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Don’t miss any of the Lady Julia Gray stories! Rediscover the mystery and romance of Deanna Raybourn’s bestselling series in this classic novella.

It’s the autumn of 1890, and almost a year has passed since—much to their surprise—Lady Julia and her detective husband, Nicholas Brisbane, became parents. Just as the couple begins to adapt, a solicitor arrives with a strange bequest. Nicholas, it seems, has inherited a country house—but only if he and his family are in residence from All Hallows’ Eve through Bonfire Night.

Neither Lady Julia nor Nicholas is likely to be put off by local legends of ghosts and witches, and the eerie noises and strange lights that flit from room to room simply intrigue them. Until a new lady’s maid disappears, igniting a caper that will have explosive results…

Originally published in 2014

74 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 1, 2014

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About the author

Deanna Raybourn

35 books8,359 followers
New York Times and USA Today bestselling novelist Deanna Raybourn is a 6th-generation native Texan. She graduated with a double major in English and history from the University of Texas at San Antonio. Married to her college sweetheart and the mother of one, Raybourn makes her home in Virginia. Her novels have been nominated for numerous awards including two RT Reviewers’ Choice awards, the Agatha, two Dilys Winns, a Last Laugh, three du Mauriers, and most recently the 2019 Edgar Award for Best Novel. She launched a new Victorian mystery series with the 2015 release of A CURIOUS BEGINNING, featuring intrepid butterfly-hunter and amateur sleuth, Veronica Speedwell. Veronica has returned in several more adventures, most recently AN IMPOSSIBLE IMPOSTOR, book seven, which released in early 2022. Deanna's first contemporary novel, KILLERS OF A CERTAIN AGE, about four female assassins on the cusp of retirement publishes in September 2022. (Please note: Deanna is not active on GR.)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 168 reviews
Profile Image for Lady Wesley.
965 reviews357 followers
March 25, 2017
Oh, how I love Lady Julia! Well, actually, I love Brisbane, her husband, one of the hottest heroes ever in a "clean" romance. Hats off to Deanna Raybourn for her creation.

In this very short novella, Brisbane has inherited a manor house from a total stranger, and when the family (Julia, Brisbane, Plum, Portia, young Jane, and baby Jack) arrive there, they discover that it's haunted -- by some rather inept ghosts. High-jinks and mystery ensue.

I mourn the demise of Brisbane and Lady Julia and hope that the author's new publisher decides to pick up the series.

Don't read this novella unless you've read at least some of the preceding novels. But, if like me, you have enjoyed the novels, this and the other three novellas are a delight.

Profile Image for Cheesecake.
2,834 reviews450 followers
June 23, 2021
Well that's it for this series.
I love the writing but not so much the characters. I know I would never hang out with either MC. I was especially disappointed with Julia in this one. But at the same time I liked her flaws.

Julia and Brisbane inherit a haunted house.
It's a very short read and I don't want to give anything away because that would probably give away the whole thing.

Profile Image for MRB.
89 reviews
December 11, 2014
Amazon tells me that three stars means "it's okay," and that concisely sums up my thoughts on this mildly engaging but highly forgettable novella.

My criticisms actually don't center on the length---or, more accurately, lack thereof :) For one thing, I think skilled writers can convey a great deal in relatively few pages. For another, I can't honestly claim I found this a compelling enough story to wish there had been more of it. It's not really a traditional whodunit with clues and suspects---just our characters quickly and easily figuring out why the house they've been summoned to seems 'haunted.' I didn't feel like I got to know our main characters any better, and the minor characters in this one were totally incidental.

Julia, as a couple of other reviewers have alluded to, has gotten a little harder to relate to and root for. She's become the 19th century version of the typical 'cool girl'---sassy and ever-so-brave and down with heavy drinking and smoking hookah and sometimes hashish with her husband ('cause, you know, she's cool and edgy and rebellious like that!) and someone who flouts tradition while still remaining conveniently feminine and charming. She's a bit too proud of how skillfully she manipulates her husband and (rather condescendingly and smugly!) kind to her social inferiors. She's just not as unique and endearing a character as she used to be, at least not in this reviewer's minority opinion :)

There are a few good lines and amusing moments, and Raybourn is still skilled at conveying the simultaneous annoyance and affection that family members can elicit. Overall, though, I'd recommend just taking this one out of the library unless you can find it on here for free.
Profile Image for Allison.
560 reviews609 followers
April 23, 2017
Nooooo! I just read on Raybourn's blog that this is going to be the last of Julia! I'm so sad. I was still hoping for more full-length novels in the future. Curse those publishers for tabling the series. Still, I'm thankful she wrote the novellas to help wrap it up for readers even though she had to publish them ebook only.
Profile Image for Caz.
2,984 reviews1,114 followers
November 4, 2014
3.5 stars

The events of Bonfire Night take place towards the end of 1890, when young John Nicholas – Jack - (the baby discovered in the stables at Bellmont Abbey in Twelfth Night) is firmly ensconced in the Brisbane’s nursery.

One evening at the end of October, relaxing in their new London home with Portia and Plum, the Brisbanes receive a visit from a shady character who professes himself a solicitor. He informs Brisbane that he has inherited a country property by the name of Thorncross Hall. He’s never heard of it – but the bequest appears legitimate, even though there are some odd conditions attached, one of which is that he must be in residence at certain periods in order to secure the inheritance. One of those periods is from All Hallow’s Eve until Guy Fawkes’ Night, which is just days away.

Intrigued, the four of them head to Berkshire where they are promptly greeted with stories of ghosts, ghouls, and things that go “bump” in the night.

It’s pretty clear to team Brisbane and the reader that the servants and the villagers are up to something – the question is, what? Our intrepid quartet quite happily sits up late at night simply to enjoy the efforts of the chain-clankers, banshee-howlers and demon coachmen, wondering why the villagers are going to such lengths to try to frighten them away.

Or are they?

This is an engaging little story with a nice twist, but once again, it really does require a familiarity with the characters and their past exploits for it to make sense, so if you’ve not read any of the other books in the series, you’ll be at a bit of a loss.

I’m going to go off at a bit of a tangent about a little nit-picky something that bothered me.

Novellas are often hit and miss for me, as it’s not every author that is capable of producing something satisfying in terms of both plot and emotion, and while I think Ms Raybourn pulled it off admirably in Twelfth Night, she doesn’t quite manage it here. But it’s still an enjoyable story – and a slightly bittersweet one given this is the final Lady Julia Grey story (for the moment, anyway.)
Profile Image for Kaethe.
6,507 reviews514 followers
August 25, 2019
The series arc doesn't take unexpected twists, so you could pick up anywhere without it being to spoilery. But there is a clear and explicit chronology for the series, and anyone who is planning to read them all should probably read them in the suggested order.

Luckily I bought this: it's likely to be a reread every Halloween, since it is chock full of ghosts. As in the novels, the mystery is there more for plot than as a real puzzle. The novellas tend more to comedy than drama, and this one just charmed the hell out of me. So many ghosts! Cute babies that are whisked away by nannies before they become too annoying! Twee English village! A big house of eccentric design! A veritable paragon of fluff.

Personal copy.
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,098 reviews396 followers
December 9, 2014
I absolutely adore this series, in fact I would go as far as to say it is my favorite historical mystery series out there and sadly, while the author has been working on other books, while all equally as fabulous, this series has been put on hold with just a few splattering of novellas here and there to tide us over.

Thankfully all those novellas live up to the rest of the series and have all been equally as wonderful as the actual books and of course, Bonfire Night is no exception.

I just love Julia, Brisbane and all of the March family. They are quirky and daring and smart and yes, just a bit crazy but all so lovable that it really is hard to say goodbye to them after putting down the newest addition to the series and I have missed them all dearly.

So it was no surprise that as soon as I saw the release of this newest mystery I snatched it up immediately and dove right in.

Oh how I have missed the wild adventures and situations Julia gets herself in. The chaos and mayhem rival no other and the witty banter between all of the March clan and Brisbane truly make this series so much fun to read and relish.

I absolutely adored this latest release and I truly hope if we don't get another book, than the author at least continues to grace us with this amazing little novellas to hold us over and whet our appetite.
Profile Image for Teresa.
1,048 reviews37 followers
September 29, 2019
I was shocked to see this marked as unread, and I figured it was an error. But once I started the beginning just to see, the more I knew I hadn't read it. So I dropped everything and read it quickly. It was the perfect time of year for this book, and I really enjoyed catching up with Julia and Brisbane and all the quirky side characters.
Profile Image for Sophia.
Author 5 books374 followers
December 7, 2014
This is the fourth of the holiday novellas in the Lady Julia Grey series. I have really enjoyed these lighter, shorter suspenses in the series that focus more on family and the tender relationship between Brisbane and Julia. It's fun how they take on a different holiday and how it was celebrated in the Victorian era.

This is a series that should be read in order as the character and romantic development are series arcs even if the mysteries are solved within each book.

The story opens when Julia and Brisbane are entertaining Julia's brother, Plum, and her sister, Portia along with Portia's daughter in their home and a solicitor brings the news that Brisbane has inherited a country estate with the provision that he inhabits the house the period of time between All Hallow's Eve and Bonfire Night. Brisbane and Julia are suspicious, but the whole family is enticed by the mystery so they all pack up and head to the country only to discover they are staying in the most haunted house in England. Its a fun romp until the lady's maid goes missing and Brisbane questions what its all about.

I found this one particularly delightful because it provided a delightful All Hallow's Eve romp with Portia and Plum along with the Brisbanes as they encountered a haunted house and a disappearing lady's maid. It's not a difficult mystery and the story concludes quickly, but it has a nice twist there at the end.

For those who enjoy historical romantic suspense and husband and wife detective teams, this is a good series to try. The novels offer the more challenging mysteries and the novellas more humorous and light.

My thanks to Net Galley for the opportunity to read this one in exchange for an honest review.
1,080 reviews12 followers
February 7, 2022
Legends of witches and ghosts make this All Hallow's Eve a challenging one for Julia and Nicholas, required to spend the night in a country house he inherited. As usual, these novellas are all too short.
217 reviews1 follower
April 2, 2018
This is the last in the Lady Julia Grey series, and I have been putting off reading it because I don't want the series to end. I gave the novella 4 stars but would probably more honestly give it somewhere between 3 and 3.5 stars if it weren't for the fact that it's the last story. The author wraps up most of the loose ends of the previous novella, but the story reads as if she wants the series to end as well. There isn't much of a plot, and the characters aren't as vibrant or witty or full of personality as they have been in previous books.
I very much wish that the series could continue in novel length (novellas being limited in their story-telling by their shorter length) as I think the main characters still have many stories to be told. That being said, if you have not read this series, I highly recommend you start at the beginning and work your way through (including all the novellas). The characters, the quality of the writing, and the mysteries are all beautifully rendered and should not be missed.
Profile Image for Lynn Horton.
372 reviews49 followers
May 19, 2019
(Below is my review for Twelfth night, the previous novella in the series. My thoughts apply to Bonfire Night as well.)

I've rated the previous installments in this book at three or four stars, but this is where things start to unravel for me. When I purchased Bonfire Night, I was unaware that it was a novella. I. HATE. NOVELLAS. It's as if the author and publisher doesn't want to go to the trouble of creating an entire story, so they produce a short sotry.

A novella that occupies me for an hour or so just isn't fulfilling. Also, it's danged-near impossible to develop characters or nuanced pacing in a novella. It's just a blast of information, a story sketch, that leaves me cold. So Bonfire Night (and the other novellas, which occur on the heels of each other) could have been combined into one book that would keep me interested for hours.

Instead, everyone took the easy way out—and it cost them a reader.
Profile Image for Nancy Haddock.
Author 7 books413 followers
June 19, 2021
I enjoyed this novella, too, though I tumbled to part of the plot before the characters. That always makes a reader feel smart. (Smiles)

I kinda of like it that a character from one of the last full novels isn't a sweet little thing, but it's scary that she's a brat. I hope for more stories - preferably novels! - to see what becomes of her, and to see a new character grow.

Profile Image for TheMadHatter.
1,426 reviews33 followers
May 2, 2019
Actual Rating: 3.5 Stars.

The final (short) story in this series. This was written in 2014 and I think I read that the author has said it will be the final entry in the Brisbane-Julia world.

While I think it is time, it is a little sad to say goodbye to characters you have loved. However, at least we got three short stories at the end to give (some degree) of closure on the characters.

Short stories are a bit of a hit and miss with me and while this was okay and the ending was (unrealistically) sweet, I just feel the character of Julia has changed (for the worse) over the last few books. Time to move on at long last to the Veronica Speedwell series :-)
491 reviews7 followers
December 30, 2014
Deanna Raybourn Bonfire Night
This is a short story, the last in the traditional English holidays series (silent night, midsummer night, twelfth night and now bonfire night). At 56 pp it is not even a novella, and depends upon reading the previous stories, which are also greater appreciated if you have read the full novels, also in order. What a treat if you haven't discovered this author though! I read this as an ARC as well as purchased the ebook.
It is autumn 1890, amateur sleuth Victorian Lady Julia and her detective husband Brisbane have inherited a country property Thorncross in Narrow Wibberly. It is of course haunted but Brisbane had no difficulty solving this mystery. There is the usual witty banter, the eccentricity and mayhem we have come to appreciate and expect, and a warm family feeling completing a holiday book. This is perfect for an afternoon read, a satisfying story to occupy a train (or plane) journey or just a short break in your day.

4 stars or familiar short cosy mystery

Read on:
To the Amelia Peabody series of Elizabeth Peters.

"I cursed him inwardly. Plum had only ever been third favourite amongst my brothers, and I was reminded why."
"...and besides, strange solicitors showing up at odd hours speaks to an intrigue."
"In my experience," Brisbane said seriously, "gift horses are usually the ones with the most dangerous bite."
"The house was built of grey stone in a haphazard style and betrayed a certain originality of design."
"The woman is mad enough to be related to us."
"I've only just realised. Little Jack is the first Christmas present my father has ever given me," he said. "And he has given me the only thing of his I could possibly want."
Profile Image for Jennifer.
76 reviews2 followers
November 15, 2014
Well, it's a Lady Julia/Brisbane book, so I'm there, obviously. To say that I am heartbroken that there won't be any more novels is this series is an understatement. On a personal level, I discovered this series about the time that my mother died, and in between meetings with lawyers and bankers I went to a bookstore to kill an hour. Deanna Raybourn had just done a signing there, so all her books were in stock, and my grief-drunk brain said "hey, that first one was pretty good" and promptly bought them all. (I think there were 3 at that point, plus The Dead Travel Fast.) Spending time with the chaotic yet loving March family brought me tremendous comfort at a time when my own family was falling apart.

ANYWAY. About this story. Short and sweet is pretty much the best way to describe it. The "mystery" is rather perfunctory, and maybe even a little silly, though I admit that I thought I'd figured it out and was pleased to be wrong. But I don't think she was out to write anything particularly deep here. She obviously knew this was the end of the series, and wanted to give us one last fun story with the most well-known characters (Julia, Brisbane, Portia, and Plum). It's not terribly substantial, but it's just as clever and witty as you would expect it to be, and I laughed out loud more than once. A great goodbye to the characters, and leaves everyone in a good place with a happy ending. If the series has to end, this is a good way to say goodbye.
Profile Image for Linda Baker.
944 reviews20 followers
October 20, 2014
Bonfire Night was a mixture of joy and sadness for me, as it is the end of a much-loved series (at least for now). I have greatly enjoyed all of the Lady Julia and Brisbane stories from Silent in the Grave onward.

Lady Julia and Brisbane are enjoying an evening with Julia's sister, Portia, and brother, Plum. It is late when a visitor arrives, claiming to be a solicitor with an unusual bequest. Brisbane is to inherit a country house from someone who is unknown to him. The catch is that they must take possession by All Hallows Eve (only two days away) and remain in residence until Bonfire Night, or Guy Fawkes Day. Of course all the children, pets, relatives and nannies are packed up for a quick trip to the country. Curiosity alone makes the trip necessary.

What follows is a complete farce with a village complicit in demonstrating the haunted nature of the house. Everything from ghostly sobs, moans, rattling chains, and phantom carriages to a plague village makes an appearance. Behind all the cliches is a real mystery though: who made the bequest and more importantly, why?
Bonfire Night is a short but very enjoyable read.

Thanks to netgalley.com and Harlequin/MIRA for an advance digital copy.

Profile Image for Lorraine.
1,147 reviews86 followers
October 10, 2016
It felt good to be in Lady Julia's & Brisbane's company again. I have missed them. Now, of course, Lady Julia is Lady Julia Brisbane, and she and her husband are spending time with some of Lady Julia's family as the holidays are approaching. A message arrives for Nick, Lady Julia's husband, informing him that he has inherited a country house free & clear from someone whom he does not know. Nick Brisbane questions this gift. What takes place is humorous, nutty, and definitely questionable. Lady Julia and Nick finish this tale spending a Happy Christmas together, but there is more. Why not read this to discover all that goes on?! I would just like to add that reading this made me a bit sad because I realized how much I miss this series by Deanna Raybourn.
Profile Image for Julie.
926 reviews29 followers
August 22, 2015
Sorry to hear this is the last of the Lady Julia series, but I enjoyed this lighthearted novella in which everyone from the previous books comes together at a supposedly haunted house that Brisbane has inherited in the country. All is not as it seems though (par for the course in this series). There's a bittersweet feeling to this novella even though there's humor. Knowing it's the end, I appreciated some endearing moments and it ties up nicely at the end when we discover the truth behind the hauntings and who is behind it all. Still, it leaves a back door open for the possibility of more in case the author changes her mind and writes more.
Profile Image for Lindap.
1,450 reviews
November 27, 2018
4.25 / 4 Stars

Well, that sure was a mini novella. Even though it was short, it was a well put together story. Supposidly Brisbane has inherited a country estate because of his excellent work on a case that saved a female friend of the now deceased owner. Naturally Julie & Brisbane along with Portia and Plum head to the estate to see what it's all about. Let me just say I didn't figure out the reason for the deception, but the ending was good.

ETA: Second time 11/26/18
Wish Deanna Raybourn would write one more novel. One that gives everyone closure and a glimpse into their future. I just don't feel like the story is done....
Profile Image for Roberta.
1,411 reviews131 followers
April 29, 2015
Ultima delle novelle dedicate alla serie Lady Julia Grey! Peccato perché per quanto non particolarmente brillanti (sono raccontini, in fondo) erano l'ultimo filo che mi teneva legata a questa serie che mi è piaciuta moltissimo. Ora non mi rimane che decidere che cosa iniziare di nuovo della Raybourn!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
476 reviews34 followers
November 15, 2014
A short, quick read, yet not one lacking in a strong, interesting plot. I am so very sad that this is likely the end to Julia and Brisbane's adventures. :( I will miss this series so much.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 168 reviews

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