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Darkness #1

Darkness of Light

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Alternate cover edition of ASIN B00BFKOEY2

Freak. Witch. Crazy. Schizo.

Ember Brycin has always known she’s different. After finding her mother brutally murdered, her mind begins to see things that shouldn’t exist. The more she feels her sanity slipping, the more bizarre and inexplicable things constantly happen around her.

When the latest school explosion lands her in a facility for troubled youth, she meets Eli Dragen—a hot as hell, darkly mysterious, bad boy from a notorious biker gang. Their connection is full of passion, danger, and secrets. Secrets that will destroy her life and lead her down a path she could never imagine.

A pawn in a war between the Fae.

In the middle of Light and Dark, Ember finds another world where truth and knowledge are power and no one can be trusted.

No one.

**New Adult/Mature YA: sexual content, language, alcohol, violence, death, and other mature content intended for readers 17 and older.

380 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 15, 2013

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About the author

Stacey Marie Brown

49 books5,983 followers
Stacey Marie Brown is a lover of hot fictional bad boys and sarcastic heroines who kick butt. She also enjoys books, travel, TV shows, hiking, writing, design, and archery. Stacey swears she is part gypsy, being lucky enough to live and travel all over the world.

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Profile Image for Camly Nguyen.
251 reviews47 followers
February 19, 2015
Where's the plot in this book?
I don't know. I'm still looking for it.

The problems:
- Is it me or the girl on the cover looks older than 18?
- Ember is a dense motherfucker. She can't bite down on her pride for two seconds to save her own life.
-Eli is an ass and Ember loves him because he's hot.
- Eli loves Ember because she has different eye colors and red streaks in her hair.
- Half of the book is pure fluff and drama. I thought I was in the middle of the set of Mean Girls.
- Ending was extremely rushed. Might as well just read the first two chapters and the last one.
- I find this special school really incompetent for not making any thorough background checks before hiring people.
- Hello predictability, so we meet again. *cough* I am the Chosen one, half Fae and half Demon.*cough*

What I liked:
I'm paraphrasing a lot here but...
-" I'm thinking about signing you up to the WWF."
"The World Wildlife Fund?"
He scoffed " Of course, the World Wildlife Fund. I definitely imagine you wrestling some pandas to the ground."
At least the author used Ember's stupidity to make her funny.
-The writing wasn't horrible; it wasn't painful to read.

Verdict: I wouldn't recommend it. Read at your own risk.
August 27, 2014
4.5 Stars!


About the story

Freak. Witch. Crazy. Schizo.

These are all the names Ember Brycin goes by, the kids at her school either use them behind her back or they just say them to her face. Strange things happen around Ember, mainly fires, whenever Ember gets emotional the power seems to sync with her. People are starting to talk and become suspicious and after the latest incident where the town sheriff had to get involved, it seems Ember's luck has finally run out.

She's forced to move to a juvenile facility where she might have to finish the rest of her high school year at. There she meets a group of teenagers not quite like her but they do have one this in common. They don't quite fit into normal society. The she meets Eli Draegan, he follows his own set of rules, and he doesn't seem to like her much. But she's oddly drawn to him.


My Thoughts

So while reading this book, I was either doing this:

or this:

The heroine had this endearing personality, which included a dry sense of humour, awkward social manners and her recalling the blind black Labrador she used to have, who happened to be called Ray. I don't normally like to read humour, but there are a few authors that can get me to respond and this author did it. Ember is quite alone in the world, she does have her step dad but she can't tell him about what's happening to her, because he probably won't understand. The one person she could have told, her mother, is dead.

Ember and Eli's relationship was so entertaining to read about! They had this love/hate thing going on, but you could feel the sexual tension simmering. Mind you although this is mature YA, it's still pretty clean. So you'll have to be happy with passionate kisses and searing looks.

Lastly although the story started off quite slowly, it did have an intense build up and amazing finale.

If you enjoy reading about witches, fairies, kickass heroines and broody angsty alpha males then this is the book!


Some of my favourite quotes

"What is your real story? Come on, lets hear it! Could you even tell me or would you have to kill me? How many monsters do you have in your closet?" I felt raw and naked, as if he could see all my darkest fears.

"You-have-no-idea," he said, his voice low and gritty.


"Please," Ryan's glance had me withering in my seat. "There was more tension back there than a southern woman's girdle at a bake sale."

"Damn you," he whispered. "How do you do this to me?" I wasn't completely sure he was talking to me. He looked out at the forest, a deep growl vibrating through his chest. Then he took off through the trees.

Profile Image for Anastasia.
76 reviews30 followers
February 8, 2020
Wow...okay let me just start by saying that this book almost got me to fail my test! It got me to stay up and read it all day till three in the morning when I finally finished it! I had to get up at five and take a freaking test, hate that book! Haha Just kidding! I LOVED IT! Who cares about a test anyway? But seriously I couldn't stop reading it! I think it was a while since I read that good of a book! I mean it was really really good, the kind of good that makes you forget everything and just keep reading it! If you read a description, it doesn't really give out much, there is soo much more to the story! The plot was amazing! But what really got to me were the characters!
I really through that I can never read a book with liking ALL of the characters in the book. But heck this book proved me wrong because I honestly liked all of the characters, even the creepy evil ones! I especially loved the main two characters and their connection! Ember was an amazing character. She went through a lot in her life, with trying to find out who she really is and I just loved her sense of humor, and how she didn't take shit from anyone, even the hot, definitely bipolar, bad boy Eli, with not so bad boy name..:D Ember, oh I swear he is a definition of bipolar! You never know what will come from him. He can be sweet and hot and sexy, totally gorgeous...oh wait I'm suppose to be talking about personality, wrong direction, lets go back. So I was saying he showed his sweet, sensitive, charming side, but than again there was a dark, not so sweet, kind of a jerk side, and a total bad-ass side. His bipolar character really surprised me, in a good way, because I actually liked it(; I laughed a lot in this book, especially the eye conversations between Eli and Ember. I loved the tension between them too, especially the awkward ones with people around...Haha.
I also liked how the author kept us guessing through out the story! The twist were awesome! I just loved this book! I can't wait till the next one comes out! I definitely recommend to read it, like now!!
Profile Image for Leonie (semi hiatus).
341 reviews208 followers
June 12, 2022
(4,5 stars)

"Holy shit, man, those are the most freakin´ unbelievable eyes I have ever seen. They´re wicked!"
"Yeah, and if you get any closer to them, you might get a wicked view of my fist," a voice growled behind me.

Whouu, somebody is jealous....

This is a one POV book, told by the POV of Ember.

For all fans of Savage lands who are missing the world after Shadow lands and are missing some good sexual tension: This is it!

Ember is a badass FMC, with a "take no shit from from anybody" attitude. I loved her snarky remarks at Eli and their constant bickering and fighting. Fans of the Savage land series might already know the two from Shadow lands, but this is their origin story. And let me tell you, they absolutely hate each other. The enemies to lovers vibes are really good in this one and the sexual tension? Through the roof. I would say it is almost the same as it was for Brex and Warwick. We also kind of get a hint of the Forbidden Love trope. I really liked Eli, he had that mysterious bad boy thing going for him, and I have to say it worked. The chemistry they have is absolutely amazing or to quote Josh "the sexual tension between you guys is so thick, one could choke on it".

Loved the side characters, especially Mark. He is such a good dad to Ember and really trying his best. Loved Embers friends, some comments they made were really funny and Ryan, Josh and Kennedy are definitely the comedic reliefs in this one. I really liked how the side characters had depths to them and all had their own story. I know that I am supposed to dislike Lorcan here, but I just can´t....Also: Hey West ;) you single?

Since it is the same world from Savage Lands I was expecting to already know most of it, but no, it still surprised me. First of all I have to say that this one feels way less dystopian than Savage lands and more like it is set during our times, but it was still really fun to read. I loved how the world was broaded and further built. There were new creatures and even irish mythology came into play. And of course new phrases and again, nicknames in another language. I really liked the pacing of the book, it didn´t feel too quick or too slow. This book felt like a perfect introduction into the world and the creatures within and I feel like the action was perfectly set to take off in the next book.

Overall it was an amazing read and it was so nice to come back to the world of savage lands. With that I am really looking forward to diving into the next book and continuing Embers and Elis journey.

trigger warnings: loss of loved ones, murder, attempted rape (not caused by the love interest)

Big thank you also goes out to @Nyx Adrasteia ❦ for making me aware that this series exist! I really appreciate it, I only got to read it because of you! Feel free to check out her profile for amazing recommendations and detailed reviews!
Profile Image for Vaishali • [V.L. Book Reviews] .
302 reviews198 followers
June 2, 2020
R A T I N G: 2 stars

“This isn’t going to be a cute little storybook you can close when you’re done. You open this, and you’re going to be letting things out you cannot possibly imagine. And believe me when I tell you that this is no fairy tale.”…”You still ready to hear a bedtime story?”

A B O U T - T H E - B O O K
Ember Brycin and her two best friends - Ryan and Kennedy - are social outcasts. Ember’s unique look and mysterious qualities have always drummed up suspicion and fear, the hot topic of conversation among her peer group. 'Freak', 'witch' and 'crazy' are but a few of the names associated with her, and she can’t help but feel as if she is descending into the bracket of insanity, if not already there. Seeing bizarre creatures, hearing voices and hallucinating, Ember has seen countless physicians, doctors and therapists over the years expressly after the brutal death of her mother.

Ember is burdened with terrible nightmares, tiptoeing a line of pure unadulterated crazy. Hallucinations of a gorgeous man with piercing blue eyes called Torin who meets her in her dreams and provides her with nothing but ominous and cryptic messages. Claiming to be her protector, Torin has been watching her for a long time, telling Ember that she isn't safe and nobody can be trusted. He tells her that they are destined to be together, and Ember can't help but feel safe with her imaginary friend.

Hiding, and rejecting the notion of what lurks beneath her skin is anything but normal, Ember has spent the entirety of her life so far avoiding the blatancy of the puzzling occurrences involving her and the mystifying things she can do. Ember has kept these secrets and hidden the severity of her mental state, even from her few friends and her stepfather Mark. Always on the receiving end of suspicion and investigation…and after an incident at school during the Midnight Masquerade, Ember, being a natural source of trouble is the first to blame for culprit. This not the first time her presence has triggered such manifestations. Having had trouble with the police before Ember knows that the odds aren’t in her favour, and her life has been following a downward spiral ever since. Told she must attend Silverwood – an institution for the troubled youth, after being deemed a sizable threat to her teachers and peers.

Here she meets motor cycle riding, roughhewn bad boy, Eli Dragen, who she has an undeniable attraction with, which has nothing to do with his toned, muscular body and animal green eyes (cough cough). While Ember can feel the danger radiating off of him, she feels an instant fiery connection with him, feeling both threatened and comforted by his company. She fears him just as much as she is captivated by him, and she can’t fight the allure of his magnetic stare. Every inch of him seems to provoke Ember in some way, baffled and confused by this connection - whichever way, seems to bring out the fire in her...


M Y - T H O U G H T S...

I want to start this review by highlighting my considerable sense of optimism when starting a new book, irrespective of negative reviews and criticism, giving a story a chance in spite of odds and likelihoods because I believe in fairness and objectivity, especially thoughtfulness when I'm face to face with with the hard labour of writing… also the reason why I don't particularly enjoy giving unfavorable reviews - for the simple fact that I am initiating judgment on somebody else’s treasure, imagining very well the kind of monumental effort it takes to craft a book - the sweat, hours, focus, heart, mind and determination it takes to make one.

But I also have an obligation to be honest to the author and the book's readers, and for that sake I will be. I always finish a book even if it doesn’t agree with me, but I continue in the hope that it will get better. 'Darkness of Light' didn’t…and the reason I think I felt so dissatisfied and disgruntled is because I had much expectation and hope for this to be a good story. But it wasn't.

'Darkness of Light' fell into the generic trappings of cliché. The events of this book were too predictable, not authentic and not very well-written. I could see 85% of the plot coming and I would at least have expected Ember to see them coming too but she is often too oblivious and naïve, not able to see that which was staring her right in the face, especially where Eli is concerned.

Eli and Ember’s encounters are repetitive, the prose is repetitive as are Ember's thoughts. The plot had inconsistencies and little trajectory throughout and the story didn’t feel like it was going anywhere - the places it went were foreseeable too. The evolution was minute and more or less stationary and the story descends as opposed to ascending and inciting. As much as I liked Ryan, Kennedy, West, Josh and Mark, there were character inconsistencies, and the characters felt starved of life and development, they were not remotely very fleshed out.

As well as this,​ there were plot holes in this story and the plot itself was underdeveloped - it didn’t flow seamlessly and wasn’t fleshed out. The scene structures felt superficially formed and the content wasn’t substantial or thorough enough, leaving a lot to be desired. The conversations didn’t have a great deal of purpose or direction and situations were resolved too quickly or not at all, seeming rushed. The transitions from scene and dialogue were anything but smooth, and in some ways it felt like I was reading 300+ pages of fanfiction.

I just didn't know how to feel about that. I didn’t feel much depth or expansion, and I know that authors dig deep when they write, but I didn’t feel that at all with this story. I didn’t feel connected, and honestly I felt very little for a story that I was really looking forward to. One of the markers I use to discern the greatness of a book is its skill to make me feel, and this fell wholly short on that front. Tremendously.

I knew from the start what Ember was as the book itself falls under the ‘fairy’ genre so the big reveal toward the end of the book was underwhelming in the sense that Ember's identity is one of those few big reveals.

​It’s obvious that Ember has some kind of supernatural ability from the start…and if similar events have indeed taken place before and have happened as a result of Ember’s turbulent emotions, it’s strange that Ember doesn’t pick up on said correlations, or that she doesn’t feel the power coursing through her considering the considerable damage that she can do… or maybe she just doesn’t want to face life-changing truths?

Ember is very often said to be strange rather than showing us how she might be considered 'strange', and I personally didn't peg her as a strange character. I suppose I can see her chalked up to being strange because of the strange phenomenon occurring in her presence - and her anomalous appearance - but nothing settles her strangeness to me.

Ember is humorous, charming and sarcastic. She is passionate and defiant, but usually at the expense of common sense and rationality, her instincts and impulses tending to rule her. I like the fact that Ember’s fears propel her as opposed to making her cower and I like her stubbornness, but where she makes up in her determination she lacks in smart thinking and does herself a great disservice in trailing after Eli relentlessly - I would have liked for her to stand up for herself in a more robust manner. I felt that the author tried too hard to make Ember a likeable character, trying to impart all the desired traits we seek in a loved protagonist but It did fall flat and it did ring false.

Eli loathes Ember, he insults and treats her with disdain, and even though Ember doesn’t take Eli’s insolence towards her lying down and combats his verbal attacks with her own retorts, she still chases him and lets her frivolous desires overwhelm her sense of levelheadedness which was exasperating.

I know Ember holds out hope for Eli, but though she tells him personal things of her own accord (knowing very well the type of man he is) yet gets upsets when he is not responsive. I’m aware that she wants him to divulge but I didn't want her to be too needy for her own benefit. She is also unbearably slow on the uptake, overlooks the apparent and takes extraordinarily long to put pieces of this puzzle together.

I don’t mind that Ember’s sense of self – preservation is questionable at times, often being a stickler for trouble and danger - even enjoying the danger - but it presents her as undeveloped and imprudent which discredits her character. ​

​Eli’s rejection cuts deeply into Ember. He has the power to emotionally wound her. Profoundly. Even though they have only known each other for days, and I’m not sure I can understand this reaction unless there is some significant bond that runs deeper between them that the author has chosen not to disclose as of yet - which I imagine there must be - considering some obvious implications. But if this is not the case, her reactions feel out of place.

As much as she tells herself she will stay away from Eli, Ember's curiosity acts as a prompt to chase him all over again (as much as I want to shout at her to stop!). Eli’s extremist moods and instant aggression is one thing; the angst is one thing, but his physical outbursts are out of order; I didn't like the occasions where he gets physically abusive. Ember has no qualms about his manhandling whatsoever, and it would seem that she would let him get away with almost anything- she makes allowances for his conduct. He doesn’t even apologise. He is unreliable and uncaring.

He is also hypocritical in that he is concerned for her wellbeing, raging against her alleged attackers, but then it’s perfectly fine for him to elicit injuries to her himself. His moods are all over the place which I think represents his own inner conflict; wanting Ember but hating her because of what she is. I can’t however, condone that kind of violence especially when it is unprovoked. Fix up Eli! ….

oh, and after he tells her to stay out of the woods, he then leaves her stranded there…twice!
I don’t mind simple writing - because simple writing can often be the best - as long as a story is written, executed and conducted well, but the writing in 'Darkness of Light' wasn't very appealing. It was lacking in intelligence and consistency. The story did not grip me, fulfil me or satisfy me like a hearty, rich story is supposed to... which is a shame.

I LOVE books about fairy mythology and folklore - I'm kind of obsessed with them actually - and I came across this series which sounded fascinating so I took a chance, as we all do. I’m so disheartened however to say that this book was discouraging, sub-standard and juvenile. I'm not a happy human. The synopsis was interesting and had immense potential to be something fruitful and gripping. Saying this, i don't think i'll give up on this series just yet (there's something to be said for carrying on) and i do intend to continue in the hope that it will get better.

“Because once the truth is out, there’s no going back, and you will wish you could.” ​

Visit my blog for more reviews: V.L. Book Reviews
T W I T T E R: @VicariousHearts
I N S T A G R A M: @Vicarious.Hearts

Trigger Warning: Attempted rape and physical abuse.
Profile Image for Jessica ❥Chatterbooks Book Blog❥.
845 reviews3,210 followers
January 21, 2016
3.5 stars
Darkness of Light is about a 18 year old girl named Ember. She has always known she was different, but never understood why. Her mother was violently murdered, her father left before she was born, and she has been treated like a freak by her peers all of her life. Her stepfather, Mark, is the only family she has. In school, she has 2 friends that are fellow outcasts. They are good friends that make life a little easier. It is with them where she actually feels like she belongs.

When something strange happens at a school dance causing things to blow up in the gym, she becomes a prime suspect. These types of things always seem to happen around her. The principal feels that she should spend some time in an alternative school as punishment. Ember is ripped away from her friends and forced to spend the last part of her senior year at a new school for troubled kids. It's at this school where she meets Eli. He is as infuriating as he is attractive and enticing. She is constantly confused by the way he treats her and by her feelings for him. Throughout her time at the school, she starts to realize more about herself. Oh yeah and the whole time some hot guy keeps appearing to her in her dreams telling her that someone is coming for her and she needs to beware. He also tells her that she is meant to be with him. It's all very confusing for her until everything is finally brought to light. The story ends on a cliffhanger when it seems like the action is finally starting to take place.

Not a tremendous amount happened in this book, but it is obviously setting up what will take place in the rest of the series. It established character relationships and had the main character discover who she was and her importance. Even though I gave it only 3.5 stars, I can't wait to continue on in the series. This book seems to be setting up a much more exciting story to come.
Profile Image for Chloe.
64 reviews50 followers
August 2, 2015
CLIFFHANGER! Need to read the next book because I enjoyed this one so much!
Profile Image for Caroline | BooktokEnthusiast.
399 reviews159 followers
August 18, 2023
Some spoilers below.

This was a pretty good paranormal/fantasy romance. It started out really quick and was easy to get into, but it stalled around the 100 page mark when Ember just went in circles for another 100 pages trying to figure out what was wrong with her. The world-building is really easy to understand, the book itself is short so it's an easy fantasy story, and the characters are well-rounded enough.

My problem with this book is that so many aspects of it are so similar to other stories by Stacey Marie Brown. There is always the tough girl who never really fit in/doesn't know she's fae or supernatural. Then there's always a male main character who is a complete asshole to the FMC for hundreds of pages, but yet she always completely loses her backbone whenever she's anywhere in his vicinity. Throughout this whole story, Ember is thinking about how Eli is such a jerk to her and how she hates him, but the moment they would be in the same room, "heat was pooling, her back was arching, a soft moan slipped out, her core was clenching, etc." Like, does this happen to real people? It's fucking boring honestly. These stories would be so much better if there was even an inkling of real slow-burn tension instead of having a FMC who is orgasming in her pants when she sees the male main character in the hallway at school.

As I mentioned above, it also just took Ember way too long to figure out the truth. This girl was getting beat the fuck up everywhere she went. She was beat to death at a bar, by Samantha, by Lorcan like 4 times, and then by the Queen...like there's just too much. Also, Ember seemed to make every stupid decision possible, and it got a bit tiresome. Her inner monologue would be like, everything in my body is screaming at me not to do this but I am doing it anyways! It was annoying--grow a fucking brain.

I will say, I'm intrigued by West. I liked him. Eli was fine but pretty much like every other male main character in every cheesy fantasy series ever. This book just looooved all of the popular Booktok romance/alpha-hole tropes.

My favorite character was Torin. I'm 99% sure that Eli is endgame here, and we're supposed to be rooting for Eli, but I was fully shipping Torin throughout this whole book. I also loved Ember's stepdad, Mark. He deserves more than the life he has been given. I also liked Ember's friends Kennedy (who is 100% some sort of supernatural), Ryan, and Josh (the nerd who wants fantasy to be real <3)

There seem to be a lot of villains in this (Lorcan, the Seelie Queen, the Unseelie King, Samantha, Sheriff Weiss, Kallie, etc.), so I'm hoping that gets reeled in. I can't stand when series have like 6 villains. Anyways, I haven't decided if I want to continue or not. I did like this and I read it quickly, but it was a bit predictable and frustrating, and I don't really like Ember and Eli together (they bore me).
Profile Image for Melissa.
384 reviews642 followers
February 7, 2015
Reasons I read this book:

1) That Cover : I know, I know but just look at it and tell me that in not a freaking amazing cover. Its gorgeous! And as I've mentioned before I will crumble before a beauty like that. No, I don't care what that says about me :)

2) Reverse Harem List : I found the book in this list and heck, that just seemed to call out to me. Kinky, I know. HA! (I've never claimed to be right in the head)

3) Writing Style : It reminded me of Jennifer L. Armentrout.
An author who may not be creative but still manages to keep me coming for more.

You see, that's where all the pros end and the infinite of cons begin...

Ember: Her personality, I found to be very fluctuating and unstable. I don't even think that makes sense but bear with me. Its like the author wanted her to be "a freak" but she didn't have freakish tendencies, she wanted her to be "socially awkward" but she was just blatantly stupid, she wanted her to be some sort of "tomboy" but is just came out as forced and fake.

I also found her to be all too hypocritical. She would dismiss girls because of their attraction to Eli while she did the exact same thing on a grander scale.

Eli: What the heck does anyone see in this guy?? I mean it! Can somebody please tell me because I have never hated a male character like I did this one. He is an ass, an nonredeemable jerk with no drool worthy traits, granted a hot one.

But that's all he is. NOTHING MORE with his rock hard abs and green piercing eyes. And what the heck is all these stories with piercing eyes or eyes that see into your soul, dark as night eyes- I could keep going but I rather not rant incessantly. What ever happen to normal looking eyes? Haven't you heard the saying that goes "the road to hell is paved with adjectives"... Or was it adverbs? Whatever, I'm not googling that. You catch my drift.

Ember and Eli: Their relationship. Its the whole he's an ass but he has a "reason". What do I say to that? Screw you! Now that situation has worked on me many times before but here it just annoyed the hell out of me. Always with the "there is something about Eli" which made no EFFIN sense. There is nothing about him--as I've mentioned before--that's special or redeemable or likable, for the matter. He is abusive to the point of hurting her in multiple occasions and she just stands there like an ass and takes it. She also trusts him because heloouuu he's hot. She would tell him everything--a guy she has only known for two weeks--but lie to her ONLY friends--since middle school-- every single time! She was so weak and fickle. He would just look at her, or smirk, or growl in her ear--*massive eye roll*-- and she would succumb. I mean seriously women! Get some balls! She had no pride. He was horrible to her and its like she would come back and ask for more with a please and thank you.

I'm quite impulsive--something I should maybe grow out of-- and if some guy has the audacity to talk to me that way I would've left him without the possibility of future children (I've had enough practice with my brothers)..and then run like hell because I'm not stupid either.
Stupid as hell relationship
Oh! And their little mute-eye-contact rants? I just wish I had an AK-47.

Ahhh!!! And how could I forget!! Ember is just too stupid to live.

I just hated this. Its not even worth mentioning anyone else because this just sucks. Gosh there went my two days wasted on this.

Profile Image for Tee Loves Books.
945 reviews
April 20, 2013
******4.5 stars*****
Stacey Marie Brown has officially wowed me with this addicting and suspense-filled story! I was drawn in by Ember's strange abilities, intrigued by the thrilling and well-developed story that was unfolding, and of course mesmerized by the glorious eye candy that graced the pages!!

Ember has had quite the unsettling life for the last 18 years. She lost her mother years ago, strange creatures always seem to appear around her, and when she's emotional...well, all hell breaks loose. So when she caught the attention of the authorities, Ember and her step-father couldn't talk their way out of the fact that there is a pattern of destruction trailing behind her. The facility that she's sent to, an organization that helps troubled children, turns out to be the same place where HE is. The gorgeous, cocky, mouthwatering Eli Dragen, who seems to have split personalities at best. He's an ass, but there is something about him that draws Ember in every time he's near. She has what I playfully termed as "Eli radar", and whenever he was near she was all kinds of worked up. Top that with her disturbing and vivid dreams (where the delectably sweet Torin visits her), her usual dose of crazy "hallucinations", and the sudden evidence that her body is capable of inhuman feats, and Ember is feeling like her life is crumbling around her.

Really, the last thing this girl needed was a love interest, but she never stood a chance against the likes of Eli. He infuriated me with his sometimes cruel and demeaning treatment of Ember, but of course there is something supernatural behind his reaction to her. And Ember really stood her ground against him, which was part of what made her such an incredible heroine. She literally endures a torturous journey in this story, both emotionally and physically, and not once does she back down. She's definitely one bad-ass leading lady, and I am going to love seeing what she can pull off with in rest of this series! Part of me wishes that it didn't take quite so long for her to figure things out, especially since there was so much evidence of an otherworldly existence right in front of her. But I am grateful that, unlike many other stories these days, it took some convincing to make her believe she wasn't just your average psychotic human!

As the veil was lifted from Ember's eyes and she started to grasp what she, Eli, and the others around her truly were, the climax of Darkness of Light comes barreling through like a speeding freight train. My stomach was so twisted up and my heart was racing as Ember was put to her greatest test so far, and it was heartbreaking!! There were so many unique and fascinating facets to Stacey Brown's world that made this story truly come alive, and her impeccably detailed writing was impressive. I'm absolutely in it for the long haul with this series, because with characters I can't get enough of and a plot that left me constantly guessing and gasping, there's no doubt this is going to be a great one!

Memorable Quotes:

Holy shit! Can we say unstable? Was I the only sane one around here? Well, I guess that really wasn't setting the standard very high. ~Ember, LOC 2213
"Pig-headed? That's rich coming from you, the most obstinate, opinionated, and ornery person I've ever met."

"Uh-oh, the three O's. I must be in trouble," Eli quipped. "How about this? You are insufferable, insolate, and infuriating!" ~ LOC 2500

Turning his body he pressed closer to me. "Things are about to change." He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I'm going to do everything I can to protect you." ~ Torin, LOC 3326

This and other of my reviews can be found at: http://www.autumnreview.com/search/la...
Profile Image for Pam Nelson.
3,586 reviews111 followers
August 28, 2017
3.5 Darkness of Light Stars

I read the Collector Series first and LOVED it.

So I thought ok time for this one. I won’t say I loved this one but I am in like.

I can see how the series are connected but you don’t have to have read one before the other. Or at least that’s how I am seeing it.

Ember is still in high school and is a little dramatic but you expect that with her age.

Eli is the love interest but also not. It’s different that is for sure but they share this connection.

Torin seems to be a game changer but I think we will see this in the books to come.

Ember knows she is different and Eli is different, only Ember doesn’t know what she is. And when she does, shit is going to hit the fan.

I liked the narration all right but I didn’t love it she grows on you. Maybe I will like it more in the books to come.

*You don't have to like my review but its 100% my opinion, and I am allowed to have it.*
Profile Image for Kiandra &#x1f98b;.
63 reviews12 followers
August 19, 2024
⭑ ⭑⭑ ✩ ✩
I only read this book in order to get to Savage Lands. IF I was rating on writing alone, it would be one star and that’s being generous. The writing is absolutely terrible and I generally don’t notice but I actually did this time if that says anything. After getting through the first part of the book, the vibes helped me get through the writing.

Ember and Eli were such a toxic mess but I loved it. The two were constantly fighting and you could tell throughout that Eli especially was really fighting his feelings. That aside this book was slightly confusing, it took an entire book for the author to reveal what abilities anyone had. She kept giving hints but it was driving me absolutely insane that it wasn’t straight up mentioned. There was a ton of ‘foreshadowing’ but considering no information was given about either one them, it just ended up not making much sense. I’ll give it three stars because overall I did like it, but not that much

Pre-Read 💐:
I am so confused 🤨
Profile Image for Al *the semi serial series skipper*.
1,659 reviews791 followers
January 12, 2019
My aim for this year is to be more spontaneous by picking a book without even reading the blurb. My spontaneity lead me to this book.

I liked it, the FMC wasn't whiny and annoying so that's a plus. I liked Eli as well. I don't know what's going to happen with Torin though, the whole quasi love triangle they have going on. Still can't wait to read the rest of it.
March 22, 2020
3 ⭐⭐⭐

Darkness of Light is the first book in the Darkness series by Stacey Marie Brown.

Ember Brycin thought she was hallucinating, seeing bizarre creatures, hearing voices and being able to do unusual stuff. She was then sent to an institution for the troubled youths. There she was able to meet Eli Dragen whom she met once in jail. 😳

The concept of the story was good, it was interesting at first especially with Ember’s identity.
I think the story is heading in a good direction. It's just that the story was dragged on for too long, nothing much happens in the book until the final pages. At first I find it really hard to figure out where the chemistry is between them. I can’t keep up with Eli’s mood swings and Ember is a bit annoying. Honestly, I also can’t grasp the animosity of Detective Weiss to Ember. 

Still the story was interesting with unique characters. 👌🏻

“I was Fay and Demon. I was earth and fire. I was darkness and light. I was not a victim. I would become what I was meant to be. A Dae. And I would fight.”
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,277 reviews57 followers
March 7, 2019
Ember knows there is something wrong with her when things keep blowing up around her. She is sent to a special school for troubled teens where she meets Eli. He's dark, handsome, brooding and has something "special" about him too. He really wants to hate Ember but is attracted to her too, this leads to some delightful sexual tension. As Ember embraces her growing powers, it becomes clear that Eli knows what is going on but won't tell her. Ah, the frustration! At the very end of the book, Ember's genetic makeup is finally revealed with devastating results.

Good first book in a series. I got a little frustrated with the back & forth between Ember and Eli, and very impatient about wanting my questions about her origins answered. But, I am SO hooked.... and confused at the same time. The ending left me with even more questions that I am eager to find out the answers to in future books.
Profile Image for Jeanny.
1,968 reviews164 followers
May 7, 2015
I can't. I've read fan lit that had more happening & whose characters are better developed. @ 30% other than the protagonist suffering from "hallucinations" & "temper tantrums" nothing ever happens. I'm sorry I hit the delete button & am working hard @ forgetting this ever happened. DNF DNF DNF omg boring boring boring!
Profile Image for Vanessa Gayle ⚔️ Fangirl Faction.
1,062 reviews826 followers
February 5, 2023
01/14/2023: Reread!

11/05/2020: Reread!

This review MAY contain spoilers. Read at your own risk.
(Original star rating: 4 Stars.)

This is going to be one of those difficult reviews to write. There were parts of this book that I really liked and some things that I thought could be improved, but as a whole, I did enjoy reading it.

I loved that I was immediately drawn into the story and that it kept my attention the whole way through. I constantly wanted to know when the mystery was going to be solved and find out who the main character, Ember, could trust. I was able to read this in one sitting so it was definitely compelling. I felt that the pacing was a little slow in the middle. Things don't really start happening until the last portion of the book where the plot is concerned. The middle just felt like teenage school drama and nothingness. Most of the plot is centered around two things: Ember trying to figure out what she is since she is the cause of unusual things happening around her constantly, and the romance that forms between her and Eli. The other plot points seemed dulled by these two things.

I liked the chemistry between Ember and Eli. It is a hate-to-love trope so there is a lot of back and forth between them that is entertaining. While I enjoyed the chemistry, I didn't feel like the romance was convincing enough. Ember seemed to fall in love with Eli way too quickly, and the entire time he is being downright cruel and nasty to her. It even gets physical and borders on abuse at points so it felt very unbelievable. I don't normally fall head over heels for a man that throws me up against a tree by my neck and leaves gashes in my throat in the process. Some of their dialogues were good, but some of them were almost painful to read. Deep down I am rooting for this romance because I can see the potential, but I am still on the fence over it. Hopefully, it gets better in the next book.

The world-building is decent enough. There are enough details to discern the lay of the land, so to speak. I did feel that it could have used more paranormal or fantasy elements because the majority of the book pretty much felt like reading a contemporary teenage romance. And until the big reveal at the end of the book, the reader doesn't even really know what type of paranormal story this is. There is no mention of paranormal creatures until the end of the book so the reader doesn't even really know where the story is going. This does add some suspense and mystery to the book in a good way, but overall I prefer my paranormal books to have more paranormal in them. It shouldn't feel like a contemporary romance. If I had not read Stacey Marie Brown's Collector series, which is set in the same world, prior to starting this one then I feel like I would have been lost and confused about what type of story I was reading.

The characters have their good and bad qualities. At least in terms of character development. I like that the characters have flaws and that these flaws influence their personalities and the way that they act in the book. Ember felt a little annoying to me at times, but other times she wouldn't take any crap. At times she felt like a damsel in distress, and I am not overly fond of those types of characters. I am sorry to say that I didn't connect with her as much as I would have liked. If anything, I liked Eli's character more. At least he felt like he had more depth. And honestly, he was a douchebag to Ember most of the time. There were a few shiny rainbow moments where he actually showed some semblance of concern or kindness to Ember, but he was mostly just a dick.

Overall, I enjoyed this book and I will be continuing the series. This series has a lot of promise and I am hoping that a few things that didn't click with me in this book improve in the next one. The book in very entertaining and I would recommend it to anyone that loves paranormal romance.

More reviews on my blog: Novel Nerd Faction
Profile Image for Alana ~ The Book Pimp.
857 reviews193 followers
September 4, 2015
Anyone that has followed my reading tastes can probably see a pattern emerging: if there is a 'bad boy' douchebag (especially riding a motorcycle) and it involves fae and it's a YA... can we say, 'Right up my alley?' Eli has me in his clutches from the word, "No."

I found myself really connecting with Ember. "She was scared of me-most of the school was." Kind of a sad thing to have in common with a character, but I actually had most of my Jr.High scared of me for my preferred genre in reading (among other things, but that's another story.) I really was rooting for her, and angry when it seemed like the world was out to get her.

Many aspects of the plot kept me guessing (even up to nearly the end), but there were some things you could see coming. That was probably the biggest reason for the loss of a star - so many things, here and there, reminded me of this book, or that character. Can you say love triangle? Also, just a personal preference, but Jimmeny Cricket, what is up with all these cliffhanger books? Seriously, there needs to be author intervention. Yes, it draws (or maybe demands) the reader to want book 2, but you're killing me here! *Rabble, rabble, cliffy endangering the life of my Kindle*

No idea who to trust, but can't help but love those bad boys!

Favorite Quotes:

"How I loved the comments. As if I didn't know I had two different colored eyes. One of these days, I was going to respond with, 'Oh how embarassing. Did I leave the house with my eyes not matching again?"

"He's not my type, but there's really a presence about him, huh? Something you can't explain - a raw, sexual essence. A guy wose boxers you want to stay permanently on your floor."

"'Oh, Holy Hotness Batman!' Ryan's gaze was directed out the window at Eli. 'I don't know why you'd want to hang out with us when you have playmates like him at this school.'"

Book provided by the Author through PNR NaUBA group Author/Reader Exchange
Profile Image for Nikki Jefford.
Author 60 books1,028 followers
May 25, 2014
I really, really, REALLY enjoyed this book!

Ember was feisty and kickass, reckless at times, but her encounters with the sheriff’s department reminded me of one of my favorite TV heroines, Veronica Mars.

Eli… so hot for him! Eli and Embers scenes were smoking hot!

It drives me wild, in a good way, when two characters have crazy chemistry, but can’t seem to be together. Oh, how I love to be teased.

Eli did lose points with me when he left Ember alone in the woods without transportation and she had to call her friends to come pick her up. WTH? Not cool, but at least he made up for it later. Kind of. I’m not sure what his intentions are yet. Save her to sell her out? All part of the fun and mystery.

This is when I’m happy to come into a series late, because it means there are more books I can go instantly devour. I’m ready to dive back in!

Darkness of Light sucked me in and I will be recommending it to my reading friends.
Profile Image for Tiffany.
102 reviews612 followers
November 12, 2021
This book is so good! It kept my interest throughout the entire thing. I love the tension and steam in this book. The world building is great! Eli is 🥵🥵🥵 i need him.
For a first book in a series, this was an overall amazing start. I instantly picked up book 2!
Profile Image for RuthAnn.
490 reviews20 followers
May 6, 2015
This was not bad. But it was far from good.

Bottom line up front: Darkness of Light suffered from ya cliche overload and indie author without professional guidance.

Sometimes it seems like I don't have respect for independent authors. I do. I really do. Like all authors, indie authors put their heart and soul into what they write and publish and they do it ALONE. That takes GUTS. But at the same time, for every Michael J. Sullivan, for every Elizabeth Hunter, there are a thousand MEs that love reading and writing but are just not talented enough to publish without professional editing.

Stacey Marie Brown is me.

It's not that there were a ton of typos or grammatical mistakes. I mean, there were mistakes, but not prevalent. It wasn't distracting. My two main issues were the weakness of the main character and the lack of plausibility of her actions.

It was pretty obvious to the reader from the get-go that Ember, the main character, was something special. My initial guess was that she was some sort of fae creature. I guessed this from what was described/occurring in about the first 5 pages. However, Ember has been dealing with what was being described for 18 YEARS OF HER LIFE. And still doesn't admit that she's different or that she herself is causing strange things. I think that if for MY WHOLE LIFE lights exploded when I got mad, I would maybe say, hey, I can control lights. I don't know why I can control lights, but I can do it. Or if I saw a troll instead of a man for like the hundredth time, I might say to myself, "Self, this is probably not a hallucination. Trolls exist."

Unfortunately Ember doesn't do this and I completely lose respect for her. It is sad that authors think an unaware heroine makes a better story than an aware heroine. A smart heroine. A strong heroine.

The notion of strength brings me to Ember's interactions with Eli, the love interest. There are about 20 interactions between the two in the book. Let me sum each of them up just to save potential readers a TON of time reading about 300 worthless pages.

Eli looks at Ember like he hates her.
Ember is bewildered, hurt and offended by this, but can't stop looking at his incredible physique and the way his button-fly jeans sling so low you can see his v-line. (OK seriously, from 25 feet away, how is one to know that these are button-fly jeans? Is this 1991? Are the buttons on the outside of the fly? What IS this?)
Eli draws Ember to him.
Ember feels oddly safe near Eli even though he clearly hates her.
Sexual tension ensues.
Eli pushes Ember away.
Ember gets pissed, tries not to let Eli see her cry and runs away.
Eli runs after her. (WHY?)
Ember begs Eli to tell her what's different about her.
Eli refuses.
One or both storm off and swear never to talk to the other again.

I'm not totally sure about Ember's emotional development, but at 18, I would have gone through this maybe twice before I moved on to greener pastures.

To further address the unaware heroine cliche -- I just find this implausible. Why, as readers, do we accept story lines that include characters not telling each other important plot elements because it's better if they don't know? Does this happen in real life? I gotta think that if maybe, just maybe I wasn't human, my mother probably would have clued me into it and all the dangers it implied from day numero uno. But if Ember's mother would have done that, I guess Brown wouldn't have had this story to tell.

But wait--she would've had a better story to tell.

Picture this.

I'm Ember. I'm different. Ever since I was born, my mom always told me that even though I looked human, even though I had emotions like a human and thought like a human, I wasn't totally human. It's dangerous to be me. Humans must never know I'm not like them. I'd be kept in a lab, experimented on, or worse, used as a weapon.

I've always tried to keep my head down, but now I can't shake the feeling something's coming for me. My mom tried to tell me about it, but she was murdered before I could get all the details. I'm scared that if I don't find out what it is soon, my life as I know it might be over.

RIIIIGGGHHHTTT??? That's a good story.

Profile Image for Annika.
461 reviews115 followers
May 17, 2016
1 star - DNF at 55% - Beware: rant ahead!

Nope. That's enough. I'm done.
I really tried, but my headache is getting the best of me, so I choose to give up. I don't even know if my migrane is book-induced, or if I just slammed my Kindle or my hand one time too many against my forehead.


After the first chapter, it was clear to me that I wasn't going to read this book because of its characters. I disliked Ember right away but I was still hopeful that the story might be able to make up for that shortcoming. It didn't.
Let me give you a little summary of what happens during the first half of the book:
Girl meets boy. Girl is strange. Boy is hot. Girl gets horny. Boy is a dick. Girl gets angry. Boy and girl argue. Girl runs off. Boy runs after girl, only to be even more of a dick to her.
Next day: Boy and girl agree on a truce. Girl swoons over boy's hotness. Boy is a dick again. Girl runs off but can't stop thinking about boy's hotness.
Next day: Boy and girl get along. Girl tries to talk to boy. Boy is a dick. Girl gets angry and runs off. Boy follows. Boy and girl almost kiss. Boy is a dick again. Girl daydreams about boy's hotness.
Next day: Girl ignores boy. Boy whines and simultaniously behaves like a double dick. Girl runs off and goes binge drinking, drooling over memory of boy's hotness.

And that's it! It's ridiculous. Of course, there's that thing with Ember blowing up light bulbs and setting things on fire when she's angry (but for some reason, clueless Ember doesn't clock that it might have something to do with her). And then there's Eli's fuck buddy, Samantha, and his brother whose name I've already forgotten, who both seem to want to kill Ember. And some stuff about eyes and strange hair and Ember's mother and a nasty cop and... bla bla bla. Really, I couldn't care less. We aren't told anything anyway. It's all about Ember begging for Eli's attention and Eli insulting and humiliating Ember.
And those two characters... it's impressive, really, how they are able to make me so furious and desperate all the time. Haven't had that in a long while. One of them is a dumb, constantly horny, snarky bitch without the merest hint of self respect, the other one an obnoxious, indecisive prick - but hey, he's hot, so of course we don't mind. It's a good thing that we're reminded of his hotness on every other page, otherwise we wouldn't love him, right?

Ugh. I'm outta here.

Profile Image for Lina.
195 reviews159 followers
February 3, 2021

“This isn’t going to be a cute little storybook you can close when you’re done. You open this and you’re going to be letting things out you cannot possibly imagine. And believe me when I tell you this is no fairytale.”

3.80-4.00 STARS ⭐️
Hello and welcome back to one of my reviews.
It hasn't been that long since I last wrote a review, but it's always a treat when you come back to writing stuff, especially book reviews. In this incident I must say that this book surprised me a lot. In the best possible way I assure you.
I am not a big fan of NA books, but it's nice to switch up genres sometimes and when I tend to choose which NA I should read next, I am very careful and picky in that department. Again, I chose this book with few reasons not only the cover, but the plot sounded very promising. Plus the other reason is that I really wanted to read its sequel, I think it was called The Collector series or something. I have heard very nice things about it, but many people said that before you read that series, you have to read its primary beginning which was this series that's completed in total of 4 - 5 books. So I read this one and I must say I wasn't disappointed. The plot was as how I expected to be, the characters were very refreshing, the world building was very good and kept me guessing and the romance was angsty to the very end. On the other note, why I gave it that many stars that I did, is because of the ending of the book. The whole book was perfect until the very ending. I don't know what was that, but it left me very sceptical in the end on how to rate this book. However, this series like I said is consisted of 4 books total, so I hope that the final end will be more satisfactory for readers like me who just started reading this.


Ember Brycin has always known she’s different. After finding her mother brutally murdered, her mind begins to see things that shouldn’t exist. The more she feels her sanity slipping, the more bizarre and inexplicable things constantly happen around her.
When the latest school explosion lands her in a facility for troubled youth, she meets Eli Dragen—a hot as hell, darkly mysterious, bad boy from a notorious biker gang. Their connection is full of passion, danger, and secrets. Secrets that will destroy her life and lead her down a path she could never imagine.

A pawn in a war between the Fae.

In the middle of Light and Dark, Ember finds another world where truth and knowledge are power and no one can be trusted.


Ember in the book was a very unexpected character for me. I really liked the girl, but the decisions she made, made me want to weep. Like there were moments I was like girl why?
Clearly she was smart, she knew what she was doing but boy her impulsiveness led her to do some very stupid mistakes. That's my only complaint about her.

“A slight smile curved his lips. “I’m thinking about signing you up for the WWF.”

“The World Wildlife Fund?”

Eli scoffed. “Yeah, jailbait, the World Wildlife Fund. You can wrestle those scary panda bears to the ground.”


Other than that, Ember was in reality a teenager who had unlimited power that costed her moving to one place to an another with her stepfather. That included moving high schools which landed her at Silverwood. A school with troubled kids. We see her adapt there and meeting a new friend Josh, who by the way was very sweet and of course stumbling upon Eli. What else I liked about Ember is that she had amazing and supportive friends and a stapdad who really cared about her. What I really didn't understand in this book was her relationship with Torin, who I still don't trust by the way. Ember was both mesmerized by Eli and Torin, and when things got complex between her and Eli she ran to Torin. She had a very possessive feeling over those two guys which was very selfish in my opinion, because girl just choose one already. However, she had many positive qualities like her humor, and her determination to get to the truth which I also REALLY REALLY wanted to know, because this book truly gets you guessing through the very end (though some of my theories turned out true, very proud of that). In the next books, I hope she won't make any more rash decisions like she made in this one and hopefully I expect even a further character development.



Eli is our main "hero" in the story. Of course if I had to choose between Eli and Torin, I would choose Eli, because he was in fact more badass and plus he owns a Harley. So there's really no competition here. Because even though Eli had his own agenda, he gets all the points in being a total mysterious badass.

“Fuck you!” “Right here?” He crossed his arms. “That definitely wouldn’t help your getting over me.”


Eli was your ultimate bad boy in this book. He was fun, mysterious at many times, arrogant and of course had amazing chemistry and a great hilarious banter with our main heroine. Through out the book, we see Eli and Ember having their first interaction in school and from that point on he picks on her and both of them can't just stay away from each other, because there's a very big magnetic pull and connection between them that they can't ignore, no matter how hard they tried to. I personally think, Eli was the one who most of all tried to stay away from Ember, who put the most effort, so did Ember, but I think Eli more because of his own agenda. Whenever they had a scene, the banter was great, but I have to say the chemistry was also unbelievable that absolutely set fire through the pages and made you want to read till the very end. I want to see more of Eli in the next book though. Hoping for more explanations to be made because the ending sure left you with burning unanswered questions.


Profile Image for Jaime (Two Chicks on Books).
825 reviews396 followers
July 4, 2017
I have a love-hate relationship with fae books and while I'll admit this wasn't the best fae book I've ever read it was prettt damned good! Enough for me to want to continue the series.
Profile Image for Lučka.
357 reviews69 followers
January 31, 2019
Super angsty YA/NA some kind of Fae wannabe love triangle drama llama which I kinda enjoyed it. 🤷‍♀️
Profile Image for JenacideByBibliophile.
222 reviews140 followers
November 18, 2015
Disclaimer: This book was sent to me by the publisher, Mark My Words Book Publicity, via NetGalley for an honest review.

Opinion: Okay readers, I have something great to show you! I know so many fellow bookworms on Goodreads and Instagram have been looking for another amazing series that feels like a version of Twilight (one with better writing) or of The Mortal Instruments…LOOK NO FURTHER! I started this book on my lunch yesterday (12:00 – 1:00 PM), had to agonizingly put it down while I continued on with my work day (1:00 – 4:00 PM), which then lead to me immediately reading it once I got home and not stopping until I was finished. Not only did I tell myself my review could wait until tomorrow (procrastination never sleeps), but I immediately purchased book 2 Fire In The Darkness. Okay…you caught me. I read book 2 into the wee hours of the night, finished it, and yes…I might have ordered book 3 Dwellers of Darkness already. Sue me, because I am a tad bit obsessed. ;)

Ember Brycin has been dealing with her peers treating her differently for her entire life, and her unique looks don’t help her case. After several incidences of electrical explosions start to happen whenever Ember is near, she is forced to attend a school for troubled youth. Here she meets the alluring and dangerous Eli Dragen, who makes a point to show his distaste for Ember. Soon Ember starts to learn the truth about who, or what, she really is and is forced to choose who to trust.

AH! This book absolutely grabbed my attention from the beginning and I am still having trouble putting this series down! The beginning starts out feeling very much like a scene from Carrie, but the overall series definitely has a Twilight and The Mortal Instruments feel to it. Due to these descriptions sometimes not giving you guys enough to go on about the book, let me dig in a little deeper into what this series morphs into. Ember is sassy, independent, strong-willed, ferocious, and FANTASTIC. Her character reminds me of Jessica from the 1-800 Where Are You series, in the sense that both of these girls are attracted to the “bad boy” lead male characters but aren’t the damsel in distress type. Ember can hold her own, and she is a very entertaining character to follow into this series. Eventually the reader will learn that Ember and Eli are Otherworlders, which includes creatures like demons, faeries, goblins, and Dark Dwellers, and that Ember is a species of Otherworld that is forbidden to be alive. I will say no more, I cannot spoil this for you guys!

The writing in this series is wonderful, the author is fantastic at character development, and she doesn’t rush over things at all. There was a nice even pace throughout this book and I was COMPLETELY ABSORBED in it. I enjoyed how the author kept the tension and the suspense building between Eli and Ember, but made sure not to completely drown the reader in a romance that is bound to happen. Please also keep in mind that this is a Mature YA/Adult series, meaning that it is focused on its story-line and rather tame but it gets a little bit hot and heavy…but not enough to make this fall into the erotica genre.

OVERALL, FANTASTIC! A MUST READ SERIES! If you are looking to get lost in another world, you need to try this out. I am SO looking forward to continuing on to book 3 and seeing where the author takes the story.
July 7, 2013
This book is a captivating, mystifying, deceptively clever read that keeps you questioning if anyone is really who they say they are and how are they involved in this - and you just have to think that somehow everyone really is. Most importantly you wonder what role will they play and whose side will they be on after the smoke from the next explosion (literally and figuratively) clears.

We meet Ember at a high-school dance that her friends have dragged her to, rather unwillingly. Ember is an individual, a person who think for themselves and refuses to follow the herd thus is not part of the "popular" or "cool groups". She is loyal and generous to her friends and as protective of them as a mother bear with her cubs. Unfortunately, all of these qualities lead her to be a target for abuse by the "mean girls" at school and while she could care less (truly) of what these people think of her, once they turn to targeting her friends things quickly get out of hand and she accidentally causes the lights in the gym to explode and starts all the pretty streamers and assorted decorations on fire.

Due to "safety concerns" for other students at her current school, Ember is transferred to a facility for students with issues - better than "juvie" but still a facility where she is monitored more closely than her old school. Here, she is surprised to find, she feels comfortable. She finds a friend her first day. Then she meets Eli Dragen.

Eli is the bad boy your Mother warned you about - the one who rides a motorcycle, belongs to a gang and hangs out at the wrong places. I don't have to tell you more cause you have met his type and know him all too well (in books at least). And Eli - his presence takes Ember's already precarious world and blows the wobbly legs out from under it. As simple and as complex as that.

I enjoyed this book very much and while some parts were predictable a lot weren't and I enjoyed that very much. Ember is as contrary a heroine as I have ever met and Eli - someone described him as bipolar and in a lot of ways that fits him and his situation - two opposing views in one mind.
I have left it till here to assign a ranking because I am wavering on this book. I think I will compromise and go with 4.5**** although since GR doesn't do half I will round up and give it 5*****. I very much look forward to book 2 and not just for Ember and Eli but for all the characters and situations we meet in book 1 - this book definitely leaves you wanting and needing more. Bring it!

Book provided by the Author through PNR NaUBA group Author/Reader Exchange.
Profile Image for Mollydee.
102 reviews36 followers
October 17, 2013
I read 40 pages. I do not know how else to get this off my bookshelf accept to mark it as read and do a short review.

First of all it is my fault for not looking at the genre (YA)

I tried I really did. It was the cheesiest type of book, reminded of of a Harelequin romance I read once. Just flat, one note writing.

I picked it because it was one of four BOTM picks and this seemed most promising.

It was torturous.

I may pick it up again another day because I do not like to leave books unread. But when I think about all the great books that just came to my house, and the ones that are in my Kindle, I do not want to waste any more time on this book.
Profile Image for Michelle .
2,076 reviews295 followers
October 15, 2013
Darkness of Light has made me excited for paranormal books again. They used to be the kind of young adult book that I read the most, but then I kind of started to drift away from them. Darkness of Light reminded me why I love them so much. It is probably one of the best books I have read all year. I could not put it down. It has just enough mystery to keep you guessing and keep you flipping pages, but not too much to where you are pulling your hair out just to get some answers. Don't get me wrong, Ember doesn't get any satisfying answers from anyone until 3/4th into the book, but there is always so much going on that it didn't frustrate me. The plot was always moving forward. I never felt like it was stagnant or stalled in anyway. I loved the character development and the creatures in this book seemed fresh and unique.

Ember just wanted to know what she was. But at the same time, she kept holding out hope that she was normal. She saw all these crazy things happening around her, and I think on some level she always knew that she was different, but she just didn't want to admit it to herself. If I were her, I would have demanded answers much sooner, or done my own research to try and figure it out. I would have been experimenting with my powers. Anything to try and see what was going on. Especially because she was getting in trouble for the strange things that were happening. I felt bad for her though. The cops labeled her a trouble maker, and she thought she was crazy and that she was having hallucinations. That must have really taken a toll on her.

Eli was just as mysterious. I couldn't figure out what he was or what Ember was. That was one of the things that I loved about Darkness of Light. Stacey Marie Brown did such an awesome job telling an amazing story but still maintaining the mystery to keep you maddeningly interested. I have a few books on my TBR pile before I can get to the sequel and it is driving me crazy already! I just want to skip everything else I have to read so I can read the next book.

I loved the romance between Eli and Ember. Eli knew a lot more than Ember in terms of the paranormal. He grew up knowing what he was and what she was and he was supposed to hate her. It was interesting watching him struggle with himself and what he felt for her. Of course, for Ember that meant that he seemed hot and cold all the time. But I thought the build up between them was great. They would make a few steps towards friendship, and then something would inevitably happen that would push them further apart. I really like the two of them together, but in the end of the book I just wished that Eli would have taken a stand and done more for Ember. I guess we will see what happens in the next installment.

Darkness of Light is a fantastic book! I was so engrossed in the story that I didn't even realize I was done with the book or how much time I had spent reading the book until I came up for air at the last page. I just lost myself in the story completely. Which is something I love. I can't wait to read the next book. There are so many things I want to find out. I want to see more of Telin, a character we really only got to see in dreams so I don't have much of an opinion on him yet, and I really really want to see what is going to happen with Eli, as well as learning more about Ember's powers. Darkness of Light is one of the bext paranormal books I have read all year. This is going to be an amazing series.
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