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Small Town Romance #4

A Fine Specimen

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Previously released as "Taming Nick"

Tough-as-nails police lieutenant Alex Cruz is all business and all brawn. Cops and criminals alike tremble before him, which is just the way he likes it. He has to be harder than the hardest criminals to root the bad guys out of his city.

Then his boss forces him to work with a scholar who is studying dominance in law enforcement. Alex doesn't have time to babysit a pencil-dick geek writing a useless dissertation. He's busy doing real police work. Putting bad guys behind bars.

But when the pencil-dick geek turns out to be the scholarly but gorgeous and alluring Caitlin Summers, Alex realizes that the only thing he wants trembling is Caitlin . . . . naked, and beneath him.

The minute Caitlin lays eyes on the smoldering, charismatic Alex, she knows that focusing on her dissertation is going to be harder than she anticipated--not to mention dangerous. Because with a track record like Alex's, the bad guys are always looking for a soft spot--and she's the perfect soft spot.

When Caitlin comes under attack, Alex realizes that his most important mission is keeping Caitlin safe . . . and making her his own.

**Note: A Fine Specimen was previously published by another publisher. The new edition has been lightly edited and updated.**

234 pages, ebook

First published June 1, 2000

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About the author

Lisa Marie Rice

66 books1,599 followers
Lisa Marie Rice is eternally 30 years old and will never age. She is tall and willowy and beautiful. Men drop at her feet like ripe pears. She has won every major book prize in the world. She is a black belt with advanced degrees in archaeology, nuclear physics, and Tibetan literature. She is a concert pianist. Did I mention her Nobel Prize? Of course, Lisa Marie Rice is a virtual woman and exists only at the keyboard when writing erotic romance. She disappears when the monitor winks off.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 106 reviews
Profile Image for Auntee.
1,335 reviews1,445 followers
June 19, 2019
Loved it. What else can I say, I'm a big fan of Lisa Marie Rice and her uber alpha heroes, and she almost never lets me down. From what I've heard, this book is a re-working of the book "Taming Nick", and I can imagine what must have been "re-worked". I'm sure the language was spiced up (lots of "f" words and more), sex scenes more vividly and graphically described, and generally what must have been a PG rated book was turned into an R rated (and at times NC-17) book. But what can I say, I knew what I was getting into, and it worked! The love scenes in this book were some of the most intense, raw, and earthy ones that I've read in a while. The hero, police Lieutenant Alex Cruz, and his overwhelming desire for the heroine, doctoral candidate Caitlin Summers, just burned up the pages. Whenever they were together you could anticipate something smokin' hot was going to happen, and it usually did. I swear during their 'morning after' scene when Alex tells Caitlin that they have some "unfinished business", smoke was pouring off the pages! That had to be one of LMR's steamiest, sexiest scenes ever.

The plot was pretty simple to follow. Alex is a straight arrow workaholic cop who's married to his job, wears only black or white, has no time for relationships and wouldn't know how to handle it if he wanted one. He came from a poor background, the son of an alcoholic and a drug addict, was a member of a gang...all the stuff that would lead you to believe he had no future. If it wasn't for his mentor (and boss) Captain Ray Avery, he probably would have died in a gang war. But Ray saw something in him, got him to straighten up and fly right, and Alex was able to make something of himself. So Alex owes Ray big time--he would do anything for him. Alex is tied up in a case that could finally send one of the biggest and most elusive mobsters (and a neighborhood menace) to jail for a long time, and he can't afford any distractions. But when he meets beautiful blonde graduate student Caitlin Summers, who's writing her dissertation on dominance displays in law enforcement, and wants permission to observe firsthand the inner workings of a police force by hanging out and interviewing policemen in the squad room, his first reaction is "no way"--big distraction. But when she pulls out the big guns and tells him that "Ray said" 'You owe me', what's he going to do? She has him over a barrel and she knows it.

It doesn't take long for something to happen between Alex and Caitlin, no matter how each think it would be a bad idea for them to let something happen in the workplace. But there's no denying chemistry. At first Caitlin is a little overwhelmed by Alex's sexy good looks and uber-alpha personality (he mostly tells what he wants, never asks), and her nervousness when around him brings out the klutz in her. She's constantly either knocking something over or spilling something on him, and when they go out to dinner and she spills some dessert on him and he brings her to his house so he can change--look out! Major fireworks! Many, many sexy, steamy encounters happen where Alex loses total control, which is just fine with Caitlin. Things have never gone this well before in a relationship for either of them, but no matter how compatible they seem, Caitlin knows in her heart that Alex is going to break her heart. The guy has commitment-phobe written all over him. Will Alex realize that he may lose the best thing that ever happened to him if he doesn't open his eyes, or will it take a threat to Caitlin's life before he finally wakes up?

Although this is a short story, it was still a very fast read, with no real slow spots. I enjoyed Caitlin's endearing clumsiness, her brainy beauty, and even her overt messiness. She was honest and real, but there were times when I wished she would have spoken up and just asked Alex what he was thinking and what he wanted. Her desire to not "rock the boat" almost resulted in her not getting what she really wanted, and I figured she had nothing to lose by admitting her feelings and putting the ball in Alex's court. Since Alex never really had or witnessed a love relationship, he had no idea what he was feeling, or how to handle it. I guess maybe he was afraid of rejection too, but I'm not totally sure how long it would have taken him to realize his feelings if Caitlin's life hadn't been threatened. While these two were expert communicators in the bedroom, they did have some trouble communicating outside of it.

As I said before, an A+ goes to the author on the sex scenes. Alex was one dominant lover. Their scenes were raw, earthy, sexy, passionate,...I could go on and on. Many heart-fluttering moments.

The story did wrap up pretty quickly (which seems to be LMR's way), and I would have liked to have read another chapter or two. There was an epilogue included, and I'll have to admit I was a little surprised by it. It wasn't quite what I was expecting, but I liked it and it made sense and made me smile and say "ah-ha".

So fans of Lisa Marie Rice, don't miss this hot short story, especially if you've enjoyed her 'Midnight' series. If you like big, bad alphas who fall hard for sweet little (almost) innocents, then this one's for you. 4 1/2 stars.
P.S.: This book is also available in print.
Profile Image for Mo.
1,389 reviews2 followers
February 5, 2017
3.5 stars.

I have read a few books by LMR and, to be honest, they are all more or less the same. The same formula: hot, rugged, tough as nails hero. Younger, more timid heroine. Alex Cruz is never going to fall in love. He loves his job, his independence and, no siree, his heart will never be taken. Famous last words.

He has to sort of mentor Caitlin, as per instructions from his Boss. He is not happy. He has bad guys to catch. He cannot be babysitting some student! But then he sees her! Instant attraction. His dick is already at half mast!

Not much really happens. Until maybe the last few pages... well, sex happens, plenty of it but there is nothing really deeper here and sometimes that is what I am in the mood for. Nice to while away a few hours on a Friday afternoon, when the workload was light.

Profile Image for Preeti ♥︎ Her Bookshelves.
1,385 reviews18 followers
September 15, 2021
Hmmm, a thin, almost non-existent storyline.
And a strange writing style by LMR here with overly extended scenes and unending drone of inner thoughts. Even when the h/H are together. Part of these parallel twin monologues include thoughts about former lovers - ermmm their body parts and techniques - even if to mull over their failings compared to the exciting/hot present company.
The h or H would say one line or ask a question - then the other's thoughts would go inwards/outwards, thinking about unrelated things over 2-3 pages before replying. Weird!
While my constant inner chatter was like - Talk FGS! It's not that complicated.

This lack of communication is what almost upends their relationship. The relationship gets salvaged, the book not so much.
One thing the author always gets right is - sex.
Maybe it blew their brains out even before the actual act.
Still, sex is also lacking compared to her other books.

Some pearls (no sarcasm) from said monologues.
“His head wasn’t thinking straight but, Jesus Christ, his body was. It sent up as immense clamor. 'That one ! it shouted. I want that one!'”

“He looked like someone he should arrest.”

“Clearly, the country of Alex was no democracy—and its diplomatic corps wasn’t too functional either.”
Profile Image for Dina.
1,324 reviews1,315 followers
May 18, 2011
I love LMR's heroes and Alex Cruz is no exception. :)

This book was lighter and funnier than I was expecting, with Caitlin's clumsiness a source of constant teasing by Alex, and it had all the markings of a romantic comedy. But being a LMR book, it had to have some gun fighting at the end - not a big one, but climatic enough to make Alex realize his feelings for Caitlin.

I really liked this book and will keep LMR as one of my auto-buy authors, but I'm beginning to wonder if she'll ever reach as high as her amazing Midnight series again. Talk about some hard shoes to fill...
Profile Image for Julie (jjmachshev).
1,069 reviews289 followers
March 27, 2009
Can Lisa Marie Rice write a bad book? I don't think so. All I know is her heroes make me tingle in the most delicious way! "A Fine Specimen" is her latest e-book. It's an expanded version of her 2000 Zebra book "Taming Nick" under the name Elizabeth Jennings and it's guaranteed to raise your blood pressure in the best way.

Caitlin is a grad student working on her dissertation in law enforcement psychology. Her last project is a hands-on study and when her favorite instructor sets her up in his old precinct, she's thrilled. Then she meets the de facto boss of said precinct and everything female in her wakes up for the first time in her fairly sheltered life.

Alex is Alpha from his head to his toes. His department finally has a way to bring down a crime lord and he's eating and sleeping the case until they do. Then in walks a woman who will turn his world upside-down...and she looks like a kid. Thank God she's not or he would have to arrest himself! But Alex has some serious issues with his past and to 'get the girl', he'll have to face his worst nightmare.

I think I'm still sweating. This is one hot story and the expansion only makes it better. The lead characters are, at first glance, opposites. But the more you read, the more you realize they have more in common than even they know. And together? Well, they're the perfect fit. Ms. Rice can write some of the best smoking hot romance I've ever read. Her characters have quirks and personalities that become real to the reader and this, in turn, causes the reader to invest a bit of themselves in the outcome. Even though this is an earlier work, it's still one that you'll want on your bookshelf (or computer).
Profile Image for Bev .
2,079 reviews458 followers
June 6, 2019
I love me an alpha male and got that from Alex, albeit he wasn't all in from the beginning, instead he tried to fight his feelings. How I love it when an alpha male gets his epiphany and is all "in".

I’ve come to love the suspense in LMR’s books although there wasn't much of that going on in A Fine Specimen. LMR teased with a suspense plot with Ratso and Lopez, but didn't delve too deeply. Instead I think this had more of a hot, contemporary romance feel which due to the length of the book worked just fine.

3.5 stars
Profile Image for SamJ ★Needs a HEA★.
609 reviews906 followers
January 21, 2014
A 3.5 to 4 star read.

Lieutenant Alex Cruz eats, sleeps and breathes law enforcement.

They loved him. They hated him. They respected him. And they all deeply, deeply wanted him to get a life so he would get off their backs......
"Guy's a genius at anticipating a criminal's next move, it's like he's got a sixth sense for it. And with all that, for all his smarts, he doesn't have a clue about emotions or feelings. Not his or anyone else's. Not a clue"

Caitlin Summers is doing dissertation research in his cop shop.

Ales is not happy Caitlin will be hanging around. He is attracted to her and does not like to mix business and pleasure.

Alex kept sex and work strictly separate........If he met an attractive woman with any connection to the job, Alex just flipped a switch in his head that kept his dick down between his legs.

That switch just broke

He'd already noticed how attractive she was but it hadn't really affected him beyond a knee-jerk male reaction...he's just filed it away as a distinguishing characteristic, as if compiling an identi-kit. Large, luminous eyes the colour of a summer sky, beautiful pale blonde hair so thick it frothed out of it's ponytail, high, sculpted cheekbones, long graceful neck. Five four, slender build. Utterly gorgeous.

But now all that feminine attraction seemed to reach out.....She wasn't wearing any perfume, she didn't have any make-up on, her clothes were cheap and wrinkled. His cock didn't give a shit. It just reared straight up, the fucker

But he is unable to deny the attraction.

Alex turned his scowl on Caitlin and she straightned in her chair.....

"Tomorrow evening" Alex said pointing a finger at her. "I'll pick you up at 7.30 at your hotel"


Confused she turned to Kathy Martello "Dinner?"

"I think - now don't quote me on this - but I think that Alex was looking at it more like a....a date"

Before you know it, all the cops are eternally grateful to Caitlin for lightening up Alex's mood!

"Alex actually smiled the other day. I've been here ten years and I cant recall him ever smiling. and damned if he didn't. Twice, if I'm not mistaken.....trés weird"

"And a few days ago I caught him humming". Tom added "Memory" He shook his head "Can you imagine?"

It is a funny light-hearted engaging story.

It would have been a full 4 star however if I had not just finished Lisa Marie Rice's Midnight series....since a lot of phrases and scenes in all the books are a bit "samey"

Does not really take away as such from the enjoyment of the read. It is just very noticeable. And the "conflict" such as it is, is all sorted out in the last 5%. I did wish for more at the end tbh.

Profile Image for Lyndi W..
2,043 reviews200 followers
September 9, 2016
That was tedious and I fully admit to skimming some of the longer scenes of contemplation. Alex is a pretty shitty boyfriend/lover/whatever. Caitlyn is entirely too stuck inside her own head. I almost DNF'd it when Alex spent multiple scenes not listening to Caitlyn and instead just nodding in agreement while staring at her tits and wondering what kind of panties she's wearing. And when he fucks up, he fucks up pretty badly. And he didn't even apologize - he gets away scot-free because of a "omg-you-almost-died" reunion. I hate those. Just because somebody almost dies doesn't mean all your shitty behavior the day before never happened. Serious groveling was necessary here.

I'm also kinda grossed out by the sex scenes. And if they weren't gross, they were disappointing. Alex seems to have an issue with premature ejaculation - not super sexy. And Caitlyn is constantly noticing how strongly their sex smells - the farthest thing from sexy. He always describes her pussy as "tiny" and "little", which sounds kinda pedo-ish after all the "she looks 12 years old" stuff. And I don't believe for one second that Alex shot off as soon as he penetrated her and 3 minutes later, without either of them moving, she has the strongest orgasm ever. What? No. That's some bullshit right there.

This was disappointing.
Profile Image for Kathrynn.
1,181 reviews
June 21, 2009
Loved it! Lisa Marie Rice/Elizabeth Jennings is one of my favorite authors. Her style, her stories, her characters just do "it" for me. This was no different. A quick read with no slow parts. Not really a suspense, but more of a contemporary, albeit, very hot, romance set in southern California around a police station. Alex was the lieutenant (promoted to captain) and Caitlin was there to finalize her dissertation on law (alpha males) by using his squadron (him) for research.

Alex was glued to his job. Worked late and on weekends. He had no life outside of work and was a very hard man to work with and for. He cut no one any slack, least of all himself. He was extreme in the alpha male role and was totally against allowing Caitlin to use his squadron for research, but he owed his (retiring) captain a BIG favor and that favor was called in for Caitlin.

Alex and Caitlin were attracted to each other from the start. Some very hot scenes that had me grabbing the ice water! Mercy! Felt the passion and emotion(s) between these two. The looks.

Thought there should be a little more of an ending and the epilogue surprised the heck out of me. Go figure.
Profile Image for Kathleen.
691 reviews90 followers
December 1, 2010
I was only 29 pages into this book and thought WTF! There where so many similarities between the H&H's from this book and from Ports Of Paradise that I was thinking maybe it was not such a good idea that I read these two book's back to back. As I read on, this story grabbed a hold of me and tugged me into it. I felt the love scenes in this book not quite as good as the love scenes in Ports Of Paradise but needless to say they where still smoking HOT. While on the other hand, for me the story in A Fine Specimen was better than the story in Ports Of Paradise. At any rate I totally loved the book and the ending was just the most delicious icing on the cake that I've read in a long time.
Profile Image for Ursula.
601 reviews166 followers
June 5, 2019
This was a bit of a silly book.
It was so full of psychological mumbo jumbo about things like dominance displays in law enforcement and the heroine asking herself whether signs of deference and submission decreased proportionately to the increase of distance from the station house, (I kid you not), that I just got bored.

Too many points were laboured.

Yes, he was alpha.
Yes, he wasn't in touch with his feelings.
Yes, he took too long to tell her he needed her.
Yes, she kept waiting and giving him another chance.

Also, this woman was such a klutz, I reckon if I'd been the hero I would have run a mile. She was forever spilling food and drink (including hot coffee) on him. It just got ridiculous.

Add to that the glaring mistake where she tells the hero early in the book that she is 26, then suddenly she is 28- how was that not picked up?

I'm sure the sociological and psychological aspect of policing is fascinating- I just wasn't looking for a dissertation on this topic. It was, tbh, distracting, and took away any of the emotional impact the story might have had.

It was all a little bit weird.
Profile Image for Jane Stewart.
2,462 reviews925 followers
November 8, 2010
It felt thrown together. I didn’t enjoy it. It needed better plot and character development.

While Captain Avery is on vacation, Lieutenant Alex Cruz is in charge at the police station. Caitlin is a Ph.D. doing research. Avery sends a message to Alex requiring him to assist Caitlin and to let her interview and observe police officers for a week. Alex hates it, but he grudgingly allows it. He takes her to lunch. They begin to fall for each other.

I don’t recommend it. It’s not nearly as good as her other books. There are two stories going on, and both are lacking. The first story is the relationship between Alex and Caitlin. There is too much pondering and inaccurate assumptions. Caitlin assumes things which are not true but cause her distress. A major separation happens because Alex is commitment shy. It just wasn’t interesting. The second story is about catching the crook Ratso, described below.

With evidence from Ratso they can put away major criminal Lopez. The first time they catch Ratso he tells them he has to go to the bathroom, and then he escapes out a tiny window. The second time they catch him, he tells a policeman that the cuffs are too tight and hurt. So the policeman stupidly removes the cuffs. Then Ratso does something bad. I was irritated at the cops’ stupidity. And then we don’t know if Ratso was wounded or killed or was able to give evidence or what. That story was completely unfinished.

Kindle count story length: 4326 (a little shorter than a typical romance novel). Swearing language: strong, including religious swear words. Sexual language: strong/erotic. Number of sex scenes: 5. Setting: current day Baylorville, California. Copyright: 2009. Previously released as “Taming Nick.” Genre: contemporary romance with a little suspense.
Profile Image for Fanny.
2,386 reviews52 followers
April 26, 2016

A Fine Specimen es una novela independiente creada por la autora Lisa Marie Rice y tiene a Alex y Caitlin como protagonistas.
Despues de la desilucion que me lleve al leer La Ley De Murphy ( que no fue para nada lo que esperaba ) tenia un poco de " miedo " de leer esta historia, pero afortunadamente esta lectura si cumplio mis expectativas.
Una novela entretenida, muy divertida ( me moria de la risa con lo patosa que era la protagonista ) y con la cantidad justa de accion.
Recomendada a todas las fans de la autora.

3 Estrellas!
Profile Image for Celestine.
952 reviews118 followers
August 11, 2019
2.5 rounded to 3. Was there a suspense plot? I must have missed it. Fine if you like alpha male romance. Not so fine if you were looking for a little backstory tension with some bad guys (you know, actual police work) to go along with Alex fighting his feelings over the sweet thing that has got him all twisted up.
Profile Image for MBR.
1,259 reviews370 followers
April 1, 2011
4 Stars Yowzastic Goodness!

Apart from the cover of this book which I just loathe, I loved every single thing about this very hot and well done novel by Lisa Marie Rice. Previously released and entitled as "Taming Nick", A Fine Specimen tells the story of how Alex, the lieutenant at Baylorville PD falls like a ton of bricks for the sweet, sexy and beautiful Caitlin Summers.

38 year old Alejandro Cruz (Alex) lives and breathes police procedure. Alex had grown up in one of the poorest ares of Baylorville with an alcoholic for a mother and a drug addict for a father. Alex had been on his way to becoming one of the most notorious punks in the area when his mentor and chief of the police department Ray Avery had seen something inside of Alex that had taken Alex years to see. The qualities that had made him a top notch badass had been trained and honed into making a perfectly lethal law enforcement officer, who had steadily climbed the ranks until Alex is to be the one to replace Ray upon his retirement the coming month. But Alex's dedication had come at a price by turning him into a man who exists for his job alone, a man who has nothing else to look forward to in his life.

28 year old Caitlin Summers is a mix of adorable klutziness with an IQ that would amaze a lot of people. Caitlin had grown up with two parents who had loved and adored one another. Her father had died when Caitlin was quite young and it had been Caitlin's utter determination and drive that had kept and seen her through school and university to become a double masters holder in behavioral psychology and sociology. Her latest research which relates to "Dominance Displays in Law Enforcement" brings her to Alex's territory for a week, to observe the dynamics of police personnel and their behavior.

Caitlin is shell shocked to say the least when she meets the very formidable lieutenant to whom Ray has sent her to. From the first moment, her awareness of Alex runs deep which is returned in full force by the man who hasn't cracked a smile in years. Alex is at first alarmed and a trifle bit impatient when the dainty and beautiful Caitlin shows up in the midst of one of the most important missions that Baylorville PD has embarked upon to-date. With great reluctance, Alex agrees to Caitlin's request and what follows is a journey of sensual discovery by two people who are irresistibly drawn towards one another as moths towards a flame.

Alex's fascination for anything to do with Caitlin slowly chips away at the formidable walls he has built up around his emotions and heart for 38 long years. A man who is practical to the core, Alex is the complete opposite of Caitlin who brings a kaleidoscope of colors into Alex's world of black and white. Bit by bit, the amazing woman that Caitlin is slowly turns him around, making Alex yearn for things he leaves unsaid for far too long - until fate nearly wrenches from him the very best thing that has happened to him in his life.

A Fine Specimen is a tad different from the novels that I have read by Lisa Marie Rice to-date, a fact which I reveled in as I read along. I loved the fact that this story wasn't focused on a sinfully sexy alpha hero who is hell bent on protecting the dainty and beautiful heroine from bad guys at all costs. Rather this story focuses on the relationship that develops between Alex and Caitlin, taking the reader on a journey that shows how Caitlin's sunny and klutzy nature perfectly complements the tough as nails nature of Alex.

The love scenes are of the erotic variety but done tastefully, which is always a big plus point when it comes to novels by Ms. Rice. Her ability to paint with words - yes I would call it that, leaves me breathless at times, making me feel as if I am a vital living being in the story that unfolds. Alex is a sinful addition to my alpha male hottie list, a man who knows how to take care of his woman in all the right ways. A Fine Specimen is certainly a delightful surprise if you can find it in yourself to go beyond the guy on the cover, who looks too full of himself if I may say so, which serves as a complete turn off when it comes to books. But beyond that is a story that is a delight to indulge in, a hero who surpassed all my expectations and managed to raise the yowzastic factor of the novel quite a bit with his inherently focused nature. Though I felt that the ending seemed a bit rushed, I would still give this 4 stars because I just absolutely love what Lisa Marie Rice can do with her rough and tough heroes and her beautiful and dainty heroines.

I finish off the review with peek into one of the many times during the story that Alex loses the internal battle he wages with himself when it comes to Caitlin, a loss that they both enjoy to the max and delights the reader in so many little ways.

Profile Image for Maria Rose.
2,557 reviews265 followers
September 14, 2016
Caitlin's graduate studies in psychology with a focus on historical police work leads her to Alex's police station, where she's got permission from his boss Ray (whom he owes a big favour) to spend a week studying dominance in the work force. And there is certainly no better place to check out alpha tendencies then the bustling and hardworking local cop shop. She expects Alex to be the alpha male from everything she's heard, and he doesn't disappoint. What she doesn't expect is for his interest in her to ramp up all her girly parts! She's old enough to know her own mind as she's in her mid-twenties and when Alex makes it clear that he's interested (despite his better judgement), it leads to some hot and sexy scenes between them - and a quick move-in to his place on her part when the hotel she's staying at is clearly not safe. But while Caitlin can see herself falling for Alex, he's committed to keeping the status quo, at least until a twist in the second half sees Alex realizing how much Caitlin has come to mean to him in such a short time. It's a steamy insta-love story, and Alex comes across as sometimes a bit over bearing and chauvinistic but he has a good heart. It's an enjoyable novella. 3.5 stars.

Note: a copy of this story was provided by the author for review. This is a re-release of an earlier work that has been lightly revised and updated.
Profile Image for Rinou.
995 reviews38 followers
March 17, 2014
The main couple is typical LMR's characters, the sex scenes are steamy and well written, but there are too many very long inner thoughts, and the reader is left waiting for the story to go on.
And most of all, have Alex and Caitlin ever heard about that thing called communication? Instead of assuming what the other one wants or feels, they should have talked a little, that would have saved them some heartache and me some frustration. But no, it's better to just say nothing and wait for the other to understand everything that's been left unsaid. Sigh.
Profile Image for Dísir.
1,684 reviews180 followers
March 23, 2017
Sadly, I found this just...terrible. Jaw-clenching, eye-rolling, incredulous-laughter-inducing dismal.

Written with cliché upon cliché on every level, from the metaphorical alpha animal predator/innocent-ish prey behaviour to the inflated writing where both parties' bits suddenly take on a life of their own, to spurting body fluids everywhere, every page got more and more difficult to read.

I couldn't envision a doctoral student behaving like a spoilt juvenile, just as I couldn't imagine a hard-arse Lieutenant suddenly wanting a woman who isn't his type simply because he hadn't had sex in a while. And the constant comparison of how different she for him to other affairs he's had with numerous other women made it all the more distasteful to read about.

At the same time, I think the definition of the 'alpha' male has been taken way out of line here; there is to me at least, a difference between the protective and strong type and the downright obsessed, rude and masochist (and apparently commitment-phobic too) which few authors seem to get when writing about this particular characteristic.

I can, however, on an abstract level, understand why this would be right up the alley for some readers. But needless to say, it isn't for me.
Profile Image for Melanie♥.
1,074 reviews1 follower
December 6, 2009
Well, I can now say that A Fine Specimen by Lisa Marie Rice is definitely a rewrite of Taming Nick. I lucked into a copy on PBS and was curious as to how it compared. Change the first names of the two main characters, add LMRs wonderful steamy hot love scenes and there you have it. Some parts are word for word the same, others augmented and seriously spiced up. AFS is by far my favorite of the two. I found out that the Precious Gem Series of books was written exclusively for the WalMart stores (as a regular customer of many years, I don't know how I missed them??). As Elizabeth Jennings she wrote a couple of others...I plan to try and track those down, too.
Profile Image for Carey Sabala.
369 reviews16 followers
September 27, 2014
I normally like LMR but this one bored me to tears. I love contemporary romance and love cops/detectives but this one had my eyes rolling. The descriptions of the hero got a bit lengthy - yes we get he's an alpha male but comparing him to a wolf pack and constantly talking about he's the king of the pile was a bit much. Almost like the reader didn't know what an alpha male is. Then we get into her internal dialog which was also a bit much. She was always talking and comparing and putting herself down. He also had a bit too much internal dialog. Ugggggg! The sex scenes were fine but I agree with the other reviews, I didn't care for how much they used the word c*nt. Also if you believe that some women have (what I like to call) the golden p*ssy, our heroine has one. No man can refuse her and our hero is brought to his knees by it. Anywho, honestly I couldn't stop rolling my eyes or laughing out loud at times due to the cheese that was dripping off this novel and I'm a romance super reader.
Profile Image for HєllyBєlly.
305 reviews57 followers
August 8, 2013
Needed a LMR-fix, but this just wasn't as satisfying as many other books I read - Woman on the Run my first and favourite.

The main characters in A Fine Specimen basically have the same traits as all LMR's H/h - him über-alpha, constantly gagging for her. She is innocent and lovely, but responds to him physically like nevah evah.

Her klutziness (constantly dropping food into his lap) was taken a little bit too far.

And what I really disliked about this book was a scene at the hotel where the heroine is staying and the hero chews up the hotel clerk for not immediately finding the heroine's room key:

Profile Image for Alima Livzletlivz.
767 reviews2 followers
September 13, 2016
I adore Lisa Marie Rice’s Midnight Series – every one of those sizzlers and I have revisited them innumerable times, that I’ve stopped counting. And now with her latest re-release of “A Fine Specimen”, I get to feel the sizzle and the simmer between the tough lieutenant Alex Cruz and the scholarly Caitlin Summers.

What got to me is Lisa’s style of narration - crisp, sharp and full of wit that tickles our funny bones. If studying dominance in law enforcement is Caitlin’s dissertation, Alex is the epitome of dominance and yet Caitlin is his downfall. I loved Alex’ perspective, his thoughts, his fears and his brilliant and humorous effort to keep Caitlin in his apartment.

With funny and supportive cop central behind, “A Fine Specimen’ is pure charming romance that would bring a chuckle and gives a satisfaction of reading a good love story.

A definite spunk-worthy read!

Received an ARC from the author for an honest review.

Profile Image for Victoria.
1,188 reviews95 followers
July 21, 2014

I feel so lucky to have spent my day with Lisa Marie Rice! Seriously love her contemporary romances, there's almost a vintage feel to them. The first 25% of the story did drag a bit, there was a lot of internal monologue but it did pick up after that. My only disappointment now is that I think I've read all LMR's books. Always a terrible feeling when we reach the end of a favorite author's book list. I guess that's what re-reads are for!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 106 reviews

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