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Caveman Aliens #2

Caveman Alien's Mate

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She's small, round and soft. And so alluring my loins swell by the sight of her. Surely she was sent by the Ancestors to be my Mate!

The tribe will rejoice when they see her...

She's mine now!


He's a seven feet tall caveman with muscles the size of tree trunks, fangs like a tiger and a smouldering fire in his eyes. He makes my knees buckle just by looking at me!

And he's saved me from deadly dinosaurs about twenty times. If he could get me a steaming mug of latte on this crazy alien planet, he'd be perfect!

Almost. Because I really want to go home. But he thinks I'm his Mate, and he's taking me to his cave!

And I get the feelingmy opinion about that doesn't count for much...

202 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 6, 2017

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Calista Skye

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 107 reviews
Profile Image for Angela (Angel's Book Nook).
1,634 reviews926 followers
October 11, 2019
This is a combined review for Books 1 through 6 in the Caveman Aliens series by Calista Skye

Someone suggested I give this series a try. It’s on Kindle Unlimited and since I had a free subscription at the time I gave it a go. It wasn’t bad. It’s a silly alien sci-fi romance that you can read in a day. Not much plot or substance to it. Sometimes you just need something silly and with no substance to read.

The books are an alien abduction survival type read. The books are all a little bit silly. They are slow moving in parts and a bit choppy.

The concept of the Jurassic planet was interesting. It’s a planet with dinosaurs, weird bugs, plants, and Caveman. Their are no women on this planet.

When the series starts we meet several different women who are all College age students working on a project when some aliens come to earth and kidnapped women only. Those aliens that kidnapped the women end up crash landing on this Jurassic planet. The women are trying their best to survive on this Jurassic plant and soon learn they aren’t alone.

The romance in each book is very quick. Each women ends up being kidnapped by a different kind of Caveman. They pretty much fall fast and the sex is hot and primal. These Caveman end up take the women back to their tribes and we soon learn that not all the men in the tribes are good. Most of the men want to capture and force the women into being breeders aka sex slaves or the Caveman want to kill them to complete this prophecy to bring back The Women.

As the series goes on we learn their is a small underline plot on how these Caveman came to be on this Jurassic planet and what their purpose is or was.

In book five we get a brief recap of what has happened so far. This is where we learn about the underlining plot and find more women are alive and have been trapped on this star shaped land island due to a Dragon like creature.

In book six we learn why and how the Caveman came to be on this plant and their weird belief system. I didn’t care for book six. This is where I became all Caveman’d out. The issue I had with, six, was how slutty Delyah became. I get the weird water makes them lower their inhibitions, but this was over the top.

One thing that really frustrated me in this series was that each women even after they found their Caveman lover they still think they can get home. After 10 months wouldn’t it come to your mind that you aren’t getting home. Even if you do find another spaceship… How are you going to fly it?

As far as things go. The Caveman Aliens series was just ok.

Rated: 3/2 Stars

Profile Image for jenn.
690 reviews338 followers
November 9, 2017

To be honest, I only picked this series up because it showed up on 'recommended' books on amazon.

I only cared about the smut tbh and not much else. Probably would have been a four or five star if these damn caveman aliens were fucking dinosaur shifters.

Like ... uh ... yes please?

But noooooo, we got cavemen with fucking orange stripes and eyes. THEN WHY DO THEY NOT CHANGE INTO TIGERS OR EVEN FUCKING RAPTORS?!

I might be a little salty about it.
Profile Image for buket.
847 reviews1,253 followers
August 21, 2022
at this point it's not even guilty pleasure it's just GUILT 😔

i feel like i've only read alien romances this month and i don't know why but i can't STOP SOMEONE PLEASE HELP

anyways it's a nice change that they're both actually human but one is neanderthal 🤨 so yeah i'm gonna keep reading next books
Profile Image for CC.
1,770 reviews229 followers
November 24, 2017
Not a great follow up to the first book. This heroine was TSTL and I found myself hoping she would die and end my suffering. The very end was ok, but otherwise it was pretty annoying.
Profile Image for Hayat.
573 reviews195 followers
November 29, 2017
A quick fun read

I'm really enjoying the second instalment of this alien caveman series. It is fun, entertaining and doesn't take itself too seriously. If you are interested in fun light-hearted plot, cute hero and heroine who only have eyes for each other, adorable romance/instance love, great side characters with the potential to be future protagonist of several books, then this series is for you. I really like the alien planet full of different alien dinosaurs and several cavemen from different tribes with different cultures and body markings. I can't wait to get started on book 3!
Profile Image for Maddy.
788 reviews
March 24, 2019
**Warning: this text may contain spoilers** I have been struggling with this for two months now... The following review rant is going to sounds really, really unflattering [read totally nasty]. You have been warned.
The first book was not so great, but I figured - okay, a new world, new order, hard to get it right in one go, let's give it another shot. Wrong choice.
The main problem? How !TSTL! is the heroine...

It starts with the heroine wailing about how she is not useful enough and how she is constantly scared. Basically acting like a big baby.

But that is fine, I could have overlooked that. But then she meets our dashing hero and is completely fine accepting and offering sexual favors in return for protection and food.

But fine. I could have overlooked that one too. Maybe. Probably would have takes a star off for it. But fiiine. We overlook it. And then we just go downhill. She keeps wailing about being useful, but tires easily, does not help with food or shelter, just sleeps, gets "worshiped", sleeps some more and eats and WAILS! So much WAILING!

Then the dramatic stampede. The girls might be dead. But she does not go check or offer help. Noooo. She tells the hero to take her to his village, because SHE WANTS TO BE USEFUL. Her friends might all be dead or in need of help, but the heroine thinks she will be more useful if she gets them an "in" for this tribe, while sex with the hero will be a bonus, because "might as well trade it for something", right? Darling, if the stampede killed your friends, who are you REALLY helping here? Not to mention how in previous book, Sophia was almost raped and used as sex slave, this super smart chick also remembers that and does not want it to happen, but she is so ruled by her vagina, her driving need to be USEFUL and general laziness, that she is not cautious or second-guessing at all. She just goes there, because women are worshiped and she needs a break from this dreadful planet... Right...

But the most annoying part? Baths. She is in company of a strangers and dinosaurs, surrounded by danger and all that jazz, but all our little heroine cares about is bathing. Screw other people, screw helping with survival, my super big hero will stand guard while I take a bath after bath, after bath, after bath and I will pay him back with BJs. I don't even know what to say about such reasoning... I guess baths were mentioned so much for hygienic reasons considering the amount of oral activity, but puhlease. There are only so many times you can read it before you want to gag.

Then we arrive at the village. And our dear,dear heroine goes all - you should start farming, that needs fixing, this needs fixing, that is wrong, you should do that and that. Darling... You cannot even go pee if someone isn't holding your hand, because you are scared of your own shadow. What the hell do you know to teach them anything... So consumed by her absurd need to be useful, she starts playing a big shot using everyone giving her a special status regardless if she hurts them or not, putting men against each other, is the laziest person around, but is not shy to point out others that do nothing, requests from them food, shelter, new clothing and what not and imagines running her own little petting zoo with wild animal...


Reminds me a hell of a lot of Fire in His Kiss where the heroine also claimed to "care" for her friends and "want to help them", but was pretty much content bathing, reading romance novels, having sex and eating all the time, remembering about her friends once in a while, but then going back to bathing. Grrr... Ruined that book too...
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Fatimama.
1,017 reviews63 followers
October 4, 2017
It’s a very quick and fun escape. For a short read, the book is packed with a good story. I love the romance between Arox and Emilia.

What I liked
- virgin alpha caveman alien who would do anything for the heroine
Profile Image for ~My Book Obsession~.
658 reviews63 followers
August 15, 2018
Getting better

I wonder if all the stories will have the same format? I hope not because I really like these stories and I know I will grow tired if they all follow the same lines.

Emilia and Ar'ox are a sweet little couple. Their easy going and caring.

The tribe I think would still welcome them back. I also think they could make it better.
Profile Image for Севдалина.
688 reviews49 followers
April 18, 2018
Сега, след като Джак'зан и София са официално съпрузи, а Джак'зан напуска племето си за да бъде със своята половинка, заедно с останалите жени те се нанасят в нови пещери опитвайки се да създадат дом за малкото си племе.

Всички намират с какво да са полезни, с изключение на Емилия. Тя се страхува от всичко около себе си и макар да има желание да помага, просто този първобитен живот не й се отдава. Скоро обаче, една от другите жени започва да натяква на Емилия, че е безползена и разярена младата жена изхвърча навън в джунглата и разбира се, много скоро е нападната от динозавър... само за да бъде спасена от грамаден варварин, чието тяло е покрито с оранжеви райета.

Ар'окс е ловец. Той живее в доста голямо племе, в което обаче живота сякаш е спрял. Повечето воини гледат да си почиват, оставяйки само десетина, които да ловуват за прехраната им, и оставяйки стените около селото им да се рушат. Самият Ар'окс чувства, че в живота му няма никакъв смисъл, няма никаква цел. Всеки ден, той излиза от пределите на селото, ловува, след това се връща, прави някой нож или меч, и на другият ден всичко се повтаря. Докато не спасява едно странно същество от лапите на изгладнял динозавър. За него, най-голямо учу��ване, това е жена... жените отдавна са изчезнали на планетата им, а в племето му се носи предание. Че един ден, в гората ще се появи жена, тя ще стане половинка на ловеца, който я открие и той трябва да й даде дар. Ако жената приеме дара, от своя страна, тя ще повика останалите жени и мъжете в племето отново ще намерят смисъл за съществуването си и отново ще бъдат щастливи.

Още щом зърва грамадния воин, Емилия е силно привлечена от него, чувствайки се в безопасност и буквално боготворена, затова тя решава за момента да запази в тайна факта, че има и други жени и да проучи дали приятелките й и Джак'зан бих били приети в това ново племе.

И тази книжка ми хареса изключително много. Емилия и Ар'окс бяха много сладка двойка.
Profile Image for Elisabeth Lane.
407 reviews136 followers
October 18, 2018
Pretty much your basic kidnapped by aliens, falling in love with a barbarian type SFR. Lots of violence and one attempted rape (not by the hero). Stone Age dinosaur type setting makes it a little different from most of what I've read and the world-building is sufficient for what it is. Seems like the series is building toward some interesting interaction with alien technology so it's holding my attention. Fairly mindless entertainment.
Profile Image for Ana M. Román.
655 reviews94 followers
November 26, 2022
Seguimos sabiendo más de Xren el planeta jurásico y las chicas. Esta vez de la mano de Emilia.

Como la anterior, la historia se lee muy rapido porque siempre están pasando cosas. Lo que más me gusto es la relación de Ar'ox con su padre y la aparición de Alice de la que me gustaría saber más tanto de ella como de su especie porque sin duda, no son simples animales como el resto de dinosaurios del planeta.
Profile Image for Coline.
997 reviews11 followers
June 6, 2023
Dans ce deuxième tome l’intrigue ressemble déjà beaucoup au tome 1 même si les situations sont différentes donc dommage.
Ar’ox et Émilia sont super mims.

Les filles continuent de se débrouiller avec maintenant deux hommes en plus.

C’est sympa mais il se passe rien de fou donc un peu ennuyeux à des moments.
Profile Image for Natasha Books.
1,421 reviews97 followers
May 11, 2023
Bueno, bueno. No es tan happy la tribu jajajaja. En IPB el peligro viene de afuera, acá puede pasar en cualquier lado.
Que todos estén tan propensos a matar o violar me deja un poco gris.
Seguiré probando.
Profile Image for Chris ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥.
283 reviews4 followers
March 16, 2024
1.5⭐️ I hate instalove and it seems like most of this author’s books have that element to them! So yeah, I won’t continue reading this series even though I was pretty intrigued by the plot.
Profile Image for Suzanne (Under the Covers Book blog).
1,745 reviews557 followers
December 30, 2017

A whole bunch of women are kidnapped by aliens. However, the aliens who abducted them never take them wherever it is they're going before crash landing. On the positive sides, all the aliens that abducted them have gone. On the negative side, the planet they've crashed landed have alien versions of dinosaurs and has left them no means of getting back home. On the other plus side the planet does seems to have some very friendly, and gorgeous, caveman aliens that seem willing to help them.

So I read the first three books in this series in rapid succession and although I enjoyed them (obviously as I read all three of them pretty damn quick!) they were all followed the same basic pattern. Which, is why I am reviewing them all at the same time as I feel the same about each book.

The first three books are:

1. Caveman Alien's Ransom
2. Caveman Alien's Mate
3. Caveman Alien's Rage

In each book, each woman gets rescued and then kidnapped by her caveman alien, who look similar to humans only are bigger and have stripes like a tiger. The caveman alien keeps her safe and they fall in love. Of course, in each book there are different and interesting nuances to each tale, but that's the bare bones.

I like the idea of this Jurassic Park alien world, it's kind of ridiculous, but a lot of fun and I enjoyed reading the romance between each woman and her very eager to please caveman alien. For a pre-historic people that had no women they were very civilised. So, if you want a fun and sexy alien romance, give these a try they are short but sweet.
Profile Image for J♤Đ£ .
250 reviews11 followers
December 6, 2018
Cringy. Just awful. Let it be known that I gave this series a chance. After wasting my time on two terrible books, I'm done.
247 reviews32 followers
January 13, 2018
I liked this one a little better than the first book. I thought the character arc for Emilia learning to conquer her own fears was pretty great, and Ar'ox didn't have a name that irritated me.

I wonder if all of the shamans in these tribes are going to turn out to be grasping idiots? I'm not fond of the implications there.

The romance worked better in this one for me. There was still an element of "Well, that could have been literally anyone else", but since I liked both leads more as people, I felt their connection more.

Profile Image for Susie.
203 reviews32 followers
August 2, 2018
Sweet Ar'ox

This is the 2nd instalment of the Alien Caveman series and even though I enjoyed it I felt that the story seemed a bit repetitive at times to the 1st first book. For example there's a scene from the first book where Sophia gets almost eaten by a giant bird like creature and is then saved by Jax'zan. The same thing happens here, Emilia is running from said creature and is then saved by Ar'ox. In this story Emilia is hesitant to lead Ar'ox on and mate with him so for the vast majority of the book it's just her worshipping him and him worshipping her. Though when the time came for them to mate it happened in exactly the same way with the girls taking the lead and in the exact position. There's even a lake/hot springs scene here where they also mate and in the same position too. The shaman in this story is a piece of work too even though they had different ideas on what to do to each girl. Both our leading males where forced to choose between their mates and their tribes leaving behind everything they have ever known and becoming outcasts. The ending of the story's are also becoming predictable as both of them end the same way with them getting married. Emilia was a sweet girl with a paralyzing fear of the jungle and it was interesting watching her become more confident and brave. But there were times that she had me cringing like her crazy pet obsession with her trying to explain it to Ar'ox. And what she did with the Killvines without asking anyone first was just a fuckup of epic proportions even though it was unintentional. Ar'ox on the other hand was just utterly AMAZING and WONDERFUL. So generous, kind and loving he was the perfect alpha male. He had a heart of gold and was more than your average hunter possessing a useful skill. With those issues set aside I found the part of the story with the Gray Ghost and when they go to his village interesting and overall still enjoyed this story.
Profile Image for Sesshkyaah.
234 reviews8 followers
June 23, 2021
Told in first person; between Emilia’s and Ar’ox’s POV.
Timeline continues from the first book left off; The linguistic girls and 1 alien man(one of the girl’s mate) started their tribe.
Their translator finally ran out of battery, but good news! They have already learned their alien language! Not fluent in it yet, but can hold a conversation.

Emilia wanted to contribute to their little new tribe and marches into the jungle with a spear, determined to come back with game. Before she was able to hunt anything, she was chased down by a not-raptor and was saved by our hero, Ar’ox!

Villain of the story: The Shaman of Ar’ox’s tribe.


-1 Star. (Same as book one)
Even though the aliens have “lost all their women” for many man generations, they still learned of their history when women did existed. The marriage custom. The kissing. The self categorization of themselves as humans even tho their anatomies are very different.

They learned how to eat pussy when they’re just boys, a knowledge taught to every boy by their shamans to maintain tradition just in case they ever encounter the divine being of legends, the Women. They only had 1 figure model of the vagina for each tribe so I’m not sure how every tribesmen practice giving oral, unless they have multiple lessons on oral sex?
Profile Image for Ra Ra.
303 reviews5 followers
June 24, 2024
3/5 ⭐️
Shamans? Yucky. Eight armed, saber toothed,screeching beast? MY BABY.


Possible Triggers - Violence, sexism, alien shenanigans, kidnapping, death, blood, gore, murder, sexual situations, and more.


Tl;Dr - Emilia done got herself lost and almost trampled in the jungle. Thankful Ar’ox rescues her and realizes that she is the prophesied “Messenger” that heralds the return of women to the alien tribe. In a bid to fine safety (and because Ar’ox is a hottie), Emilia accompanies him to his village where the local Shaman/Nut Case causes trouble. Emilia and Ar’ox escape and rejoin the rest of the earth girlies. Oh, and they fall in love and bang a lot, obviously.


The Characters -
Emilia: This girl is SCARED and is having a really bad time. But once she finds some security she really has a lot to offer. Agriculture? Love that.

Ar’ox: TBH he has no “critical thinking skills”. It took very little convincing for him to be led astray by the Shaman. Defs boyfriend material, but he doesn’t not have a future in leadership. He’ll be okay as long as he stays in his lane.


My Thoughts - The insta-love is just… a little ugh. I get it, Ar’ox made her feel safe but let’s develop it a little bit before jumping into the “love thing”. But, I did inst-live one character wholeheartedly. Alice. Love that crazy money. She’s an icon. We are well overdue for a prehistoric pet.
Profile Image for reya.
424 reviews25 followers
May 15, 2021

Quite similar to Book #1

💁In both books, Sophie and Emilia find their ‘mates’ by accidentally getting themselves lost in the jungle.

💁Both male leads seem standoffish even after plot makes some significant progress. Can't feel any connection to them at all.

💁Shamans are assigned the "bad guy" role in both.

💁There is a scene in Book #1 as well as Book #2 where they're almost killed as a 'sacrifice'.

💁Both MLs' are outcast from their tribe by the end.

💁Ends with them being married.

Some things I hated:-

❝I want to slap her, to shake some sense into her. I control myself and just take my arms off her, turning away as I feel my hands balling into fists.❞

This is the same guy who later reasserts that he loves the female lead. ಠ_ಠ

❝I get to my feet, eager to try these on. I pull the old dress over my head, not caring that Gur'ex sees me naked. He'll never do anything to hurt me, and I do want him to have some little reward for this. It's not like I can give him much else.❞

Whoa whoa, hold up lady, even though he's the clone of your lover, he's still his father. Your future father in-law. *eye-roll

Hopefully Book #3 is different in a good way. Whenever I say that in my reviews, the next book always seems to take turn for the worse, though I'm still hopeful.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Wendy.
842 reviews142 followers
October 10, 2021
I like the curvy girls abandoned on this planet. They are diverse in their personalities and talents. I love the hot alien’s (wait, I guess the girls are actually the aliens!). Well I love these hot virgin heroes. And I like how there is no relationship drama, they meet, they love, they mate, then the world tries to tear them apart. I am also curious how this series ends and if the prophecy will be fulfilled.

What I don’t like is that the “bad guy” in both books is the same guy. Not the actual same guy, the heroes are from different tribes. But the reason for the problems is basically the same guy. Same position in the tribe, same problem with the relationship, same personality flaws. It made the book predictable.

I did enjoy this guys deflowing a little more than Jax-zan’s. Although both heroes were trained to “worship” on wooden carvings of women, Jax-zan banged it out like a champ whereas Ar'ox didn’t seem to know what “mating” was and was surprised when Emilia said she wanted to mate. He thought they already had. But after his initial,surprise, he also pleasured his woman like a pro.

Virgin rating:
Innocence of virgin hero: 4/5
Innocence in losing it: 3.5/5
Build up to losing it: 5/5
Hotness of losing it: 4/5
Busted touching himself: no
Profile Image for Nikki Brooks.
3,227 reviews50 followers
September 11, 2017
We are back on the Planet Xren (think pre-historic Earth where everything is trying to kill you!)

Emilia is pretty much useless in her new little tribe. She is scared to go outside, she can't hunt and doesn't really contribute much. But when a taunt by a fellow survivot has her rushing off trying to prove her worth, Emilia may just find she is made out of sterner stuff than she thought.

Ar'ox is stunned when he rescues Emilia. She is the first female he has ever scene and his enticement to have her return to his village is quite good! But as the relationship develops between them he feels less and less likely to hand her over to his elder. He wants her for himself!

Ar'ox is bit too susceptible to power hungry elders spreading garbage and Emilia really needed too grow up and take charge of herself. But once we got past that it was a good story with plenty to keep me interested.
Innocence, laughter, terror, unexpected assistance, some big mistakes...all come together to make a highly satisfying story. Okay, we still have 4 single girls here. I'll be eagerly looking for more stories!
Profile Image for Kristy Mills.
1,810 reviews38 followers
November 17, 2017
I'm really enjoying this series. This is the second in the Jurassic style planet that a group of 6 women end up trying to survive on after being abducted by evil little aliens called the Plood.

In this book Emilia is feeling as though she isn't really contributing to the group very much. She is so scared of stepping outside the cave by herself that it limits her and the rest of the women in aiding in their survival. Although now that they have Jax'zan they are in a much better position to stay alive. But everyone needs to pull their weight. It's this reasoning that sends Emilia out to find clay to make pots. Well that and one of the other women voicing Emilia's guilt about not helping more. So she feels as though she has something to prove. Except she almost gets herself killed. Ar'ox is there to save her. And as usual, he whisks her off to the safety of his tribe.

One of the things I like about these books is that the women call the men cavemen, but its actually the women who speak like cavemen because they are still learning the language. It's really cute, and I find it endearing.
Profile Image for Karina Vitório.
355 reviews1 follower
July 15, 2022
Gostei muito da escrita da autora, é uma série bem rápida de ler, com ótimas cenas “hot” e tem um bom enredo. São 14 livros no total e até agora já li até o 7, cada livro acompanha um casal e a jornada das humanas e dos homens das cavernas tentando criar uma boa vida no planeta jurássico Xren.

Adoro essa temática de humanas que são abduzidas e jogadas em outro planeta, onde elas têm que aprender a sobreviver aos perigos enquanto tentam voltar para a Terra. Amei esses homens das cavernas alienígenas, eles são fortes, protetores, gentis e gostam muito de “adorar uma mulher” (e são ótimos nisso)!

Ainda não cheguei na parte dos dragões shifters, mas sei que eles também terão romances com as humanas! Os dragões são extremamente bonitos, com cores brilhantes, capazes de hipnotizar as pessoas, conseguem cuspir fogo e são muito inteligentes, podendo até mesmo conversar telepaticamente.

Será que eles vão realmente querer atacar os homens das cavernas e as humanas de Xren? E os dragões são mesmo tão terríveis como o alienígena de Bune afirmou?
Profile Image for Sandy.
1,664 reviews3 followers
February 3, 2018
First let me say that I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book, but it in no way influenced my feedback. I always leave an honest review.
I enjoyed this story very much. I have read a few books by Calista Skye & really enjoyed them. This book was very interesting. I started to read book 3, (caveman alien's rage), but I was lost, so I picked up book 1, (caveman alien's ransom) to read first, (it is the 1st book in the series). Even though these are standalone stories, I believe you should readworlds 1 & 2 to understand the story better. It was totally out of this world. (Ok, I had to say that). :)

Anyhoo, this story gives the background of how Sophia & her 5 female companions, (there were many more, but you have to read to find out what happens), how they ended up on a primitive alien planet. Sophie meets one hot, sexy, alien, Jax'zan.

I recommend this read. 5 Thumbs up
149 reviews
July 27, 2022
En este libro los personajes secundarios se llevaron todo mi amor, Ame a Alice , la verdad es difícil imaginarte una criatura asi, pero me encanta esa pequeña amistad tacita que crearon Emilia y ella. Y ni decir de Gur'ex la verdad me puso triste que no se fuera con ellos, es tan tierno y paternal , su suegro tan divino que le hizo ropa, es tan dulce y listo.

De cierta forma entiendo el miedo de Emilia pero no llegue a conectar tanto con ella, Ar'ox es muy dulce y protector, no me cabe que recalcar cómo las religiones y las creencias que pueden llegar a la ignorancia y fanatismo pueden afectar de gran forma el avance de un pueblo, la verdad nunca me dio buena espina el chamán.

Siento que en este libro hubo un poco más de dramatismo respecto a personajes que querían dañarlos u obstáculos en la relación. Me gustaría que el libro fuera más largo y hablara un poco más de la relación de Ar'ox y Jax'zan , además de como se lleva con la demás chicas.
Profile Image for Jannie Cv.
1,014 reviews28 followers
September 8, 2017
What an awesome story!
This is the second book set on the planet Xren. With prehistoric-style monsters, large and small, all out to find fresh food, it's a pretty scary place to be. Their good fortune? There are super-strong cavemen aliens who know exactly how to handle those monsters.
Emilia has been afraid of everything since they landed on this planet. After being rescued by Ar'ox, she slowly loses her fears. It's delightful to see the brave woman emerge as she gains inner strength she never realized she had. Ar'ox is a pure treasure- at least until he begins paying too much attention to someone else's opinions.
Innocence, laughter, terror, unexpected assistance, some big mistakes...all come together to make a highly satisfying story. Okay, we still have 4 single girls here. I'll be eagerly looking for more stories!
Profile Image for Jen.
Author 7 books113 followers
November 13, 2017
Still better than expected

First I want to say that this book would not be a waste of money if you bought it. It’s pretty good.

Second I want to ask why in the heck these alien tribes seem to revere women only to actually not revere them at all and in fact treat them badly??? Seriously. This is COMPLETELY COUNTERINTUITIVE to what you would expect from men who are actually awaiting the arrival of women.
Also, these hunters wouldn’t waste so much resources by leaving kills in the jungle. Skin them, use their meat and bones, even their teeth would be useful. There is so much waste for such a primitive society that it’s so much beyond the suspension of disbelief I can muster.
Yes, all my complaints are technicalities, but it’s the small things, you know? But I will still read the next one too.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 107 reviews

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