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Origin #1

The Darkest Star

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When seventeen-year-old Evie Dasher is caught up in a raid at a notorious club known as one of the few places where humans and the surviving Luxen can mingle freely, she meets Luc, an unnaturally beautiful guy she initially assumes is a Luxen...but he is in fact something much more powerful. Her growing attraction for Luc will lead her deeper and deeper into a world she'd only heard about, a world where everything she thought she knew will be turned on its head...

#1 New York Times, USA Today, and internationally bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout returns to the universe of the Lux in this brand new series, featuring beloved characters both new and old.

367 pages, Hardcover

First published October 30, 2018

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About the author

Jennifer L. Armentrout

149 books142k followers
Hey Guys! Please note: I don't send out ARCs for review. If you're interested in reviewing a book of mine before release date, please contact the appropriate publisher. I also do NOT check my Goodreads email.

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# 1 New York Times and # 1 International Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Charles Town, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki. In early 2015, Jennifer was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, a group of rare genetic disorders that involve a breakdown and death of cells in the retina, eventually resulting in loss of vision, among other complications. Due to this diagnosis, educating people on the varying degrees of blindness has become of passion of hers, right alongside writing, which she plans to do as long as she can.

Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Tor, HarperCollins Avon and William Morrow, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her Wicked Series has been optioned by PassionFlix. Jennifer has won numerous awards, including the 2013 Reviewers Choice Award for Wait for You, the 2015 Editor’s Pick for Fall With Me, and the 2014/2015 Moerser-Jugendbuch- Jury award for Obsidian. Her young adult romantic suspense novel DON’T LOOK BACK was a 2014 nominated Best in Young Adult Fiction by YALSA. Her adult romantic suspense novel TILL DEATH was a Amazon Editor’s Pick and iBook Book of the Month. Her young adult contemporary THE PROBLEM WITH FOREVER is a 2017 RITA Award Winner in Young Adult Fiction. She also writes Adult and New Adult contemporary and paranormal romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.

She is the owner of ApollyCon and The Origin Event, the successful annual events that features over hundred bestselling authors in Young Adult, New Adult, and Adult Fiction, panels, parties, and more.

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Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,894 reviews12.6k followers
May 25, 2024
We were all dark stars, but Luc...he was the darkest.

The Darkest Star is the first book of the Origin series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. If you are not aware, this is a spin-off from her hugely popular Lux series.

Hold on to your hats Ladies & Gents, I have a confession to make: I haven't read the Lux series, or anything else by this author.

Yes, it's true. I went into this having never actually read a Jennifer L. Armentrout book and having no idea what a Luxen was.

I was most pleasantly surprised!

I think it is a testament to Armentrout's skill as a writer that I never for a moment felt lost, or like I was missing any important information.

If I had not heard of the Lux series prior to starting this, I would have never guessed that there was a prior series.

If you are like me and have never read the other series, please don't let that dissuade you. If the synopsis of this sounds interesting to you, pick it up!

Have no fear, you will understand everything. That's a megs_bookrack guarantee!

This book follows teenager, Evie Dasher, as she navigates some new and disturbing revelations about herself and her life as she has known it.

Early on in the story she meets a handsome stranger, Luc, at the club. You know how it is.

One thing leads to another and before you know it they are running from the cops, hiding in a broom closet and then seemingly soul mates.

I had a lot of fun watching Evie and Luc's relationship grow. It was heavy in the 'hate-to-love' vibe and I cherish that, particularly when the banter is so witty.

Luc is a sexy and successful young man. Well, actually he is an Origin, which means he is the child of a Luxen and mutated human.

He also just so happens to be the baddest badass of all and he knows it. We love confidence.

Side Note for Newbies like Me: the Luxen are an alien race that cohabit Earth with us after they had to flee their own planet.

Through Evie's new relationship with Luc, a lot gets revealed about her past and who she truly is. Pretty much anything she thought was real, wasn't.

Poor Evie really gets thrown for a loop, but she handles it as well as could be expected.

I look forward to seeing where the next book goes. I have a few ideas of areas I am hoping will be explored, but only time will tell!

I really enjoyed Armentrout's writing style. It seems relaxed and had a nice, even flow. The pace was good and there was a lot of great, natural humor that I found refreshing.

I also picked up on some social commentary in regards to issues such as race, immigration, minority communities and fear-mongering.

I was surprised by some of the connections I was able to make from what was happening in the book and what has happened in my own country in recent years.

I always appreciate when an author includes real social issues into a fantastical or magical narrative. It feels like finding Easter Eggs.

Overall, I had a great time reading this book. I was impressed with the writing, I found it very easy to read and follow.

I especially appreciated the fact that Armentrout made the story approachable for both new, and veteran readers, of her material.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Tor Teen, for providing me with an early copy to read and review.

I appreciate the opportunity to jump into this world and am already excited for the next book in the series!
Profile Image for Sofia.
325 reviews64 followers
February 12, 2024








Oh man, I've had to delete my previous updates cause I've just finished reading TDS and I have to say....it did not meet my expectations...


I'm glad to have read this one, Luc has been my main boy for a lonnng time. It was so emotional to see some of the characters from the Lux series, especially Daemon, it made me feel extremely nostalgic.
However, there were many things that did not made me happy whilst reading The Darkest Star, so if you don't wish to read something that will potentially irritate you, please move along:

Evie is an okay main character, and I say okay because she really isn't anything special, she's like Kat with different physical attributes and different hobbies, but their personalities are the same, which was definitely something that made me not like her very much. I wish more time had been spent making her extra special, not to mention to turn her into her own character. The same can be said for Luc's personality, he's exactly the same as Daemon, Seth and Roth... so he's really not adding anything innovative.

I know what you're thinking: GTFO, we don't want you to say shit about TDS - I get you. I hate reading negative comments on my favorite books and authors, but I feel like I got to be honest and not pretend everything's magical. I did feel a bit disappointed on this front though, especially because I know JLA can write different characters, I've been a fan of hers for a long time, folks. That being said, since I know she's capable of that, it did disappoint me, and also made me wonder whether or not she rushed writing this book, or even if she enjoyed writing it.

Another detail that discouraged me was the fact that I read this book really fast, as when I was already more than half-way through I felt like I was still reading the introductory chapters, the action was condensed, and the "plot-twist" was so predictable...

As for the things I liked about TDS, yes, not all was negative:
-Like I've mentioned before, I loved seeing all the characters I had fallen in love with so many years ago.
Revisiting this world was also something I truly missed, and I find myself wanting to know more and more about it.

Overall I thought it was an okay book, but then again, if I had read TDS without reading any of JLA's previous books I'm pretty sure I would've loved it, it's just that I know so much of what she's written that certain things have become so utterly predictable, ruining my enjoyment.
Again, I do not mean to hurt anyone's feelings by writing this not-so positive review, but I like being honest on all of my reviews, and people, let's be honest, this is a free world, and everyone has the right to speak their mind, even when you believe they are wrong.
Profile Image for ~Calliope~.
246 reviews392 followers
January 31, 2023
“Sometimes the truth is worse than the lie.”

“Did you love her, Luc?”
“With every breath I take.”

“You were all my good memories.”

Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
October 22, 2020
i swear, JLAs writing is t i m e l e s s. five years have passed between the last lux book and this one (a spin-off), but it honestly feels as if JLA never took a break.

i know that some readers may not enjoy that, as i have seen more than one person say that ‘this story is stuck in the past.’ but for me, the storytelling in this is reminiscent of everything i love about the lux series and so much even more. i love that JLA hasnt changed her writing style and remained faithful to everything that made the lux series so great.

but what really impressed me was how much i enjoyed luc as a character. truth be told, i was very indifferent to him in the lux series. i didnt really think about him, he was just kind of there. but i really appreciated him as a character in this, which just goes to show that depth and development is soooo important to a character arc.

this book is action-packed, witty, and just so gosh dang addictive. its perfect for fans of JLA, the lux series, and anyone who loves to read.

also, for those of you who are reading this review and asking yourself, ‘do i need to read the lux series in order to read this?’ i think you would get more out of this if you did, but you dont have to. the world-building and brief explanations given are enough to understand what is going on, so it is doable without. also, the reveals probably wont be as predictable. but the lux series is so amazing that i suggest reading the books regardless. :P

4.5 stars
September 30, 2018

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🦇 Read for the Unapologetic Romance Readers Halloween 2018 Reading Challenge for the category of: A romance about aliens 🦇

This author's Lux series is basically what launched her from quiet indie author cult status to mainstream publication fame. A lot of my friends enjoy both her young adult paranormal romances and her contemporary new adult romances, so I was curious to pick something of hers up and see if I liked it. After picking up THE DARKEST STAR as an ARC, I'm no longer quite as curious. If this book is representative of her other works, we have some problems.

THE DARKEST STAR is basically like if you took the plot of TWILIGHT and injected it with more violence and sex, and tried to instill a bit of superficial commentary about illegal immigration and ICE through the use of aliens, a la District 9. Evie is an Ordinary High School Girl™ who lives in a world where aliens, called "Luxen," have made contact. They are called Luxen because they have magic light powers and usually that just makes them Groin-Meltingly Hot™ but sometimes if they are evil, they zap humans' eyeballs out.

Evie meets the Luxen while out with her Token Lesbian Friend™ and they go to the forbidden alien night club to meet her best friend's girlfriend, who is also a Luxen. It's super obvious that this is what she is, so I had a HI-larious moment later when Evie finds this out and is shocked. Anyway, that's when she meets the Pecs-and-Abs™ love interest, Luc, who is basically Edward Cullen with even more personal space issues. Also, he can read minds and finds Evie so fascinating. His personality can be summed up in one word: abs. In two words? Low-riding jeans. "Wait, Nenia," you're saying, "that's not a personality." Correct, friend. Because he doesn't have one - unless you consider being a possessive, lamely sarcastic alphahole a personality, in which case, that is his.

At Evie's school, the Luxen sit at their own Groin-Meltingly Hot™ cafeteria table, but unfortunately an evil Luxen is going around zapping humans' eyeballs out. This causes the kids to wantonly discriminate against the Luxen students against their school and say that they should basically be deported. One of Evie's ex-friends is the ringleader for this movement and Evie thinks she is so lame, but doesn't really do anything to stop her except saying, "Hey, not cool." Evie's ex-best-friend responds the way all bigots do - by flipping the verbal middle finger and then spending all night posting on message boards about how much they admire President Trump. In a word: Evie does jack shit. Unless you count agonizing over whether to bang or not to bang Pecs-and-Abs™, in which case she does that thing. Many, many times! But he's an evil alien, oh noes! But oh, she's not a bigot.

The story continues with a vain attempt at a mystery subplot, with Evie discovering that she's not an Ordinary High School Girl™ after all (what a shock! a young adult paranormal romance where the heroine *isn't* ordinary?), Luc trying to figure out who the evil Luxen who's zapping out humans' eyeballs is while also Hiding Potentially Existential Crisis-Causing Information from the Heroine for the Heroine's Own Good™ while also mooning over his Pure and Long Lost First Love™, much to Evie's admiration and jealousy (guys who moon over dead girls are so romantic - oh wait).

There are a lot of similarities to TWILIGHT, between the mind-reading and the evil human-hunting Luxen who wants to kill the heroine, the popular Luxen table at the school, and the way that Evie gets involved with Luc's whole "immortal" family (except they're not exactly his family, just friends and associates - so actually maybe they are his family after all, but in the Italian mob sense). Evie was especially unlikable as a heroine because she had no personality. I heard the heroine in the original Lux series was a book blogger, but this heroine has no interests and nothing about her was interesting. I also thought the twist about her was super lame and a cheap excuse to legitimize Insta Love™.

I feel like this book tried to do many things, and it did almost all of them badly.

Thanks to Netgalley/the publisher for the review copy!

2 to 2.5 stars
Profile Image for Wendy Higgins.
Author 20 books7,982 followers
January 3, 2018
Two thumbs up and all the stars - I can't wait for all of the Lux Army to be back in this story world!
December 2, 2021
Loved the story first and second times!

10-24-2020 - 2nd Read:

I liked the book even more the second time. I just love paranormal books where the protagonist is a normal human without any powers or abilities and he/she ends up surrounded by supernatural beings. That was the one thing I really liked about Twilight (Yes I admit I liked the Twilight series). It seems like the majority of the paranormal books are set in a completely paranormal world where it is nothing new to the protagonist.

In romance, I love the whole first meeting of the couple and the finding out new things, I think that is why I like this type of thing. Now in this one, it takes place a few years after the invasion of earth and war, so Evie isn’t completely naive about alien men, but it is new as well. Jennifer Armentrout did a great job at world building and character development and I just loved the humor.

Review from 1st read (January 2019).

I read the first Lux book a while ago and liked it but never got around to reading any others in the series. This one is a spin-off series and can be read without reading any of the others. The plot is intricate and well written. I liked all the mystery surrounding Evie’s life even though some of it is fairly obvious pretty early on.

Luc is a great guy all around, he is protective of Evie, he is sweet to her and he wants to spend time with her, even if she doesn’t invite him. The one thing I wish was demonstrated a bit better was the fact that the book said that Origins are more powerful than Luxen and that Luc is the most powerful of all the Origins, but the only real power he displays is healing and a bit at the end. I would have liked to see his strength and power more. Though there were some very hot and descriptive shirtless scenes that put some awesome pictures in my head.

“His jeans were zipped but unbuttoned, and they hung indecently low—like, so low, they had to be held up by alien superpowers. He had those muscles on either side of his hips, the kind that formed indents. I didn’t even know what they were called, but boy, oh boy, did he ever have them. There was a faint dusting of hair that disappeared below the jeans. A flush of warmth hit my cheeks as I dragged my gaze up, over his abs—he had abs for days, each one cut and defined. His chest was sculpted, and as he lifted an arm, clapping his hand over the doorframe above him, I watched, sort of dazed, as the muscles along his ribs moved and flexed in interesting ways. Luc was … holy crap, he was ripped.”

Profile Image for em.
367 reviews754 followers
November 2, 2018
“I’ve wanted this for forever”

Haven’t we all, though? HAVEN’T WE?

It does feel like centuries have passed since I first learned that JLA was planning on releasing a Lux spin-off series. And well, let’s just say that I thought I wouldn’t survive the anticipation. But here I am, still alive and now thinking of how I am going to make it until the moment I am finally holding book #2 into my cute grabby hands.

Because, guys, The Darkest Star was glorious.

Going back to the Lux universe was like waking up to the smell of a pancake and waffle feast. With all the syrup, cinnamon, chocolate and fresh strawberries. And coffee. Don't forget the coffee.

It was glorious.


I had literally no idea what to expect from this Origin series, except for the fact that Luc was going to be there. In all his gloriousness, I must add (I will apologise right now for excessively using the term “glorious”, but there is really no other word more accurate to express my fangirlish feelings).

Anyway, despite my uncertainty, there is one thing I never doubted - and I will never dare - and that is, the fact that JLA was going to deliver. A swoon worthy hero. An action packed plot. An addictive writing. The best banter. A tale about our favourite aliens.

To say The Darkest Star was my most anticipated release this year, would be putting it lightly. My expectations were high as the sky, and yet, I shed no fear.

This book was everything I expected.

If I had to complain about something, I’d say it felt way too short. It left me wanting much, much more. But well, what’s new there, really? It’s JLA I am talking about after all.

I adored Luc and Evie’s dynamic and how their relationship and connection was full of secrets ready to be unravelled. The plot moves forward filled with action and depending heavily on Evie’s character. Her life starts changing slowly after visiting Luc’s club for then, finally imploding into a million of pieces and one huge revelation. GUYS. That plot twist had me reeling and I cannot wait to discover what JLA has in store for us now.

As for the rest, I loved the implications and parallelisms this fictional world had with ours, and I was very happy to find diverse characters and relationships.

But all in all, I was just happy to escape for a few hours to one of my all time favourite fictional worlds one more time. Back in the day, I devoured the Lux series and it quickly became a YA series I’ll always keep close to my heart. So it nothing else, this spin-off series brings me the best kind of nostalgia. It brings back all the warmth and familiarity of a world I know well, and more. So much more.

I can’t recommend this book enough to all the Lux fandom out there. I swear, it is worth every second and cent and chunk of your heart.

*I received an eARC from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Danielle.
999 reviews583 followers
March 15, 2021
So apparently this is a spin off of another series. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I obviously didn’t read or know that. I think, to be honest, I would have enjoyed this more had I read the original series. It was okay- but I feel like I’ve read better ‘aliens living among us’ style books.
Profile Image for Nazanin.
1,182 reviews781 followers
November 11, 2018
2 Stars

DNF @ 55%

I’m a HUGE fan of this author and LOVED her “Lux” and “Covenant” series, among her other books! But this one was a bit similar to the Lux series with more action (considering her Lux series was so so much better, IMO)! It was a bit repetitive and it fell flat for me! My other issue was I couldn’t connect with MCs and feel their connections! Maybe it was just me so don’t listen to me and read it, hope you enjoy it!
Profile Image for Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads).
723 reviews1,153 followers
October 6, 2018
What fabulously written tale!! This is such a beautiful story,when evie and her best friend heidi go to the night club foretoken her life and all she knows will change when she meets luc. At first evie thinks he's One of the luxen who are aliens who once tried to take over the world,but their's something more different about luc then just his purple eyes,theirs the feeling of a connection when their eyes meet and though evie is drawn to luc, something inside her is warning her to leave and forget about this strange and beautiful boy. So very well written,I enjoyed this book so much. Their was everything I love in a epic read,from romance to witty banter to funny great lines,dark secret's and even a few bad guy's!! The main characters are nicely layered and intriguing and even the secondary characters are interesting and great as well. I hope to read more about luc and evie they were great characters and want to see more of their story!!💖😉
Thank you Bookish firsts for the arc! It did not influence my review😉
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,658 followers
November 10, 2018
Luc! LUC!?!
Yes, Luc has a book!

“I came here to hang out with my friend. That’s all I’m doing. It has nothing to do with you.”
“Everything has to do with me.”
I blinked once and then twice, waiting for him to laugh, but when he didn’t, I realized I’d officially met the most arrogant being on this planet.

Luc is back and he is an unbelievably out of this world male. As usual.

“Okay. You just took creepy to a creeptastic level of unknown proportions.”

Only this time he has grown up. And he is interested in a girl.

“He . . . he knew my name, Heidi.”
Her eyes widened. “What?”
I nodded. “How is that possible? He said he knew who I was and he knew that I’d never been there before.” Uneasy, I folded my arms over my waist. “That’s really freaky, right?”

And then there is...

A bit of kissing.

“A Luxen didn’t kiss you, Evie.” His lips brushed mine. “But neither did a human.”

A bit of kidnapping .

“You’re—you’re trying to kidnap me.”
“Hmm.” He turned slowly so he was facing me. “I wouldn’t say I’m trying to kidnap you. I would say that I’m actively offering you a place to stay for an undetermined amount of time.”

But Evie will be fine, because so far she is Safe from pain and truth and choice . . .
And Luc for his own reasons would never hurt her. Everybody says so.

Luc: “I could do a lot of things. I have done a lot of things, and sometimes, I do hurt people,” he said quietly, softly. “But I could never hurt you.”
Mom: “Luc would never hurt you.”
Emery: “You can trust him. Out of everyone you’ve ever met, you can trust Luc.”

A new book in the Lux universe and I was so excited before I started this book and I was so satisfied when I finished it.
This is the story of Luc and the girl that he loves, but the book also moves forward the story of what happens in Earth after the Lux invasion.

Humans know now that aliens are among them. Earth has suffered a huge destruction. Many have lost siblings, relatives, friends, neighbours. Cities have been destroyed.

The unfriendly Luxen have almost been brought to an end.
The friendly Luxen are allowed to live among humans but their super powers are dampened. Although they intend no harm, soon they will be isolated and treated like intentional murderers and society's number one enemy. Most humans know nothing about the Origins or the Arums or the mutated humans. Or the experiments. Or the fact that Luxen had been in Earth before the invasion.

“...history has proven that anytime a certain group of people has been placed in their own communities, bad things come from that.”

Evie has a lot of things to find out. About her past. About her parents. About Luxens, Origins and Arums. About earth before the invasion. About Luc.

When one after one the people she knows start taking off their contact lenses, she will realise that all her life was a well orchestrated lie.

And Luc, the most powerful Origin, apparently has only one weakness.

I like carefree Evie and I love smart mouth but caring Luc.
I thought that these two are perfect for each other and that they are a great example of star-crossed lovers.

Profile Image for ✨ A ✨ .
442 reviews2,260 followers
June 16, 2019
There's just something about Jennifer L Armentrout's books that are so damn addictive. I don't know how she does it.

To be honest it's not like her plots are very original but she writes in a way that's just SO EFFORTLESS. She is the queen of banter and charming male MC's.

I read the JLA's Lux Series many years ago and enjoyed them so much. The Darkest Star, and in extension the Origin Series, is a spin off of those books. The craziest part of reading the Darkest Star was that it felt like JLA picked up right where she left off. I felt transported right back to the Luxen world.

I still can't believe little Luc is all grown up. It took a while for me to see accept him as a love interest. But the chemistry between him and Evelyn was undeniable.

It's been four years since the invasion and now the world is still dealing with the results of that human/alien war. The bad Luxen were destroyed but there are still many Luxen who call Earth their home. Now that humans are aware of their existence it's difficult for them to fully trust these powerful beings especially after they've witnessed the immense destruction the Luxen are able to inflict.

When a series of murders with unnatural circumstances occur, it flames a fire of fear amongst the humans and in turn innocent Luxen pay the consequences.

There were moments I found Evie a tad bit annoying but I tried really hard to understand her situation. Luc was witty and charming as was expected. The only thing that bothered me was that his personality was too similar to Daemon's in the Lux books.

I'm curious as to where this series is going to go. I am Armentrout trash so of course I am excited for the sequel.
01 Jan, 2018

I've been waiting for Luc's story for years (no exaggeration). I FINALLY GET TO SEE HOW ALL MY BABIES ARE DOING AAAAAAAAAH
Profile Image for Lia Carstairs.
492 reviews2,721 followers
November 8, 2020
  “Nothing is impossible…when you’re me.”


It's not fair. All these characters that aren't real but are just so swoon-worthy and lovable.......asdfghgjhkl I can't take this anymore😩

The pain—

The Darkest Star is the spin-off to the Lux series , so I'd definitely say to read that before this—although, you don't have to, but I believe that you'd be missing out on A LOT (and there'd be some spoilers from Lux). I mean, who wouldn't want to meet Daemon and Katy?!?! And Dee, Archer, little Luc......yes, you read that right. Little Luc was an arrogant but hilarious genius😆 altho there's not much a difference right now compared to then

Anyways the Origin series is set 4 years after the Luxen (Luxen = Alien) invasion on Earth. The evil Luxen who wanted to take over Earth are no longer a threat and the ones that do actually want to settle and live in peace are constantly monitored, buuuut still living nicely.
After that war between the two races, the humans/govt. doesn't want to take any chances with the Luxen. (makes sense after all that death and destruction)

Now here we have 17-year old Evie Dasher living a somewhat normal life when one night, she decides to go party at a club with her friend, Heidi, for the very first time. Of course, the day she finally decides to sneak out go, Evie gets caught up in a raid and then......she meets Luc.😏

His shirt read NO DRAMA LLAMA. That shirt was a lie. This boy was all about the drama llama.

Luc.....I love Luc so much.😻 oh look, me about to start rambling about another one of JLA's characters His shirts especially are one of my favourite things about him.🤣 He obviously didn't have a good first impression with trying to kick out Evie out of the club.....for reasons to be revealed later on.🧐

asdfghjkl but hearing his sweet but stupid jokes to Evie.🥺🥰😆 Just reading brought me a goofy smile to my face xD. I can't imagine not loving Luc.💕

I held up my hand. “I think it’s time that you leave.”

“I can’t.”

“What do you mean you can’t?”

“Because you’ve swept me off my feet.”

That's so cheesy but I can't help but laugh because of how ridiculously sweet that is, too.🤣

And there's also his protectiveness of Evie and wanting to spend time with her consistently—which she herself doesn't understand considering they only met recently.

Still......she can't help her growing attraction to him and the more time she spends with Luc.....the more Evie discovers many shocking revelations.

Omg and there's also that one scene where Evie's mom pulls out a shotgun from underneath a couch cushion —I don't know about you, but if I found out that my mother had a shotgun hidden underneath a cushion......umm hahahhaa that'd be pretty freaky😰😂 who am i kidding I'd lose it
Mom took out a gun—a freaking shotgun—from underneath the couch cushion. My mouth dropped open. I knew we had guns in the house. Mom was in the military. Duh. But hidden under a couch cushion where I sat and napped and ate cheesy puffs?

All those times she was just sitting/sleeping on top of a shotgun, and eating cheesy puffs . What a scary mom.😨

On to the next book! more Luc ofc hehe <3
Profile Image for chan ☆.
1,179 reviews56.7k followers
February 7, 2020
fun, nostalgia filled YA

full disclosure: i didn't read JLA growing up. not sure if she was after my time or what but the few things i've read from her in adulthood really bring me back to middle school and early high school. slightly naive heroines, flirty protective bad boys, lots of melodramatic plot twists.

i didn't feel strongly for any of the characters, which seems to be par for the course for JLA books. but i do think that over the course of a series, i'd probably develop an attachment to these ones. that being said, in terms of personal preference i'm really not a big sci/fi dystopian so i'm not sure i'll continue on with this series. but if alien invaders and throwbacks excite you, maybe pick this one up.
October 19, 2020
The Darkest Star was breathtakingly emotional! It was swoon worthy and filled with action, banter, love, friendships, lies and deceit. This book pulled me right in from the start and held me in its clutches till that last page. I was beyond lost to the world around me and I couldn't be happier because this was my most anticipated book of the year. It more than lived up to my expectations. Seriously. My mind was blown and I loved every single tiny detail. I'm happy to say that The Darkest Star is my favorite book of the year!
How in the world did I end up here? What series of really bad life choices had I made that led me to this very moment?

While you don't have to read The Lux Series first, because Jennifer does an amazing job of catching you up, I highly recommend you do. This book took place a few years after The Lux Series ended and I have to confess that I literally screamed out loud every single time we saw or heard about a character from the past. I loved the familiarity of it all, but at the same time, so many things were different. It was now known that aliens lived among humans, a percentage of the population was lost in the war and there were new laws and regulations put in place for the aliens that lived among us. I was fascinated seeing what the world now looked like.
“You’re still so incredibly stubborn.”
“You . . . don’t know me,” I gritted out.

I had no clue how I would feel towards Evie, aka Evelyn Dasher. Her father played a horrific role in The Lux Series and I hated him with a passion. But right from that first page, I loved Evie. She was just so relatable, logical, sweet, kind and had the hugest heart ever. I was so happy that I also liked her friends and her mom. And just a few pages into the story, Evie found herself going with a friend to a club. Yet it turned into so much more than she could have imagined. Not only did she meet Luc, but he claimed to know her. Even though she had no clue who he was. And so began the journey of unraveling the truths and the lies and I loved every minute of it!
“You tried to kidnap me, Luc.”
“Hmm,” he murmured. “That means I like you.”
I arched a brow. “Okay. That’s messed up on about a thousand different levels.”
“Probably. I don’t people well.”
“Gee, really,” I replied dryly.

Luc was EVERYTHING! I can't wait for you to meet him all grown up. Yes his people skills could still be super awkward, but he was hilarious, sigh worthy and charming without even trying. My heart was already broken for him, because of his past and the way he was raised. But he had so much light in him. He made me laugh, sigh and when I started to see how much he protected those he cared for, it was astounding. You guys, Luc was the ultimate book boyfriend. While I never ever thought I would say this, because Daemon has been my #1 bbf for the last four years, Luc not only challenged him but he has grabbed first place. I feel so disloyal saying that, but Luc was beyond amazing. And I can see countless others falling for his charm too.
Our stares connected , and the effect was instantaneous. Everything around us faded, and there was just us, and this . . . this sensation of falling. I couldn’t look away as this feeling surfaced, rushing to the top.
I’ve been here before.
My breath caught as a wave of tight shivers rippled over my skin. That thought didn’t make sense. I hadn’t been here with him before.

When Evie and Luc were together, they were completely entertaining. I loved that Evie didn't just fall for Luc. The boy definitely drove her crazy at times lol. But there was this amazing chemistry and pull between them. Between that and their banter, I always felt like Evie and Luc's interactions were smile inducing. And I was left wanting to know what was going to happen between them next.
Every part of my body was aware of his. The strength in his hand, the hardness of his thigh, and the steady dancing of his breath, and we were lying together like we’d done this a thousand times.

There is so much I'm not even touching on, like the side characters I adored and the mysteries that were fun to figure out. But I don't want to give anything away. Just know that The Darkest Star was action packed while also having so many heart-felt moments, it was such an easy book to love. And rest assured, the book stopped at the perfect spot. While we learned some answers, there was still so much of the story we need to hear. And I for one can't wait to read the next book! Especially since I spent those last few pages with tears in my eyes and with the hugest smile ever. So yes, I definitely recommend The Darkest Star and if you're a fan of The Lux Series, this is a must read!
I wanted more than kissing. I wanted—
“What do you want?” he asked, his gaze holding mine.
“You,” I whispered, cheeks burning.
“You have me.” His thumb dragged along my lower lip. “You’ve always had me. Always.”

PS I would LOVE to read Luc's POV of this book! If that was ever an option I'd pre-order that book faster than I could blink!
His shirt read NO DRAMA LLAMA. That shirt was a lie. This boy was all about the drama llama.

PPS Luc's shirts were all kinds of awesome! I looked forward to seeing what he was going to wear next!
*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*
Other favorite quotes I had to include........
That was what I wanted at some point in my life, for someone to look at me like I looked at tacos.


“Sit,” Luc said, and that one word was spoken in the kind of voice that probably left a trail of really bad decisions in its wake.
I sat.


Groaning, I jabbed my fist into his lower back and was rewarded with another grunt. “I’m going to hurt you!”
Luc chuckled.
He actually
chuckled as he walked into a room. I swore to God and the Holy Ghost, I was going to ninja kick him in the face.


“Then why didn’t you give it to me afterward?” I demanded.
A smirk formed. “Well, I was just messing with you then.”
“Oh my God.” I shook my head, glancing over at Daemon. “Are you hearing this?”
He held up his hand. “I’m just an innocent, enraptured viewer of this.”
A lot of help he was.


“I kinda like the arm-grabbing thing,” he replied, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Very dominant of you. Maybe I’m the submissive type in, you know, the—”
“Shut up,” I hissed. “Why are you here?”
“How can I shut up and answer your question at the same time?”
I shot him a death glare. “Luc.”

For more of my reviews, please visit:
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Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,023 reviews2,447 followers
October 30, 2018
4 stars

"Sometimes the truth is worse than a lie."

Evie is a teenage girl who follows her friend to a club called Forsaken, a club where anyone is welcome, including other species like the Luxen. When the club is raided, Evie finds herself in the hands of Luc, a mysterious not quite human, not quite Luxen man. The more she gets to know him, the more secrets are revealed to her, ones she never expected to find out.

"This was how I figured most horror films started out, but in for a penny, in for a pound..."

This is a wonderful spinoff series of the Lux series starring Luc, our favorite Origin. You can tell this is a book made with love, and one done for the fans of the series and I think Jennifer did a fantastic job. I've been having trouble getting sucked away into books recently, and picking up a new book from JLA was like returning home. I fell effortlessly into the pages and read it from beginning to end all in one day. There's something about her writing that I connect with easily, it's like picking up with an old friend right away after not having seen them for a long time.

I really enjoyed the story, I thought it was very compelling, even if somewhat predictable. Luc is basically Daemon Jr and many fans will love that. I didn't give 5 stars because it isn't perfect, but I think it's a great start to a new series and I cannot wait to read the other books and see the future development of this world and these characters. I wish there had also been a tad more angst, but I'm hoping it will come later.

"Sometimes the truth is hidden as a form of protection."

ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Dianne.
6,794 reviews603 followers
October 11, 2018
Evie was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but the police raid that took place was the least of her worries when she catches the eye of the mysterious Luc and no matter how hard she tries, he catches her heart. The man she thought was a Luxen was so much more, so much deeper and so much more terrifyingly powerful and he knows things he shouldn’t, he couldn’t, and yet…

THE DARKEST STAR proves Jennifer L. Armentrout is back as just as fabulously creative as she takes us back to the world of Luxen, Origins and humans! Are you looking for intensity, shocking twists and characters that are out of this world? Look no more!

Luc is that hero that will melt hearts with his attitude, heart and strengths! Evie thought she knew who she was, but does she?

Rapidfire pacing and solid storytelling had me mesmerized and devouring each page!

I received a complimentary ARC edition from Macmillan-Tor/Forge!

Series: Origin - Book 1
Publisher: Tor Teen
Publication: October 30, 2018
Genre: YA Fantasy
Hardcover: 368 pages
Available from: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
For Reviews, Giveaways, Fabulous Book News, follow: http://tometender.blogspot.com

Profile Image for Patricia Bejarano Martín.
442 reviews5,564 followers
November 26, 2018
¡Ay! Pues a mí me ha encantado y lo he disfrutado muchísimo. Sin duda, Jennifer nunca me decepcionada.
Si habéis sido fans de la saga Lux, os encantará volver al mundo que había creado la autora. He sentido tanta nostalgia al leer este libro... sobretodo por algunas apariciones estelares de personajes que ya conocemos de la saga Lux.
Aunque al principio tenía mucho miedo de comparar historias, debo decir que la autora tiene un don para hacer cosas muy diferentes dentro del mismo mundo y sorprendernos. Adoro a Kat y Daemon, así que no sabía como iba a empatizar con estos personajes nuevos, aunque a Luc ya le conociéramos desde la saga Lux, siempre me quedé con ganas de saber más sobre él y debo añadir que él ha sido lo mejor de este libro. Cuando aparece en escena, se come el resto y destaca por encima de todo. Sin duda es un gran protagonista. Con Evie me costó algo más conectar, pero sí que es cierto que a lo largo de la novela llegué a comprenderla más.
Hubiera agradecido un poquito más de desarrollo de la historia y profundidad en algunos temas, y también que vi venir el giro argumental desde el principio... ¿Soy a la única que le pareció todo superobvio?
Aunque estoy deseando leer la siguiente parte, debo añadir que no tiene un final de infarto y doy las gracias a la vida por esto porque no puedo vivir con los finales que hace esta autora normalmente.
En definitiva, imprescindible para los fans de la saga Lux.
(Por cierto, como opinión personal creo que no deberíais leer este libro sin haber leído la saga Lux. Lo primero es porque os vais a spoilear bastante y lo segundo porque creo que no se puede disfrutar igual. Quien os diga lo contrario os está mintiendo).
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,107 followers
October 30, 2018
Live amazon https://www.amazon.com/Darkest-Star-O...

4-4,5 stars

This was one of my highly anticipated books of the year.I was so excited to be back in this world, one of my favorite worlds from Jennifer L Armentrout.I really enjoyed The Darkest Star, it has a brilliant story line and the characters were lovable.


“Sometimes the truth is worse than the lie.”

So many thing happening in this story that you'll never get bored.It's fast paced,funny,sweet and there is a little bit mystery.I was intrigued from the beginning.I like the interactions between Evie and Luc, I just wanted more.

I'm curious and excited at the same time to see what will happen next!


Profile Image for Sabrina.
524 reviews260 followers
November 8, 2018

The Lux Series is one of my favorites series of all time, so for loving the world so much, I’m going to give this one a shot, although I don’t believe it will surpass my love for the LS.
And it didn’t.

3.5/5 ★

“Goodness, those were totally kissable lips. Not that I was thinking about kissing him or anything; it was just a pure, clinical observation that anybody in my situation would make.”

One thing that I know that I can always count on on Jennifer L. Armentrout books is the humor. Is always there, even in the darkest moments, which I love. And the humor in this book was really good.

The plot twist was good, although I was expecting it, it was nice to see it play out. And I think the author did that great, it keep the suspense for a long time, being that the plot happens close to the end of the book.

The romance was my least favorite thing of this book, it needs a lot of development and I hope to see that in the following books.

Luc’s character seemed so much more badass and mysterious in the Lux Series than he does in this one.
I sometimes thought that he was a young man with sociopathic tendencies. In here he’s just a character in love. Kinda sucked. But not enough for me to hate him, but I wanted his motives to be different.

Evie was a better main character than I was expecting. I don’t love her, but I do like her. How she went after the truth and when she got it, she did gave shit to some characters that hide that from her. She wasn’t passive and I enjoyed that.

The secondary characters were great, the romance of one was really cool. We got to see some of the older characters (that I love so much) like, Archer and Daemon, a little, but they were still there so YEAH 💕.

The end was left open, not with a cliffhanger, but with questions unanswered, that I definitely want and need answers for. Hopefully the next book will delivered that.

Overall this was a good first book to a new series; funny, interesting, with good writing and ALIENS.

“Sometimes I wondered if I ever made good life choices”

Sometimes I wonder the same thing, and then I rememberer all the good awesome books that I have made the choice of reading and that feeling goes away, lol.
Profile Image for Noura Khalid (theperksofbeingnoura).
532 reviews811 followers
November 2, 2018

“There's nothing we can do other than live with the promise of tomorrow while knowing it may not come.”

Thank you Netgalley and Tor Teen for sending a review copy in exchange for an honest review.

Now, I requested this book without realizing that it was a sort of spin-off. So when I realized I had a mini freak out. But as I started reading it the story really was clear for me even though I hadn't read The Lux series (which I will be reading soon).

The book had me entertained from the very first page. The author explained what happened in the previous books in a very simple way and that really helped me understand the world a lot better. Luc was very strange especially in the beginning of the book. I did grow to love him though. Evie was a very relatable protagonist. The story was very driven in my opinion. I really loved the world building and the plot twist towards the end.

Jennifer L. Armentrout pulled me into this world immediately. Her other books have officially made it to my to-read list. I’m looking forward to reading the previous books and the next one. If you're looking for a fun and quick read then this is definitely one you should consider.
Profile Image for Bryce Rocks My Socks.
488 reviews858 followers
November 30, 2023
Luc, I love you, you have my heart, let's elope like a cantelope. u are the future father of my children and present recipient of all of my heart. *whispers, "i love you"*

I was happy that Luc had a lot of his loveable qualities from the LUX series- his graphic t-shirts and cocky attitude. In the Lux series, his power was a really interesting contrast to his age but now, on older Luc, it’s freaking sexy. He’s, in short, a total badass. And BOY did Luc grow up well! If I don’t stop soon this is going to turn into an appreciation post for his amethyst eyes.

(ok but purple eyes?? HAWWTTT with a capital HAWW.) yes that makes sense)

And this concludes my love letter to Jennifer L. Armentrout.
Profile Image for Rylee Richard.
95 reviews14 followers
September 28, 2019
I confess, this was my first Jennifer Armentrout book. I was unfamiliar with Luxen (alien race), and went in to this book blind to her world building. But I found prior knowledge of the world to be completely unnecessary. If you have an Armentrout curiosity, you can begin here.


It feels like a romance from the get-go. Instant palpitating chemistry with tall, dark and dangerous. It screams indulgence. I’d knock it, but everyone needs a little indulgence on occasion. At least that’s what those Dove commercials taught me.

It’s primarily romance, but it’s got a handful of genres besides. Let’s list them out, shall we? Contemporary, sci-fi, paranormal, mystery, and the already mentioned romance. So, yep. Five. The paranormal one is debatable though; I just get that vibe because some of the aliens have paranormal qualities. Bottom line, if you want variety (or a lot of shiny distractions), it’s got it.

The heroine

Evie (wow, is this a common heroine name) has a humor that I love. There was a moment where she made a Harry Potter reference, and another where she wanted a guy to look at her like she was a taco, and I was like, “Yep, this is my soul sister.” Not to mention she’s ALWAYS thinking about food. Everything goes back to food—at one point there’s a break-in and she immediately thinks that they must be downstairs eating her chips.

Aside from the humor, she's rather frustrating. She can be stupid, and ignores the obvious. Like in a horror movie when the girl goes into the basement alone. Once in awhile, I kind of wanted to smack her on the nose with a newspaper.

The love interest

Luc is a trope pie. Delicious, but a bit too indulgent for my taste. Like a dinner of candy sushi. Everything is a joke to him, but he still has that dangerous OP quality, plus a smidge of vulnerability. Man oh man, how many times have I read about this character? But it’s a trope for a reason. Everyone wants this kind of male to be real. Sorry ladies, you’ll only find him in romance novels.

The ending

It gets a bit too predictable in the end. It gives you what you expect a little too easily without much effort. But the ending is in line with the rest of the novel. It’s a saccharine read––indulgent to the max. Romance novels have a thing for fairytale endings, with a glittery sheen over reality, and this is no different. Put on your rose-colored glasses prior to reading and you’re all set.

Bottom line

It’s a good romance novel for those who enjoy continual lust fueled by delayed gratification. An ok sci-fi for those who also enjoy aliens assimilating into the earth we know. And not a terrible mystery for those who want an additional genre cherry on top. It's not for me, but it'd almost be unfair to judge it for what it is. I hate Twilight, and yet there's a gigantic audience who doesn't. This book is the same for me. It has its audience, but I'm just not it. And my sugar quota has been hit for the year.
Profile Image for Claire.
2,319 reviews729 followers
October 30, 2018
5 - "Sometimes the truth is worse than the lie…" Stars!

Any book that takes me back to the Lux universe, makes me happy, and Luc and Evie’s story was a really great return. Although to be honest, anything that gives me a little more page time with my favourite alien ever; Damon Black is generally going to make me happy.

"You don’t fit in here…"

Filled with the usual twists and turns that Armentrout’s YA series generally carry, and a blossoming sexual tension between the leads The Darkest Star was the beginning that I was absolutely expecting for the Origin series in those respects, but the author kept me on my toes even more with some of the things that played out in the latter stages.

"What do you have to lose..?"

"… Everything."

This is definitely one of those sorts of books where you can’t say much about the plot, but if you have read the author before you won’t be disappointed, and if you haven’t but are looking for a well-crafted PG-13 Sci-Fi read, then this one will definitely be up your street. Although with no firm date for book two, or even a title at this point I am sort of wishing I had waited until the full series was out in the wilds because patience has never been one of my virtues.

"You were all my good memories…"

ARC generously provided via Netgalley, in exchange for the above honest review.
Profile Image for Davina Herondale.
465 reviews247 followers
April 19, 2019
16. October 2018

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book via netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I've never put song recommendations in my reviews but there are two songs that keep popping into my head for this book and whenever I hear them I think of this book (or the series as a whole) and I get the biggest smile on my face.

The series song is Vegas Lights by Panic! at the Disco

The song for this book specifically is 1000000000% Nicotine by Panic! at the Disco. You gotta listen to it holy frick. It also has to be the explicit version. Trust me.

Ok, onto the review

Rarely do you read a book that truly meets expectations. I started the original series when I was in high school. The main characters were also in high school. I'm now a junior in college. This might not seem like a big deal, but from reading the first book when I was thirteen to now reading this one at nineteen, I'll say I've grown as a person.

9/10 Recommend
21 Sept. 2018
Edit: 17th September 2018
28 June. 2018
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,682 reviews213 followers
November 17, 2020
Oh man! Oh man! OH MAN!

Okay, I adored everything about this re-read! Just like last year, unfortunately, I still haven't finished the Lux series. Oops? Lol. Maybe I will this year but no plans have been made yet.

In it, you will meet Evie and Luc. They kind of gave me Twilight vibes and such but were somehow a bit cuter than Bella and Edward? Or maybe I'm just going crazy. In the beginning, I wasn't sure what was going to happen exactly. Yet, once that psycho came into the picture I couldn't help but ship them. They definitely got cuter and I enjoyed their chemistry. Mostly the bantering.

Now after that ending, I am completely intrigued to see what book 2 will give me. Never dove into it before so I'm really excited! I hope it's AMAZING!
ooohh mmmyyy gggoooddd, I have been waiting for this book for like EVER! It's here and in my hands and I'm so happy that I got to read it!

The Darkest Star is a book that I have been dying to dive into. I have no idea how many books I've read by Jennifer L. Armentrout but I do know it's not all of them. In this wonderful book, you will meet Evie and Luc. Now I didn't know this was sort of a spin off of her Lux series before I dove into it.. but I definitely found out after I read it. Spoiler alert: I haven't even read the freaking Lux series.


Even though I've made a reader's sin (it happens guys!), I really enjoyed this book. I pretty much devoured it and now I have decided to dive into that series. Probably so I can learn more about the luxen but I'm also hoping for some good ass romance.

Besides all of that, I loved Evie and Luc. They were such a cute couple and I completely shipped them with my whole heart. Their chemistry and bantering were enjoyable because I was definitely showing a creepy happy smile on my face while reading it. Throughout the book, their relationship was definitely growing into something that I can get behind. I look forward to the next book for them.

Overall, I definitely need to read the lux series before the second book of this series comes out. Pray for me.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,979 reviews

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