming more and more insecure and paranoid.He can't help comparing his relationship with Raymond to that of his previous boyfriend,Caleb.Is Raymond treating him the same way he treat Caleb?
Add into the mix a hot guy Raymond works with who David is convinced is after Raymond and the fact Raymond isn't fully out about their relationship and his insecurities go into overdrive.

God,these two infuriated me at times.They fight,make up,fight,make up....it just drove me crazy.Even when they tried to talk to each other things didn't really get resolved.( the make up sex kind of made up for that though,this Author writes some of the hottest sex scenes! )

This series is in my top two favourite M/M series.The characters are so real and true to life.Even when two people love each other so much Real Life is always there to fuck things up.
Great catching up with previous characters,especially Michael and the Sex God that is Nunzio,and the Epilogue was just perfect.

Great BR with some of my gorgeous girls, really enjoyed it.
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,259 reviews261 followers
March 10, 2018
Rating removed.

Original review under spoiler.
Profile Image for Nazanin.
1,182 reviews783 followers
February 3, 2018
4.5 Stars

When I read Sunset Park (the second installment in this series), I was so disappointed in David but some of my friends told me if I read this one I could understand him better and guess what? Not only I did understand him and his reasons but also I liked him! He just wanted to speak with Reymond about their problems and about his fears, about what’s in his mind and his insecurities… and as you know everything is not solved by itself! But the main problem is Reymond didn’t want to speak (mostly because everytime at the end they fought with each other) or he couldn’t accept David’s fears and sometimes he didn’t listen at all! but I don’t blame him so much (but I should say at some point I wanted to slap him for not paying attention to David) because he was so busy with his college and with two jobs and he didn’t want to rely on anybody even if that anybody is his partner!

Told in dual POV, 1st person! It’s the fourth installment in the "Five Boroughs" series and it can't be read as a standalone, it’s better if you read the Sunset Park first. All in all, I loved it and hope you enjoy it as well!
Profile Image for Megan Erickson.
Author 48 books1,844 followers
October 7, 2016
If you read Sunset Park, you know that there were (imo) unresolved issues. Interborough is a necessary book. Sometimes in romance I want an escape, but I also want realness. And Santino's writing, his characters, his storylines are always REAL. That what this book is. It's a beloved couple who love each other but need to work through some issues if they want to stay together.

Sunset Park was an HFN. Interborough is an HEA with an epilogue that's alone worth the price of the book.

In case you can't tell, I loved it. Rayvid 4eva.

Profile Image for Dia.
534 reviews145 followers
October 27, 2016
5 HUGE stars for this wonderful story

Loved it! Loved it! Loved it! Every word, every chapter, every painful scene was worth it in the end, for the most beautiful ending!

Review soon.
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,717 followers
September 20, 2016
4.5 Stars!

I survived.

That was tough. And a bit draining. Emotionally exhausting even. Yet I couldn't stop reading. What is it about Santino Hassell's books?

Let's face it, there was very little happy here.

The whole time I'm reading these are the thoughts running through my head....

"Are they going to fight the whole book?"

"David why are you being such a whiner?"

"Raymond you're an asshole!"

"More bickering? Really?"

"Okay, that was HOT! HOT helps."


No, no, no.....not more fighting!

Whelp, David was right about Trey!"

Please, please get your shit together you two."

All signs are pointing to no way in hell could I like this book.

But before I know it, it's the end up the book, which I virtually read in two sittings.

And huh, what do you know? I liked it. I really, really liked it.

And I have no idea why? Other than it's Santino Hassell. I've stopped trying to figure out how the hell he does it!?!

To give credit where credit is due....that epilogue was all kinds of winning!

ARC kindly provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Diana.
598 reviews18 followers
October 25, 2016
5 real life stars

Interborough picks up a year and half into Raymond and David’s relationship. Life is a struggle at the moment, with Raymond working 2 jobs plus school. David is worried about being reviewed at work and receiving tenure. To make matters worse, with Raymond gone all the time, David’s insecurities are starting to nag him. He is worried about his relationship with Raymond is turning into is previous relationship that ended in a disaster.
As much as I love being in love, I know that the existence of it isn’t a magic ticket to a happy ending. And I know that as much as two people love each other, relationships don’t always work, and then people split up and find other people to give it a go again. It’s a horrible cycle and I’m afraid that we’re becoming a part of it.~David

Raymond is exhausted all the time, but he keeps pushing himself because finances are tight. He feels guilty that he can’t spend time with David, but he is really trying to make his life better, eventually. When his life takes another turn, he has to make a decision. The problem is, will it be the right decision for him to keep David or to push him away further.

I really enjoyed this story, maybe because their issues are so real life. How many times do we get caught up trying to do everything on our own, or feel like nobody is listening to you? Very relatable, and I would highly recommend this series.
Profile Image for Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus.
1,120 reviews974 followers
March 10, 2018
Rating removed

5 amazing Rayvid stars

I devoured this in one sitting 7 hours with very little bathroom break but it was worth it.

Reading this felt too real. Raymond and David awww Swooon.. these two are amazing together I felt like these were my friends and I was witnessing the rise and fall and rise again of their relationship. I was happy while reading and sad and then happy again…

As much as I love being in love, I know that the existence of it isn't a magic ticket to a happy ending. And I know that as much as two people love each other, relationship don't always work, and then people split up and find other people to give it a go again. It's a horrible cycle, and I'm afraid that we're becoming part of it" ….. So true

The writing was as usual amazing coz duh its Santino.

“You are my partner,” I said. “You’re my everything.”
“And you’re mine.”

And the sex was so hot these two got chemistry.

“Fuck me,” he guttered out. “Fuck me until I can’t think.”My balls seized up so tight they might as well have disappeared into my body.

Santino is a master storyteller and as long as I live I will spend every penny I have and consume any book he writes, coz well let’s face it I have a huge crush on his writing.

And that Epilogue aaaarghhhh nearly finished me, it was all rainbows and unicorns. I love you Ray but Nunzio will always be no. 1 in the five borough series.
Profile Image for Jaime.
1,762 reviews308 followers
Shelved as 'no-no-cuz-reasons'
March 10, 2018
Review & Rating removed.
Profile Image for Christelle.
808 reviews
October 14, 2017
This is not a standalone : this is the continuation (and the missing epilogue) of Sunset Park, the story of Ray and David. And not a fluffy and comforting tale, far, far, far away from that.

That love is sometimes not enough to make a relationship work is a reality and Ray and David are the perfect example. It's undeniable they really are into each other and they are scorchingly HOT together. But the brutal schedule Ray is going through to prove that he’s not worthless and won’t give up each time life is a bit tough and David’s insecurities are taking a huge toll and the few moments they can spend together are more and more about arguments than anything else.

Let’s be honest here : I don’t like fights. My level of comfort was seriously threatened. And that’s why I love SH so much : it’s fiction but he makes it so real. I was totally engrossed and felt so torn, sometimes wanting to shake Ray and then rooting for him, sometimes wanting to shake David and then rooting for him (no, no, no error here : I did kept balancing between these feelings and these MCs all the time).

So, not sure I want to thank SH for putting me through so much misery (yes, I have every right to deny loving angst), but it was worth it, just to get more of Ray, more hotness, a glimpse of Nunzio (yeah !!!) and Michael, and to reach this more than deserved HEA.

** A special thanks to Riley who gifted me this book as my Secret Santa during the 2016 SS exchange. I know it took me time to get to this one, because I feared for Ray, but once I put up my “big girl” panties, I had a blast !**
Profile Image for Adam.
611 reviews370 followers
November 13, 2016
4.25 stars!

At the end of Sunset Park, Raymond and David’s relationship still needed a lot of work. It’s not uncommon for Santino Hassell’s books to end short of a strong HEA, but in this case I wondered whether David and Raymond would be able to make it in the long run.

So I was stoked when I found out that they’d be getting a second book that would give them their happy ending!

For most of ‘Interborough’, David and Raymond are hot messes. They constantly fight and argue. David is needy and whiny. Raymond is oblivious and has a short fuse. It’s clear that the honeymoon phase is over, but neither knows what to do to get them to a point where they’re secure in their relationship.


However, even though the MCs are on rough ground for the majority of the book, this isn’t a case where the fighting make you think that the characters should just call it quits. Because despite everything, it’s clear that they still love each other deeply, and that they can work things out.

Also, David and Raymond still bring the heat. The sexual chemistry from their first book carries over, and it is smoking hot. No matter how angry they are, they just can’t keep their hands off each other.


I would say this book is really about David and Raymond learning to communicate. They’re already madly in love and have the passion to back it up, but what they don’t do is talk to each other and hash things out without resorting to anger. It’s a long process, but the character growth was noticeable.

And they learn to compromise. To be happy with someone, you sometimes to have to give things up and make sacrifices. I really liked how realistically the author portrayed Raymond and David’s issues, and how they went about fixing their relationship.

All of the ups and downs were worth it, because once they do finally get their act together and communicate with each other, the outcome was brilliant. David and Raymond get their happy ever after, and it was exactly the sweet and sexy ending that I was hoping for!

Also, I really liked the secondary characters. The Queens crew provided some much-needed comedy. And I loved catching up with Michael and Nunzio, and seeing how David and Raymond looked to those two as a goal for their own relationship.

The epilogue. I really don’t want to give anything away, but it was definitely the cherry on top. I was all smiles throughout it!

‘Interborough’ is a great continuation to Raymond and David’s story. It takes lots of work for the two to get there, but their HEA was worth it. I can’t wait to see where the author takes this series next!

Profile Image for Elle aka Leftie aka Shoebelle.
673 reviews125 followers
March 12, 2018
(Leaving my review on this one as I did receive an ARC for this and I want to hold up my end of the bargain. This is no way a denial of those hurt by the author and and I actually do want to give a shout out to all the brave souls who bared themselves and told their stories. May they find the healing they deserve.)

*ARC received in exchange for a review*

If you must, here it is, fwiw...
Profile Image for Lynne.
161 reviews
June 28, 2016
I had the pleasure of reading an early draft of this book. Like the previous books, you are not going to want to put it down. Intriguing, thought-provoking, sexy times a million and just an all around great read.

What more could you ask for.
Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,581 reviews3,924 followers
March 9, 2018
This was an awesome buddy read, but since I am finished and some of the BR group isn't, I will wait with my review until they are all done ;)

I did really enjoy this one ;)
Profile Image for Alice.
110 reviews29 followers
September 22, 2016
I was offered an ARC of this book in exchange of an honest review.

So, I loved this book. I gobbled it up in a few hours because I was just so happy to have it in my hands and to be reading about my beloved characters again. Bless Santino for deciding to revisit those two.

This book felt like reading about friends, or family. Because that’s what they’ve all become at this point. I feel like I know them – they’re all so wholesome and well-rounded and complicated – and I often catch myself thinking about them on random days. And I missed them.

It was so good to revisit, because this book also gathers those characters all together and it’s AMAZING. Ray and David, of course, but also my boys Mikey and Nunzio, and the Queens crew, and Aiden and Jace. Tonya and Mere!!! (please) Chris, my bro, I knew I got the vibe from him! (this needs to be developed further by the way). Also, Stephanie needs her own book (with a cameo from my boy Dominic ;)) (Yes, there can be 50 books in this series and you can bet I’m going to keep reading it)

This book is just so very pure. I’m glad Santino decided to write about an established couple and to show us what’s on the other side of the supposed “happily ever after” that usually romance novels end on. (For those of you wondering if this book was ‘necessary’ – I actually think that we don’t get enough of this in the genre. It usually ends with the characters confessing their feelings/deciding to be together ‘for real’/etc. In that matter, Sunset Park ended too abruptly for me. I needed more. And I got an established power couple still on a bumpy ride months into the relationship, doing their best to tackle their problems together.) And it was good, and real, and touching. Because not for one second did I doubt that they weren’t going to make it. Santino is good at writing true love, and making me believe in it :)

Also – and I just have to mention it, since David is such an underappreciated character – I love how Santino gave David constant validation. I love David so much, and I loved seeing him not being dismissed anymore – seeing it properly addressed and commented on. David’s narration was very sensitive, delicate, sometimes even poetic. (This is also a good moment to mention that it’s amazing how strong those two main voices are – easily recognizable, you know who’s leading the narration at the moment, they have their own language quirks, they focus on slightly different things. Good job.)

This book was about family – also about making your family bigger ♥ - and finding home. I’m so emotional right now. THAT EPILOGUE. To quote David: “I was a total goddamn wreck, but these Rodriguez men had me feeling all the feelings all the damn time”. I admit, I cried.
Profile Image for BR11.
647 reviews17 followers
August 6, 2017
4.5 stars – ½ star reduced for the grammatical errors in the Spanish phrases. Too little of them were used, so there is no justification for the lack of checking. As a native Spanish speaker, I’d have loved to check the grammar for free. It’d have taken me 5 minutes and make me extremely happy. I know a lot of other Spanish speakers fans of Santino’s work would have done the same. So no excuses for the eye-sores I had to see.

Spanish inquisition aside, this book has been awesomeness the likes only Santino can deliver. I hardly ever read a second book on the same couple, but this book, I had to read. I saw so much potential in Raymond on the first book that I needed to see where his story with David went.

In this one, the fourth book in the Five Boroughs series, we see a different Ray. His core is the same: he’s honorable and honest to a fault, good friend and good brother. But gone is the pothead of Sunset Park. Now we see Ray maturing into a responsible young man. Notwithstanding that, working two jobs and attending college is taking a toll to his relationship with David.

It’s somehow as the situation has reversed for these two. Now, the insecure one is David and Ray is the one doing the reassuring.

A good story of love, obstacles and learning that sometimes is ok to accept a little help.

100% recommend.
Profile Image for Zairobe25.
824 reviews
October 29, 2016
Ya todos saben que amo a Rayvid, que ellos son mi pareja fav de la serie, así que disfrute mucho mucho leyendo mas acerca de ellos, me encantó el libro y me encanta como escribe Santino, aunque venía un poco decepcionada de F&F que fue el que menos me gustó de esa serie. El epílogo estuvo bien pero me hubiera gustado que fuera mas lejos en el tiempo, espero que para el último libro de la serie nos complazca y veamos a las parejas consolidadas y teniendo familia.
Profile Image for Rafa Brewster.
257 reviews23 followers
October 9, 2016
Reviewed for Just Love: Romance blog
I received an advance review copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.

I have a love-hate relationship with this book. I ended up loving it, but no lie, roughly 90% of it was pure torture (of the sweetest variety). I had no idea the author had that big of a sadistic streak in him, but oh wait, this is the same person who co-wrote In the Company of Shadows (Oh yes, I invoked ICoS). It was the absolute worst seeing two beloved characters go through the wringer meat grinder wood chipper throughout the majority of this book.

If you thought Sunset Park was the least angstiest of the author’s works, Interborough is its antithesis. The book takes a raw and honest look at Ray and David’s relationship struggles. Their honeymoon period is long over and real life has taken over. Frustrations are sky high and even the sexy times (which thankfully remain sizzling hot) are loaded with tension and provide only a brief respite before the next argument breaks out.

To be perfectly frank, there were a bunch of times, even when the tension was at a low simmer, that I wanted to click my heels and go back to the halcyon days of Sunset Park. When the situation escalated and the unthinkable happened, I seriously considered DNFing; I was so frustrated and heartbroken. But who was I kidding – I just opened another box of Kleenex and forged ahead like a good and proper masochist.

Through all this, Ray definitely solidified his place as my second favorite 5B character (my heart belongs to Nunzio forever and ever amen). I’ve always loved the way Ray becomes this unstoppable force when he gets his head out of his ass and makes up his mind about something. We saw this in Sunset Park, and we see it in Interborough when he goes all out for the man he loves. I only wish he’d sprung into action sooner and saved me and David a whole lot of heartache. This is not at all to say that David was blameless in their relationship woes. His anxiety and paranoia and over-analysis of every single thing definitely exacerbated the situation, but at the same time, a) he wasn’t wrong, and b) it highlighted problems in their relationship that needed to be addressed sooner rather than later.

The ending felt abrupt. They kissed and made up in spectacular fashion (so sue me for the lack of spoiler alert there), but everything just sort of fell perfectly into place in a mad heated rush. I felt a bit cheated because I would’ve liked to have seen some of the pieces fall together, rather than just listen to them discuss it or have it happen off page. But mostly I just wanted to bask a bit longer in the afterglow of their hard-fought HEA. In my head, I was already giving the book a less-than-stellar rating for all the trauma I went through for very little reward. But then I got to the epilogue.

That Epilogue (the caps is warranted, trust me) goes a long way to counter the angst, the tears, the Kleenex, the rushed ending, all of it. In fact, That Epilogue could probably reverse climate change and bring world peace – it was that good. Yes, it was sugary sweet but it was the perfect conclusion to such an intense, oftentimes difficult read. The ending was a long time coming and it couldn’t have ended on a happier note for everyone involved.

RayVid fans take note: Interborough was not an easy read, but it was worth it to see them get the HEA they so deserve, and more. Now please go read it so we can form an Interborough support group together.
Profile Image for CrabbyPatty.
1,674 reviews181 followers
March 29, 2017
Having recently read First and First and stated it was my favorite book of the Five Boroughs series .... now I must emphatically state that this THIS BOOK is the absolute best!

Throughout this series, Santino Hassell is presenting deeply developed characters and situations, and examining them from all viewpoints. We get Michael and Nunzio's story first in Sutphin Boulevard, with Raymond and David as secondary characters, then David and Raymond in Sunset Park with Oli and Caleb as secondary, then First and First with Oli and Caleb's story, then back to Raymond and David in Interborough.

In each book, the author holds these individual up to the light, as if through a jeweler's loupe, and reveals all their hidden facets. We as readers may not like some of these individuals or their actions, but there's a "completeness" to each character that is real and true.

I look forward to the next book in this series with hushed awe and wonder!

I received an ARC from the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 370 reviews

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