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The Casquette Girls #3

The Cities of Dead

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The Cities of Dead: the highly anticipated third book in Alys Arden’s spellbinding The Casquette Girls series.

Old World witches collide with the French Quarter’s strangest denizens, setting off events that could tear the fabric of the Natural and Supernatural worlds, and only the most elusive, mischievous Voodoo lwa hold the key to stopping it.

As Adele struggles with her losses, Nicco’s secrets draw her closer, but Isaac questions Nicco’s motives and refuses to let go without a fight. While the coven works to make the streets safe from the Ghost Drinkers, Nicco’s family of vampires is ready to break the Saint-Germain curse at all costs and settle a centuries-old feud.

To save her loved ones and her cherished city, Adele must unearth New Orleans’s best-kept Voodoo secret and piece together fragments of history from sixteenth-century Spain—even if it means discovering secrets she never wanted to know. If she fails, she may lose her magic forever.

768 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 22, 2019

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About the author

Alys Arden

6 books908 followers
Alys Arden was raised by the street performers, tea leaf-readers, and glittering drag queens of the New Orleans French Quarter. She cut her teeth on the streets of New York and has worked all around the world since. She either talks too much or not at all. She obsessively documents things. Her hair ranges from eggplant to cotton-candy colored One dreary day in London, she missed home and started writing The Casquette Girls.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 133 reviews
Profile Image for Jennie Damron.
562 reviews67 followers
February 12, 2019
What a great book! This series is awesome and each book keeps getting better and better. The only complaint I have is the love triangle. Every series I have read lately has that as a source of conflict and I'm kind of over it. But, New Orleans, witches, vampires, spells makes up for that one little grievance. Adele's character is growing and she seems so real and relatable. I love Desiree! She is tough and has all sorts of sassy attitude. And Codi. I love Codi. He's like a goofy, lovable older brother. I adore this series and can't wait for the fourth book.
Profile Image for NickReads.
461 reviews1,223 followers
Want to read
January 4, 2019
I still have to read the second book, but I am so excited about this one.
Profile Image for Hira Chaudhary.
1,305 reviews14 followers
November 4, 2019
I feel as though my interest in this series has been waning with each book. I just can't with the love triangle anymore because it's dumb I feel like Adele is stringing Isaac along until she can justify picking Nicco at the end. Because, let's be honest, that's who she's wanted to pick from the start, and the only reason she went with Issac is because she thought Nicco betrayed her.

Speaking of which, I suddenly have a theory that Nicco IS going to betray her. That whole story about how he strung Seraphine along for DECADES so he could get close enough to kill her? The way Gabe described his singular personality trait as PATIENT? The fact that he's been obsessed with finding Leon and Adele could be his ticket? I think he's playing the long con with her and waiting for Leon to show up or for Adele to lead him to his cousin.

I don't want to believe it because I do genuinely like Nicco, but I just feel like that would be the greatest plot twist, that he was actually the worst of them all, that he was just using her to get to the comte.

ANYWAYS. I adore Isaac and I'm kind of really angry with Adele for taking mac's memories of him away because that was selfish and unfair of her, knowing Isaac isn't close with his own dad, knowing how close he and Mac had gotten... it was just awful because he lost them both and I think he didn't realize how important Mac was to him until he didn't have that parental figure looking out for him anymore. I do like how Isaac inserts himself back into Mac's life and how they fall back into their friendship. I just really love Mac being like a father to Isaac.

And I get that Adele is angry with Isaac for killing her mother, but also, COME ON, the guy didn't even know her mother was a vampire. If Adele had just told him, instead of keeping secrets like she always does, he never would have staked her. Also, I just don't get the point of the mother anymore, because she was this big divisive force in Adele's life and then she was a vampire and Adele felt bad for hating her and now she's DEAD and there can be no reconciliation and that's just dumb.

I loved Isaac, Dee, and Codi working together and how well Codi has fallen into the coven. I really like him and need more of him. Also, I supposed Dee has a crush on him, but I was honestly kind of hoping for something to blossom for Isaac and Dee, just because they spend so much time together and if Adele and Isaac aren't endgame, then I want Isaac to still have someone in his life who really cares (and I don't know that that person has ever really been Adele).

I like the Daures and the Borges working together on the magical issues. And just the magical community we now know about and are a part of. I liked getting to learn the story of Callis' coven and daaang. Also just learning about the strongest magical families of the world. ALSO, how did their being witches not come up in any of the memories of Nicco's human life in the previous book? Because that was a bombshell I was not expecting.
Profile Image for Cecily Wolfe.
Author 16 books496 followers
January 23, 2019
This has to be one of the most intense love triangles EVER. I don't even know who to root for in the romance department at this point, and that's only one of the complications in the grander scheme of things! My head is still spinning, and I'm so glad we are getting more of this fantastic story with book four!
Profile Image for Leire.
22 reviews
October 29, 2021
Honestly, Adele and Isaac can make me feel so frustrated sometimes! Fortunately, I absolutely love Nicco, Codi and Désirée and half-love Gabriel, so I guess that makes up for all the things I don’t particularly enjoy!
Profile Image for Candace.
66 reviews3 followers
March 13, 2019
Ok ok. So through most of the book, I was kind of like "where is this going?" Most of the characters (ok sometimes Adele and mostly Isaac) REALLY annoyed me. I also had no idea where the magic stuff was going in this book. I was (and still am) confused by a lot of it quite frankly.

The Isaac/Adele/Nicco love triangle was a HUGE part of this book and it is extremely frustrating because we're supposed to believe that Isaac and Adele are in love, but they really don't trust each other. Also most of Isaac's decisions regarding Adele are extremely selfish and self serving. This is the first book in the series where I've been a little wary of Nicco but I still prefer him over Isaac.

The last few chapters completely redeemed this book for me. Adele has been feeling completely useless since the loss of her magic and feels that everyone sees her as weak. Her final confrontations with Isaac pretty much showed that fairly clearly, Adele finally believing in herself at the end of the book was what got me excited for the next installment. Despite everything that happened in this book, I felt that she has grown a lot as a character. The last lines of the book had me feeling empowered and I felt that Adele could really do anything so I hope that energy carries into the final installment.

Profile Image for Shayla Crist.
4 reviews2 followers
February 3, 2019

Oh Alys, you magical woman. You’ve again managed to rock my world with your writing 🖤🔮 THIS BOOK IS SO AMAZING. She has a way of making you feel like you’re right in NOLA with the characters. THE ENDING HAS ME SHOOK! I can’t wait for more. I’m team Nicco until the end. I had this feeling the ENTIRE book that she would end up leaving Nicco in the dust, so the fact that she chose him in the end. My heart almost couldn’t take the suspense.🖤🖤🖤Honestly, I just think Isaac is so protective to the point of being possessive. ESPECIALLY AFTER WHAT HE DID TO HER. 🤯
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for J.A. Ironside.
Author 56 books350 followers
May 5, 2021
This took me a very long time to read. I actually started it the day it came out - I waited up past midnight for it to appear on my kindle! At that point in time, I got through 10% and then put it down for almost a year. I only picked it up again this soon because book 4 was coming out and I wanted to be ready. I might have a little break before reading book 4 :( This is a fairly sizeable book but it should really only have taken me 3 days to read, a week if I didn't have much reading time.

So what was the problem? Partly it was me. I was a) reading other books at the same time and b) reacting to not liking the direction the plot was taking by putting it down. The Romeo Catchers ended on an awful cliff-hanger but I thought things had to get better in the third book (back then I thought this was a trilogy hahahaha. There's a 5th book listed.) But nothing really gets better here, there's just new kinds of broken.

I love the setting. I love how Arden brings New Orleans to life, populating it with colourful characters, giving us this intricate magic system and history and sense of place. I love (most of) the characters. I'm indifferent to there being a love triangle - it neither puts me off nor draws me in. In fairness, this is not just an excuse for one girl to be desired by two hot boys. This is Adele making piece with different aspects of her personality. It's how Adele does it that bothers me.

Adele is a destructive force both to herself and everyone around her in this book. In some ways this is understandable - she's lost a lot at the end of the Romeo Catchers; her mother, her magic, her self confidence. On the other hand, she lost those things because she went off on her own, kept secrets, refused to be open and honest about her actions, and basically just treated her friends/ coven with contempt. We all do headstrong stupid things at 16. Most of us then learn from them when we fall flat on our faces. Not so Adele. Yes she's grieving and despondent (which I'm sure accounts for more sections in Nicco and Isaac's povs because otherwise this would not be an enjoyable read) but she's basically just waiting to be rescued like a princess in a tower. Her way of processing everything is childish and cruel. I get that she's looking for someone to blame but the way she treats Isaac is appalling - even Nicco points out that a)Isaac didn't know the vampire he was killing was Adele's mother and b) that Isaac could never have pulled Brigette off Adele, he could only stake her. If he hadn't, Adele would be dead.

I am utterly bamboozled that everyone in this book (except maybe Dee) falls all over themselves to look after Adele. She's almost universally adored. Even I love her and she annoys the crap out of me. Yes she's generally good hearted but her decision making is for shit. Her mother was absentee, selfish and negligent, and imo does not merit the pedestal Adele puts her on or the level of grief and fury she feels. While it's not her job to make Isaac feel secure, she could stop deliberately making him feel insecure; she could be totally honest with him and state what she wants. I know she's 16 but it's being presented as 'potential forever' relationship. If you have teen characters and you're playing it like that, you should show that your characters are mature enough for it. Isaac isn't flawless but he's light years ahead of Adele in terms of maturity. I genuinely felt like Adele was just waiting for Nicco to make a move on her and was just stringing Isaac along in the meantime. And vice versa. Adele is turning out to be as selfish and heedless as her mother. Incidentally, I am all for calling out your significant other when they exceed boundaries, however the idea that someone is 'abusive' if they are not totally perfect is harmful. Adele never sets boundaries, she leaves Isaac to guess and then turns on him cruelly when he gets it wrong. He's not perfect but he does actually learn which is more than can be said for Adele. Yes, Isaac deserved to get called out. On the other hand, if you had someone who was doing the equivalent of insisting that they jumped into a vat of acid, would you just stand back and let them get on with it? When exactly is Adele going to get called out for everything she's done?

Final thought, Adele getting her Fire stolen was traumatic but then she spends 80% of the book insisting she has no magic. She cuts her coven out of her life but doesn't tell them she's leaving, just let's them dangle - and they just wait for her. Understandably, Adele feels like she doesn't deserve her magic. However, she only lost her elemental magic. She still has her spectral talent - her telekinesis is now mysteriously difficult unless its unzipping Nicco's fly *rolls eyes*, but maybe saying she is a magicless witch has created a mental block? What I don't get is how she mopes about what she doesn't have, rather than feeling the loss and studying spell craft and grimoires, practising her TK etc to make herself more powerful and knowledgeable. It's as if she just doesn't want it if it's not easy. The rest of her coven meanwhile, has planted a witch's garden, hunted down the possessed, saved souls in jars, cast protection spells on the city and basically worked their arses off. To add insult to injury, Adele basically swoops in and makes off with the hard work at the end of the book, after conveniently remembering she can do some magic now the plot demands it *double eyeroll*. I still like Adele but she's definitely chipping away at my esteem, and so much of her powerlessness and her actions are contrived.

This book had a less cohesive structure and some of the writing was wobbly. I still like Arden's style. I'm still invested in the series. But ye gods I want the next book to focus on Dee, Isaac and Cody. I honestly don't care about Nicco - Callisto is more interesting. And the idea that Nicco is better love interest material when he has an attic full of bad witches which he and his family are just torturing for months is just laughable. Also can we just agree that signally bad guys are bad by giving no character but making them attempted rapists is gross, lazy writing. There was no need for that. I really expected better of the author on that one.

Bottom line - this was incredibly frustrating. I wanted to love it and every time I started to, I was jerked back by something Adele did. Guess book 4, which I've already got, will decide whether I will still recc this series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
648 reviews43 followers
August 21, 2021
I took me a little while to get back into the story line. I had forgotten how the previous book ended. But once it caught me it took along for a wild ride. So much emotion, Adele! Such angst to go along with the magic, the witches, and the vampires. I really love this series. I am not waiting so long to start #4.
Profile Image for Nicole (FearYourEx).
411 reviews61 followers
February 12, 2019
5/5 Stars
Adele has been through so freaking much despite just being a teenager. We start out the book seeing just how much the events of The Romeo Catchers broke her. She's separated herself from her coven and her boyfriend. And she begins to get cozy with my favorite character, Nicco. *swoons*

Isaac and Dee just want Adele back in the coven and they just want her present, but since Adele has isolated herself from them they go in with life and fixing the problems started in The Romeo Catchers.

Naturally, things go from bad to worse and Adele and the gang have a whole lot more to fix. And now we wait until book 4. 😭😭😭

I read this one *slowly* aka I made it last a few days instead of a few hours. I don't know what it is but Alys Arden weaves this story in a way that I absolutely cannot stop reading. Witches, vampires, shapeshifters, love triangles, and danger OH MY!
Profile Image for Erin.
47 reviews
March 28, 2019
I wanted to like this, I really did. The first two books were so good....
But I can't, I just can't. The main character is so self centered, whiny , immature....need I go on?
1 review
February 6, 2019
I would have given it one star, but since some of the side characters and the vamps are the best parts of the book, it warrants an extra star for that alone. I had waited long for this book and was looking forward to it, but having to read half of the book from the perspective of a mary sue, and I don't mean Adele, was just a pain to get through.
Profile Image for Alana.
274 reviews3 followers
September 21, 2019
I DIDN'T REALIZE THIS WASN'T A TRILOGY. So I was getting closer to the end and I was like how the heck is she going to wrap all of this up in the short amount of pages left? Turns out...she's still writing 'em! And this one just came out this year! Welp. I am so cliff-hung. Does that sound weird? Kinda. But I am.

This one really took us far. I went through a wide range of emotions, especially concerning Adele. She was so frustrating this book! I think the author does a great job capturing PTSD in all of its forms. I am such a big fan of Codi. I'm so invested in the characters and character relationships I JUST NEED TO KNOW HOW IT'S GOING TO PLAY OUT.

I also love all of the different magical beings and imagining who I would be in that menagerie. Can't wait for the next installment. magic + new orleans = love.
February 16, 2019
Ahhh I can’t even begin to describe how much I love these books!!!

And Nicco.... oh lovely Nicco! This boy never fails to melt my mushy heart! I absolutely adored reading from his point of view, he’s such an intriguing deep and very misunderstood character.

This is one of the only books where I do enjoy reading from all characters POV. Each of them is so beautiful and unique and such a joy to read.

I can wait to delve into book 4!!!! ❤️❤️
Although I could probably read this series forever 😂👌🏾❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Profile Image for Lizzie.
728 reviews52 followers
March 21, 2019
Well, it sadly took me almost a month to read this (I picked up other books in between). I just got to certain points and felt it lagged. I enjoyed the entire story but it lost me around halfway through due to its thoroughness. The last 100 pages picked it back up but it was a struggle to get to that point.

I really do love these characters and the story but something didn’t work for me with this book. I’m hoping the next is non-stop action.
Profile Image for Rachel.
1,991 reviews95 followers
November 18, 2019
Alys Arden is a genius not only has she written a lovely Gothic tale but she has managed to make the city of New Orleans into a character itself. The Cities of the Dead is the third book in The Casquette Girls series and just as the previous books, it steeped in magic, history, tragedy, and love.

I love this series so much and after reading Cities of Dead my love for it has grown even more. After the crazy events that occurred in the Romeo Catchers, Adele isn’t doing too well, her coven misses her and New Orleans is still dealing with the Storms aftermath. Adele is so lost, after tragic events she is the type to curl inward and stay that way. Her loved ones are the ones who have to lure her back out into real life.

Adele who is usually such a good, brave and strong person, who loves her family (blood and chosen alike) something fierce, she cares for people and at the beginning of this Adele is fragile, unwilling to move forward, unwilling to fight for her life back. However by the end of the events in Cities of the Dead, Adele is stronger and more stubborn than ever, she hasn’t lost the ability to care for those around her if anything it made her more determined than anything to protect them.

I have an opinion that might not be too popular with anyone. One, while I like Nicco and I think that he does love Adele I still have a slight issue of trusting him. Seeing things through his perspective I know things Adele doesn’t know I don’t know if I trust Nicco all the way, maybe just ninety-five percent. However, I trust Issac even less. I like Issac as a person, I know he has issues like everyone else but as a boyfriend, I am seventy-forty half the time, the other half is less. Issac tends to obsess over things and he never seems to learn his lesson.
The magic and the covens are my favorite parts of this book. I have always been a sucker for magic and Alys has included so many detailed scenes that have magic, and that magic is incorporated into these characters’ everyday lives. Alys writing is just so seamless and pulls me in, I kinda wished I lived in that world, although with all the danger I don’t know if I would make it. Also, the representation of the different heritages in covens and their different magic just add another layer to an already amazing story.

The Cities of the Dead was everything I could have hoped for in the third Casquette Girls book, it was more actually. New Orleans streets filled with music, people, and history. The magic was wonderful and the story, while it was a monster of a book, went by too quickly for me, I wasn’t ready to leave yet. I saved Cities of the Dead until Halloween, after finishing it I need the finale (I can’t believe it’s gonna be over) right away. I have to know what’s gonna happen, how will it end and who is gonna survive, because not everyone will. The fourth and final book is the Gates to Guinee cannot come soon enough.
Profile Image for David Thirteen.
Author 10 books32 followers
January 25, 2019
This third installment in the series picks up soon after the devastating ending of The Romeo Catchers. Without drifting into spoiler territory (a hard thing. especially avoiding the ending of book 2), everything our heroes have been working toward is in shatters and they are trying to pick-up the pieces, while the threat from the newly revealed villain looms in the background. This is a transition novel taking up the groundwork set in book 2 and advancing us to some exciting possibilities in book 4. But even though its a middle step in the story, this book delivers! Reading it I found everything from the earlier books intensified: the stakes for failure (both for New Orleans and on a personal level for just about every character) keeps soaring; and Adele’s relationships rise to dizzying heights and crushing lows on all fronts. Also, we get to know a lot more about what makes some of the other characters tick. Nicco in particular really took on new dimensions in this installment. The ending had me totally rapt and when it was over, I was looking for the next book in the series.

If you enjoyed the first two books in the series, you’ll love this one. Arden fills it with all the adventure and suspense we’ve come to expect and also the moments of wonder and amazement, not to mention the enchanting Crescent City touches she does so well.

I’m a giant fan of this series and urge just about everyone to read it. And if you are reading it, The Cities of Dead is a worthy addition that builds and expands on everything that was great about the earlier books.
Profile Image for Ashton Reed.
166 reviews25 followers
January 24, 2021
Ok y'all. If you don't know, this is the third book of this FREAKING AMAZING series, so I'll get right to the chase. This series is one of my all-time favorite series ever. The magic, the romance, the action, the relationships, the mystery, the vampires and the witches and the voodoo - it's all unparalleled. I don't think I've been more obsessed with a series as I am with this one, and as I'm writing this (after my second read of the series), I am anxiously awaiting my copy of the fourth book to come. So basically, I recommend this book to literally everyone in the world, so go get it. Now! :)

If you enjoyed this review, you can friend me here on Goodreads and follow my Bookstagram/Pinterest/Twitter @ashton_reads. Thanks for reading!
Profile Image for Pages And Beyond.
28 reviews9 followers
August 10, 2020
When does book 4 come out? I need it ASAP! Can I just say that this is one of the few love triangles wherein I hated the other person so much?! If you’ve read ACOTAR, this particular guy is giving me the Tamlin vibes (but 10x worse, idk). For the final book, I really hope Adele ends up with the guy who made her feel strong and not the guy who is overprotective and selfish. I cannot even explain how much I hated this guys guts since the beginning. Ughh! Also really looking forward for what Adele could do in the final book and the secrets that will be uncovered!!!!!
Profile Image for Megs: Sailing and Reading.
395 reviews10 followers
December 31, 2022
Wow… my heart is so full after the Ferris Wheel scene. I love Nicco.

This book has so much adventure and action. I love the mystery of Adele, Isaac, Dee and Codi trying to figure out where the Gates are.

I love getting little bits of the past through Codi’s gift. I still love the dream-twinning even though Nicco is fighting it hard.

The found family in this series is really top tier. They all look out for each other- no matter who or what they are- including the French Quarter ghosts.
Profile Image for Mescha Hoskins.
212 reviews18 followers
August 31, 2020
4.5 stars! This one was a slooowww burn and the last 100 pages were where most of the action happened, but I love the characters and story so much I'm okay with it. I'm not even sure who to root for in the love triangle, I like both guys. My only complaint is not knowing this wasn't the last book in the series and now I'm waiting for the fourth book impatiently.
Profile Image for Kim Barker.
68 reviews3 followers
January 29, 2019
Everything I expected and more!

This series just keeps getting better! Alys does an extraordinary job of keeping the story alive and interesting. The way she deals with grief and PTSD will bring you to tears and fill you back up with hope. I can’t wait for the next installment!
Profile Image for Kwekwe.
24 reviews
February 11, 2019
Another fabulous tale

What more could you ask, shape shifters, Witches, Vampires, Voodoo, Ancient Fueds And so much more all set in New Orleans.
Profile Image for Maria P.
13 reviews6 followers
January 31, 2019
I’ve been loving this series. The descriptions of New Orleans and and the various magical conventions and rituals in this world are fantastic. The only struggle I have is that I love the secondary characters SO much more than the main characters, which is a common issue for me :) Codi, Desiree and their families are my favorites, and I kept finding myself wishing we could get their points of view. The main love triangle trio made me super annoyed at various turns in the book. Isaac’s astonishingly poor impulsive decision making + Nicco’s broody 400-year-old vampire in love with a 17-year-old girl thing + Adele’s incredible inability to listen to advice from anyone at all = a v frustrating combo. But, the setting and the storyline itself are definitely lovely enough to make up for it.
582 reviews1 follower
February 2, 2019
Not the end...

OMG... Amazing. At 800 pages, I figured this was the last book and realized at 80% there was too much still to resolve.

Each word in this book is perfect. There are chapters in this book I wanted to instantly reread, because they were so moving. The characters grow and there is so much development you fall in love with each character all over again... or for the first time. But at the same time the characters stay true to themselves... the same selves they were in book one.

I would have love to see a bit more of the new developments in this book, but it's long enough.

Cover art is so spot on. I don't want to wait 2 years for the next book... I am willing to give 6 months.

Must read this series, it keeps getting better and better. Every time I read a book from this series, I want to go to NOLA again.

Profile Image for Natalie.
2 reviews
February 1, 2019
She’s done it again!!!

The third instalment in The Casquette Girls series was definitely worth the wait. It’s much more grittier, darker and sexier than the first two books and leaves you second guessing everything and everyone about their true motives where Adele is concerned.
Honestly I could have whizzed through this book but I wanted to savour and enjoy, it plus there’s a lot of details and information to absorb spanning 400 years involving the Medici clan and the original family members of Adele’s coven.
A truly heart stopping read with lots of twists and turns. Never a dull moment in NOLA
Profile Image for Elida Åsland.
43 reviews3 followers
February 1, 2019
Alys Arden show us again why she should be on top of the list of best fantasy authors. She draws us in to the magical streets of New Orleans with her original story and characters. You want to learn how to use magic with Des and Cody, fly away like Isaac, and feel the strength like Nicco. And the way that she make us readers fight (in a good way) over if we should be "Team Isaac" or "Team Nicco", and who is the right one for Adele. The book is both painful, full of loss, and exciting, thrilling and wonderful. One thing is for sure, I can't wait for the next book!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 133 reviews

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