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Stripped #2

Stripped Down

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What do you get when you mix a bottle of tequila, a single mom moonlighting as a stripper, and her sinfully sexy boss with an impulsive side?
Married. You get married.

Rich. Demanding. Hot. Crazy.
That was Beckett Cruz in a nutshell.
Not to mention wild, determined, dangerous, and forbidden.
He was my boss—and, after a drunken moment of insanity, my new husband.
An annulment was impossible... so was keeping him.
I was taking my daughter and leaving, determined to give her a quieter life.
But Beckett Cruz had never taken no for an answer.
And he wasn't about to take mine.

What happens in Vegas... might just keep you there.

226 pages, ebook

First published August 30, 2016

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About the author

Emma Hart

114 books7,530 followers
Emma Hart is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over twenty novels and has been translated into several different languages. She first put fingers to keys at the age of eighteen after her husband told her she read too much and should write her own.
Four years later, she's still figuring out what he meant when he said she 'read too much.'

She prides herself on writing smart smut that's filled with dry wit, snappy, sarcastic comebacks, but lots of heart... And sex. Sometimes, she kills people. (Disclaimer: In books. But if you bug her, she'll use your name for the victims.)

You can find her online at www.emmahart.org, www.facebook.com/emmahartbooks, or join her reader group at http://bit.ly/EmmaHartsHartbreakers.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 279 reviews
Profile Image for Maya.
858 reviews483 followers
August 27, 2016
I am surprised by how much I enjoyed this read. The blurb made me a bit wary, since you can never know what to expect from a story with strippers in it, but now that I've read the book I'm really glad that I took the chance! This book and plot is definitely not what you'd it is. Beneath this title there's actually a really good story with lots of depth, humor, small amount of angs and suspense and with just the right number of sex scenes. The writing is not bad, either. Seriously, I enjoyed reading this book a lot and even finished it in one sitting.

So as you can tell from the blurb, it's about a single mom slash stripper, her boss, a bottle of tequila and one cute six years old daughter. The first thing that I thought about when I saw this was 'How could this possibly work out?', and you know what, it works amazingly well. It's totally true. Beckett and Cassie make the best they can from a night that was a mistake (or was it?) and I'm not saying it's easy, far from it, since you know, you also have a child involved who likes to ask a lot of questions. And how do you explain to her that you are now suddenly married to a complete stranger? Well...you don't and just hope it goes well. At least that's what Cassie did. That is of course till Beckett showed up at her door and made an even bigger mess. I gotta say, there were some real funny moments that came from this crazy situation.


I swear, that question right there is both the sweetest thing and the worst thing that can make every grown mad squirm like a jellyfish, ha! I loved that kid, seriously! And the answer to that question even more. Gosh, besides this book being funny it's also so heart breaking, especially since you get to know what Cassie had to go through and do to raise her daughter and what her dad is going through again. And we also get to see the main couple from the previous book and I loved them. So cute and funny! Now I really need to read the first book, just to get their story.

Yes, I know I'm rambling but I can't help it. I really liked this book and the characters and the plot and everything. What I'm trying so successfully to say is, go get the book and read it!!! :)


ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for edge of bubble.
251 reviews178 followers
December 30, 2016
I'm holding the cover model responsible for this mess I've got myself into! I've read erotica which had more character building and plot going on that were the length of mere 70 pages than this drag assed book. Our heroine whose name is ummm... Carrie or Cara or something... To be honest I've just finished this book and already forgot most of it so I'll call the main heroine thundercunt, TC for short.

TC was one of those "you know nothing jon snow" uppity, woe-is-me personalities. She kept bitching how Beck ,the hero, knew nothing about this and that. Her rantings about how hard her life is was as fake as her I want neither pity nor help attitude. If you are determined to read this book, you should...

because the whole plot was based on

Another thing TC couldn't shut up about was that she had a kid. Every other page had her going "I am a mom, being a mom taught me bla bla, having a kid means yada yada". While she kept feeding us how loving and responsible parent she is and how she sacrifices everything for the kiddo, you could actually smell the resentment and the lack of personality in every line.

Beck was funny and intriguing in the first book and I had high hopes for him but this was a huge let down. His attitude about life general can be summarized with this piece of gem from his mouth; “Nah, I think before I talk. I just always think that what I have to say is awesome.” He had the makings of a hot as fuck hero but he couldn't develop as a character because TC wouldn't just shut the fuck up with her pity party. It was like seeing a picture of a hot man in the first book and then seeing him for real in this one.

"Dangerous, whorish, slutty clitoris. Who had given genitals brains? Fucking idiots" This is my favourite quote because that's what I was thinking about the whole book. I guess that says it all there.
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,568 reviews166 followers
September 9, 2016
Omg Beckett Cruz is sexy as hell

I only read Stripped Bare a few weeks ago an thought it was great an after that I was dyin for this book an I really really enjoyed it I knew this story was goin to b so good after the way Stripped Bare ended an it was just brilliant an when I knew it was goin to b Beckett next I couldn't wait

Beckett used to b stripper but now he us a very successful business man with his best friend West but like al single men he's a bit of a manwhore an him workin owning a strip club doesn't really help his is surrounded by hot woman an when he notices one of his top girls Cassie of her game he needs to know what's wrong after a few drinks an a few kisses well things get a lil wild an stuff happens

I really luvd Beckett in this book it was great to c a different side to him a more caring side don't get me wrong this guy is super sexy an God he has the moves some serious moves but he isn't the manwhore Cassie thought he was but she couldn't make things easy for him she as been hurt before an she wasn't goin to let him bring her down even if she wanted him when she shouldn't Cassie wasn't the only person she had to think about

I luv this book I m really enjoyin this author I 've only started reading her books over the last few months an im luvin them an this is one of my favourites there just so sexy an I luv the characters Cassie is a great character she as gone through a lot an will do anything to make things better in her life an I think up know how I feel about Beckett I just luv the guy ;) I just can't get enough of the books I find it hard to put them down once I start I highly recommend these books xxx

Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,803 reviews2,318 followers
September 7, 2016

Beck was yummy! I didn't think there could be a hotter male stripper than West, but damn Beck was delectable, especially around CiCi. I mean who wouldn't love a hot guy being all adorable with a little kid? His character was amazing but that just added the something special to this book that made me fall in love with the characters.

Not going to blab on and on about how much I liked the book but just know this: It was hot, it was sweet, it kept me interested, and it comes highly recommended from me.
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,651 reviews4,582 followers
July 31, 2017
3 Stars

Overall Opinion: This was just ok for me. I felt a little bored in the middle, and the h ticked me off with her pushing the H away. The H was great! I really liked him in the first book, Stripped Bare, so I was excited to hear his story. I wasn't disappointed in him at all! He was absolutely sweet and charming with the h's daughter *swoon* (especially the Flynn Rider stuff), and even though he was a manwhore before -- he was ALL about the h once they got together. I think I just wanted a little bit...more. There seemed to be a lot of inner dialogue going on and that was where it lost me, especially when the h was coming up with all of her reasons to push the H away *rolls eyes*. It would've been nice to cut out a lot of that inner dialogue, and have more interactions or actual dialogue going on -- because both of those things worked for me. I didn't love it, and I didn't dislike it either -- so 3 "just ok" stars.

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Cassie and Beckett's story. Cassie got some bad news and is having an off day at her stripper job when Beckett calls her into his office. He proceeds to get drunk with her to get her to confess what is wrong, but things take a turn to the unexpected. They wake up married, and because they consummated the marriage they cannot get an annulment. They dance around each other for a little bit because Cassie has a young daughter to consider, but after spending more and more time together they end up falling in love...and get a HEA ending.

POV: This was told in Cassie's POV and the epilogue is in Beckett's.

Overall Pace of Story: Ok. I never skimmed, but I did feel like it was slow at times.

Instalove: No, they take a while in developing stronger feelings. They do have an instant connection though.

H rating: 4.5 stars. Beckett. I really liked him. He was funny, sweet, and hot. He instantly was awesome with the h's daughter, and he was all about the h from the minute they got together.

h rating: 3 stars. Cassie. I liked her a lot more at first than I did as the story went on. Her constant pushing away got on my nerves tbh. She was a good mom though.

Sadness level: Low. No tissues needed.

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: Moderate. They have some hot scenes and chemistry.

Descriptive sex: Yes

Safe sex: Yes. Condoms are mentioned. I don't remember any mention of their past practices.

OW/OM drama: Not at all. Which is a little surprising because the H was a known manwhore before the h.

Sex scene with OW or OM: No

Cheating: No

Separation: Not really

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This had good closure with a cute epilogue and a HEA ending.

How I got it: It was part of my scribed subscription.

Safety: I'd say this should be Safe for most readers.
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,360 followers
September 5, 2016
ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review

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“His face was close to mine. Very close to mine. My eyes dropped to his mouth. Tequila wanted him to kiss me. Tequila wanted me to kiss him”

Emma Hart surprises readers with this sexy heartfelt erotic romance that lays bare the vulnerabilities of its characters. Stripped Down was a perfect blend of eroticism, romance, and heartwarming moments.

“I was fucked, no matter how you looked at it. I wanted my boss. My accidental husband. Shit.”

Cassie is a single mother of a six year old daughter and in order to make ends meet, she had to turn to stripping. This is not the career that she had wanted for herself but this is the career that she must do. When Cassie receives bad news regarding her father’s health, her mind wanders and so she did not give her best performance on the stage and so she is called into Beckett Cruz’s office to discuss what is the matter. Next thing you know, tequila and sexual attraction to Beckett was the only thing whirling in Cassie’s mind.

“He was forbidden. I couldn't have him.I was damned if I didn't want him.Then again, I was damned if I did.And I did.”

Blame it on the alcohol or probably blame it on Beckett Cruz and his domineering sexual presence, that Cassie finds herself Mrs. Cassie Cruz. The next morning Beckett and Cassie tries to recall what happened to make them get married. As they scramble to get an annulment, it gets a bit complicated and so they find themselves still married. It also doesn’t help that Beckett slowly warms his way into Cassie’s daughter heart and possibly into Cassie’s as well. Will this former stripper find himself stripping down the walls of Cassie’s guarded heart?

“Say what you want about us, but this isn't over, Cassie Cruz. Not by a long fucking shot.”

Stripped Down was a fun, sexy, and steamy read that will set hearts fluttering as Beckett Cruz will melt those panties and e-readers with his dirty mouth. So if you are looking for a romance that blends heart and steam in such a touching and endearing manner then this book is definitely for you.

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Profile Image for Adriana Locke.
Author 71 books14.8k followers
August 23, 2016
I'm giddy writing this review, which I'm sure will end up as a monstrous blabber. But, what do I care? That's what the good ones do to you, right?
Beck! Gah! He's everything - I repeat: everything - I love in a book boyfriend. He's filthy and demanding and alpha-to-the-core. That is enough for me right there. Then the bastard goes and gets all swoon-y and sweet. I think I read half of this book fanning my face and half of it in a pile of goo on the floor.
Hart took what we love about books like this and added a big, fat, delicious cherry to the top! I'm just sad it's over!

Profile Image for aNneMarLi - Chatterbooks Book Blog.
416 reviews294 followers
August 23, 2016


(Oh, I might have used Emma's line up there ;) ...and forgive me with all the shouting..I just can't help it.)

Okay now, I just really do not know where to begin with my review. It really happened every time I finished reading Emma Hart's books. That feeling when you're so damn happy, you finished the book without even realizing it until you keep on turning the pages and then "seriously?I'm done?" but hell you enjoyed every moment of it but you cannot write anything to justify what you feel??? Yeah right! That's just how I feel right now. Hours have passed since I was done reading the book but my mind was blank and I am still dreamy with Beck... That damn hot piece of a man.. Oh, Rumor had it his nickname was God and could integrate the cobwebs on your entire vagina. ;)


Seriously though, Emma Hart could definitely write. I know it's not a surprise but every damn time I am left with awe after reading her works. Stripped Down is no different. You will be held captive with every words,intoxicating you in a good way and engaging you in every possible way. She's a great story teller and her words and lines held too much power. It was a fun and enjoyable read delivered on point leaving you a positive vibe and a great feeling. Her characters are just easy to love, one you can root for. Beckett is alpha male perfection, he was a live wire. Dangerous. Forbidden but above all HE IS SO MUCH MORE. Cassie on the other hand, is a strong woman that will do everything for her family especially her daughter. I get her hesitations and what she went through may haven't been expounded, but she definitely deserved someone like Beckett. She definitely deserved to be loved unconditionally. And it''s true, with her past, it's so hard to just trust someone your heart especially when it's not just only your's that is at stake but damn, this woman deserve all that happened to her with Beckett. And YES, I AM SO IN LOVE with these two. And their banters? It's just so hilarious I cannot help myself from laughing out loud. No only that because I was drown into a swoony pool of events that just made my heart burst with happiness and exploded my ovaries.

“No. You’re mine, Cassie Cruz. That isn’t changing. There isn’t a single part of your fear we can’t work through to make this work. Do you get that? You’re mine, no matter how unconventionally. You’re mine, and so is that little girl out there drowning my yard with pool water.”

And did I mention he is not just adorable-hot-as-fuck of a man but a dirty talker too?

“Don’t worry. If you really want to pay me back, I’ll take a blow job. I imagine your lips around my cock will be a pretty good thank-you.” My jaw dropped as he backed off with a wink. “Mouth open already, baby? Enthusiasm. I like that.”

And don't get me started with that COVER! Because man, it was just so damn HOT buckets of ice is not enough and I might have thought about selling my arm just to check what's behind that cloth and what do you think awaits you when you read the whole story?

Well, that pretty sure is for you to find out. I will not spoil you anymore of
it aside from what was written in the blurb. That drunken mistake.The accidental marriage that turned out to be something else. The fun journey. The hesitations. Everything.

What I can tell you though is that,

Stripped Down + Emma Hart = FANTASTIC


After reading the book you will be left grinning from ear to ear and a warm heart.


“It doesn’t matter how you came together. What matters is how you stay together.”

*ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Carmen Rae.
1,576 reviews184 followers
September 3, 2016
So it’s no secret I absolutely loved Stripped Bare so as soon as I found out Beck was getting his own book I was jumping up and down begging to have my dirty little hands all over it. But I was pretty sure there was no way Emma Hart could pull off another story as good as Stripped Bare about strippers.

Then I heard Beck’s story was going to feature a single mum and my hopes got even higher, but then I was scared I would expect too much and be disappointed. But then I started reading it and I just lifted my head and realised I have finished it and a whole heap of time has passed and damn did Emma Hart nail it.

If you read Stripped Bare first you have a feel for who Beck is and other than the fact he is sweet to Mia he kind of seemed like a bit of a pig. If you haven’t read Stripped Bare first, don’t panic you really don’t need to as it has no bearing on this story you just missed out on an awesome read and a tiny bit of info on Beck that isn’t really relevant to this story.

First I should say Beck wasn’t at all what I was expecting him to be. I think it might be my own personal bias that I was expecting him to be the one reluctant about his sudden marriage especially when he found out about the six year old complication he had also now signed up for. But nope he was all in and he was so sweet and caring that I felt like screaming at Cass.

Not that Cass did anything I can’t understand. I mean seriously who wouldn’t freak out waking up next to the man-whore owner of the strip club your ashamed you have to work in and finding out you married him. I not only got her fears and reticence I fully supported them, but oh my god did Beck go above and beyond in the sexy and sweet departments.

Of course you can’t be surprised that the star of the show was Cass’s beautiful daughter and of course seeing Mia and West was a great bonus.

Check out my reviews here
Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,598 followers
Shelved as 'not-interested'
March 24, 2020
Note to self: The hero used to be a stripper and the heroine is now working as a stripper in the stripper club he owns.
Profile Image for Audrey Carlan.
Author 198 books6,595 followers
August 16, 2016
I absolutely adore Emma Hart's writing style. Her voice is very clear in all her books, whether they are contemporary romance such as the Holly Woods series or her more spicy erotic works in the Stripped books. Truth be told, I had really set the expectations high on this sucker because I was blown away by Stripped Bare. I love it when an author can keep that spice, heat, and wicked hot love going at full blast in a series.

"Two strippers with a heart of gold and a healthy libido? Yeah, Stripped Down by Emma Hart rocked!" ~Audrey Carlan, #1 NYT Bestselling Author
Profile Image for Noura .
628 reviews17 followers
September 8, 2016

After the initial excitement of reading West and Mia's story in Stripped Bare, I thought this one's going to be more or less the same story - ex-stripper guy falls in love with unlikely girl, drama drama, lots of resistance and then the final realization.

Well, i'm not too far wrong but this one's a bit better. Because....Beckett Cruz is a character every single mom (and not single ones) would love to fall in love.

What's great:
1) The fiercely independent heroine - Cassie is a very young single mom trying to make ends meet by becoming a stripper at Beckett's club to give the best to her little girl and ailing parent. Her fear and wariness, the stubborn determination to protect the child from hurt and unfulfilled hope - she came across as very snarky, harsh and contrary at first like a cornered animal, trying hard to deny her feelings towards Beckett - her Boss and accidental husband.

2) The reformed player - Beckett Cruz, consummate rich playboy who hides a heart of gold and a soft spot for Cassie's little girl Ciara is highly determined, pushy and presumptuous in his ways to win over Cassie. But in the end, it is his kindness and selflessness (yes....just when we thought he's a player a-hole) that really melted her barriers.

3) Cute kid character - Ciara/CiCi is Cassie's daughter. We are assuming that she's extremely adorable, very observant and quite well-behaved (and is in no way a true portrayal of a 6 year old worldwide). Loves the cartoon Tangled and likened Beckett to Flynn Rider

....with the smolder and the smirk.

4) The buildup - theirs is an accidental love story. They got drunk, they got married and then they wanted everything to go back to the way it was. But Beckett has other ideas once he really got to know her. And so he's determined to make her change her mind and stay married to him. Cue loads of seriously romantic and sweet scenes between him and Cassie and CiCi....not forgetting all the panty melting seduction tricks he pulled to remind Cassie of what she could be missing.

So hot....

I'd never look at that cartoon character the same again.....

5) The writing style - tells the story fast, simple and straight forward. Lots of inner dialogues but fortunately not the annoying inner goddess kind (just Cassie overthinking and worrying....a common female dilemma). Not a lot of details but the sex scenes start off detailed and then kind of get glossed over - the focus is very much on the woman, not the man. Some parts are genuinely funny and silly. There's a heartwarming ending. May give you the warm fuzzies.

What made me go "huh?"

1) Was Beckett really that bad of a guy? It was never really explored and explained. It was presumed that he's quite a lady's man and has no qualms about sleeping with some of the girls that work for him before this. Also, he's supposed to be the typical good looking dude with money - that smugness knowing women would just fall at his feet - this part is again just an idea to us. So in the end, i find it strange as to why Cassie's so resistant to him - this is a good guy. What's the problem here?

2) The typical "aha!" moment when everything falls into place - cliched and conveniently happened towards the very end. It's like....ok...we've got a few more pages to go....let's wrap this up. Make her see the light. Yawn.

3) The story, for half of it, felt a bit draggy because it's the same old thing - Cassie resisting, her mouth saying NO but her body saying YESYESYESSSS, Beckett putting on the sexy smirk and using his supposedly exalted manhood to get Cassie to see his way. It's like "Oh...she's beginning to re-think this whole thing....I'd better grind my manly sausage to her torso and fry her neurons" or "She's overthinking again....lemme make her feeeeel my manly warm body so that she forgets everything". Well....i have not had that happen to me but it seems like a very simple and plausible way to make a strong independent woman go stupid with lust.

4) Really milking the cute kid thing. Ugh.

Ok. Still, I am giving this a 4 stars simply because i really liked the idea of a nice guy coming to the rescue of a down and out girl - and also because this one's better than the first book. For all that's said, the characters are actually very decent ones that are likeable. The story's entertaining and the ending although predictable but very important in keeping to the warm fuzzy nature of the whole thing.
Profile Image for Three Chicks.
2,618 reviews420 followers
August 26, 2016
Review by Lisa Kane
Cassie does what she has to do to support her six year old daughter Ciara. She's a stripper at The Landing Strip, a Vegas strip club. She's a single mom, and besides having sole responsibility for her little one, her dad has cancer. His insurance sucks and her parents are having a hard time. They are her rocks and they do everything they can to help her with Ciara. So she helps out as much as she can with their bills, which leaves very little for extras.

She wishes she had a better education and had more options, but she got pregnant at 16, her her baby at 17 and barely got a high school diploma.

When I was around my six year old daughter, Ciara, I had to be happy. I had to hide the pain to explain everything to her, but now, without her here, the pain wanted to escape.

Cassie is having an off night. Her dad is on her mind constantly and it's affecting her attitude. Bachelor parties and single guys want sassy, hot strippers, not brooding ones. Her boss, Beckett Cruz notices right away and pulls her aside. He wants her to go home and take the night off. But she needs the money. Beck is hot, gorgeous and rich as hell from his ventures with West Rykman, the primary owner of Rock Solid, the men's club next door.

Being alone with Beck throws Cassie for a loop. It's no secret her boss is known as a master of the pump and dump. No commitments, nothing permanent. Which is fine with Cassie, the last thing she needs or wants is a relationship. But let's face it, Beck is one hot man, and as a former male stripper, he's built like a god. He just may be more than a little into Cassie and being enclosed in his office together, sharing a drink he insisted she have with him, is giving her all kinds of delicious thoughts.

"Cassie," he said in a rough voice. "This is the one time I accept the word no."
Maybe it was that, or maybe it was the husky tone of his voice, or maybe it was the way our mouths were so close that I could taste the tequila on his breath. I didn't know, but whatever it was, it made me close the distance between our mouths and kiss him.

Things heat up, they take their lust off premises and the next morning...they're both horrified that they are wearing wedding rings, have little memory of the night before.

That wasn't the kind of irresponsible I had been thinking of when I'd done the tequila shots last night. Too drunk to walk? Sure. Vomit all morning? Okay. Hangover that'd last for three days in the back of my mind? Annoying but okay.
A wedding ring? Um, no.

Both want out and they agree to a quick annulment. Of course that is more complicated than they think it should be, and they are stuck being married for a little longer than they would like. Beck is supportive and tries to help Cassie with things so she can relax just a little. But as much as Cassie would love to think that they could have a future (he is so sweet with her daughter!) she knows he is out of her league.

He was forbidden.
I couldn't have him.
I was damned if I didn't want him.
Then again, I was damned if I did.
And I did.
I was fucked, no matter how you looked at it.
I wanted my boss.
My accidental husband.

Stripped Down is funny and poignant and full of steam and such hot sex you better get out the kitchen mitts to hold onto your e-reader. Cassie frustrated me with all the barriers she kept throwing up to block Beck from getting to her heart. But he doesn't scare easily and in spite of his commitment fears, he knows what he has with Cassie and Ciara and he isn't about to lose either one of them. (he's hot, rich, sweet, loyal and dominating-if she doesn't scoop him up-I have no problem knocking out the competition to get to Mr. Cruz.

"Say what you want about us, but this isn't over, Cassie Cruz. Not be a long fucking shot."
He released me the second the final word left his mouth, and by the time the lights came back on, he was gone.
And I couldn't breathe.
Cassie Cruz.
That's what he'd called me.
His last name.
I didn't feel all that drunk anymore.
Profile Image for Siobhan ™.
Author 96 books9,107 followers
August 26, 2016
Another scintillating, panty-melting read from the extremely talented Emma Hart.

Stripped Down had a lot to live up to after the masterpiece that was Stripped Bare, but thankfully it met my expectations.

Cassie was abandoned by her heartless boyfriend when she fell pregnant at 16. Her daughter is now 6, and she has done her utmost to raise her with love and kindness, largely on her own. She has very supportive parents who have helped her out, but now her dad is ill and she needs to step up and help them out.

If you have read book one you know that Cassie and Beck got married at the end. This book starts off explaining how that happened. It did gloss over some of the details but that's only because both of them were so wasted they actually couldn't remember the specifics which led to them getting hitched. As you do!

Instead of getting divorced, they end up genuinely falling for one another and it was sweet and sexy in equal measure. Cassie has a hard time trusting any man after her past, but gradually she learns to open up to Beck. I adored the interaction between Beck and Ciara, and the scene where she questioned him if he was going to be her new dad nearly tore my heart right out of my chest. Seriously, well written.

Beck had a tough job trying to convince Cassie to give him a shot, but it was also a new departure for him too. He's known as being a total playa, so committing himself to one woman was as scary for him as it was for Cassie to rely on a male.

Emma is a fantastic writer and the words always glide effortlessly over the pages of my Kindle. And, boy, does she know how to write steamy sex.

My only complaint is that this all took place in the space of two weeks which was totally not credible, but I pushed logic aside and just allowed myself to be entertained.

If you want a fun, heartrending story with depth, interesting characters, great writing and steamy romance, then this is the book for you.

Enjoyed it immensely.

Thanks to the author and Inkslinger PR for providing an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

4.5 stars.
Profile Image for Nikki.
969 reviews258 followers
September 4, 2016
Holy Hot Cover Batman! *swoon* Ok, I will admit, I saw the cover of this book, and didn't give two shits about the blurb. I just knew I wanted it now! So I signed up to do a review. Then read the blurb and was like, yeah. I need this in my life like yesterday!

Hot cover... CHECK. Intriguing blurb... Check. After reading devouring this book, did I love it? YES I damn well did! It had errrythang! ;) A great set of characters, interesting story line that wasn't mega predictable, witty dialogue. Hot steamy sex scenes.... Oh yeah, this book had it all!

Cassie is our leading lady, and she had a baby young. In order to provide for her family she did what she had to do, and that was working at a strip club. As a single mom, I understood where she was coming from in this. I haven't personally ever worked in that field, but that has more to do with the fact that A. I don't have the body and B. If I were to publicly dance.... well lets just say it wouldn't be pretty ;) Lol. Back to the matter at hand. Cassie wasn't happy with her job, but knew she needed to save as much money as she could if she wanted to get out.

Beckett is the owner, and if you've read the first book I believe you've met him, (I have yet to read that one so I don't know for sure... don't fret it's up next ;)) He's also Cassie's boss. And hot. HOT! HAWT!!! Are you getting that he's freaking HOT?! Moving on... One night at work, Cassie isn't having the best night what with all kinds of stress on her mind, so Beckett calls her into his office to talk.... and maybe have a few drinks to relax. Well.... they are in Vegas and they do have the secret hots for each other soooo... Yeah they wake up married!

Due to consummating the marriage, they can't have it annulled. Divorce it is then. But once they start spending more time together, they start to realize there might actually be real feelings developing. This is where I have to taper off with the recap portion of this review. I don't want to give too much away.

It was a really great book and I loved every steamy hot minute of it. The author has a great writing style that really fit with me. Not to mention that the entire story just came across so realistic and there wasn't any part where I wanted to do an eye roll or toss the kindle. I wish I'd read the first book first so I'd know about Mia and West's story, but I didn't feel lost at any point when they appeared in this book. Anywho... This was a great read and I highly recommend it! :)

ARC provided in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,050 reviews90 followers
August 30, 2016
* A review copy was provided by the author for the Blog Tour *

~ 5 Beckett and Cassie Stars ~

Again Emma gave us a book that was both fun and flirty but still had all the emotions a reader likes to feel while reading a book.

I was so excited to learn that Emma was going to write a book about Beckett and let me say she didn’t disappoint. I actually loved this book more than Stripped Bare. This book was so much more than an accidental marriage, this was about what single mothers go through to provide the best life for their child/children. I believe this book will strike a chord with many readers out there.

As always with an Emma book, the flow and pace of this book was spot on. There was a perfect mix of laughs, spice and emotion. She gave us an interesting storyline with characters you couldn’t help to love. Although I will be honest, it took me some time to warm up to Cassie. She was so guarded that at times I wanted to strangle her and tell her to wake up. But by the end I loved her. As for Beckett…..he stole the show for me. I LOVED him from the beginning to the end. I loved watching this single playboy of a man turn into the fun, loving, father figure he is in the end. And it didn’t hurt that he knows how to spread some dirty talk around ;) Melt your panties HOT!!!

I also loved that we got to see Mia and West in this book. I thought their part in this story was perfect. They added the perfect amount of support to both Cassie and Beckett. It’s always fun reconnecting with a past couple.

Stripped Down is a standalone novel and you don’t need to read Stripped Bare first to follow along with this book. So if you are looking for that fun, sexy and easy read, but still touches on your emotions, read Stripped Down. You won’t be sorry. If you are new to Emma Hart’s books, Stripped Down is the perfect place to start.

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Profile Image for Christine (Shh Moms Reading).
1,404 reviews568 followers
August 29, 2016
I LOVED Beckett Cruz when I met him in book 1 Stripped Bare and I couldn't wait to get my hands on his book Stripped Down to meet the woman that would give him his happy.

This is a story that has been done before - the classic case of falling for your boss. But what I loved about this story that made it unique for me was the way that this author crafted these characters, the heat and chemistry between Cassie and Beckett and the story that included a little girl that stole my heart.

You see Cassie is a single mom to Ciara her 6 year old daughter and she does everything in her power to give her a good life. Cassie not only provides for her and her daughter but also helps out with her mom and dad and their medical expenses.

Beckett Cruz is Cassie's HOT boss at the strip club and after one drunk night together, they find themselves married with no recollection of how it happened!

While Beckett and Cassie agree to a divorce because let's face it Beckett is not the type of man to settle down, what ensues between them ends up being so much more than the initial physical chemistry. Beckett's heart and the man beneath that playboy exterior ends up being so much more than readers will ever imagine.

Emma Hart writes steamy sex like no other - this book was hot, hot, HOT! But besides that, she has written a man who captured my heart with the combination of his sexy, dirty ways but his kindness, his heart and his ability to love. His relationship with Ciara made me love him even more - he is my favorite Emma Hart male character to date!

This book made me smile, it made me laugh and the epilogue made my heart so happy. This is another must read for Emma Hart fans who love romance, heat and emotion and want another book boyfriend to steal your heart!
Profile Image for Michelle.
536 reviews122 followers
September 27, 2016
I don't get how Emma Hart is able to make this book so sexy, fun, romantic and heartfelt at the same time. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book like the first one which I also loved. I really felt for Cassie as she is a young single mother who is stripping so she can give her adorable daughter the life she deserves. So one night her boss, Beckett Cruz calls her in to talk, they get drunk and end up married (what happens in Vegas...). Cassie wants a quick divorce so she can move on with her life but some things keep drawing them together and a divorce isn't as quick and easy path for them as they may believe. Beck and Cassie have their own personal problems they work through together. They take a big risk on each other but it is worth it in the end. The narration is also priceless. Definitely recommend this story if you like hot strippers who have hearts of gold and are in need of a fun time.
Profile Image for Shayna.
1,812 reviews618 followers
August 28, 2016
One of my FAVORITE erotic romances of the year, and Emma Hart's best work yet!

I've only recently discovered this author and I'm so grateful that I did. Her writing is exactly what I look for in a romance. Her heroes are TO DIE for and her heroines are kick-ass and genuine. Her love matches are spot on and she always gives us sexual chemistry that rivals other romance reads.

I absolutely LOVED Book One in the Stripped Series, STRIPPED BARE. But STRIPPED DOWN had this emotional impact on me that I didn't see coming. There was such a realness to Cassie's story that just hit home for me and I know it will touch the hearts of others as well. A single mom doing what she has to do to make sure her daughter never wants for anything. Stripping at The Landing Strip is a means to an end. Cassie is on the fast-track to save enough money and get the hell out of dodge. She wishes that she had better offers, but getting pregnant at a very young age has left her with very few career options. So she does the best that she can. On top of dealing with stranger pawing at her every night, her father's health is declining which puts even more stress on her. Everything is getting to her, and others are noticing. That includes her boss, Beckett Cruz. When Beckett calls Cassie into his office and demands to know what's wrong...shots are had, stubbornness ensues, and even MORE shots are had. Everything else is a blur until they wake up with rings on their fingers and a sketchy memory of how they became husband and wife.

"Open your legs."

I bit the inside of my cheek.

His gaze snapped upward. "Cassie. Open. Your. Fucking. Legs."

OMG! Did you just get chills? I did, and I've already read this part a dozen times! The heat is on to get an annulment, but with Cassie and Beckett, life isn't that easy. After spending time together, and remembering what they do to each other, they start to grow closer. Cassie fights it with everything she has, but Beck is just too hard to stay away from, especially when he's already won the heart of the most important person in her life.

"I do want you. And you want me. You're just better at fighting it than I am."

Deathly afraid of losing another person in her life, she tries to keep her distance from the alluring Beckett Cruz, but fate has other plans. When it's time to sign on the dotted line, will Cassie find the courage to go through with it? Or has Beckett Cruz buried himself so far inside her heart, that she will have no choice but to surrender?

Emma Hart writes Erotic Romance like a fucking BOSS! Passion, kink, emotion, and sexual chemistry for DAYS...STRIPPED DOWN was an all around FANTASTIC read and one that I recommend for all the romance junkies out there. And believe me when I say, you will COMPLETELY lose your heart to the sexy Beckett Cruz.

Woman and man in bedroom having sex

Profile Image for Rachael*Caribbean*girl*bibliophile.
1,947 reviews436 followers
January 24, 2019
Spoilers ahead............

Cassie is working as a stripper at Becket's club, she's a twenty three year old single parent of a sweet little girl who she had in her teens. Stripping helps her support her daughter and help pay her father's medical bills. One night she's off her game and Beck takes her to his office for a drink and a chat. One drinks turns to multiple and a drunken Vegas marriage is the result.

I was fully prepared to love Cassie, again with Cher from Hold On as one of my favorite fmcs, I'm always in support of mother's who'd do absolutely anything to provide for their children but see Cassie just annoyed the ever living daylights out of me. She pushed Beck away almost to the very end of the damn book without a good reason. Yes he was a manwhore but he never once gave her a reason to doubt him and he continuously pursued her! I get how bad experience can shape a woman's thinking but at the end of the day this is not real life. There's only so many pages available to wrap up the damn story so having the h making excuses and finding the simplest things to push the H away for the majority of the book was just frustrating.

Now Beck I liked even from book 1,yes he was a manwhore extraordinaire but he was a sweetheart in this one. I did find the initial drinking scene in the office a bit creepy actually but at the end I liked Beck and felt he deserved better.

Again with the filthy mouthed Alpha hero though the dirty talking can be a bit OTT and come across as cheesy sometimes.
No conflict or much drama aside from the somewhat immature h.
Not a fan of the ending and this coming from someone who lives for babies in an epilogue. I just found that with one unexpected pregnancy already Cassie needed time to settle into the relationship and mature a bit but that's a me not the book pov.

All in all I almost liked this one. 1* for Beck and 1* for Cassie's daughter..........p.s the nickname"little one" annoyed me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even though I didn't fully enjoy this one I'll never regret purchasing it because...........that cover!!!!!!!!! Worth all the stars!
Profile Image for Amy .
2,931 reviews
August 30, 2016
4.5 Scorching Stars!!

“Beckett and West’s friendship was legendary. They were brothers from another mother, twins separated at birth, soul mates in the realest sense of the word.”

“He kissed me. Like there was no air left and kissing me was the only way to stay alive. Like he was sinking into an ocean and I was the only thing keeping his head above water. Like everything was wrong and I was the only thing to make it right. He kissed me like the world was ending around us and I was the memory he wanted to die with.”

“The sensations of Beckett Cruz swarmed me, swamped me, completely and utterly owned me, until I was nothing myself and, at the same time, someone I wasn’t.”

Hold on to your hats with this one ladies, because Beckett Cruz might just be Emma Hart’s hottest, and sexiest hero yet. Beckett Cruz takes HOT to a whole other level. So, sit back and get ready for one hot, sexy, and scorching ride…

Stripped Down is the second book in the Stripped Series, but it can totally be read as a stand alone. Stripped Down is fantastically written and sucks you in from the very first page. Now, I’m a sucker for accidental marriages and let me tell you, Beckett and Cassie’s story does not disappoint. Their story is fun and entertaining. It is captivating. It is sexy as hell. Their story will have you laughing your ass off one minute and swooning the very next.

I fell in love with Cassie from the very beginning. She is hard working and tries so hard to provide the best that she can for her daughter. She hasn’t had one single adult moment to herself and is one the best people anyone could know. She is very real and so easy to connect with and understand. Beckett is successful, hard working, determined, stubborn as hell, and isn’t afraid to go after what he wants. Together, Cassie and Beckett make one scorching team. Not only is their chemistry off the charts, sexy, but their banter is so much fun. They just love ruffling each others feathers and give just as good as they get.The moment they are around each other, you can just feel the tension oozing off of them. The push and pull between them is undeniable. They are like a stick of dynamite that you can’t wait for it to go off. You know that they are going to be good for one another, you just have to wait for them to catch up.

Stripped Down is such a fun and entertaining read. While it is a super sexy read, there is more to this story than that. Stripped Down gives you a real insight into the struggles that a single mother has. It makes you understand just how much Cassie had to sacrifice just to make ends meet and put a smile on her daughter’s face. This story is filled with so much love and laughter, great friendships and families that stick together.

I loved every single second of Cassie and Beckett’s story. It had just the right mix of angst, drama, frustration and sexy good times. Fans of Emma Hart, you are not going to want to miss this one. If you like fun, sexy reads filled with lots of heart, then I’d definitely recommend checking this one out.

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Kate.
Author 4 books29 followers
February 25, 2017
Loved the mini-cliffy / teaser-lead in to this book at the end of West & Mia's story in Stripped Bare, so had every expectation that I'd love Stripped Down too.

I wasn't disappointed.

Beckett & Cassie together were scorching, but also very relatable when it came to their insecurities & fears.

My heart strings pulled several times throughout the read - mostly as a result of things Beckett had said or done, but Ciara was responsible for a few too.

The banter was witty, funny & provided many an LOL moment. Little snippets of West & Mia were fabulous, as were the moments we were in either The Landing Strip or Rock Solid.

An entertaining read.

This & Stripped Bare a great duet of books to provide you with the perfect romance read fix over a weekend or between heavier reads.

Profile Image for Rebecca.
2,860 reviews156 followers
August 30, 2016
Stripped Down is the perfect title for Beckett and Cassie’s story because there are multiple ways that both characters are exposed…are laid bare, enabling them to truly understand who they are and what they want once their walls are torn away, and they are left with nothing but their hearts and bodies.

Cassie may be a stripper, dancing and removing her clothes for money, but it’s not who she is or what defines her because at her barest, Cassie is a single mom doing whatever it takes to provide for her daughter, even if it means feeling dirty and being treated like nothing but a body to be used for pleasure. When Cassie takes off the make-up and removes the mask that she wears in order to endure the job she loathes, she’s a wonderful mother, caring daughter, and amazing woman who hides her pain and sadness so that her 6 year old daughter, CiCi, doesn’t know just how difficult their life is.

On the surface, Beckett is a wealthy playboy who’s both arrogant and demanding, unwilling to take no for an answer. But beneath that role, Beck’s a man with a huge heart…a man who uses his money for more than just himself and who definitely gives Flynn Ryder a run for his money;)

Cassie and Beckett may live very different lives and a bottle of tequila most definitely tore away their inhibitions as well as their clothes, but what they find in each other, even accidentally, is a sizzling as well as a tender connection that allows both of them to see what’s truly important in life and in love.

Emma Hart, once again, proves she knows how to write erotic romance that leads with heart instead of sex, which is exactly the kinds of stories I love to read because there’s depth to the characters as well as a solid story line that leads to passionate and filthy scenes that illustrate just how connected her hero and heroine truly are.

A complimentary copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

4.5 Poison Apples (The Fairest of All Book Reviews)
September 2, 2016
I loved the Burke Brothers series by Emma Hart so I am always watching for more from her. Honestly, the blurb for this book drew me in: single mom, accidental marriage. Yep. I had to see how this played out. Now, I am not a fan of s3x between the H and h early on in the story. I prefer a slow build. But for this story---it works.

Cassie is a single mom providing not only for her daughter, but helping her parents with medical bills. She strips, reluctantly, in a club owned by Beckett. After consoling Cassie on her dad's diagnosis and WAY too much tequila, the two end up married. What ensues is the premise that they should get divorced. When in actuality, they get to know each other better.

The s3x is off the charts for these two. The strip tease between the two of them may be one of the hottest scenes I have read! But Cassie has been hurt in the past and she doesn't let her heart go easily. What better way to sway a momma than to watch a demanding, alpha male melt his way into her daughter's heart. Watching his soft caring side with CiCi will make anyone's ovaries go BOOM!

This book can be read as a stand alone. I had not read book 1 in the series and had no issue catching up on the characters. I always look forward to more by this author!

*ARC provided for an honest review.
Profile Image for Joy Novel Thoughts.
573 reviews68 followers
August 24, 2016
I'm a single mom, Cassie is a single mom. And I love books about single moms.

This novel is such a treasure! Emma sums this book up within the book perfectly.
"This wasn't your average love story. This wasn't man meets woman, they fall in love slowly, they live happily ever after. This was man gives woman tequila, they get married, they fuck, and then they are fucked."

This book is hilarious!
"In related news, I no longer had a clitoris. I'd decided I was now the dubiously proud owner of a clit-whore-is."

Beckett Cruz who is so hot he could make the 'cobwebs fall off of your vagina with his grin."

Cassie who is a strong independent single mother,
"He could kiss my ass. I would be the queen in his dance. I was no pawn."

The sexual tension between these two is ridiculously amazing and steamy and I was turned on the majority of the book. You will fall in love with these two and Cassie's daughter and will be rooting for them to both have their happy ending!

** Side note: You don't have to read the first book to read this one although, I recommend reading Stripped Bare first.
November 1, 2016

In Cassie's words,

This wasn’t your average love story.
This wasn’t man meets woman, they fall in love slowly, they live happily ever after.
This was man gives woman tequila, they get married, they fuck, and then they are fucked.

Obviously, this is now a cliche plot but the single mom thing was a first for me.
Not a bad book but it was just "okay" and so not something I'd read again.
1,017 reviews12 followers
October 14, 2019
Loved the cliffy ending from book1 to starting Stripped Down to get the full story about Cassie and Beck! Loved the push and pull of Cassie and Beck's relationship, their banter was fun and there was some laugh out there moments! And again so many heated sexy moments! I think CiCi stole the show many times she was sweet and adorable!
Profile Image for 1-Click Addict Support Group.
3,749 reviews485 followers
September 2, 2016
One of my favorite tropes that isn't done often is accidental marriage…or should I call it getting so drunk in Vegas that they wake up the next morning married?! It is such a fun thing to read because it kind of forces the characters to get to know each other while they figure things out.

Cassie is a stripper at the Landing Strip in Vegas, where Beckett is the owner and boss. One night of drinking together leads to them waking up married. That leads them figuring out the quickest way to divorce. But when they find out more about each other, will they really want to separate?

I just loved this book. Cassie and Beck definitely had a push and pull relationship—Cassie was determined to push him away before he could leave, while Beck was pulling her closer because he didn't want to be away from her. I understood why Cassie was hesitant in this relationship with what happened in the past, but I was still yelling at her in my head to just give him a decent chance and not push away!

Stripped Down definitely had some hot moments as the chemistry between Cassie and Beck was off the charts. But then there were also a lot of cute moments that involved Cassie’s daughter, especially when Beck was there also.

As per usual with Emma Hart's books, I didn't want to put this one down. The storyline kept me captivated in their world and it made me want them to be together and stay married. It was also nice to catch up with West and Mia. I am looking forward to reading more books by Ms. Hart. ~ Leah, 5 stars


Oh, Beck. I knew there was a soft, gooey center to your hot AF, muscled up, gruff exterior. Especially when it comes to a certain six year old.

Beckett Cruz is happy. Happy with his life just how it is. He’s a successful businessman. Works with his best friend every day. Loves his job and bars. Loves women too—all pieces and parts. But he keeps that soft, gooey center hidden. But maybe, after a drunken night with Jose Cuervo, a gorgeous blonde and a quick stand-up at the altar, Beck might just have found out what’s been missing in his life.

Single mom, Cassie Gallagher hasn’t had an easy life. As a teenaged mother, she had to grow up fast and become an adult when she was still just a child herself. Sure, she had the love, support and—thankfully—the assistance of her parents along the way, but now with her father’s illness taking a turn for the worse, every penny Cassie can spare goes to help her parents pay her dad’s medical bills. She’s trying to build a life for herself and her daughter, Ci Ci—Ciara when she’s in trouble—and doesn’t have room for love and romance. But will Beck and his inability to take no for an answer change her mind?

For me, as a reader, there’s not much better than a headstrong, proud, self-sufficient leading female character, and the tough, gorgeous, Alpha man who loves her back. I loved the back and forth banter between Beck and Cassie. And their sexy times—sweet lord, make sure you have a fan handy.

Cassie has been burned in the past by relationships before, so opening up to Beck is very scary for her, especially because of Ci Ci. And Beck is used to be used by women—women who see him as a hot, sexy millionaire but fail to see the real man underneath. Cassie sees that man and likes him, a lot. I really liked them together—there’s a give and take in the relationship that’s so real.

Add in the adorableness of Ci Ci, along with Wes and Mia and their interruptions, and this book was enjoyable from page one all the way through to the last word. ~ Missy, 4.5 stars
Displaying 1 - 30 of 279 reviews

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