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Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune

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Hellenistic astrology is a tradition of horoscopic astrology that was practiced in the Mediterranean region from approximately the first century BCE until the seventh century CE. It is the source of many of the modern traditions of astrology that still flourish around the world today, although it is only recently that many of the surviving texts of this tradition have become available again for astrologers to study.

Hellenistic The Study of Fate and Fortune is the first comprehensive survey of this tradition in modern times. The book covers the history, philosophy, and techniques of ancient astrology, with a special focus on demonstrating how many of the fundamental concepts underlying the practice of western astrology originated during the Hellenistic period.

670 pages, Paperback

Published February 10, 2017

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Chris Brennan

6 books29 followers

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Profile Image for Saffron.
368 reviews4 followers
December 9, 2020
Anyone who has listened to Chris' podcast will be aware of his diligence and eye for detail. Therefore I knew this would be a book that is well researched and full of useful information.

For a book that is over 600 pages (and a bigger height too than a standard paperback) it could easily have been long winded and fussy. Instead it is written in a very accessible style, has lots of clear examples and is honest in the parts of the Hellenistic system that are still under review and practice by the author.

History of the system takes up the first third of the book, followed by a number of the operations discovered through the translation program started by, among others Project Hindsight.

It's a heavy tome, had to take frequent breaks from holding it. Yes I know a ereader is lighter but I do still love a book! That however is my only issue!

Looking forward to future publications.
Profile Image for Mateusz.
Author 9 books36 followers
September 25, 2019
The only volume on astrology that I completed with great interest, mainly because of the historical setting. I intended to reach for the original, traditional methods, developed from the Mesopothamian star-divination and prognostication lore. I experimented on the way and I still find astrology a rather complex system of multiple layers, intricate co-ordinates and inter-penetrating symbols that should be properly pursued by persons of great intuition and an extreme resource of self-knowledge, along with knowledge of human lives, fortunes and hearts. I rely on planetary intelligencers, or spirits of planetary spheres in my work, first and foremost and I don't believe that can be full captured in a philosophy of fates, as they continuously toil in freedom and obligation in their rightful dominions. Nevertheless, I treat astrology seriously enough to open further vistas of research. Inasmuch as a Myers-Briggs obsessed person will impose a type on himself/herself and become a prisoner of a category, so astrology in the wrong hands may write life-scripts that are logic-defying, and prohibit reason that after all is worthwile in pondering upon human fates. Wholly commendable well-researched book.
Profile Image for Nathalia.
90 reviews2 followers
April 7, 2018
Excellent book. Got so much out of it. Can't wait for part 2
Profile Image for Paul.
Author 4 books123 followers
July 12, 2020
A searching and scholarly reconstruction of astrology as it was originally formulated and practiced in the ancient world, based on study of the surviving texts from the period.

This book, for me, was an eye opener. What it primarily opened my eyes to is how much astrology has advanced since the 1980s, which is when my own astrological education, such as it is, occurred. The author describes how the renaissance of interest in Hellenistic astrology arose slowly due to the gradual confluence of two different streams of scholarship: starting in the late 19th century, ancient astrological texts began to be translated by archaeologists who had come across documents in troves such as that at Oxyrhynchus, Egypt. But these historical researchers had no special knowledge of astrology, and did not consult with astrologers, and it was not until later in the 20th century that practicing astrologers became aware of the translated material. A real reconnection with the ancient techniques began only in the 1980s. Many assumptions and beliefs about how the ancients practiced astrology have been overturned by the evidence of their actual writings, and now modern astrologers, such as Chris Brennan, have been experimenting with those techniques for years, and have found them, in many cases, to be surprisingly powerful.

This is a scholarly work. The bibliography runs to about 600 titles and the many footnotes are often concerned with minutiae about the translation of certain terms or academic controversies over subtle points. The first 6 chapters--about 165 pages--give a history of ancient astrology; the remaining 400-odd pages then detail the specific techniques used, examining them in great detail. Even though I am probably close to an ideal reader of this book--a practicing astrologer who also has a serious research interest in ancient astronomy and the astrology practiced in the Hellenistic period--I sometimes found the detail too much for me. I thought that chapter 11, for example, "The Issue of House Division," would never end! The author carefully sifts and compares the sources, taking pains to be cautious and objective. This reader would have been ready to accept his authority and just read the upshot.

The author's writing style also tends to slow one down. I get the impression that he's not a natural-born writer, and is concerned about making his meaning clear. It leads to a lot of repetition and redundancy in the text. If this were cut out, the book would be at least 20% shorter, and proportionately more vigorous. But from a scholarship standpoint, caution and thoroughness were Mr. Brennan's watchwords, and I don't think he can be faulted here.

As for the actual content of the book: wow! Here I am, a practicing astrologer, and I'd never heard of concepts such as sect, that is, the quality of whether a birth chart is diurnal or nocturnal--whether the native was born during the day or night. To the ancients, this was a key difference, and many interpretive techniques hinged on which sect a given chart reflected. Different planets gained or lost power depending on the time of birth; there was a real sense of cosmic shift-change when day changed to night and vice versa. Born at about 11:30 p.m., I have a nocturnal chart; this means that my "sect light"--a kind of team lead--is the Moon. The most powerful "benefic," or good-producing planet, is Venus, because it is the benefic "of the sect." The most most powerful "malefic," or bad-producing planet, is Saturn, the malefic which is "out of the sect"--it belongs to the diurnal sect, the Sun's team.

Another revelation was that, for all the modern controversy about alternative systems of house division in a horoscope, the ancient system of choice was one I'd never heard of: what Brennan calls "whole-sign houses." (Technically, the ancients did not generally use the word "houses"; their equivalent was "places," Greek topoi.) The houses were simply equated with the signs. Thus, whatever sign the Ascendant was in at the moment of birth was also the 1st house, regardless of where in that sign the Ascendant actually fell, early or late. The following sign coincided with the 2nd house, and so on around the wheel. In my own chart, for instance, the Ascendant is at 17 degrees of Libra. In a modern, quadrant-based chart, this means that the first 16 degrees of Libra fall in my 12th house. But in a Hellenistic chart, my 1st house is now the whole sign of Libra, the part below the horizon as well as the part above. My 2nd house coincides with Scorpio, my 3rd house with Sagittarius, and so on. Naturally, this sometimes shifts planets into different houses. I'll need to give that some careful study and thought.

Along the way, the author gives many examples, using mostly horoscopes of famous people, all cast in the Hellenistic style, using just the classical (naked-eye) planets with their respective classical rulerships. The examples are illuminating and thought provoking, and they help greatly to make the concepts clear.

The final part of the book is devoted to Hellenistic timing techniques: "annual profections" and "zodiacal releasing." These also were new to me, and they appear to be potentially powerful. Indeed, Brennan thinks that zodiacal releasing, in particular, is so powerful that it may raise new ethical issues for astrologers! Maybe so, but we need to be cautious about the predictive powers of techniques when they are used on events that are already past; the possibility of confirmation bias is great here. It appears that Brennan has had good predictive success with the technique in his own astrological practice, but he perhaps can't share too much about that for reasons of client privacy. I certainly intend to experiment with these techniques and see where they take me.

Brennan is modest about what he has been able to accomplish with Hellenistic Astrology, seeing his book as merely a first attempt to organize the flood of new information about astrology's origins, but I think the book is a major achievement. The depth of research and the scholarly care with which it has been written make it a work of lasting academic value; and the fact that it was written by an astrologer for astrologers makes it invaluable as a how-to text for practitioners. If you're an astrologer, this book needs to be in your library.

As for how to blend the Hellenistic techniques with more modern ones, that is a problem that it is up to the astrologers of today and tomorrow to work out. It appears that Brennan himself has gone fully Hellenistic, and uses these recovered ancient techniques exclusively in his own practice. And it may indeed be that the ancient methods cannot really be harmonized with later ones. Some of us may find ourselves needing to draw two separate wheels for each nativity, at least for a time.

But it's a kind of luxury to have such a problem, for it means that astrologers now have much more information to work with. For whatever reason, lost knowledge of the deep past has come to light at this time, and Chris Brennan is a key figure in making that knowledge available to those whom it can benefit. Now it's up to all of us to make of it what we can.
Profile Image for Andreea Rogozan.
15 reviews8 followers
January 13, 2021
I consider Chris Brennan's "Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune" to be an invaluable source of information when it comes to learning about the rich history of western astrology and, in particular, about the specific interpretation techniques developed and used in the Hellenistic world.

The material is generous: it first provides a thorough overview of the origins of Hellenistic astrology and its philosophical foundations, then describes at length the meanings attributed to the planets, signs, configurations, houses, and lots, and finally touches on the timing techniques. I thoroughly enjoyed the deep dive into these topics but what I most appreciated is the author's dedication in underlining the rationale behind every concept - his intention was not to present these as a given, but to make the reader understand the why and the how.
There are also a lot of practical chart examples that support the theory and make some of the techniques easier to grasp.

This book will definitely not be just a one-time read for me. As I continue with my traditional astrological studies I'll be happy to reach out for this incredible material as many times as needed.
Profile Image for Dougie.
15 reviews
January 2, 2019
An excellent book, the first third is background and history and really helped understanding and contextualising what I know of astrology and better understanding the conversations on the astrology podcast the author hosts. It is an excellent guide and contains many practical examples of Hellenistic techniques. The author's style is clear, concise and easy to follow and this a must have for the astrologer's library.
11 reviews1 follower
January 23, 2020
This is a book I am studying, not just reading through. Chris Brennan is the king of this material and this is *the* textbook on the topic today. Between this excellent book and his podcast you can really *learn*. This book will be a reference book long after I’ve finished it, I’m sure.
Profile Image for Jon Adler.
56 reviews1 follower
November 4, 2023
in fairness, i read this book in two sittings (on two trans-atlantic flights) - definitely don’t think i could i have made it through this fast without an extended time in the air.

i���m giving it 4 stars, for a textbook - would make sure that anyone reading this knows that, in case there’s any ambiguity lol.

well-researched, organized, and presented. would recommend this to anyone who wants a THOROUGH exposition of the Hellenistic astrology landscape. an absolute must-have if you’re trying to learn Hellenistic astrology.

as a pretty big fan of brennan’s podcast, i was already familiar with a lot of the content and concepts, but he goes into much more detail in the book about certain concepts (like Besiegement & the stuff about the Sun’s Rays) and historical context (with his detailed mini-bios of the Hellenistic astrologers, and the explanation of how the Babylonian & Egyptian traditions combined into what became known as Hellenistic astrology) that makes the book a worthy companion to the podcast.

i really appreciated his tone, too. for someone who’s so respected in the astrological community, it was nice to read how humble his recounting of his education @ Kepler and work on Project Hindsight were.

i got this book from an interlibrary loan request at my library - not sure yet if i’ll purchase it outright. his chart examples and diagrams are helpful, and i definitely would refer to it when looking at charts… but since i’m trying to learn astrology from various different schools of thought, I’m not sure yet how much I’ll rely on these Hellenistic techniques.
Profile Image for Jake Zukowski.
52 reviews4 followers
June 29, 2023
As an avid reader and explorer of ancient philosophies, my journey led me to "Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune." It's a book that confidently presents a comprehensive exploration of its subject matter, leaving no stone unturned in its quest to uncover every aspect of Hellenistic astrology.

First and foremost, let's celebrate the book's thoroughness. Chris Brennan's commitment to exhaustive research is evident, offering a robust compendium for anyone who wishes to delve deep into the intricacies of this ancient art form. Indeed, the volume of information and level of detail offered is a testament to the author's commitment to their field of study.

However, the depth of information, while impressively comprehensive, sometimes veers into the realm of trivialities, seeming to distract from the core theme rather than enhancing it. At times, the narrative seemed to be weighed down by information that, while interesting, felt peripheral to the central narrative.

In addition, the book contains instances of personal commentary, where the author takes an opportunity to opine on the subject matter. While this certainly adds a human element to the narrative, there are moments where these asides feel somewhat detached from the central discourse.

That being said, it's important to note that every reader's experience is unique, and these observations reflect my personal take on the book. After all, the vast array of five-star ratings this book has received is a testament to its wide appeal. Clearly, many readers value the author's distinctive approach and embrace the breadth of information offered.

In conclusion, "Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune" is a comprehensive work that will undoubtedly satisfy readers who appreciate an exhaustive exploration of their chosen topic. While certain elements didn't resonate with me as strongly, the book has unquestionably found an audience who cherishes the author's deep dive into the nuances of Hellenistic astrology.
Profile Image for Ruud.
57 reviews3 followers
May 17, 2022
I have mixed feelings about this book. This books is quite objective and explains very well the struggle of recovering ancient astrological knowledge. It explains the different ways of interpretation (due to translation or insight) of ancient texts. The negative part about this is that there is no clear line (Astrologer A interprets the ancient texts as X, but astrologer B interprets it as Y). The information is quite complete, sometimes making it tedious as it keeps summing up certain things (for instance ancient astrologers).

This book a bit of a detective that traces back old knowledge (of which many is lost). Although current astrology is quite different (I am mainly knowledgeable in psychological astrology), this book can teach you the origin of certain knowledge and brings additional (forgotten) techniques. I do warn the reader that this book is voluminous (600 pages) and a bit dry (factual, well sourced).
Profile Image for Megan L.G..
28 reviews1 follower
December 13, 2023
This book is a true MASTERPIECE.
I am honestly lost for words. Chris Brennan has blown my mind. I don’t know where to start! I feel so moved by how much care, precision and thought has clearly gone into the creation of this truly phenomenal portal into the world of Hellenistic Astrology. Everyone and anyone who is interested in astrology must read this. I will say that it is not for the absolute beginner, as some of the concepts are more advanced, but I would recommend listening to the astrology podcast if that is where you are at and then reading the book.
There were moments whilst reading this where I could feel myself getting quite emotional by cause of the true craftsmanship of the astrologers who have come together to revive these precious, ancient traditions. Thank you, thank you, thank you to Chris Brennan, Demetra George and Project Hindsight!!! I am truly truly grateful!!! We are so so lucky to have access to this information!!! Today is a beautiful day!! Thank you!!
Profile Image for Dayanara Ryelle.
Author 5 books12 followers
December 12, 2021
If you're looking for a casual read about astrology, this is not it. There is a reason this book is used for the author's astrology school, and it's not just because he wrote it. It's incredibly detailed, incredibly scholarly...and if you already struggle with nonfiction like I do, you'd hate it.

I've decided not to rate it, because if it wasn't a required textbook, I'd never pick it up by myself, and it therefore seems unfair for me to score the book based on that alone.

For casual reading? My classmates say Demetra George is really good. (I've never read anything she's written, but there's a reason she's famous!)
Profile Image for Driver.
635 reviews3 followers
May 10, 2021
I...wow. I can't imagine how much work the research and writing for this book must have taken. One can tell the author is passionate about the subject, as well as about its history and accuracy.
I'm rather amazed that this was more difficult for me to read than my first neuroscience textbook, lol. Not because it's not explained well or thoroughly, because it truly is, but because this book is jam-packed with information and demands complete attention. - No skipping paragraphs or even chapters in this one!
April 17, 2024
I found this book incredibly good, complete and overall hugely informative even though I don't really recommend it to absolute beginners as some chapters can be trickier to read, but medium-advanced astrology enthusiasts can grasp it better.
Love to say this is one of the best works about astrology by far... Cheers to Chris Brennan for this masterpiece.
Profile Image for Mary Hart.
1,010 reviews21 followers
February 23, 2021
5 stars

it's taken me a long time...probably over 6 months abut a few pages each lunchtime has done it. It's the sort of book I'll be going back too...I hope he gets to write the second book he mentions at the end of this one....
Profile Image for Mj.
240 reviews37 followers
July 20, 2021
A thoroughly researched treasure trove is this book. Probably would not recommend to beginners of the discipline as there are some hard as shit concepts to wrap the mind around. Huge fan of the author and his podcast. This is a fantastic book ! 🖤
Profile Image for Paula.
10 reviews
August 15, 2021
It's not a practical manual, but a comprehensive and rich survey on Hellenistic Astrology, from the beginning, with historical background and clear explanations and rationale for planets, signs, houses and aspects. Brilliant!
Profile Image for Samuël David.
2 reviews
March 14, 2023
A meticulously constructed academic reconstruction of Hellenistic Astrology. Probably more interesting for philologists than astrologers. A difficult introduction to the subject matter, yet a very strong reference guide for both ancient astrological concepts and their origins or rationales.
Profile Image for Molly.
43 reviews
March 26, 2021
10/10 I will continue to reference this book and reread parts over and over for clarification. What a useful tool.
Profile Image for Mitchell Stern.
772 reviews10 followers
May 10, 2021
This is a very comprehensive and thorough guide to the history and practice of classical astrology.
Profile Image for Kmudry.
29 reviews
November 28, 2021
So much info and written so we'll that you easily can pick and read all 400+ pages of this text book with ease.
1 review
May 1, 2023
Utilísimas herramientas de astrología que en astrología moderna no se usan.
Profile Image for Kathleen.
2 reviews1 follower
October 17, 2023
A fabulous book with precise technique’s regarding the study and practice of Hellenistic Astrology. This is one of my go to books and a constant companion during my studies.
Profile Image for Roya.
126 reviews4 followers
April 30, 2024
Extremely detailed astrology book that focuses on the history and reasoning behind placements. A highly valuable reference for serious astrologers and those wanting to learn lesser known techniques.
Profile Image for Acquafortis.
152 reviews28 followers
December 8, 2018
Chris Brennan has done a great job in bringing together in a concise manner some of the major points of Hellenistic astrology.
I have read the book whilst studying with him. Obviously, this is a reference book, to come back several times and each time finding something deeper to delve in.
Well done Chris!
I recommend this book to anyone who wants to get into more detail about what Hellenistic Astrology is all about and taste some of its incredible techniques.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 30 reviews

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