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Gin Shack on the Beach #1

The Gin Shack on the Beach

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You’re never too old to try something new!

When octogenarian Olive Turner is persuaded by her son to move into a retirement home, she congratulates herself on finding the secret to an easy life: no washing up, cooking or cleaning. But Olive isn’t one for mindless bingo with her fellow residents, and before the first day is over she's already hatching a plan to escape back to her beloved beach hut and indulge in her secret passion for a very good gin & tonic.

Before long Olive’s secret is out and turning into something wonderful and new. Only a select few are invited, but word spreads quickly about the weekly meetings of The Gin Shack Club. Soon everybody on the beach wants to become a gin connoisseur and join Olive on her journey to never being forced to grow older than you feel.

A journey of friendship, defiance and a quest for the perfect G&T.

223 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 5, 2017

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Catherine Miller

11 books86 followers

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Profile Image for Dash fan .
1,490 reviews722 followers
June 26, 2017
5☆ Fun, Cheeky, inspiring, feel good read

Gin Shack on the Beach is really inspiring. If I am anywhere near as fun, determined, passionate,with a zest for life as Olive is at her age then I will be very very happy!

The very first pages had me in fits of laughter....we meet Olive and she's just decided to take a morning dip in the sea.... NAKED!!!.... much to her Son's horror!! LOL

When Olive's Son tells her she is to give up her beach hut she is devestated.
She calls on her fellow beach hut friends to help convince her Son that she is safe and he shouldn't take it away from her.
So you can see why he is concerned lol.

Olive's friends convince Richard to let her keep the Beach hut, on the understanding someone is always around!

Richard has just moved Olive into a care home and the very first meeting with Matron they take an instant disliking to each other.
Especially when Matron lays down the law... No leaving the home in the mornings and they have to be home for dinner.
This is not going to bid well for Olive.

See what Richard doesn't know is that Olive is a secret Gin drinker and she is out to find the perfect combination. Something she started with her late husband.

Now all I can say from this point on.... be prepared from some wild antics, Crazy escape plans, budding friendships young and old, some very scrumptious mixes, heart warming moments, sadness, happiness and some great laugh out loud moments.

I absolutely loved Olive, she reminded me of my Nan ( well except for the naked swimming LOL)
She had such a zest for life it was infectious, she had such strength and determination, a real inspiration for young and old, plus her cheeky fun side was addictive and everyone warmed to her kind nature and big heart. I really wanted to be in Olive' s Gin club.

All of the character's added something different to the story. But most of all they oozed friendship and loyalty to one and other.
I was so desperate to see them all succeed especially Tony as he has so much love to give, and how he helped Olive warmed my heart. He was there for her in her darkest moments.

Matron certainly lived up to her name. She was red hot stickler for the rules and ruled with an iron fist. Well so she thought!
Olive, Randy and Veronica really gave her a run for her money!
I really disliked Matron for various reasons. She came across as cold hearted and ruthless. But that was her job and she wasn't letting her guard down for anyone!

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and cannot recommend it enough!
A beautiful fun Cover, plenty of fun, comedy, alcohol, budding friendships, compelling, heart warming and feel good... what more can you want for the perfect summer read!

Catherine really portrays a strong message.... you are never too old to give up on your dreams, build lifelong friendships and create the perfect Gin!

I received this book from the Publisher in exchange for a honest and fair review via Netgalley.
Profile Image for Kim Nash.
Author 16 books628 followers
May 14, 2017
As you probably all know by now, I do have a bit of a reputation for being a gin swilling old lush! Less of the old I say!

So you can imagine my delight and disappointment when I saw the cover reveal for Catherine Miller’s The Gin Shack on the Beach. Delight because it was gorgeous, the description sounded fantastic and there was gin in the title – what’s not to love about that! Disappointment because I didn’t think to write it first! Catherine Miller is a blooming genius!

Now Olive, is a character who I warmed to straight away. An older lady, who didn’t want to live alone anymore and have all the day to day looking after a big house and thought that going into a retirement complex would be perfect for her. And she could just about accept it all and even look forward to it, because she could keep going along to her favourite place in the whole world, her beach hut, her sanctuary.

But Richard, her son had different ideas and between him and the woman who ran the home, they tried to clip her wings and make her act her age. However, Olive was having none of it and with her new BFFs Veronica and Randy, they plotted and found a way to have the best of both worlds and live their lives to the full. All she wanted to do was the find the perfect G&T. I know how she feels, I look for it quite a lot too! LOL!

I JUST ADORED EVERYTHING ABOUT OLIVE! I wanted her to be in my family! She’d had something terribly sad happen in her past which unfolded as the book progressed, which I was dying to know about. It had shaped her life dramatically and that of her son and I wanted to know what it was because I really wanted to help her.

The book was a cosy hilarious feel good mystery if that could be a genre.

The antics that the three amigos got up to were hilarious and I found myself with a stupid grin on my face while I was reading. There were parts when I snorted my own gin and tonic down my nose, a bit messy I have to say! I laughed so much! And there were times when I felt so sorry for Olive, because she didn’t want to accept that she was getting old.

It made me think about people as they grow older. These days, little old ladies don’t want to sit and knit and drink tea, they want to go out and dance on the tables, dress up to the nines, have bucket lists to work through and enjoy their twilight years to the full. And have fun!

This book was immensely entertaining, utterly enjoyable from the first page to the last and downright brilliant! Hugely inspiring and absolutely charming.

So what did I learn from this book? I need to be more Olive! Now and in the future! That’s what!

I raise my G&T to you Catherine Miller! CHEERS MY DEARS!

THE GIN SHACK ON THE BEACH deserves every single one of its five big fat gin & tonic stars from me.
Profile Image for Samantha Tonge.
Author 24 books306 followers
August 14, 2017
What a surprising read. I didn't know what to expect from the cover, blurb or opening pages. For a start, I'm not a fan of gin! But protagonist Olive somehow got under my skin. Miller could have easily fallen into the trap of making the characters stereotypical, what with odious Matron and Olive's overbearing son - however the story read as real. Tear-jerking, grin-provoking and poignant. I loved the setting and the array of colourful minor characters. The novel turned into a real page-turner and on the homeward stretch I announced to my long-suffering husband that we weren't going to bed until I'd finished it! A little gem.
Profile Image for Rae.
279 reviews25 followers
July 18, 2017
Crisp and refreshing like a perfect G & T, Catherine Miller's The Gin Shack on the Beach is a genre defying cosy feel-good summer mystery. Olive Turner is a spirited, active octogenarian who enjoys freedom, skinny-dipping, her beach hut, her daily G & T, along with spending time with friends, but after a couple of health scares decides to make the most of life in a retirement complex - no laundry or washing up to do! However, Olive's son Richard, encouraged by the maddeningly strict controlling retirement complex Matron, assumes residents should behave in a certain way - attending the extensive but dull set of timetabled activities. Olive is nowhere near ready to settle for a life of boring bingo and along with new friends, Veronica and Randy, sets off on an adventure of a lifetime. I adored Olive's character - friendly, fun, full of life - ripping up the awful stereotype of how someone in their twilight years is expected to behave. We are aware that Olive has suffered heartbreak in her life, so as well as the laugh out loud moments Miller also treats us to poignant passages, which help explain Olive's tricky relationship with her son. Finally, the variety of gins tasted by Olive and friends are enough to make a reader want to join her in her quest of finding the perfect G & T!
Profile Image for Rachel Gilbey.
3,047 reviews551 followers
May 21, 2017
What happens when you try to put an octogenarian into a retirement home, try to force her to give up her beach hut, and stop her from having freedom to come and go as she pleases? Well that is what Olive has to contend with, and more in The Gin Shack on the Beach.

She doesn't mind too much about moving into a retirement hotel that has a huge activity schedule, but having restricted access to her beach hut, the one thing that gives her joy, is a step too far for her. It leads to Oliver, and new friends Veronica and Randy having to find ways to sneak out so they can do as they please.

I pretty much loved everything to do with Olive and her friends, and the way she seems to inspire people around her. She is incredibly feisty, doesn't necessarily conform to what is expected from a woman of her age, has a fantastic knowledge of Gin and Tonic, has some great friendships, but equally seems to have had a sad past, and a difficult relationship with her son. In fact its son, Richard that is adding to Olive's stress, meaning she has to stay at Oakley West, and barely has access to her beach hut any more.

The story takes many turns, each of them feels completely right, while also in some respects taking me by surprise. There is simply a fabulous cast of characters, that I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know. I also loved the descriptions of the various gins that Olive has tried, as well as everything to do with The Gin Shack Club.

The pacing in the book is just right, keeps moving a good speed, with no dull moments, just plenty of action, laughs and good times. It really is a feel good story, and I loved our octogenarians, their budding friendship and the antics they get up to. I would have happily read this in one sitting had I had the time.

I suspect if you are a big G&T drinker then you will identify with Olive even more than I did, and also start to crave a drink during some parts of the book. This was the first book I have read by Catherine Miller, and I'm really glad I started with this one given how much I enjoyed the book.

Thank you to Netgalley and HQ Digital for this copy of the book which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.
Profile Image for Linda Hill.
1,413 reviews55 followers
June 10, 2017
Olive Turner agrees to move into a retirement apartment but she isn’t going to let her son Richard take her beach hut away without a fight!

What a lovely summery story this is. There’s a real sense of place and community on the beach and The Gin Shack on the Beach made me wish I had a beach hut of my own.

Firstly, I really enjoyed the way in which Catherine Miller has created a cast of lively and often feisty characters whatever their ages. I found Richard so frustrating but there is a history to be uncovered in the relationship between him and Olive that explains why they act as they do towards one another. Matron is despicable and again, there’s more to her than meets the eye so that as well as a light summer read, The Gin Shack on the Beach has mystery too.

I thought the plot was hugely entertaining. Olive and her gang encounter brushes with police, adventure and romance as Catherine Miller explores friendship, loyalty and the search for the perfect G+T. Indeed, it did make me wonder just what kind of research went in to this aspect as I never knew there were so many gins to taste! As I read I thought what a marvellous Sunday night series on television this would make.

The element that took me by surprise was the range of emotions conveyed in what I thought would be a simple beach book. I certainly laughed aloud at lighter moments, but I felt sadness and compassion too so that there were more layers than I had anticipated.

The underlying principal of The Gin Shack on the Beach is that we shouldn’t judge others by age or appearance and if Olive can go skinny dipping in her 80s I’m sure we all can! There’s such positivity and entertainment here that The Gin Shack on the Beach is a feel good read I highly recommend.
Profile Image for SoRoLi (Sonja) ♡  .
3,794 reviews552 followers
August 28, 2018
Um es ihrem Sohn leichter zu machen, zieht die 84-jährige Olivia in eine Seniorenresidenz. Sie besteht aber darauf ihre Strandhütte, die ganz in der Nähe liegt, zu behalten. Dort plant sie wie gewohnt, abends in Ruhe ihren Gin zu trinken. Das stellt sich allerdings als nicht so einfach heraus, da die Bewohner der Seniorenresidenz abends nicht mehr alleine aus dem Haus dürfen. Doch schnell findet Olivia Verbündete, die ihr helfen, und schon bald wird aus der Strandhütte ein Gin Club...

Mein Leseeindruck:

Wer denkt, diese Geschichte könnte langweilig sein, da die Hauptcharaktere alle schon die achtzig überschritten haben, der irrt sich. Mich konnte der Roman auf jeden Fall sehr gut unterhalten und auch überraschen! Olivia und ihre Freunde sind mir schnell ans Herz gewachsen, und obwohl ich keinen Gin trinke, könnte ich mir durchaus gut vorstellen, in diesem Gin Club Mitglied zu werden.

Es hat mir großen Spaß gemacht, Olivia zu begleiten und zu erfahren, was sie in der Seniorenresidenz erlebt und welche Menschen ihr dort und auch am Strand begegnen. Die Geschichte ist sehr warmherzig erzählt, humorvoll, tiefgründig, und zum Ende hin gibt es sogar ein paar Krimi-Elemente. Eine sehr gelungene Mischung, wie ich finde.

Es ist ein Roman, der ans Herz geht, der unterhält, Mut macht und für eine Wohlfühlatmosphäre sorgt. Ich freue mich darauf, den zweiten Band zu lesen!
Profile Image for Kim.
2,107 reviews60 followers
June 7, 2017
Olive's son convinces her that it is time to move into a retirement village in a old hotel. She sees the virtue in no longer having to cook and wash up- but doesn't want to give up her independence OR her gin and tonic down at her beach hut.

She finds some kindred spirits at the centre who are also bold enough to grow old disgracefully and join the 'wear purple' brigade. They discuss ways to bend the rules and enjoy a glass of gin away from 'Matron' and the escapades begin. I absolutely loved Olive, Randy and Veronica and their refusal to be be treated as though they were at boarding school and more like the Famous Three escaping on expeditions. You wondered what they were going to try next and how despairing Matron and Olive's son were going to be.

The beach hut community sounded wonderful and the idea of the gin club was born and I loved the way that the idea grew and became a wonderful reality and the beach hut community were always there for each other in more ways than one.

I'm not a gin drinker but I must admit that the descriptions of the different gins they sampled made me want t0 try a few of them and join the gin club to get my very own tokens for gin! Even the bottles sounded like something I needed to own!

Any book set by the coast is a winner for me and this was such an adorable read. You quickly engage with the characters- apart from Matron! You can imagine yourself trotting off to buy something purple to wear and compiling a bucket list for an octogenarian to complete, disgracefully refusing to get old. There are many funny and also many touching moments in the book. Catherine Miller has written a pure delight that you won't want to put down, apart from maybe to add a few ice cubes to a glass of gin just to join in with the spirit of things obviously!

I can't wait to read more by this author.

Profile Image for Vicki Bowles.
Author 1 book20 followers
June 8, 2017
Ah, Gin & Tonic. That most refreshing of alcoholic drinks, with hidden depths and mysterious ingredients, each different make of gin having its own character. Just like this book!

I want to be like Olive when I grow up (if that ever happens!). This feisty eighty year old lets no one boss her around. She is fiercely independent, and likes her own space. After a fall, she agrees to go into a retirement home - not a care home - but is devastated when her son says he is selling her beloved beach hut.

She soon finds new allies in her quest for the perfect gin in fellow residents Veronica and Randy, and the Three Amigos get up to some hilarious antics quite unexpected for people of a certain age. They certainly bemuse the local police. The theme of friendship and community is strong in the book, with Olive's beach hut neighbours rallying around her.

There's mystery involving the despicable Matron, a woman full of her own self-importance. Can the Three Amigos bring an end to her regime?

There are poignant moments, such as between Olive and her son Richard, who appears not to care what his mother actually wants. The relationship is obviously strained, the reasons for which become evident later on.

It's a wonderful, heart-warming story showing that age should have no boundaries.

I hope Catherine had as much fun researching her novel as I did reading it - I know I would have!

122 reviews3 followers
August 8, 2017
What a delight this book was. All the characters were brilliantly observed and the terrible trio Olive,Veronica and Randy were fabulous !
I was shouting at Richard,Olive's son all the time because he wouldn't leave Olive to do as she wanted but even turned out good in the end.
I could see this as a film it was that quirky and funny in places.
Profile Image for Yvonne Morgan.
200 reviews16 followers
November 27, 2018
Loved this book...3 of my

favs beach gin and a

beach hut...I raise my
glass of G&T of course to a lively charming and whitty read ...clink clink.
Profile Image for Kathryn Parry.
Author 8 books70 followers
October 29, 2018
The cover did put me off reading this story but I am so glad I did. Amazing characters and story and loved every line of it.
Profile Image for Sophie.
566 reviews33 followers
July 14, 2017
When I first heard about Catherine Miller’s new book, The Gin Shack on the Beach, I loved the sound of it. It’s altogether different from Catherine’s other books but there was something about it that drew me in and I am so glad I read it as this book is refreshingly feel-good entertainment with feisty characters, heartening friendships and laughs throughout. I loved this book from the opening paragraph and I read it in one go, eager to see more of the antics of Olive Turner and her friends.

At the beginning of the book we learn that Olive is giving up her home so she can move into retirement complex Oakley West, an idea thought up by her son Richard, of which she has a difficult relationship with. It’s evident Olive has past scars which have contributed to the difficult relationship with her son, and by the end of the first chapter I was both a big fan of Olive and hugely intrigued by her life and wanting to find out what makes Olive Olive, other than a big G&T of course!

Moving into Oakley West is one thing, but giving up her beach hut is something altogether different and Olive is not having it. The beach hut is her sanctuary and she can’t let anybody or anything get in the way of something that means so much.

I loved Olive’s character straight away. She’s very easy to warm to. She’s funny, kind, strong-willed and defiant. There was more feistiness in Olive’s character than you’d find in the most stubborn of teenagers and her attitude was one of the things I loved about her the most. She was more than capable of standing up for herself and her independence, and I laughed at some of the situations she found herself in as she tried to escape the retirement complex and return to her old ways.

I could understand why Olive would want to leave Oakley West, even if the Gin Shack Club didn’t exist. She has so much life left in her and is still very much switched on and a popular woman, so it made sense that she didn’t want to settle for a life of strict schedules and forced activities. Olive has no interest whatsoever in acting her age, and who could blame her. She is very easy to befriend and though she quickly gets along with the other residents of the retirement home, she misses her freedom. She craves that alone time she used to spend in her beach hut, she misses chatting to all her beach hut neighbours and she misses her once-nightly G&T, as she continues a tradition set by her and her late husband to find the perfect gin and tonic.

As Olive and her new friend Veronica sneak out of Oakley West one day, The Gin Shack Club is born and little do they know just how big the club is going to be. It seems everybody is just as eager to find the perfect G&T as they are, or at least it gives them a good excuse to drink another.

Sneaking out once is not enough for Olive and Veronica and a good part of this book sees them planning new ways to escape. I loved seeing their antics unfold, working out new ways to get out, getting into trouble (not just with Oakley West!), getting themselves out of trouble and making enemies with people just not as into the Gin Shack Club as everybody else is. This book is a whole lot of fun and as I was reading it, I found that I enjoyed it more because it’s not like anything I usually read. Of course the traits are still the same – a strong lead character, troubled pasts, plenty of friendship and frolics, but there was no need to categorise this and try and make a genre out of it. It was simply highly entertaining, and reading it was a great way to spend a day with a big smile on my face.

The Gin Shack on the Beach is truly laugh-out-loud funny and a whole heap of fun. It also shows the power and comfort of friendship and solidarity and how whatever your age, when you have your friends with you, you can be whoever you want to be. The Gin Shack Club is a genius idea and the way the author writes this book makes it very difficult to put down, as she combines the laughter from the Gin Shack along with Olive’s rebellion towards getting older and the tough relationship she has with her son. All I can say is, try not to read The Gin Shack on the Beach too quickly, as you will be dying for more once it ends! When I first heard about Catherine Miller’s new book, The Gin Shack on the Beach, I loved the sound of it. It’s altogether different from Catherine’s other books but there was something about it that drew me in and I am so glad I read it as this book is refreshingly feel-good entertainment with feisty characters, heartening friendships and laughs throughout. I loved this book from the opening paragraph and I read it in one go, eager to see more of the antics of Olive Turner and her friends.

At the beginning of the book we learn that Olive is giving up her home so she can move into retirement complex Oakley West, an idea thought up by her son Richard, of which she has a difficult relationship with. It’s evident Olive has past scars which have contributed to the difficult relationship with her son, and by the end of the first chapter I was both a big fan of Olive and hugely intrigued by her life and wanting to find out what makes Olive Olive, other than a big G&T of course!

Moving into Oakley West is one thing, but giving up her beach hut is something altogether different and Olive is not having it. The beach hut is her sanctuary and she can’t let anybody or anything get in the way of something that means so much.

I loved Olive’s character straight away. She’s very easy to warm to. She’s funny, kind, strong-willed and defiant. There was more feistiness in Olive’s character than you’d find in the most stubborn of teenagers and her attitude was one of the things I loved about her the most. She was more than capable of standing up for herself and her independence, and I laughed at some of the situations she found herself in as she tried to escape the retirement complex and return to her old ways.

I could understand why Olive would want to leave Oakley West, even if the Gin Shack Club didn’t exist. She has so much life left in her and is still very much switched on and a popular woman, so it made sense that she didn’t want to settle for a life of strict schedules and forced activities. Olive has no interest whatsoever in acting her age, and who could blame her. She is very easy to befriend and though she quickly gets along with the other residents of the retirement home, she misses her freedom. She craves that alone time she used to spend in her beach hut, she misses chatting to all her beach hut neighbours and she misses her once-nightly G&T, as she continues a tradition set by her and her late husband to find the perfect gin and tonic.

As Olive and her new friend Veronica sneak out of Oakley West one day, The Gin Shack Club is born and little do they know just how big the club is going to be. It seems everybody is just as eager to find the perfect G&T as they are, or at least it gives them a good excuse to drink another.

Sneaking out once is not enough for Olive and Veronica and a good part of this book sees them planning new ways to escape. I loved seeing their antics unfold, working out new ways to get out, getting into trouble (not just with Oakley West!), getting themselves out of trouble and making enemies with people just not as into the Gin Shack Club as everybody else is. This book is a whole lot of fun and as I was reading it, I found that I enjoyed it more because it’s not like anything I usually read. Of course the traits are still the same – a strong lead character, troubled pasts, plenty of friendship and frolics, but there was no need to categorise this and try and make a genre out of it. It was simply highly entertaining, and reading it was a great way to spend a day with a big smile on my face.

The Gin Shack on the Beach is truly laugh-out-loud funny and a whole heap of fun. It also shows the power and comfort of friendship and solidarity and how whatever your age, when you have your friends with you, you can be whoever you want to be. The Gin Shack Club is a genius idea and the way the author writes this book makes it very difficult to put down, as she combines the laughter from the Gin Shack along with Olive’s rebellion towards getting older and the tough relationship she has with her son. All I can say is, try not to read The Gin Shack on the Beach too quickly, as you will be dying for more once it ends!
Profile Image for Joanne.
1,363 reviews32 followers
May 25, 2017
Okay I admit to being a bit of a gin-lover so there was no way I was going to be able to resist a book with this title! The star of the show in this book is Olive Turner, a lady in her eighties who loves nothing more than spending time at her beach hut, testing out various combinations of gin and tonic in search of the perfect blend and she's not averse to a bit skinny-dipping either! After a couple of incidents at home, she agrees to move to a retirement home Oakley West. This seems an attractive prospect as someone else will be cooking and cleaning and Olive will have more to enjoy life, However, it doesn't quite work out like that and soon Olive is planning ways to escape to her beloved beach hut with a few of the other residents.

I loved the character of Olive. From the very first paragraph she was doing and saying things that made me laugh out loud. She is exactly the kind of old lady I would hope to be: "these days she didn't get two hoots what anyone thought.....The only person she planned to please these days was Olive Turner." A perfect philosophy for life and possibly one that should be adopted before reaching old age. She was an intelligent woman who didn't see why she should stop doing the things she loved based on a little thing like age!

From quite early on, it became apparent that there had been some event in Olive's life which had caused great sadness and had certainly affected her relationship with her son Richard. I wasn't keen on Richard at first as he seemed determined that he knew what was best for his mum and didn't listen to Olive's opinions at all. As the story went on, the reader begins to guess at what has happened in the past and why the mother and son don't get on as well as they might. The two become closer when they begin to talk about what has happened.

The Gin Shack on the Beach is a warm and funny book about friendship, growing old disgracefully and gin! Perfect summer reading, or for anytime really when you want a feel-good and uplifting read. Now I'm off to have G&T - cheers!
Profile Image for Kaisha (The Writing Garnet).
655 reviews182 followers
June 6, 2017
All reviews can be found on my blog at https://thewritinggarnet.wordpress.com

Finding out that Catherine Miller's third novel was going to be about gin, really did surprise me; especially as her previous two novels had quite a serious topic for the storyline. I was aware that the author wanted to try something new, but, as someone who isn't allowed to drink alcohol, I wasn't sure what to make of the concept.


It didn't matter whether I drank alcohol, liked alcohol, didn't like alcohol, or fancied dressing up as a llama whilst necking several tequila, the storyline of 'The Gin Shack' was absolutely brilliant! To be honest, the entire novel was cleverly written - it blew any umm-ing and ahh-ing of out of the water.

Olive has reached a time in her life where her mind thinks she's 20, but her body tells her that she's eighty-wonderful. Unfortunately, Olive's son is concerned about leaving her sharp mind and her weakening body alone to care for herself. As far as Olive is concerned, moving into a care home is going to be bliss; no cooking!! There is one major downside to that move; no free access to her beach hut.....

I fell in love with Olive's character straight away, whilst at the same time disliking her son's character. He annoyed me big time! As for Olive, I'm surprised her beach hut was able to accommodate her personality, it's larger than life! I adored her cheeky and free-spirited side, aka the 'not giving a f....' side, she couldn't give two hoots whether people liked what she got up to, all that mattered was whether Olive was happy. What exactly is wrong with that?

There is so much more to Catherine Miller's latest novel than just gin, and it's very moving.
There were times throughout the storyline where I felt incredibly sorry for Olive. All she wanted to do was keep her hobbies, it wasn't really asking for much yet for Olive it was as though she had lost part of her. Aside from the fact that this book is mostly about gin, the storyline does have a back story to it and most of the characters are more than what they seem. You'll find out when you read it!

I wish I could sit here and explain my views a little better, but if I did that I wouldn't be too popular due to spoilers. Soooo it means that this review is quite tricky to write. Apologies!

Olive is the sort of person that everyone should have in their lives; she has sparkle, confidence, a big heart, as well as a touching back story which will no doubt make you have 'something in your eye'. I love her to pieces.

In my eyes, Catherine Miller has done it yet again! She has written such a memorable, heart-warming, soul-searching, addictive and magical novel which warmed my body from the tips of my toes, to the top of my head. Catherine Miller's enticing words made me giggle, sigh, and for the first time ever, make me feel as though I was 'one of the gang' (even though I don't drink). To an outsider, a Gin Shack may seem to be a waste of time or pointless. But, to Olive, her friends, and now the readers of Miller's brand new book, 'The Gin Shack' is THE book to read and losing yourself in. Yes it's funny at times. Yes it's bonkers at times. Yes there is copious amounts of gin. But you know what? I have never, ever felt more at home in a storyline as I have with Catherine Miller's.

Such a fantastic, fun, and moving novel, perfect for reminding you of what is TRULY important in life (alongside gin). Out-gin-standing. The Gin Shack is my top hug in a book, book ever.

Catherine Miller is definitely an author to watch in 2017; phenomenal work as always.

Huge thanks to HQ Digital UK & Catherine Miller!
1,383 reviews20 followers
May 22, 2017
Olive, an octogenarian, and her son Richard do not agree on where or how she should live. To make his busy lawyer’s life easier, Richard has convinced his mother to move to a retirement home. However, Olive does not particularly like the martinet manager who runs the home, a former hotel, like a prison camp. Along with a couple of the friends she meets at the retirement home, who share similar feelings, Olive opens a “gin shack” in the beach shack Olive owns on the the nearby beach. The trio, along with a few friends, plan to taste different gins, searching for the perfect gin and tonic (something Olive has been doing all her life). Soon, the gin shack has dozens of members, all eager to be part of the enterprise. Meanwhile, the retirement home martinet manager has different ideas, and gets the police to close this gin shack, because they innocently have begun serving drinks for money without a license. However, this does not stop the group, who next lease a defunct bar, fixing it up to become the new gin shack. Again, the enterprise attracts hordes of locals as well as tourists, who learn about the shack, once its existence goes viral. Again, there is an attempt to close the place down by this same martinet, but little do they or the reader know that she has her own secrets and nefarious reasons for this action, all of which come out in a well-done, unexpected ending.

This book is a fantastic read. Olive is a feisty older woman, both strong and loving. I did not particularly like her son Richard at the beginning, but, as the story progressed, he began to come around. In addition, as the story progressed, the secret this mother and son share, which had kept them largely apart for years, while driving each to be who she/he had become as well as distant from each other, was revealed. This is such a fantastic story, I wonder why no one had ever thought of the story line before (I have not read anything along this line anywhere, and I read and have read a lot). I loved the three main octogenarian characters, who were all done extremely well and complimented each other perfectly. In addition, the other characters in the story were well done and also fit in nicely, fleshing Olive’s story out. I admit I was a bit surprised at the ending. I saw part of it coming, but not with the twist the author included. I figure this is the start of a series about Olive and life, so am eagerly awaiting the next installment and hope it is as good as this one. The book moves along at a steady pace, and is both serious and funny. Reading this book has made me want to read the author’s other books, hoping they are as good a read. I highly recommend this book. It is a perfect summer or beach read. Finally, if I could give it more than five start, I would, as it certainly deserves that. I received this from NetGalley to read and review.

Profile Image for Marie.
29 reviews2 followers
June 5, 2017
I absolutely loved it! This is a 5 star book all the way and I’m only sorry that it ended.

What a refreshing change of plot to have a main character as a feisty and fun, eighty-something woman. Frankly, I am getting a bit tired of reading about middle aged women like myself and this was a real breath of fresh air.

Olive is such a character and the author lets you know it right from the first page. She is facing a change, like many of her age, of going into a retirement home which she rather resents even though she knows in her heart that it is the right move.

What Olive really objects to is the loss of using her very precious beach hut aka the “Gin Shack” which holds very poignant memories for her of life with her husband before he died.

Reading about what Olive gets up to at the retirement home is a lot of fun and she quickly makes friends with some other ‘rebels’ there.

As well as being tremendously fun read, the book also explores some very serious subjects including the way Olive feels about the loss of her independence, the difficult relationship between her and her very straight-laced son, her heart-breaking past and wanting to embrace life as much as possible despite getting older.

I think it would be very hard to read this and not completely adore this character. I found myself getting cross on Olive’s behalf on a number of occasions and particularly when other people were treating her beloved beach hut with such a lack of respect. I found myself saying “how dare they” out loud - that’s how involved I got with the read.

I am so glad I read this book and it is worth a lot more than the standard holiday read. This is something really different.

I don’t even drink G&T but it had me craving it with all the different concoctions going on. I shall be looking out for this author again.

I voluntarily reviewed an advance copy of this book and have given my honest opinion of it.
Profile Image for Ems. (afternoonbookery).
344 reviews35 followers
October 10, 2017
Sometimes the search for the perfect G&T can lead you to all sorts of places. The Beach, The Retirement home or even the bar. Olive is a larger than life, gin loving, sea dipping elder who is persuaded by her son to move into a retirement home and despite beileveing he had it wrong, maybe Olive has found the key to an easy life after all - she doesn't have to cook, clean or wash up and has a wonderful view of the coastline.

The only downside is she can't visit her beloved beach hut - that has never stopped Olive though, she is already working out the best way to get down to the beach for her gin ( a woman after my own heart ) With the help of her new found friends it isn't long before more than Olive want in on the action. What starts as something small for a bit of fun leads us into all sorts of situations.

The Gin Shack On The Beach is a full of life and zesty read perfect whilst sampling a G&T. Olive is a wonderful character - alot older than the MC i usually read about but had me laughing out loud, she is the sort of woman that everyone wants to be friends with no matter what the age. She has a wonderful group of friends around her, each as mischievous as the others.

Her son however was a different kettle of fish, and i felt for a while he was cold, selfish and beileved his mum was past it - yet as i spent time getting to know him my feelings changed, i think he just hadn't spent time learning about his mum instead just focusing on what he felt was right and wrong. Matron was a whole other ballpark and if i start my thoughts on her ill never finish.

The narrative was steadily paced, and was filled with moments of warmth, love and drama. Gin, we cannot forget to mention the wondrous gin - as soon as i started this i was craving a gin & hit up the pub in search of my own perfect G&T - im not quite there yet, but i am enjoying Sipsmith and fever tree tonic (in case you wondered!)

I would whole heartily recommend a visit to the Gin Shack and i cannot wait to stop by for Christmas.
Profile Image for Heather.
594 reviews10 followers
September 13, 2018

I picked up this book because it is precisely a genre that I don't think we can ever have enough of - old lady chick lit!

Give me stories of older women in charge of their own lives; finding new passions; doing whatever they want!  I'll read them all.  Give me more old ladies defying their fussy children and skinny dipping at the beach. 

This book also made me really, really want a beach hut even though I don't live by the beach and even if I did, they aren't a thing here. 

Olive moves into a home where everyone cares about safety to the point of not allowing the residents to live.  This is actually a huge problem for older people.  If you can't do anything other than what is super-safe, you don't get to do anything fun.

I was intrigued by the gin combinations that are discussed here.  I wish there were some recipes for the cocktails discussed.  I don't drink so I have no idea if I like gin or not but this book made me want to try some.  I feel like I wouldn't like a gin and tonic at all but the gin with violet syrup that tasted like candied violets sounded interesting.  I'm not sure if the rhubarb one sounded good or not but they were fans of it in the book. 

I didn't care much for the bit of mystery in the book.  I was just here for the characters and their adventures!This review was originally posted on Based On A True Story
225 reviews53 followers
June 10, 2017
Wow, what a lovely story! The book captured me from the start, from it's eye-catching cover (how pretty is it?!) to the title. Catherine Miller is a great author and really made me not want to put the book down!

The book follows Olive, a woman in her eighties who LOVES gin with a passion. After her son moved her into a retirement home, Olive made it her mission to sneak out and visit her beach shack as often as she could. Along the way there is drama, mystery and friendships blooming - all around the love of gin.

This particular storyline is different to what I usually read I admit as I usually tend to pick out a love story (I know, typical), but from the start of this one I was drawn in by the humour and by just how beautifully it was written. The characters all went together lovely and their friendships were well thought out and if I'm honest I just think this whole book was really interesting and entertaining.

If you thought that from the description of the book that you wouldn't enjoy it - or it's not for you then I urge you to think again! A brilliant book and I can't wait to read more of Catherine Miller's novels.
Profile Image for Johanna (jojreads).
261 reviews5 followers
June 14, 2020
This was such a pleasant, quick read!
Olive is an octogenarian who has moved into a very regimented retirement home at the wish of her son, Richard. Olive doesn’t mind giving up her home; in fact, she’s more than happy to have someone cook her meals, clean for her and wash her clothing, but what she does resent is the loss of her freedom to come and go as she pleases. Olive has a little beach hut she enjoys visiting for some quiet time, and to enjoy a tasty gin & tonic while she’s there, but it quickly becomes apparent that this enjoyable outing will be taken from Olive as well. Olive teams up with some of the other like-minded residents from her retirement home to sneak out during the evening and enjoy a tipple, and soon a little gin lovers club is formed. The book goes on to have some dramatics, hijinks and a bit of mystery, and was just so enjoyable. There were mouthwatering depictions of some lovely gins and their mixers, which has me longing to run to the store so I can make some of these refreshing concoctions. I will enjoy reading the sequel, Christmas at the Gin Shack, when it’s a bit more seasonally appropriate!
Profile Image for Sharon.
1,815 reviews
May 13, 2018
This is Book #1 of the Gin Shack series. I have to admit that I have read these out of order, and therefore have read Book #2 before this one! They both can be read as standalone novels, although I did find it difficult to understand the story by reading them out of order.

Having read the 2nd book first, I had a good idea of the story for this book anyway. Obviously the title gives it away. It’s about a Gin Shack on the beach. Now I like gin as much as the next person, but gin on the beach has to be something that I need to try! Olive’s son Richard is trying to persuade Olive to move into a retirement home. She is dead set against the idea, but eventually agrees on the condition that she can still visit her beach shack.

I definitely enjoyed this book more than the second one. It has sun, sea, sand and gin by the bucket load – what more could you want in a book! It was a fun read and would make perfect holiday reading!
1,599 reviews7 followers
June 22, 2017
When Olive has a minor stroke she feels that her son might have a point about her moving into a home and so she agrees to go but only as long as she can keep her beloved beach hut - especially as it has a chest full of her speciality gins!

Once in the home she starts to feel claustrophobic - she is not allowed out in the evenings or on her own so how can she get to the beach hut - then she recognises Veronica - she has seen her at the beach in the early mornings so she must have an escape plan - and then she befriends Randy and suddenly their Friday night escape becomes the gin party and escalates beyond belief......but who would want to sabotage it and why?

A great book with the brilliant antics of the 80 somethings from skinny dipping to solving crimes and bringing a whole beach community together and all in the name of gin!
Profile Image for Shelley.
74 reviews
July 16, 2017
Thank you to NetGalley, Harper Collins UK and the author Catherine for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is such a cute book. I really enjoyed reading this...... perhaps this has something to do with Gin. I love how many different Gin's are in here along with giving lots of good tips for the 'perfect G&T'. Some of them I hadn't tried, so I will be sure to give some of the recipes a go!

Its a lovely story that is well written, again beachside stories are always a favourite of mine but had a good bit of mystery and I certainly wasn't expecting the ending to happen quite like it did.

Great for a holiday read and would definitely recommend it for someone looking for a light and easy read.

Would definitely read more from this author.
Profile Image for Jane Willis.
180 reviews12 followers
May 27, 2017
I received a copy through Netgalley.

Although I am a couple of decades behind Olive in terms of age, I am already making plans to grow old Disgracefully, and now I've read this, I will be using Olive as my role model. Making colourful friends of all ages, skinny dipping on the beach at dawn and swilling gin there at dusk sounds like my idea of a perfect old age.

Unfortunately Olive's son doesn't see it that way, and after she experiences a few "senior moments" she agrees with him that it is time to move into a retirement home. But neither of them realises just how much the matron there will try to curb Olive's freedom, nor how complex, hilarious and ultimately rewarding Olive's reaction to that will be.

A great read with an unusual story.
Profile Image for Petra Quelch.
Author 3 books8 followers
July 3, 2017
This is probably the first time I read a book with an octogenarian heroine, but at the same time, I must admit Olive's character didn't feel like an octogenarian. I could so easily picture her young, free and determined to get the most out of her life. Olive loved a glass of gin and the perfect view of the sea that is why escaping the home and setting up The Gin Shack on the beach is the best thing that happened to Oliva and her besties!
I adored absolutely everything about this book! The fantastic and utterly fun paced story to the charming heroine who is so determined to slow her her time! I highly recommend this book to take with you on your holidays!
Profile Image for Carol Thomas.
Author 8 books25 followers
August 1, 2017
What a lovely surprise this book was! Olive is by far the oldest heroine I have encountered, because of this I wasn't sure how gripping I would find her story and gin loving antics but I was very quickly hooked. I willed Olive to find the happiness her lovely character deserved, I enjoyed the relationships between her and her friends and laughed out loud at her list of reasons why 'life is too short' not to make the most of it. There was so much to like, including the development of the relationship between Olive and her son and the unexpected twist at the end of the story. I have greatly enjoyed all of Catherine Miller's books so far and look forward to the next.
Profile Image for Amy Crick.
83 reviews1 follower
August 21, 2017
Olive isn't thrilled with the idea of moving into a retirement home, but as long as she can visit her beach hut, she gives into her son Richard's request to move.

Olive as well as several of the characters are feisty, funny and full of life. Olive doesn't like having a set schedule that dictates when she should do certain things at the retirement home, and she finds her own way to visit her beach hut when she chooses.

For me, this was a light read and nothing to knock my socks off while reading it. A good book to read while enjoying a beach trip of your own.

Profile Image for Michelle.
380 reviews
July 21, 2017
Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for a copy of this book.

Fun easy to read story about a lady in her 80's who moves into a residential home and tries every trick possible to escape to her beloved beach hut and her gin collection.

Made a nice change to read a story where the main character is an older lady. Hope I'm as active as Olive when I get to her age.

Profile Image for Jo Hurst.
626 reviews4 followers
August 28, 2018
This was a lovely book that was also tinged with sadness that made me cry near the end. Olive needs to change her life but her moving into retirement quarters and the subsequent events makes her change in ways she hadn’t bargained for. Not enough about the gin for the gin enthusiasts who maybe drawn to the title of the book but for those of us familiar with the delights of the Thanet coastline the setting is an added bonus.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 51 reviews

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