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Descending Stories #1

Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju, Vol. 1

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THE STAGE IS SET A hapless young man is released from prison with nothing to his name, but he knows exactly what he wants: to train in the art of rakugo comedic storytelling. After seeing an unforgettable performance from one of Japan’s greatest masters, Yakumo Yurakutei VIII, during his time in jail, he will settle for nothing less than to become apprentice to the best. Yakumo, notorious for taking no students, is persuaded to take him on, and nicknames him Yotaro—the fool. Yotaro has no formal training or elegance, but something about his charisma reminds Yakumo of someone from his past.

158 pages, ebook

First published July 7, 2011

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About the author

Haruko Kumota

38 books24 followers

Associated names : 雲田晴子

Name (in native language) : 雲田はるこ

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 50 reviews
Profile Image for MaDoReader.
1,349 reviews163 followers
October 30, 2019
4 estrellas porque me parece un trabajo magistral, no tanto la historia en sí, que se desarrolla mucho más y mejor en volúmenes posteriores, pero es una introducción perfecta a esta "saga".

Haruko Kumota lo clava señores, la autora de mi adorado Itoshi, demuestra una vez más que sabe cómo mantenerte pegado a las páginas de un manga, y eso conmigo, que soy una die hard lectora de BL, es un logro tremendo, primer manga no yaoi que leo y absolutamente enganchada.

El dibujo es maravilloso y los personajes son muy ricos, están llenos de matices. Desde luego me apetece conocer mucho más sobre el Rakugo, ya que como estoy con scans no hay mucha información, cuando compre la edición inglesa, espero que los traductores oficiales nos dejen alguna nota sobre el tema, digo inglesa porque esperanzas de que esto se edite en España... ninguna, obvs.
Profile Image for Aleksandra.
1,508 reviews
May 20, 2023
Reread May 2023
still very good, going to continue reading this manga.

You must know a very important thing about me - Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu is my all time favorite anime.

Haruko Kumota has such unique and distinctive art style. I adore the variety of facial expressions, those silly faces and serious faces and many many more. Everything looks very pretty, detailed and fitting the story narration.

The anime adaption follows the manga pretty closely, but of course the manga gives more details. I loved seeing this new-to-me scenes and dialogues.

The story of young Yotaro, 22 year old man who fell in love with Yakumo’s rakugo when Yakumo gave a performance in prison. Yotaro is released from prison, he finds Yakumo and becomes his apprentice.

I adore the cast. I love Yotaro, Yakumo and of course my girl Konatsu, I love her. I think manga!Yakumo is crankier and saltier and I love it.

I enjoyed the volume more than I thought I would. I will definitely try to get my hands on the next volumes,

However, I would recommend to start with the anime adaption. The great music, stellar voice acting and gorgeous animation elevate the story.

Character-driven drama about Rakugo artists through out 1930s-1980s in Japan? It is entertaining and exciting and heart-breaking. I’m still crying over the ending.

I highly recommend to watch the anime and if you prefer reading to watching, this manga volume is excellent as well, so please read it.
Profile Image for Javier Muñoz.
828 reviews93 followers
September 28, 2020
Cada vez me gustan más este tipo de mangas que se centran en aspectos concretos de la cultura japonesa, cosas que nos parecen de otro planeta pero con las que podemos encontrar más similitudes con nuestra cultura de las que se muestran a simple vista.

En descending stories tenemos la historia de un joven ex miembro de un clan yakuza que presenció una representación de un artista de Rakugo en la prisión que le impactó tanto que al salir se propone hacerse su discípulo y dedicarse en cuerpo y alma a ese arte.

Pero la cuestión es: ¿qué es el rakugo?. Pues bien, se trata de un arte tradicional de japón que consiste en contar historias con toques humorísticos, el artista de rakugo se ocupa tanto de la narración como de la representación de los distintos personajes. Son historias tradicionales que en su mayoría ocurren en el periodo edo y los aficionados al rakugo disfrutan de las actuaciones de los artistas en pequeños teatros llamados Yose que están dedicados exclusivamente a esta función. Uno puede pagar la entrada y estar allí mientras le apetezca viendo las representaciones de los distintos artistas. Los verdaderos aficionados al rakugo conocen bien la mayoría de las historias y disfrutan escuchando las distintas versiones de los diversos artistas, unos más vulgares y otros más sutiles, unos más graciosos y otros más ingeniosos, unos más histriónicos y otros más contenidos, cada uno con su estilo particular de narrar y actuar.

Dicho esto, vuelvo a la historia del manga, el maestro de Rakugo antes mencionado es Yakumo, que ha sido considerado el último gran artista de Rakugo desde la muerte de su amigo y rival Sukeroku, este al tomar como discípulo al joven ex-yakuza le nombra Yotaro (que significa tonto y es algo así como un arquetipo entre los artistas de rakugo). Yotaro al ser aceptado como discípulo de Yakumo entra a vivir a su casa y allí conoce a Konatsu, que es la hija de Sukeroku y fue adoptada por Yakumo tras la muerte de su padre. Yakumo tiene poco interés en enseñar a Yotaro aunque le deje vivir en su casa, así que este se tiene que apañar con lo que le puede enseñar Konatsu, que por ser mujer no sería aceptada como artista de Rakugo pero le gustaría que el legado de su padre siguiera vivo.

El manga es una delicia de leer y un disfrute para todo el que esté interesado en conocer cosas sobre la cultura japonesa, la lástima es que esta es una serie que tiene muy complicada su publicación en España, pero con un nivel medio de inglés se entiende bastante bien.
Profile Image for Nicolas Lontel.
1,141 reviews90 followers
August 25, 2020
Je me réserve une plus longue critique une fois que j'aurais fini la série, mais d'or et déjà, je suis fasciné· par ce manga dont j'ai vu l'adaptation en anime et ne pas cessé d'admirer la narration et les mises en scène et en abîme. Le manga a aussi l'énorme mérite de permettre une beaucoup plus grande compréhension des termes du rakugo, plusieurs choses semblaient m'avoir complètement échappé dans l'adaptation animée.

J'apprécie aussi beaucoup plus le développement du personne de Konatsu où le fait d'être née femme et la restriction à l'accès au rakugo est montré d'emblée comme un problème, un obstacle, une frustration, un enjeu de discrimination, un enjeu narratif ainsi que la solution pour la vengeance envers Yakumo qu'elle prépare, mais une vengeance au final impossible.

Les dessins des protagonistes en train de jouer sont vraiment sublime et le style de l'autrice réussit vraiment à montrer cette incarnation de personnage, tout en gardant l'essence des traits physiques des protagonistes. Superbes idées de mise en scène et de dessin.
Profile Image for Chelsey.
681 reviews
September 14, 2017
Yotaro is an ex-gang member who wants to learn the art of rakugo (comic storytelling). When rakugo master Yakumo surprisingly agrees to take him on as his apprentice, Yotaro is ecstatic. But there's more to this legend's household than meets the eye.

I found this difficult to follow at times, and I wish that rakugo had been better explained earlier in the story. For the most part, the plot didn't hold my attention. This is also an anime, and I think that I would've been more interested seeing the storytelling sessions play out; something seems to be lost when we get just the words instead of a whole performance.
Profile Image for Shannon.
772 reviews112 followers
January 16, 2020
I was drawn to this title because performing arts is always a yes, and I was also looking for Josei titles as I've yet to read one. I quite enjoyed this story even though completely unfamiliar with rakugo, but I like the characters and am very curious to see where the story goes. A promising beginning!
Profile Image for Alyssa.
144 reviews55 followers
June 14, 2021
oh wow that was a really strong start to a story. it was very heartwarming and funny. i love the facial expressions of the characters, it adds a lot to the ridiculousness of the story. it reminds me of the time i joined a theater at uni before i had to quit. there were lots of oddballs and eccentrics with diverse quirks. it was very fun learning different ways of entertaining people with them. the characters in this manga are like mirages of those people i met and i love how it brought up feelings of nostalgia.

the characters are all very interesting and there were slight hints about the plot conflict in this manga that seems to be much deeper and dramatic. this is definitely an unusual story and i'm expecting to learn more about the art of Rakugo and keep getting a few laughs along the way.
Profile Image for Tom Ewing.
702 reviews67 followers
March 17, 2022
Ex-con Yotaro asks to be apprenticed to a master of the Japanese solo acting tradition rakugo. On a whim, the old man agrees, and Yotaro’s arrival sparks memories of the old master’s own training.

Most apprenticeship-type manga fall into a pattern of struggles and battles to show a youngster’s progress. Descending Stories is calmer - it’s more of a love letter to the artform of rakugo itself, so the pleasure for the western reader lies in learning about it along with Yotaro. A bit more depth comes from the secondary storyline - the old man’s adopted daughter Konatsu, child of his former acting partner, loves the artform too - but rakugoka, so tradition says, is an all-male pursuit. This volume is mostly set-up, with no real indication of where the storylines will go, but there’s enough here to bring me back for a second performance at least.
Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,383 reviews235 followers
June 3, 2018
This sedate little tale revolves around an ex-con who has become obsessed with becoming involved in a traditional but dying Japanese artform of theatrical storytelling called rakugo. He's a bit dumb and dense, but he has enthusiasm, energy and a positive attitude, all of which reminds an old master of a dead friend and convinces him to take our hero on as his first ever apprentice.

Deliberately paced (a/k/a "slow") this is a gentle but appealing kick-off to a series that will probably be rich in character interaction and gentle humor if lacking in much action.
Profile Image for marcia.
865 reviews30 followers
May 25, 2024
Last time I started this series, I kept comparing it to the anime and couldn't enjoy it for what it is. This time around, I like it a lot more. The premise is ridiculous and there are tons of funny moments. Right off the bat, you get an idea of what these characters are like as well as their relationship dynamics. On top of that, Kumota's art is fantastic. She's great at capturing emotions, especially smirks: I've never seen a character look so smug. Yotaro is such a goofy guy and it really comes through in his mannerisms. So far, a solid start.

To be honest, it's hard for me to be objective about this series when I absolutely adore the anime adaptation. While the rakugo scenes definitely translate better when animated, I still think this is a solid first volume and hints just enough at the underlying conflict to keep someone who's new to the story reading. As for the art, Kumota's drawings are expressive and so fun to look at.
Profile Image for Loz.
1,521 reviews21 followers
August 5, 2017
I adore the anime for this, high recommend on every level. This first volume had a lot of the same feel and cadence, but didn't hit as hard. I think, especially for a Western audience, the animated and audible portrayal of Rakugo is very key to creating the world. I will definitely keep up the manga, though. Love the art and the characters are real people depicted well.
Profile Image for Chivitouille.
286 reviews13 followers
April 9, 2018

Después de haber visto el anime, me he quedado con unas enormes ganas de leer este manga, sin duda es una estupenda historia con una trama interesante, personajes encantadores y un estilo de dibujo sumamente atractivo; una historia que debería de ser más popular pero que al mismo tiempo resulta tal vez un poco complicado de recomendar, con tintes históricos, una temática algo seria por momentos, que a la vez conjuga situaciones amenas y divertidas que provocan un ritmo ingenioso.

Descending Stories trata sobre "Yotaro", un "rufián" que después de haber cumplido un tiempo en prisión sale con la firme convicción de querer convertirse en discípulo del más famoso exponente del rakugo, el maestro Yakumo, esto debido a que quedó enormemente cautivado y asombrado al ver una de sus presentaciones, además de estar empeñado en que muchas más personas descubran y queden fascinadas con el rakugo, así como le sucedió a él.

Ahora bien, el rakugo es un monólogo que consiste en contar historias, de humor, de miedo, etc. En donde quién las cuenta se encarga de interpretar las diferentes voces de los personajes que participan en dicha narración, esto explicado a grandes rasgos y siendo éste el hilo conductor de la historia y sobre el cual se desarrollará toda la trama.

Así que "Yotaro" decide ir en busca del maestro Yakumo para pedirle ser su alumno, al encontrarlo y pedírselo, cuenta con la enorme suerte de ser aceptado a pesar de que nunca había acogido a ningún discípulo; este inusual cambio de actitud traerá muchos ajustes en su vida y a todos los que lo rodean, empezando de esta manera la aventura de "Yotaro" por convertirse en un buen representante del rakugo.

Entre los personajes principales encontraremos a Konatsu, quien es la hija del mejor amigo del maestro Yakumo, una joven con un carácter fuerte, desafiante, mal humorada, con un fuerte resentimiento, pero amable y de buen corazón, quien tiene una relación complicada con el maestro Yakumo, la cual iremos descubriendo conforme avance la trama.
Así que al llegar "Yotaro" a vivir y toparse con semejante personaje veremos una relación de afecto/odio sumamente divertida, que poco a poco y gracias al carácter de "Yotaro" va mejorando hasta el punto de apoyarse y ayudarse.
El maestro Yakumo, el mayor exponente de rakugo, es muy receloso de su conocimiento sobre el rakugo, mal humorado, perspicaz, tenaz, estricto, poco paciente pero de buen corazón, a veces es demasiado severo con Konatsu y en ocasiones podemos ver actitudes algo machistas, sin embargo de igual manera se verá influenciado por la presencia de "Yotaro" y encontrará en él algo así como un diamante en bruto para el rakugo.
"Yotaro" siendo el personaje principal resulta ser el punto medio entre la relación complicada entre el maestro Yakumo y Konatsu, es sumamente divertido, noble, sencillo, amable, trabajador, bien intencionado y de buen corazón, extrovertido, algo que contrasta bastante con ellos dos y que logra el perfecto equilibrio en la historia.
Y por último, tendremos la presencia de otro personaje que se va mencionando varias veces durante la historia pero que más allá de saber que fue el mejor amigo del maestro Yakumo, aún no nos cuentan mucho.

Así que, una vez aceptado como discípulo, el siguiente reto es que le enseñen cómo hacer rakugo, el problema es que el maestro Yakumo no le da ni la menor pista de cómo hacerlo, así que con la ayuda de Konatsu poco a poco irá practicando a escondidas, puesto que además de no quererle enseñarle no quiere que practique sin su consentimiento, sin duda un maestro complicado.
Al final el maestro Yakumo admite que fue un mero capricho haber aceptado a "Yotaro" como discípulo y que ni él mismo sabe el porqué de esa decisión, sin embargo, gracias a ciertas circunstancias, se da cuenta de que haberlo aceptado fue una decisión acertada. Iniciando ahora sí, con su carrera como exponente del rakugo.

Realmente vale mucho la pena darle una oportunidad a esta historia, puesto que aunado a la experiencia del aprendizaje del rakugo de "Yotaro", hay varias cosas que suceden que incrementan la curiosidad en la trama, en las que no profundizaré porque son parte importante y spoilers.
En serio que no te vas arrepentir.

Una historia que he disfrutado mucho, con la que me he reído bastante y que ha sido todo un acierto empezar a leer.

Profile Image for Skjam!.
1,528 reviews37 followers
December 17, 2018
Rakugo is a traditional Japanese form of storytelling in which a single performer sits on a stage and tells a comedic or sentimental story with only a fan and small cloth for props and never moving from the seiza position. It has its roots in sermons preached by Buddhist monks trying to liven up the audience, and became especially popular during the Tokugawa period (when most of the stories are set.)

But times change, and in the Showa era, it is not clear that the tradition of rakugo is going to survive. Many of the young people have no patience for going out to a theater to hear some old guy talk when they can just turn on a television. And the grandmasters of the art are passing away without successors, causing their specialty stories to be lost.

Yakumo Yurakutei VIII (one of the traditions of rakugo is that new masters take on the name of former greats) in particular has despaired of the art form meaning anything in the present day. As far as he’s concerned, rakugo will die with him, and he has refused until now to take on any apprentices. But on a whim, he agrees to a performance in prison (insert joke about captive audiences here) to lighten the lives of the condemned men.

This bears unexpected fruit some months later, when one of the prisoners appears before Yakumo, begging to be made his apprentice. It seems this petty criminal was so moved by Yakumo’s “God of Death” story that he decided to dedicate his own life to the art of rakugo. Yakumo is amused, and whimsically agrees, naming his new apprentice “Yotaro”, which in rakugo stories is always the name of a blockhead.

Since this is a fair assessment of Yotaro’s mental acumen, and he had squandered the old name (Kyoji), Yotaro is just fine with this. He works hard as an apprentice, learning the ropes of the rakugo world. He also meets Yakumo’s adopted daughter Konatsu, and the soap opera elements of the story come in here.

Konatsu is the daughter of Yakumo’s best friend and fellow rakugo master Sukeroku. Sukeroku died young under suspicious circumstances, and Konatsu suspects Yakumo of murder. She longs to follow in her father’s footsteps, but there has never been a female rakugo artist, and as far as Yakumo is concerned, there never will be. This has caused a lot of friction between them.

This josei (women’s) manga series was titled Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju in Japanese, referring to Yakumo’s plan of “double suicide” with the art of rakugo. It was well-received and has a twelve episode anime adaptation.

As someone who does storytelling every so often, it’s fascinating to learn about this specialized branch of the field. Yotaro is a fun protagonist–we know he’s done wrong in the past, but Yotaro has put that behind him, and looks to the future with optimism. He may not be the brightest fellow, but he has heart and once he learns his own style of storytelling, shows a knack for the field.

Yakumo’s motives for apprenticing Yotaro are a mystery even to him, he’s a serious, stern man who likes things a certain way and doesn’t like change. And yet, somehow this feels right. He’s also hiding some mixed feelings about his friendship/rivalry with Sukeroku, and their parting.

Konatsu’s a bit more difficult to read at this point in the story. She wants revenge for her father, but is also grateful to Yakumo for taking her in after her parents’ deaths. She wants to succeed in a career that doesn’t allow women, but there doesn’t seem to be a way forward for her. She can support Yotaro’s efforts, but how does that help her?

The author’s research shines through, and the bits of rakugo storytelling we get to see are fascinating. While there’s nothing in this volume that goes too far, the series is rated “Older Teen” so parents of young readers may want to be careful.

Recommended to fans who want to learn more about this traditional performing art, and are good with some soap opera along with the education.
Profile Image for DmCasper.
14 reviews
June 25, 2023





倒数第二集动画走向超现实主义,菊比古在助六引领下云游阴间,这个阴间还原江户风貌,可以说是落语家的天堂2333而烧毁的寄席涅槃重生在了阴间——所以你看,死只是另一种形���的生。漫画法版标题翻译还真是蛮神的,直到最后一页意味都分毫不差:Le Rakugo, à la vie, à la mort(to the life, to the death)。



最后助六对美代吉信誓旦旦:你和女儿对我最重要。我决定依从你的愿望,不再说落语了,《芝滨》(讲浪子回头的落语)就是为你演的。——个人阅读理解这纯粹是放P(喂),是一个为了帮 菊比古 挡下宿命的一剑,作为缓兵之计的谎言。一个为落语而生,除了落语几乎啥也不会,孩子般率直又得罪人的人会轻言彻底放弃落语?《芝滨》里的妻子为了让丈夫努力振作而撒谎说钱袋子的事情是梦境不是真实,妻子这个角色显然更像是 菊比古 而不是 离家出走的美代吉,这一出落语应当说是 助六 说给 菊比古听的。同时在现实中,助六也模仿了《芝滨》里妻子的角色撒下了以上这个善意的谎言,希望 美代吉 可以 放过 菊比古。




以前只能望其项背,桀骜不驯的师兄弟,如今竟然以同一种面目乖顺地赶着叫自己师父,菊比古心里是怎样一种感情呢? ——本人用毛笔奋笔疾书以下七个大字:【此情可问欧比旺】

到第四集,开篇是菊比古 外孙 信乃助 卖萌功力了得,但凡大人都迁就着他。信乃助在落语表演后台和爹妈吵吵嚷嚷,让菊比古很不高兴训斥了其母 小夏,信乃助撒娇求情。菊比古表面上亲热地把外孙揽在肩头哄着说“以后慢慢学礼仪吧”,信乃助恃宠顺势央求菊比古讲他(小孩子)喜欢的绕口令式落语《寿限無(じゅげむ)》。

——结果菊比古上去就讲少儿不宜的艳情段子233333实际就还在和小夏翻毛腔,完全不顾外孙情面故意气她233333这人真的passive aggressive到了极点很难相处又有点子可爱啊233333




喷了,特么的还是个张翼德受(🐻熊受?) 的三国BL笑话(无误

“只要活着,便还能说落语”“留得青山在不怕没柴烧”——其意思和2020年韩国冲奥片《米纳里》又是一样的,米纳里就是水芹菜,不管在怎样的环境都会活下来——册那东亚美学【所以我说你《落语心中》早诞生个几年改编成电影冲一波奥 完全没有问题







This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Niche.
718 reviews
April 13, 2020
Wow, I'm glad I happened across this in a $0.99 sale and I bought it on impulse with no knowledge of the series at all. I was already a bit familiar with rakugo so there wasn't much culture shock, and I'm always happy to see a series like this get localized without having to be a yuri/ccdct type cast. I'll warn that there's some sexist views/attitudes included, but it came across (to me) as a bigoted character view rather than that of the author's.

The series follows a lovable idiot ex-con who fell in love with rakugo (one-man performance storytelling) and seeks an apprenticeship with his idol, a whimsical curmudgeon(?) who takes him in. There's some hints at a family drama/mystery between the old man and his deceased friend's daughter, but generally an upbeat hobby-centric series with cute(?) old men (I've only read the first volume so there could be a tone-shift later).
Profile Image for DrCalvin.
299 reviews4 followers
March 31, 2018
I picked this up after seeing the title and covers in my comic book store for a while, finding them intriguing. I was very lost at first. Rakugo, what's that? Who are these people - will the prison backstory matter? Or is it a family drama? Wait, murder?! Oh, not actually (perhaps)...

It starts off too confusing, though I felt as if I slowly got hold of what sort of drama we're looking at, maybe. Not my favorite, but I'll try another volume and see if it grows on me.

The art is serviceable - I find the facial espressions of esp Yotaro often weirdly exaggerated when I can't figure out if there is a point to the exaggeration, but can't tell if it's a stylistic choice or rough art.
Profile Image for Ryofire.
637 reviews2 followers
January 30, 2022
A very good series start! It might help that I've seen the anime first, so I can fill in the gaps of the rakugo stories we don't see, but overall I enjoy the characters and their relationships and the universe Kumota has created. Kikuhiko's sexism is quite naked, which was also demonstrated in the anime, but it's nice at least that Konatsu is relentless, even if she smokes all the time.

The art is also quite beautiful. I love the way the characters are drawn, and Yotaru is quite cute when his hair grows out. My one issue is the tongue-out face, but it's meant to be stupid, so I guess it's successful.

A good first volume.
Profile Image for Suhail.
251 reviews5 followers
June 3, 2017
A young man gets out of jail. Having no place to go, he goes to the theatre to see if he can get a famous storyteller to take him on as apprentice.

I like the main character a lot. He's a very sympathetic guy with lots of optimism. The other main characters are difficult people but they're intruiging as well.

The story progresses at a calm pace. The artwork is nice and clean.

Also, I'm completely biased because I saw the Anime and loved it.
Profile Image for L. Luck.
637 reviews11 followers
February 4, 2018
So, I have been watching the adaption and was excited to see how they told the story in the manga (it's in a bit of a different order, I think) I wish they told more of the rakugo stories themselves because they are very purposefully chosen, but you completely miss that element and most of the metaphor (Japanese readers may recognize them easier). Otherwise, it's an intricate tale, and I can't wait for the next volume!

Profile Image for Beth.
1,043 reviews13 followers
April 16, 2019
A fascinating, nontraditional story. The characters are intriguing, though the main woman character seems a bit two-dimensional. Wonderful insight into the world of rakugo. Art is oddly appealing with just the right amount of detail--something like Fumi Yoshinaga's work.
I'm definitely going to read more of this!

For older teens and adults who are fascinated with Japanese culture and enjoy quirky realistic-fiction manga.
138 reviews32 followers
July 2, 2017
This is the best storytelling in a book that I've read this year. I adored this. There's even a short primer/intro to Rakugo at the end! As an aspiring storyteller, the respect and love shown for Rakugo was really heartening. I might just wait for all the books to come out, rather than go to the anime! This is one of (if not the) best volumes of manga I've had the pleasure to read
Profile Image for Rosa Rodriguez.
317 reviews27 followers
April 11, 2021
I wasn’t sure if I was gonna be into it, but towards the middle and the end I was liking it more.
I’ve only heard a few good reviews about this so I kind of went into it blindly, super blindly with now knowing that rakugo was. I was confused while reading but I think I got the gist of it.
I can’t wait to pick up the next volume and see how the story play out :)
Profile Image for Bee (BacchusVines).
2,129 reviews15 followers
December 11, 2022
Since reading another manga about Rakugo, I was surprise that this one was out there (thanks Rightstuf for the backlog of manga).

Yotaro is a pretty fun character. We don't know much about him and his personality is basically all his character. I can't really explain why I enjoyed this manga, just that I do.
195 reviews1 follower
August 15, 2024
I thought I would give this manga a try but was not very familiar with the premise when I did. I am not rating this as it’s not the genre or art style I generally enjoy, but that’s not the manga’s fault. The volume efficiently set things up and the story progressed well. While not my favorite art style it was very clear and easy to follow.
Profile Image for Adrian Bloxham.
1,208 reviews1 follower
May 22, 2020
I wanted to read more manga after the couple I had really enjoyed so bought the humble bundle manga bundle, this is the first I have tried and who knew a comic about a type of theatre I'd never even heard of could be quite so compelling. Volume 2 awaits
Profile Image for Love.
393 reviews
June 9, 2021
We're just starting and it's that fascinating. There's something alluring about this series with its charming characters and captivating storytelling. Highly recommended if you're a fan of historical fiction.
1,648 reviews8 followers
June 4, 2017
this is humor and probably about that one generation of japanese young people that got into traditional theatre
Displaying 1 - 30 of 50 reviews

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