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Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done

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Year after year, readers pulled me aside at events and said, “I’ve never had a problem starting. I’ve started a million things, but I never finish them. Why can’t I finish?

According to studies, 92 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail. You’ve practically got a better shot at getting into Juilliard to become a ballerina than you do at finishing your goals.

For years, I thought my problem was that I didn’t try hard enough. So I started getting up earlier. I drank enough energy drinks to kill a horse. I hired a life coach and ate more superfoods. Nothing worked, although I did develop a pretty nice eyelid tremor from all the caffeine. It was like my eye was waving at you, very, very quickly.

Then, while leading a thirty-day online course to help people work on their goals, I learned something surprising: The most effective exercises were not those that pushed people to work harder. The ones that got people to the finish line did just the opposite— they took the pressure off.

Why? Because the sneakiest obstacle to meeting your goals is not laziness, but perfectionism. We’re our own worst critics, and if it looks like we’re not going to do something right, we prefer not to do it at all. That’s why we’re most likely to quit on day two, “the day after perfect”—when our results almost always underper­form our aspirations.

The strategies in this book are counterintuitive and might feel like cheating. But they’re based on studies conducted by a university researcher with hundreds of participants. You might not guess that having more fun, eliminating your secret rules, and choosing something to bomb intentionally works. But the data says otherwise. People who have fun are 43 percent more successful! Imagine if your diet, guitar playing, or small business was 43 percent more suc­cessful just by following a few simple principles.

If you’re tired of being a chronic starter and want to become a consistent finisher, you have two options: You can continue to beat yourself up and try harder, since this time that will work. Or you can give yourself the gift of done.

206 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 12, 2017

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About the author

Jon Acuff

41 books2,890 followers
Jon Acuff is the New York Times Bestselling author of eight books, including Soundtracks, Your New Playlist, and the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done.

When he’s not writing or recording his popular podcast, All It Takes Is a Goal, Acuff can be found on a stage, as one of INC's Top 100 Leadership Speakers. He's spoken to hundreds of thousands of people at conferences, colleges and companies around the world including FedEx, Nissan, Microsoft, Lockheed Martin, Chick-fil-A, Nokia and Comedy Central.

For over 20 years he's also helped some of the biggest brands tell their story, including The Home Depot, Bose, Staples, and the Dave Ramsey Team.

Jon lives outside of Nashville, TN with his wife Jenny and two teenage daughters.

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Profile Image for Jenny Baker.
1,394 reviews202 followers
October 4, 2022
Wow, this book got me thinking about how I think, and that’s always a good thing. These are some of my favorite points in the book and apologize for the length.

***Spoiler Alert*** --> Warning, I'm about to ramble.

“If you want to finish, you’ve got to do all that you can to get rid of your perfectionism right out of the gate. You’ve got to have fun, cut your goal in half, choose what things you’ll bomb, and a few other actions you won’t see coming at first.”

There are four lies that perfectionism tells you:

Lie #1: Quit if it isn’t perfect.

This one is why most people fail at reaching their New Year’s resolution. They’re full of motivation and optimism at the beginning, but as soon as they mess up, they give up their goal.

“The moment you create that goal, you’ve made a silent promise. When you don’t finish it, you’ve broken that promise. You’ve lied to the person you spend the most time with. You. If you break enough promises, you start to doubt yourself.”

That quote really got my attention. This is why people are so full of self-doubt. We keep saying to ourselves that we’re going to do something and then we don’t. Repeatedly. If you can’t count on yourself, who can you count on?

Lie #2: Your goal should be bigger.

Cutting your goal in half encourages you to do more. If you can’t cut your goal in half, then double your timeline. It would seem less daunting to say that you want to lose 10lbs. than saying you want to lose 20lbs. When you reach your 10lbs. loss, start again.

Lie #3: You can do it all.

I love this one. The author suggests that we choose what to bomb and succeed at a goal that matters.

“The thing you choose to bomb or miss out on doesn’t have to be massive or permanent.”

These are some things you can choose to bomb and they're a combination of the author's suggestions and my own.

• Keeping up with TV conversations
• Keeping up with celebrity gossip
• E-mail
• Facebook, Snapchat, etc.

Lie #4: Fun doesn’t count.

Reaching goals doesn’t have to feel like military boot camp. You can enjoy the journey and still reach your destination. Determine if you’re reward motivated or fear motivated. Does the prize associated with reaching your goal motivate you or are you trying to prevent an undesirable outcome?

I love the chapter about the distractions of perfectionism. One is hiding places. This is an activity you focus on instead of working towards your goal.

If you’re not sure of your hiding places, think about the apps you open up on your phone without even thinking or the websites you start browsing your computer.

“Do you have to play Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon to justify why you’re giving it time? If you ever have to do a complicated, multistep explanation to say why what you’re doing is valuable, it probably isn’t. You’re probably actually camping out in the kind of hiding place that masquerades as productivity.”

The other distraction is noble obstacles. This is that righteous reason you give for not working toward a finish.

“At the heart of it, a noble obstacle is an attempt to make your goal harder than it has to be so you don’t have to finish, but can’t still look respectable.”

Oh my. I’m so guilty of that. I’m one of those aspiring writers who tells people that I need to read the 50 best novels of all-time before I can work on writing my next novel. God, I’m so full of excuses!

We say we can’t start on our goals “until" we do x, y, and z, because we want to make sure everything is ready. Really, we’re just being lazy. Or, some people use the “if…then” excuse such as “If I start lifting weights, then I’ll get too bulky.” This one really annoys me when I’m talking to people about reaching fitness goals, especially women. Do you have any idea how hard it is to build muscle? I wish it were that easy! You don’t just accidentally get muscular. You have to train your ass off to achieve that muscle. Trust me. I've learned that the hard way and I still don't have the fitness physique that I want.

We intentionally make things harder on ourselves. People who reach their goals find ways to make things easier on themselves. If you want to lose weight and start exercising every day, then you could put your gym clothes out the night before or make sure your gym bag is packed and by the front door.

We all have secret rules. These are the rules that we unconsciously follow that sabotage our own efforts. They’re the big roadblocks that prevent us from achieving our goals, but we don’t realize it. One example is, “If I’m not miserable, I’m not doing something productive.” Or, maybe you secretly think that success is bad or that wealth will make you a greedy, shallow person. None of these is true, but maybe you’ve created these secret rules out of fear. We all do it. There's no shame. We just have to tell our fears to STFU and keep moving forward.

There’s so many other helpful advice in this book, so I highly recommend that you read it.

Profile Image for Charmin.
1,001 reviews106 followers
June 11, 2024
- Incompetence - choose to suck at something that drains energy.

- Data kills denial if we listen to it.
- Choose 1-5 points of data.
- Data to track: time spent, money spend, pounds lost, inches you’ve dropped, bags of stuff, books sold, pages written, miles run, steps taken, email subscribers, followers in social media, meals made at home, money saved, debt paid, dates w/ a spouse, prospects contacted, hours slept, thank you notes mailed, new people met, bad food avoided, books read, hours of TV watched.

- Perfectionism shows us a distorted view of the world.
- We kill our goals by optimistic planning way too big from where we are at. Cut your goal in half. Get it done without the standard of perfection. Be further down the field. Smaller sprints.
- Compare 0% to your progress vs. comparing progress to 100%.

- pick which one that motivates you and add it to as many tasks as possible.

- Perfectionism gets louder only when people get moving.

- if something is stealing from your reserves, eliminate it.

- Perfectionism is a desperate attempt to live up to impossible standards.

8. DATA:
- Data tells us the truth.

- falsehoods we tell ourselves that make our goals impossible and we should give up on our goal.

- The future belongs to finishers.

Read: 2017 & 2022
Profile Image for Andrew Shaffer.
Author 44 books1,484 followers
October 26, 2018
Lost interest halfway through and skimmed until the end. That’s what I call “giving myself the gift of done.” 🤗
Profile Image for BookOfCinz.
1,505 reviews3,237 followers
January 3, 2023
January 3, 2023
This is my fourth time reading this book. Points are being made, it think I will definitely try and use a lot of the points- especially the one where I procrastinate when I have a goal.... Here's to a better 2023.

Jan 8, 2021 This is my third time reading this book and I am happy I did before doing my vision board. I want 2021 to be the year I finish and I think going with the key advice in this book:
- Make the goal FUN
- Cut the goal in half
- Forget perfect!
I think these will really help in making 2021 be the year I finish and finish strong.

According to studies, 92 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail. But though 100 percent start, only 8 percent finish. Statistically you’ve got the same shot at getting into Juilliard to become a ballerina as you do at finishing your goals. Their acceptance rate is about 8 percent, tiny dancer.

This entire book spoke to me on such a higher level. The title alone had me going Finish: Give Yourself The Gift of DONE , I mean, who doesn't want to have the gift of done? I am a serial starter, I always ready to go begin something. I have had so many firsts/day ones.... but I can hardly remember the finish or getting to the end. This book is EXACTLY what I needed to read to get the second half of 2019 started.

While there might not be anything new explored in this book, especially if you read a lot of self-improvement books, what Jon Acuff does is get to the heart of WHY we don't finish what we start. Why we don't finish can be summed up in one word Perfection . According to Jon Acuff developing tolerance for imperfection is the key factor in turning chronic starters into consistent finishers. . This blew my mind, cause I have been letting perfection get in the way of me finishing goals. If I mess up, I decide I need to quit and start over... on a Monday of course....

If you have been having problems finishing, I HiGHLY recommend you give this book a read. It offers practical ways for you to get over those finish lines.

P.S. That’s why the day after perfect is so important. This is the make-or-break day for every goal. This is the day after you skipped the jog. This is the day after you failed to get up early. This is the day after you decided the serving size for a whole box of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts is one. The day after perfect is what separates finishers from starters.

Profile Image for Lora.
25 reviews2 followers
December 14, 2017
I enjoy Jon Acuff's books, especially his injection of humor. Sometimes the humor becomes a bit overpowering as he gets too caught up in anecdotes or humorous asides. In his latest book, Finish, he tipped the scale. Instead of humorous interjections scattered throughout the book to keep it lively, it was distracting to the extent that I would derail from the point he was trying to make, following him down a rabbit hole. I was hoping for guided wisdom and thoughtful approaches with some humor woven in. What I found was mostly humor with some thoughtful nuggets scattered throughout. I think the nuggets are worthwhile enough that I'll go back through to try and find them again and piece them together so that I can have a clearer approach to finishing, but I shouldn't have to search them out. For me, it's a shame that the book was too chock full of anecdotes and digressions. With some more editing and reigning in of all that, the book would have been much more powerful for me. Jon is a good writer. He'd make a great comedian as well. In this book, I felt he was showcasing the comedian side more than the thoughtful, writer persona.
Profile Image for Hope Eifert.
122 reviews18 followers
March 9, 2018
I love self-help books, and I usually get some good take-always, but every once in a while, I discover one that is a game-changer for me--like this one. I am a chronic starter (and daydreamer) and this book completely resonated with me. He identifies all the sneaky ways we let perfectionism sabotage our goals, and he's funny and relatable along the way.

I don't re-read books too often, but I'm already planning to read this one 2-3 more times this year. It was totally exactly what I needed.
Profile Image for Nicole Conlan.
65 reviews20 followers
December 25, 2017
I thought this book was totally fine, and an easy read, but nothing particularly revelatory. Maybe it's because over the past year or so I've gotten much better at finishing what I start, so nothing here was particularly groundbreaking, but I could see how this would be useful to past-me, when I had a thousand incomplete projects. Also didn't love the trying-to-be-funny tone. You know that CoCo Chanel quote about taking one accessory off before you leave the house? I wish the author had done that with jokes and pop culture references.
Profile Image for Annie.
947 reviews853 followers
January 10, 2019
There are a few good tips in this book. For example, perfectionism stops most people from finishing their goals. For example, we start going to the gym regularly in January. But then after missing a few days, we quit "I blew it. I can't meet this goal." Or even before we start, we pick the "perfect" goal, like "run a marathon by the end of the year" (although we have never ran 5K).

The steps in the book are basic but still good advice:
* Think back to other goals you've attempted. Were they too big? Too perfect (e.g., "I can't start writing the book until I've read the top 50 books in that category")?
* Write down a number associated with your new goal (e.g., declutter 4 rooms or lose 20 pounds, not clean the house or get thin).
* Decide whether you can cut your goal in half or double the timeline. (If after January and you're only 5% there, cut your goal in half. Now, you're 10% there! Good pace for the month.)
* Share your goal with someone you trust. Ask the person if it's too extreme.
* Make it fun to get it done. For example, make a bet with your friend. Whoever meets their target weight has to buy the other person a gift.
Profile Image for Casey.
337 reviews6 followers
September 13, 2017
Anyone else have a book inside you? Anyone else have a dream that maybe you've started a hundred times or more...but never really quite completed? Anyone else chased by the spectre of perfection, that mean ugly voice that says if you can't do it perfectly, why bother?

This book is for you, then. Dream, yes. But DO. The world needs to hear your voice.

Now pardon me while I go write.
Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,682 reviews1,035 followers
February 8, 2023
"Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done" by Jon Acuff is a practical guide for anyone looking to achieve their goals and finish what they start. He offers a step-by-step approach to completing projects, including strategies for overcoming procrastination and self-doubt. The book is filled with real-life examples and inspiring stories, making the lessons easy to apply to your own life.

“All you have to do is win more today than you did yesterday and repeat the whole thing tomorrow.”


Introduction: The Wrong Ghost
Chapter 1 The Day After Perfect
Chapter 2 Cut Your Goal in Half
Chapter 3 Choose What to Bomb
Chapter 4 Make It Fun if You Want It Done
Chapter 5 Leave Your Hiding Places and Ignore Noble Obstacles
Chapter 6 Get Rid of Your Secret Roles
Chapter 7 Use Data to Celebrate Your Imperfect Progress
Chapter 8 The Day Before Done

Audiobook source: Libby
Narrator: Jon Acuff
Length: 4H 58M
Profile Image for Elizabeth Cuzzacrea.
Author 1 book28 followers
September 16, 2017
Acuff's best book, by far. The research that went into the examples here is relatable. The advice is practical and can implemented right now without extra time or money. Tons of added humor and zero fluff. Loved it!
Profile Image for Ericka Clou.
2,464 reviews210 followers
November 12, 2019
A short and useful book. Here's what I got from it, but it might be worth a second read.

Pick a fun goal! And fun ways to achieve the goal.
Make the goal smaller than you originally want
Make the timeline to achieve your goal longer
Don't let "noble" prerequisites get in your way.
Don't let perfectionism stop you when you're almost done. (Actually usually for me, it's the opposite-- it's pessimism that gets me before I'm done.)
And you don't need to figure out what's next before you're done.

What are you getting from not finishing? (Fear of failure.)
Profile Image for Andreea Chiuaru.
Author 1 book791 followers
April 14, 2021
E o lectura usoara, nu din categoria celor din care afli foarte multe informatii, insa desi vine cu niste lucruri pe care e posibil sa le stii, merge la fix pentru un boost de motivatie.
Profile Image for Kimberly Gordon.
40 reviews4 followers
October 20, 2017
THIS WAS SO GOOD FOR ME! I’ve read a bit about my personality type, and know enough that I’m *pretty* Type A, and do a lot of things out of a motivation of perfection. So pretty much everything Jon had to say in Finish about setting goals and finishing them-not perfectly, but finishing, was convicting for me.
He’s super funny, as usual, and that makes it enjoyable to read, but his wisdom about how to finish goals by cutting them in half somehow, intentionally choosing to bomb certain things to accomplish others (because you can’t do everything, who knew?), making things fun (goals don’t have to be difficult??), and getting rid of “noble obstacles”, hiding places, and our “secret rules” really helped me to get to the heart of what I want and why instead of getting side-tracked by maybe good, but less important things.
That said, whether you have a similar personality to me or not, if you have any kind of goals or want to, I think this book will have something to say to you.
Profile Image for Leah.
214 reviews4 followers
December 28, 2017
This book was longer than necessary. In fact, I picked it up because of the lovely Grant Snider drawing based on the book (which I love! And bought the print of!) The book has these ideas, but they are peppered between bizarre pop cultural references I did not enjoy. I fear I just don't share Acuff's humor. It's rather juvenile and from a strong male gaze.

In addition, he mostly focused on procrastination as the barrier to finishing. I think this is a barrier for many people. But it's not my barrier. What about having too much to do? Working a complex job that demands you wear many different hats? So while there were nice ideas, like studying why it is you work better on a plane (short time chunks, deadlines, limited task availability, no wifi/distractions), and a suggestion to track and reflect backwards (do that already in spades), I can't say I learned a lot new. I did like the idea to cut a goal in half. Although, if you have an ambitious goal and you only get halfway there, you're still landing in the stars, as they say. But perhaps this isn't the most common experience for folks.

In fact, I'm surprised I finished the book! Sometimes, it's best NOT to finish things, in my view. Life is short. If the book isn't working for you, put it down. But, I was trying to finish something else (my goodreads annual target!! 1 book to go!! Down to the wire.) So it served it's purpose there. Check it out if you struggle to finish stuff because you're a perfectionist. Otherwise, I'd say pass.
Profile Image for Tunkabean.
256 reviews15 followers
August 6, 2019
I loveddd this book! I'll post a longer review later & some quotes. But this was definitely a 10/10 for me
Profile Image for Eli Nichols.
27 reviews
April 10, 2022
Some good advice in this book. I found the style to be a bit bloated and overly self-aware with asides and anecdotes that distracted from the message. But one thing I will take away from this book is the importance of giving ourselves permission to be imperfect. I’ve had many goals and initiatives left incomplete due to the fear of the accomplishment not being perfect. An easy example is running. I’ll create a schedule for myself and go all in on it—until I miss a day. That day turns in to 3 days, then a week, then a month. All because I’m allowing the momentum of imperfection spoil the entire pursuit. I think this advice will help me be more gracious with myself as I work to be a completer, not a starter.
Profile Image for Kati Davis.
43 reviews5 followers
March 6, 2019
I was a little extra proud to click the "I'm finished" button for this one.
Profile Image for Mía.
109 reviews62 followers
April 21, 2021
Thực ra các bạn đừng quá bận tâm tới số sao của cá nhân mình khi đánh giá self-help, và cũng đừng để đánh giá của người khác ảnh hưởng tới đánh giá của bạn với một cuốn self-help.

Bởi vì, mỗi cuốn self-help sẽ có ý nghĩa khác nhau đối với mỗi người.

Riêng mình, bất cứ cuốn sách nào có 1 điểm sáng để mình nhớ, để mình thấy nó khác biệt với trải nghiệm từng có và nhen nhóm cảm giác muốn đọc lại, thì cuốn sách đó đều xứng đáng nhận được 5 sao. Chứ nếu mang "cân" nó với các cuốn từng đọc thì kết quả có lẽ sẽ khác - nhưng như vậy thật mất thời gian và cũng không công bằng lắm với sách.

Quay trở lại với cuốn này: nó cho mình can đảm để quyết tâm chiến đấu với mấy con quái vật deadline ngay trước mặt. Mình sẽ phải đọc lại nó bằng tiếng Anh vì nhiều chỗ hơi khó hiểu. Anh này dùng tiếng lóng và nói đùa khá nhiều nên phần dịch hơi fail ở những chỗ như vậy. Dich giả cũng đã cố gắng nhưng không giữ được hết cái hồn trong giọng văn của tác giả.

Spoil - gọi là spoil, nhưng cơ bản nó là cái mình rút ra (nếu bạn đọc sách, phần này của bạn có lẽ sẽ khác).
1. Hạ thấp mục tiêu và tiêu chuẩn sẽ tốt hơn
2. Ngưng theo đuổi sự hoàn hảo
3. Nhiều người cũng gặp vấn đề tương tự mình thôi. Mình không đơn độc.
4. Tự thu thập số liệu - thống kê những thông tin cần thiết cho mục tiêu cá nhân.
5. Đừng sợ hãi. Cũng đừng ảo tưởng.

Suy cho cùng, hãy sống đơn giản hơn một chút.
Profile Image for Jane Maloy.
136 reviews
June 19, 2019
Such a great book about facing your fears of perfection. Perfection is the enemy for the entirety of the book and he shows you how you can shine light on your sense of shame and get those projects done once and for all! Perfection is says you couldn’t possibly bring yourself to finish your goals, but acuff says you make adjustments, cut yourself some slack and cross that almighty finish line.
Profile Image for Michelle Sauvageau.
394 reviews5 followers
March 31, 2021
I loved everything about this book! Acuff brings humor and authenticity to a topic that can be really taboo and hard to talk about - executing and carrying out your goals.

I identified with pretty much everything in the book - the biggest takeaway for me being that the fear of not being perfect should not paralyze me from trying, and finishing something, to the best of my ability. This is going to be a book I go back to many times.
Profile Image for Martti.
776 reviews
October 22, 2018
If you want to finish, you’ve got to do all that you can to get rid of your perfectionism right out of the gate. You’ve got to have fun, cut your goal in half, choose what things you’ll bomb, and a few other actions you won’t see coming at first.
We intentionally make things harder on ourselves. People who reach their goals find ways to make things easier on themselves.
Strategic incompetence - choose to suck at something that drains energy.
Perfectionism is a desperate attempt to live up to impossible standards.
Secret Rules - falsehoods we tell ourselves that make our goals impossible and we should give up on our goal.
Profile Image for Adriane Devries.
509 reviews10 followers
July 17, 2019
As queen of starting new things, I create a lot of personal angst for myself by leaving a trail of dismembered, unfinished projects lying about, both physically in my space and metaphorically in the landscape of my imagination. For months (let's be honest, years. OK, almost a decade), the bare skeleton of an armchair awaits reupholstering. Large canvasses fester with only a background and no subject painted. Several beginnings of books brood in my laptop. Guitars and other stringed instruments collect dust, along with the determination to serenade ones of people in pubs. Bulbs remain burned out, unchanged. At some point, though, I get fed up and say, "Sh*t needs to get done!" That's when I pick up a book like Finish by Job Acuff, and borrow his wisdom and practical courage, some of which I will now share with you.

Working hard for something we don't care about causes stress and burnout. On the other hand, working hard for something we do care about is called passion. Choose goals you--NOT everyone else--actually care about. Then,

1. How important is this goal?
2. Are you motivated by reward or punishment?
3. What is actually fun for you?

Ignore "noble" goals--oh, like get a degree in British literature--and toxic/fake reasons not to finish, like, "I don't want to neglect my family responsibilities by writing this groundbreaking novel," when all I'm really doing is sitting on a beach avoiding writing.

1. Cut your goal in half
It may sound inelegant, but statistically it works. Narrow that ambition! Example: maybe you don't need to write a whole novel. Maybe just a short story? Song? Book review?
2. Choose what you're going to bomb. Example: playing badly at open mic night is still a victory--IF--you actually do it, amiright?
3. Make it fun if you want it done
Find the reward and/or consequence that speaks just to you. Don't want to wear a Trump t-shirt to a democrat rally? Get the most petition signatures or whatever. That kind of thing. Bets, badges, followers, likes. Whatever works, do YOU!!

"Fun is often weird," says Acuff.
Finish the sentence: "This is weird, but I find ______ fun." Then, add 3 small points to make it even more fun, more challenging. For example, I think Pokemon Go is fun. If I finish paying the bills, I will go Pokemonning, guilt-free. Added point: if I finish the bills by a certain time today, I will have extra time to go to a different city nearby to to hit some new pokestops. See how I magically turned boring bills into the best thing ever?!

"Perfectionism has no room for weird," Jon implores. Be weird. Be uniquely you. Motivate yourself with something you actually love and consider fun, not some imaginary standard others flock around. I don't have to be a Farmhouse Girl and get shiplap, praise God, and neither do you! Find your fun and get it done.

To prove this book actually works, here is what I accomplished after finishing this book. One: I finished this book. Two: I wrote this review. Three: I had fun doing it.
Profile Image for Andrew Scholes.
294 reviews1 follower
January 13, 2020
Enjoyed the read. It was a excellent example of things I did not do. Part of my problem was having so many balls in the air at the same time.
Profile Image for بسمة.
91 reviews
April 15, 2023
يتحدث الكتاب عن الإنجاز وعن عدوه اللدود PERFECTIONISM والذي ذُكر في الكتاب عموما أكثر من 140 مرة.
ويقدم فكرة تعارض ما اعتدنا على سماعه وتبنيه من الأفكار السائدة،
وهى ملخصة في هذا الاقتباس:
"The less that people
aimed for perfect, the more productive they became."

في هذه المراجعة، فصول مختارة وليست كل فصول الكتاب:

[1] Lies Perfectionism Tells Us
[2] The Day After Perfect
[3] Choose What to Bomb
[4] Make it Fun, if You Want it Done
[5] Leave Your Hiding Places and Ignore Noble Obstacles

[1] Lies Perfectionism Tells Us:
(1) Quit if it’s not perfect
(2) Your Goals Should Be
(3) You Can Do It All.
(4) Fun Doesn’t Count.
(5) Winners never quits.
(6) Seeking Assistance is a
sign of weakness.

[2] The Day After Perfect:
فيما يعرف باليوم الأول Day 1، يكون مستوى التحفيذ والحماسة عاليا، فيكون اليوم
الأول شبه كامل أو ممتازا. لكن مع مرور الأيام – وربما مدة أقل من ذلك – يقل هذا المستوى،
وينشأ بعض الفتور والذي يتزايد مع الوقت. في تجربة قام بها الكاتب على مرتادي
30-Day of Hustle Goal Setting Course,
اكتشف أن معظم
المشاركين توقفوا عن استكمال العمل على أهدافهم من اليوم الثاني!
“Day 2 is the largest drop-off.”

فالحل للتغلب على الPerfectionism، هو التسامح مع الأخطاء، والتقدم إلى الأمام imperfectly.

“Developing Tolerance for imperfection is the key factor in turning
chronic starters into consistent finishers.”

[3] Choose What to Bomb:
لا وقتنا ولا قدراتنا ستسع فعل كل ما نريد، وبالتالي علينا اختيار ما سنفشل فيه من البداية، أي ما سنتخلى عنه لصالح ما يشكل أولوية أكبر بالنسبة لنا.

[4] Make it Fun, if You Want it Done:

Fun Fact 😄:
اختيار هدف ممتع يرفع احتمالية إتمامك للهدف بنسبة ١٣٪ ويحسن من أدائك بنسبة ٦٤٪.

[5] Leave Your Hiding Places and Ignore Noble Obstacles:

Hiding Places
أماكن هربك هى ما يستنفذ مصادرك -طاقة، وقت، أو مال- في عمل لا يصب في أهدافك،
وتظنه كذلك.

⚠️علينا التفرقة بين المشتتات وبين الإلتزامات، كالعائلة والصحة.

"When new ideas or new goals get
shiny, put them at the finish line."

Noble Obstacle

"At the heart of it, a noble obstacle is an attempt to make your goal
than it has to be so you don’t have to finish, but can still look respectable."

النوع الأول من العائق النبيل noble obstacle هى 'حتى' Until ، التي توحي لنا بأنه

"ليس الكسل ما يعطلني عن إنجاز العمل، وإنما التأكد من أن كل شئ على ما يرام ومنظم".

النوع الثاني من العائق النبيل، هى ال"if ... Then"، ويعتمد على وضع أنفسنا بين خيارين
black or white, all or nothing mentality.

“We think the opposite of perfectionism is failure. It’s not. The
opposite is finished.”
291 reviews4 followers
September 1, 2023
I really liked a lot of this book. His info on perfectionism and it’s detrimental effects on goal finishing really resonated with me. Also the part about making your goals more complex than they have to be. That’s totally me. I’m going to have to go back through this book again to take some notes—I listened to the audio version.
Profile Image for Lauren.
Author 1 book4 followers
February 3, 2018
Where are my fellow recovering perfectionists at? This one's for us!

First of all, Jon Acuff's writing is a breeze to read because of how gosh darned funny he is. My margins are littered with the words "ha ha" and deranged smiley faces from all the moments that had me snickering. (I had to read the bit about Taco Bell aloud to my husband. It had us rolling and could have been delivered as stand-up.)

But amidst all of his laugh-out-loud humor is real practical, actionable advice for how go from being a chronic starter...to a consistent finisher. For example, cut your goal in half! Have fun (gasp!). Get rid of your secret rules. (To name a few.)

Also, I really appreciated how he personifies perfectionism as "the ultimate villain"–so sneaky, so deceptive–willing to do whatever it takes to keep you from finishing your big projects and accomplishing your goals. There's something about viewing my perfectionism as a physical enemy that empowers me to want to stand up to her. To tell her she has no business hanging around my goals this year. Not when I have a marked up copy of "FINISH" that I actually finished. First goal of 2018...crushed.

Favorite Quote: "Starting is fun, but the future belongs to finishers. Ready to be one?"

Now I am.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,390 reviews

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