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Alastair Cooper, my abusive ex-husband, is dead. He was found in dragon form in a dragon slayer’s cooler, an arrow in his heart. But before I can start dancing for joy, I find that I’m the main suspect in Alastair’s murder. The only person the police think is more likely to have committed the crime is Lachlan Flint, my boyfriend.

After we’re arrested and spend a night locked up in a jail that leaches the magic from our bones, we know we’ve got no choice but to find out who really killed Alastair. We’ve got to clear our names.

I can’t go to prison. I’ve got a baby on the way, and I have to do whatever I can to protect my unborn child. Of course, Lachlan doesn’t know about that. How do I tell him I’m pregnant?

With Alastair’s child?

273 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 16, 2016

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About the author

Val St. Crowe

55 books82 followers
Val St. Crowe is the fantasy and sci-fi pen name for USA Today Bestselling author V.J. Chambers.

Under the name V.J. Chambers she writes mysteries, thrillers and horror.

Under the pen name Jove Chambers she writes dark romance.

A Joss Whedon fanatic, she loves all that is speculative, from Elemental Assassin to Arrow to The Lost Boys.

She lives in Shepherdstown, WV with her partner Aaron, their son, and their kitty cat.

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Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 reviews
Profile Image for Damian Southam.
246 reviews2 followers
October 20, 2016
The past is the present is the future and so the cycle returns. Penny's dealing again with a fresh aftermath of the maelstrom of thoughts and emotions present but in decline throughout book one and early parts of book two. As her past began to repeat itself throughout the second book the history of things she'd thought dealt with begun to reassert their influence upon her soul. In Fire Magic the issues of her past that were receding have now been wrought anew. What should've been a shoulder to cry and lean upon has become another reason Penny is overwhelmed; but mostly because of the lies and secrets she keeps. Even the news from the lab reports following her abduction and rape have not relieved any weight because lies can be by omission too. As life grows within her womb, her life descends into something akin to the small deaths of her past. Joy systematically starved in her life since meeting her mate is now starving her again.

Lachlan never stood a chance to be able to make things easier because he's no longer in the loop. In trying to help he surely thinks he's making things worse. The human tendency to assume reactions and feelings means that those we make those decisions for will always do what we expect; because in taking away their right to decide for themselves we do things in a way that causes them to do what we expect (the notorious self-fulfilling prophecy). Knowing Lachlan's past loss the potential for joy to be gained from her pregnancy, which gratefully continue now, have been stolen from him by Penny's omissions. If they're to renew their relationship something will need to change - but no one seems to be considering the possible ramifications implied by the rape kit outcome.

To add to the encumbrances The Order of Rasmossen and Wolffe has approached Penny about doing a job. An Order of combined magical species established (if they're to be believed) in the 1600s to police and contain their own would without reservation be a danger if they were on the wrong side. Despite their assertions of having no interest in Penny as a potential risk, something ignites her instincts that that's not completely true. Given the blood bond and the power it created between her and Lachlan, Penny can't help but feel the 'job' is either a test or a trap. As if anyone needed more to worry about.

They know of her killing the ancient vampire at The Dungeon in Fire Storm, so they've undoubtedly been looking into her, or as they say 'vetting' her. They have a prison built through magical means to syphon the detainees' magic which is then funneled into the spells which keep them locked away. To Penny this should mean they've enough power to never need her help, and thus their interest may not be harmless. Keeping her friends and on-and-off again lover at arms length to 'protect them' and her lies, may just turn out to be more deadly than any other threat. And especially to her baby still growing within her womb. The push and pull she continues to show toward Lachlan might just mean the blood bond won't be there to save them. Its only the failure of their representative in not initially discussing Lachlan that adds any doubt to those assumptions.

As dawn brings the greatest relief, its only a few days until that relief turns to dread as a SCPD visiting detective specialising in magical crimes turns her attention to Lachlan and Penny. Arrests are made and with the catastrophic police death toll in their attempts to take down Alistair no caution is being taken. Even when dealing with pregnant women as Penny soon finds out. Her knee-jerk reaction and fesr for her unborn baby leading to actions increasing her arrest report. Unless they can prove their innocence, despite an apparent absence of proof, it looks like The Order and her best friend's problems will be the least of Penny's worries.

Nothing like adversity to bring people together, thus once released on bail Penny and Lachlan finally find common ground to work from. Although it would be a lie to say that in and of itself the requirement of adversity is a suitable grounds to build a relationship from it has sjown the propensity to bring them together. Together they've shown no real problems when pressure forces them together, its the calm before and after the storms that seems to be the time of greatest turmoil. Perhaps its true that relationships formed in flames die with the embers.

Lachlan's knowledge and experience in dealing with and solving crimes tells them that once an arrest is made his colleagues will move to building their case; instead of continuing to investigate possible other suspects. Given his suspension and Penny's ownership of a largely self sufficient business, they fortunately (or unfortunately depending on your perspective) have the time to start making their own investigations, if people want to assume they're still acting in an official capacity then that's their problem for presuming. For Penny the expectation that it'd be no small miracle if she were to carry full term, combined with the unbearable idea of someone taking her baby away, leads to the unbreakable conviction that no one's getting their hands on him or her.

The thrill and excitement of the baby on the away carries well and spills over to the reader. The same outcome that ended Fire Storm on a cliffhanger keeps readers turning the pages of Fire Magic. Worry based on past repetitions contrasts well with sheer happiness and the growing love between baby and parents: already taking form in a tangible way due to the Penny's son's special existence. Whilst initially thought of as a modified and detrimental kind of altered dragon mate bond, the blood bond proves to be as ancient and poeerful but in a consensual symbiosis. The dragon bond, responsible in Penny's life for thrusting upon her the horrors of repeated and systematic abuse is now counterbalanced by the love and mutual respect of a bond sealed in blood. And if Felicity is right, this is Fate's way of trying, in some small way, to make up for the road of paved in sorrow in Penny's life.

A rounding addition to the saga of City of Dragons. Most doors have been closed with enough force to settle the contents within each room, whilst leaving some partially open and new ones just being built. With the same level of action, drama and intrigue, Fire Magic has also offered the happiness of new life; both symbolic and literal. Walking away from the third novel readers will surely have gained that satisfaction obtained from trilogies, whilst still maintaining the expectations of future novels to come. A rewarding addition to the series with a greater helping of happiness, a refreshing experience in relation to reading series based storylines which can at times become mired in setbacks and loss. These latter helpings are present and keep readers going, but they're also thankfully offset with the rewards following sacrifice. A must read for anyone who's read Fire Song and Fire Storm.
Profile Image for Kevin.
2,440 reviews36 followers
October 27, 2017
I picked up book three after finishing the first two books some time ago and recently finishing two others in this universe. Penny and Lachlan are dealing with their issues, Penny is pregnant, the two are accused of murder, and a strange woman has a strong obsession with Penny. It's all figured out by the last page.
Typos: "guests" is wrongly singular (my guest went...), your is spelled you're (if you're theory), there's an extra comma (so, you said), "nothing" is written as "not thing."
Profile Image for Cristine Hand.
113 reviews1 follower
January 28, 2018
I thought this 3rd book was amazing. All the things they go through and they still stay together. Love surely wins in this book. A very good page turner. I couldn't put the book down. Can't wait to see what's next. I received this book for free in a boxed set in an exchange for an honest review.
157 reviews
October 31, 2016
A very good book

Penny and Lachlan are having a baby boy. Alistair is really dead.penny and Lachlan arrested.. They have to find the murder.
887 reviews2 followers
December 14, 2020
Great read

Excellent, what a fantastic read. Really enjoying this series and I love the fact that Lachlan and Penny are having a baby. Now for crazy dragons...
Profile Image for Ashley.
132 reviews6 followers
July 25, 2016
As this series has progressed it has gotten better. The characters have been more developed and I like finding out more about the lives of the different creatures, particularly drakes and gargoyles. The romance is, to me, the weakest part of the series. I wouldn't mind to have, for once, a female lead that never gets involved with a man or where romance is just not really a part of the novel. But that's a separate conversation. Here it is not an overwhelming part of the series

Overall they are easy enough reads, about dragons (I'll read any book about dragons), and deal with issues not always addressed in this genre. I look forward to the rest of the series.

Profile Image for Anna.
Author 51 books104 followers
June 25, 2016
This is one of those rare series where I'm on book three and still want more, more, more! I adored the first two books (to recap: dragon shifters with plot!), but I feel like Fire Magic is the strongest of the lot. There's so little I can say without spoiling the absolutely enticing twists, but the character development and relationship building keep kicking it up a notch while the mystery and world-building continue to connect. Read it!
Profile Image for Jana Gundy.
1,919 reviews17 followers
June 26, 2016

I really enjoyed this book and thought it's the nest one so far. The action was intense, it kept you right there in the story. The romance was so good in this one! To make two highly dysfunctional people work as a couple is hard but the author did a great job with of and its a great relationship build. The mystery kept you guessing and I loved every word!
Profile Image for Tina.
72 reviews1 follower
December 12, 2016
Hotter and Hotter

This series just keeps getting hotter and hotter. The story line is superb and the characters amazing. You just want to keep reading the full series and never stop. Each book gets stronger than the last.
Profile Image for Shawn.
468 reviews
January 4, 2017
So glad I continued the series. This book dealing with the aftermath of Alistair...what happened to him? Good twists and karma is a beautiful thing. Looking forward to the next book.
Profile Image for Sara Fitzgerald.
173 reviews4 followers
April 15, 2017
Ohhhhh Dragons

More Penny, more Lachlin, more mystery.
This series keeps getting better and better.
A paranormal Dragon Cozy Romance Mystery. Who could ask for anything more.
Cannot wait to keep reading.
Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 reviews

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