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Average is how Megan Little would describe her life until her twenty-fifth birthday. Her body starts to change like a countdown clock heading for zero. When her research on the transformation proves futile, she makes a desperate decision and travels north to investigate a supernatural reason for what's happening.

On the way, a chance encounter leaves her car vandalized, forcing her to stay the night in a small, tourist town.

Five men step in to help Megan only to open up more questions in her search for the truth.

***Reverse Harem Serial.

39 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 16, 2017

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L.A. Kirk

63 books165 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 112 reviews
Profile Image for Searcy.
382 reviews69 followers
March 29, 2018
Let's call this a 2.5 (sure wish partial stars were possible!)

I found Heart of Five to be awkward stylistically - segues into flashbacks are stilted, for example. And the voice of the MC is wrong - she is purported to be 25, but sounds more like a teenager. Just a little off.

The MC also makes some of those ridiculous decisions that drive me nuts - clearly forced plot devices by the author to make the story go where they want it to. In this case - who on earth would get chased by both a panther and a wolf and have their tires slashed by said panther, then feel frequently nervous about what is in the woods and feel watched, only to decide to go walking late at night by yourself in the woods and to the lake?? Really?! Pfft.

And serials...ugh!

That said, the premise here is intriguing, so I am continuing to read. Again.

First read:

I so wanted to love this.

Megan was a relatable MC, and Kirk did a very good job of bringing the reader into her thoughts. (I did get a little bit tired of all the angst over her eye color, especially given how short the book was, but that is a minor quibble.) The premise really worked for me - I love a good "discover what the heck I am, and it will probably be really cool" story. And I really quite liked each of the love interests.

Unfortunately, the story really felt rushed. I mean yes, this is a serial (only 37 pages!!! grrr), so you know going into it that it will be brief. But my issue is that too much was being crammed into those 37 pages. To do the story justice Kirk needed at least twice the space.

(And actually, this is my issue with serials in general - the broken up and limited format seems to encourage authors to just skim the surface and it often reads more like a fleshed out outline than a complete story. Not to mention it often jumps from episode to episode. Almost every one would benefit from the entirety being written and then edited as a whole. Writing a piece at a time invariably leads to plot holes, contradictions and other issues. Sigh.)

It is such a shame, because I was really drawn to this one as a whole and I would love to see it rewritten in its entirety as a full novel (and sequels). I would purchase it in a heartbeat in that case. (and not just an omnibus that shoves these episodes together, instead using these episodes together as the first draft that then is edited and expanded.)

(As an example, so far, I would have called this a slow-burn RH...but it is too short for anything at all to be slow ;)
Profile Image for JadeShea.
3,161 reviews61 followers
November 22, 2018
This short story begins when Meg leaves her home to travel to a place she found in a supernatural book. Her eyes have been changing colors for the last few weeks, and no medical books are giving her the answers, so she's going to find them another way even if it makes her seem crazy.

However, when she gets there she ends up having a major problem in one small town, and then ends up meeting five guys who might know what she is and more about her. This book ends on a cliffhanger, and is set up to be a serial so that is to be expected.

I will say that I didn't "feel" very many emotions from the heroine. I read them, but I didn't "feel" them, so that was kind of frustrating. Other than that, though I did enjoy the book and I look forward to more.
Profile Image for Alexandra.
199 reviews1 follower
June 16, 2017
As the story begins, you feel the anxiety the main character, Megan Little, is feeling as she describes the changes she has been going through since her 25th birthday. She takes some time off from work to search for answers for these changes. On the way to her destination, her car gets damaged among other strange happenings while in a park. Since she has to wait for her car to get fixed she finds a room in the town she's in and then stranger things occur. She meets five guys whom she later finds out can each shift into different animals. At the end of this story, we still don't know what the changes mean for Megan. This was short but an a pretty good story so far. With each new book, I'm hoping to get a clearer picture on each personality and how they function within the group and society.

I received an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Ashley B.
366 reviews4 followers
June 16, 2017
A good start

A good start to a new serial. Looking foward to the next installment of Heart of five. Would recommend this story
Profile Image for Ashley.
247 reviews53 followers
August 10, 2017
Fast paced, entertaining read. I m excited to see where the story is headed.
75 reviews2 followers
January 9, 2019
I read Heart of Five in the Falling For Them 4 Anthology.

This story started as a serial. When I saw the title in the anthology I did a double take, but was pleased to see I might finally get resolution on the story (I had read the 3 parts released to date). I'm not sure if many edits have been made since the serial, since its been quite some time since I read it, but I found myself with the same complaints. Especially during chapter 3, when Meg is getting some background from the guys (the entirety of which feels very forced), her internal dialogue/ thought processes are just too bizarre for me to sink into the story. She goes from terrified, to flirting, to "sobbing" in the blink of an eye and I just can't keep up with the emotional whiplash. Especially since the author does very little to make the reader feel any of those emotions, and instead just projects them onto the MC. The writing improved as the story progressed, and there were fewer of those schizophrenic scenes, but then suddenly it was over with no real resolution to any of the plot arcs. Presumably a sequel is planned, but I'd hoped that since it was "finished and pulled together into a complete book" (an excerpt from the anthology intro) that we would actually get, ya know, a complete book.
Profile Image for Anna.
733 reviews70 followers
June 25, 2017
Not much to go on here. All I gathered from this 'book', was that after Meg's twenty fifth birthday, her eye color started to change from brown to tangerine and that it can mean that she's not quite human. That's not really enough to get me hooked on the book and I didn't have enough time to get emotionally attached to the characters. So, I hope the next part comes out soon, or else I might forget about it all.
June 18, 2017
This part is a great start to what seems to be a great book to come. I like the characters, even though this part doesn't show a lot of development. This story has an interesting plot starting and an idea. I can't wait for the next part and see what is to come.
1,029 reviews
August 19, 2017
I think LA Kirk did a good job with the first part in her new serial, The Divinity Saga. With all the new serials coming out, I have noticed usually the 1st one is usually the least favorite of the bunch, but I think that comes with the territory. You have to give some background and set-up, like how every books starts. I could never give someone less than a 4 star if they did a good job setting up the story and characters, I think its unfair for readers to expect everything all in one part of a serial. If the author does a good job in the first couple parts of the serial, the rest will be amazing. If you don't want to read a serial, then don't, be patient and wait for the whole book. I on the other hand love these little sneak peaks into stories. I like being able to read a little every month instead of waiting a year to get a book. Its a good mix with the other series I read that aren't serials.

Ok, now back to actually reviewing the book haha. I think this one had some awkward moments, but I thought the author did a good job reeling me in and wanting to continue reading the other parts of the serial. After now reading the 2nd one, I see this one in a different light, I appreciated it even more. I think with having 5 guys, you can't solely focus on one, so it was nice to see a little about each. I liked the dynamic, can't wait to see the group become closer (even though I know there will be some hardships in their future). I definitely have more to write about the 2nd part of this serial, with it having more action and character development. All because the scene was set-up nicely in part one. I encourage others to read this serial, give it a chance and read about Meg and her yummy and paranormal harem (I like how different the shifters were btw!).
Profile Image for Jennifer G.
2,617 reviews50 followers
June 9, 2017
I voluntarily reviewed an advance copy of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

Heart of Five, a Reverse Harem serial by L.A. Kirk, exemplifies the best and the worst of a serial. It immediately grabs your attention, it's well-written, and the characters are promising. The premise is intriguing. It's also frustrating! A great serial sucks you in and leaves you wanting more, more, more. This is a very good serial!

Meg is searching for answers. When she turned 25, her eyes started changing from their normal brown to a bright tangerine. She's researching her way up to Michigan following clues found in fantasy books. At a stop for lunch she has an encounter with two large animals that leaves her shaken and her car vandalized. Her trip is put on hold while her car is repaired, but she might be in exactly the place to discover the truth about herself. The answers might be found with a group of special men she meets, Mitch, Archer, Red, Brock, and Quinn.

This is a serial, so it is short. It contains lots of needed information setting up the story line and introduces the cast of characters. It also makes it clear that Meg is in some type of danger. This is a really good opening book and I can't wait for more!
Profile Image for Tex.
12 reviews2 followers
June 21, 2017
This is the first installment in an reverse harem series. It is written as a serial, so it is very short, only three chapters. In it we are introduced to Meg and the men who I assume will become part of her harem. She is in search of answers regarding why her eyes have begun to turn orange when she encounters 5 men associated with the supernatural (4 shifters and a sorcerer). The book has some intriguing plot points that make me think that this series has potential, but the serial format of the book really hinders it. Because of its format, the story has to be condensed and the author is not able to dedicate the time and space to world building and character development that is needed to really hook the reader. I imagine that once more installments are released this problem will take care of itself, but right now I don't feel that invested in the storyline or the characters. I think this could shape up to be a really interesting series, though, so I'd recommend it to those who have Kindle Unlimited (though you may want to wait until the next installment is published so you can read them back to back).
Profile Image for Taylor.
186 reviews20 followers
July 22, 2017
I received heart of five in exchange for a review.

Heart of five is part of a serial; its begins with meg setting off on a trip, a trip that will hopefully help explain why her eyes are changing colour. It's not normal and no modern medical journal can explain it, so she's taking an...alternative route.

Unfortunately for Meg, her day is going from bad to worse. People are acting strange, animals are acting strange and she is feeling down right strange.

We meet a few characters in this book, some of which seem quite peculiar, but hot, and help make her feel at peace.

Because this is part of a serial, this book is more introducing you to the characters and the background of the story. It was beautifully written and grabbed me from the first page. The writing is captivating, the female MC was interesting and I'm excited to read what is going to happen to her over the course of this serial!

We didn't see much of the men's personalities, but from what we did see, I'm looking forward to reading how they bring their personalities to the fore front.

All in all, this is an amazing first part to a serial!
Profile Image for Jaliza Burwell.
Author 0 books19 followers
June 14, 2017
I would say this is a little less than four stars but not close to a three.
L.A. Kirk is doing something interesting here by publishing only a couple of chapters each month. I’m not much of a fan of this but she’s an amazing author. I enjoyed meeting the characters and getting the setup but I want more, and that’s the downfall of a serialization. I know when the next one comes out, I’ll have to reread the whole thing and then do it again for each release.
The story itself is interesting, I liked how the main character handles her changes and the boys all seem interesting but I didn’t quite get enough yet to form any real opinions since we only got a couple of chapters. Their meeting with Meg in the diner was okay. I got a little confused on what their personalities were. The meeting felt a little too awkward for me. I’ll definitely read the next release though. This is a good introduction to the story, giving us the information we need without being overwhelming.
Profile Image for SJ.
1,864 reviews16 followers
June 7, 2017
I received a free advanced reader copy if this book and voluntarily decided to review it

This is a serial RH story, part one. We get to meet Meg, she is going though some changes, but she cannot fathom out what's going on.

She travels north on the search for answers but instead of answers she gets a whole slew of questions after meeting 5 mysterious guys who seem to want to help her

I love the storyline so far, Meg seems like a strong character who is confused as to what is happening to her, we meet the five guys who seem rather droolworthy already, I especially like Quinn!!

This story has drawn me in already, I loved part one and am so very excited for part two. It's definitely shaping up to be a great read to me as I am drawn in hook line and sinker

I highly recommend this book
Profile Image for Kathleen Bruce.
259 reviews7 followers
June 14, 2017
I like to mainly read full length books and ocassionally novellas. But this is more a serial than a short story. It's really 3 chapters. While it was intriguing and Meg's story seems a little different it doesn't really get into anything until the near end. And then you don't really get answers. And then it ends. You meet the 5 guys that will probably become part of the main story and you get a slight glimpse of who they are. I got intrigued by Meg's eyes and wanted answers. Now i know there's answers but neither Meg nor I will get answers till the next one. I just hope there's more to keep me interested than Meg's strangely coloured eyes. And possibly more than 3 chapters, because I read it super quick. I am facinated to see how the world of shifters plays into this, the good ones and the bad ones.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
182 reviews1 follower
June 8, 2017
I really enjoyed this short serial. It is only three chapters. I know! I hit the last page and wanted to bash my head in to the wall in despair. It wasn't rushed, the guys weren't straight in to the story, they have kind of trickled in. But already the author has had her way of explaining the guys, and how different they are to each other. Without unloading unnecessary information on to the reader. I really enjoyed how self conscious the Meg was about her eyes, as its a completely normal aspect of life. We all have one thing that we are slightly self conscious about and would love to change.
Meg obviously used contacts to hide her differences.
Remember it is only three chapters! But it is a good read.
Profile Image for Skye MacKinnon.
Author 184 books897 followers
June 13, 2017
First of all, it's short, very short. I read it in less than half an hour. But the author clearly states that fact in the description, so no stars taken away for that. However, with it being only three chapters long, I felt like too much content was squeezed in. The MC arrives in a new town, meets her guys, and they immediately divulge that they're shifters and how their world works. Somehow that was too fast for me, and made it hard to get a feel for the characters. Sure, this is going to be expanded on in the future instalments, but I was missing a connection with the MC, and without that the book becomes a little less exciting. I'm looking forward to the next books though, in the hope that there's more of a focus on the individual characters.
Profile Image for Dezi.
299 reviews1 follower
June 8, 2017
This boo is a great start to the series, it sets up the plot and the characters nicely. Meg seems like a very independent woman who doesn't want to be a burden on her family while she figures out what is going on with her body. The change in her eyes are one thing but the pain and headaches have her worried that it may lead to her death. She tries to find out what going on with herself and even goes down the possibility of something supernatural happening. This leads her to meeting 5 strangers in the middle of nowhere and things go even more crazy. This really was a great start and it really just the beginning leaving me wanting more! Let's see where this Reverse Harem goes, I'm all in.
2,167 reviews12 followers
June 8, 2017
These are just the first three chapters of the book. It is an ongoing series and chapters are released 2 to 3 times per month. The story reads quickly and is in a nice pace. You only get to know the caracters. It is going to be 6 full length books once finished so if you do not use KU you might want to wait untill a full book is released. I've received it as an ARC and was pleasantly surprised by this book. I love the genre and this one adds a new twist with it being in the paranormal, shapeshifter genre as well. A group of five guys all other kind of shapeshifter or paranormal. This is a nice introduction and I personally can't wait for more.
Profile Image for Vicki.
1,651 reviews49 followers
October 9, 2018
This is Part 1 of a serial book release; it has three chapters and ends on a cliffhanger (to be expected in this kind of release). I can already see the potential of this book but with the relatively minimal amount of story so far I am not quite hooked in. As the first part of the serial it is mainly establishing the main character, setting and laying a few tidbits to get you thinking about what is to come. I don't yet have an emotional attachment to any of the characters, including the main character, but I do find the premise intriguing and I am certainly going to continue on to see what happens.
75 reviews2 followers
June 14, 2017
LA Kirk's a great writer, but man, little serials like this kill me. This story is the barest of introductions to our main characters. Three chapters that let us know a tiny bit about Meg and the mysterious changes she's going through and then give the slightest peak at the 5 main men. As this segment of the story ends we know what's special about the 5 guys, but still no detail on what's going on with Meg. I'm certainly intrigued, and will likely keep reading to find out what happens, but if you're an instant-gratification kind of reader like I am I'd recommend waiting on this one until it's complete.
Profile Image for Melissa.
14 reviews2 followers
June 18, 2017
I am not familiar with serial books but this is the first part of the series. The story starts off good and fast paced. The author quickly introduces you to the main characters and sets of the scenes well. I am excited to see how the story does play out with Meg and the 5 guys. The story goes on to explain that Meg just recently turned 25 and now has changes she is struggling to deal with. Meg decides to take some time off and while traveling ends up running into trouble. She then meets 5 guys, who all have special traits of their own and they tell her they can help her by telling her what she really is. Good start to this series.
July 2, 2017
#reverseharem, #shapeshifters #cliffhanger #seriespartone

I will start off with the fact that the book is the introduction of the main character Megan Little. It explains how her life is changing, meeting a group of five male shape shifters, and leaves you hanging at the end by being told that a seer chose the five men for the mission, which would start once they found the heart of their team. I gave this book a three out of five stars hoping that part two of the series will be loaded with all of the excitement that part one was missing. I definitely think it is a good start to a series, I just wish there was more story to read, or I would have waited to read part one and two together.
Profile Image for Lauren Franco.
36 reviews10 followers
June 8, 2017
I received this book as an ARC for an honest review. Serials aren't always my thing because hey there is a reason why I read vs watch TV. But aside from that minor detail I will enjoy reading this. I like Meg and I like the guys but really we are only getting started. But my only complaint is that I HATE it when you have female characters doing the "oh I don't want to be a bother!" There is polite and independent but GF when 5 guys are offering to buy what has to be no more than a $15 dollar tab because you've had a rough day smile say thank you and move on.
Profile Image for Taira Minier.
103 reviews1 follower
June 10, 2017
This book was a good start... the reason I gave it 4 stars is because it's such a fast (only took me 1hr) that it doesn't explain much of anything and you don't even get to really get to know much about the character. It also just ends out of no where! One minute they are actually having a conversation for the first time and you think "we are going to get to know more about the character" and then bam! The story just ends.

But don't let this fool you. This has the potential to become a good series! Can't wait till the next one!
Profile Image for Kate.
243 reviews11 followers
June 14, 2017
It was a good start to a book. This is a serial book where we get 2-4 chapters at a time. I usually hate serials but received an ARC and said what the hell why not. I did enjoy the three chapters that I read. They were well written and I was started to be pulled into the story.

But it was over too quick. My only problem I had was not with the book itself but with the idea of serials. As I started to get into the story it was over. I will give the next installment a try as I did like what I read. I wish I could give it a 4 star but just not enough content to rate it that high yet
Profile Image for Simone.
328 reviews
June 15, 2017
As a serial, L.A Kirk has begun an intriguing and pulling tale. The character progression alone will be enough to keep me coming back for the updates, and the writing is fluid and concise.
The unique blend of supernatural shifters, along with the brought-over animal traits, makes me hopeful that the story will be full of surprises and twists.
However, if you are someone who enjoys devouring a book in one sitting, a serial may not be suited to your habits. Even so, let a few updates go by before *definitely* reading it!
I'm looking forward to reading the new updates!
Profile Image for Misty.
38 reviews
June 16, 2017
Good for such a short story.

I really like the reverse harem books that are coming out. I've been avoiding the books with less 200 pages. I like long books or books with the series already out. I hate waiting! Especially for 30 or 40 pages at a time. But like I said I REALLY like reverse harem books. So I broke down and decided to start reading the shorter RH books out there. I'm glad I did. This book holds promise for a good series. Maybe after enough books in this series come out it can be made into one regular sized book. :)
June 17, 2017
I've never read a serial before and I have to say I'm hooked. I was hesitant about only being able to read a couple chapters at a time since I'm the kind of person who tends to binge read the stories I love. I found myself oddly satisfied though. the chapters were lengthy and detailed. The world fully fleshed. I felt like a truly got to know the main character and I got just enough to be completely intrigued. Knowing I only have to wait a few weeks for more helps a lot. Truly an enjoyable start to this book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 112 reviews

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