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The Lies We Believe

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A daughter, a cult, a secret.

When Ron Fields heard the news his only daughter Emily had joined the new age cult Lighthouse, he was devastated. Ron decides to keep quiet on his feelings about his daughter’s choice, a decision which changes his life forever…

The lies we tell are often thought to be innocent…
…but the lies we believe can sometimes be deadly.

From the best-selling Christian suspense author T.K. Chapin comes a story that will keep you turning the pages late into the night.

315 pages, Kindle Edition

Published June 12, 2017

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About the author

T.K. Chapin

105 books240 followers
T.K. CHAPIN writes Christian Romance books designed to inspire and tug on your heart strings. He believes that telling stories of faith, love and family help build the faith of Christians and help non-believers see how God can work in the life of believers. He gives all credit for his writing and storytelling ability to God. The majority of the novels take place in and around Spokane Washington, his hometown. Chapin makes his home in the Pacific Northwest and has the pleasure of raising his daughter with his beautiful wife Crystal. To find out more about T.K. Chapin or his books, visit his website at www.tkchapin.com

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Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 reviews
Profile Image for Julia.
2,769 reviews83 followers
June 12, 2017
The Lies We Believe by T.K. Chapin is a contemporary Christian suspense that had me hooked from the start.
The novel warns against the dangers of being sucked into Christian cults. Everything seems plausible on the surface but if Jesus and His Word are not at the centre, it is wrong.
There is the love of a father who will do anything to protect and rescue his daughter. This is a motif for God and us. God will always go the extra mile for one of His children. He will leave the ninety nine to look for the one who is lost.
God is a God of restoration. He will restore the years that the locusts have eaten. The lead character restores cars. This can be seen as a motif for God restoring our lives.
The power of prayer is huge. Sometimes all you can do is pray and leave it to God to work out the details.
The novel deals with trust. We need to trust God because He will be faithful. Whom to trust in life is not always so clear cut.
There are themes of guilt and loss. We can all feel guilt over our actions after a loved one has died. We need to let go of this guilt or it will drag us down.
The Lies We Believe was a cracking novel. As the plot became more intricate, I kept trying to guess the outcome but failed.
Another marvellous offering from T.K. Chapin.
I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.
627 reviews3 followers
June 12, 2017
Wow! This was not an easy read, but provoked the reader to think about some tough subjects. It prodded the reader to acknowledge things that are going on in the world today that we would like to block from our thinking even though we know it is going on out there somewhere. It is a book that is relevant to this age and says a lot of things that need to be said. It is a book that reveals not only the evil but God's answers to evil. It is a book that should make all Christians feel responsible to be involved in the lives of our young people. Mr. Chapin has given a wake-up call that should move all Christians to action. Thanks for being willing to step out and address this difficult subject with your usual good story, great writing, and Christian perspective!
Profile Image for Linda Rainey.
2,346 reviews20 followers
June 12, 2017
T.K. Chapin has given us an edgy Christian novel about cults and Christianity, showing God's love and protection
Suspense grips you as a father races to get his daughter out of a cult before it's too late.
The many twists and turns bring the novel to an unexpected conclusion.
Proverbs 22:6 demonstrates what we need to remember in times like these.
" Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.:" EKJV
This is another must read book and I recommend it to anyone that likes good Christian fiction
Profile Image for Sally.
344 reviews
June 16, 2017
Disclaimer: I received this Book from the author, T.K. Chapin for free to read and review. I was not required to give a favorable review only an honest review, nor was I compensated for my review. All thoughts and comments in this review are my own.

About the book:
Twenty-two year old Emily, Ron Fields only daughter, stops to visit him one day to tell him she is going to Lighthouse. Thinking it was a church Ron was very happy to hear that his daughter had returned to her faith, until she explained to him that it was not a Christian church but a new-age thing. Ron decided to keep his feelings to himself. Although he was devastated he didn’t want to risk losing his daughter again, because she had run away once before, because of church.

In this instance not speaking the truth against the new age cult will change his life forever and possibly destroy his daughter….

Wow! This suspense-filled book will keep you turning the pages as the events unfold, that will keep you on the edge of your seat. In this book Mr. Chapin shows us how seemingly “simple little lies” can cause harm to those we love and cherish. As a parent, my desire and constant prayer was that my children would grow up loving and serving the Lord. When that happened I was so thankful, but realized after my first grandchild was born that I was not done with my prayers concerning my family…it was only the beginning. He also shows us how a simple lie can turn a family into an overnight, nightmare… How easy it is for just one small deviation from the true word of God to turn your orderly world into doubt and confusion. As he weaves this remarkable story, you will find comfort in knowing his characters face daily issues we all might face from time to time and that as Christians we don’t always listen to God’s heeding or seek His advice first, but through it all, there is love, redemption and second chances given to all of us who are willing to accept God.

If you are a fan of Christian fiction, then this is a great book to read, however; if you love Christian fiction filled with suspense, murder and romance all mixed in with God’s love, then it is a must-read book.

Thank you again Mr. Chapin for another “must-read” book. Once again it has given me pause for thought in my Christian walk and has given me the desire to walk even more closely with God.
Profile Image for Bhriv.
604 reviews25 followers
June 16, 2017
The Lies we Believe, written by T.K. Chapin, is a challenging story for parents.

This book, as with all of Chapin's books, is a Christian fiction...always inspirational and this one adds the suspense element that some of the other Chapin books do not.

The Lies We Believe takes what could be anyone's family and writes a script for disaster. Disaster in that the family has been torn apart by divorce, the adult daughter has now left the faith of her father and joined a cult, and now dad has to figure out how to direct a wayward adult child away from this terrible cult. Parenting children isn't for sissies and adult children is even harder!

Profile Image for Edward Arrington.
1,080 reviews12 followers
June 10, 2017
Ron Fields is faced with a terrible decision. How much can he say to his daughter about her involvement in a cult without driving a permanent wedge between them? He is constantly reminded that he lost his daughter once because he was too harsh and dogmatic. How can he avoid doing that again? Or has he already lost her? Ron’s daughter was drawn in before she chose to tell him. As we have seen in some major news stories through the years, cult leaders typically have a unique charisma that makes them very convincing liars. This defines Henry rather well. Leaders like him often mix in just enough truth to trip up the unsuspecting. Or they play on some perceived failure in the Christian church to make it look like they have found the better way. The evil one will use any means and any person to try to pull people away from the Truth. The suspense in the story is almost tangible because the threat is not so much about the possible loss of life, although this is a very real threat, but the potential of lost souls. Read along to see how Ron deals with this situation with his daughter and to learn what the outcome will be. I appreciate the author portraying Ron as a strong believer in God, the Bible, and prayer. I received an advance copy of this book from the author. This is my honest review. All opinions are strictly my own.
Profile Image for Marylin.
1,131 reviews29 followers
June 13, 2017
If you’re a parent, what’s your worst nightmare? Is it that your child suddenly gets caught up in a life you know is wrong? Well, this is what happened to Ron. He always tried to do what was right and he loved his daughter very much, but things happened and she was drawn into a community that told her lies and kept her captive. There were times I wanted to scream at Emily and make her understand she wasn’t seeing the true picture.
This book by TK Chapin will spin you around, not knowing who is the one deceiving Ron and who’s telling the truth, and what exactly the truth is? The story has so much suspense and drama with touches of romance too.
TK Chapin shares an issue that’s prevalent in our culture today. People are looking to belong and find community. Unfortunately, there are those who will twist and turn things in such a way it appears good, yet it can be so smoothly deceptive and dangerous. I loved how the author didn’t shy away from sharing God’s truth of love and grace. TK Chapin is a master storyteller and each of his stories bring a strong message of God’s unfathomable love for us.
I highly recommend you pick this book up, and read it. It just might change your way of looking at thing.
Profile Image for Sandra.
1,056 reviews36 followers
June 28, 2017
The Lies We Believe definitely had a fair amount of suspense in it. Usually I can figure out where a story is going well before the end, but T.K. Chapin did a great job of keeping me in suspense as I read this story. I liked it - I didn't love it though and I am not sure why. It was unusual, it was different, but I am not sure that it was "believable". I almost want to read it once again, because I think it lost me in places. I found it confusing that the character names were so similar, e.g. Maria, Teresa, Aya, Mya, Makaya, Gloria, but of course, there was also Emily (Ems), Henry, Ron and Mikey. Perhaps I was overtired when I read the book, but I found some of the situations rather strange and it is hard to explain it without giving away spoilers, e.g. Emily's different reactions when meeting up with her father at various spots, and specifically the parking lot of Lighthouse near the end. What changed for her at that point?

This story is a different type of story for this author and I think the suspense aspect is the right avenue for future stories. I have read a number of past stories by him and will certainly continue to read them, as they are getting more and more interesting.
Profile Image for Parkland Mom.
543 reviews9 followers
August 26, 2017
When a child - even an adult child - makes a bad choice, it's hard to let them go. It tears at a parent's heart. Asking the Lord to take the load is hard and sometimes we snatch it back. The reader feels for the main character when his daughter chooses a cult over her Christian faith.

It all becomes much more involved with many more players. The action is non-stop, but the main character always takes time to pray and to contemplate about mistakes. He does his best to make any wrongs into rights.

The ending was missing something for me because I didn't totally understand some things with the daughter and what happened & changed with her. I also wondered about the monetary aspect mentioned and how that worked. I don't want to give any further detail and cause a spoiler.

I liked that the main character was very realistic. He had faults and yet he was a man of faith.

This is my second book by this author and I look forward to more.
645 reviews39 followers
October 17, 2017
Emily Fields was a beautiful and bright twenty-two-year-old young woman. Just out of college, she was out on her own and employed at a large law firm as a receptionist. She joins a new age group called Lighthouse, much to her father's disapproval. Ron Fields was beside himself when Emily announced she was joining Lighthouse. He didn't want to lose the relationship with her, so he didn't outwardly react strongly. His life changed for ever as he learned more about LightHouse and its real agenda. And he learned about people, lies, and that people are not always what they seem.

As I read this story, I never knew what would happen next. That is, after all, supposed to be a hallmark of a good story. I found myself wondering if Ron Fields really knew his own mind though. He seemed to vacillate between trusting people and not trusting them. And I sometimes found his actions almost as unsettling as those of the people at Lighthouse. Over all, I enjoyed the story, however.
Profile Image for Sally.
314 reviews6 followers
February 14, 2018
If you're looking for a Christian suspense that will keep you turning the pages, The Lies We Believe is it. Emily is pulled into a cult and it's up to her father to find her a way out. When his friends end up dead and his family turn against him, Ron must put his strength and faith in God to get her back.

Quote from the book:

The lies we tell are often thought to be innocent…
…but the lies we believe can sometimes be deadly.

You won't know who to trust, or what is going to happen next as you follow the twists and turns in this story. But through it all, God's love and faithfulness shines through. A father's love will never give up.

I look forward to reading more books by this author.
Profile Image for Ann.
730 reviews20 followers
June 13, 2017
Wow! T.K. has written an story that takes the reader on a roller coaster ride with this one. It is a combination of suspense and a story with twists and turns and characters that leaves you wondering who can be trusted that resulted in a read that I could not put down. T.K. also tackles the reality of the turmoil a parent faces when they lose a child to a cult. The story is also a wonderful reminder that God is faithful and He does take care of His children and gives hope in the worst of situations. I definitely recommend this story to the reader who enjoys good Christian fiction.
Profile Image for Vicky Sluiter.
Author 1 book82 followers
July 19, 2017
Author T.K. Chapin hit a home run with this one! Full of twists and turns, you won’t know who to trust! At one point I thought I had it figured out. Boy, was I wrong! Lots of suspense and drama, with a bit of romance, I will say that as a parent this was a little tough to read. It could be anyone’s family.

A story of God’s faithfulness, love and mercy, this is a great read if you enjoy clean suspense that keeps you turning “just one more page”!

I received a complimentary copy of this book but was not required to leave a positive review.
Profile Image for Robin.
1,289 reviews13 followers
June 10, 2017
Oh my goodness, what an edge of your seat book. Strong characters and excellent writing bring to life the story of a child becoming ensnared by a cult. Great interaction between characters set the stage for a show down but who will win???? You must read this book. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
21 reviews
June 12, 2017
The story of Ron and his daughter, Emily, will draw you in and keep you on your toes. Ron would do anything for his baby girl. The only thing he loves more than her is God. Emily loves her dad but has to find her own way. She finds herself down a path that isn't so easy. Between the two and them, and a little help from some others, she finds the truth.
Profile Image for Jana.
561 reviews
June 14, 2017
T.K. Chapin has written this bone chilling Christian fiction that could so easily be reality. It is a story of how the innocence and trust of young people can leave them vulnerable to the luring of cults and bizarre beliefs. The final message is that unfaltering faith in God's love, protection, and forgiveness can be triumphant in all life's trials and tribulations.
Profile Image for Marla.
491 reviews5 followers
June 19, 2017
I enjoyed reading this book. It is thought provoking and shows how dangerous it can be when we believe lies. The book is very well written and I love the suspense. I have read many books by this author and this is my favorite.
Profile Image for Keisha.
2 reviews1 follower
June 26, 2017
Good story

I really liked it. It sucked you in from the beginning. as a parent I connected with the fathers feelings for his daughter. It was an emotional roller coaster and I couldn't put the book down.
219 reviews6 followers
July 19, 2017
The Lies Wwe Believe

I enjoyed this book with all its twists and turns. Exciting to the end. This is a new author to me.
Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 reviews

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