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In Another World With My Smartphone Light Novel #1

In Another World With My Smartphone: Volume 1

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After a freak accident involving some lightning winds up zapping him dead, 15-year-old Mochizuki Touya wakes up to find himself face-to-face with God. “I am afraid to say that I have made a bit of a blunder...” laments the old coot. But all is not lost! God says that he can reincarnate Touya into a world of fantasy, and as a bonus, he gets to bring his smartphone along with! So begins Touya's adventure in a new, anachronistic pseudo-medieval world. Friends! Laughs! Tears! Inexplicable Deus ex Machina! He sets off on a journey full of wonder as he absentmindedly travels from place to place, following whatever goal catches his fancy. The curtains lift on an epic tale of swords, sorcery, and smartphone apps!

200 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 22, 2015

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About the author

Patora Fuyuhara

71 books82 followers

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62 (4%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 78 reviews
Profile Image for Sean O'Hara.
Author 19 books97 followers
March 27, 2017
If Death March was scraping the bottom of the barrel, Isekai Smartphone is what's left underneath. The hero is so overpowered that he makes Kirito look like Neville Longbottom in the first Harry Potter novel. At no point in the story does the hero actually face a problem that might even conceivably stump him.

The magical system in this universe is elemental, with powers divided into seven groups (in addition to the traditional Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water there are Light, Dark and Null). Most people are lucky if they have an affinity with one element; two is extraordinary; a character who can use three is said to be extraordinary. So of course the hero can use all seven. And he has a ridiculous amount of manna to draw upon for this magic. And if that weren't ridiculous enough, "Null" magic refers to miscellaneous spells that don't fit with any element, and most people who use null magic can only pull off one or two such spells. Our Hero can use them all.

The only point where the story comes alive is when the hero has to figure out who poisoned the king, and he actually uses detective skills (augmented by his magical powers for forensic purposes). Alas, the perp turns out to be Mr. Clearly Guilty, and the scene is over in a couple pages, only to get back to the main plot. Which mainly involves him hanging out with his female companions, none of whom has any personality beyond an occasional verbal tick. Fifty pages into the book, I was longing for a tsundere to show up since she would at least have traits beyond "genial". Alas, there's no such character. The story only ever has a bare minimum of conflict, and none of that's driven by characters.
Profile Image for Terrence.
392 reviews52 followers
March 31, 2017
A decidedly average / lackluster cast, comedy, and story, Isekai plays more to a crowd looking for something fun and innocent than anything impactful light novel wise.

As stated above, this is an Isekai about a boy brought from his world to the Isekai, a fantasy world filled with magic but also stuck in a middle ages type era socially and culturally. The smartphone in the title is used in a few ways you might expect, but it's not really as much of a fail safe / focus as maybe the title implies, mainly because of magic being the better "Deus ex Machina" in most situations. I wouldn't say there's much of any one thing this does to hook you or that it does really interestingly / well. It's kind of breezy, but there's action and some close calls throughout, so it's not quite a chill out series.

Characters disappointed me. Early in the story, we meet some damsels in distress, and almost immediately after their situation is settled, they team up with our hero to form a party. It was just kind of sudden, and there isn't the sort of "love at first site / hidden affection" that maybe writers use to kind of handwave why the group joins together. I guess the main character's kindness is enough to trust him and want to partner up? Personalities aren't really that well defined, outside of maybe one or two you meet. I can't really say I've taken a liking to any of the heroines or our hero yet. The hero is too altruistic for me, though the occasional odd action / thought he has (like stringing paralyzed thugs up and taking a photo of their bare behinds to threaten them, or fearing marriage because of his loser cousin's advice about getting stuck with alimony) honestly make me more hopeful that this guy has some underlying issues or something so he's not just a goody two shoes.

There are some really odd non-sequitors in this one of a mostly older nature, specifically talks about the main character's cousin teaching him to fear marriage after his ex-wife took advantage of him for alimony support she used mostly for herself, female characters in the Isekai being "under the weather" at that time of month, etc. The rest of the novel is really breezy, so it's odd when this kind of stuff comes up.

Overall, this is not one I would go out of my way to read. Again, I kind of like characters with some weaknesses / quirks, and you won't find too many here. The one thing keeping me slightly intrigued is any hope of a romantic plot line developing between some characters, and any fun situations that could come from that. Otherwise, I don't really care too much for the plot, so I'm not dying for volume 2. I'm really curious how they'll adapt this into an anime though, if they'll play up more tropes / personalities.
Profile Image for Lissa Hawley.
1,242 reviews26 followers
May 2, 2021
Kinda meh. I seem to vastly prefer female protagonists.
Also the smartphone plot device doesn't seem all that pivotal.
September 4, 2020
When God apologizes to Mochizuki Touya for accidentally killing him with a lightning bolt, Touya takes it very well. After all, he doesn't remember dying, and stuff happens. Still, God wants to make it up to him as much as possible, so he offers to give him a new life in a different world. He even agrees to grant Touya a favor, setting things up so that he can continue to use his smartphone in that new world. It will be powered by the magical abilities God has granted him. In addition to all of that, God also gives all of Touya's basic abilities a boost (strength, memory, etc.).

So begins Touya's life in a new world. He meets twin sisters who become his traveling and adventuring companions, as well as a young woman from a country very much like Japan, a duke and his daughter, and a princess, and gradually learns what sorts of things his magic and magically-powered smartphone can do.

I vaguely remember buying this after reading a review that called it stupid but fun. I went into it expecting fast-paced fluff with annoying but hopefully bearable harem romance. Unfortunately, it didn't even meet those fairly low expectations.

The story had zero tension, due to the fact that Touya could basically do anything. His increased strength and speed meant he could easily evade most attacks, and he had unlimited magical power and the ability to perform any magic in existence in his new world, so all he had to do was learn about a spell in order to use it. Add his smartphone to the mix, and there was no problem he couldn't solve in a few minutes. His only limitations were his lack of ambition and lack of creativity. Most of the spells he learned were simple enough that he could potentially have figured them out with a little trial and error (learning that [Reading] existed almost made me throw the book across the room), but he tended to rely on others to tell him spells, as well as on random finds in a book of spells he acquired.

Touya and his female companions had all the personality of stale, unsalted crackers. I had to flip through the book just to remember most of their names. Yae was the samurai who ate a lot. One of the twins was energetic and one was shy, but after their initial introduction, both spoke so little that it was easy to forget which one was supposed to be which. Sushie was the first cute rich girl, while Yumina was the second cute rich girl. Yumina had heterochromia and, although she was only 12 years old, knew instantly that 15-year-old Touya was the one for her. The series' harem romance potential was saved by the fact that polygamy is considered acceptable and normal in this world, although strangely Touya never once encountered anyone in a polygamous marriage.

None of the quests they completed were ever very difficult, primarily because Touya could do anything, and they didn't even have to worry about money because Touya kept accidentally falling into piles of it. Within minutes of arriving in this new world, for example, Touya just happened to come across a fashion designer willing to pay top dollar for all the clothes he was wearing.

If there's any point to this series beyond Touya wandering around aimlessly before finally marrying fifty nearly interchangeable girls and settling down inside a house made out of money people forced him to accept, this volume makes no indication of it. The only potentially appealing thing about volume 2 is that the author promised Touya would make more use of his smartphone, but at this point I have no interest in reading more of this sentient piece of shredded wheat's "adventures."


Four full-color pages, several black-and-white illustrations throughout, and an afterword by the author.

(Original review posted on A Library Girl's Familiar Diversions.)
Profile Image for L..
1,431 reviews74 followers
October 6, 2017
I was under the impression this was a manga. It's not, it's simply a book with a couple of illustrations, so points off for deceiving me. Once I started reading it I quickly realized it was a children's book, so now I had to rapidly change my approach to reading it. Then I got a load of that main character - what was his name again? I don't care - and it all just went to hell in a handbasket.

Whatshisname is so shallow, so emotionless. When he learns he's dead and will never see his family and friends again he basically shrugs the news off and is like, "As long as my cell phone still works." He has no fear of being dropped into a new world where he knows no one or nothing. He has no worries about how he's going to survive. He has nothing. He is a paper doll.

The furthest I got (and it wasn't very far), Whatshisname had just teamed up with a couple of local girls. This is when the story started to become really tedious. "We had breakfast. This is what I ate. It was very good. Then we went here to find a job. The clerk told us all about this, that, and the other thing. Then we went there to shop for weapons."

No. I have other things to read. I'm just glad I bought this on sale so I'm not out of that much money. I wonder if it is too late to return it for a refund.

EDIT: No, it's not. Yeah for me!
Profile Image for Pieter.
1,033 reviews12 followers
May 17, 2023
Touya is a Japanese high school kid who is struck by lightning on his way home from school. (A) God who was responsible, and a bit of an airhead, sends him to another world for a second chance, making him slightly stronger so that Touya will not die instantly. The God also allows Touya to use the boy's smartphone. Landing in a world of sword and sorcery much like the typical quasi-medieval Europe JRPGs, Touya joins up with a bunch of girls to have many an adventure.

To be honest, from a purely personal enjoyment point of view, I rate this book at 4 stars. The characters and adventures are entertaining enough and I like the writing style enough. The fact that it is mostly slice-of-life, light-hearted (in that the MC never faces any real challenge let alone risk), and the characters and world are rather simple are no big downers for me, especially not if I am looking for an easy read.

On the other hand, there is nothing too special about the story either. The number of girls becomes ridiculous further on, and the phone is really underused. Now it is just an extension of the MCs OP magical abilities, and beyond searching for a cooking receipt or two it does not come into play at all. I am also not sure how the setup remains interesting for the many volumes that exist.

Anyway, it was a decently entertaining read, so four stars because of personal enjoyment.
Profile Image for Glasdow Teacosy.
Author 2 books21 followers
January 26, 2018
Light, fluffy entertainment

Yes, Touya is god-like. He can do everything. But he doesn't know everything. Therein lies his struggle.

This light novel featured a good translation. The narrative is straightforward. It's a harem story with a main character who doesn't realize it. I've read the negative reviews. Don't overthink it. This story is meant to be fluff. However, the gimmick of this story doesn't have much to do with a smartphone, it turns out. It's all about Touya learning how to not be a fish out of water—a perfect metaphor for the average teenage boy. Although it is true that Touya rarely experiences setbacks, and his Mary Sue powers are so magnificent that he makes Rey from Episode VII look almost handicapped, the adventures are fun, Touya's efforts to learn aren't boring, and the story has a charm that kept me engaged until the end. I'm not a fan of the 12-year-old princess love story, and Touya's omnipotence may prove to be too much extended into another novel, but if you like anime and manga, this story won't disappoint.
Profile Image for R. Prim.
38 reviews
October 11, 2018
The main protagonist is somewhat overpowered when coming into the another world and one may think reading this light novel that this guy only uses his smartphone to solve solutions in a world where everything is in a medieval and fantasy setting, but it is more focused as a typical harem.

I believe this light novel is more recommended to the male audience in mind as the protagonist is leading a Harem Kingdom without attentional trying, which is somewhat hilarious.There are not many illustrations in the story and there are usually illustrated on the girls he meets in his quests as an adventurer.

I recommend reading this if you want a 1.harem, 2.comedy and 3. don’t care about the overpowering protagonist who you are reading his first person descriptions, opinions and awkwardness when reading.

Profile Image for Albert.
8 reviews
January 21, 2020
In Another World With my Smartphone is a book written by Patora Fuyuhara which is a generic yet still interesting and fun isekai read.

It's about a boy who God accidentally struck by lighting; to compensate for accidentally ending his life God allowed him to be reincarnated into another world with anything he wants.

I like Touya as a character because he was written simple. After choosing his item which was his phone (wouldn't expect that in a book with magic) he was sent to another world where he met with different challenges. He's a nice guy that will try to help anyone he sees is in need like two twins in an alley who were getting harassed by multiple guys. As a knight in shiny armor he jumps in right away and try to help them “it’s fine. I’m the one who smashed the antler to pieces. Wouldn’t be fair to go back on my word now” (24). That's another example of him being considerate and honest.

I genuinely enjoyed Touya’s adventures through a new world and his smartphone finding new and clever ways to defeat his foes. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who's in look of a simple book to pick up and quickly finish.

Profile Image for Bernard.
491 reviews4 followers
November 4, 2019
I love this series. The hero is a nice guy and the harem around him are interesting.

All of the things one would hope for from this type of story are in place.

The main character's strength in magic and the reaction by the characters around him are enjoyable. Interesting questions come to mind when reading this book. We see a very interesting view of the Japanese mindset. As an American, I always like seeing the Japanese characters in this genre react in a way that American's would not.

The good guy is great, and the bad guys get what they truly deserve. What more can we ask for?

This is a genuine GEM.
Profile Image for James Atkins III.
19 reviews2 followers
October 11, 2017

Had a few laughs reading the story. I was a bit disappointed that the lead protagonist wasn’t coming up with creative methods of utilizing his smartphone in the world he found himself in. I was expecting something a bit more interesting or unique plot-wise. If you’re planning to read or have read In Another World With My Smartphone, I’d suggest you consider reading Off To Be The Wizard by Scott Meyer, as it’s a much more satisfying story, IMHO.
Profile Image for MIles Cahill.
28 reviews
January 23, 2018
Love it

Watch the anime series but wanted more about the whole situation that happens to the main characters after the last episode ended. I found the whole collection of books on Amazon since a friend a mine got me back into anime and manga. So thought I give the light novel a try and dying of laughter because of the character development. So say it again Patora Fuyuhara for letting me and others experience your stories.
Profile Image for Urabe.
13 reviews
July 7, 2018
Must read!!!

Really liked "In Another World With My Smartphone: Volume 1".

While reading fantasies, I often find it frustrating and confusing how authors try to describe "the world".
Luckly, I had no problems with that while reading this light novel! They discribed it simply enough for me to understand.

The editing was perfect. The flow was great and had a few chuckles with the awkward situations.

Wil definitly be getting volume 2!
Profile Image for Amanda.
331 reviews
September 26, 2020
This is a very cliche issekai. The main character is over-powered. There is a typical harem, where the girls barely have personality. The art is cute, but is that generic light novel cutesy that is so prevalent right now. Oh, don't forget a 12 year old proposing to a 16 year old. The age difference isn't as bad as some I have seen, but one is still a child.
The anime may be better, but I don't recommend this. There are other issekais that are more interesting.
4 reviews
January 29, 2022
Its just a fun read. Just relax and let this story entertain you. It has good humor and likeable charakters.

But you shouldnt expect a deep and convoluted story. Its way More fun then i expected.

Give it a try if you like a Overpowered main-character, a harem Situation, lighthearted fun, a typical Isekai setting.

Avoid if you want a complex fantasy story and a overarching plot.

Thanks To the author for giving me fun and lighthearted laughts.
Profile Image for Min.
30 reviews2 followers
March 16, 2022
Dropping this series. The story was progressing really slowly, and the characters were not loveable. Not much is known about the characters to build up the story behind them. The story starts off interesting, but 1/4 of the way i started losing interest and was trying to get myself to finish it.

I'm at 77% now, and the story still hasn't given me any reasons to continue reading so I am dropping it.
Profile Image for Kenchiin.
262 reviews109 followers
May 17, 2017
I really liked the writing and the book isn't boring at all. I strongly support that light novels get translated, really... but sadly the story is too generic for my taste. It's basically another isekai generic book and that's not really a bad thing per se....but it didn't go very well with me.
68 reviews1 follower
July 3, 2017
It's alright!

Guy gets taken to another world and gets crazy awesome powers. I'm into that, so I enjoyed this book. If you're not, don't pick it up. If you are, do so. I would have preferred an enemy that could match his strength (and there was one, and might be more) but I enjoyed it nonetheless! Thanks for writing!
Profile Image for Ravi Maurya.
1 review
February 9, 2021
Best Isekai I ever read or seen. And trust me I have gone through every isekai available but not a single one will ever hold a candle to this. I have re-reading the whole damm thing again and again and still not satisfied. Waiting for the next volume(22). Please don't ever stop writing this novel ever Mr. Patora Fuyuhara. Hope we'll get to see the complete anime soon.
Profile Image for Ridho Febriansa.
90 reviews1 follower
September 10, 2021
pretty interesting light novel that you can read while being laid back
the title kind of explains everything, the way the heroine moved to another world with his own smartphone. but for the 1st volume, the smartphone really doesn't appear that much.

in comparison, the other characters are really interesting that made me keep reading it all.
Profile Image for Jana Harper.
Author 7 books
May 12, 2024
Things were going fine and it was shaping up to be a relaxing isekai story when 70% through he gets fricken engaged to a 12 year old! Granted he’s 16 so at least he’s not an adult but still…why can they just not be weird and creepy and maybe write adult characters at least.

I already bought book 2 so I’ll see if it gets better or worse but idk.
102 reviews1 follower
June 21, 2017
Has potential

The book has potential but most of the characters lack personality and the main character is too OP. The story lacks any danger. It's just living in a new world but there's no problems so it gets a little boring. Otherwise it's a great book with lots of potential.
Profile Image for Alec Rebert.
236 reviews
August 18, 2017

I'm surprised that I liked this more than I thought I would. To me it seemed like another "teleported into a fatansy world" series, but it has it's own charm and is definitely worth picking up. 4 out of 5
December 9, 2017
A Fun Isekai

After watching the anime I decided to read the light novels. The story is fun, fast paced, and there were a lot of things the anime left out. If you enjoy isekai stories I would high!y recommend giving this series a try.
July 8, 2018
I like it.

The story has a great flow to it. The MC is overpowered but honestly as of right now he is just living his live getting use to the world. No real adventures. He has his cell phone but not real significant use yet. I can't way to read more.
August 11, 2018
Awesome story

In all i think this book is good for most ages who admire fantasy. This story deserved the five stars. The reason for that is the story and jokes and such are laid out magnificently. I would read this book again thank you editor , writer ,and puplisher
Profile Image for Acacia Weber.
338 reviews4 followers
September 18, 2019
This read like a middle school fanfic. The kind that lives in a notebook in a random box that when you find it years later you cringe. Nothing happens that really matters I was so bored and agrivated reading this. How does this have several volumes and an anime I don't understand.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 78 reviews

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