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Catana Comics #1

Little Moments of Love

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Soppy meets Sarah’s Scribbles in this sweet collection of comics about the simple, precious, silly, everyday moments that make up a relationship.

What began as stray doodles on scraps of paper became an internet sensation when Catana Chetwynd’s boyfriend shared her drawings online. Now, Catana Comics touches millions of readers with its sweet, relatable humor. Little Moments of Love collects just that – the little moments that are the best parts of being with the person you love.

148 pages, Hardcover

First published June 19, 2018

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About the author

Catana Chetwynd

10 books619 followers
Catana Chetwynd is the creator of a digital comic strip about a short girl and a bearded boyfriend doing the things they do.

Catana Comics Instagram

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173 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,281 reviews
Profile Image for MischaS_.
782 reviews1,427 followers
November 17, 2020
Oh, I didn't know that this was a book as well. But, everything and everyone has a book these days.

Am I the only one who can relate to this? My mum calls me an energy-sucking vampire.

I follow the catanacomics on Instagram, and I was pleasantly surprised that the majority of comics were new to me.

It was cute and everything, but I have to say that I prefer these to be published online rather than in a book. It's not only this work, but I'm always a bit disappointed if there is nothing new in the book and the majority of it was previously published online.

The only thing that was really bugging me was the font. When "a" was next to "l", it looked like "d" to me and several times that confused me.
Profile Image for Barbie.
109 reviews343 followers
March 3, 2019

Awww! It was adorable. I totally agree with all of the cute tropes. Probably most couples recognize some familiar things from this comic. The author doesn't repeat the same thing over and over again, I was happy with that! She showed me new things through 155 pages. It gave me what I wanted around Valentine's day. A heartwarming, charming page-turner that made me smile.
I gave 4 stars because I don’t really like the drawing style, and the handwritten font was sometimes unreadable. It left me confused.
I highly recommend it to anyone! Seriously, anyone! You will love it even if you are not in a relationship.

Profile Image for Sara ➽ Ink Is My Sword.
584 reviews467 followers
March 24, 2018
5 “Heartwarming” Stars

Copy provided by the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

First, this was fucking cute.

I became Jennifer Lawrence reading this book:


*Be warned my self-pity leaks in this review, just a tiny bit, I am fine though.*

I am a very much single pringle, and I tend to get annoyed by couples who are too happy, because of reasons unknown. who am I kidding, I just hate love if I don’t have it too, I am selfish. But I genuinely enjoyed this. I smiled and felt all fuzzy inside, I don’t know how realistic this is because, if you haven't got the hint already, I AM SINGLE. Sara wtf, people are gonna think you are selling yourself or something. But everything felt so fuzzy, warm, full of love, and so overly cute. I HAD A BLAST READING THROUGH THIS. It’s a comic book you can pick up whenever you feel down or want to exercise your smile muscle a bit. *My cheeks hurt after reading this*

The comic style is very simple and I was living for it. I hope one day I can be as comfy and natural with a significant other. or maybe just die alone will also be cool.

If you are not a romantic person, or just hate cute things, then my mate why bother. But hey maybe this will show you your soul can still get fuzzy feelings.

Short, quick, re-readable, cute, cute & more cuteness.
Profile Image for Dave Schaafsma.
Author 6 books31.9k followers
December 4, 2018
Within two days of my having read this book and kinda (lightly, respectfully, I hope) trashed it, it gets second place for the 2018 Goodreads Award Graphic Novel/Comics of the Year, thus revealing my own impeccable taste (Note: I also rated the winner 2 stars). Bitter graphic novel snobs who voted for Sabrina unite! :) Seriously, congrats to Chetwynd and all her readers!

I read this because 1) it was nominated for the 2018 Goodreads Graphic Novels and Comics category and it was one of the few I had not read yet; 2) It had a very high overall rating; 3) a few of my friends hated it, I saw at a glance, but several I respect liked it; 4) I had been reading romances in my fall 2018 YA class and it is clearly about love.

Chtwynd's boyfriend had the idea for this series, based on a conversation they had about "the exposure effect," the idea that the more a person sees you, the more the possibility they will like you. Wouldn't it be funny if you developed a webcomic about this (in spite of the fact they were already dating, but okay. . ..)? But wait, not so fast: About the exposure effect, uh. . . have we heard of stalking?! And the possibility of co-dependency and smothering?

Little Moments of Love is on one level very cartoony and cutsesy, and feel good, aw, they love each other, yes, this is here, but on another level she is very clingy and jealous and so not complete and happy without him. I wish Chetwynd all the best, I really do, in love and comics, but I worried about her, kinda (I say, paternalistically, sorry); some of their relationship feels uncomfortably claustrophobic to me. I never once laughed aloud; occasionally I smiled a bit. I know, I'm a guy here and older, and that surely has something to do with my reading of all of these things, but I'm just giving you my personal take. Not the primary audience, let's say.
Profile Image for [S] Bibliophage.
950 reviews873 followers
November 25, 2018
Either you're in love or not, the cute comic panels in this one-shot comic book will definitely make you cheer and it will make you feel how in love Catana Chetwynd and her boyfriend, John, with each other. Most probably, there are some parts that people could be able to relate with especially those who are in a relationship. Meanwhile, those who are not will still be able to laugh with those comic panels and wishes that they could experience them in the future.

Absolutely adorable and it is also a great gift to friends. Hope to see that there would be a second volume of this soon!
Little Moments of Love
Little Moments of Love
Profile Image for Michael.
488 reviews271 followers
October 26, 2021
This is such a cute little book!!

I got this for my other half as part of Valentine's, I thought I'd give it a go because I love the illustrations and I'm trying to throw some easy-going books into the mix.

Took me about 20 minutes to finish the whole book, the comic strips are very short but endearing and it's fair to say I really liked it.

Worth a reading alongside your significant other, as you'll both relate to a lot of it.
Profile Image for Scottsdale Public Library.
3,412 reviews326 followers
February 25, 2024
As a long time follower of Catana Comics on Instagram, I could not wait to check out Catana's first print publication "Little Moments of Love: A Catana Comics Collection."

Each page holds a comic that gives the reader a glimpse into Catana and John's shared existence and relationship. Some moments reveal their obsessive love for each other while others expose their charming eccentricities. Every reader is bound to find at least one comic with which they can relate.

This collection of comics reminds us all that life is about celebrating those little moments, especially when those little moments include forgetting to turn off the straightener, putting googly eyes on the new Roomba, attempting to look seductive while eating a massive burrito and transforming the traditional date night to a night on the couch with wine and a Harry Potter marathon.
My favorite comics are on pages 1, 37, 72, 97 and 127.
Which comics are your favorites? -Christina H.
Profile Image for destiny ♡ howling libraries.
1,878 reviews6,107 followers
March 24, 2018

I've been following Catana Comics for a while online, and if there is any one webcomic that so commonly perfectly depicts my relationship with my significant other, it's this one. Catana manages to draw such precious little scenes that I genuinely think almost anyone who's ever been in, or is currently in, a happy and healthy relationship can relate to, whether it's missing your significant other as soon as they leave, or the rush of happy emotions that hits when they do that one little thing they know you love, like making you coffee before you wake or bringing home burritos. ❤

Thank you to Andrews McMeel for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Jen - The Tolkien Gal.
458 reviews4,609 followers
December 22, 2018
A little review for a little book
Wow I have to stop with the cutesie books.

Image result for cute gif

This is dedicated to my boyfriend, who has been putting up with my crap for almost four years now.
I don't know how you do it, Sweetie.

This isn't as great as Sarah Scribbles for me, but very relatable. My brain says this is a 3 star book but my heart....well, it also says 3 stars because although this is cute and relatable, it falls flat and ultimately, brings about no new or beautiful realisations.

Thing is, this is a pretty exclusive little comic. It's only really relatable for people who have been in a relationship with each other for a long time. Its a little niche, but if you belong to the niche it's pretty cute.

NetGalley kindly provided me with this book in exchange for an honest review

Edit: Grammar
Profile Image for Anya.
448 reviews465 followers
March 23, 2018
I had seen Catana Chetwynd's cutesy comics floating around on Reddit so I thought why not let's give it a read, this shit looks cute. Reader, I was wrong. Apparently with age, I have transformed into a grouchy old grinch. :(

Me circa 2015 when I read twee stuff:

Me, now:

Life has slapped me around a bit and I have hardened like a Metapod. ;-; So perhaps, I wasn't the target audience after all.

Thanks for the arc though, NetGalley!
Profile Image for Reading_ Tamishly.
5,179 reviews3,186 followers
January 6, 2021
I loved it SO DAMN MUCH!!!
Made me laugh out loud like I am the first and last person on Earth😍
Totally worth it👍
*Need something to make yourself feel all loved and wonderful?
Maybe this one is the perfect answer 💓
Profile Image for Alex ☣ Deranged KittyCat ☣.
651 reviews424 followers
February 29, 2020
I just received the Romanian edition and devoured it. Catana and John are amazing. I like them and their comfy relationship.
I knew most of the comics as I follow them online, and I prefer the original, English version. But receiving the Romanian version from a nice guy is always a plus.
Profile Image for Carmen.
2,070 reviews2,325 followers
August 1, 2020

Cutesy comics about a cutesy couple who is very in love. The female is clingy and follows the male everywhere and gloms onto him constantly. He never gets annoyed with this. She's just crazy about him and he's very sweetly tolerant.

I can see how this would disgust some people with adorableness. However, I do know couples like this in real life - made for each other, very happy. Fit together like hand in glove.

Although the one real life couple I absolutely see as 'made for each other' and 'thank God they found each other' and 'they are absolutely perfect for each other and the cutest couple' don't do the glomming, draping over him thing Chetwynd does in this novel. I don't have anything against it, it's played for cuteness, however if it was real life I think it would get real annoying real fast. But if her man is fine with it, great.

She loves beards and coffee, she has a bearded man who makes her coffee... I mean, what more could you want? LOL It's cuteness.

I like her cute-ugly drawing style. I like the simplicity of her drawings. I like the portrayal of a healthy, positive sexuality.

The man seems very patient and easygoing, and the woman is obviously funny and cute. I'm more cynical, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate this kind of cuteness. It's like a real-life romance novel in comic-book form.

TL;DR I'm going to take this at face value. I'm going to buy the adorable story Chetwynd is selling and give this five stars. I'm not going to mention codependency. I'm not going to wonder what horrors would result from a break-up between these two. I understand Chetwynd's love of her bearded man and her coffee. The book celebrates snuggles, being a cute couple, love, and being 'adorably' clingy and hanging on your man. Might revolt some people. I wouldn't be able to tolerate this in real life, however, the book itself is cute and I appreciate the sentiment.
Profile Image for Mike Narvaez.
132 reviews26 followers
January 7, 2019
This is the most wonderful and extraordinary thing I’ve come across this year. The pictures are heartwarming. This book has spoken to me so much more than many of the classics I’ve read in my life. Recommended for everyone.
Profile Image for ashley.
174 reviews713 followers
November 6, 2018
Do I follow Catana on Instagram? Yes. Have I seen pretty much all of these before? Yes. Did I still LOVE reading this? Yes!
Profile Image for claire.
272 reviews299 followers
March 29, 2023
THIS BOOK AHHHHHHHHH💖💓💕💗💞💘 I really felt the love of the author and her boyfie. I shipped them so hard that I stalked the author's ig just so I can feed my starving heart. This book made me craved a boyfriend I never had huhuhu like I wanna have a boyfriend right now just so I can do all the things in this book huhuhuhuhu 😢😢😢 i need another book about this couple!!!!!!!
Profile Image for Chad.
9,138 reviews1,000 followers
March 21, 2022
A cute, saccharine sweet set of comics strips about a girl loving her boyfriend. It's cute observations of a relationship but not very funny at all.
Profile Image for chan ☆.
1,179 reviews56.7k followers
March 24, 2018
the milk & honey of comics

this was pretty cute, if not a little saccharine. it was a collection of comics that focused on the moments between the author and her boyfriend.

and i will say for those of us you in long term relationships, this will be really relatable and parts of it will have you saying "omg that's us!!!" which is why i compared this to milk and honey. it's got that tumblr-esque relatability that's pretty fun and easy to read.

but i think for me, comics/graphic novels etc can be a vehicle for so much more than just "wow that was cute because it had backrubs and i love backrubs too." and this didn't do much more than that. it wasn't really a story or even a collection of moments but more just one-off exchanges from cutely drawn stick figures.

not trying to roast here, because it's downright sweet and i know a lot people will enjoy this. but i think this would have worked better as like a weekly serial than a full blown book.

if you're interested in reading this, it is currently free & ready to download from netgalley
Profile Image for Maritina Mela.
459 reviews95 followers
January 14, 2023
Ακολουθώ την Κατάνα στο instagram εδώ και μερικά χρόνια και δηλώνω φαν.
Θεωρώ πως η δουλειά της είναι γλυκούλικη και συνάμα μπορείς να ταυτιστείς μαζί της, μιας και έχει να κάνει με καθημερινές καταστάσεις και σκηνικά που αφορούν τις σχέσεις μεταξύ ζευγαριών.
Οπότε, χαίρομαι που επιτέλους διάβασα το πρώτο βιβλίο που κυκλοφόρησε με τα σκίτσα της και που επιτέλους έμαθα πως ξεκίνησε όλο αυτό.

Δεν βρίσκω να πω κάτι αρνητικό για το συγκεκριμένο. Είναι απλό, ευχάριστο, τρυφερό, ρεαλιστικό, αστείο και διαβάζεται πολύ εύκολα. Ό,τι πρέπει δηλαδή για τις περιόδους που περνάει κάποιος από αυτό που λέμε "reading slump" και δεν ξέρει με ποιο βιβλίο να επανέλθει στο "άθλημα".

Όπως καταλάβατε λοιπόν, έμεινα πολύ ευχαριστημένη και σίγουρα θα επιχειρήσω στο μέλλον να διαβάσω και τα υπόλοιπα βιβλία της σειράς!
Profile Image for verbava.
1,072 reviews134 followers
December 20, 2018
це безсовісне, over-the-top мімімі, але іноді саме так і треба.
Profile Image for Mehsi.
13.5k reviews410 followers
May 1, 2018
I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review!

This just looked too adorable, too cute, and I just had to read it. Plus I always love reading about cute couples doing cute things.

I believe I may have read a few of these comics before, her artstyle seems familiar as are a few of the comics I read! No clue where I found them, maybe Twitter.

This comic tells us of the daily life of Catana and her boyfriend and how much they love each other. It was really way too adorable and cute, but at times I couldn't help but laugh at a few scenes. They really are so sweet together.

Not only that, there were also quite a few things that were relatable/recognisable to me. Like the buttsense (a very very important sense to have), but also stealing his clothes, having to ask him to bend down so I can kiss him (we have a 32/33cm difference). And also things like when we first started dating and how it is now after years are things I also do/wonder about/makes me happy. I just love it while reading books/comics that I can say: OMG we do the same thing! OMG that is the same for me!. :) It definitely makes me love something even more.

The art is the only thing I am not sure about. Not saying it is bad! Not at all, but, arghh, I am not sure how to say this the right way. I think it may have to do with the giant round eyes. :P

All in all this is one cute as heck comic book and I would definitely recommend it to everyone in need for some love, romance, and cuteness!

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/
Profile Image for Chasity.
250 reviews13 followers
May 1, 2021
What a cute representation of a happy couple. I’m lucky to have that partner that loves to love me (most of the time). With two kids (that I’m helping to virtually teach) our daily lives quite different, but I could still relate. Especially where her sleepiness in the morning is concerned. 🤷‍♀️
A quick, funny break from world and look into the happy parts.
Profile Image for Kristina.
981 reviews245 followers
July 29, 2019

Ама толкова да са сладки и relatable, не мога. Определено отивайте да прочетете книжката.

Катана, искаме още!
Profile Image for Roxana Chirilă.
1,144 reviews159 followers
June 4, 2019
Catana's comics make me smile whenever they pop up on my feed. They're cute, they're sweet and they make me feel like the world is a slightly better place.

"Little Moments of Love" is a collection of these cutenesses and, while it doesn't have any overarching story, and it's pretty short, it's exactly the sort of thing you might enjoy if all you want is to sink in fluff.

(I felt that the Romanian translation is pretty hit and miss, though, but what can you do.)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,281 reviews

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