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The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell

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Sam Hill always saw the world through different eyes. Born with red pupils, he was called “Devil Boy” or Sam “Hell” by his classmates; “God’s will” is what his mother called his ocular albinism. Her words were of little comfort, but Sam persevered, buoyed by his mother’s devout faith, his father’s practical wisdom, and his two other misfit friends.

Sam believed it was God who sent Ernie Cantwell, the only African American kid in his class, to be the friend he so desperately needed. And that it was God’s idea for Mickie Kennedy to storm into Our Lady of Mercy like a tornado, uprooting every rule Sam had been taught about boys and girls.

Forty years later, Sam, a small-town eye doctor, is no longer certain anything was by design—especially not the tragedy that caused him to turn his back on his friends, his hometown, and the life he’d always known. Running from the pain, eyes closed, served little purpose. Now, as he looks back on his life, Sam embarks on a journey that will take him halfway around the world. This time, his eyes are wide open—bringing into clear view what changed him, defined him, and made him so afraid, until he can finally see what truly matters.

448 pages, Hardcover

First published April 24, 2018

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About the author

Robert Dugoni

51 books31.5k followers
Robert Dugoni is the critically acclaimed New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and #1 Amazon bestselling author of the Tracy Crosswhite police series set in Seattle, which has sold more than 8 million books worldwide. He is also the author of The Charles Jenkins espionage series, the David Sloane legal thriller series, and several stand-alone novels including The 7th Canon, Damage Control, and the literary novels, The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell - Suspense Magazine’s 2018 Book of the Year, for which Dugoni’s narration won an AudioFile Earphones Award and the critically acclaimed, The World Played Chess; as well as the nonfiction exposé The Cyanide Canary, a Washington Post Best Book of the Year. Several of his novels have been optioned for movies and television series. Dugoni is the recipient of the Nancy Pearl Award for Fiction and a three-time winner of the Friends of Mystery Spotted Owl Award for best novel set in the Pacific Northwest. He has also been a finalist for many other awards including the International Thriller Award, the Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction, the Silver Falchion Award for mystery, and the Mystery Writers of America Edgar Award.

Robert Dugoni’s books are sold in more than twenty-five countries and have been translated into more than thirty languages.

Visit his website at www.robertdugoni.com, and follow him on twitter @robertdugoni and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/AuthorRobertDugoni

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 16,840 reviews
Profile Image for Angela M is taking a break..
1,360 reviews2,150 followers
April 18, 2018
4.5 stars
It was impossible not to care about Sam Hill, his loving parents and his best friends Ernie and Mickie. Impossible not to admire Sam’s strength of character to endure the bullying and ridicule he experienced because of how he looked with his “devil eyes “, red eyes as the result of being born with ocular albinism. Impossible not to love the man he turns out to be. Impossible not to detest the psychotic bully, David Freemon or the mean Sister Beatrice who was unlike any nun I encountered in the 8 years of my grammar school education. Having grown up in a Catholic family and having attended a Catholic grammar school, I am very familiar with the phrase “God’s will” which in my experience was almost always used to justify less than desirable circumstances out of one’s control, as it was with Sam’s mother who uses the phrase frequently. I love the champion that his mother was for him . She’s my favorite character who instills in Sam that his eyes are not rare, but “extraordinary”.

There are other extraordinary characters who embody what unconditional love is, what friendship truly means. It is a story of fate, of faith, of family and of friendship and how all of these things make us who we are, not how we look. These characters are introduced as Sam’s story is told in alternating time frames between the present and the years he was growing up . I was connected the whole way. If I have one criticism, it’s just that the ending was way too much, as if the author felt he had to tie up every loose end. Having said that, this well written story is moving. I felt that it was even more meaningful when I read in the acknowledgements about how his parents were when his brother was born with Down syndrome. I was moved that the seed for this story was an article he read about a young boy in Australia who “had been denied admittance to Catholic school because he had been born with ocular albinism and the nuns thought he’d be disruptive to the other students. It turned out that the other students had nicknamed this poor child the devil boy.” I’m glad he read that article and that he gave us Sam Hell because of it.

Thanks to Diane for letting me know while she was reading this that I should probably read it . Without her nudge I may have missed it .

I received an advanced copy of this book from Lake Union Press through NetGalley.
Profile Image for MarilynW.
1,512 reviews3,713 followers
July 6, 2022
Update June 6, 2022

I read this story in March of 2018 and it's a favorite of mine. Finally I was able to listen to the audiobook, narrated by the author, and I love the narration. Once again, the story brought tears to my eyes but I'm also struck by the love of Sam's parents for him and each other and his love for them. I was reminded how humorous this story is despite very serious and sad subject matters. I love the banter between Sam's parents and with Sam.

This book brought out so many feelings in me and I'll be thinking about it for a very long time. It's such a different book from Dugoni's other books, which I enjoy and I enjoyed this one too, despite how different it is from his usual books. After I finished the book, the author tells us what led him to write this book and I appreciated getting to read his reasons, also.

Sam has so much, parents who love him unconditionally, two true life long friends, the will and ability to excel in his studies, but he was born with eyes that were different and that sets him apart from "normal" kids. He has to endure bullies, prejudices, the fear of those who can't deal with those who are different, while having a mom who knows he will be and is extraordinary.

Sam searches for why things are the way they are and his search leads him away from faith and towards faith. Family and friendship is so much a huge part of this book and while my heart hurts for Sam and others who are treated cruelly, I was also so aware of how much Sam has in his life. All that happens to Sam makes him the man he is at the end of the book. I very much recommend this story.

Pub April 24, 2018

Thanks to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for this ARC.
Profile Image for Liz.
2,467 reviews3,348 followers
April 14, 2018
I’m used to Robert Dugoni for the Tracy Crosswhite series. This book isn’t even a mystery. Instead, it’s the story of a young man growing up with a genetic abnormality, ocular albinism. It’s a heartwarming tale as Sam struggles to avoid school bullies, including the nun who is the principal at the catholic elementary school. But it’s also the story of best friends and the lengths they go to help each other out. There are some laugh out scenes that had me guffawing in the middle of an airplane.

The story also gives us Sam as an adult forced to confront the same bully and the choices he makes color the next ten years of his life.

Dugoni tells the story with a brisk writing style using short chapters. It’s a fast, wonderful read that connects with all the emotions. It makes some very poignant points about faith, love and forgiveness. Make sure to read the Acknowledgements at the end of the book. For those who think of Dugoni only as a mystery writer, I urge you to give this one a chance. It really spoke to me.

My thanks to netgalley and Lake Union for an advance copy of this novel.
Profile Image for Bianca.
1,191 reviews1,042 followers
December 4, 2022
I may get crucified for this review, anyway, I’ll take my chances.

I, like many others, enjoy an underdog story. This is the story of Sam Hill, who has ocular albinism, a genetic abnormality that makes his eyes look red. It’s the early 1960s, so people are less enlightened. Sam’s mom is an ardent Catholic and she’s fierce. She would not let anyone or anything stay in the way of her son getting an education and achieving his potential. Sam’s hardships start early on, practically on the first day at the local Catholic school, affiliated to the church they attend. His nickname became Sam Hell or Devil Son. The poor boy, not only is he shunned by his colleagues, he draws the Principal’s ire, the mean sister Beatrice.

The novel moves back and forward in time. During the school and high school years, Sam makes two great friends, Ernie, the only black boy in the neighbourhood, and Mickie, a tomboy, outspoken girl. The three of them are very tight.

This started off pretty well. Unfortunately, as I read on, I became irritated with this novel. It’s like a soap-opera, lacking in nuance. Sam is a saint, saving and helping everyone left, right and centre. Also, I would be remiss not to mention that I found all the religious connotations, overtones and undertones and not so subtle Catholic mantras suffocating.

This novel is basically a Catholic allegory of good vs evil. I found it emotionally manipulative. While I’ve never read a Christian novel, had this not had a few mild sex scenes, it could probably be labelled as one.

There were a few things that didn’t agree with me.

I’m going to be pedantic now: I’ve read on ocular albinism – Sam doesn’t seem to have as many issues as others seem to have, even when allowing for individual differences. Also, I had big doubts that someone who had had a stroke that had developed into dementia would last as long as Sam’s father did.

So, this was an accessible, competently written novel. I’m sure Robert Dugoni had the best intentions, obviously informed by his own convictions. I’m certain that my own secular views are not to blame for my disenchantment with this novel. This reader enjoys reading novels with characters that are more realistic. I also don't care for melodrama.

I’ve received this novel via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to Lake Union Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.
Profile Image for Larry H.
2,792 reviews29.6k followers
May 3, 2018
4.5 stars rounded up.

Sam Hill's birth in 1957 caused quite a stir, as he was born with ocular albinism, which left him with red pupils. While his religiously devout mother viewed his eyes as evidence of the extraordinary potential his life holds. That's not the unanimous view of everyone in their community, however—his Catholic school classmates refer to him as "Devil Boy."

Sam's mother was determined that her son live life with great gusto, and not be discouraged by those who treat him badly or try to keep him from the opportunities given to every other child. Sam becomes the target of a trio of school bullies who wish to do him harm because of his eyes. But while his mother believes that events in Sam's life are determined by God's will, Sam isn't quite so sure that God would want him to suffer in fear and loneliness.

It's the arrival of Ernie Cantwell, the only African American kid in school, who first makes Sam believe people could be heaven-sent. Ernie becomes Sam's closest friend and confidante, and the two help each other battle those driven by fear and prejudice. And when brash Mickie Kennedy arrives at school, she is tougher and stronger than many of the boys, and proves that you really can go through life not caring what people think.

The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell follows Sam as he travels from childhood to adulthood, experiences the flush of first love and lust, is buoyed by the intense loyalty and love of his closest friends, and, for the first time, realizes that God's will isn't always positive. When a tragedy hits close to home, he has to change the course of his life and become the man his mother always knew he would be, and he learns to keep people at a distance so he doesn't get hurt—although that doesn't always guarantee emotional safety.

This book chronicles 40 years of Sam's life, relationships, work, love, family, and the bonds of friendship. It's the story of faith, disbelief, loyalty, and the struggle between right and wrong. But more than that, it's the story of one extraordinary boy who grows into an extraordinary man.

I thought this was a really great book. Sam is a fascinating yet flawed character who is able to find strength and courage in the face of tremendous adversity, thanks to an incredible support system of his parents and his friends. I grew very attached to these characters and found myself worrying about and cheering them, and wishing they'd say the things they needed to, to those they needed to.

I have seen many people wax poetic about Robert Dugoni's Tracy Crosswhite series, although I've not read any of them. I was really impressed with his storytelling in this book—in some ways it felt a little like John Irving's A Prayer for Owen Meany or something similar. It's a book that touched me emotionally and made me think at the same time.

My one criticism of the book is that it was a bit melodramatic at times, and I felt that a subplot involving the return of a figure from Sam's childhood really wasn't necessary. But beyond that, this is a book which grabbed me from the very first page, and I read it in just a few hours while on a long flight. And I may have brushed away more than a tear or two...

See all of my reviews at itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com, or check out my list of the best books I read in 2017 at https://itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com/2018/01/the-best-books-i-read-in-2017.html.
Profile Image for Lisa of Troy.
772 reviews6,439 followers
July 22, 2024
Has the Internet warped our psyches so much that we can’t just appreciate something even if it has flaws?

This little Booktube video by Robin Waldun on Critique Culture: Why Can’t We Enjoy Anything Anymore? has been rumbling around in my mind ever since I watched it.

So, yes, I am going to rate The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell five stars because I really enjoyed reading it—it was entertaining with unpretentious prose.

My mother called it “God’s will.”

What an incredible first line! This book certainly gives off A Prayer for Owen Meany chills.

In this fictional story, in March 1957, Samuel James Hill is born—with a pair of red eyes. While Sam’s mother believes his eyes are extraordinary, Sam isn’t so optimistic. Subject to cruelty and bullying, Sam turns inward, isolated as an outcast until he forms some unforgettable friendships.

One key difference between this book and A Prayer for Owen Meany is that Sam doesn’t believe that he is extraordinary or doing God’s work. In fact, one could argue that Sam isn’t extraordinary, but the community of people who loved him were extraordinary.

Sometimes our lives are extraordinary, but we can’t fully see God’s plan.

In 2020, I started to chronically faint, couldn’t control my left leg, was constantly vomiting, and was covered head-to-toe in rashes.

Deteriorating to the brink of death, I went all the way to Mayo Clinic.

After one week, I am in the cardiac ward of the hospital. My heart rate is soaring to 230 beats per minute.

The Blue Light in my room has started flashing, and I can visually see white lights. Every medical professional on the floor has been urgently paged to my room, the sound of the crash cart being dragged to my room before I slip into unconsciousness.

At the time, I only knew one other person who had all of my symptoms, a YouTuber by the name of Amy Lee Fisher. In her last video, she was crying and looked very uncomfortable. She explained that her heart gave off a clot which traveled to her lungs, and she was in intensive care. She wasn’t in her normal glamourous make-up and she was clearly suffering, but she was brave enough to post this video shortly before she passed away.

She saved my life.

When the doctors discovered that I was close to dying, they recommended a heart rhythm medication. Because of COVID, they suggested I try it at home.

Because Amy had just died, I said I was not comfortable and would prefer being admitted to the hospital.

I coded five times on that very night.

When I was admitted, I took the doctor aside and repeated Amy’s last story.

You see when the heart doesn’t beat in a coordinated fashion it can give off a clot which can travel to the lungs, and it is game over.

As a result, every two hours, I was stabbed in the stomach with a blood thinner. I never clotted.

Amy was extraordinary.

Changing direction now, it is time for the bits of The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell that didn’t sit well with me.

The portrayal of Eva was majorly cringy. She was extremely one dimensional—she didn’t want children and “Eva did not like pets. She reacted to any piece of dog hair on her clothing as if it was radioactive.” What is she going to do next—beat up Santa Clause?

Personally, I have a Code of Conduct.

I have exactly 2 friends. 2. It is not easy being my friend. Because I can be a bit intense. Like drinking fire at times.

But in return for fire drinking, I protect my friends. At all costs.

Once someone made a negative comment about my friend, and I cried, “HEY! Don’t say that! This person might be crazy, but that is MY crazy!”

So I have very limited sympathy for someone bashing their significant other. Either protect the person or cut the person loose, but don’t bash them.

If you want to be petty in life, you shouldn’t start with the person you are supposed to treasure the most.

Secondly, I was extremely disappointed that this book did not talk about the disability process in the United States.

Someone recently posted a TikTok video of an elderly gentleman stooped over a cart, attempting to pick up trash. She asked, “This is so sad. Why isn’t this person on disability?”

After I had two heart surgeries and was confirmed to have an incurable genetic defect, Social Security denied my claim.

They said, “At no point was I disabled, and I could work with accommodations.”

Interesting. Very interesting.

During my last heart surgery, the doctor had to stop my heart. For a few seconds, I was dead.

What job can you work while you are literally dead?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

After 2 years, I finally had my hearing. The judge said that I had one of the best documented cases he had ever seen and ruled in my favor.

For 2 years, I had no payments. Who can not get paid for 2 years? What landlord will allow you to not pay rent for years? And you can’t just get another job because you are sick!

The US disability system is a joke, and unfortunately when something truly horrible happens, this safety net can’t be relied on.

The disability process isn’t very flashy, but it is a vital social justice issue that authors should talk about.

The Green Light at the End of the Dock (How much I spent):
Softcover Text – $9.30 on eBay
Audiobook – $84.99 per year through Everand

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Profile Image for Elyse Walters.
4,010 reviews11.4k followers
June 5, 2018
FANTASTIC audiobook!!!!
.....I love Sam!!!!
.....l loved the way Sam’s mother defended him: awesome dialogue!!
.....loved the storytelling....
.....Endearing - engrossing - and inspiring!!!!

Thumbs Up - up- up!!!! 👍💕📚💕👍📚

Profile Image for Regina.
1,139 reviews4,207 followers
February 3, 2021
Raise your right hand if you were bullied as a kid.

Now raise your left hand if you still have the emotional scars from it.

I’m lowering mine just briefly enough to write out my thoughts on "The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell." While my sins were being too skinny, too pale, too meek and too much or too little of whatever my tormenters deemed acceptable at any given moment, Sam Hill had only one: he had ocular albinism.

When he was born, even his dad took one look at his red eyes and gasped, “What the Sam Hell?” The name stuck. Growing up in the ‘60s in a devout Catholic family, congregation, and school, those eyes also made it easy to label him “The Devil Boy.” Nuns and kids treated him cruelly, but none more so than the despicable David Bateman.

It would have been too easy for Robert Dugoni to write a story about how in adulthood David was repentant and Sam was forgiving, but instead he gave readers something more realistic. David was mean and stayed mean, and Sam carried the memories of being his earliest victim with him through the years as if they became part of his DNA. All too relatable.

“Sam Hell” was another long-lurking title on my backlist, and I put off reading it because I had in my mind it would be a transcendent experience that needed to be savored. Ultimately I found it to be a very worthy read that I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend, though I may have hyped it up too much in my own mind. My husband* read it as well and breezed through it. Short chapters make it a book you can nibble on here-and-there = ideal nightstand reading.

I’d also be remiss not to mention there are some serious “A Prayer for Owen Meany” vibes served here. In fact, Dugoni has mentioned John Irving as an early inspiration in various interviews. I can’t think of a more direct “Loved That? Read This!” scenario.

“The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell” is currently available on Kindle Unlimited and includes WhisperSync for those who might prefer the audio book format. (As of 2/3/21.)

*That skinny, pale, meek little girl grew up to be a confident woman that married a devastatingly handsome man and lived happily ever after. Suck it, bullies!
Profile Image for Em Lost In Books.
974 reviews2,141 followers
March 8, 2019
"Life is either a collision of random events, like billiard balls during a break careening off and into one another, or if you are so inclined to believe, our predetermined fate—what my mother took such great comfort in calling God’s will."

Sam was born with a rare genetic condition which made his pupils red. Because of this he was rejected admission in a Catholic School but the his brave mother did not let it happen and fight against this rejection. This was only a start to the difficulties that Sam, a great student, was about to face in his life because of his eye condition. He was called "devil boy" in his school and was an easy target for bullying. But he soon learned to stand up to this hatred against him, and there were his parents and friends on every turn who never lost in faith in him; and were a constant source of strength.

Story was told in past and present. Dugoni kept the chapters short and a very tight writing. Perhaps because he also write thrillers that he turned every chapter in a short suspense story keeping me on the edge. It was to put it down as I kept telling myself one more chapter and at the end of that chapter something would happen that I had to read the next chapter.

I don't even remember how I stumbled upon this gem, all I know is that am glad I read this. It is hard not to love this book for the courage that Sam shows when he was targeted because he was different, for the love and faith of parents in their son and for how they supported him, for the friends who devoted themselves to him even when they were frowned upon for it.

Dugoni explored themes of coming of age, honor, dignity, love, bullying, faith, in simple yet lively manner which made it a riveting read for me.

Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader.
2,445 reviews31.6k followers
May 5, 2018
4 richly drawn stars to The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

What an engaging and poignant story! Sam Hell was born with ocular albinism, a condition that causes the blood vessels to show through the irises of the eye, giving a pink or red appearance. Sam’s family is deeply spiritual, and his mother believes his condition is simply God’s will.

Sam endures bullying and outright discrimination due to his physical appearance. His childhood is tough, and he questions his faith. Sam’s mother is his best advocate and champion. The love between all members of this family was palpable and inextinguishable.

The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell is about his journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance, but if you’ve ever felt different, left out, or lonely, Sam’s story could be your story, too.

This review also now appears on my shiny new book blog! www.jennifertarheelreader.com

Thank you to Robert Dugoni, Lake Union, and Netgalley, for the ARC. The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell is now available!
Profile Image for Matt.
4,194 reviews13k followers
March 26, 2018
First and foremost, a large thank you to NetGalley, Robert Dugoni, Lake Union Publishing for providing me with a copy of this publication, which allows me to provide you with an unbiased review.

In his latest standalone novel, Robert Dugoni shows just how versatile he can be with his writing. His dazzling prose and wonderful ability to convey a story will warm the heart of many readers throughout this powerful novel. Sam Hill was born just outside the Bay Area to two loving parents. As he tells in the early part of the story, the love his parents showed him was unlike anything else in the world. However, Sam was born with a unique feature—red irises, called ocular albinism—which would come to haunt him in the years to come. Though it did not affect his ability to see, Sam was scorned by other young children and faced a significant issue trying to get into the local Catholic school. However, his persistent mother never lost the faith and Sam was soon enrolled alongside the other pupils. His eyes did cause many an issue, helping him develop the moniker, Sam Hell. This did not deter him, though kept the other children from playing alongside him. Friends with Ernie Cantwell, a young black boy—the only in the school—Sam discovered that some children take things to extremes and was severely bullied. As hew grew, Sam and Ernie remained the best of friends, soon adding Michaela ‘Mickie’ Kennedy to their brood. As the story progresses, the reader learns of Sam’s older years and how things developed for him, allowing life lessons and personal epiphanies to shape his way of life. With each part of the book flashing forward to 1989, the reader is able to discover a ‘modern’ narrative and how Sam has used all those lessons to shape what came to be his greatest moments, influenced deeply by his mother. Those fans of Dugoni’s work will marvel at this personal story that has all the ingredients his police procedurals as well. Those seeking a touching story that does not get too sappy will also love this and may develop a love of Robert Dugoni’s writing in general.

I have long loved the writing that Dugoni puts out and find myself completely captivated by his current series set in Seattle. However, it is wonderful to see an author step away from his/her comfort zone and develop an ability to write with an entirely new set of characters and plots. Dugoni does this so effortlessly and pulls the reader in the middle of an emotional story that holds the reader’s attention until the very last phrase. Sam Hill is a wonderful character whose maturation is a fundamental part of the story. His backstory and ongoing character development provides the reader with a rich understanding of the issues that he faces as a child with a physical trait that distinguishes him from others. Secondary characters, such as Ernie and Mickie provide a wonderful flavour for the story and are offset by the more grounded Mr. and Mrs. Hill, who have their own quirks. The vignettes that occur within each part of the larger story provide a wonderful collage of moments that, when sewn together, provided a powerful set of characters that convey a powerful message. I almost could not tell that this was Dugoni, so used to his mystery and police stories, though I am blessed to have seen how detailed he made the entire experience. Dugoni offers up some wonderful themes throughout the piece and arcs them together effectively, touching the reader at just the right moments. The short chapters help push things along and the spiritual nature of the narrative does not create a Christian inculcation, but surely serves as an effective theme in Sam’s life and the reader’s experience with this novel.

Kudos, Mr. Dugoni, for such a powerful book. I can only hope to read more standalone novels of this calibre in the years to come.

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Profile Image for Marialyce .
2,104 reviews692 followers
June 6, 2018
5 most touching extraordinary stars!

At times you walk away from a book with feelings and emotions and then an hour, a day, a week later, you have forgotten all that you have read. However, there are some books that when you finish them, you know in your heart that they will never leave you. The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell was just such a book.

We meet a wonderful cast of characters, characters we would like to know, characters we would love to have as parents, friends, and neighbors, characters that we could love. From Sam, the boy born with red eyes suffering from a rare disease, ocular albinism, nicknamed the devil boy, to his amazing and loving parents we learn as Sam grows the emotional love and concern they share for each other. Sam's friends Ernie and Miki, themselves outcasts, join forces to provide Sam with support and love that he is desperately seeking. Sam is shunned in his Catholic school environment but it is through his mother's strong faith in both Sam and her Catholic faith coupled with his father's wonderful wisdom that Sam grows into adulthood. His road is never easy as he comes against prejudice and hate. He is tormented by his nonacceptance into a world where he is taught that things are God's will. He is belittled, held back, and faced with obstacles that try to defeat the spirit that his parents try so hard to engender in him for they believe that their son is extraordinary and he deserves his extraordinary life. His two lifelong friends bring to Sam love, compassion, and a strong bond that provides him a place to go when his life becomes onerous.

This book transported this reader into a world where one can find that which seems to be escaping from our world today, that of human kindness, forgiveness, and love. I can not recommend this book more highly as it brings one a world of peacefulness, tears, love, and the telling of a story that moves one's heart and soul.

Thank you to Robert Dugoni for writing such a extraordinary book and to Lake Union and NetGalley for providing me with an advanced copy of this novel.
Profile Image for Diane S ☔.
4,893 reviews14.4k followers
April 15, 2018
4+. Okay, I admit it, I am now officially a marshmallow. This book about a young boy, born with red eyes, due to ocular albanism really got to me. First, I could relate greatly to his experiences in Catholic school, been there done that. Some good sisters, some who should never have been let near small children. Sam, is called names, bullied but he does have wonderful, loving parents, and then a black boy enters the school. The two outcasts become fast friends. Then a little later a girl, who is seemingly not afraid of anything, a maverick, outspoken, who becomes the third in their group.

This was such a special read for me, and from an author who usually writes a very good mystery series. We follow these young people as they grow, see the kind of people they turn out to be. How their lives turn out and how the wethered the circumstances of their early lives. Such a touching book, one where you embrace the characters, want only good things for them. There is also humor, sadness, grief and an unbelievable friendship.

The end was a bit overdone, well maybe more than a bit, actually somewhat mushy. I was already sold on the book though, the journey these characters travel to find a fulfilling life. So, the ending didn't derail my opinion of the book, and I was actually a little teary eyed. Like I said, I'm now officially a marshmallow.

ARC from Netgalley.
Profile Image for Jayme.
1,343 reviews3,453 followers
January 25, 2023
“There comes a day in every man’s life when he stops looking forward and starts looking back” Maxwell Hill (Sam’s father)

So begins the story, of Samuel Hill, as he reflects on the moments in his life, past and present, heartbreaking and heartwarming, which have made him into the person he is today.


Those were the four words, uttered by Samuel’s father, when he laid eyes on his infant son for the very first time-a baby born with ocular albinism, a rare condition which gave him red pupils.

But, his mother was unperturbed, as she was a devout Catholic who believed unwaveringly in “God’s Will” and she decided that his eyes meant that her son was destined for an extraordinary life.

She was his fierce protector, for as long as she could be, but eventually Samuel would have to attend school at the “Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church”, where his mother can go only as far as the steps leading into the classrooms.

There, he will be ridiculed and taunted by the kids who call him “Devil Boy” and bullied relentlessly David Bateman, a boy twice his size, which will make him question his FAITH, despite the unconditional love he grew up with.

He wanted to believe that it was God’s Plan to send Ernie Cantwell, the only African American child in his grade, from Detroit Michigan to Burlingame, CA, to be the friend he desperately needed.

And, also part of God’s design to add Mickie Kennedy to their circle in sixth grade-a girl with a bit of a reputation, who defied the norms. And, sometimes the Nuns.

The result? An extraordinary, moving story, which will stick with me long after it’s done.

I recently reviewed “Her Deadly Game”, a legal thriller very different from this book, and mentioned that it had been my first book by Dugoni. Goodreads friends (thank you! 🥰) immediately suggested in the comment section that I add this to my TBR., and I am so glad that I did.

It’s clear from the number of “likes” received even on my status updates for this book, that the character of Sam Hell has collected many fans since the book’s publication.


A book inspired by both a small newspaper article that the author read about a boy who was denied admittance into a Catholic School in Australia, because of his Ocular Albinism, AND the author’s own parents and siblings, who embraced and loved the youngest of the Dugonis- Michael, and refused to allow the words “Down’s Syndrome” to be what defined the person they all love!

I toggled between the printed book, and the Audible which was read by the author.

A buddy read with DeAnn-be sure to watch for her amazing review!
Profile Image for Debra.
2,826 reviews35.9k followers
May 7, 2018
3.5 stars

"We realize it is in those quiet moments that each of us has the ability to make our life extraordinary."

Sam was born with ocular albinism which resulted in him having red pupils. While many of his peers were freaked out by this and called him "devil boy", his Mother declared it's "God's will" and fought for Sam to be able to attend Catholic school. Sam suffered from the ignorance of others (including a nun at the school) and constant bullying. He then found friendship with Ernie, the only African-American in his class and Mickie, a girl who proved to be tougher than any of the boys in their class. The three of then teach each other acceptance, friendship, loyalty, and what it means to be supportive of someone.

This book is told through alternating timelines. We see Sam as an adult and as a child. We learn about his life, his loves, his loses, his family, his friends, his dreams, his faith and his chosen career path. My favorite character in this book is his Mother with her unwavering devotion and belief that Sam is destined to lead and extraordinary life. I love how she has quiet strength and is not afraid to advocate for her son.

Another solid book by Dugoni! This is a well written account of one man's life. I thought the ending was a little much. I think Dugoni is accustomed to writing his Tracy Crosswhite series and leaving readers waiting for the next book, so in this book, perhaps he tried a little too hard to tie everything up.

*Do read the acknowledgements section!!! That is a nice plus, we learn about Dugoni's family and the story/inspiration behind this book.

I loved how this book focused on faith, family, friendship, and acceptance.

Thank you to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

See more of my reviews at www.openbookpost.com
Profile Image for Susanne.
1,174 reviews38.4k followers
December 18, 2018
4.25 Amazing and Brilliant Stars.* (rounded down)

I’ve had “The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell” on my Audible Shelf for more than 6 months now, ever since I saw some pretty extraordinary reviews from some of my Goodreads friends. I’m not sure what took me so long to listen to it. Whatever the reason, let me just say that I am so glad I finally got around to it. From the first paragraph to the last, I experienced fits of laughter and tears. Sam, you have my heart.

When Sam was born, the first words his father exclaimed were, “What in Sam Hell?” and that for the most part, became his moniker. You see, Sam was born with a very rare condition. Ocular Albinism - which is a genetic condition that primarily affects the eyes - reducing the coloring of the Iris, which in turn gave Sam red eyes. As a child, he was called “Devil Boy.” Darn bullies! While his mother fought long and hard for Sam to be treated like everyone else, it just doesn’t work that way. There was one bully in particular who made Sam’s life absolutely horrendous: David Bateman. There was also one friend (he was only African American in Sam’s class), who made everything ok: Ernie Cantwell. Then, someone else came along: Mickey Kennedy. She was a tough cookie who never took crap from anyone. Together, the three of them triumphed over all.

As an adult, Sam still had to battle his inner demons as well those bullies who never truly went away. With the help of family and friends, love and support, he learns that life is indeed extraordinary.

For me, this was a book that touched my heart, and I felt it deep within. I loved it it desperately. Sam’s heart was on full display throughout. He is the kind of character who sticks with you long after you finish the final chapter. The author, Robert Dugoni’s inspiration for this story was extremely touching and I enjoyed reading about it. If you haven’t read this, I highly recommend it for its heartfelt, touching nature and its unique storyline.

Thank you to all of my Goodreads friends who read this and convinced me to get it. I’m so glad I finally gave it a listen! Thank you also to Audible.

Published on Goodreads on 12.18.18.
Profile Image for Christine.
618 reviews1,348 followers
August 1, 2018
I was looking for a good change-of-pace book from my usual thrillers and crime fiction. I wanted something easy to read, but with real depth and minimal gore. My partner suggested this one. Thanks, Jean!

The Extraordinary life of Sam Hell covers Sam’s life from age 3 to age 40 something. Sam Hill was born with ocular albinism and red eyes. What an albatross for a young boy. Sam’s mother, a devout Catholic, loves her son dearly and explains to him that his extraordinary eyes mean that he will lead an extraordinary life. It’s God’s will, his mother tells him over and over. And God has a plan for everyone. Sam has a tough time throughout much of his young life, but his prayers for help seem to go unnoticed, and he is not at all certain God cares whatsoever. Luckily for Sam, he has met two extraordinary friends, Ernie and Mickie, two “misfits” who are his steadfast allies. They along with Sam’s parents make a tremendous impact on Sam’s life.

This story encompasses a number of themes. These include bullying, deep friendship, wonderful parenting, the Catholic religion and its effect on its followers and previous followers, the institution of marriage, coming of age, grief, redemption, and forgiveness. There are a million chapters, each vignette focused on events and interactions that are important in Sam’s life. By the end, the thread holding it all together is evident.

This novel is heartwarming and very emotive. The writing is simple, but the story is profound. I have now read two books in a row that made me cry. I strongly recommend this book to all readers. Sam Hill (or Sam Hell or just plain Hell as he was also known) is a character that will stay with me for a long time. It took many years for Robert Dugoni to bring this novel to fruition. Many thanks to him for his determination to get it delivered to his readers.
Profile Image for Beverly.
913 reviews376 followers
June 28, 2019
This started off with a bang and I was fully engaged with Sam and his wonderful parents. I had never heard of his eye condition before and I thought the author did a great job of making us care for him and his troubles. The prejudice that a boy with red eyes would face in a Catholic school is tremendous.

The middle part was good too, but the book started to drain me of my interest when it got to be such a prolonged, dragged out and sentimental ending. I felt much more could have been accomplished with the story of his childhood bully coming back into his life, instead this is quickly glossed over. Then the story goes way over the top in believability, ending up in Lourdes with his dying parents. It felt a bit too much and I don't understand why Sam couldn't have had his epiphany at home.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Karen.
648 reviews1,629 followers
April 23, 2018
4.5 Extraordinary Stars
This is the story of Sam Hill, who was born in 1957, with ocular albinism, which made him have red eyes.
He was born to very loving parents, the mother being very religious and thinking Sam was extraordinary and would live an extraordinary life.
Sam attends Catholic school and is bullied and called “the devil boy” by many children, but he also makes two friends who become lifelong friends, and I just love their story.
There are many very sad moments in the book, things Sam endured because of his eyes, but there are many laugh out loud moments also! Seriously, really funny!

So, I just loved this book, and highly recommend it!

Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing!
Profile Image for Sharon Orlopp.
Author 1 book937 followers
May 11, 2023
The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell by Robert Dugoni is a phenomenal book! 5+++ stars! Highly recommend! I could not put it down.

Sam Hill is born with ocular albinism which makes his eyes red. His nickname is Sam Hell and many kids at school call him Devil Boy. His childhood is fairly lonely except for his friend, Ernie, the only Black student in his school. His other friend is a girl named Mickie who speaks her mind and speaks out when things aren't right.

The book follows the highs and lows of the lives of Ernie, Sam and Mickie over many decades. Bullies in grade school reappear as bullies in adult life. Family dynamics impact each of the three key characters. Very powerful character and scene development.

Highly, highly recommend!
Profile Image for Linda.
1,470 reviews1,555 followers
December 16, 2017
"Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the mouth." (Mike Tyson)

Action steps on the toes of re-action. You never fully realize what you're capable of until backed into that corner or running out of rungs on the ladder of life.

Samuel Hill is the only son of an only son. While that may be rare in itself, Sam has been born with ocular albinism. While the lyrics of "Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue" seem strange, stranger still is the fact that Sam's eyes have a pink/red tone. Kids will find the tiniest thing in one's physicality to make fun of......but this was a field day for the little darlings at Our Lady of Mercy elementary school in Burlingame, California in the 1960's. "Show No Mercy" was their marching song.

Robert Dugoni opens the ornate door on the hellish beginnings of Sam's early childhood. "Devil Boy" rolled off the lips of all the kids and Sam Hill took on the new moniker of Sam Hell. This dungeon life on the playground was monitored by fellow classmate, David Freemon, who held court in the bathrooms and under the bleechers to dole out physical punishment on a daily basis. Sam's excuses of falling off his bike were beginning to wear thin. Sam was no squealer.

Ernie Cantwell comes into Sam's life at a time when Sam can barely pick himself up off the ground. Ernie, the only African American child at OLM, becomes Sam's best friend and his truly lifelong one at that. Their families become close and stay that way over the years.

But it is Sam's mother, Madeline, who holds this storyline rigid and in control. "She wasn't interested in just rocking this boat. She intended to capsize it." And she certainly does behind the wheel of that sleek Falcon convertible.

Dugoni fast-forwards in alternating chapters to the present time of 1989 in Burlingame as Sam reaches adulthood and becomes a ophthalmologist in his private practice. But it is in this profession that Sam will meet up with the ghosts of his past. You can't outrun the phantoms that lurk in the dark shadows.....phantoms that have the capability to suffocate the very spirit that dwells inside of you. And these phantoms now have the long bony reach that may grip others in a deadlock.

Robert Dugoni has a special gift for lighting the candle of the human spirit. We've seen it in his other offerings as well. But this one has a unique touch of slowly unwinding the thread of childhood secured deftly by the spool of motherhood. You'll see it portrayed by the women in this story. And, to be sure, read Dugoni's Acknowledgements at the end. 'Tis a tinge of sweetness to be savored.

I received a copy of this book through NetGalley for an honest review. My thanks to Lake Union and to the very talented Robert Dugoni for the opportunity.

Profile Image for Carolyn.
227 reviews12 followers
August 16, 2019
Spoilers in Review:

Blecccchhh! I must say this is the first time I've ever really felt misled by the reviews on Goodreads regarding prompting me to read this book. I am shocked by the numerous 5*star reviews for this book on this site. Truly shocked. This novel is just terrible. Admittedly, the first part of the novel is the best part. I was drawn in by the first few chapters and sympathetic to the plight of a child born with a problem like ocular albinism. The depiction of his mother's advocacy for him in his early life is heartwarming.

However, very quickly this novel goes south---in a hurry. The plot is Formulaic with a capital F. The idea that there is a bully so terrible in FIRST GRADE frying insects with a magnifying glass and beating the s@!t out of a fellow first grader is preposterous. The too-good-to-be-true also put-upon black kid as his only friend is nauseating. The idea that elementary aged Sam could cleverly cure Ernie's dyslexia with a friendly reading competition is an embarrassing plot line.

I have a major problem with the depiction of Donna, the teenager that "uses" Sam for sex. Ugh. This is just good old fashion slut-shaming by this author. The worst is the depiction of Mickey as this perfect young lady/partner just waiting around her whole life to join up with Sam when he gets his act together.

As my elementary aged kids say, this whole novel was just "cringey." Full to the brim with preposterous and stupid plot lines and stereotypically written characters.

Finally, to Audible readers, perhaps some of my ire about the whole experience is that the author himself reads the novel and this is a shame because he made a bad novel worse. His voice-reading and voices given to characters is atrocious.

Ah well, this is the risk you take with reading. Sometimes you get a real stinker but this makes the good ones even better when they come along.
3 reviews5 followers
September 18, 2018
I wanted to like this book. I can empathize with a child who gets bullied because he's different. But the author lost me completely and forever with his Madonna/whore treatment of the female characters and the Catholic miracle at the end. I haven't read any of Dugoni's other books. Maybe this is just the way he rolls when it comes to his female characters: flat in all aspects save the bosom. But, come on. This book isn't a romance, so why is the author expounding on the physical traits of the females (and not the males)? I was particularly annoyed by the author's casual shorthand with regard to women throughout the book: by and large, the mean ones are ugly; the good ones are hot. Not only is this kind of stereotyping lazy and dangerous, its hypocrisy in light of the book's subject matter is almost laughable. Isn't the whole point of this morality tale that we should be kind and accepting toward those unfortunate souls who might fall short of the beauty standard? Or do we only owe that kindness to the boys, especially the ones with red eyes? Had I purchased this book in hard copy, I may well have ripped it to shreds just to let the pages know how I really felt.
Profile Image for Carolyn.
2,478 reviews695 followers
March 24, 2024
At his birth, Sam Hill's mother predicts that he will have an extraordinary life due to his extraordinary condition but it doesn't feel that way to Sam when he starts at the local Catholic School and is called "Devil Boy" and nicknamed Sam Hell. Sam has bright red eyes from ocular albinism that cause everyone to stare at him and makes him a target for the school bully. Sam has a protective and loving family who teach him to be resiliant and he eventually finds a friend in Ernie, the only African American boy in school, and later Mickie, a rebellious tomboy, who both help him survive school. Sam's path will later cross again with his old school bully in adult life with serious results that throw him out of his hard won comfort zone and cause him to re-evaluate his life.

This is a character driven novel, with Sam's mother Madeline the star, staunchly religious, fearless of authority and fiercely protective of her only child. Sam's friends Ernie and Mickie are both non-conformers who don't fit in and don't see the need to, teaching him not to worry about what others think but to do what is right for him. I found the fairly heavy Christian message of the ending a little overdone and unnecessary as I felt the message of good winning out over evil was already well enough implied. However, others with a more religious leaning may appreciate the ending more. Apart from that minor point, I did enjoy reading about the extraordinary life of Sam Hell. 4.5★

With thanks to Netgalley and Lake Union Publishing for a digital ARC of the book to read.
Profile Image for Karen.
2,175 reviews648 followers
December 20, 2023
A lot of people don't realize that this is the same author who wrote the popular Tracy Crosswhite series and the Charles Jenkins series and the David Sloane series.

This is a stand-alone. And it is special. And it deserves your attention.

This was truly an engaging and poignant story.

It is an emotional story that holds the reader’s attention until the very last phrase.

Sam Hill is a wonderful character whose maturation is a fundamental part of the story.

His backstory and ongoing character development provides the reader with a rich understanding of the issues that he faces as a child with a physical trait that distinguishes him from others.

The vignettes that occur within each part of the larger story provide a wonderful collage of moments that, when sewn together, provided a believable set of characters that convey a powerful and inspiring message.

There are some books that when you finish them, you know in your heart that they will never leave you.

The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell was just such a book.
Profile Image for Norma.
557 reviews13.5k followers
April 15, 2018
4.5 Extraordinary Stars!

THE EXTRAORDINARY LIFE OF SAM HELL by ROBERT DUGONI is a touching, uplifting, heartwarming and an absolutely wonderful novel that had me totally engrossed and interested throughout this entire book. I was totally captivated and immersed with the voice of Sam and his story as he looks back on his life, making this novel extremely hard for me to put down. Sam totally touched my heart!

ROBERT DUGONI delivers an inspirational and beautifully written story here with wonderful characters and short chapters to make this a quick and easy read. The relationships, love and support that Sam had here with his family and friends is what makes this novel so special. Sam was truly extraordinary and through his journey we really seen the struggles he faced as he was figuring out his purpose of life. I thoroughly enjoyed following along with Sam, his family and friends and all the wisdom, love, and themes shared within the pages of this book made this a powerful and memorable read!

To sum it all up it was an interesting, insightful, unforgettable, emotional, and an enjoyable read with a satisfying ending. Would highly recommend!

Publishing Date: April 24, 2018

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Lake Union Publishing, and Robert Dugoni for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book.

Review written and posted on our themed book blog:
Two Sisters Lost In A Coulee Reading

Coulee: a term applied rather loosely to different landforms, all of which refer to a kind of valley.
Where I live I am surrounded by Coulees!
Profile Image for Christy.
680 reviews
April 22, 2020
THIS BOOK WAS AMAZING!!! I had no idea what to expect going into this one, but I absolutely loved it and it was fantastic as an audio book. I immediately looked in to who narrated it so I could find other books read by him, but realized the author narrated his own story! It was a beautiful... both heart breaking and heart warming. I loved the characters, including Sam's wonderful parents and his two best friends, Ernie and Mickie. This may be my favorite read of 2020 so far!
Profile Image for Bill.
427 reviews
August 29, 2018
Man what a HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT. For about the first third of the novel I kept thinking 'Wow! This really is a five star novel.' But then the story evolved to the point that it read like a script for a Hallmark movie produced by the Catholic Church! It would be great if there was some type of warning that this was going to happen. I feel tricked!

Unless you are a believing Catholic, avoid this novel.
Profile Image for Zoeytron.
1,036 reviews851 followers
August 10, 2018
The cycle of life, '...the inevitable markings that only time deliver' (speaking of aging), loss of faith, moments in life that are kept close to the heart.  The value of a true friend.  I was taken with the pure love of Sam's parents for each other and for their boy, Sam.  In their minds, those red eyes did not make Sam different, they made him extraordinary.  And so he was.  A bit saccharin for me before it was over, not my preferred flavor.  But it was well-written and a little different, and I can't bring myself to give it less than 4 stars.  
Profile Image for Sandysbookaday .
2,314 reviews2,307 followers
March 20, 2023
EXCERPT: My mother was not the object of their interest. It seemed that when the doctor had placed me upon my mother's stomach to cut the umbilical cord, I'd finally opened my eyes. And that's when the euphoria became bewilderment. The doctor froze, slack jawed. The attending nurse let out a yip, which she belatedly tried to cover by placing her hand over her mouth.
'Give me my son,' my mother had said amid the silent stares, whereupon the nurse had swaddled me in a blanket and handed me to her.
This was how my father found us when he waded through the crowd for a closer inspection and looked me in the eyes for the first time.
'What the Sam Hell?' he whispered.

ABOUT 'THE EXTRAORDINARY LIFE OF SAM HELL': Sam Hill always saw the world through different eyes. Born with red pupils, he was called “Devil Boy” or Sam “Hell” by his classmates; “God’s will” is what his mother called his ocular albinism. Her words were of little comfort, but Sam persevered, buoyed by his mother’s devout faith, his father’s practical wisdom, and his two other misfit friends.

Sam believed it was God who sent Ernie Cantwell, the only African American kid in his class, to be the friend he so desperately needed. And that it was God’s idea for Mickie Kennedy to storm into Our Lady of Mercy like a tornado, uprooting every rule Sam had been taught about boys and girls.

Forty years later, Sam, a small-town eye doctor, is no longer certain anything was by design—especially not the tragedy that caused him to turn his back on his friends, his hometown, and the life he’d always known. Running from the pain, eyes closed, served little purpose. Now, as he looks back on his life, Sam embarks on a journey that will take him halfway around the world. This time, his eyes are wide open—bringing into clear view what changed him, defined him, and made him so afraid, until he can finally see what truly matters.

MY THOUGHTS: I wanted to like this a whole lot more than I did. Where do I start?

There were medical errors that made me cringe. Occular Albinism is not merely a case of having red eyes. There would have been multiple other complications affecting Sam's sight and life. Also, Sam leaves the surgery for a child's detached retina for a few weeks. This is an injury that is treated by immediate surgery. Delaying surgery is both dangerous and negligent.

Sam's life isn't particularly extraordinary. Any child who has a disability or is 'different' in any way experiences all the same prejudices and ostracism that Sam did. And any mother worth her salt will stand up and fight for her child, just as Sam's did.

Mickie was the outstanding character for me, and I would have loved more of her story incorporated into the book.

There were parts of the story that I enjoyed and which touched me, particularly in the second half of the book, and parts that bored me. I didn't dislike it, but nor did I love it.


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#familydrama #friendship #historicalfiction

THE AUTHOR: A writer turned lawyer turned writer.
Robert Dugoni was born in Idaho and raised in Northern California the middle child of a family of ten siblings. Dugoni jokes that he didn't get much of a chance to talk, so he wrote. By the seventh grade he knew he wanted to be a writer.

Dugoni wrote his way to Stanford University, receiving writing awards along the way, and majored in communications/journalism and creative writing while working as a reporter for the Stanford Daily. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa and worked briefly as a reporter in the Metro Office and the San Gabriel Valley Office of the Los Angeles Times.

DISCLOSURE: Thank you to Lake Union via Netgalley for providing a digital ARC of The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell by Robert Dugoni for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.

For an explanation of my rating system please refer to my Goodreads.com profile page or the about page on sandysbookaday.wordpress.com

This review and others are also published on Twitter, Amazon, Instagram and my webpage https://sandysbookaday.wordpress.com/...
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