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Once upon a time, there was a guy who got so fed up with life that he resorted to murder and mayhem just to feel alive.

Lorenzo Gambini is bored. So fucking bored. Most people either annoy him or avoid him, afraid to face him. Figuratively. Literally. With his face partially disfigured, scarred, he looks every bit the monster the stories make him out to be: the notorious menace they call Scar. They say he's a sociopath. Maybe he's a psychopath. Whatever path he's on, people tend to stay far away from it.

Until one day, a young woman bumps right into him--a woman just as fed up with life, but for much different reasons. With a Scarlet Letter inked on her wrist and secrets buried deep in her soul, Morgan Myers is running from something... or maybe somebody. Lorenzo isn't quite sure.

You can bet your ass he's going to figure it out, though.

12 pages, Audible Audio

First published January 16, 2017

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J.M. Darhower

28 books8,105 followers

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Profile Image for ✦❋Arianna✦❋.
790 reviews2,601 followers
February 10, 2017

Enter to win a signed paperback of this awesome duet!!! Go to www.steamyreads.net - right on the front page - can't miss it!!!

5 Stars!!

“I just think about how fucked up it is to realize that heroes are make-believe but monsters are real. That's the world we live in. There's no knight in shining out there. It's just me, trapped in a world filled with fire-breathing dragons.”

If you are fallowing my reviews, you know by now that I’m a big fan of this author. J.M. Darhower never ceases me to amaze me with her well developed, dark and gritty tales, fascinating story lines and most of all multi layered anti-heroes. 'Menace' was well written, utterly addictive and held me at the edge of my seat for so many reasons, because like J.M. Darhower's other books, 'Menace' was full of turns and twists, with just a little bit of everything that makes a dark story a captivating read – dark elements, suspense, action and steam.

“The man’s like Beetlejuice... or hell, maybe he’s Voldemort. He’s fucking Bloody Mary. Don’t dare say his name or he might show up.”

Lorenzo Gambini is a dangerous man you don’t want to cross paths with during the night…or day. He commands respect and oozes confidence, he’s ruthless and intimidating and he never gives anyone a second chance. With his face partially disfigured, scarred, Lorenzo looks every bit the monster the stories make him out to be: the notorious menace they call Scar. He’s not afraid of anything or anyone, he’s not afraid of dying and he’s not afraid to punish anyone who disrespects him in any way.

Morgan Myers has been running for a while. She hides, trying to survive and find...information. Forced by circumstances, she grew up fast, faster than a kid should grow up. Now, in her twenties, Morgan is ready to do anything to get what she desperately wants – strip, lie, steal or even use her body. Everything changes for her when she meets Lorenzo. They become very fast some kind of frenemies, their relationship, as time passes, starting to change into something more.

“I would destroy that pussy.”

I’d wreck you for any man that came along after me, put them all to shame, because I’d give you exactly what you wanted.”

“How could you possibly know what I want?”

“Because,” he says, grabbing a fistful of my hair and twisting my head, forcing me to turn away from him. “Looking at you is like looking in a mirror, Scarlet.”

Like any other book I’ve read by this author, 'Menace' was captivating, fantastically written and sucked me in from the very beginning. The addictive story line and our “perfect” anti-hero held me enthralled and glued to each page from the beginning until the end. This story will be the perfect story for you if you enjoy dark, gritty and violent reads filled with some interesting action and suspense, because let me tell you every single one of these aspects was captivating and so well done.

Lorenzo was the “perfect” anti-hero to me, his portrayal keeping me intrigued the entire time. Dangerous, f@cked-up in a very intriguing way, intense, a sick psycho if you want, his character was amazingly developed. His unapologetic behavior was fascinating to read about and his smart-ass comments made me grin and even laugh as the story unfolded.

I'm starting to understand what everyone says about you."
"And what, pray tell, do they say? Don't leave me in suspense here."
"That there's something seriously wrong with you."
"Oh, well, I could've told you that. There's a lot wrong with me."

I absolutely loved his internal monologue, which it was so very entertaining and of course his dark humor and I adored his softer side towards his brother. Lorenzo was mesmerizing, somewhat mysterious, even hot in a strange f@cked-up way, his protective side towards Morgan showing up plenty of times as the story unfolded. The way he cared for his brother and his generosity made me really enjoy his character.

Morgan was a broken, yet strong and courageous heroine I loved from the start. I loved how fearless she was and how determined she was to get what she wants. The way she pushed Lorenzo at times was pure entertainment. This woman for sure had a lot of guts when it came to this dangerous, yet fascinating man. Snarky and sarcastic, Morgan was my favorite heroine this author has written so far and trust me when I say that you will love the sh*t out of her if you love ballsy and confident heroines.

“He ignites something inside of me, stirring up these little sparks in my gut that send jolts through my body, like a defibrillator to the heart.

It’s terrifying, but fuck, to feel alive again...It’s nice.”

I loved everything about these two characters’ relationship. How it progressed, their encounters, their entertaining as f@ck banter, the dark humorous interactions between them. Everything! Everything was fantastically done IMO. Their chemistry was off the charts hot, so palpable at times and the sex scenes between them…holy sh*t! Simply amazing! These two were perfect for each other in every single way and I felt that with every single one of their interaction, sexy or not.

As for the secondary characters…my oh my! All of them were so engaging and f@cked up in a very thrilling way. Needless to say, I would love to read more about them.

'Manage' is written in dual POV, which I loved and I really had a blast being in these two characters’ heads. If you are looking for you next dark/mafia story, don’t hesitate, come to the dark side and meet Lorenzo and Morgan. You will not regret it!

“You and I, we can be the best of friends, but don’t expect to find your fairy tale under my roof. You got me?”

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Profile Image for chan ☆.
1,179 reviews56.7k followers
January 9, 2020
a mafia romance with a wise crackin disabled hero & a bad ass sex positive sex worker? in the year of our lord 2018? you bet your ass

okay so this story follows morgan and lorenzo. lorenzo is a fun loving, mafia- boss- killing sociopath with a narrative unlike any i've ever read. i genuinely laughed out loud more than once, which i was not expecting for something marketed as a mafia romance. morgan is a 21 year old sex worker who has a run in with lorenzo when she pickpockets him at a bar. from there we are taken on a character driven journey with some nice plot twists as the icing on the cake.

what genuinely surprised me about this was the complete lack of slut shaming, problematic misogyny, or 'alpha' maleness. dare i say this book was even sort of feminist? morgan is not ashamed of her profession and doesn't want any sympathy for it. there's an especially awesome scene that she has with lorenzo where she talks about rape culture and the lack of respect for sex workers that i found fcking bad ass and so so rare in romance, especially a mafia romance.

other things i liked:
- the narrative style (alternates between lorenzo, morgan, and an unnamed character)
- the attention to characterization and inner dialogue that made the romance convincing!!! (seriously why do all mafia romances try to come up with an elaborate shoot-em-up plot, no one cares)
- lorenzo's humor (whoops i already said that didn't i)

the only thing i didn't love were the sex scenes. a tad too plentiful since the banter was off the charts entertaining to me. it says a lot about an author's chemistry building when i'm like "skip the good stuff let me listen to them talk."

if you kind of roll your eyes at mafia romances or usually avoid darker stuff i'd recommend trying this out. a genuine stand out in this genre, and a whole lot of fun.
Profile Image for Hulya Kara Yuksel.
1,023 reviews1,253 followers
January 24, 2023
20th May,2018
So far I read this book 3 times and still it's so freaking good. I'll never get tired of this crazy man! <3

“I would destroy that pussy.”
“You think so?” I ask.
“Without a doubt,” he says, not letting up.
“I’d wreck you for any man that came along after me, put them all to shame.”

Well, I don’t know Scarlet BUT Lorenzo definitely destroyed me... :D

When I first met Lorenzo Gambini, he was Ignazio Vitale's enemy (or is he so much more than his enemy? And if you want to find out, you have to read Target On Our Backs / Monster In His Eyes series - 3rd book ). Anyway Lorenzo was as charming as Ignazio Vitale. He was also scary as devil but also he was so funny as a clown. I fucking loved his sense of humor. And since our first meeting, I wanna know more about him. I even send an email to JMD and I asked her nicely! to write a full book about Lorenzo (arghh actually I begged her, literally I begged that woman for this book...) So you can imagine how excited I’m for this book! And thank God, JMD never dissapoints me. Because I'm absolutely obsessed with this motherfucker! :D

Oh I also loved Scarlet too. She has a big and bad mouth! :D She doesn’t give a fuck what other people says about him and she doesn’t even scare from Lorenzo at all. So when Lorenzo and her get together, they are fucking explosive! Yeah, their chemistry was amazing! :D

So I highly recommend this book. You have to meet this guy asap… :) Oh trust me, I’m sure he will destroy you too! :D

“You want me to let you go?” I ask, leaning down, pausing just shy of her lips.
“Ask nicely,” I tell her. “Say ‘Lorenzo Gambini, I beg of you, please, let me go and I’ll suck your dick.’”
She laughs again, harder. “You wish.”
“I do,” I say. “No doubt about it.”
“Lorenzo Gambini,” she whispers between kisses, “I beg of you, please... fuck me.”
I kiss her once more before pulling back, shifting position, smirking. “Well, since you asked so nicely...”
I thrust hard, sliding right in first goddamn try.

“What turns you on more?” he asks, his hands grasping my thighs as he pulls me up. “The fighting or the fucking?”

"He ignites something inside of me, stirring up these little sparks in my gut that send jolts through my body, like a defibrillator to the heart."

“It’s torture, what he’s doing. I can’t see. I don’t know. But his mouth is fully on me now, tongue doing whatever it does, flicking and licking, sucking and fucking, completely devouring me, like he’s starving."

”I close my eyes as he finger-fucks me. I whimper, groaning his name. “Lorenzo.”
Pulling his hand away, he reaches for me, and I open my eyes in just enough time to see it as his fingers brush against my mouth. My lips part, and he pushes his fingers in, the taste of both of us on my tongue."

Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,963 reviews33.8k followers
October 1, 2019
3.5 Stars

I really enjoyed this...Lorenzo is a great character and I really enjoyed him. I thought his and Morgan's chemistry was awesome, even if I thought their emotional connection could have been a little bit stronger at times. But still, I'll take the chemistry. Always a win in my book.

I was unaware this was a duology...so I was unprepared - and fairly annoyed, I must admit - at the cliffhanger ending. But, oh well.

I'll maybe get to book two this week. Otherwise I have a feeling I might forget about it. Still, overall an enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
January 14, 2017

He's excitement. He's adrenaline.
He makes my heart do stupid shit.
Shit my heart shouldn't be doing.
Because everything that turns me on about him could also snuff me out.

Want to know a recipe for a whole lot of awesome?

Take one part heroine that's snarky, sarcastic, as strong as she is broken, can stand her own with anyone, has enough sass and backbone to make her awesome from start to finish.

Take one part anti-hero that's as hot as he is totally f*cked up. Make him have an internal monologue that will have your cringing one minute and cracking up the next. As a matter of fact take one part Deadpool sort of snarky humor...
I'm starting to understand what everyone says about you."
"And what, pray tell, do they say? Don't leave me in suspense here."
"That there's something seriously wrong with you."
"Oh, well, I could've told you that. There's a lot wrong with me."

and mix that with some mafia bad*ss!

Mix in a part of mystery.

Add a splash of plot twist.

Sprinkle in some super f*cked up secondary characters.

Get the beyond amazing JM Darhower to blend it all together with her signature mix of grit and sex.

And now, my friend, you got yourself one addicting little cocktail. Uhem.

If you've read Target on Our Backs, you're already familiar with Lorenzo and his particular brand of crazy. And make no mistake, the man is definitely NUTS.
I seem to forever exist in a gray area of life, caught in a web somewhere between homicidal and suicidal

He's violent, screwed up, borderline sociopath. His past demons don't haunt his present because they're probably scared shitless of a man that doesn't fear death. Does he have a backstory? Absolutely. And it's as devastating as it is f*cked up. Will you be panting for him throughout the entire book even knowing all that? Abso-freaking-lutely!
He stares at me, not a flicker of emotion showing on his face. There's almost something inhuman about it.

Morgan aka "Scarlet" was easily my favorite heroine that this author has written to date. This is a woman that's running but with a purpose and using any means possible to get what she wants. She'll pick pockets, lie, and use her body if she has to. She's full of nails and vinegar. She's sassy, sarcastic, snarky and everything I love. She's broken but not defeated. If anything her weakness just make her that much stronger. She was a fascinating combination vulnerable and deadly.

This is not a story of insta lust or insta anything. These two have a rocky start and an explosive continuation. And by explosive, I mean that in all sense of the word.
Holy fuck. This man and those hands... he doesn't play fair. At all. He presses buttons he's got no business pressing.

I loved her internal monologue almost as much as I loved Lorenzo's
He curves his fingers, hitting that sweet spot deep inside. The unicorn found the fucking Holy Grail.
Didn't even need a map.
He navigated right there.

Yeah. See what I mean?
This was told in dual POV and I gobbled it up! It was violent and gritty, taking you right into the underbelly of the worst sort of criminal organizations. It's sexy with just the right amount of humor mixed it. I loved it is what I'm trying to tell you here. I'm already itching for the conclusion. ITCHING I tells ya!!!
I just think about how fucked up it is to realize that heroes are make-believe but monsters are real. That's the world we live in. There's no knight in shining out there. It's just me, trapped in a world filled with fire-breathing dragons.

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for ✰ Liz ✰ .
1,374 reviews1,343 followers
January 22, 2017
"People call me Scar for a reason, and it doesn't entirely have to do with the fact that my face got fucked up. I'm the villain. Everything the light touches in this city belongs to me."

Menace is the first book in the Scarlet Scars Series, and this debut novel has absolutely secured its rightful place on my BEST BOOK EVER SHELF! J.M. Darhower does it again with another action packed Mafia Romance that will leave you begging for more!

"Death doesn't always come with a scream and a bang..."
Lorenzo Gambini commands his men, rules the town, can have any woman he wants, protects his family, and yet, he is bored. Scarred both physically and emotionally, there is a void in his soul. In one surprising encounter, Lorenzo meets his match. A mysterious girl with an S tattoo, he will do anything to catch this girl and discover what it is about her that keeps drawing him in. Morgan is like forbidden fruit, and Lorenzo is dying for a taste.

"I would destroy that pussy."
Morgan is a spunky young woman who is fighting to survive. She is running from something (or someone) and will do anything to get what she wants. Morgan has a secret. When she inadvertently catches the attention of SCAR, her burden is instantly lighter. Although he challenges her with every ounce of his being, the two make a perfect match. With a sexual chemistry shared between the two like a powerful tsunami, it takes everything they can to keep the boundaries of their heart securely in place. Friendship and attraction explode between them and a unique relationship is formed. When the evils of Morgan's past threaten to swallow her whole, Lorenzo is there to assemble his troops and seek vengeance.

"I'd wreck you for any man that came along after me, put them all to shame, because I'd give you exactly what you wanted."
Told in dual POV, Menace is a perfect blend of romance, passion, action, and intrigue. With flashes from the past intertwined with the action of the present, we get a clear view of these characters and the circumstances of their lives. JM has always enticed me with her strong heroes, but I must say she truly exceeded all expectation with Lorenzo. Additionally, Morgan is a stand-out heroine with determination, strength, and paired with Lorenzo they are unstoppable. The pacing in this read is upbeat and every single moment is complex and thoroughly developed. Lorenzo and Morgan are both smart characters and their witty and sarcastic banter enhanced the dialogue by offering a reprieve from the intense action. The supporting characters are critical to the plot and further amplifies the dimension of the story arc. While reading Menace, I was completely transported to a dark and dangerous world in which I never want to leave!


Overall, I highly recommend Menace to any and all J.M. Darhower readers or to any dark romance readers or any readers period. IT IS JUST THAT GOOD!!!! The ending was a definite nail biter and yet, I have complete confidence in this author to carry me through to the other side. Bravo, J.M.! Bravo!

***Scarlet Scars***
Menace (Scarlet Scars, #1) by J.M. DarhowerGrievous (Scarlet Scars, #2) by J.M. Darhower

*ARC graciously provided in exchange for an honest review.

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Profile Image for TheCrazyWorldOfABookLover.
362 reviews914 followers
June 17, 2018
4.5 Stars


I, Steph, am in love with a gun wielding murdering sociopath named Lorenzo and I regret nothing. I want to have his psychotic babies even though he claims to not want children. I'll make him change his mind. I will.

Not sure who Lorenzo is? I'll remind you. For those who read the Monster In His Eyes trilogy (and if you haven't don't even talk to me you until you do - you need to get your life right), Lorenzo is a character from Target On Our Backs. He's a little testy. A little crazy.

"Tell your boss he can suck my cock," I say, shoving my chair back to stand up. "If he does a good enough job, maybe I won't blow his fucking brains out for calling me a thief."

And a whole lot of fun to read about.

Swinging the spatula, he smacks Leo in the head, the loud thwack echoing though the kitchen. "Shit!" Leo winces, "What the hell was that for?"
"The table isn't set," Lorenzo says. "What are we, animals?"

...this coming from a man who shot someone in the face with zero hesitation for not listening to an order. Am I sick to love him? Maybe. But I don't care.

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When Menace starts, Lorenzo is basically running the crime scene in New York and bored of the every day crap he deals with. Enter Morgan / Scarlet. She's fiery and feisty and brings some color into Lorenzo's life. But she has one hell of a shitty past.

"I yearn to mean something.
Do you know what that's like?
To know you're poison but still be desperate for someone to sip from you anyway?"

Andddd that's all you'll get on the plot from me. Don't won't to spoil a single thing about this story.

Scarlet is a character who actually took me by surprise. I actually wasn't expecting to like her all that much. But boy was I wrong. She was an incredible, resilient, tough girl and I LOVED her even more than I thought possible at the end.

And Lorenzo, well I think I've made it pretty clear how much I love him. He's so much more than you think he will be. Him and Scarlet together were everything.

"His lips are the softest thing about him, warm and gentle, like a slice of heaven wrapped in hell, so worth battling the flames to feel his fire."

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You know what I love about JM's stories? As soon as you think you know what's happening or which way the story is going to go, she flips the switch and turns everything on its head and you're left a little speechless.

And she also creates delicious murderous men who make me want to be a mob wife (but that's besides the point).

The point is this story is another of hers that has topped my favorites list and book 2 cannot come soon enough. I need MORE LORENZO IN MY LIFE!

Menace is out today! | http://amzn.to/2iAOpIn

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Profile Image for  A. .
1,163 reviews4,936 followers
February 10, 2019
3 Stars

It sure felt that way. I was reading it forever, one word forward, two words back.

Not that this book is bad. It’s pretty good, actually. But as the story progressed my heart just wasn’t in it anymore.

So I’m not going to lie, I struggled. I had a huge crisis somewhere around the middle and I almost DNF’d it a couple of times.

The hero was not the issue. He's exactly the type of hero I love. Dark, damaged, scarred, deadly, cold, unapologetic, unpredictable, observant, sarcastic, paradoxically humane. Very passionate about his oranges (I know, WTF?).

I read in one of the reviews here he didn’t leave the impression of being a mature thirty-six old man. I totally agree. Although dark, deadly and dangerous, he was missing that thirty-something vibe. He seemed a lot younger.

The heroine? She’s a tough cookie, a bit naïve but definitely strong and likable.

Their chemistry was okay-ish (although Lorenzo WAS hot and passionate, no question about it) but nothing earth-shattering. Their connection, on the other hand, was palpable and beliveable. I loved their interactions. I liked how silently they understood each other. They’re a perfect match.

Overall, a very promising series. Although, you should probably take my rating and review with caution. I’m nursing the mother of all book hangovers so I'm not the most reliable person to listen to at the moment...

Profile Image for Saswati.
489 reviews339 followers
January 10, 2021
4 “I’ll catch you” stars ⭐️⭐⭐⭐

“I’d wreck you for any man that came along after me, put them all to shame, because I’d give you exactly what you wanted.”
“How could you possibly know what I want?”
“Because,” he says, grabbing a fistful of my hair and twisting my head, forcing me to turn away from him. “Looking at you is like looking in a mirror, Scarlet.”

Okay, so this was like a funny mafia romance (?) book even though it also deals with some dark themes.

She plays people like they’re a piano and she’s Chopin, pounding away at their keys, and the ignorant fools don’t even hear her music. I hear it, though. It’s pretty goddamn loud to my ears, the kind of music that resonates with the deepest, darkest parts of the soul…

I guess the story is more like 3.5★ but I liked both the H and the h here, so I'm bumping it up to 4★. Lorenzo is a self-proclaimed sociopath with tons of dry humour and Morgan is a strong and sassy heroine.

I loved how their first encounter takes place when Morgan robs Lorenzo!

She has no idea who she’s messing with, but she’s going to learn. Little Miss Scarlet Letter robbed the wrong motherfucker. I’m getting my money back, every single penny of it, and she’ll be damn lucky if I don’t take her last breath as interest.

Lol, just imagine that the person you rob ends up being a mobster 😂 Their 16-year age gap results in some great banter as well ✨

Although the pacing of this story was a bit slow at times, it really picked up in the last quarter. Definitely picking up book 2 next!

P.S.: I love this quote:
“You have to be careful who you give pieces of yourself to, because even a little bit here and there adds up to a hell of a lot eventually, and it’s not worth it, losing yourself to them, giving yourself to people who don’t give a fuck about you. You keep pouring yourself into other people and you’ll just wind up empty.”
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,352 followers
February 7, 2017


J.M. Darhower delivers yet another imperfect antihero to root for with Lorenzo Gambini. The delivery was well paced, the humor, heat, and danger, all well-proportioned and adding up to one solid read.

"People call me Scar for a reason, and it doesn't entirely have to do with the fact that my face got fucked up. I'm the villain. Everything the light touches in this city belongs to me."


The heroine is sassy and snarky and very relatable. While the hero has that unexplained quality that only J.M. Darhower can write. Lorenzo is the type of hero that would as quickly kill you than help you. Yet that is exactly what unfolds when he’s pick-pocketed by Morgan. The banter in this story is dark, yet clever. Their connection isn’t instant and very much believable.

”Tell me a story…”


I think my favorite aspect of the story is Lorenzo’s comments and reactions to his little brother’s girlfriend. I got such a kick out of these scenes!


The cliffhanger ending is doable and I will survive until the conclusion is released on February 6, 2017. I hope all ends well for this unconventional group of characters.

”I pretty much declared war for you, Scarlet. At least if you’re sleeping in my bed, I know I’m winning.”

Menace (Scarlet Scars, #1) by J.M. Darhower Grievous (Scarlet Scars, #2) by J.M. Darhower
Profile Image for  ⚔Irunía⚔ .
430 reviews4,528 followers
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April 5, 2021
Okayyyy, the reviews say that Lorenzo Gambini is everything I never knew I needed in my life.
The flesh is weak.
Profile Image for Mali Mor ❤️ The Romantic Blogger.
453 reviews571 followers
April 23, 2020
Morgan's life has been one big nightmare - all because of a cruel Russian mob chasing after her. Morgan always relied only on herself - until Lorenzo came along. ❤

Lorenzo Gambini is the ultimate anti-hero! 👑
He's a dangerous man - and I don't mean as the bad-boy heart-breaker type, I mean "If you see him in a dark alley? RUN!!!!!" 😂
With his scarred face, he looks just like the monster the stories make him out to be - but he has a good heart (sometimes) and his cynicism made me laugh out loud (all the time). 😂😂😂
He is cruel, intolerant and bored with his violent lifestyle... but he also loves oranges and puzzles, full of confidence, not afraid of anything and never gives a second chance. 😱

📚 "𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈, 𝐰𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐟. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐞?" 📚

Morgan and Lorenzo's life clashes, literally, after Morgan manages to steal his wallet - but Lorenzo's boredom quickly becomes curiosity and instead of teaching her a lesson, he decides to help her - and so, two broken people become friends (sort of). 😂
But who is chasing Morgan? Will Lorenzo be able to help her...? 😱

This duet has everything I could want in a dark crime romance book - I loved the development of the plot, the characters, the humor, the action, the hot AF chemistry - but mostly I liked that the sex scenes were not the center of the story. 👑❤

📚 "𝐈'𝐦 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮."
"𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭, 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥, 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐲? 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐮𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞."
"𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮."
"𝐎𝐡, 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥, 𝐈 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝'𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭. 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞." 📚

Lorenzo's character was well-developed and authentic. I loved his inner monologue so much!!! (I usually get bored of characters' internal thoughts). 👏🍊

However, the second book in the duet was less about romance and more about mobs, so there were parts that bored me - but all in all, this duet was FUCKING AWESOME!!! ❤
So if you like hot, dark and suspenseful crime books... I highly recommend this duet. 🍊

First book: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Second book: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

• I listened to the AUDIO version. 🎧


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Profile Image for  Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕.
1,000 reviews1,164 followers
February 7, 2017
⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4 MESSED UP STARS⭐⭐⭐⭐

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“Someone once told me that evil can sense itself inside of others, our hearts beating in a different rhythm than most, playing a morbid song that only other evil knows.

Well it’s official. I fell for a sociopath and it regret NOTHING. Now before you go and get your thongs in a twist, this wasn’t your normal crazy MOFO that we were dealing with here. There are some that no matter what they do or say, leaves you with a disgusting feeling and makes you cringe every single time they open their mouth and you think to yourself: What the ever loving sh*t is wrong with them? Then there are some that are just straight up 7:30 which is a nice way of saying you’re batshit crazy. But Lorenzo Gambini? That man was in a class all by his damn self. He was student, teacher and headmaster which in my book, was a beautiful and scary thing. Never had I read such a mysterious complex character that had me wanting to sprinkle holy water on him while laughing out loud at his jokes at the same time.

What is it about danger that we have to just push ourselves toward it? Is it the lure of the adrenaline rush you know you’re going to get? The indescribable sex appeal of knowing that by pushing the limit, you can very well indeed go somewhere you’ve never been before? Or is it just plain stupidity?

Lorenzo is DANGEROUS. I’m not talking about he’s a bad boy, he’ll break your heart, stay away from him kind of dangerous. I’m talking about if you ever get on his bad side and you’re in a deserted place with him, it’s going to take YEARS to find all your body parts when he’s through with you. So it’s pretty safe to say that you don’t ever want to cross this man scarred up face and all. It takes a lot to pique to his interest, so when he meets the beautiful brunette sitting next to him on a bar stool that wasn’t afraid to look him in the eyes, color him amused. That is until the mysterious brunette does the unthinkable.

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Morgan has been on the run for quite some time now. Getting to wake up another day is an accomplishment for her seeing that there’s a target on her back. Running into Lorenzo wasn’t something she was planning on but what was supposed to be a disastrous encounter, turned out to be the beginning of an unlikely friendship. Who is after her and how is this going to affect Lorenzo?

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I wasn’t sure if I was going to like Morgan to be honest. Her past was elusive, and I thought I was going to just hate this girl. But that wasn’t the case at all! She was such a strong heroine that never gave up on ANYTHING and her connection to Lorenzo was on of the highlights for me. They were very different in a way but at the same time oh so similar. She saw more in him than others did and she brought out the snarky dark humor in Lorenzo even more.

I’m starting to understand what everyone says about you.”
“And what, pray tell, do they say? Don’t leave me in suspense here”.
That there’s something seriously wrong with you”.
“Oh, well, I could’ve told you that. There’s a lot wrong with me.”

This wasn’t your ordinary couple and I loved that the most about them because it showed their individual personalities and how one common goal cemented their friendship. Now let’s talk about those fire burning scenes for a minute. I think my tablet needs an ice bath because LAWD HAVE MERCEY!! When Lorenzo says something in the bedroom, you’re bound to get pregnant multiple times. This man knew what he was doing and he took no prisoners when it came to giving pleasure. This story was hot, sexy, dark, with just the right amount of danger hanging to it that leaves you on the edge of your seat.

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July 21, 2022
As good in audio as it was in print!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Narration: 🎙🎙🎙🎙
Romance: 💚🖤💙❤️💜
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📙📘📔
World building: 🌏🌍🌎🌏🌍
Character development: 😌😎🙃😮🤐

The heroine: Morgan (a.k.a. Scarlet) - She is a thief and a stripper and though she prostitutes herself to a cop who she wants help from, she is adamant that she is not a prostitute. She has an ‘S’ tattooed on her wrist which everyone wonders about and has some dark secrets. There are flashbacks of man from her past, known only as the tin man.

The Hero(es): Lorenzo Gambini (a.k.a. Scar) - Originally from Florida, he is the new mob boss in NYC and he took over the city pretty quickly in a bloody way by killing all the mob bosses in one fell swoop. Lorenzo is a sociopath and isn’t bothered with feelings or morals, there is only one person in the world he might love and that is his younger brother, who is intellectual and too soft for the life Lorenzo leads so he tries to make as normal of a home life as he can for his brother, while being in the mafia. He often doesn’t succeed in that.

The Story: Lorenzo is brutal and callous and utterly hilarious. One of my all time favorite Heroes. He has a long scar crossing his face and is blind in one eye from an injury given to him by his stepfather. When Morgan pickpockets him and steals his money, he is determined to find her and get back at her. He finds her and threatens her and is surprised when she fights back with all she can.

“They’re all wearing black, I realize, as I glance around the packed living room, except for Lorenzo, who dresses more like some hoodlum/model hybrid. It’s weird, right?”

I love Lorenzo. He is wisecracking, sarcastic and has no patience for other people. He is an insomniac, and a bit paranoid, but he has no fear and is so likable. You can’t help but love him. He was introduced in Target on our Backs the third book of the Monsters in his Eyes series, and he was awesome in that one (read my review of that book for a terrific quote from Lorenzo).

“I happen to like my balls. They accentuate my cock quite nicely, you know. I’d show you, but well... you’ve got to earn that first. So pay attention, okay? There’s work to do here.”

I enjoyed the fact that Lorenzo sees past what Morgan does for a living and values her for the person she is. He sees that she has been through things in her life that led her to where she is and helps her to turn her life around (well as much around as working for the mob is).

The book was told in dual points of view with dual narration. Narrated by Kasha Kensington and Iggy Toma who both do a great job and have pleasant voices that are easy to listen to. I like duet narration better, where the male does all the male voices and female does all the female voices, but dual narration (alternating chapters) is fine.

Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,414 reviews9,955 followers
February 7, 2017
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Oh me likey likey!! WARNING: “Scarlet Scars contains themes that are dark in nature. Some scenes may be difficult to read. Readers who are triggered by violent or sexual content should proceed with caution. "

MENACE: The first chapter sent chills up and down my spine, setting the scene for a terrifying, gritty read. Spoken in ‘Dual Perspective’ Morgan aka Scarlet & Lorenzo..
Mence is a spin off from the Monster in his eyes trilogy where Lorenzo first became known to us, but to understand this book you don’t need to read this as I’ve not read that series (the shame of it) and I kept up with the storyline just fine.

noun: menace; plural noun: menaces
1. a person or thing that is likely to cause harm; a threat or danger.
synonyms: danger, risk, threat; jeopardy
"a menace to society”

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The story starts off with a mother urging her daughter to wake up and play a game of hide and seek they have practiced many a times, the little girl is scared, she can hear screams and banging from downstairs, clutching her teddy close to her heart she does what her mother tells her and runs and hides.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic "Hide really good, and just like woody and buzz do, remember? Don't make a sound, don't move at all, no matter what, if someone comes near you, okay?"

She gave the man who struck fear in her a name 'The Tin Man' a mantra she whispers over and over to herself "Face your fears, and wipe your tears."

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Come out, come out, wherever you are," he called out, searching the house. I know you are up here kitten. You can't hide forever.

What she finds downstairs will stay in her mind for a long time to come, taken in the dead of night by the tin man.

Then we fast forward to where this unlikely duo meet, she chose the wrong guy to pickpocket

Morgan has a dark gritty past, she’s been on the run for as long as she can remember, searching for answers, always in hiding and keeping a low profile.

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You’ll not meet any man more dangerous than Lorenzo, a hardened mafia take no prisoners kind of guy, shoot first then ask questions later.

He's just a man...A man with flaws...A man with his own problems.

Morgan is as tough as they come though she does hers in more of a sneaky way, hidden in the shadows a pickpocket and a stripper by night.

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Heads of the notorious New York crime families were executed in a room over in Long Island, paving the way for me to take over the city.

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At the age of sixteen his stepfather took to him with a shovel, part of one side of his face is severely scarred, slicing through his eye and leaving him partially blind in that eye, discoloured a shade lighter than his good eye.

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What a crazy ride this duo set me on, I giggled, swooned, sighed, questioned, but most of all I loved..I wasn’t sure if these two would be a good match but wow together they are an explosive duo!! Lorenzo maybe damaged on the outside with a scar which runs down his face but Morgan matches him with how broken she in within.

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This wasn't my favourite from this author and I blame it all on Sempre, I fell hard and fast for that series, nothing and I mean nothing compares to that series, and no author can rival that series!! BUT this was an awesome riveting start to this series.

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* 3 Teasers used in my review are off the authors facebook page *
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,651 reviews4,582 followers
July 27, 2017
4 Stars

Overall Opinion: I completely missed the fact that this ends on a cliffy! So be warned -- this is NOT a standalone!. I'm frustrated with myself, but it wasn't that bad of a cliffy to where I am mad. I do usually like to wait until the whole series/duet is complete so I don't have to wait for books to come out, so I am kicking myself a little here. I really enjoyed these characters! The H was awesome! I felt weird giving him 5 stars because he still is pretty psycho, but I loved him! His humor was so unexpected. and it helped lighten up a lot of suspense and darker themes in the book. I'm definitely going to read the next book, Grievous, when it gets released!

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Morgan and Lorenzo's story. They literally bump into one another one night that ends with Lorenzo hunting Morgan down when he realizes that she robbed him. Morgan is in a bad place and is on the run from a powerful, bad man. Lorenzo is a bad man himself, but he is intrigued by Morgan and keeps on inserting himself into her troubles. There are a lot of suspenseful and mysterious things going on, and in the meantime they start to develop feelings for one another.

POV: This alternated between Morgan and Lorenzo's POV (as well as 3rd person about a little girl that was taken by her father).

Overall Pace of Story: Good, I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well.

Instalove: No, they don't even get to the point to share "ILYs".

H rating: 5 stars. Lorenzo. I really do feel weird in how much I loved him! He was crazy, but also so hilarious at times!

h rating: 4 stars. Morgan. I liked her. My only complaint was that I wanted her to confide in Lorenzo earlier.

Sadness level: Low. No tissues needed.

Push/Pull: Not really. They kind of dance around each other, but I wouldn't call it a push/pull type situation.

Heat level: Moderate. They have some hot chemistry and scenes (on the rougher side).

Descriptive sex: Yes

Safe sex: Yes and no

OW/OM drama: No

Sex scene with OW or OM: Yes

Cheating: No

Separation: No

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: No closure, as this leaves us on a cliffhanger. It's not the worst cliffy I've read, but I'd still consider it a cliffhanger.

How I got it: It was part of my kindle unlimited subscription.

Safety: This will probably be Not Safe for most.
Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,681 reviews1,035 followers
January 12, 2022
Wow, MENACE, is another amazing mafia book by Ms. Darhower. For the Darhower fans, they will be excited to know that Lorenzo Gambini from Targets On Our Back is the main character in this book. For those who haven’t read TOOB no worries because Ms. Darhower wrote this book as a new series with no prior knowledge needed to read it. This new series is aptly named Scarlet Scars. It’s a 2-parter with the second part being released at the beginning of February. I’m so excited that both books are being released closely together because I’m anxious to see how this series ends.

Lorenzo embodies everything that makes a great anti-hero. He grew up with a horrible childhood that leads him on a path that wasn't righteous. But like all swoon worthy anti-heroes, he intrigues the reader with his humor and motivates. The reader wants to cheer him on but at the same time not sure where he’s leading them with his actions.

Morgan has spent her life feeling invisible. All she's wanted was for someone to notice and care about her. Like Lorenzo she is very capable of surviving on her own.

"But what I can offer is to stand in your corner. You and I, we can be the best of friends, but don’t expect to find your fairy tale under my roof. You got me?"

If this was a fairy tale it’s definitely a dark one where ”Once upon a times” don’t always end with rainbows and kittens.

There’s a twist I didn’t see coming and I have to applaud Ms. Darhower for making me reconsider everything I’ve read up to this point. I’m looking forward to the next book because I need all the puzzle pieces to fit together. READ THIS BOOK!!

RELEASE DATE: January, 16, 2017

Menace (Scarlet Scars, #1) by J.M. Darhower Grievous (Scarlet Scars, #2) by J.M. Darhower

**Complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.**

descriptive text here
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Profile Image for The Girl Murdered by Her TBR.
425 reviews931 followers
October 25, 2021
4.75 Stars!!!

All hail to Lorenzo Gambini and his numerous AKAs below (you're very much welcome btw):

* Lorenzo- orange-juice-police -Gambini (courtesy of his Scarlet)
*Lorenzo- fucking-fool -Gambini (he called himself that, ya know?)
*Lorenzo- I'm-bored-with-this-shit-called-life -Gambini
*Lorenzo- I-may-be-blind-in-one-eye-but-I-can-still-kill-you-easy-peasy-orange-squeezy -Gambini (I had to use orange, he'll be offended if I didn't)
*Lorenzo- I-don't-care-about-prancing-butt-naked-in-the-house-that-can-horrify-others -Gambini
*Lorenzo- I-will-give-you-lots-of-shit-because-you-drink-the-cheap-kind-of-orange-juice -Gambini

ANDDD my personal favorite:

*Lorenzo- I-don't-care-how-badass-y-you-are-I'm-still-going-to-give you-ridiculous-nickname-just-for-the-fuck-of-it -Gambini

Seriously, this guy is a fucking gem you ought to steal and keep for the rest of your life. I am deeply jealous of Morgan. I mean, she got him just like that. I'm so jealous and to be honest I don't know if it's for the best (or not) that he is just a fictional character.

So what makes him extremely irresistible? What is it about him that almost every voracious romance reader adore? Please see list below:

*The charm- holy shit! the man has this magic in him that I can't explain. He draws this power that will catch your attention whether you like it or not.

*He's an asshole with a heart—even if he claims he's allergic to catch feelings—he might fool you about how he talk and act, but once he develops such attachment to you... Huh. You lucky bitch.

*The sense of humor- Saying this dude is hilarious is a freaking understatement. Everything that come out of his sexy mouth will make you roll out of laughter. Come on guys... he even has the capability to be funny even if he's talking about murdering someone. No one can pull that off, you know that.

*He's the perfect definition of an anti-hero I am obsessed with- Brutal and cold when needed. Doesn't get along with the law, not a good man in anyway but still not a monster.

Let's go to Morgan...

Well, Morgan and I? we didn't exactly click right away. I didn't like her at first, found her too secretive, shady, and wrong . But when she dropped this one helluva speech that made Lorenzo and me speechless, let's just say that I ate my opinions so fast about her just like I eat my favorite choco pie (approximately 0.00000 seconds, I'm exaggerating but I don't fucking care)

The speech? Oh here it is:

"You asked me who broke me, like I'm made of glass and someone can just shatter me and scatter my pieces, like I'm that fragile. I might be hurt, I might be beat down, but I'll be goddamn if a man will ever break me, Lorenzo. But the world can't comprehend a woman being that strong. We're supposed to buckle and break, like the only time we can possibly have any strength is if there's someone with a dick standing by our side. It's like a penis is a prerequisite for an opinion, so if I don't have one myself, I've got to be utilizing someone else's in order to have any say-so in my own fucking life."

And what's Lorenzo's reaction when she dropped this bomb? He said:

"I haven't the faintest fucking idea what to say right now, Scarlet" ( Same dude, same!)

Morgan is an incredible woman who did what she have to just to survive. She is strong, sassy, resilient, tough as hell. A badass bitch —that she is.

But why didn't I gave this one a flat out 5 star rating?

It's because I didn't found myself completely hooked by the story up until the middle of the story, where the rising action was getting intense. The suspense starts to kick in forcing my brain to make this assumptions and theories about what really happened. But when all was revealed? When I found out that my theory was wrong? My reader's instinct failing me to guess the plot twist wrongly?

I can say J.M Darhower got me good. Like really good. She even made me write a full review that my lazy ass doesn't bother to do most of this days, tbh.

There's no way in hell I'm not gonna read the 2nd part. No freaking way.

Pre reading review:
Ohhhh it's time Lorenzo, it's time...
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,107 followers
January 16, 2017
4.5 stars ❤❤���❤❤

Wow another fantastic story by J.M Darhower! I was hooked from the very beginning, the plot was unique and I was intrigued by the mystery around the story! This isn't your typical romance!!


Lorenzo and Scarlet were both so alike but when these two get together it's like an explosion! The chemistry between these two was fantastic and the sexy scenes were passionate and super hot!

I'm eagerly awaiting the next book to see where JM Darhower leads us! If you are looking for a dark, addictive and refreshing read this is perfect!!!!



Profile Image for Olga therebelreader.
890 reviews760 followers
February 6, 2017
Lorenzo is as menacing as he is seductive. He is a dangerous, badass alpha male and he is one of the most feared criminals. Morgan is a girl of the night, a stripper and a very good pickpocket. I wanted to not like Lorenzo but like Morgan I was quickly swept away by his charm, sexual dark desires, strength and passion.

Lorenzo is a sick psycho, he doesn't take any regard for human life. But, when Morgan’s past threatens to come back and haunt her, he becomes very protective over her. Their love story can’t get anymore twisted. Lorenzo is a creepy, hot guy but Morgan begins to fall for him despite all the warning signs.

This story is wonderful and disturbing at the same time. Menace is twisty and turny, and by the time you get to the end you won’t know which way to go…just that you’ll want more. To me, romance felt a bit weaker in relation to the plot which was full of intensity and unexpected twists. Overall, kuddos to D.M. Darhower for making me love the most unlovable guy ever!

In short:
Hero 4/5 | Heroine 4/5 | Plot (Point, Originality) 4/5 | Writing Style 4/5 | Steam 4/5 | Romance 3/5 | Angst-Suspense 4/5 | Darkness 3/5 | Humor 2/5 | Secondary Characters 4/5 | Drama-Conflict 4/5 | Mystery 0/5 | Twists 4/5 | Pacing Steady | Action 4/5

Profile Image for Bex (Beckie Bookworm).
2,249 reviews1,494 followers
May 10, 2022

This was great and I couldn’t put it down I loved both Lorenzo and Morgan/Scarlet and they had such amazing chemistry together.
Lorenzo was so fouled mouthed and completely psycho and unpredictable what a character, he has absolutely no filter whatsoever and the stuff that comes out of his mouth was bloody hilarious.
I adored his bluntness and crude mouth and his ability to call a spade a spade.

He does what he wants and is totally fearless in fact he lives for the danger it helps break the monotony and the boredom and he has no issues sticking two fingers up at his own mortality taking chances and just rolling with the punches, but mess with him or break his rules and you die no second chances.
His only softness is his younger brother pretty boy who he raised, But he does have a sort of effed up moral code it’s very minuscule but it is there.

When Morgan makes the mistake of pickpocketing him her cards are marked but instead of the usual death sentence he gives her a reprieve and he actually finds himself intrigued by the mysterious street smart Woman not that you would ever know that what with his constant death threats and ass-hat behaviours but he definitely develops a soft spot for her.

Lorenzo sees himself in her it’s like looking in a mirror and he gives her chances no one else would ever get with him.
He also goes to batt for her standing in her corner despite not knowing just what exactly is in her murky past only knowing that the Russians want her back and will stop at nothing to achieve there aim.

Morgan is damaged we don’t know exactly what is in her murky past as this is revealed in breadcrumbs but we do know it’s not exactly a bed of roses and that she is terrified.
She is a dynamo of attitude street smart and resilience and is totally prepared to make the hard choices to survive.
She doesn’t trust easily and is not shocked by the violence and bloodshed which really says a lot about her background.
Working as a lap-dancer and having to do some morally questionable things to achieve her goals she’s a master at giving people exactly what they want from her.

We also get a series of flashbacks and got to say I called that one totally wrong and the truth finally came out of left field for me.
This was a fabulous mix of darkness humour sexiness violence and has some fantastic one-liners that are usually sprouting forth from Lorenzo’s mouth.

I can’t wait to read the conclusion of this and I’m so invested in the outcome, Totally recommend this it was such a page-turner.
But yeh Lorenzo totally stole the show for me here he was such a bloody character.

Untitled design

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Profile Image for Jenny••Steamy Reads Blog••.
987 reviews1,937 followers
March 5, 2017
Bona fide batshit crazy!! That was this book. And yes, me too. I am fricken crazy. I have fallen in love with Lorenzo Gambini!!!

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This book took me by surprise, I figured it out in the end, but damnnnn, I was like Ooooo Mmmmm Geeeeeee!
When I see these shoes, I'll forever link them to Lorenzo & Scarlet
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I loved the intense connection that Lorenzo and Scarlet shared.
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She didn't freely give herself and her heart away, it was guarded with thick walls that I'm hoping are brought down in the next book. The little things that these two shared, the taste of each other that they crave
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I can't wait to get more of them. I can't wait to see how this crazy train story ends. I'm in need of more Lorenzo Gambini!!!
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Profile Image for Betül.
1,040 reviews284 followers
January 10, 2018
**ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review**


"I've seen love bring a monster back to life before, but most of the time, the monster just loves you to death."

I am blown away by this story. JM Darhower is one of my favorite authors, and she has a way of creating such intense and grabbing stories that takes a hold of you from beginning until the end. I was very excited the moment I heard about Menace, and I couldn't wait to get a hold of this book. The author just doesn't disappoint. The story played like a movie in my mind, and everything was so clear and intriguing. I was sucked into the story and wasn't let go until I read the last sentence. Actually I am still under the spell of this story. One of my favorite books of the year!

I can't even explain how much I loved this book. The characters and plot were amazing. Lorenzo was somewhat of a mystery. There were two sides to him: there were moments he was a very dangerous, cold-hearted criminal and other times he was a man with a deep soul, generous and warm. I was intrigued and attracted to both sides. Like every character written by JM Darhower, Lorenzo was very unique and you can't find any other man like him. He is a very complex and intense character who is also very unpredictable. He is one of my favorite anti-heroes.

As for Morgan, in the beginning I had mixed feelings about her. I didn't know what to think of her. But she won me over further into the story. She is a very strong woman that would do anything for her loved ones. The chemistry between Morgan and Lorenzo was phenomenal. I loved how they met and how their relationship developed, it was very interesting. Everyone was afraid of Lorenzo, however Morgan did and got away with things while other people died doing less.

There was a mystery aspect, where the author had my guessing. Towards the end I had it figured out but it was incorporated really well into the story. It made me love the book even more and has me very excited for the sequel Grievous (which is releasing next month!!). This book was perfect in my opinion. I wouldn't change anything about it. This story had it all, it was full of action, humor, romance, suspense and emotional scenes. The secondary characters brought the story up a level. I can't wait to see what will happen in the next book, I am just glad we don't have to wait long.
Profile Image for julia.
974 reviews149 followers
December 14, 2021
❝Lorenzo,❞ I call out. ...
❝My name,❞ I say. ❝It’s Lorenzo.❞

I'm facing a bit of a conundrum.
Is it blasphemous to definitively state that Lorenzo Gambini is the greatest mafia hero of all time?
I mean, we live in a world where Christian Allister exists. butilowkeylikeLorenzojustalittlebitbetter.*
Lord please do not smite me where I stand.
Thanks ♥

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pertains to book one only*
Profile Image for Ramona Popescu.
408 reviews137 followers
August 5, 2017
My first Mafia Romance was "By Any Other Name". I loved every minute of it, and even if it didn't have soft and fluffy love, it had this mix of passion, violence and love which for me was a discovery. I don't have a very rich culture in this type of books, but I believe Darhower's books are the best:) The action is breathtaking, the heroes are amazingly crafted and the heroines kick ass:)
"Menace" is the first book in the Scarlet Scars series and I love it deeply, 80% of my feelings being generated by the characters. Darhower's style is intriguing and the fact that you acknowledge the characters as being completely crazy but still love them to bits it's something to think about :)

Lorenzo "Scar" Gambini is the hero of this story, a very particular character to say the least. Others see him as cold, calculated, a criminal with no heart and feelings, but apparently he is only bored. He is waiting for somebody to make him feel alive, to make him feel something, but nobody crossed his path.. He owns different business, he does weapons and alcohol traffic, the kills without blinking, but he never fell in love. He believes he doesn't have it in him to wake those feelings inside, but as you know it by now, never say never:)

Morgan will be the one to ignite something in him, something that is not very gentle at the beginning, but their similarities will make her and Lorenzo spend a lot of time together. She is running from her past, hiding from something, but in the same time, she is willing to do anything to recover something that was hers. She is willing to sell her body, her soul, to bring it back and as time passes, she realizes Lorenzo might help her in the proces. She is feisty, stubborn and not afraid to conform Lorenzo and give him her piece of mind. She can't be controlled and I liked that about her. Even if sometimes I thought that she needs to be more human, considering the events she went through, it can be understandable. 

Their relationship can be defined only by "crazy". They are 2 similar personalities that are drawn together by some invisible force called attraction. Even if at the beginning they fight a lot (psychically even), they have this weird fetish of transforming anger in passion, which leads to a lot of sex scenes. Their dialogues are hilarious and so intelligent, and I think I called them crazy hundreds of times, but still love them so. This is a slow burn love story, coming from 2 complicated characters that don't believe they have it in them to love. They will be consumed by passion, anger, hate and revenge, but everything will come around and prove them wrong. They will become a great time and I loved their dynamics. 

The amazing story and characters are mixed with a awesome plot, intelligent and breathtaking. There are some chapters that really messed with my head, making me believe other things and after that scrambling all my scenarios. You literally change your whole perspective at the last word of the book. Totally recommend it and as we speak I begin book 2:) 
Profile Image for Hana ♡.
345 reviews199 followers
February 7, 2017
4.5 Scarlet Stars!

O.M.G. I need the next book now... like right now. I am so glad there isn't a long wait till book two because I am so eager to see how this story continues... especially after that shocking turn of events regarding the 'Scarlet S'

I'm going to start by saying that I fell in love with Lorenzo 'Scar' Gambini. He was so unlike the usual H that I'm drawn too. He was always so disconnected and bored with life that his character was amusingly detached but he still cared in his own weird ways. I honestly pictured Scar from the Lion King based on some of the things he said...

Morgan has not had an easy life, she has had to do some questionable things to get by, and one night she gets tangled with the wrong guy. Our humorous anti-hero Lorenzo was first introduced to us in Target on Our Backs and he has intrigued me since then. He offers Morgan some help in the form of employment and their story begins...

Morgan and Lorenzo didn't have an insta-love. Their relationship developed at a slower pace and I enjoyed watching their chemistry build. His infatuation towards Morgan wasn't always visible and he wasn't one for sweet words but I found that Lorenzo showed his 'love' in his own way.

If you liked the Monster in His Eyes series then you will love this. And if you like your romance on the slightly darker side, you will definitely enjoy this =D

ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Snow.
2,264 reviews710 followers
February 11, 2017

4 "Scar & Scarlet" stars

This is a complex story of two people "stuck" in a world pushed onto them...until they get "stuck" with each other in a relentless game of hide and seek from the truth, the past, the present...but they are connected by the fire of excitment or more likely by the inevitable circumstances they can't escape from until they try...as they peel off layer after layer of skin deep cover of pretence, lies and mechanisms of survival

Sometimes, when I look at him, I see the dangerous, cold-hearted criminal, the one that has killed at least two men since we met two months ago, but other times I see a man with a deep soul, generous and warm, the kind of man a woman could fall in love with if she wasn't careful

Lorenzo Gambini/Scar is truly a menace, people fear him and his merciless and ruthless reputation proceedes him in every way...but he's half Dead inside, ultimately seeking for smth that will stir his existence...
People call me Scar for a reason, and it doesn't entirely have to do with the fact that my face got fucked up. I'm the villain; I'm the lion that swooped on in, destroying their pride lands..

Scarlet/Morgan Myers has seen it all and has been through it all, she's running from one mess and right into another BUT she's still there, lingering and hoping to retrieve back the most precious part of her, the part that was taken from her, the part without she can't be whole again.
I'll find my wings again and get to soar. Fly the fuck away from all of this. But until then, I'm just grounded. Tagged and tracked. My wings got clipped. I'm a little caged birdie.

And the man who will help her was the man who'd unlikely be her demise but she can't escape the same...
He's excitement. He's adrenaline. He makes my heart do stupid shit. Shit my heart shouldn't be doing.

what they both do is a survival tactic they prefected to the fullest,
The key to survival is mimicry. You be what you need to be for somebody. Wear the skin of a rattlesnake even if there's not a single drop of venom inside of you, because if you make them believe, they won't come close enough to get bit...

but would they eventually find their real selves inside or would it be too late...

I liked this story, I liked the main characters, they were layered and complex in a realistic way, I especially liked the variable in complexity of Lorenzo - sarcastic humor, snapy trigger finger, ruthlessness and violent action measured with reasonable and almost sullen nature, he kept my attention in full alert., Scarlet was as eaqualy his opponent as she was probably his soulmate and the rocky road for them to recognize it as such is probably more complicated than the story itself.

What I had trouble with is the tempo of the storytelling, I found that the slowish pace doesn't do the story justice and it practically diminished the whole impact of the story for me BUT the answers must be revealed so onto the next installment ASAP.
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,950 reviews1,523 followers
February 7, 2017
3 Keep on reading stars

Menace is a spin-off from the Monster in His Eyes series. I love Monster in His Eyes, I re-read the series twice and listened to the audio books, so I was SUPER excited for Menace.

I was also hyped up because of all the raving reviews. There are a ton of five star reviews gushing about this book. So, I’m pretty shocked and confused why this book wasn’t the same for me.

I didn’t love the book, but I didn’t hate it.

What Bothered Me

I didn’t like Morgan/Scarlet

She is a “hooker” she sells herself for information or to get ahead of the game. I’m not into characters like these. I’ve read books with this kind of Heroine and I’m just like, really? There couldn’t be a better solution? I just didn’t get it. I also didn’t like her attitude, it was kind of cold, selfish and random.

I didn’t like Lorenzo

WHAT? I know, shoot me now because that’s really shocking. Look, I love a bad ass hero, but there was something about him that rubbed me the wrong way. I didn’t see an older thirty-something man. I kept picturing a twenty-something man and (let’s be honest the cover model isn’t in his late thirties). He was too cold, way more cold than normal. I love a cold man (I love Naz), but there was something about Lorenzo that I just couldn’t buy.

I didn’t get the chemistry between Morgan / Scarlet and Lorenzo.

Lorenzo kept on wanting to kill Scarlet and it was fine the first time, but over and over again he kept on saying he wanted to kill her and I just didn’t get it. So, she ate your orange, big deal?! I was getting tired of this. They didn’t act like they had a thing, they just acted like fucked buddies. I didn’t see the “romance”

The writing was slow

It took me a LONG time to get into this book. I put it down and picked it up several times. I wanted to DNF it several times, but I read the reviews and I was promised a good book right? The story drags a bit and there are many slow parts.

What I did like

When I finished the book I felt like Menace wasn’t so bad. It went from a two star book to three. I understood the character build-up and plot. I get it. It was like everything I put myself through was worth it.

The Steamy Scenes

J.M. Darhower knows how to write a good sex scene.

Overall, I was disappointed I didn’t love this book like everyone else, because let’s face it, I set high expectations on this one. I will continue and finish the series because I’m curious to see if the writing style has changed or I will like the characters more.
Profile Image for Jessica .
2,322 reviews15.2k followers
May 25, 2020
I've been in the mood for a dark romance lately and I've seen a few people read this, so I decided to listen to the audiobook. I really enjoyed the beginning how Morgan met Lorenzo and then proceeded to pick-pocket him and get away. I liked both of their characters and how they both had their pasts that were slowly being revealed throughout the story. With Lorenzo, though, I feel like I still don't know his character or what business he's actually in. About halfway through I started to become bored with the story and when things were FINALLY getting interesting and revealed, the book ended and you're supposed to pick up book two to find out what happens. I'm not a fan of abrupt endings and wish this book was a bit faster paced than it was.
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