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Tinfoil Heart

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A small town, romantic comedy about love, letting go, and little green men with a choose your own adventure ending. My father was abducted by aliens. Or so I believed for the last eighteen years. After my mother's death, I moved to Roswell, capital of all things alien. I’m going to find out the truth and nothing will stop me . . . except Boone Santos. Compared to the intergalactic tinfoil hat brigade, he's a god amongst mere mortals. Too handsome for his own good (and mine), with a grumpy arrogance, and the most beautiful smile ever—he smashes my plan to pieces like a UFO crashing into the desert. I need a tinfoil hat for my heart. Do I believe in aliens? I’m not sure. What do I believe? I’m not going to fall in love with Boone. Definitely not . . .

278 pages, ebook

First published April 21, 2018

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Daisy Prescott

47 books1,844 followers
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USA Today Bestselling author Daisy Prescott lives in a real life Stars Hollow in the Boston suburbs with her husband and an indeterminate number of imaginary housegoats. When not writing about people falling in love, she can be found traveling, gardening, baking, and reading a good book.

Her series include: Love with Altitude, Modern Love Stories, Wingmen and Bewitched.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 158 reviews
Profile Image for Lauren Lascola-Lesczynski.
1,067 reviews30 followers
April 16, 2018
Holy effing spaceballs...I love Tinfoil Heart and all it's conspiracy theories.
PEOPLE...this book....is amazing! Listen to me! I am shouting to you from a sinkhole...
You need to read this book! It's a breath of fresh air. It has a supernatural element, but not an over the top one...it's the prefect amount! Lucy is after the truth...Boone is just...he is hard to explain. I find myself wishing he was real. He is delightfully handsome, quite, yet not so reserved as you will find out when you read the book. He has the energy most men dream about...
I just...this story...it was what I needed. It's outside the box in the best possible way. This is a true love story. Daisy hit this one into outterspace...
#Aliens #TableFive #Thunderstorm #Moon #Crazyopolis #StalkerClub #Weirdo #Paneon #Hybrid
Profile Image for Myrn.
734 reviews
July 17, 2019
The cover is the first thing that grabbed my attention! In Tinfoil Heart, Lucy goes looking for answers of her father's supposedly alien abduction but ends up with more in Roswell, New Mexico (don't want to give anything away). Don’t worry this book is not all about aliens and conspiracy theories. It has humor, romance, lovable characters and great settings. I loved revisiting places with Lucy and Boone in SE New Mexico: Cloudcroft, Carlsbad Caverns, Alamogordo, and White Sands. On a side note, my father did a lot of business in Roswell in the 70s and the locals back then swore there was an alien spaceship crash. It’s a lot more commercialized now, though. Hmmmm..... A37-F58-D5-A7-F0-4806-807-E-0-F6-C3065-CD21
Profile Image for Maria.
692 reviews35 followers
June 5, 2024
Letting go of the past is a hard thing for us humans. Lucy looks for the father who left years before. Was he abducted by aliens or did he simply walk away and leave his wife and daughter behind?

In searching for the answers to these questions that consume her, Lucy finds her purpose. She finds friends, good, caring people. She finds a home. A place to put down roots. She finds love. Beautiful, sexy, mysterious wonderful love.

The reader travels this journey with Lucy. Along the way we see Lucy’s crazy, wacky sense of humor that will make you laugh out loud. God I haven’t enjoyed this much laughter in a book in a long, long time. Thank you Dear Author.

We also experience Lucy’s full gamut of emotions. We’re right there with her. The disappointments and the teary eyed feelings that grab you when you come to that realization with Lucy that it’s time. When you’re ready, you’re ready. Letting go. Choosing the future but not forgetting the past. Living in the moment. It’s all we humans can hope for.

Now to the Epilogues. Two actually. One for Skeptics and one for Believers. Brilliant idea by the author. She takes into consideration the desires of the reader. Again, thank you Dear Author.

My choice? I loved both. With either one I found contentment.

It’s all any reader can ask for.

*****+ wonderful, contented, happy, loving stars. Highly recommended to just about everyone, including Skeptics and Others. 👽🥰
Profile Image for Brandi.
1,158 reviews148 followers
May 5, 2018
I've never read a book that didn't fill more boxes than "arc" "read" and "sexy time" but here we are.

Tinfoil Heart is that sweet, feel good book you didn't know you wanted to read, but picked up at the recommendation of a friend (or twenty). Let me be that friend for you now. You want this book. You want to get into this brand of crazy and off-the-wall because it's endearing and sweet and fun.

What do you do when your mother swore your father was abducted by aliens? What do you do when you believe that with everything you have because it's better than any alternative you can come up with?

That's what Lucy has to figure out and she thinks that's best done by going to Roswell. Yep. The Roswell.
But what she doesn't count on or expect is finding the quirky community so accepting of her weird. She doesn't count on them taking her in and making her one of their own.
And she really doesn't count on the mysterious Boone Santos, or Table Five.

Boone Santos is quiet, mysterious, and nothing like you'd ever expect in a book hero. He's all alpha and he's amazing, but he's subtly alpha and quietly amazing. He's more behind the scenes than in your face. Unless it's in bed, but that's a different situation.

This book surprised me. It made me smile, laugh, and I may have even cried. That's a lot of emotion considering I had no idea what was coming my way when I opened the book.

And Daisy Prescott has given you two--that's right TWO--epilogues. One for the skeptics and one for the believers. I'm not sure which I prefer, as both were perfect, but that skeptic epilogue had me in tears and the believer epilogue had me all smiles. So, you decide.

Are you a skeptic or a believer?
Profile Image for Yiota Misiou.
358 reviews56 followers
May 4, 2018
Το τι επιλεγεί ο καθένας να πιστέψει είναι μια πολύ προ��ωπική υπόθεση. Είτε αναζητάς την αλήθεια που κρύβει το σύμπαν, είτε είσαι απόλυτα ικανοποιημένος με τις οποίες εξηγήσεις δίνονται για όσα ανεξήγητα μπορεί να συμβαίνουν γύρω σου. Μια είναι η αλήθεια.
Η πραγματική ευτυχία και η αγάπη κρύβονται μέσα στην καρδιά σου!
Η αναζήτηση της αλήθειας σου και η πίστη είναι όμως κάτι που αναμφισβήτητα δεν μπορεί να σου στερήσει κανείς.
Προσωπικά επιλέγω να πιστεύω με την καρδιά μου, να αμφισβητώ με το μυαλό μου και να μην αποκλείω τίποτα!

“Point is, life’s more fun on the ride than sitting on the side watching.”

“I love you, and loving means trusting the other person with our true self.”
Profile Image for Lindsey.
306 reviews50 followers
May 14, 2018
3.5 stars

This book was cute, but it didn't connect with me the way I had hoped it would. I loved the premise and was super excited to read this one, but... I expected... more. It felt underdeveloped with missed opportunities to be really great. The relationship felt rushed and the characters both had reactions and decisions that seemed to come from nowhere. It was frustrating. I never had any of the FEELS I was expecting or wanting, because the character/relationship development and buildup was lacking. I just think this book had the potential to be really great, but ended up falling flat and being so-so. Maybe my expectations were unreasonably high after reading the blurb, especially since this is the first Daisy Prescott book I've read... I should have gone into it with fewer expectations.

It was good, but not great.
Profile Image for Heather andrews.
9,520 reviews162 followers
April 18, 2018
Boone has no problem showing his lady some evidence for his arguements, "he’s wearing dark gray boxer briefs and there’s no way to ignore his erection tenting the soft fabric. “In case you were having doubts about me finding you sexy, I think this is proof.” Boone wants to make sure he's doing right by his woman, “I meant the dating business. We’re naked and about to have * **, I hope, but we’re also having a conversation. Should we talk first? I’m not sure how good I am at multi-tasking.” He drops a kiss to my hip..." I really liked this book, it was so easy to fall in love with Boone.
Profile Image for Andrea.
Author 29 books656 followers
May 1, 2018
I've been waiting for the release of Tinfoil Heart forever. Not only because I'm a fan of Daisy Prescott's work but because it is different and perfect in every way.

Humorous, endearing, heartfelt, and romantic, Tinfoil Heart hits all the marks. Boone and Lucy are perfect for one another and there is no other place they could fall in love than surrounded by the unknown and mysteries of the universe.

Profile Image for Happily Mary After.
1,013 reviews141 followers
April 24, 2018
I am completely smitten with Tinfoil Heart. It is such a unique and refreshing romantic comedy that I am still grinning days after reading it. Lucy Halliday moves to Roswell, New Mexico, after her mother dies and leaves her without any living family, and she’s desperately searching for answers to her father’s disappearance 18 years ago. Her mother claimed that he was kidnapped by aliens and did not abandon them, and her aching heart is willing to pursue the outrageous tale in order to either locate him or find closure.

In an enchanting twist of fate, she discovers much more in the desert — the enigmatic Boone Santos. He quietly shows up for breakfast regularly at the diner where she works, and they’re both charming and a little awkward as they get to know each other while dancing around the chemistry crackling between them. Boone is sweet, casually sexy and a touch mysterious, and his and Lucy’s relationship is a delightful blend of tender, funny and steamy. Boone inspires Lucy to hope for a family, but she’s terrified he’ll think she’s crazy, if she reveals that she’s in town to research alien abductions.

Tinfoil Heart has it all — an adorable cover, a distinctive story, endearing characters, witty dialogue, a heartwarming happy-ever-after and two fun epilogues, one for the believers and another for the skeptics.

Recommendation appeared on USA Today’s Happy Ever After on April 24, 2018.
ARC provided, but this review was voluntarily and honestly written.
Profile Image for Irini.
215 reviews
May 1, 2018
Είτε ανήκεις σε εκείνους που πιστεύουν... Είτε ανήκεις σε εκείνους που αμφισβητούν.. Δεν έχει καμία σημασία!
Χτίζουμε τις αλήθειες μας με βάση τι πιστεύουμε ότι είναι αλήθεια για τον εαυτό μας.. για τους άλλους και για τον κόσμο στον οποίο ζούμε!
Σε αυτό το βιβλίο εσύ επιλέγεις την δική σου αλήθεια.. εσύ είσαι αυτός που δίνεις τις απαντήσεις..και εσύ είσαι αυτός που δίνεις το δικό σου τέλος!
Έχοντας πάντα στο μυαλό σου ότι το Tinfoil heart δεν είναι μια ιστορία για πράσινα μικρά πλασματάκια από άλλον πλανήτη αλλά μια ιστορία για το γεγονός ότι μερικές φορ��ς ψάχνοντας για την αλήθεια βρίσκεις μια άλλη μεγαλύτερη..Στο τέλος αυτό που είναι σημαντικό είναι να επιλέγεις την αγάπη και την ζωή που δεν σε κρατάει πίσω στο παρελθόν..
Ευχαριστώ την συγγραφέα που μου έδωσε την επιλογή να αμφισβητήσω ή να πιστέψω..
Profile Image for MJLovestoRead.
2,100 reviews55 followers
April 17, 2018
Tinfoil Heart is pure joy. Daisy Prescott proves once again that she is a master of romantic comedy. She seamlessly crafts a story that is full of hope and second chances and even adds the possibility of the existence of aliens and makes it all work beautifully! That truly is a gift.

When Lucy heads west after she's lost her Mom, I don't think she even knew what she was looking for. The absent father who suddenly went missing when she was 9 has always been a sad curiosity for her. Her new life in New Mexico could finally provide the answers as to what happened to her dad all those years ago using the incredibly wild story her mother had told her as the start of her search. But what Lucy didn't expect or even think she needed was the mustachioed man who was a daily customer at the truck stop in which she was waitress. She is definitely intrigued by the man of few words and he seems just as smitten.

I loved all the awkward encounters between Lucy and Boone. They have an interesting start and as much as Lucy just wants her life to be about finding her Dad and then moving on, soon she realizes just how entrenched she is, in both the people and the town she has reluctantly adopted. This book has a myriad of colorful characters from Zed to Shari to Wanda and even the gruff veteran in Jim. They all add the right amount of flavor and perfect backdrop to the burgeoning romance between Boone and Lucy.

Boone and Lucy have some great sexy times, some poignant times but overall it's the sheer fun that is this book that makes the biggest impression. This quirky tale has a few surprises in store particularly as the end draws near. In addition, the author does a fabulous job in tying every 'out there' element together beautifully. I love that Daisy Prescott thinks out of the box and continues to give us stories that can both warm out hearts and leave us in stitches. Both Boone and Lucy are incredibly well-written and I really enjoyed spending time with them.

You must give Tinfoil Heart a try. You won't be able to stop smiling and you'll get a wonderful tour of New Mexico, one of the delightful extras Daisy Prescott adds to each of her books. Her research is impeccable and I find myself wanting to visit each and every place she features.

I happily give Tinfoil Heart 5 out of this world stars!!
Profile Image for Elyssa Mann.
22 reviews19 followers
June 11, 2018
First of all, you should know I generally don't like stories about aliens, the exceptions to the rule being Roswell, Doctor Who, and early X-Files.

And yet here we are. I effing loved this book.

I read a lot of romance - a LOT of romance. As a result, I read a lot of things that bear a resemblance to one another. Once you get down to it, there's not a whole lot of deviation (this is meant in no offense to romance on the whole - I love it. But let's be real. It can get a little same-y.). But then there's Tinfoil Heart.

This book, y'all. This. Book.

It was so different and delightful and unlike any other romance I'd ever read. And on top of that, with her usual Daisy flair, she's created characters (Lucy and the very swoony Boone), once again, that feel like they're real - like they could live across the street from me, and I'd be best friends with them. For such a fantastical book to be grounded with such excellent, human characters is a rare find.

Five stars, once again, to Daisy Prescott. Tinfoil Heart is an absolutely gem.
Profile Image for Natalie.
406 reviews197 followers
April 25, 2018
I've never been one for conspiracy theories, aliens, Bigfoot or even government cover-ups, although I'm sure those do exists. I'm more practical and have always subscribed to the theory that there is a rational explanation for everything. My husband on the other hand thinks not believing is a boring way to live life. He is all for alien life forms and totally believes that they built the pyramids. He likes to have me watch Ancient Aliens with him on TV in the hope that I'll change my mind. The only entertainment I ever got out of that show was from Giorgio Tsoukalos wild hair. 

What I am a total believer in, is this amazing book from Daisy Prescott. She made me believe in these characters and that love can be found in the most unexpected places. I smiled and laughed and was completely captivated by this story. As a first time reader of this author I really appreciated how the characters came across as genuine and how she was able to capture the loss and pain that Lucy was feeling in a way that was funny but also realistic.

Whether you are a skeptic or a believer, one thing I am certain about is that you will adore this book. At it's core this is a story about love, finding yourself and letting go of those things that are holding you back from living your life. I am thrilled that I took the opportunity to read this quirky, unique and thoroughly enjoyable story. 
Profile Image for Laurie.
998 reviews51 followers
April 26, 2018
Ohmygooooooooooooodness. Nothing. Nothing could have prepared me for the pure wonder that is Tinfoil Heart. This is a book that is powerfully unique and one you must get your hands on as soon as you possibly can. It is a story about being open to the possibility of anything in face of all manner of doubts, both internal and external. At it’s very beautiful heart, Tinfoil Heart is a love story. A love story that had me had me swooning, laughing and a little teary throughout. Daisy Prescott is an amazing storyteller, this I know for a fact, but with this book she went next level.

No matter your position on the existence of UFO’s, aliens, etc., suspend it to see the world through Lucy Halliday’s eyes. Now alone in this world, she is searching in Roswell, New Mexico for the answers to rest her own mind and heart. It would be so easy to call Lucy quirky, but it’s a word that is bandied about as a catch-all to describe things one doesn’t understand. Nope, I see Lucy as dogged and determined on a mission based on a daughter’s oft-questioned faith in her parents’ love, all the while dodging the opportunity to find it for herself. She is truly an amazing character that I loved to pieces.

And speaking of loving, from the first mention, Boone Santos spoke to my heart. My heart that loves quiet, broody-ish men. Boone needs to be experienced first-hand, because WHOA. I know – I should use my words, but SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH.

Lucy and Boone have a connection that is beyond glorious. I loved their every moment together, because the push and pull of it, felt like gravity.

Make room on your shelf and in your heart for Tinfoil Heart, it will definitely earn its place.
Happy Reading!!!

Laurie’s Rating: ALL. THE. STARS.
Profile Image for Cassie.
332 reviews65 followers
April 26, 2018
Tinfoil Heart is strange and funny and swoony. This romantic-comedy is filled with conspiracy theories, a dash of skepticism but a hint of supernatural for true believers, a mysterious, green-eyed love interest named Boone, amazing girl friendships, and so many laugh-out-loud moments.

I adored the main character Lucy. She is sarcastic, prefers her dresses and cardigans to have pockets, and she often talks to herself out loud when she thinks no one is listening. What comes with her feelings of past abandonment turns her world into a search of closure and finding love. There is this great connection between Lucy and Boone that builds off their awkwardness and their adorable flirting. The romantic gestures and witty banter are so swoony and sexy.

Overall, I adored Tinfoil Heart. Set around the notorious Roswell, and filled with conspiracy theories, this story allows Lucy and and Boone to build a relationship that is out of this world. One of favorite parts of the book was the multiple epilogues, which were set up like a “choose your own adventure” ending. And in the end, I was satisfied with both options.
Profile Image for CherryRed’s Reads.
975 reviews8 followers
April 23, 2018
I believe...

I believe that once you read this book you will fall in love with Boone, Lucy & 👽

Author Daisy Prescott brings us a funny, sweet love story that is out of this world, literally.

Enjoyed Lucy journey on finding out what happened to her father. Her determination in finding out the truth comes with some out of this world bumps in the road.

Boone is one of those bumps that Lucy finds out that he may be one bump that she may want to stop for.

Go put on your Aluminum hat & one click this adorable story you don’t want to miss reading!

And yes, I believe 👽
Profile Image for Sometime.
1,703 reviews155 followers
July 10, 2018
After reading all the 5 star reviews on this book I couldn't wait to read it. But I didn't really enjoy it.

The Good:
1) The h was a great character. She was funny and her internal dialogue had me chuckling through most of the book.

2) The H was also a silent and sexy grouch. Once we get to know him better he is very sweet.

3) The town and people of Roswell were entertaining. Just a bunch of crazies with their alien theories.

4) This book was safe.

The not so good:

1) This book doesn't know what it is. Is it a straight Contemporary Romance with a h who is grieving the death of her loved ones? Or is it a paranormal romance with aliens and abductions? I had a hard time feeling settled in the story when I had no idea what was going on.

2) The H and h jump in to bed WAY too soon in my opinion. They've been dancing around each other at the diner for months. He orders food, she serves him the food. But they've really only spend a few hours of time face to face having an actual conversation. Next thing we know, they're doing night-time gymnastics (emphasis on the nasty. See what I did there? *wink*) in her bed. Whoa, guys! Slow things down here.

3) The H and h spend lots of time together but never talk about anything important. They are both of them keeping secrets from the other. It just didn't bode well for their relationship.

4)The h is waaaaay more messed up than I ever realized at the start. She's got some major daddy issues that become apparent about 2/3 into the book. I did like that

5) Love Epilogues? Then you'll love this book because there were 2 epilogues in this book.
*kinda spoilerish* I didn't like this at all! As I said above in my first point, this book can't decide what it is. And then the author takes what I feel like is the easy way out. She doesn't know what this book is either so she gives us 2 epilogues so that it can be either or both or whatever you want. This disappointed me. I wanted some real closure and answers.

Overall, I was not very impressed by this book. 3 stars because the romance was sweet and the h was funny.
Profile Image for Rhiannon St. Clair.
387 reviews11 followers
April 20, 2018
***I received an ebook copy from the author at no charge***

I think I'm going to have a hard time containing my excitement and love for this book into one review.

Tinfoil Heart is a total departure from what we typically see from Daisy Prescott. And you know what? As a long-time Prescott reader, I have to say that I completely loved this departure, and that Prescott has shown me just how versatile her talent is.

Lucy's father disappeared without a trace, and for years her mother told her that he was abducted by aliens. After her mother's death, Lucy relocates to Roswell, New Mexico, searching for clues and hoping she can recover some sort of information that might lead her to her father. There she meets Boone, a local who comes to the diner Lucy works at every morning for breakfast. The more time the two spend together, the hotter the sparks that fly become, and soon enough, her father isn't the only important man in Lucy's life.

Ok, so, first of all, can I just start by saying how amazing Prescott did when it came to setting the scene for this book? Everything was so vivid, I felt like I was there in Roswell right alongside Lucy and the rest of the characters. Prescott pretty much painted a picture for me with her words, and the amount of detail she included about the town and the surrounding areas, was amazing. It made the experience that much more authentic and incredible for me as the reader. And she did a wonderful job of capturing the spirit of Roswell and bringing everything to life on the pages.

I love Boone. He went shooting straight onto my Top Book Boyfriends of 2018 list not too long into the story. He's quiet, shy, and insanely handsome, but he has this other side to him that Lucy gets to see as she gets to know him better. He's sweet and romantic, willing to go to the ends of the earth for the people he loves, and determined to protect them too. This man is everything wrapped up into one package and he's such an integral piece of the story as well.

I adored Lucy as well. She's a spitfire, full of wit and sass, but a bit vulnerable beneath the wall she's constructed. She's broken, but not to the point where she can't repair herself, and I got to watch her embark on this awesome journey as a reader. In her quest to find her father she actually ends up finding herself, and coming to terms with things that have plagued her for years. Her development was subtle, but was done perfectly, and I felt like I could very easily relate to her in a lot of different ways.

As with any Prescott novel, the secondary characters were just as fabulous in this book. Wanda and her lipstick, Tony and his rough exterior, Zed and his conspiracies, Jim and Shari and Ray ... Tinfoil Heart wouldn't be the story it is without these guys having a role in it. The camaraderie among the different circles in the book was another one of my favorite things as I read.

I got caught up in this story before the prologue even came to a closer, and couldn't put it down once I got stared. I was addicted to the plot, which is unlike anything I've ever read before, and to Prescott's writing. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a story that's unique and romantic, with humor and some paranormal elements woven in.

Tinfoil Heart gets the Wordaholic Must Read seal of approval.

Five stars to this story!
Profile Image for Kim.
2,443 reviews419 followers
April 25, 2018
Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads.

I'll admit right off I fall somewhere comfortably in the middle between skeptic and believer when it comes to aliens. Even still, I couldn't pass up Tinfoil Heart when I saw the cover and read the blurb. I've only read one of Daisy's books previously, but I really enjoyed it. So that combined with the quirky nature of this book made me want to read it all the more. I absolutely adored it, too. Not only did it make me laugh and swoon, it also gave me a pretty hefty dose of feels before it was all said and done. Otherwise known as the perfect rom com combo for me. 

I loved how Daisy took Lucy's journey for the truth about her father's disappearance and mixed it with the legend and lore of Roswell, New Mexico. Of course, that journey became all the more interesting when she met the somewhat mysterious local hottie, Boone. (And his sister, because honestly I can't NOT mention Shari.) What starts out as her crushing on him from afar during her shifts at the local diner turns into something a lot more real and I was totally here for it. Their chemistry was off the charts and I was totally charmed by them. 

Not only did Tinfoil Heart give me a great romance, but Lucy's journey for the truth gave me all the feels. It was really easy to relate to the things she was going through and I loved her all the more for all of it. I won't spoil anything for you, but the exchange she and Boone had near the end of the book totally made me cry. It was really special. 

The duo of epilogues — one for the skeptic and one for the believer — was a really nice touch. Since I fall somewhere in the middle, I read both. I'm glad I did, too. It was kind of Choose Your Own Adventure-ish in that way. Both were totally satisfying to me in different ways. As was the book as a whole. I enjoyed this little trip through Roswell and the time spent with Lucy and Boone. 

I received a complimentary copy of this book for review consideration. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.


Yes, Uranus is funny. No, it shouldn't be used a pickup line. Ever. 

"I want the thunderstorm Boone, not a version who gives me a peck on the cheek at my door."

This is what a new star forming must feel like. Stars sparkle their light behind my eyelids as pleasure ripples through my body in waves.

I'm going to need a tinfoil hat for my heart to protect myself from Boone Santos.

"Why me?"
"Because in all the world, there's only one of you."

"You don't need your beliefs to be validated for them to be real. Faith doesn't operate on tangibles."
Profile Image for Kimberly / Love Notes Book Blog.
2,481 reviews145 followers
April 24, 2018
4 stars. This was a really good, different book! I haven't read a book with this theme before and it felt very fresh and interesting. This is Lucy and Boone's book. Lucy has an interesting past. Her father disappeared when she was a child and her mother was adamant that he was abducted by aliens. She swore that he had not left them and, while Lucy was skeptical, she never knew what really happened to him. Now grown up, after Lucy's mother dies of cancer, Lucy feels alone and at loose ends. So she decides to move to Roswell, New Mexico, where her father was from, to search for the truth about what happened to him among the alien fanatics. She gets a job as a waitress and meets some interesting folks, including Boone, a customer in the restaurant. She develops a crush on the mysterious Boone, but nothing happens between them until she meets his sister and they become friends. Lucy and Boone develop a relationship as she continues investigating her dad's disappearance and the existence of aliens.

This book did have a NA, somewhat innocent feel. Lucy and Boone are 28 and 30 years old, but they felt more like they were about 21. I wasn't too bothered by it, though. I really liked Boone and Lucy. Boone was mysterious and shy, but a really good guy and it was obvious he cared about Lucy. She was funny and sweet, if a little lost and trying to find her place. I definitely felt their connection and good chemistry between them. The story was so fun yet suspenseful at times, but also light and refreshing. I was sucked into Lucy's quest for the truth. There were some cute, funny, emotional moments. I really enjoyed reading about the sights in New Mexico and the alien culture in Roswell, as well as seeing Lucy and Boone's relationship develop.

Overall, I really enjoyed this engrossing, easy read. I especially enjoyed it's unique, fresh feel. I definitely recommend it to someone looking for an original, fun book. I look forward to more from Ms. Prescott in the future!

*arc provided in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Diana (The Bookish Sisters).
177 reviews16 followers
April 28, 2018
Full blog post here!

Thank goodness I finally decided it was time to pick up a book by Daisy Prescott. It would have been a shame to miss out on this hilarious and romantic and unexpectedly serious and profound story.

I am obsessed with conspiracy theories. I love them but I’m also not a complete believer of them, I’m somewhere between a believer and skeptic. Well, this book combined my love for weird things (conspiracies/aliens/etc) and my love for a swoon worthy relationship in a perfect little package that I honestly didn’t think I would love. I never even thought about ever combining those two things but thank god Daisy Prescott came up with such a fresh and original idea because even though I didn’t know it, I desperately needed this in my life.

Lucy and Boone’s story had me grinning and swooning all the way. All. The. Freaking. Way. They are both different levels of quirky and they are both equally lovable.
Boone was a mystery for most of the book. I still feel like I quite haven’t figured him out completely and that only makes me love him more. He’s so charming in a shy and contained kind of way. He’s out-of-this-world irresistible.
Lucy is weird and funny. She’s the most amusing character ever. She is one of those characters that as soon as they open their mouth you can’t help but immediately smile. She is funny without even noticing/trying, that’s just how she is. Reading everything inside Lucy’s mind is a trip, she has some daddy issues, abandonment issues, letting go issues and it is amazing being able to see how she discovers things about herself throughout the story and how she ends up overcoming some of those issues that held her back from truly living her life.

It doesn’t matter if you enjoy conspiracies or not, or if you are a believer or not, you will still enjoy this story. It is more a story about letting go hidden behind kisses, funny moments and little green aliens. Daisy Prescott will make you fall in love with her writing style, her story and her lovely characters.
Profile Image for Beth.
184 reviews6 followers
April 27, 2018
An Introspective, Quirky Rom-Com about Finding the Answers to the Unknown

Tinfoil heart is a heartfelt, quirky rom-com about learning to accept love and let go of the past. Ms. Prescott’s books always contain swoon-worthy heroes, unforgettable settings and emotional romances where her characters always learn important life lessons. Tinfoil Heart is no exception. Ms. Prescott’s characters always seem to experience a personal journey where they learn about life and love. It makes her books special.

Tinfoil Heart starts out in a quiet way where the reader is introduced to Lucy, a woman in her 20s who has just experienced loss with the death of her mother. She finds herself alone in the world with no family and wants to find answers about her father who abandoned her when she was a child. She heads out west to Roswell, New Mexico to find answers. She meets Boone, a mysterious local man who is a bit of a grump at first, but a chance encounter changes things between them.

It’s a great book about finding love in the most unexpected of places and letting go of things that hold us back from living our best life possible. It’s a great message for every reader.

I want to mention that no one writes locales better than Ms. Prescott. I always look forward to being transported to new places in her books. I visited New Mexico over 10 years ago and it was one of the prettiest and mysterious places I’ve been. I took a trip back there in this book to the sights, the thunderstorms and the sunsets. It was a true pleasure to experience it again through a book.

I recommend this book for those who enjoy quirky, yet reflective romances with profound life lessons. You will learn a little about yourself and if you are a skeptic or a believer in things you can’t explain!

Profile Image for B.L. Olson.
Author 16 books358 followers
April 18, 2018
From author Daisy Prescott comes a fresh and heartwarming story of loss, loneliness, and coming to terms with your past.

Lucy is an adult "orphan" who follows her mothers cryptic note to "go West" after passing from breast cancer, effectively making her the only person left in her family. Her father disappeared one night when she was 9, never to be seen or heard from again. Lucy's mom believes he has been abducted by aliens, why else would the love of her life leave her and their daughter? It was all the rage on the national news at the time, and has led Lucy on a search for answers.

This is how Lucy ends up in Roswell, headed West and looking for answers. Instead, she finds a town full of tourists, little green men, and conspiracy theorists.

Enter Boone, the strong and silent man that comes in every morning for breakfast. He is always polite, always tips 20%, and never says a word. After months of routine, Boone finally speaks. And then saves her when she falls asleep on her floaty in the middle of the lake and a thunderstorm hits.

It's almost heart wrenching to read the story of lonely Lucy, but in the end she finds someone on this planet who loves and cares for her while also accepting that she may never know what happened to her father, and that's okay.

I love discovering new authors, and Daisy Prescott was new to me when I dived into Tinfoil Heart. Her synopsis intrigued me and her words sucked me in from page 1. You cannot help but love and root for Lucy and Boone. They're both wholesome characters who have their own secrets and demons, yet are able to come together and rip away the tinfoil surrounding their hearts.

Two epilogues: one for believers and one for skeptics. Both are perfect endings to this novel, but you be the judge on which you like best!
Profile Image for Sandy.
288 reviews10 followers
April 23, 2018
Tinfoil Hearts by Daisy Prescott
**4.00 Blushes**

Lucy is alone in the world. Her mother has recently died and the last piece of wisdom she gave her daughter was “head west”. You might ask well where is her Dad? Well, Lucy was told and her mom firmly believed he had been kidnapped by aliens. I know. I know! Suspend your disbelief and take this ride with me.

Boone is a local. He’s also oh so handsome! Unfortunately, he has the personality of a brick. Or so Lucy thinks because he never says anything to her except for his breakfast order. Though she’d like more – climb him like a tree kind of more. Though he never lifts his eyes from his cellphone to even look at her.

After bouncing around for a bit, Lucy does go west and ends up in Roswell. Hoping against hope that she will finally find out what really happened to her father. Lucy is wrong about Boone. Turns out he’s not unaffected by her and things quickly escalate between them. We soon find out that many things are not as they may seem.

Daisy Prescott took a sad young woman, a handsome loner, a grumpy cook, a hot to trot/mother hen waitress, the cranky old man next door, a conspiracy theorist and the town of Roswell New Mexico and crafted them all into a delightful read. She obviously did her research because we gets lots of interesting details about the now infamous small town where aliens are said to have crash landed. It’s quirky, funny, imaginative, a little sexy with an X-Files vibe minus the “Smoking Man”.

Do you “BELIEVE” in aliens or do you think we are the only life in existence? In Tinfoil Hearts we are given the chance to decide for ourselves with 2 different endings. That was an unexpected twist, along with others, that I very much enjoyed.
Profile Image for Amy.
1,392 reviews46 followers
April 25, 2018
I have always had a fascination with Roswell. I think most people do a certain extent. The idea that we are not alone in the universe. That there are other forms of intelligent life out there somewhere is both exciting and frightening. I liked Tinfoil Heart because it explores those ideas but on a more tangible level.
Tinfoil Heart is about a woman named Lucy looking for answers. Lucy's mother dies and she is left all alone in the world without any family. Her dad left when she was a little girl and all her mom will tell her is that he was abducted by aliens. So, Lucy decides to move to the epicenter of all things aliens, Roswell. She needs answers. Did her dad get abducted? Is he dead? Or, saddest of them all, is he living his life with a new family?
I liked this story because along Lucy discovers that family is more than just people who you are blood related too. Family is also the people you surround yourself with and love. As the author herself said, "this story is about letting go." I really enjoyed Lucy's journey as she discovered if she could really live in a world all by herself. Tinfoil Heart is a sweet story about a woman's self discovery and finding love along the way. More than that it is also a story about healing from grief. It is a story about a woman learning that she had found a family she wasn't even looking for if she had courage to hold on to it. Tinfoil Heart was sad in some parts, funny, sexy, but most all it felt real. That is what I like best about Tinfoil Heart it was a genuine story about love, loss, and the road to happiness.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 158 reviews

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