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Dark #5

Dark Challenge

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Librarian Note: Alternate cover edition ISBN 13: 9780505524096


Julian Savage was golden. Powerful. But tormented. For the brooding hunter walked alone, always alone, far from his Carpathian kind, alien to even his twin. Like his name, his existence was savage. Until he met the woman he was sworn to protect...

When Julian heard Desari sing, rainbows swamped his starving senses. Emotions bombarded his hardened heart. And a dark hunger to possess her flooded his loins, blinding him to the danger stalking him. And even as Desari enflamed him, she dared to defy him with mysterious, unparalleled feminine powers. Was Desari more than his perfect mate? Julian had met his match in this woman, but would she drive him to madness... or save his soul?

390 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published November 1, 2000

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About the author

Christine Feehan

186 books52.1k followers
Christine Feehan is a #1 New York Times bestselling author multiple times over with her portfolio including over 90 published novels, including five series; Dark Series, GhostWalker Series, Leopard Series, Drake Sisters Series, the Sisters of the Heart Series, Shadow Riders and Torpedo Ink. All of her series have hit the #1 spot on the New York Times bestselling list as well. Her debut novel Dark Prince received 3 of the 9 Paranormal Excellence Awards in Romantic Literature (PEARL) in 1999. Since then she has been published by various publishing houses including Leisure Books, Pocket Books, and currently is writing for Berkley/Jove. She also has earned 7 more PEARL awards since Dark Prince.
Her series include:
The Dark Series - https://www.christinefeehan.com/darkb...
The GhostWalker series- https://www.christinefeehan.com/ghost...
The Leopard Series - https://www.christinefeehan.com/leopa...
The Shadow Series- https://www.christinefeehan.com/shado...
Torpedo Ink series- https://www.christinefeehan.com/torpe...

I've been a writer all of my life -- it is who I am. I write for myself and always have. The ability to create pictures and emotions with words is such a miracle to me. I read everything; I mean everything! All kinds of books, even encyclopedias. I am fascinated by the written word and I love storytellers. It is a great privilege to be counted one myself. (www.christinefeehan.com)

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February 16, 2021
4 New Family Stars


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Sing for me, cara mia. I love the sound of your voice. It is a miracle. You bring me peace and joy when you sing. You make my body burn as it never has before. Sing for me.-Julian

First read June 2012
Reread January 18, 2016
Reread January 27, 2017
Reread Nov 2, 2020

Dark Challenge the 5th book in the Dark series by Christine Feehan was a nice read. But for me a little slow which is why it's a 4 star and not 5. Julian and Desari are a very sweet couple and I enjoyed reading about Desari's family. There is just something I love about the Carpathian series. It's my Happy Zone. The whole lifemate thing is so sweet. I love the idea of one soul mate fated forever. Though a few things happened in this book for the most part it was a more laid back easy read and focused more on Julian and Desari's relationship.

You seem to forget I am no fledgling but your equal. Do not waste your energy attempting the impossible. Destroy this vampire if you must, then return to me quickly. We will discuss your conceit on the next rising.-Desari

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"I want you so much, Desari, just like this, so wild with need you cannot be without me. Feel it, the fire between us, my body in yours where I belong. I am part of you like your heart, like your breasts." He bent to lavish attention on her nipples, pulling strongly with his mouth. "I never want this to end."-Julian

Julian was a very laid back chilled kinda guy. He had a very sarcastic sense of humor. Julian could be pretty caveman in his thinking but most of the Carpathian men are. Julian had a very lonely life. He had a secret that he was deeply ashamed about. Julian was a quick learner when it came to women, his lifemate in particular. He gave up his idea of women listening and obeying for the pipe dream it was, and learned to compromise. Desari was very independent and confident in herself. Desari loved her family and career and had no plans of giving them up. She was an ancient like Julian so she had her own power and good control over it. Desari was a bit of a trouble maker, she didn't like being dictated to. Desari fought her relationship with Julian for a very short time, but for the most part jumped right in.

"I believe in God, Julian. I always have. Living through the centuries as we have, I have witnessed many wonderful, miraculous things he has wrought. I believe we were created two halves of the same whole. I had no idea this was so until I met you, but I am now convinced. I would never want another, never fit with another. I can feel that we are right together, and I do not believe God would put together two creatures who did not suit one another." -Desari

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"Then I will have to be more careful the next time to be slow and thorough. I want you to be completely satisfied in all things, lifemate." Her slender arms circled his neck. "You know I am. And if you were much more thorough, we might both be dead."-Julian and Desari

Both Julian and Desari were pretty accepting of finding their lifemate the bumps in their relationship were more from learning to live together. There was a lot of steamy hot sex in this book as our couple couldn't keep their hands off each other. Julian and Desari got along well together and Julian fit in nicely with Desari's family.

You are the lifemate of a sensitive, modern male. Julian's lazy amusement warmed her further, confirming what she already suspected, that he often stayed a shadow in her mind. How fortunate for me.-Julian and Desari

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"The way you love me, Julian, so beautifully, so much, that is the way I love you. You are everything to me. If only we have the next few moments together, everything that came before was worth the time we have had."-Desari

I really loved getting to know the members of Desari's family Darius, Dayan, Barack, and Syndil. Barack is a bit of a playboy. He is the only Carpathian male in the whole series where they tell you he messed around with other women, not that other Carpathian males are virgins the books just don't talk about it. You don't have to see it but, Syndil was attacked by a vampire so she was very withdrawn, and fearful of men. She carries shame feeling like she somehow caused the attack. Dayan has a poet soul. Dayan is more of a lover not a fighter kind of guy. Darius is my favorite of the group. He is a lot like Gregori which is understandable since him and Desari are Gregori's lost brother and sister. Darius is very powerful. He has a lot of honor and raised all the others since they were babies when he was only 6. He is bossy, and arrogant of course. I can't wait for Darius's book! Overall a great read and a nice addition to the series!

"You have a perfect mouth, Julian. An amazingly perfect mouth." He arched an eyebrow at her. "Just my mouth is amazing?" "You are such a man." Her eyes laughed at him. "You need constant reassurance that you are magnificent." He nodded. "Magnificent. I like that. I could live with magnificent. Good choice of words, lifemate."-Desari and Julian

Profile Image for edge of bubble.
251 reviews178 followers
May 19, 2017
Finally, a heroine in this series that doesn't make me want to slap her on her mouth with a glass frog, repeatedly. Instead of throwing childish tantrums to prove her "adult" status, Desari talks and explains like a logical human being. And miracle of miracles, the hero actually listens and agrees, instead of beating his chest hair in a manly way and saying "I know better, obey me silly female".

Just this phenomenon would be enough for me to give 4 stars to this book. But.. the sex scenes! Someone should tell Fenaan not to write them. At this point, she could just write "julian inserted his point A into Desari's slot B" and it would be better than the flowery repetitive weirdness she spews.

Profile Image for Azet.
1,061 reviews271 followers
August 31, 2021
"Dark Challenge" is the 5:th instalment in the Paranormal "Dark Carpathian"-series and is just as awesome as the former books in the series.I have no idea how Christine Feehan does it to me everytime.It must be her way of writing and expressing.The way she makes her fantasy come alive with heartfelt words and characters that makes you root for them.Carpathian warrior Julian Savage is just getting ready to meet the dawn when he meets his lifemate in the woman Gregori had sent him to warn that she was in danger from the human society of vampire hunters,the alluring carpathian female singer Desari who captures his soul at first sight.But inside Julian`s soul lives a hidden shadow threatening now the woman who is the reason for his existence.

Desari "Dara" Daratrazanoff is a ancient female carpathian who together with her siblings has resided in secrecy in the form of band members against other vampires.She never thought her heart and reason of living would be taken away by the golden stranger that haunts her mind.She is a heroine with tremendous compassion and goodness and i loved how she welcomed her intense feelings for Julian while she still demanded respect from him.She was so worthy of that respect since she knew what it meant to be a hunter of the undead and knew when Julian had to lead the path without her stubbornly defying him (like the other heroines do).It made it even more better that she is the lost sister of Gregori the Dark One.I loved her amazing ability to use her voice for power and was a badass of her own in the way she controlled it with ease.I found myself enthranced as Julian was of her!


"You are mine, cara mia, and you cannot die. I would not go quietly to my death without avenging you. The world could not conceive of such a monster as I would become. You must drink, piccola, for yourself, your life, for me, for our life together. " -Julian Savage


Julian Savage is a intriguing character i have met few times in the former books,one of the ancient carpathian warriors who lives in isolation from his own people and even his beloved twin brother Aidan Savage(hero in "Dark Gold").All because he was cursed by the mark of darkness from a evil ancient master vampire when he was just a boy.It has eaten him up for centuries of shame and disgust that he had let himself be manipulated and that the vampire could control him through the mark inside of him.Julian Savage is one golden man that i want for myself.Like his name he is wild,still as the mountains and as relentlessly unyielding.He could be the rush of the wind and as brutal killer as any other and in his agony-a monster without equal.It has come to a point where he saw no reason to continue his existence until he hears the beautiful voice of his lifemate.I absolutely love how Desari and Julian are together,how they cherish and love each other and in the way they can`t function without each other.

This book has it all i crave in this genre.It has hardcore action,fantasy to die for,sexy romance and a adventure i want to explore all over again.It was wonderful to read about a great couple like Julian and Desari.They made me swoon in their every scene together!!Then we have Desari`s older brother Darius a very much powerful carpathian male..also the younger brother of Gregori the Dark One.That makes him so much more compelling in my eyes!!!I mean he is so cold and empty inside that i was feeling for him.He can no longer feel any love,only remember feeling it that it saddens me to watch him want to end his existence.But now when he knows about lifemates he is willing to wait for his woman and i am so happy for him since i know he will have his happy ending in "Dark Fire".
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,659 followers
June 11, 2019
Julian Savage and Desari

Julian is a another Carpathian on the verge of turning into an evil vampire. He is the twin brother of Aidan that we met in Dark Gold.

Julian has pretty much has given up hope of meeting his life mate and soul saviour. And then one day he hears Desari sing and he can see the world with colours again.

He heard the woman's voice. Haunting, mystical notes that hung in the air like silver and gold shimmering with fire. He actually saw the notes, saw the silver and gold dancing in front of his eyes. Julian stopped dead in his tracks, shock ripping through him. He stared at the hallway. The tattered, faded wallpaper was edged with red. It had been well over eight hundred years since Julian had seen anything in color.

Besides Desari, the book introduces the members of the rest of the band “The Dark Troubadours”: Darius, Syndil, Barack, Dayan, and Savon.
All six children had survived when their parents were killed thanks to Darius’ strength of will. Unfortunately Savon became a lost case a few months before the events of this book when he attacked Syndil.

Desari is a Carpathian, so she is more willing to accept a lifelong mate in comparison to the human girls who discover suddenly the world of immortal Carpathians and Vampires.
Still she loves her family very much. She can accept Julian as long as her family accepts him and as long as he does not cause any troubles and takes her away.

Julian is a very easygoing guy, but there is no way that he will leave Desari alone. I love his interactions with strong willed, straightforward and overprotective Darius.

“I thought you were planning on talking him to death," Darius informed the golden bat dryly as he himself shape-shifted from a black bat to a feathered and much more powerful predator.
"Someone had to do something while you were playing with your rock patterns," Julian replied easily, allowing iridescent feathers to erupt along his own body, becoming a raptor more than able to keep up with his companion's aggressive flight.
They began to fly side by side easily toward the forest where they had left Desari. "I could do no other than protect the man of my sister's choosing." Darius managed to make it sound as if his sister had a hole in her head.
Julian snorted. "Protect me? I do not think so, old man. You were the one standing back in the shadows while I destroyed the beast."
"I had to ensure you came to no harm through other traps and snares. You certainly wasted enough time with the undead," Darius replied softly.”

Julian also has a deadly and dark secret since he was a kid. As long as his secret is still alive, no person close to him will be safe. I liked this twist, but I think it was resolved too fast.

Horndog Barack and soul tortured Syndil finally have the beginning of their story in this book.
Profile Image for CC.
1,770 reviews229 followers
June 16, 2019
I liked Julian. His history was sad. Desari was not my favorite. I believe I thought she was a bitch early and then she became a self centered bitch. So uncompromising. I thought for sure at some point she would give an inch to Julian on her career or spending every waking minute with her annoying family. But nope. Not at all. And she bitches to him about them not spending time together! I liked that she was powerful in her own way. I did not like the burden she placed on Julian and her family because she was so self centered. I was confused by Darius and did not like any other member of her family. The book alludes to Syndil and Barack being life mates. But he has been a horndog for centuries. F*(@ that! If the author goes there I am done. The whole lifemate thing makes the books. If it is cheapened and they are allowed to coexist for centuries either not knowing or caring then it has all been bullshit. Of course I think I need to read a couple more books to figure out their story. But I need a break for now. The formula gets old when you read a bunch together.

Overall, this is totally in keeping with the series. Totally safe with an independent heroine and a totally whipped alpha male.
Profile Image for *CJ*.
4,629 reviews551 followers
June 30, 2017
Another lovely addition to the "Carpathian" series.
Dark Challenge is the story of Julian and Desari.
Julian is the rebel twin of Aiden, a vampire hunter who chose to live alone after he exchanged bloods with a vampire and prepares for his end.
On his last mission as requested by Gregori, he meets the gypsy singer Desari, surrounded by leopards, and finally finds his lifemate and colors.
It was absolutely lovely to see two Carpathians mating. I loved the family bond between Darius, Desari, Barack, Syndil and Dayan and absolutely cannot wait to read more about them (esp Barack and Syndil).
The males, esp the hero are OTT alpha, but this time again we had a strong assertive heroine who's voice had healing powers.
The chemistry between the lead couple was beautiful and love filled, and it's just great to see these empty Carpathian hearts being filled with love and feelings.
There is a good deal of action sequences, healing, blood drinking- but it all adds up to a wonderful read.
Profile Image for Beatriz.
914 reviews824 followers
April 13, 2018
Me gustó, es de los buenos de la serie. Destaca porque en esta ocasión el conflicto del protagonista no radica en convencer y conquistar a su compañera cuando la descubre, sino que por el contrario, su relación comienza a surgir espontánea y fluidamente desde su primer encuentro.

El conflicto viene de la mano de aceptar a la familia de su compañera -un grupo de carpatianos que hace siglos se separó de su especie y no conoce las costumbres de éstos-, así como de su lucha interna con la marca que le hizo un vampiro siendo un niño y que lo obligó a separarse de los suyos. Solo me hubiera gustado que al final, la autora nos hubiera regalado el reencuentro de Julian con su propia familia.
Profile Image for Kelly.
5,242 reviews203 followers
May 14, 2010
Despite how much I enjoyed book #2, this is the book that makes the series pop for me. Maybe it's the fact that a Carpathian male is matched up with a Carpathian female of equal power, not a newly turned fledgling. It was nice seeing the female portrayed as someone with gifts that match her lifemate's.

This is the story of Julian Savage (Book #3-Aidan's twin brother) who has been a solitary hunter for nearly his entire existence. His lifemate is Desari, the younger sister of Gregori (Book #4), who was believed to have been killed centuries before. Raised by her incredibly strong-willed brother, Darius, with 4 others who escaped the massacre, Desari has no knowledge of lifemates or the ways of the Carpathians. Targeted by the human hunters who are trying to capture, study and destroy the Carpathians, Julian must protect her from both the humans and the Undead Vampires who are trying to claim her.

This book progresses the overall arc of the books exponentially. We're given a slew of new characters and the seeds for later stories are laid out. Nice.
Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,692 reviews1,383 followers
September 9, 2020
Sensual and evocative, full of unique characters and magic, DARK CHALLENGE made for an entertaining read! Julian Savage was an ancient Carpathian who was at the end of his rope. Many males when they reached this point in their lives either chose to give into the darkness that dwelled within them, becoming a vampire, or they walked into the sun and welcomed death. Julian was ready to walk into the light. But when his friend tasks him with a mission, to protect an unknown woman from evil, he couldn't say no. So off he goes to do his duty, not knowing that his reason for living was within his grasp.

From finding color and experiencing emotion again, fighting the undead, protecting his newfound family, and learning not to be his loner self, Feehan put Julian's character through the wringer. With the help of his new love, Desari, he was introduced to a new way of thought and living. He had finally found his other half and she was no pushover. She was all about asserting her rights and being respected for her own brand of power and he had to get with the program. All of this made for some humorous scenes.

Aside from how repetitive this story could seem, I enjoyed it. It was sexy and gave me more of the Carpathian story I've come to love. I'm extremely interested in reading Darius's story. He's Desari's brother who is battling the darkness just as Julian was and I can't wait to see him find his light.
Profile Image for Monique Takens.
586 reviews9 followers
January 30, 2023
Eindelijk een vrouwelijke hoofdrol speelster die niet erg jong is en zelf "krachten" heeft opgebouwd .
Het geeft toch weer een iets andere wending aan deze serie .
Profile Image for  Danielle The Book Huntress .
2,701 reviews6,443 followers
May 20, 2009
I'd give it 4.5 stars. These Carpathian books are really addictive. Julian was totally yummy. He was living large and in control. I thought Desari was a great match for him. She was an ancient too, and wasn't about to fall for the 'little girl' stuff. She actually gave him a reality check and he listened and appreciated her. They had a relationship of give and take, supporting each other.

I really loved the musical aspects in this story, how Desari could use her voice as a tool for helping the animals and others, and also to fight the vampires. I liked that each of the characters has a special gift. Syndil's gift was really cool. Feehan really has a great imagination!

At first Desari is a bit reluctant, but feels the pull. How could she resist Julian? This book really turns the page where you can see the progression in Feehan's writing. It's smooth and shows her skill. She uses words to tell a story with the detail of beautiful painting. There are dark moments and you can feel the menace and smell the evil. There are also moments of cameraderi and affection between Desari and her family and Julian.

This book has two alpha males (well more if you count Barack and Dayan), but there aren't too many. I liked the interactions between Julian and Darius. There was mutual respect and acknowledgement of the power of the other in there interactions. I really liked the side story with Syndil and Barack. I hope that there is a story that gives them HEA.

This book is really almost a five star. It's so hard for me because I love the Ghostwalkers so much that I can't help but elevate them to the Carpathians so far. But good writing is good writing. Long live the Carpathians!
Profile Image for TJ.
3,029 reviews207 followers
September 24, 2010
Great paranormal, romantic suspense. Julian's story is especially interesting because we are introduced to a whole new family of Carpathians. The secondary story becomes just as interesting as the primary. With the total Carpathian series being a definite formula, this twist added all the interest needed to keep the reader riveted. The steamy scenes were also more thoughtful and easily skippable for those who prefer.
Profile Image for Beth.
3,135 reviews288 followers
April 24, 2018
Christine Feehan is a queen of paranormal romance. And, I don't just say that because she was my very first adult paranormal read...way back when. This, Dark Challenge, is a novel that was included in those "way back when" reads and I enjoyed it just as much now as I did in years past.

Dark Challenge is a tantalizing, provocative, and seductive American based Carpathian tale. Finally a female with great cosmic power to match her Carpathian counterpart. I love the idea of a group growing up outside the Carpathian community and making it on their own...and then merging with Julian and eventually the rest of their extended families. With all Dark novels, some of the stuff is a bit repetitious, but is made up for in pure genius imaginings.

I received this copy of Dark Challenge from Avon Books. This is my honest and voluntary review. Dark Challenge is set for release June 26, 2018.

My Rating: 4 stars
Written by: Christine Feehan
Series: Carpathian Novels
Sequence in Series: Book 5)
Mass Market Paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: Avon; Reprint edition
Publication Date: June 26, 2018
ISBN-10: 0062019406
ISBN-13: 978-0062019400
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Dark-Challenge...
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/dark...
Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/dark...

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Profile Image for Ale Rivero.
1,268 reviews115 followers
August 4, 2017
¿Qué puedo decir de mi amado Julian y de Desari? Esta es la tercera vez que lo leo y me ha encantado como siempre, estoy deseando ver a los personajes en las siguientes historias.
Repasemos un poco, Julian Savage es un cazador carpatiano experimentado que guarda un secreto oscuro que lo hace sentirse sin el derecho a tener lo que le ha deparado el destino, a pesar de todo es inevitable que se sienta sumamente imposibilitado de dejar de lado a su otra mitad, porque es la luz para su oscuridad, lo que lo hace enfrentarse a sus dudas y sentimientos constantemente.
En cuanto a Desari, es de las primeras carpatianas ancianas que aparece dentro de la saga, y eso nos va descubriendo las posibilidades que implican los futuros personajes que aparezcan, junto con Sybill demuestran que no solo los machos pueden llegar a ser tan poderosos, lo que da un plus a esta raza creada por la autora.
Por otro lado, descubrir a todo un grupo familiar del cual no se sabía su existencia es algo sorprendente, ya quiero ver los reencuentros familiares, que darán de qué hablar. Y más cuando se empieza a hablar de los ancianos gemelos, que aparecerán pronto.
Las escenas de lucha y persecución siguen siendo tan fuertes como en libros anteriores, y Christine sabe mantenernos en la cuerda floja rogando por nuestros amados carpatianos. En contraparte, las escenas románticas tienen su buen parte de erotismo como de romance, haciendo que la relación entre los personajes tenga su equilibrio entre lucha, amor y humor, porque para Desari, ella y Julian deben tener el mismo nivel dentro de su relación, así que debe domar un poco al salvaje cazador.
Obviamente seguiré resaltando en todas las obras de la autora las geniales descripciones, tanto de los paisajes como de los personajes y sus acciones, porque me encantan. Muy recomendable.
Profile Image for Ivana Azap Feješ.
217 reviews44 followers
March 17, 2016
Dark Challenge is book 5 in Dark series by Christine Feehan. From previous books we learned about Julian Savage who was Aidan’s twin brother, who was featured in Dark Gold. Desari is Gregori’s younger Carpathian sister who can sing. She is an ancient, but was thought to have been killed a long time ago. Like all Carpathians, Julian drinks blood; he can shape-shift; he is telepathic; and he can not go out in the sun. The males of the species lose their ability to see in color and can no longer feel emotion after their 200th year.

Finally a woman that doesn't fight fate! I loved how she saw how she felt and wasn't scared of it or blaming him for her feelings. Great paranormal, romantic suspense. Julian's story is especially interesting because we are introduced to a whole new family of Carpathians. The secondary story becomes just as interesting as the primary. With the total Carpathian series being a definite formula, this twist added all the interest needed to keep the reader riveted. This one was really good. I loved Desari's story - finally a Carpathian woman who's just as powerful (in some ways more) than her life-mate! The only thing that disappointed me was the story-line between Barack and Syndil. What happened there? The female lead, Desari, wasn't a simpering human child, barely eighteen, being pounced on by a big bad, scary Carpathian male, but a strong Carpathian female with her own powers. This alone, made the whole story refreshing, but I also liked the family unit, the club scene, and the dark shadow within Julian. However, again the repetition is getting a bit much. But, MUCH better than the previous books! I'm glad the author finally stepped up and made the female protagonist stronger. The previous books had the main women characters too timid for my liking. They allowed the male protagonists to be TOO overbearing, TOO arrogant, and TOO obnoxious.

Good book ;)
Profile Image for Natalia815.
1,576 reviews59 followers
January 3, 2016
Entretenidísimo, como todos los de la saga. Lo que más me ha gustado de esta historia es su protagonista, por fin una carpatiana antigua que tiene poderes y que puede defenderse.

La única pega que le pongo a la saga, es que parece que Christine Feehan tiene alergía a los encuentros familiares. Me encantaría leer como interactúan entre ellos después de tantos años separados.
Profile Image for Candace.
932 reviews
March 11, 2019
Julian Savage, an ancient Carpathian warrior, goes to warn the woman, Desari, that she is pursued by the society of human vampire hunters. When he hears Desari's singing voice, Julian sees gold and silver music notes. He realizes he is seeing in color and feeling emotions. Julian knows he has found his lifemate. All of a sudden gunshots are fired, injuring Desari and her two band members. Julian rushes to her side, heals her injuries, and gives her blood. He speaks the ritual words binding his lifemate to him. As he is finishing up the exchange, he is stalked by two leopards and one black panther. Shape shifting into a panther, the two panthers launch themselves at each other, clawing injuries against each others' bodies. Before Julian is attacked by the two leopards, he changes into mist and streams away into the night.

When Desari gains consciousness, she knows something is different about her. She finds out from her brother, Darius, that the stranger healed her and exchanged blood with her. Darius assures Desari that the stranger wasn't a vampire. Later that evening, Julian contacts Desari on a mental pathway. He tells her he will find her and that she is his lifemate.

There is dynamics within this Carpathian family. Darius at six years old, saved his sister, Desari (6 months), and four other children: Savon (4 years), Dayan (3 years), Barack (2 years) and Syndil (1 year old). Through trials and successes, Darius has held his family together throughout the centuries. They are traveling minstrels or troubadours crisscrossing the continents to hide the fact that they do not age. Julian, on the other hand, has lived a life of solitude, seeking high places away from the crowds, and fighting against the vampires. He was raised in the Carpathian mountains, whereas Darius and crew have not been raised around other Carpathians. Desari doesn't know what a lifemate is, nor is she a fledgling to be ordered about by Julian.

I found this novel fascinating in its contrast between the family dynamics and the lone, male Carpathian. Julian had to learn how to coexist with Desari's family. He had to learn what a family means, even though he has a twin, Aiden Savage, whom he has been separated from for centuries. I guess it is telling that I like the characters in this novel. The plot was pretty straightforward. I scrolled through the pages still wanting to know how the journey would end. Now I am ready for the next novel, Dark Fire.
Profile Image for Debbie .
542 reviews40 followers
September 18, 2009
Centuries of hunting the undead had left Julian Savage ready to face the dawn, he only had one more task to perform for his prince. The safety of a singer, Desari, was in question after her name was found on a list. Arriving at the concert hall, Julian was amazed to find that even the security at the front door seemed to feel his presence. After seeing and hearing Desari, the color and light and emotions that flooded him left him unaware of the assassins in the hall. He was there to protect her but was so surprised by finding his lifemate that he almost allowed them to take her from him before he ever truly had her.

Book 5.… I am really enjoying this series, getting to know all of the characters so well is the fun part. Meeting the new characters and getting to know all of them was enjoyable especially with the connection to one of the characters that we already know (trying not to drop any spoilers). The creativity of this book is higher, it is not just the same tortured male meets the reluctant to be a lifemate woman. He was tortured and she was reluctant, but they both had some good reasons and explanations for why they were the way they were. I am eager to see if Barack and Syndil have at least a short story, Darius and Dayan should each get a story, and Gabriel and Lucian need an ending for there stories, I hope to find out more for each of them too.
Profile Image for Timmysparks.
280 reviews
June 3, 2013
This was my favorite book in the series so far. I really loved Julian. I felt so sorry for him at his forced separation from his twin brother because of the vampire threats. Julian had such a great sense of humor and he didn't have the overbearing possessiveness that the other males in the previous books had. Desari was great too. She was really strong and powerful and was afraid to show it and put Julian in his place when he deserved it. They were such a great couple. I also loved Darius. The bromance between Julian and Darius was very interesting to read. We met other Carpathians who were lost from their home in this book and Darius and Desari were among them. I hated Barack's attitude towards Syndil even though he meant well. He was just too bossy and pushy for my liking. One issue I had with this book was the length of the sex scene. They were just to long and too frequent it almost felt repetitive. Other than that I really enjoyed this book. I'm looking forward to reading about Darius in the next book.
Profile Image for Alex is The Romance Fox.
1,461 reviews1,193 followers
November 5, 2011
Wonderful and sensual story of yet another golden Carpathian…Julian twin brother of Aidan has given up hope of meeting his life mate and he knows he’s on the verge of turning into an evil vampire or ending his life.
He meets Desari, the beautiful singer in the band The Dark Troubadours and he knows he has found the woman who will save him.
Wow….the 5th book in the series is HOT HOT….I absolutely loved the band and the members. The story is absolutely incredible…..I drank in every word I read…..I couldn’t wait to read the stories of Dayan, Darius and the gorgeous Barack….
As I continue reading the series I wonder if it’s possible that the next one is even better……yes….they get better and better!!!!
Can’t wait to read number 6
Profile Image for Sue.
14 reviews
December 7, 2017
Dark Challenge is the fifth book in this series by Christine Feehan. It was a little slow but a good book. Julian and Desari are such a great couple. I loved reading about Desari family.

You seem to forget I am no fledgling but your equal. Do not waste your energy attempting the impossible.

Julian was a chilled kind of guy. He had a very funny sense of humor. He had to learn the hard way about women listening and obeying him. He had to learn to compromise with his lifemate. Well I could go on and on about this book but I’m ready to read the next book in this series.

Thank you Christine Feehan for another great book in your dark series.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Susan.
582 reviews82 followers
April 6, 2021
This one was really good. I loved Desari's story - finally a carpathian woman who's just as powerful (in some ways more) than her lifemate! The only thing that dissapointed me was the storyline between Barack and Syndil. What happened there? It seemed to me that they were lifemates but they couldn't work through Syndil's pain. And it was never explained... I don't understand. I hope there is more to their story later on in the series.
Profile Image for Andrea.
1,018 reviews10 followers
June 11, 2012
This is my second favorite book out of this series.
I liked the whole concept about the Carpathians. This was really original and I’d never come across anything remotely like this. The women being rare and therefore precious and protected was sweet, and even the males’ arrogance was tolerable. I liked the fact that they couldn’t see colors or feel emotions without a lifemate. Even the term lifemate was cool to me.

But boy does this lady know how to beat something to death. The repetitiveness in these books just gets annoying very fast. The same one-liners are used over and over until they lose every ounce of charming-ness they ever possessed, until they’re just exhausting to read.

Once he realized Desari was his lifemate everything happened too fast.
“You are mine, cara mia, and you cannot die. I would not go quietly to my death without avenging you. The world could not conceive of such a monster as I would become. You must drink, piccolo, for yourself, your life, for me, for our life together. Drink now.”
He launched into these drawn-out speeches nearly every time he had a conversation with someone.

There were these long paragraphs that just kept bringing up the same things over and over again. We get it, he’s been alone and he couldn’t feel emotions and he didn’t know what the world could be like without her at his side and all this stuff about her being the light to his darkness and that there wouldn’t be another for any of them. A lot of it was that flowery, mushy speech that was just over the top and a little much. It was alright the first time it was mentioned, but then it just became annoying after a while.

I liked that they could heal each other and feed from each other, and I liked the part where Julian fed her even though he couldn’t afford to lose any more blood.

I liked the immediate connection she felt. She could feel his presence inside her after he gave her his blood and was anxious and upset to be leaving him behind. I really liked when he gave her a mental push to answer him, thinking she was a mortal woman and could be easily controlled, and she pushed back hard to let him know he couldn’t mess with her like that. It was nice to have a strong female character for once.

She felt his touch, his palm brushing her cheek. You fear me.
I fear no one.
….What is the Dark One to you?
he asked. There was no amusement in the question. It was an imperious command to answer him. He even pushed at her with a compulsion.
….Who are you? She pushed him, gave a good, hard compulsion.

Julian bent closer as if to soothe her. “Please continue. This is extremely interesting. I searched centuries for lost Carpathians but had given up hope. How all of you accomplished what you did is extraordinary.”
Desari swallowed as little flames licked at her skin, as her breasts reacted to the pad of his thumb sliding sensuously over the soft swell. She glanced up at him, determined to reprimand him, but he was looking intellectual and earnestly interested in whatever she had been telling him. Except for his eyes. His eyes were molten gold and burning with a liquid fire that seemed to consume her, to mesmerize her.
“I have no idea what I was saying,” she finally admitted, her voice so husky it was an invitation.

She succumbed a little easily to him though. She was supposed to go there to talk to him and they ended up having sex, three times in a row. Everything just happened so fast.

“You are so incredibly beautiful, Desari, you turn me inside out.”
“I want you to remember that when I do something you object to.”

It sounded like she was already thinking of their future together when she said earlier that it wouldn’t work and it would be temporary.

“And I changed into jeans for you,” Desari admitted. “I think you look sexy in jeans. But I must admit you are dynamite dressed up.”
What a dumb thing to say. One minute they’re talking in an old manner, saying things like “I can do no other than return to my family right now,” and then she says something like you’re dynamite. She sounded like a hippie.

I liked how once he shut off his mind from her she was extremely anxious and unsettled without his presence. Darius ordered her to call him to her since she was so upset, and Julian materialized beside her. But she wasn’t nearly as mad as she should have been about him forcing her to sleep.

“You will not feed from any other than me,” he declared, unable to stop himself from so commanding her.
…Her soft mouth suddenly curved into a smile. “You are right, Julian, I will not. I have no wish to get so close to another male.” Her fingertips brushed his jaw, her first real show of affection toward him without his prompting. “It will be no hardship to allow you to provide for me if that is what you need.”

She gave in way too easily to his demands.

Julian made another effort to breathe. Air. It was all around him, yet he couldn’t seem to drag enough into his lungs. He took her hand in his and carried it to the warmth of his mouth.
“We will need to find a safe subject, cara mia, or I will not make it through these next few minutes.”

I found that bit funny.
Desari really wasn’t the most likeable character though. It was when she kept trying to seduce him after she knew Julian didn’t want to have sex with the unattached males in her family within hearing and smelling distance. So she thanks him for thinking of her family when she didn’t. Then she goes on to be purposely provocative and seductive like she didn’t care what the males might feel like when they were so close to turning and didn’t have a lifemate of their own. It would have been a good scene if she hadn’t been so careless of their feelings, because there were funny aspects.

When she sang there were silver and gold notes dancing in the air, and that whole thing just a little unexplained and vague. I didn’t understand how there were visible notes dancing in the air, and that couples with sentences like “she sang of peace and togetherness” and it was just a little too cheesy or something to me.

“The last thing was for her lifemate to go berserk on her.”
They usually spoke so refined and eloquent, and she goes and says berserk. It just didn’t go together with them, and sometimes the way she spoke came off as childish.

“No, they would not be happy to take my place at your side, cara mia, because I would promptly end their lives in a most unhappy way.”
“You are such a caveman, Julian. You look tall and elegant and princely, yet you have not matured beyond the cave.”
…”I have no intention of riding above caveman mentality,” he growled in her ear, his breath teasing tendrils of hair and sending little flames dancing through her bloodstream. “There are so many benefits for the caveman.”

Desari reached up to trace his lips. “You have a perfect mouth, Julian. An amazingly perfect mouth.
He arched an eyebrow at her. “Just my mouth is amazing?”
“You are such a man.” Her eyes laughed at him. “You need constant reassurance that you are magnificent.”
He nodded. “Magnificent. I like that. I could live with magnificent. Good choice of words, lifemate.”

“Men are not so difficult. They are logical and methodical.”
She laughed softly. “You wish it were so. I must tell you, although I am taking a huge chance that you might become impossible to live with, that you are an extraordinary lover.”
“Keep talking, lifemate. I am listening,” he responded with a deep satisfaction. “Magnificent was only a starting place. Extraordinary lover is the perfect description. I see that now.”

There were many repetitious and over-used lines, such as:
“I can do nothing other than to make you happy.”
“I could do nothing other than see you tonight.”
“I can do no other than touch you, Desari.”
Omg, who talks like that?!
That line was used a million times throughout this book, and it just aggravated the crap out of me. That way of talking is just so weird and I didn’t like it whenever it was used.

“Held the promise of satin sheets and candlelight.”
“Whispering of silken sheets and candlelight.”

Julian’s white teeth flashed with a predator’s gleam.
He smiled, a show of gleaming teeth.

Ok, the guys got gleaming white teeth. We get it already. I just think some synonyms and other expressions would have helped this book out greatly.

“His mane of golden hair.”

Throughout the whole book he kept holding the nape of her neck.
“His hand went to the nape of her neck.”
“He palmed the nape of her neck.”
“His hand curled around the nape of her neck.”

At once Julian sent her waves of reassurance, the implacable resolve of all the Carpathian males to protect his mate above all else.
There were just so many feelings that took away from the story. Constant feelings and little touches between them that got on my nerves.

You will become very familiar with these:
“masculine amusement”
“I can do no other than…”
“molten gold”
“molten heat”
“molten lava”

The idea behind this was phenominal, but the execution didn't quite live up to the potential. There was about 10% plot and 90% feelings. Not a good percentage when you're reading a book. I would have loved more of a story, and for there to be more exciting things happening, because a lot of it was simply repeating the same sentiments, ideas, and Julian's past and the life male Carpathians lead. It seemed every time I turned around a vampire was attacking them, and I just wanted them to have some peace and quiet alone together without worrying about her family "unit" or her concerts. I was hoping he'd meet up with his twin Aiden or that they'd go to their homeland, but sadly, none of that happened.

Also, the bits about Syndil and Barack were more interesting than what was going on with Desari and Julian at the time. I found myself wanting to read their story. What I hated was his reputation of being a "hound dog" and the fact that Syndil had been raped, but there was definitely something there. I wanted them to be lifemates and thought that they might be hiding it from everyone else, but then I realized if they were lifemates they would have known it long before now. Things didn't add up to them being lifemates, because Syndil had been raped, and Barrack had quite the reputation of sleeping around, so that would've have worked.

A pattern that I'm noticing is that Christine Feehan has this "strong male syndrome" that has her at war with herself on which characters are actually the strongest.
Mikhail, the prince, is supposed to be the strongest. I was to understand that Gregori was the next, a skilled hunter and gifted at healing. Julian I thought fell somewhere after Gregori, yet Darius is introduced and Julian quickly realizes he's Gregori's younger brother, as strong as Gregori if not more so. As the book progresses we realize Darius is actually stronger than Gregori. I can't help but sigh.

It kind of takes away from Gregori's book, because we thought he was the second strongest Carpathian male. In this book we find out his younger brother is stronger than him, and also that the legendary Lucian and Gabriel are the very strongest...stronger than Mikhail? I can't remember the exact line-up of Carpathian males in order of their rank...because Feehan keeps changing everything and contradicting what she says!

Christine Feehan, you can't have your male characters all being stronger than each other. Someone has to be the strongest, and someone has to be the weakest, or they're all equally strong and talented. You can't keep saying someone's the strongest Carpathian only to make someone else come along and be stronger.
Profile Image for Heather.
898 reviews
July 21, 2012
this was better the 1st time around.
once u get past the initial coolness& sweetness,once u step back,it all seems rlly ridiculous. they lose emotion &color.its all rlly dramatic.
her stories&characters r so similar and predictable that it becomes a case of-will this girl be a singer or dancer this time? her storylines r all the same.she just changes the professions of the girls.wud be nice if she got more realistic &relatable characteres&jobs.
her dark series r so alike.a lot of reptition about lifemates and darkness.
christine feehan's "romance" is more trashy than romantic.like "held the promise of satin sheets and candlelight."
duznt make sense-he sent himself seeking outside his body into hers.
sumtimes she duznt explain everything.like he flew into the sky &then scattered those ppls ashes n the ocean.but she dint say how he got the ashes.did he scoop them all up in his hand? its like she duznt bother explaining tricky things.duznt take the time to help us understand things.
why wud a girl have2 leopords?! i get they're 1 w/animals or w/e,but it just adds to the ridiculousness of this story.
that lifemate speech is a lil sickening. "i take into keeping the same that is urs."she shud have left that out&it wud have ben better. its so overdone. less is more,feehan.
julian keeps thinkin about those stupid cats&whoever killed those humans.just move on already!
he sed he dint stop2 look at her closely.he just saw black hair,but then he was able2 recall her lips, her delicate bones.
-"otherwise every unattached carpathian males around the world wud be following her, pressing his suit." why wud a carpathian male chase sum1 who wasnt his lifemate?! there again,things arent adding up.
i feel like he's usin mind control on her just2get her2 come2 him &like him. "no1 else will ever do4u. u cannot bear anothers touch. u r no longer happy&content w/o me." shudnt their connection already make her feel that way,w/o his command?
i feel like their whole relationship is the guy usin compulsion.
even4 a carpathian,a 6yr old being able2 turn into a bird &carry 5 children &help them survive is a lil extraordinary.
here again,she says sumthing w/o fully explaining it.-"began 2learn the healing arts." she dint say how darius began to learn about it.&then he "learned2 force the poison from his own body." how did he do that?! we,as readers,shud know everything.but feehan duznt mind leaving us hangin.
"he had sumhow stolen the other half of her soul." how wud she know that? its way2 soon 2 say sumthin like that.
repiticious-male amusement.male satisfaction.male,etc.
"all carpathian males were arrogant &demanding." how is it that they all wud be that way?
she's so focused on tryin2 write good&powerfully that its so not realistic or even makes sense.
how wud u go from just finding out u had a lifemate-surprise,shock,excitement-straight 2 arrogance. they're always like "u want me." like wudnt sum males be a lil hesitant,or shy? feehan shud switch it up sumtimes.
"she had a temper.his life had gone from a stark barren existence2 1 filled w/excitement n the blink of an eye." how is it exciting?
1 sec ur defending him,the next when he growls becuz the guy touches her,shes annoyed at them both.
her women r all the same.annoying.moody.
i get so incredibly sick of hearing "i can do no other." i can do no other than make you happy.i can do no other than watch you sing.well i can do other than trash this book.
im not sure wuts up w/feehan and eyes.we have molten mercury.molten gold.
wen u read her books the 1st time,u dont think 2much about it.u take it 4wut it is.2nd time is a whole other story.
feehan tries2 make every male seem incredibly powerful,like he isnt a real man if he isnt super powerful,that u nvr know who's the most powerful or more powerful than sum1 else. its annoying.
"darius managed2 make it sound as if his sister had a hole n her head." wut duz that mean? that he made her sound like she was stupid? get a better expression.
sumtimes the way the guys act around eachother is a lil...weird.like "u certainly wasted enuff time w/the undead," darius replied softly. why say that softly?
"desari was actually biting her fingernails,the strain on her face terrible 4her brother 2 witness." oh no,how terrible,that she's showing strain on her face &is biting her nails.oh, the horror.feehan takes things2 the extreme in trying to get certain points across.
she realizes julian dint want them2 be 2gether wen the other guys cud hear so she thanks him. &then keeps on teasing him where the guys can hear.wth?
says shes startin2 luv him after a few days of knowin him.if i dint no better,id say i was readin a nora roberts book w/the characters &their fast feelings.
julian trained w/the vampire becuz he was young&handsome.duz ne1 else find that weird? maybe u shudnt have sed that a guy trained w/another guy becuz he was handsome.
brothers feeding from sisters/other guys is a lil weird.
seriously unrealistic that a virgin wudnt be shy about things or blush at all.&that she knew every sex position out there.boy,the nora roberts comparisons continue.read irish rebel or the macgregors:Grant to understand.
their powers seem2 be endless @times.i mean,where duz it end? they can regulate their body temperature. &cut off pain.
sum of the powers &things the characters do r very cool.&sum things they say r cool 2.
wen julian tells gregori he's found his lost family there's no reaction wutsoever.like wth? all we get r these dumb feelings from the main characters &wen we want a reaction from a side character we get nothin.
the men always say the carpathian women act rlly differently from humans,but idt ive cum across a true carpathian becuz all the guys get w/humans.&then wen we get savanah who's like the princess or w/e,who's dad is the prince,it turns out she was raised like a human.&then we finally get an ancient carpathian woman n here &yet we still dk how they act cuz this 1 wasnt raised like a traditional carpathian either.im startin2 think feehan duznt wanna bother or duznt know how a carpathian woman acts.
feehan duznt go by the same rules that other authors do.like other authors nvr go thru w/ sumthin,like rape.syndil is another character of feehan's that has been raped.duznt she know ur supposed2 have it ALMOST happen,not fully happen.feehan marches2 the beat of her own drum wen she shud stay in line&follow others.
sick of the repitition-desari worried about darius turning.julian constantly sayin darius is related2 gregori,healer of their ppl,the dark 1. constantly explaining the term "lifemate."
she shudnt have julian have thoughts about syndil,like her beautiful voice touchin his soul,or her voice makin 1 think of bedrooms &satin sheets.u know,feehan,not every girl character can be extremely sexy &have a sexy voice that makes guys think of satin sheets &bedrooms. here again, switch it up!
another thing where we get no reaction is when julian told darius and desari that they have a brother. i mean,most ppl wud react2 sumthin like that. they dint ask any questions.
the speech in here is a lil proper.which comes off as boring.&the times when things cud be funny r ruined becuz she speech is proper. like-
"i grow on you."
"i do not think u shud count 2 greatly on it,' darius replied.
like that cud have been more funny if u wudnt have tried2 sound all proper.
julian nvr met his brother again. u think this book is gunna go sumwhere but it nvr duz. the characters just keep bringin up things,like his twin brother he hasnt seen n 4ever,so u think feehan will have them meet up.other authors wud prob.do that,because its a book &it shud go sumwhere. but feehan's books dont go newhere.it leaves me completely unsatisfied.
i didnt like the way the book ended at all.it happened suddenly.
i understand shes trying2 convey this deep connection between lifemates,but its honestly only desire. like its pretty ridiculous that they always want to jump each other.
the repitition in feehan's books r enuff 2 make a person wanna shoot sumthin.i mean,his words r always a silken caress,or sumthin like that& his eyes r always molten gold.
desari mentions sumthin about a double standard-like he expects her not2 have been w/men &he says sum men have chosen2 be with human women,but conveniently left out if he was 1 of those scumbags. i mean if the girls r expected2 be virgins then so shud the guys.but i guess thats a lil 2 much 2 ask 4.i think it wud be so sweet if the guy waited 4his lifemate 2.i mean u can go centuries avoiding the dawn or turning into a vampire,but ur not strong enuff 2 wait4 ur lifemate? like why wud u wanna get w/sum1 wen u know ur lifemate is out there?! its betrayel,plain &simple.
Profile Image for Bambi Unbridled.
1,286 reviews139 followers
June 27, 2018

I have been trying to get caught up on Christine Feehan's backlist for a while now... but she is so prolific that I don't think I will ever catch up. (And that's a good thing seeing as I like her writing.) I happened to be notified about the re-release of Dark Challenge, and it coincided with where I was in the Carpathians series, so I jumped at the chance for a review copy. I have been curious about Julian for a while, and I was glad to dive into his story.

Julian is a loner, he has been on his own for a very long time. He seems to have self-isolated due to an occurrence in his past which he viewed as a failure. My heart went out to him. He is ready to greet the dawn, but couldn't turn down one last favor for Gregor... and I have to wonder if Gregor has prescience to send Julian after that particular human at that particular time. I always love Feehan's heroes, they are unapologetically alpha male and protective of their females to an obsessive degree. Julian was no exception. But although he bossed our heroine a bit, I didn't feel like it was in an overbearing or cruel way. I thought Julian's magic and relationship with animals was intriguing, and I could totally picture him as a big sleek cat.

Desari was a unique heroine from my (limited) experience with the Carpathian series. My recollection of prior books was that the heroines were somewhat damsels in distress. But Desari is an ancient herself, with her own power and abilities, and a sassy independent streak. She kept Julian on his toes, but she wasn't overly assertive in her feminism to the extent that she put herself in dangerous situations. I liked that she remained close with her family, and I liked that they were all "found" Carpathians that were not previously on our radar. Desari is a singer, and I really liked the power she was able to wield with her voice and song.

The secondary relationship in this story that interested me was not a romance, but the mutual respect and friendship that started to emerge between Julian and Desari's brother, Darius. I was glad that they didn't remain at odds for the entire story. Darius is a dark and tragic character himself, having taking responsibility for his mismatched family from a very young age. I can't wait to get to his story, as he is very close to the edge, much like Julian.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this re-release version of the book, which was provided to me by the publisher, Avon.
Profile Image for Vannessa Anderson.
Author 0 books221 followers
October 28, 2020
Julian Savage was directed by his prince to protect singer Desari who was being sought by human vampire hunters. Once Julian learns Desari is his lifemate he begins the romance ritual. Julian is going to find it a challenge to woo Desari into seeing she is meant to be with him.

Darius, Desari’s brother, both are Carpathian who had escaped the slaughter of their village as children had believed their entire kind had been slaughtered never knowing other Carpathians had survived the attack didn’t understand Carpathian ways and misunderstood Julian Savage who also misunderstood them.

Dark Challenge is a good read and we learn more about the Carpathians. Juanita Parker did a good job in telling the story.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 550 reviews

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