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Blue Unicorn #1

The Glamour Thieves

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Book one in the Blue Unicorn series

JT is an orc on the way up. He’s got his own boutique robotics shop, high-end clientele, and deep-pocketed investors. He’s even mentoring an orc teen who reminds him a bit too much of himself back in the day.

Then Austin shows up, and the elf’s got the same hard body and silver tongue as he did two years ago when they used to be friends and might have been more. He’s also got a stolen car to bribe JT to saying yes to one last stealing the virtual intelligence called Blue Unicorn.

Soon JT’s up to his tusks in trouble, and it ain’t just zombies and Chinese triads threatening to tear his new life apart. Austin wants a second chance with JT — this time as more than just a friend—and even the Blue Unicorn is trying to play matchmaker.

Word 46,800; page 177

177 pages, ebook

First published April 25, 2017

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Don Allmon

6 books39 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 97 reviews
Profile Image for K.J. Charles.
Author 63 books10.5k followers
September 3, 2017
I enjoyed this hi tech elf/orc m/m heist fantasy sci fi romance with masses of sex and no HEA *enormously*. If you have issues with any of the above, move on.

Written with glee, with a lovely pair of flawed heroes and a keen appreciation of its own absurdity, while *not* being annoyingly tongue in cheek. The adventure romps, the MCs' mutual pining is real and emotional and raw, the sex is hot if you don't mind the associated elf orc weird stuff which...is admittedly *quite* weird at points, the worldbuilding manages to be completely clear but incredibly understated in a masterful way, and I am dying to find out What Happens Next in the ongoing story. I glommed it in a sitting.
Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,438 reviews504 followers
October 17, 2020
3.5 Stars

Different and unique, this is cyberpunk meets urban fantasy in a quasi-dystopian alternate universe!

I don’t want to go into laborious detail about this book. It features an orc and an elf who were once lovers and thieves before tragedy broke them apart. The orc is trying to go legit but the elf is determined to find answers about said tragedy, and lures the orc back in without telling him all the facts.

Ensue some pretty awesome action and suspense, with some crazy magical hijinks both traditional and high tech, and these two find themselves (and the various company they keep) fighting for their very survival.

This is not a straightforward second chance romance. There's a pesky other somebody that kinda sorta gets in the way for awhile, and elf and orc avoid what they really want from each other for unsaid frustrating reasons.

Fast paced, at times explicitly explicit, this had some good bones. Ending on a tentative HFN, romance lovers beware the aforementioned nontraditional progression as lives are in danger, truths are discovered, and feelings are not made known. Regardless, I’m intrigued and happy to say that I look forward to reading the next 2 installments!
Profile Image for Teal.
608 reviews235 followers
November 19, 2018
**** 4.5 stars ****

What an awesome mashup of cyberpunk science fiction and urban fantasy, featuring AIs and orcs, virtual realities and elves, high-tech weapons systems and necromancers. The world-building is rich and complex; best of all, backstory is gradually revealed rather than info-dumped onto the reader's hapless head. In fact, lots of history -- like the Awakening by which creatures like orcs and elves came to exist in our world -- isn't elaborated on, but will doubtless be revealed as the series continues. I love that approach to world-building. Love it.

Another thing I love is that this is most emphatically NOT a formulaic romance... if it can even be called a romance at all. I expect that over the course of the series the story will work toward an HEA. But in this book it's not even clear at first who the love interest is. There are not one but two (two!! how did I get so lucky?!) second-chance romance opportunities.

JT and Austin were once best friends and fuck buddies (although feelings were deeper and far more convoluted than either of them could understand or articulate). JT and Buzz were never an item, but not because of any lack of effort on JT's part... more because of that whole biting thing that orcs are prone to. His reunion with Buzz goes something like this:

"Keep away from me, you cannibal!"

...That worked JT's nerves. "It's not cannibalism if you ain't the same species, Buzz. It's just dinner."

OMG, I would have liked to see that explored in more detail. Maybe in the next book. Which I'm buying, even though I could read it for free from Hoopla, because I want to support this author. If he keeps this up, he'll have a place on my favorite authors list.

If this sounds at all interesting to you, take a minute to check out Kristen Burns's excellent review as well.
Profile Image for Kit (Metaphors and Moonlight).
947 reviews146 followers
September 1, 2017
4.5 Stars

*I received an ecopy of this book via NetGalley. This has not influenced my review.*

This book was fantastic! I saw the title and the cover, and I was interested. I saw the genre was sci-fi/fantasy, and I was still interested. I started reading the blurb and saw the word 'orc,' and I was sold. I didn't even finish reading the blurb before deciding I wanted this. And it did not disappoint.

The writing, the characters, the characters' voices---that was what made it so amazing. Their voices were so strong, well-written, and different from what I normally find. Harder, raunchier, grittier. I want to say it's exactly what you'd expect an orc to be like, but, to be honest, I don't know anything about orcs. It was definitely not what you'd expect an elf to be like though, which only made it even more interesting.

Speaking of the creatures, as I mentioned, I didn't actually know anything about orcs, but I love uncommon supernatural creatures, so I loved that the main character was one. The orcs were pretty cool, different from other creatures I'd read about. They even had tusks! Elves are markedly more common, but it was still cool seeing this author's take on those too.

There wasn't as much emotion as there normally is in the books I give 4.5 stars to, but there was enough. I felt for these characters, especially JT. They were hard and tough. They were thieves and hackers and adrenaline junkies and the type of people (or supernatural beings) who enjoyed getting each other off while driving at ungodly, one-wrong-move-and-you're-dead speeds on the magway. They could be real jerks sometimes. But they still had real emotions. They still felt pain over past hurts. They still worried about others. They still wanted to be loved.

And the sex. There was quite a lot of it considering the length of the book, and it was not for those with delicate sensibilities. It was just as rough and hard and gritty as the rest of the book but still sexy as hell because you could tell how much the characters enjoyed it.

This book also had a really cool urban fantasy/futuristic cyberpunk mash-up. There were orcs and elves and wizards and mancers. But there were also advanced technologies, cars that drove themselves or that you drove with just your mind, virtual reality laid over the real city, technology that basically allowed telepathy (including the ability to simulate touch to another person). JT was even able to feel what the car felt, like the wind, once he connected to it.

The only negative thing I can say is that there probably could've been more to the plot since the book was short and the plot itself mostly just consisted of driving and fighting some baddies, plus a romance that wasn't resolved yet. The book was more about getting to know the characters and the past relationship between JT and Austin. But this is going to be a trilogy, I believe, so maybe there's a good reason for the plot in this one being what it was. And I was able to pretty much overlook this because of how much I liked the rest.

So overall, this book was gritty and sexually charged with unique character voices, the plot was action-packed, the orcs and elves were interesting, and the characters were all hard edges but still with enough emotion to make them seem real and to make me feel invested!

Recommended For:
Anyone who likes M/M, cyberpunk/urban fantasy mash-ups, uncommon supernatural creatures, and gritty, raunchy, hard-edged characters.

Original Review @ Metaphors and Moonlight


First Thoughts:
This was fantastic! Gritty and sexually charged with scenes that were action-packed and characters that were hard-edged but still felt emotions and seemed real. I'm thinking 4.5 stars. Full review soon!
Profile Image for Eugenia.
1,788 reviews294 followers
July 31, 2020
Cyberpunk Love, Mayhem, and a Bumpy Ride.....3.5 Stars.....

Welcome to sometime in the future. A time after the Awakening, which I assume to be when magic came upon the earth again. This is not explained. Actually, many things are not explained in this, my first book by this author.

At times this book was simply awesome:
-Intriguing characters
-Fascinating world
-Crazy technology
-Sexy green orcs with tusks
-Magical elves with fruit-flavored emissions (YUM!)
-No info-dumps

And at times it was a mess:
-Little details into the actual world itself
-Crazy flashbacks in the middle of scenes...THIS DROVE ME NUTS! Sometimes it was hard to tell "when" I was. Other times, this was done very smoothly.
-POV's from characters other than the MC's.
-Nothing feels resolved at the end. The MC's were messing around with other people and each other. They had history, sure, but I wasn't sure what the through line here was. I suppose I can give it up for originally to the author for writing outside the box.
-Sometimes the action was hard to follow; sometimes not.

So, I hemmed and hawed about this one. Three or four, three or four? I settled in the middle and rounded up for originality amongst all the confusion.

Oh, and that car scene!!!!!! To die for!!
Profile Image for Gabi.
678 reviews115 followers
October 7, 2019
Just a messy review, don't have time.

I think it's the perfect length, even though there are a ton of questions left unanswered. Such as, what happened to the humans? how this world came about, with orcs and elves and wizards? It is most definitely a post-apocalyptic, futuristic fantasy world. What happened to Austin and JT in the past, how they got captured and why, and how did they get away? So yeah a lot of questions, I'm hoping to get answers.

Lots of action with guns, and all kinds of high-tech stuff. Just what I wanted. At times I didn't know what the hell they were talking about though, I'm not a tech-savvy.

There is romance in this book in my opinion. A best friends to lovers and second chance romance. But it's kinda a love triangle, not really but there is 3 person involved. And no HEA, yet at least, so I gues I'm reading the whole series. :)

And awww the little foxy, hehe. :)

And I know you're dying to ask, yes, there is orc/elf sex. HOT!

Profile Image for Erica.
1,662 reviews35 followers
September 26, 2021
2021 Re-Read:

I love this series so much I have to force myself not to read it too often so I don't "wear it out". I love it so much I bought paperback copies—not to read or anything, just to sit on my shelf and be pretty.

Original 2017 Review:

This is what it would be like if a game of Shadowrun came to life. This is what it would be like if Neal Stephenson wrote LGBT fiction. This is what it would be like if Neuromancer and the Lord of the Rings trilogy had a beautiful gay baby. This is the best thing I've read all year.
Profile Image for Len Evans Jr.
1,473 reviews225 followers
July 27, 2018
OK... might add more to this later, but just wanted to leave a few thoughts for now. First off, if you go into this book expecting a HEA or HFN then don't. As far as I can tell Austion and JT will not be getting their HEA until book 3 is released November 19 2018. That said... I still enjoyed this book immensely, the author did a very good job of balancing the action, sex and the actual story he is telling quite well. The world-building is well done with a lot of interesting stuff. I look forward to fuller exploring the somewhat dystopian world mixed with fantasy elements are the series progresses. This is the first m/m book I have read with orc/human and orc/elf pairings and I was not quite sure how well I would like it due to things like tusks that get in the way sometimes, etc. However I really enjoyed it, in fact the sex scenes were quite hot and although there is no overt romance there are a lot of foreshadows of what is to come later. Also, I am just starting book 2 which we get to see Buzz from this first book's story. I really liked him this this book so am expecting good things from book 2.
Profile Image for Gem (The Creepy Geek).
506 reviews250 followers
May 29, 2023
Probably more like 3.5. As much as I enjoyed it I couldn’t rate it 4.

It was good for what it was and I would consider reading the rest of the series but I was disappointed with the lack of world building and the way we didn’t really go into the characters backgrounds. It was all mentioned, all teased but I feel like I don’t really know it at all.

Lots of potential but I think it needed to be longer with more plot and character development. I still enjoyed it, but mostly by looking at it as smutty fanfic! That really helped.

I did like the characters, especially JT, but again I felt like way more needed to be said about their backstory and growth.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ije the Devourer of Books.
1,830 reviews55 followers
August 14, 2017
Not a great hit with me unfortunately because I really liked the blurb.

When I read the blurb for this story I immediately wanted to read it. I kept a look out for it on Netgalley and when it finally arrived it went straight to the top of my review pile (and yes I have a substantial review pile). There was just something about an adventure with an orc and an elf that sounded both intriguing and innovative.

And to be honest it was innovative and intriguing but it just didn't grab me.

I thought the story was a bit slow for the first 50%. This may be because the first part of the story was focused on world building, introducing the characters and kind of setting the scene for the story and it managed to do this but it just wasn't interesting for me. There was also a flash back in this first part of the book which was actually a sex scene from the past and I don't think that added anything to either the world building or the development of the characters. For me a sex scene needs to be really integrated in the story and somehow move things along and I felt it just didn't do that and so overall the first part of the book kind of fell flat.

There was a lot to get to grips with in the first part of the story which isn't a problem normally but for some reason it just didn't flow for me. There was the world, the characters, their pasts, their powers, the enemies and all this different sci fi technology. Each of these aspects of the story were well thought out but I felt something was lacking in the way the aspects unfolded as the story progressed.

This is the first time that I am reading anything by this author and so it could be that I just haven't clicked with the author's writing style.

But I did click with the characters towards the end of the book. From 60% onwards I felt the story started flowing and it felt as if each character really came into their own and the story became more comprehensive.

But alas in summary, this story didn't really work for me which is fine because I don't think every story has been written for me and I am sure there are plenty of readers who will love this.

Having said all this I am still glad I read it because the characters are unique. I haven't read any mm stories with orcs in them, especially orcs who build cars and this is what attracted me to the story in the first place. So I am pleased I read it to the end even though I didn't really enjoy it

Copy provided by Riptide Publishing via Netgalley in exchange for an unbiased review.
Profile Image for Kathleen.
1,394 reviews131 followers
June 23, 2018
4.5 stars

Wow, what a wild ride! I was enthralled with the phenomenal world building, fascinating and deeply flawed characters, and the extraordinary story. It was an incredible blend of cyberpunk, urban fantasy, and science fiction. I can hardly wait to find out what happens next!
Profile Image for Ami.
6,041 reviews491 followers
August 29, 2017
2.75 stars rounded up

I was immediately intrigued with the blurb when I saw this being listed at Netgalley. First, ORC! Yep, orc and elf. While I read a number of urban fantasy books with elves, I don't think I've read many with orcs as main character and protagonists. Second, the allusion that JT and Austin had history previously. Second-chance romance will always be a favorite trope of mine. I wanted to know why it didn't work between them before and how would JT and Austin found a way back to each other again.

Unfortunately, I had trouble when I tried to figure out the universe of this novel. One important thing when it comes to urban fantasy books for me is the ability for the author to introduce the world so I can easily understand what is happening. In here, I felt that the particular aspect didn't flow as smoothly as I wanted.

There were references to previous events or other characters that were not known to me as a reader. I also didn't understand how Austin's glamour really works -- did it also influence feeling?? So I was quite confused with many things: the players, the events, the technologies, the magical power!! It wasn't really fun reading experience.

HOWEVER, I was excited with a number of things. There were times the emotional conflict between JT and Austin felt strong, I wanted them to work things out. Although their background didn't feel flesh out enough, I was quite invested with JT and Austin's relationship. I was a bit disappointed that the ending felt more like HFN, though.

Some things excited me. Some things confused me. All in all, I felt rather indifferent. But it wasn't bad enough for me to say that I disliked it. Thus the rounded-up 'just okay' rating of mine. Not sure if it's enough for me to check out the sequel ... I just have to wait and see.

The ARC is provided by the publisher via Netgalley for an exchange of fair and honest review. No high rating is required for any ARC received.
Profile Image for Terri Jones.
2,536 reviews48 followers
October 16, 2018
It feels like this story was written with my specific demographic in mind. After decades of reading science fiction and fantasy, I know all those tropes, and I've spent two years reading mostly m/m romances since my own novel's MC went and fell for one of his teammates - I needed to learn a new set of tropes. This book: orcs and elves have entered the world, science and magic conflict, the main orc's a techie, his former lover's an elf, and when they try to rescue part of a friend (yes you read that right), nothing goes right. Best of all, there is way more here than the plot, or the conflict between the two guys. And best of all that? The end is left swinging over a possible HEA, and the epilogue is intriguing. Without making me feel at all cheated. Beautiful!

So, yeah. If you fit the demographic or want something unusual, this is good.

*I read it via NetGalley, so if you're on there, request the ebook. It's one of the few free books I'd happily read again before I read the second book.
Profile Image for Abi (The Knights Who Say Book).
640 reviews110 followers
September 2, 2017
(ebook from Netgalley)
Uh... I don't know about this one. It was enjoyable, but a bunch of problems immediately come to mind.

Things about this book:

1. It has really cool world building. It's a blend of magic and technology that hints at some kind of huge change that took place on Earth 40 years before that led to mutant species, and it's very interesting and has a lot of potential. And I think it used a reasonable amount of that potential.

2. It has a lot of sex. And it's very graphic. I'm sure that's a plus for some people. It wasn't for me. And yes, that one's sort of on me — I need to learn the take the time to look up the content of non-YA books before blindly requesting them because of one recommendation on tumblr. I've had this problem before. Like, three times. I'm not smart. Anyway, I ended up skimming a lot of text because of that.

3. Mutual pining trope! It's wonderful. Especially in Austen's chapters. This elf is a mess.

4. The ending... what is the ending? It ends in a sort of cute way, but without any real closure. And then there's a cliffhanger to set up for the next book, which I can forgive, but I have issues with the real ending, because the characters are basically saying they're not going to change anything, even though their actions say otherwise? Work it out, you two!

5. The plot was mostly very good — like I said, it really explored this cool mesh of magic/technology. But after about two fight scenes and some angst, it was over. It's a little too short, and despite those epic fight scenes, ends a little too easily. I feel like the implications of the Blue Unicorn and how it connected to JT and Austen's past weren't explored enough.

6. The book has a really cool backstory that isn't explained all the way. You get information on it scattered throughout the book, which is done nicely, but I think we could have used more of it, especially because the angst of the main story depends on that shared backstory. If the book were longer and perhaps done in the alternating chapter format of telling both stories at once, I think it would have worked very well.
Profile Image for Allison.
1,705 reviews13 followers
December 25, 2018
I actually loved this. This is not my usual type of book, too often fantasy goes off the rails for me when it gets too detailed in the world building, but this was perfect. I didn't always understand everything completely but I didn't care that much because I was swept along by the story. I will definitely be reading the other two books in the series.
Profile Image for Antonella.
1,416 reviews
November 29, 2018
I loved this book and I'm going to by the two following installments. Very intriguing universe, gripping story. On the negative side: too much sex and a cliffhanger.
Profile Image for Elena Linville.
Author 0 books88 followers
September 17, 2017
This book could have been great. It could have been the first book in a new series that I would have really wanted to follow. It had so much potential… and the fact that it frittered it away is extremely frustrating.

The little bit of worlbuilding we get hints at an interesting world. It's set in the future, so technologies are quite advanced, especially augmented reality, implants, and the connection to the World Wide Web that allows you to experience VR with all five senses. But we also get mentions of a worldwide catastrophe that changed something in the people's genome so that some were able to do magic. Oh, and orcs and elves became a reality.

There is so much potential in this! The author could have hooked me and kept me going if only he'd thrown a few more hints here and there about that catastrophe, or more about how the orcs and elves became so common place. Where they always there, but just hiding? Or did they come through the cracks in reality at the same time as humans became capable of magic? Or are they also a result of human mutation? Sadly, we get no answers.

I would have loved to have more background on JT and Austin, on their relationship, on what actually really happened three years ago that made them split. We get mentions here and there. We know they were part of a group of thieves and a heist went bad. We know that Austin's sister died… and nothing else. There is a mention that they were set up, and that another one of their members died as well, but we never learn anything else. What happened? There is a small mention that JT and Austin were captured and experimented on, but by whom? How did they escape? Just dwelling in those questions could have made an awesome book. Alas, it was not meant to be.

Instead we get a book in which every character is obsessed with sex. This is a short 133 pages book, and the actual plot fits in maybe a third of that length. The rest is characters either having sex or thinking about having sex, or obsessing about whether their maybe on and off partner is having sex with someone else. There is so much sexual content in it that at one point I had to go back to Netgalley and check whether I had clicked on the erotica bookshelf by mistake when I selected the book, but no, it's listed under Science Fiction and Fantasy…

And I would have been okay with some sexual content if it was justified. But when the characters are running for their life from the Triad, I would think they would be more worried about staying alive and figuring out how to get out of the mess they are in instead of jumping each other's bones. This is just such an unrealistic reaction that it threw me right out of the story.

My other problem with this book is Austin. I hated him as a character, and since a lot of the narrative was from his point of view, getting through his chapters was a challenge. He is incredibly self-centered. He wants JT because he wants things to go back to how they were, and JT always had his back. He lies, cheats and uses underhanded techniques to get him to agree to this one last job, even though he can clearly see that JT has created a new life for himself. He has a legitimate business that he loves, and he has a protégé he is responsible for. But no, Austin doesn't care, if he wreaks his friend's life. He doesn't even ask himself whether what he is doing will harm JT. Not once. The thought of considering somebody else's interest apart from his own doesn't even cross his mind. With Austin, everything is about Austin.

The second thing I hate about Austin is how twisted his sexual desires are. Like that scene in the orc night club. What he did to the bouncer cannot be called anything but rape. No matter how he justifies it, he used his glamour to force that orc to do what he did. And Austin's thoughts in that moment were exactly what any other rapist would voice to justify his actions - I only exacerbate the desire that's already there, my glamour wouldn't have worked if he didn't want it… No. Just NO. Rape is rape and there is no excuse!

As I mentioned, the book had potential, but the lack of plot and my intense dislike for one of the main characters made it so I have no desire to find out more about this world. That's one series I will pass on.

PS. I received an advanced copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Sophia.
Author 5 books374 followers
August 16, 2017
A futuristic fantasy world, anti-heroes reunited for one last adventure, and nothing is as it seems in this first time outing with new to me author. I was eager for the high octane rush that was sure to come with a story such as this and it did not wait long to present itself.

This story had a lot of moving parts and was layered with hints to a backstory and world building involving the main characters that played a huge role in the present, but was fed to the reader in bits and pieces through out. It was a loose plot though it possessed a fast, gritty tone that I thought well suited to the story. I found it a tough go at times and had to stop and re-read sections or wait for further pages to elucidate things to get back on track.

The main plot thread of protecting an old friend and a secret device from a criminal group was the easiest to focus on, but I found myself less interested and wanting more of what was happening with JT the orc and Austin the elf. The pair were once friends, almost lovers, and now have an acrimonious distant relationship at best. The flash backs helped get to know them better and what led to where they are at with each other now.

Speaking of their relationship. Their attraction is off the charts and the pair do eventually get down and dirty. I got frustrated with them and wanted to lock them in a bunker (closet wouldn't be strong enough) and force them to talk things out since they both have skewed memories of the past. The end came and things were still unresolved. I will give things the benefit of the doubt that as this is a series, there will be more of their story in future books. Other parts of the plot are left open so this is not a far stretch.

There's a bit of a love triangle type of affair going on, but I tolerated it because it felt more wishful thinking and a form of denial on the part of JT than anything real. Not to mention, I don't think this pair will do conventional in the long run.

All in all, it was interesting, creative, and somewhat confusion for me. I'm willing to press forward with more of the series and the characters and would definitely recommend The Glamour Thieves to others who enjoy a futuristic fantasy mash-up.

My thanks to Riptide Publishing for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Ksenia.
284 reviews20 followers
January 11, 2019
5.5 stars - Very nice start of a new indie series. I enjoyed it enormously, and was very saddened by its short length. I literally can’t wait to read more of the series, especially because the romantic plot was far from resolved. Thought I’m a bit confused on this one, because it seems the next book deals with different couple. The book has a good solid world-building, which is not really explained, but feels so vivid and intriguing, that you just except it as is.
The adventure/mystery part was not very complicated, but this is a romance book and it deals with just that. However it not romantic either, because I never before read a story about 2 people, who obviously love each other, but somehow live through unrequited love affair in their minds. I suppose that what makes the story so realistic…
In overall this is character driven book. I enjoyed being in both JT and Austin mind (especially Austin – Wow, he is a mess of a person!). I have to admit I was somewhat annoyed by JT’s inability to see through Austin masks. Where Austin is emotionally crippled, JT is incapable to really love the man he is in love with.
I loved the rich background Allmon gave his characters, and that the sex, as explicit and honest as it is, actually served the plot narrative. It wasn’t there for erotica, it wasn’t there for “wow” impact… well it did all of above too, but mostly it was there to say important things about the character and the nature of their relationship.
Profile Image for Sadie Forsythe.
Author 1 book285 followers
September 5, 2017
This I truly enjoyed. My only complaint was that there is a lot of history and I felt like I was reading a second book, instead of a first. It left some important information too vague. Like, why have there only been orcs for a generation and a half? What, exactly, was the Awakening? But beyond that, which admittedly is a big complaint, I loved the characters and the world. I liked the writing style and the author's voice. And the epilogue tempted me into wanting book 2 right now. So, it's an all around winner for me.
Profile Image for JR.
874 reviews30 followers
October 17, 2017
I'm not really sure if I got the plot, but I sure as hell liked the story and the characters. It was whirlwind action involving orcs, elves, wizards, cyberpunks, and triads. Ye Gods, it was fun and extremely sexy. I want to go again !!
Profile Image for Michelle.
833 reviews3 followers
September 14, 2020
The opening salvo of a series where magic and technology coexist, but not always peacefully. Elves and orcs, thieves and triads are all searching for The Blue Unicorn, the remnant of an AI that has a glamour. It's a point where magic and technology connect and it should be impossible. The romance is on the roundabout side. JT and Austin are former partners/friends with bennies and currently on the outs when Austin shows up and tells JT he needs his help rescuing a former compatriot, Buzz, a hacker with 3djinn. There's a lot of story that's only hinted at in this first volume and while the two have been together in the past, they have since separated, and TJ has had a bit of something with Buzz. Most of the story is JT pursuing a relationship with Buzz only to be left behind and ending up reconnecting with Austin in a cum soaked sex scene worthy of any ero manga. Gross, but melancholy at the same time.
Profile Image for Jess Crafts.
277 reviews60 followers
July 26, 2017
I was expecting this to be YA but this was definitely in the new adult ballpark! It’s about an orc called JT who has left a life of crime behind him and started his own robotics business when his old partner and friend (and maybe something more), an elf by the name Austin, comes around calling and asking for help on a job. JT reluctantly agrees and they go on an adventure. Wizards, necromancers, zombies, drones, virtual reality, AI’s and magical foxes all get thrown into the mix. Sounds exciting right? Only, the whole thing was so overtly sexual that it was pretty uncomfortable for me to read in places. Focusing on the plot, I enjoyed it, but it felt a bit crude to me especially as I was expecting a YA adventure and the blurb definitely didn’t give me any indication that this was the way the book was going.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
877 reviews4 followers
August 18, 2018
3 to 3.5* this story felt a bit disjointed, wasn’t sure where the characters were coming from or why. The world the author created was an interesting take on urban fantasy with high tech advancement, elves, orcs, wizards, and artificial intelligence. I own the second book so will likely continue the series.
Profile Image for blue night.
445 reviews24 followers
July 16, 2020
Super fun! Not quite a full 5, but rounding up. Lots of violence and tech, with a bit of magic. Lots of thinking about sex, but just the right amount of actual sex. Car sex! Looking forward to book two.
Profile Image for Jenn (not Lily).
4,439 reviews29 followers
March 11, 2021
That last paragraph is worth a star all it's own -- absolutely brilliant! Yeah, I was thinking 3 stars, maybe 3.25, up to that point, then BAM! Funny, exciting, sexy, and more than a little crazy. Good intro to a new author for me!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 97 reviews

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