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When Naelen Spencer shows up at Clarke Gannon’s apartment saying he wants to hire her to hunt his sister down, she’s got zilch inclination to actually take that job. For one thing, she’s not actually looking for an employer. For another thing, Naelen is the kind of rich, entitled playboy that she hates. For a third thing, he’s a dragon shifter, and she’s a dragon slayer. Those things don’t mix. Sure, okay, she doesn’t kill shifters, only soulless, monster dragons that do nothing but burn, kill, and destroy. And fine, he does happen to have eyes like the sky in high summer and a deep voice that makes her feel warm all over. And all right, she needs the money he’s offering. She could use it to help her sister, who’s never caught a break her entire life. But screw that guy. That’s what she wants to say, anyway. Instead, she ends up taking him up on his offer, and then she’s flying off in a private jet to get mixed up with a creepy country town, a nest of powerful vampires, and a bunch of potent magical objects.

254 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 6, 2016

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About the author

Val St. Crowe

55 books82 followers
Val St. Crowe is the fantasy and sci-fi pen name for USA Today Bestselling author V.J. Chambers.

Under the name V.J. Chambers she writes mysteries, thrillers and horror.

Under the pen name Jove Chambers she writes dark romance.

A Joss Whedon fanatic, she loves all that is speculative, from Elemental Assassin to Arrow to The Lost Boys.

She lives in Shepherdstown, WV with her partner Aaron, their son, and their kitty cat.

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25 (4%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews
Profile Image for anjuli.
406 reviews21 followers
October 5, 2016
I decided to DNF this book at 78%. I wanted to read this one cuz blurb wasn't bad and dragons! I love dragons. However, this book didn't rock my socks. I kept hoping it would get better but, nope. There isn't much happening and it just wasn't for me. Characters were pretty dull as well. Just no spark.

Profile Image for Nicki.
608 reviews21 followers
September 23, 2016
While this book may have been entertaining, I find it really difficult to like books when I dislike the main character. Clarke just. . . wasn't that like-able to me. And Naelen wasn't really that interesting to me either.

Profile Image for Angela Dossett.
145 reviews28 followers
November 18, 2016
I loved the premises of this story, though it had some slow moments it was a good read. I recommend it to readers who love Urban Fantasy.
Profile Image for Shari.
71 reviews1 follower
May 29, 2017
Val St. Crowe's book "Smoke (The Slayer Chronicles Book 1)" is the first in a planned series about protagonist Clarke, a dragon slayer; Clarke has an ethical code, she'll only kill rogure dragons, the ones that either never had a human half or have 'lost' their human side and are now simply killing machines. St. Crowe developed her characters slowly, revealing tidbits about their personalities as the first story progresses, although physical descriptions are somewhat given... the slow reveal of their various flaws and strengths actually is similar to how a person may discover traits in those they meet outside of a books pages, and is fairly realistic. However, there is definitely room for the characters to grow into full three dimensional characters. The actual premise of the story was intriguing and held a lot of promise for a very entertaining story. The world created by St. Crowe is interesting, albeit one this reader could not bring herself to believe in.

The problem this reader had most of all was that of the dragons needing to find a body of water to shift in. This reader felt a water dragon would likely use a body of water, but other dragons, such as water, fire, air and earth types, this reader felt, would likely have difficulties in a body of water... earth mixed with water becomes mud just as water extinguishes fire, so why would an earth dragon or a fire breathing dragon shift inside of a body of water? It does not make logical sense to me, and even fiction must have a form of logic. Secondly, the size of dragons in St. Crowe's world directly oppose most myths and what this reader believes about dragons; in dragon form, St. Crowe's dragons are roughly the size of a horse or slightly larger than their human form, they can fit inside of a horse's stall... this reader chooses to believe the majority of dragons are enormous in size, with a few forms possibly being smaller.

Some grammar, spelling and punctuation errors were found as well as several spots where repetitive words were found - like 'the the' or something similar, in a sentence. There was a lot of dialogue in the story, much of it continual and repeated, some believable and some stilted and unnatrual sounding. St. Crowe did create a sensual heat between the characters Clarke and Logan - a gargoyle - and Clarke and Naelen - a dragon shifter, but no full sex scenes so this can be classified as a romance without erotica, in this reader's opinion. The story did not quite live up to the promise, in this reader's view, so she'll likely not continue with the series. However, she also will not withhold a recommendation, either.
Profile Image for Kevin.
2,440 reviews36 followers
October 27, 2017
I often read series haphazardly. While reading "Witch Slap" in the Ravenridge College series I realized it was a spinoff from "City of Dragons," but one of the main characters--Logan--first appears in "Smoke." This is the first book in the "Slayer Chronicles" series--another "City of Dragons" spinoffs. So now I have read one or two books in each of the three intertwined series. I have no idea of the chronology.
Logan in this book is one of three main characters, and he acts nothing like he does in "Witch Slap." He's friends with Clarke (a woman), who's hired by Naelen to find his missing sister. There's a bit of a love triangle, lots of shooting and chasing and detective work, plus a mad vampire with a huge amount of power. How he got that power is explained in a complex lesson that may or may not be related to the other problems going on in the three series.
Typos: dragon is spelled "drogan," pecs (pectoral muscles) is spelled "pecks," and fine is spelled "find."
895 reviews1 follower
July 2, 2017
Such A Fun Story

You have human slayer Clarke Gannon (hunt and kills rogue dragons,must take a well paying job to afford a rehab clinic for her sister Gina) and dragon Naelen Spencer (billionaire who need to hire Clarke to help find his missing sister Reign) their journey is so interesting, both love their sisters so much they would do anything even put up with each other. Of course the confirmed bachelor wants sex but no involvement, Clarke wants to mean something to someone and nothing casual. But in trying to do all they must do to save the day they are drawn to each other. Throw in her ex gargoyle Logan Gray also a slayer who they will have their cases cross and end up at the same place causing both guys to not like the other. And so much more ending with a new offer from Naelen.
Profile Image for Jumms.
171 reviews5 followers
August 5, 2017
Just Ok

I really wanted to like this story. You don't get too many stories abt dragons amd dragon shifters. I liked that there was a nice basic setup for the world and even though dragons were mighty there were being hunted for exactly that. Here you have Clarke struggling and constantly doing whatever she can to save her sister woth an addiction for......dragon meat.

Now you have Nalen who is rich, powerful and a dragon also with sister issues. His sis is missing amd he wants badass Clarke to help him find her.

This should have been epic and smoldering (haha) but it was lacking some umpf. It seemed almost forced and it just wasn't as exciting as i expected it to be. To many parts read as predictable and it was boring at times. I skipped thru some of it.

It wasn't a bad story but i am glad it was free :-(
Profile Image for E.
41 reviews64 followers
August 16, 2017
Quite a good read. Not the strongest start but one you get into it, it gets good. Clarke is a rouge dragon hunter, going after the dragons/shifters that have lost their human form and with it, their humanity. Now mindless killing machines, these rouges are taken down by slayers. Clarke stands out as a slayer because of her morals, a rarity in her line of business. Now Clarke has a hot billionaire dragon shifter on her door step asking for her help tracking down his sister, a potential rouge. Naelen's character plays great off of Clarke's and his perspective is very different and very fresh. I really like these characters, although they wont be for everyone. Hope this is helpful! I recommend.
Profile Image for Marsha.
2,994 reviews55 followers
October 13, 2016
(3.5 Stars)
"Smoke" is a quirky read about Clarke, a dragon slayer who only kills rogue dragons or dragons without a soul. Clarke is approached by Naelen, a millionaire dragon. He is afraid his missing sister has gone rogue and wants to hire Clarke to help him find her. Clarke finds Naelen to be pompous, arrogant and entitled. She wants nothing to do with him.

Naelen is not one to take no for an answer. Although Clarke warns Naelen that if his sister has turned rogue she will never return to normal, he doesn't care. He believes that he can find a cure but he has to find a cure first. Clarke sister is an addicted druggie and when she calls once again seeking help, She developed decides to take the job offered by Naelen so she can pay for rehab.

As Naelen and Clarke begin tracking down His sister they stumble into the snare of an evil vampire named Ronan Cunningham. He uses women as blood slaves. He shouldn't be able to but he manages to compel Naelan and soon they uncover how.

This was a pretty good read but I had a problem with the way the author threw in too many convoluted story elements such as alternative worlds and magically enhanced artifacts. Sometimes, less is more! At this point I am still considering reading the next book in this series. Hopefully it will be more straightforward.
Profile Image for William Howe.
1,600 reviews69 followers
May 30, 2017
Then it went wrong

Good idea for a world. Functionally different system of magic, etc. Plausible opening plot. Main character motivations are clear....oh, wait. Now there's a gargoyle she sometimes sleeps with that makes her all wet. It was bad enough the 'slayer' had no real idea how to find a rogue dragon, she now wants to drop trouser for two different people as soon as they meet.

Basically a poorly plotted romance novel with fantasy window dressing.
Profile Image for T..
Author 13 books568 followers
August 10, 2019
I downloaded Smoke, book 1 of the Slayer Chronicles, as a free ebook from Amazon. Mmm, this was a bit odd and hard to rate for me. I found the storyline creative, but Clarke was a difficult protagonist to like. I did find myself wondering what she'd say next and where the plot would go, so I read this straight through. Give this one a try, especially if it's still listed as a freebie, as you may connect with and enjoy the main character more than I did.
Profile Image for Nelta.
510 reviews6 followers
August 17, 2017
Picked this one up cause it was a freebie and I was curious about the title...I really struggled thru this book...I'm sorry but a guy who's "made" his $$$ in the business world just isn't that clueless...I was hopeful that with the cast of characters in this story it would eventually come together and keep me interested...it is loaded with supernatural beings....
3 reviews
October 19, 2017
To me this is a great read. It gave a different spin on dragon shifters (looks and the magic). I was captivated enough that I read all the books in this series in a weekend. The author did a good job with the characters that I felt connected which is a requirement for me. I've added Val st crowe to my favorite author list and plan to read all her series.
344 reviews10 followers
August 6, 2017

Good book I wish it had been a little longer. Lots of action, mystery, dragons and other magical creatures. Good story line and strong characters. So grab your copy and enjoy reading.
3,323 reviews31 followers
January 24, 2021

I found Clarke to be an engaging character and she knows what she wants. Clarke has raised herself up by her bootstraps and is still looking after her sister. If course their are potential romantic entanglements to chew on.
1,219 reviews4 followers
March 22, 2021
Excellent story

This is a new author for me, but I will definitely be looking for more in this series. The story is complex,with lots of twists and layers. The characters have potential, and I would love to read more about them
Profile Image for Krystal gaston.
958 reviews8 followers
July 23, 2019
Pretty good story I'll probably go on just because I want to know if anything good happen s between Clarke and naelen
Profile Image for Veronica Whiteman.
144 reviews2 followers
December 6, 2021
Clark's choices

This story leaves you hanging in all the right places. I can't wait to see what happens next and please let them get together!
Profile Image for George Floyd.
204 reviews
August 8, 2023
Very good read

I really liked the novel Val has written! Her characters are believable and the plot was great. I'm looking forward to the next.
1 review
July 21, 2020
Smoke review

It was a good story. Until the last chapter. The story started lacking in details and anticipation. Then nothing at the end. It just sort of was a big let down. Lol
196 reviews
September 14, 2016
Great reading

From start to finish enjoyed the interaction between Clarke and Naelean to see where it would lead especially when Logan came onto the scene. Can't wait to read the next book in the series
Profile Image for Angela.
335 reviews5 followers
November 1, 2016
Worth the read, more development of the characters is needed

Lots and lots of potential. Even tho the characters had backstory, they seemed a little like tropes.

I did appreciate the fact that it was a fantastic story and avoided sliding into erotica to bulk up the length.

Will read the next book.


I can understand the concept of an intelligent guy with no common sense, it's absolutely impossible for a someone to build and grow a business empire without some situational intelligence, understanding of people, and basic financial acumen.

I enjoyed and applauded the foray into polyamory, but it felt squished. And then after showing a beautiful example of poly, the 'manwhore' (not my word) said that relationship style was trauma based and a ridiculous lifestyle. Ugh. Started as a high five, turned into a head shaker.

Also, for Goodness sakes, she's said 'no' to sex unequivocally several times, might be time to listen to that and attempt a different method of seduction.

Profile Image for Kreela.
553 reviews18 followers
January 9, 2017
This was like an action-oriented tv show. Clarke (female) hunts feral dragons by trade. Since the world isn't overrun with wild dragons, she lives in a dump. Naelen (pronounced "Nolen"?) knocks on her door to request Clarke's help with his missing sister. She also has an errant sister, so his plea pulls her heartstrings, right? Um, not so much. You see, Naelen is a dragon shifter, her natural opponent.
You may like this novel if you like kick-ass heroines, action, romance between supposed enemies. I sure do. Clarke is a likeable main character.
You may not like this novel if you get bored with long-winded discussions on romance. I sure do. It killed the heat building between Clarke and Naelen. While I was pleased that dragons biologically act differently towards their potential partners, I would have been happier with a shorter discussion.

Will I read the second novel? I am not sure.

Profile Image for Jacob Sindic.
42 reviews3 followers
October 26, 2016
I find it hard to find books to give less than two stars on here but this one managed easily. The story and characters are as interesting as a wet paper bag and the main protagonists have as much spark to them as a matchbook smothered in the bottom of said wet paper bag. The dialogue is boring, there is little to no detail on anyone or anything to characterize them and the action scenes unfold with as much gripping intensity as a stilted children's play. I will not be following up on the sequel and I would not recommend this to any fantasy or literary fan.
October 13, 2016
Couldn't get thru the first half

1 star for terrible dialogue and uninteresting characters. Its reads like an 11 year old wrote it and frankly I just had to delete it from my tablet.
The premise of the story is intriguing, but a lot of the dialogue just feels like it's just there to increase the word count of the book. Really unnecessary.
Glad I didn't pay for this one
November 20, 2016
So let down...

This could have been great. The characters just didn't do it for me. They weren't believable enough. I'm not sure if it was they way it was written or I personally just couldn't connect
Profile Image for Cyrene Olson.
1,320 reviews16 followers
November 29, 2016

There is some good action and suspense, and some original magical takes on this genre, but the main characters could use a polishing – specially the men. Being the first book in a series, it has promise.

Read the full review in the December issue of Uncaged Book Reviews.
13 reviews1 follower
September 14, 2016

Great book. Can't wait to read the next one. Characters are great, theme is awesome. I really enjoyed it. Thanks.
349 reviews24 followers
October 14, 2016
No idea

Interesting start but the clueless dialogue got old fast. Everyone seems to be an idiot. I am half wondering if this is supposed to be a parody.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews

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