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Fireblood Dragon #1

Fire in His Blood

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Years ago, the skies ripped open and the world was destroyed in fire and ash. Dragons - once creatures of legend - are the enemy. Vicious and unpredictable, they rule the skies of the ruined cities, forcing humanity to huddle behind barricades for safety.

Claudia's a survivor. She scrapes by as best as she can in a hard, dangerous world. When she runs afoul of the law, she's left as bait in dragon territory. She only has one chance to survive - to somehow 'tame' a dragon and get it to obey her.

Except the dragon that finds her is as wild and brutal as any other...and he's not interested in obeying.

What he is interested in is a mate.

331 pages, Paperback

First published January 9, 2017

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About the author

Ruby Dixon

145 books16.4k followers
Ruby Dixon is an author of Science Fiction Romance. She likes fated mates, baby-filled epilogues, and cinnamon roll heroes. She also likes to write biographies of herself in the third person, because it feels more important that way.

Ruby also loves coffee and dirty books and will probably be a cat lady at some point. :)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,151 reviews
Profile Image for S.
Author 1 book433 followers
March 27, 2022

So as I went down the reviews for this, I saw a lot of readers complaining about the heroine.

I was actually surprised because I liked this story SPECIFICALLY because of the honesty, wittiness, sarcasm, and surprisingly the "realness" that she brings to a story about a fucking dragon.

I'm sorry, but to the readers who complain about how often the heroine was "untrusting" of the dragon or wasn't immediately giving into the dragon's advances, makes me realize even more just how awfully misogynist we are in the book-world as readers.

Our heroines get criticised for the lamest shit while our heroes get away with nearly everything.

I mean, honestly, imagine you were left naked, outside in a post-apocalyptic world, and a fire-breathing creature approaches you. Would you immediately throw your arms around it and offer your body to it?


So why are we suggesting that the heroine does this?

I actually love the story because the heroine wasn't quick to trust the creature.

Trust wasn't just given. It was earned and the dragon had to work for it.

The story is pretty much carried out by this heroine. She is 85% of this book, she basically tells us the story, and we only get the dragon's POV some of the time.

So, if you don't like the heroine, you won't like the book. Lol

I absolutely loved the way the story was narrated, the heroine brought a sense of realism with the way she cares for her sister and her friend and worries about her world but still is strong enough to survive in it. She acted in certain situations the way I personally think most people would act.

It makes you feel like this would really happen in the world we live in. And this book makes you hope to be as strong and as vibrant as the heroine if your own world ever comes crashing down, or well, if the sky ever opens up and dragons come spilling out.

You connect with two characters who are awesomely developed. Kael and Claudia are two different entities from two very different worlds but somehow, you believe they belong together.

The way Claudia strives to preserve her life and her family's above all things.

I admired that.

She eventually falls in love with the dragon but it was all in good time. It all made sense and the plot progressed fairly.

Now, when it comes to the story, I don't know if it's ever been done before, as I've rarely read books like these, but it was novel and interesting to me.

I mean, the closest I've come to reading and actually liking books about shifters is reading the Suzanne Wright's books.

I've always wondered why people seem to just ignore the "bestiality" undertone of those type of books so I always feel kind of weird reading about them. Lol

I'm definitely going to read more of this writer's work because I love her writing. It's really easy to follow and her characters have substance, even the non-human ones.

This is definitely going to put in my "favourites" pile here on Goodreads.

Profile Image for Cece ❀Rants, Raves &Reviews❀.
275 reviews1,192 followers
July 18, 2024
“Are they fucking insane? What am I supposed to do here? Ask the fucking dragon nicely to stop burning cities to ash?”


Meet my lovely Claudia
“Right back where we started, except now I’m even more injured, filthy, and being cuddled by a dragon. I could just cry.”

I mean lotta people call her a “mary-sue” here but lets be perfectly honest any of y’all bitches would have done the exact same thing if you were running for your life from a goddamn dragon


The story is set post-apocalyptic dystopian future society where basically a rift in the sky opened and let loose dragons from a different fucking universe and all hell breaks loose
He dips a shoulder low to catch me, but it’s too late. I tumble off his back, and then I’m free-falling through the air for a terrifying moment, and then I tumble to the concrete a short distance below, dazed.
Well. That was…dumb.”


Their relationship was honestly so much fun to read. Claudia and Kael started out with a comical but sweet courtship where he brings her dead goats and fire breathes to cook her meals

Honestly I think I enjoyed Kael’s point of view most because it honestly had the style and thought process of a goddamn dragon
“How can I make her happy?
Ah, yes.
I will feed her. That will bind her to me. She will see that I can provide for her, that I am strong and fierce.”


He even offers to eat her enemies!!! It was the perfect balance between comedy, adventure, and honestly they are my new power couple, i love Kael so freaking much it’s not even funny.
“Tell me you are better, my mate, he demands.
Aww. So overbearing and pushy. That’s kind of sweet, really. Overbearing, but sweet. “I feel like shit, but thanks for asking.”


I want a Kael. There is literally a goddamn moment when he sees her all happy and amazing and says that he thinks she is more precious than life itself and like my fucking heart. He is a sexy sweetheart

Overall, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I loved this book. It was a lighthearted read with some sexy shifiting and a dragon that adored a sassy girl. Sign me the hell up
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,658 followers
February 14, 2017
Dragons? Yes, please!

The book is describing a post-apocalyptic kind of world where while dragons are either golden or red and they are magnificent, the human cities are utterly destroyed and the humans are beyond miserable.
So, you can imagine the beautiful and big as buses dragons flying around throwing fire and burn everything to a crisp and the small and insignificant humans running and hiding in holes and praying.

There is chaos. No food, no fresh water, no clean clothes, no homes, no grass, no trees, no electricity.

There are some rulers of course, but they are hypocrites and rotten to the core. The Mayor is a bad man, the militia guards are taking advantage of the hungry girls, and the captain does not hesitate to sacrifice humans to the dragons to prove his point.

Not an ideal world if you are a lonely girl who is trying to survive. Claudia is a strong girl. She was trying very hard to help her sister, Amy, and her best friend, Sasha, by salvaging old technological items from the ruins until she got arrested and she was given to a tremendous dragon as a sacrifice.

Soon Claudia will find out many unknown facts about the dragons such as they are mostly crazy because they need a mate as an anchor, that they are shapechangers and that Kael, her dragon and wannabe mate, has a body that make her mouth water. There is no chance that she will keep telling him NO for much longer.

To be honest it took me a while to get used to this world. Humans are dirty and hungry; dragons are half crazy chewing and burning everything alive. It may have destroyed a little my idea of fairytale dragons.

Moreover some scenes are a bit repetitive. Kael is trying to seduce Claudia, Claudia is resisting and thinking of her sister and friend, Kael is licking, Claudia is saying “No”. Maybe the book would have been okay even with half pages.

On top of that, I believe the world building is lacking. The book focuses more on the relationship between Kael and Claudia and in the end, I didn’t really learn much about the dragons. What is their world before they appear in Earth? Ok, the skies ripped open and the dragons fell, but from where? Are they aliens? Did they live in a parallel universe? In another planet? In another time period? What on earth happened?

Finally this is another book, where the female of the species are not good enough. The female dragons are totally crazy, they cannot mate, they cannot communicate, they are mean. Dragons have to mate with human girls to survive. I always wish, every time I start a book like this (where strange species are mating with human brides), that the females of the strange species were less cruel bitches who have to be put aside or to be exterminated.

Anyway, although the book has its flaws it is still a good adventure. I enjoyed it and I will definitely read the books about Amy and Sasha.
February 6, 2017
Yeah, nah.

I love you Ruby Dixon, but this was average.

The repetition in this was astounding. Did you know its hard to make do in Fort Dallas? That its hard especially as a woman? Did you know Claudia's sister Amy has a limp and can't fend for herself? Well just in case you forget at any point in this novel, you will be reminded of these things EVERY FUCKING CHAPTER.

Claudia was a whiny, annoying brat and I hated her and she did not deserve Kael.

I will still read the next book. I hope now that we have all the stupid repetitive world building out of the way, we can have an actual, decent romance.

This gets 1 star for Kael, 1 star for the sex. Half a star because DRAGONS.


2.5 Stars

Thanks for the buddy read my lovely Abtastic Ab Loving Geishas!
September 14, 2020
3.5 stars.

I love Ruby Dixon. I mean love her. I was craving some IPB and since I have read them all I decided to try her Dragon series. I liked it ok, but the heroine at times got on my last nerve. Also there is a bit of repetitiveness at the first half of the book that made my eyes glaze. I pushed on and it ended up being a pretty good read. I will read book 2 and see how it goes.
Profile Image for Aileene.
243 reviews116 followers
February 6, 2017


I'm retracting this.




Ok. On to the review.

I was so excited to read this. I've never read any dragon books.
At least that's what my brain tells me and I'm very sure my brain wasn't lying at all.
So imagine my delight when lady Kate sent this as a recommendation and my Abtastic Ab Loving Geishas were non-stop buzzing about it.

First Chapter.

Second Chapter.

Third Chapter.

The female character *checks back for her name*, oh right Claudia.

Claudia was infuriating.

The repetition of EVERYTING was maddening.

Fourth Chapter. Fifth Chapter. Sixth Chapter....

Claudia. Claudia. Claudia.
Repetition. Repetition. Repetition.

Time to get rid of these trash.




Last Chapter


I'm rating this two stars.

One star for the plot and the mind-link. And the other star for Kael.
Kael was very sweet and dreamy. His only flaw was falling for Claudia.

Ms Dixon, you need to work on your heroines. Most of them ruin your stories.

The next sequel seems to hold promise though.

Oh, and one more thing, these dragons do not sport ridges here.
Very disappointed, I am. But also glad because it will compromise the originality and distinction of Ice Planet Barbarians.
But then they're dragons.

Rating this 2 Disappointed-with-my-first-dragon-book Stars
February 5, 2017
Let's get this out of the way...I Love Dragons. They're awesome, they spit fire (or lightening, etc.) and you can ride in their backs and destroy cities. But I liked the Ice Planet Barbarians first books better than this one.

The world/setting is post apocalyptic in a Mad Max kind of way with people living in fortified cities and scavenging for goods. The militia is in power and don't really do anything but act in charge. The threat to mankind comes in scheduled dragon attacks. For reasons no one knows, they attack on a schedule. There are smaller reds and larger golds.

Claudia was arrested scavenging and the mayor decided she could be dragon bait. Like in fairytales, she was chained to a stake in a torn dress. Dragon arrives and....doesn't eat her. Yay? That's right, the dragon doesn't want to BBQ her, but he does want some dragon loving. Lucky for her, he can transform into a human shape. He looks human besides his skin is kind of scales, he's gold, and he has some horns and zero body hair. Not bad at all compared to what some of those alien books try to pass off as humanoid.

So what follows is caveman style communicating because he doesn't speak anything, but he does understand "no." There's a lot of no-ing from Claudia, even while sexy & naked dragon man is doting on her, feeding her, etc. He worships her. The entire story is mainly from her POV and she's really whiny. Really really whiny. She's a nonstop complainer, even though this is the best her life has been so far. Really, she's clean, always fed, safe, protected, affection, and love. But she's a complainer because he's not human. That's what annoyed me most about this book, Claudia and her nonstop complaining. I also thought her rescue plans for her sister could've been more thought out. Think James Bond, woman.

Kael, the dragon, was awesome and sweet. I liked his POV, even if it only happened a few times. He was all about doing anything to make his mate, Claudia, happy. And he was generally a really nice dude/dragon. Plus, golden skinned, muscled, 6'6 tall. Yeah. Have I mentioned how well gold goes with my coloring? I'd totally take a golden dragon for my own.

Not my favorite dragon book. I thought it could've used more editing of Claudia's thoughts, less of her whining and being an ungrateful brat, more Kael. Less repetition. Way too much repetition. I am happy Ruby Dixon has started in this genre and look forward to more dragon books.
Profile Image for Alp.
763 reviews452 followers
April 20, 2017

I had high hopes for this book based on the great impression I’ve had of this author's Ice Planet Barbarians series. The premise sounds very encouraging, but sadly, the novel was a bit of a let-down.

Apparently, this book both bored me and irritated me in equal measure. The story moved quite slowly and the female lead, Claudia, drove me crazy with her constant whining and idiocy. I was sick of her inner monologue which was way too repetitive. You have no idea how many times I wanted to scream at her to shut the hell up while reading her thoughts. I already knew from the first chapter how stupid worthless fragile her sister was, no need to hammer it into my head every chapter. If I hear "my poor fragile Amy" one more time, I think I may lose my mind!

The first half of the story was tolerable—almost good, but the second half felt more like a chore than entertainment. I must admit, around midway through the last half, I had to skim over Claudia's internal thoughts just to finish the book.

Anyway, this one wasn’t all that bad. What I found particularly fascinating and pleasing about it was the plot and the hero, Kael. Kael is so sweet and caring. He deserved better than Claudia!

By the way, I’m curious about Dakh so I think I will read the next book, and see if it gets better than this one.


**BR with lovely ladies at Abtastic Ab Loving Geishas.

November 24, 2021
Dragon Invaders!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Narration: 🎧🎧🎧🎧🎧
Romance: 💙💚🖤💜❤️
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📘📙
World building: 🌎🌍🌏🌎🌍
Character development: 😳🤬😏🤓

The heroine: Claudia - a strong heroine. She takes care of her sister and helps her friend. She goes outside the city through the walls of cars melded together in order to search for food and black market items to sell.

The Hero(s): Kael - a gold dragon. The dragons were pulled through a split between worlds and have all gone mad. All they can focus on is anger, killing and destroying. However, when Kael meets his mate, Claudia he is able to think again and the thought of her keeps him grounded in reality.

The Story: When Claudia is turned in to the local militia for selling black market goods. She is afraid she will be banished to the lands outside the city. That is basically a death sentence. She would be picked off by dragons or the gangs of banished humans that rule outside the city. However, the captain of the Militia has another idea of what do use Claudia for.

She is used as bait for a dragon and they want her to try to tame any dragon who comes to her. Claudia knows that is the stupidest thing she ever heard and when they chain her up on one of the buildings to use her as bait, she figures she will soon die.

I liked this book, since it was different than a lot of the shifter books I have read in the past. The dragons came to earth and killed billions and are the enemy of humans. The narration was terrific (dual POV) and dual narration. The story was great as well.

The only thing I didn’t really like was the fact that Claudia and Kael couldn’t understand each other at the beginning. I liked the fact that they could understand each other’s thoughts after they mated. Though it doesn’t really make sense since they basically speak different languages and would think in the same language I expect. But I was just glad they could finally converse with each other.

Profile Image for Renegade ♥.
1,339 reviews
March 15, 2019
3 1/2 stars

This was the PNR Book of the Month in one of my GR groups and I was really looking forward to reading this because I do love my dragons. This tale pulled me in and kept me interested in both the circumstances and the relationship between Claudia and Kael. I also liked the worldbuilding and the explanation for the appearance of the dragons and why they behaved as they did.

Up until the point where Claudia , I was really enjoying this tale. I got a right kick out of the sweet, protective, devoted, possessive, and lusty Kael, and thought Claudia was both interesting and a tough cookie. I couldn't help but laugh at various points throughout re: their interactions and misunderstandings.

But things started to take a bit of a nose dive for me with some of the stuff going on in her head and her bizarre justifications after that scene. She would think and do things that sometimes had me shaking my head. I was like,

At one point, she actually acknowledged that she was blaming Kael for everything and that it was irrational. Uh, yeah. I totally agreed and was glad she mentioned that because it helped me to wrap my head around some of the rather foolish, ungrateful, and annoying things she was saying. For example,

Let me make it clear that I feel this series has some great potential and there was much in this first book that I appreciated. I was just really disappointed by Claudia's occasional dips in the TSTL pool because I felt, initially, like she was way smarter than that. It's like the way she was written sometimes forced her into moments of temporary idiocy and questionable behaviour in order to make the story work rather than honoring Claudia's true character/nature. That's just my opinion, of course, and others may feel differently.

That being said, this story ended up going where I was hoping it would eventually go and, overall, I enjoyed their dynamics and how things were set up for future adventures. There were some neat scenes, descriptions, and ideas within those pages. For example, the explanation for .

As an additional note, it was mentioned in the BOM thread that how Kael and Claudia were eventually able to communicate was confusing or unclear and I discovered that a number of readers felt this way. My take was

So, despite some of the bumps along the way, I'm looking forward to Sasha's story in the upcoming book as I'm curious how And on a fun note, I'm as curious as Claudia about whether

I've got lots of questions going forward which is a good thing as it's got me interested in finding out what happens next...
Profile Image for Lauren (Shakespeare & Whisky).
256 reviews473 followers
February 23, 2017

* Love juices
* Burning seed
* Mind linking
* Seexxxyy kidnapping
* Haawwwt stalking

And if ALL THAT doesn't entice you consider these exciting plot points:

* Getting clean with running water
* Bestiality
* Dragon Worldstar bitch fights
* Post apocalyptic trips to IKEA
* Snuggles
* Poorly thought out plans executed by idiots
* Cross- dimension- cross- species breeding.
* Mental Illness and a propensity for violence healed thru the POWER OF PUSSY.

Who could resist?


Profile Image for Hana ♡.
345 reviews199 followers
February 6, 2017
I never thought I'd ever create a Goodreads bookshelf named 'Dragons'...

Dragons, werewolves, aliens... bring it on!!! Clearly there is no inter-species coupling that I won't read!

Anyways... I loved this story and hope Ruby Dixon continues with this series beyond Amy, and Sasha. I'm being greedy but I want as many dragon books as the Ice Planet series =D

Profile Image for Belle Aurora.
Author 41 books12.2k followers
February 7, 2017
A good start to a new series. Looking forward to reading more.
Profile Image for Bex (Beckie Bookworm).
2,249 reviews1,494 followers
November 18, 2018
Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm.
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"Fire in the blood" was a surprisingly delightful read.
I have previously read Some of Ruby Dixon's Ice Planet Barbarian series and loved them.
This, in my opinion, was on an equal par with them and I do Love a sexy dragon shifter so I was on to a winner straight from the get-go.
This story is set in a post-apocalyptic dystopian future, where a few years previously rifts opened up in the sky and through these tear's came the dragons.
laying waste and destroying cities, Humanity is in hiding and the worlds gone to pot, everyone's only out for themselves.
Enter our gal Claudia, after being caught scavenging and thrown into a cell she earns an awful fate.
To be used as dragon bait, to see if she can tame a dragon.
Convinced she is going to be Scooby snack Claudia is astounded when the gold dragon flashes into a human, well almost human looking, he has claws and fangs and a kind of dappled skin and horn-like protrusions on his head.
With an inability to communicate there at a disadvantage.
The dragon "Kael" is his name recognises Claudia as his mate.
And she seems to help hold the madness at bay for him, the madness all dragons are afflicted with since they were pulled through the rift.
Claudia and Kael start a comical but sweet courtship, where he brings her dead goats and spit roasts her meals, he even offers to eat her enemies sweet ay?
Kaels just desperate for his Claudia to give him a chance.
But she still can't get her friend and sister Amy out of her head, needing to do something to rescue them from there life at the fort.
I found myself smiling a lot through this as these two found their way.
It was lovely just to read some uncomplicated fun romance.
was their slight repetitions and an annoying whiny heroine here, Oh Yes!! but honestly, that didn't really bother me as Buff Hunky Kael with the dragon heart of gold certainly made up for it.
He was a sexy Sweetheart even in his dragon form, he adored his Claudia and was prepared to do anything to assure her happiness.
Thankfully Claudia got less annoying as the story progressed and by the end I actually quite liked her.
so if you're looking for a lighthearted read with some sexy shifting and a dragon the size of a bus give this a go, it really was an enjoyable read and a great start to a new series.
 photo download_zps84df25is.jpg

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Profile Image for Christy.
4,234 reviews35.1k followers
April 30, 2022
3.5 stars

Fire in His Blood is a Dragon shifter/fated mates romance and it’s definitely different than my normal read. I tried ‘Ice Planet Barbarians’ by this author and it wasn’t my favorite, but I did enjoy this one more. I think the main reason this was better for me was . I’m curious enough to keep going in the series!

Audio book source: Hoopla
Story Rating: 3.5 stars
Narrators: Noelle Bridges & Jeremy York
Narration Rating: 4 stars
Genre: Fantasty Romance
Length: 11h 28m
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,950 reviews1,523 followers
February 7, 2017
3 Meh Stars

I really enjoy this author because her books are “different”. I read her alien series and I was curious about this dragon one.

Nothing is too extreme for me.

I was kind of (really was) disappointed with this one. I didn’t hate it, but I had higher expectations because most of the books (not all) in the alien series worked for me.

I found the book really repetitive and more angsty than smut. What killed it for me was the Heroine, Claudia. As much as I love the Hero chasing after the Hero, she was just plain awful. She pushed back too much.

The dragons have descended on the earth and so humans have to seek refuge in underground camps. Claudia is offered as bait and Kael is the dragon that she is suppose to tame.

Okay I was totally digging this storyline.

BUT they couldn’t communicate, which is kind of the same thing in her alien series, but I still go with it. I thought it would be cute that they couldn’t understand each other, but more than anything it was annoying. It seemed like Kael couldn’t comprehend the most basic things.

Then the ENTIRE book was based on the fact Claudia wanted to go back and save her sister, but she wouldn’t for the life of me explain that to Kael.

That really annoyed me.

So, I liked the idea of the book, but I just wanted it to be less angst and more cute. I will still read the series because I’m curious to see where it will go.
Profile Image for Tami.
Author 17 books2,690 followers
February 13, 2023
Wow okay, das Setting was SO cool? Postapokalypse, Drachen UND Ruby Dixon?! Yes.😳
Profile Image for abi ୨୧.
965 reviews104 followers
May 16, 2024
➸ 2 stars

↬ Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
↬ Dystopian/Fantasy Romance
↬ Dual POV; First Person
↬ Fated Mates
↬ Human x Dragon
↬ Himbo Dragon MMC

↬ Initial Intrigue: 5/5
↬ Characters: 2/5
↬ Plot: 1/5
↬ Structure 3/5
↬ World-Building: 3.75/5
↬ Writing: 3/5
↬ Uniqueness/Creativity: 5/5
↬ Overall Enjoyment: 2/5
↬ Read: on Kindle

_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐

I’ve been meaning to get to Ruby Dixon as an author for awhile now, and me trying to be uNiQuE decided I’d start with this book instead of her infamous Ice Planet Barbarians series. Anyways my “not like other girls” plan did not manage to pay off because there really wasn’t much I enjoyed about Fire in His Blood. Initially this book was very intriguing, and it was so disappointing to see it go so downhill so quickly.

The world, politics, and of course dragons, were easily the most interesting parts of this book. I really wish we got to see more of the world building and apocalypse stuff. While the two series only have the post apocalyptic stuff in common, I feel like a fair comparison to make is Claire Kent’s Last Light series. She does a really good job of showing the reader the characters during the apocalypse despite very minimal flashback scenes. I really wish Ruby Dixon did something similar and built this world up more. I also really wish the dragon lore was built on more. We got so little of how they work and it would have been great if there was just more world building.

In terms of the romance, I truly didn’t care less about Kael (who has the unfortunate fate of being named both Kale and Kyle) the MMC or the FMC Claudia, separately or together. Kael is definitely what you would call a himbo, combined with the personality of a literal caveman. He was funny, but had the personality of literal Kale, his namesake of course. Claudia had more personality and more levelheadedness, but I also didn’t care about her either. And I truly gave a shit less about these two together. I think it was because of the language barrier between them for pretty much the entire book. It’s just so hard to believe they were in love with Kael didn’t even know wtf Claudia said to him forever. There was so much focus on the sex scenes and so very little focus on the relationship building that I couldn’t believe these two loved each other by the end of the book.

And speaking of too many sex scenes, oh my god this book was so boring. There is no plot, just sex scene after sex scene. I sound like a scandalized old lady, and trust me, I’ve read much nastier books than this, but I was just so bored. I wanted to find a plot for this book, and every page I turned I found these two getting horny (despite not being able to even communicate for half the book). It was just so infuriating. I never thought I’d be one of those people to say, “No, too much smut!” But apparently if a book has no plot, I guess I’m there.

I feel like I was going into this expecting too much. I mean Ruby Dixon is known for her smutty alien stuff, but I guess I thought this might have been different? Maybe I was setting myself up for disappointment, but I really didn’t enjoy this book, or Ruby’s writing. The blue alien smut may not be in my future after all…

* * *

Me the entire book: 😴 anyways RTC
Profile Image for Ezi Chinny.
2,625 reviews524 followers
March 18, 2018
This is one of those rating dilemma books. Enjoyment was a 4-Star but writing and plot was more like 3-Star. So do I rate on enjoyment or on character/world building and plot development?
I’m going to average it and say 3.5 stars but since Goodreads didn’t give me a half ⭐️ option. I’ll round up.

So Claudia is a human forced to scavenge for food and resources in Post Apocalyptic Fort Dallas after Dragons have ravaged earth. Claudia got caught stealing and the mayor decided to use her as a test subject to see how Dragons react to beautiful women.

When dragon Kyle comes upon the sacrificial lamb Claudia, his inner beast claims her for his mate. But how can this work when the dragon is crazed and they don’t speak the same language or know anything about each other?
It helps that Kyle is a shifter and so he’s less scary when he is in his man form. Claudia and Kyle begin a learning process that may just save human kind and possibly earth.

I liked Kyle a lot. He was alpha but he was so eager to please his woman. He worked hard to learn her language, her human ways and what makes her happy. It is interesting that a clearly dominate species chose to assimilate to Claudia’s way of life than force her to assimilate to his. I found the narration quirky and humorous. I chuckled a bit and found myself engaged in this over the top fantasy romance. How awesome is it that a girl can tame a dragon with sex.
I will read book 2.
Profile Image for Grecia Robles.
1,629 reviews425 followers
January 10, 2020
Que buen libro. Este es uno de los que tenía pensado leer el año pasado y no lo hice leía la primera página y lo dejaba, no andaba en el mood pero ahora que finalmente me decidí que tonta fui.
Aunque pensándolo bien creo que ahora era el momento justo.

Tenía tiempo que no leía un libro paranormal de cambiaformas y lo disfruté demasiado me sorprendió.
El mundo que creo la autora es apocalíptico, está invadido de dragones que han destruido todo a su paso y también matado a millones de personas a lo largo de 7 años después de la fisura una abertura en el cielo y una gran cantidad de dragones aparecieron.

Después de esos eventos un nuevo gobierno tomó el mando una milicia pero son unos dictadores tienen a la gente oprimida y muriéndose de hambre, por lo que la protagonista tiene que robar cosas que están prohibidas pero son sumamente valoradas y venderlas en el mercado negro, ahora ha sido atrapada, encarcelada y condenada al exilio pero toman la decisión de que la entregaran a un dragón para que ella pueda averiguar la manera de domarlo.

Kael el dragón no me pudo encantar más es la cosas más adorable que existe, es bien amoroso, protector y tierno. Lo único que quiere es una pareja a la que pueda cuidar y de paso que lo aleje de la locura que le provoca el nuevo mundo en el que está.

Claudia me gustó pero a veces era muy mala con Kael, el pobre nomas quería protegerla y ella se ensañaba con él.

Este libro es una introducción porque quedaron muchas cosas sin explicación y que se necesitan resolver por ejemplo de donde provienen los dragones si de otro mundo u otra época que causo la fisura, por lo que necesito seguir la serie además que este libro introduce a los protagonista y las trama de del siguiente libro y yo quedé intrigada.
Profile Image for ♛ Garima ♛.
962 reviews183 followers
February 6, 2017
As for #1 in the series, it wasn't bad. But I thought there were so many repetitions in terms of dialogues and monologues. I could have used less of them. I found some grammatical errors as well which I ignored but found annoying at times....

Overall it was good story and I like world building.

It would have been lot better if it'd been cut down by 40-50 pages. I surely would not have minded.

But still I'm curious so I'd be continuing with the series.

Profile Image for Ava.
1,087 reviews1,595 followers
May 3, 2022
This is a reread for me and this was so much fun!! Ruby Dixon is so unique in her story ideas!

I really enjoyed it, but the thing about Sasha at the end left a bad taste in my mouth.

*listened on Libby*
Profile Image for Just Josie.
1,050 reviews190 followers
April 10, 2021
Crazed dragons.
Post apocalyptic world.
Militia controlled home.
And a human sacrifice.

Idea wise I love it. A Rift in the skies caused the dragons to enter Earth and upon arrival the dragons go crazed and destroys the world.
What’s left of the human race is settlements highly controlled by the militia.
I miss a lot of information though.
Where did they come from? Why did the Rift happen? Who are they really? Aliens or shifters? Is there a “rank/hierarchy”?
So I know the Rift caused a sort of amnesia to the dragons (and the constant human smells) but I missed a curiosity to find out. Claudia asked, yes, but no action was taken.

I found the story to be highly repetitive, and that spoiled the story a bit for me. Because it felt like we didn’t “go anywhere”.
Claudia also did not win me over. She just... nah... Did not root for her at all. 🤷🏻‍♀️

The writing was pleasant as usually, just too repetitive. Dixon is a very talented author, this one was just my least favourite of her works.

Read: 02/01/2021
1st rating: 3 stars
Genre/tropes: Smut/dragons/romance/post apocalyptic
Cover: 2 stars
POV’s: Dual 1st person (Claudia & Kael)
Will I recommend: Yes, just not my fave.
Profile Image for Ivy Deluca.
2,306 reviews313 followers
February 3, 2017

Ms. Dixon has come up with another crackilicious series (available on Kindle Unlimited). Dragons with textured bits and and claws instead of fingernails when in human form? Possessive alpha shifter who is ALL about his heroine? A little bit of action and danger to spice up the sexy times? Yep, definitely cracky.

There’s a bit of post-apocalyptic spin on the dragon shifter romance, but let’s face it, it’s more about the romance. Since this is a setup book, there’s a tendency to be a little repetitive with the inner monologue at times, and the worldbuilding is sufficient but not thorough. There’s hints that we’ll get more info as the series progresses and that’s alright with me. I’m down for seeing what Ms. Dixon comes up with next.


I’m digging it and if cracky shifter roms are your cuppa tea, check it out.

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