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Sirius Wolves #1

Orion's Circle

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According to legend, when humankind is at its most desperate, the goddess Sirius will send three of the most powerful werewolf shifters ever created to save mankind. However, because they are so powerful, they will need a fourth to complete them, to calm them and help them reach their full potential.

Aden, a young were, has been his pack's omega ever since, at the age of fifteen, he didn't shift like everyone else. Caught, reviled, and tortured because of his empathic abilities, he knew on the night he was told to run as sport for the pack hunters that it would end in his death. What he didn't know, however, was that on the same night he'd also meet the love of his life and a pathway to answers, because Aden is far more than just a pack omega.

What begins as a hunt soon becomes a new adventure as Aden discovers that he has not only one, but three destined mates, and his role as lover is far more than trivial. The fate of all humankind rests upon it.

178 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 29, 2015

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About the author

Victoria Sue

122 books980 followers

Bullets and Babies!

Victoria writes about guys loving other guys in between dodging bullets, kidnappers, and serial killers. She enjoys putting them through hell to get their happy ever after—it’s a character flaw she embraces.

She also believes that family is who you choose, that dogs are often much wiser than human beings, and that we’re steadily destroying the world we live in.

And if people read more books, they'd be much happier.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 180 reviews
Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,438 reviews504 followers
June 10, 2017
I'll be honest. The reason I picked this up was because it had m/m/m/m.

Was that a bit greedy on my part?? Maaaaaybe. I'm usually straight arrow, strictly all for just two characters falling in love. BUT this was about shifters, so I thought the multiple partners would easily work within the confines of this trope. Plus it dangled in front of me the promise of ABO and mpreg. How could I resist??


Funnily the m/m/m/m dynamic was the least of my objections. Points for setting up an unique legend to justify such a relationship, as well as strong hurt/comfort undertones. However this didn't impress me much for some reason.

I can see how this would appeal to many since it involves destined mates, automatic insta-love and uncontrollable urges - and hello - m/m/m/m. Unfortunately, it just didn't mesh with what I was expecting or wanting. As a wise friend said "every once in awhile we need to try something different so we can remind ourselves why we like what we like". Amen.
Profile Image for Deborah.
3,628 reviews477 followers
April 15, 2018

While I’m not a huge fan of mpreg I am a huge fan of this author. And provided I have a good story and interesting characters I can cope with a little male pregnancy.

I loved the idea of Orion’s Circle and I liked it enough to want to continue onto the next book.
But the thing is while I liked it I didn’t love it and it’s the first book by this author that I’ve been able to say that.

I loved Connor and Darric, Blaze was trickier. I really wanted to like him and at times I did and while I know he carries the responsibilities of leadership I wanted to see a softer side of him more often.
Aden. Where do I start with Aden?
He suffered and I know the suffering was necessary for the story but personally I felt it got to be a little too much. And even though he suffered a lot I got so sick of all the self doubt and the “I’m not worthy”.

So while I’m only giving 3.5* I’m heading straight onto the next book Broken Circle.
Profile Image for Barbara➰.
1,626 reviews428 followers
January 12, 2019
Reread January 2019

I think I enjoyed this one more this time so I'm bumping up my rating. Blaze is still a dick sometimes and Aden is still whiny but it didn't grate on my nerves as much.

Originally read July 2017

**3.5 Stars**

So, I liked this one and I didn't. I liked the concept of the circle. I absolutely loved Darric and Conner. They were so sweet and nurturing and giving with Aden. I really would have liked to see all 4 of them together more though. It seemed it was a lot of one on one and not much of all 4 with some hot lovin'. Cause you know the more dicks the merrier...

Blaze came across as a big dick asshole most of the time. Every once in a while, you would see his softer side with Aden. But too many times I wanted to punch him in the nuts for his standoffish behavior that caused Aden to have too many doubts.

And speaking of Aden, I realize he was beat down for several years...abused way more than anyone should or could tolerate. But I really wanted to see some growth. I did see some in regards to his powers but not personally and emotionally. He still had way too many doubts and insecurities where the other 3 were concerned. Even in the damn epilogue! It got old with the "whoa is me" attitude..."nobody wants me I think I'll just leave". I hate running....

I did like it enough to continue on with the series and see how the 4 of them will work it all out.
Profile Image for Nina Quill.
144 reviews1,902 followers
April 14, 2022
DNF à 77%

Je trouvais l’écriture hyper brouillon, j’avais du mal à comprendre ce que je lisais. Je pensais que c’était du à la traduction mais que nenni !! J’ai continué à lire le livre en anglais et c’était toujours aussi brouillon !
Beaucoup de TW : maltraitance, suicide, torture, homophobie…
Les événements de l’intrigue se déroulaient si rapidement qu’on avait l’impression de lire un résumé de l’histoire..
J’ai continué jusqu’à 77% parce que c’était polyamoureux et que la relation entre les 4 était intéressante mais je ne me suis pas assez attachée aux persos pour continuer.
Profile Image for Tanu Gill.
575 reviews262 followers
December 1, 2015
I liked the whole Sirius' wolves concept. But God, Aden was tortured too bloody much!!! I liked all the four MC's. But there were too many tense errors bugging me. Plus I didn't like the epilogue. Aden's doubts were just brushed a little, I didn't even feel that the other guys were reassuring him. Blaze was the one whose character was the least explained. I wish the author could have been able to write everyone's POV. It would have cleared things up. Hence, one star deducted.
Profile Image for Paul.
648 reviews
March 8, 2017
Well now what an amazing book, I have to admit I usually steer clear of M/M were shifter books but after reading some reviews I decided to give this one a chance and I'm so glad I did EVEN though there's MPREG involved.

This was just excellent and so very different from the usual shifter style of what some people expect to be present in shifter novels. I think even die hard shifter readers who expect certain criteria will find this quite amazing. I feel like it's not only an exception to that rule but completely exempt from it.

Yes there are similar shifter books around but none that I have read have ever had such a novel plot.

The unique storyline is what almost puts this book into it's own sub genre of shifter novels. The story is fantastic, the writing is excellent and the MC are amazing. I can't wait to see where this series is going to go..

Oh I forgot to add TRIGGER WARNINGS for abuse, torture, hostage (caged)
Profile Image for Aղցela W..
4,209 reviews304 followers
August 31, 2019
This book was picked for me to read in a challenge. This was book 1 in the "Sirius Wolves" series. Aden is a young omega who has been beaten and tortured for over a year by the pack he was born into. His alpha was a bully who who bullied his pack while running for his life he comes across a man. Blaze is an alpha who is a Sirius wolf along with Conner and Darric they have been looking for their omega to complete them. This book had a lot going on in it and I hated the doctor of the pack he was very cruel to Aden. I also felt that he was stupid when he trusted his friend and was caged and beaten again. I have read this author before and I love reading mpeg. This book was well written with no errors in grammar or spelling. I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,000 reviews119 followers
May 16, 2018
"He hung his tired head. He was done, he couldn’t fight anymore. Months of imprisonment, starvation, and torture for the Alpha’s amusement had all led to this moment—the Ceremonial Hunt to mark the acceptance of a new alpha was to the death—his death."

Nothing, and I mean nothing, puts my hackles up faster and makes me madder than seeing someone abused, tortured, hated, because of who they are. Aden won me over right from the start, and my happiness when Blaze, Darric, and Conner saved him, probably exceeded Aden's own. Then to be thrust into the author's world building, learning how wolves have lost their way and strayed from the old traditions, and understanding who Sirius is and Aden's role in Orion's Circle, was fascinating.

"An Alpha triad can only form Orion’s circle when they have the fourth. That fourth has to be special, something unheard of in this world. It is you, Aden, you are Psi. You are our fourth.”

Poor Aden. His whole life, after fifteen when he didn't shift, has been a lesson in pain and humility. His pack claimed he was an omega, and his job was to take on their negative emotions in order to bring peace to them. Now, three of the most gorgeous men he's ever seen, and the largest wolves imaginable, are telling him he's not just an omega, he's Psi, he's their mate, and he's to help complete the circle to save mankind. My head would have been reeling, also. Being a part of the North American ruling council for all werewolves is a bit to take in when Aden has spent his whole life being told he was worthless.

I wanted to kill the alpha and members of Aden's former pack. What they did to him was more than horrific, it was barbaric, and it literally made me want to kill them all. Beyond the physical pain was the emotional and mental anguish that Aden, Blaze, Conner, and Darric suffered due to the pack’s actions. Although, these four men managed to create many of their own misconceptions and misunderstandings to the point I worried they'd complete the mate bond at all.

What an incredible beginning to a series! There's so much more going on in this world than just these four men, that I was captivated throughout. There are political machinations with the humans who know of their existence, and disturbing discoveries revolving around Aden's former pack alpha and doctor. Thank you to my good friend who dangled these books in front of me, and told me to hurry up.

NOTE: This book was provided by the publisher for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews
Profile Image for Bev .
2,079 reviews458 followers
December 9, 2018
Loved Darrick and Connor but Blaze and Aden ..... not so much. The two of them got on my bloody wick. I'm moving on to the next book because the whole concept has me hooked and because Darrick and Connor 💖

If Blaze and Aden don't wake their shit up I may commit Kindle-icide 😠😤

3.5 ish stars
Profile Image for Katrina Passick Lumsden.
1,782 reviews12.9k followers
August 7, 2015
With characters who are too stupid to live, a jumpy, erratic narrative, and clunky, childish writing, this author is being tossed into the "never again" pile.
Profile Image for Morgan  Skye.
2,772 reviews27 followers
July 26, 2015
Aden is being chased by his evil Alpha when he is discovered by three wolves, Blaze, Darric and Conner. They explain (by killing him) that Aden deserves better treatment and invite Aden into their group, Orion’s Circle.

There is a legend that Sirius created werewolves to save mankind from itself and Blaze, Darric and Conner are the three werewolves set to this task. They can’t complete their task without a fourth, their Psi – Aden.

At first Aden can’t believe three gorgeous men want him for a mate and that he isn’t somehow defective like he was taught (and tortured) to believe. Then there are hurdles left in place by his old pack and the fact that they want him back. Finally, there is the fate of mankind and a war to be had to save it.


Oh man! Usually when I see a book with more than one partner I suspect that sex is the main focus. This is a m/m/m/m – all four men equal partners in the relationship, all mates to the other. Though Blaze is the Alpha, each man has his own important and unique skill to offer the group as well as their circle.

Aden’s journey is so heart-breaking! He was tortured for so long and his self-esteem is so low that the change is somewhat “Cinderella-like” in that he finally learns of his immense worth and is treated like a king.

There are plenty of tense moments – Aden is rescued only to be captured again and rescued again. He’s mutilated and it becomes questionable whether or not he can serve his function in the circle. Then he becomes mysteriously ill and everyone rushes to find out what can make a virtually immortal werewolf sick… you can pretty easily guess what it is but it’s exciting nonetheless.

This story grabs you right from page one and doesn’t let off til the climactic ending (which is really only the beginning) and leaves you impatient for the next in the series to come out.

I hadn’t read this author but am a huge fan after this book. I cannot wait til the next installment – I wonder what will happen when the circle is complete and the “illness” comes to fruition…. Exciting!

I highly recommend this to fans of shifters and the paranormal. The romance is sweet and the fantasy exciting.
Profile Image for Chappy.
2,028 reviews103 followers
August 8, 2015
Like my friend Lorraine, I also can't get enough m-preg. It's hard to find good ones like The Degan Incident and Alpha Trine but I keep searching.

This story was pretty good but I wished that Aden wasn't always so hard on himself. I guess it's hard to have confidence when you've been put down all your life.

I was so happy when the 3 alphas found and rescued him. Pretty hot chemistry here...delicious M/M/M/M action =)

I found the last 25% a little scattered and the ending a bit abrupt. I will definitely continue this series...must know what happens.
Profile Image for Claudia.
2,868 reviews106 followers
January 19, 2019
I love this author but this book just didn't do it for me ... I liked the idea but Aden was annoying and I thought the relationship between these four had to be more developed. I just did not see how they really would work

after reading the first chapter of the second book I was even more annoyed with Aden, so I won't read the other books
Profile Image for JustJen "Miss Conduct".
2,303 reviews152 followers
July 8, 2015

A review by The Blogger Girls.

This was a really sweet shifter mates story. Blaze, Conner and Darric are the three most powerful alpha wolves in existence, thanks to the Goddess Sirius. They each have their own abilities, but they require a fourth mate, an omega, to complete the legend of Orion’s Circle. This omega is very important, as he is also a Psi which enables him to aid the other three in various ways. For example, Conner is an empath which can be overwhelming at times. The omega helps take some of that and is able to calm Conner, thus strengthening him in the process. He functions in the same way with Blaze and Darric.

The guys find their omega in poor Aden, an omega wolf who has been used and abused by his pack. It is during one of their sporting events where they hunt down the injured and tormented Aden that Conner finds and rescues him. Aden has been through a lot at the hands of his pack leaders, none of it pretty. It takes a little bit of convincing for the guys to make Aden believe he is really safe, let alone that he is their mate. His entire life, Aden was led to believe omegas never mated, were not worthy and whose only purpose was to be a punching bag for the pack.

There is a bigger mission at play here than just finding their mate. Completing the circle will strengthen them and bring together a force hoping to ease the burdens and troubles of mankind. They hope to bring the humans and shifters together as never before to live side by side peacefully, helping each other, instead of harming. But things get in the way of this, not the least of which is Aden’s pack wanting him back.

There is a bit of mystery involved as to who the bad guys really are and how it will all play out. I really enjoyed this story. It didn’t take me long to really like and care about this Foursome. The characters are all very distinct, with different personalities and issues/needs, but all of them center around caring for and cherishing Aden, who sorely needs it. One thing I didn’t see coming which might be a tiny spoiler, was the introduction of mpreg into the story. I’m not a fan in general, but it was done in a way that I ended up not minding it at all, though that may change when things get a little farther along. As of now, it easily fits with the story line and should make things even more interesting in the coming story.

All in all, I really liked this one. It was really cute and sweet, but not overly so. It moves along at a nice pace and ended with me wanting to jump right into the next one. I’m really looking forward to seeing how these guys make out.
Profile Image for Victoria.
Author 122 books980 followers
November 9, 2017
Hi - so obviously this isn't exactly a review because this is my book. I just wanted to add a note because I have had a lot of readers asking. This is the first part of three. I don't end any of them on a cliffhanger, but there are three parts to this story.

The third part should be out in September - so for those of you that I made cry with book two - hang in there!
Profile Image for Zuzu.
1,055 reviews33 followers
October 27, 2019
I liked it but didn't love it. It seemed a bit melodramatic at times. I may continue with the 2nd book to see how the story goes.
Profile Image for Keri.
155 reviews
January 31, 2016
Well now...this was an interesting 4-4.5 read but I will round up because I when I'm done writing this review I am heading into the next book of this series.

Be prepared for your emotions to to hit peaks and valleys with this one. It starts in the valley right from the start and quickly goes to peak and then it begins and never stops. This story has suspense, romance, hatred, abuse, love and genuine affection. You will fall in love with these men. Besides, who wants to read about only 1 sexy wolf, when you can read about 4?!

The MCs were absolutely beautiful together and that starts from the beginning. Darrin=laughter and sensual, Blaze=one hot Alpha through and through, Conner=woman's best friend and empathizes with you and Aden, well, he is the hidden gem. Aden's story is painful to read at times, but knowing he comes out of it, makes him one of the strongest men you will ever read. He also absorbs your pain, so you are feeling better, even when he has no strength and may kill him.

The story that Victoria Sue paints is brilliant, and kept me turning the pages. I was disappointed when I turned the last page and realized the story was over. I didn't want it to stop and now I have to stop, but just long enough, to go grab the book. The story is so well written that I also hadn't realized I read it in one sitting. To me, that speaks volumes.
Profile Image for Elena.
914 reviews69 followers
June 29, 2017
2.5 stars...
I liked the premise of the M/M/M/M, with 3 strong, powerful Alpha werewolves and their Omega - completing them, giving them strength, soothing their souls and absorbing their negative emotions. Especially with the Omega being terribly abused by his previous pack (my kink!) but...
The first part was almost PWP: abuse, sex, more sex, torture, sex, more sex...

And I really wouldn't mind that! I think the relationship between all 4 MCs was great - the 3 Alphas loved not only Aden, they also had deep feelings towards each other, which was really nice.

But... The plot - the whole "saving mankind from self-destruction" thing only became essential at the end of the story... :(

Sorry, but I don't know if I want to continue with this series... :(
Profile Image for Mimi.
2,271 reviews
November 4, 2015
Shifter's yum. Three men find their fourth to make Orion's Circle. I liked the plot of the story and can't wait to read the second book. If someone else reads this book please let me know how you feel about the end.
Profile Image for YullSanna.
Author 0 books35 followers
September 16, 2016
Хотелось развязной группоаушки, а не тут-то было! Нету секса, товарищи! Требую вернуть деньги ! Последнее - шутка, разумеется)))) но эротики недодали, тут я серьёзно говорю. Автор искренне пыталась дать сюжет и бедолажку-омежку местами было жалко. За жалость доп звезда от меня))
Profile Image for Kristin.
87 reviews2 followers
July 1, 2015
I was craving this and didn't even realize it until I started reading! A wonderful mix of angst, plot, and pure heat.
Profile Image for Ericka Walden.
1,152 reviews49 followers
July 18, 2015

My only issue? ? Sirius Wolves Part Two isn't out yet, nor can I find any info about it! ! I can't wait for part two! !
Profile Image for Leigh.
379 reviews1 follower
June 30, 2015
Well Victoria Sue did it again. She dragged me into her story and made me emotional, made me feel it. Damn it, there may have even been a few teary eyes because of her.

Aden has so much to overcome, After years of being tortured daily by his alpha he is finally rescued by three Alpha, Blaze, Darric, and Conner. They are the prophesized alphas of the goddess Sirius. They will help the humans and save them. But to be complete they need their fourth. They claim that is Aden, that he is their mate.

This book is so lush in its descriptions. I could feel the pain, the happiness, the pleasure of Aden every step of the way. He has lived a life that was filed with pain and hopelessness for a long time. And then suddenly there was something good in his life, well three someones actually.

I could not put this down. I needed to see what would happened next. And I was not disappointed. It was one thing after another. And some of it was really hard to read. The things that were done to Aden, all for the goal of power and money. Just heartbreaking.

But the relationship between Aden and his three alpha was really beautiful. Each one needed Aden for a different reason. Aden completes them. He makes them a whole unit. Plus the sexy times between them, well they were hot, sweet, and loving. They never pushed Aden, they made him feel wanted and cherished.
And damn did it end on a big ass revelation. I cannot wait for the next part of the series.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *
Profile Image for John-Torleif  Harris.
2,680 reviews12 followers
August 2, 2019
I wasn't impressed

I've really enjoyed this author in the past, but this book never really clicked for me. The character that I actually liked the best was the crazy human Senator funding the doctor's experiments because she was the only one who was honest about her convictions. Aden, Blaze, Connor, & Darric were all a bit TSTL for a good portion of this book - especially for beings that can share themselves telepathically. I mean, we had miscommunications that shouldn't have even been possible with the powers shared in the Circle.

Honestly, I'm fine with just reading this book and not continuing on with the series. I don't really care to find out how things turn out.
Profile Image for Candice.
932 reviews
March 22, 2017
This is a first read for me with this author and I really enjoyed this story. It was different, the whole Orion Circle storyline had me intrigued. There were some frustrating moments when characters decided to do stupid things, but that is expected and this is definitely an insta-love/mate themed story. All in all a really good read. After reading I learned that this is going to be three parts and after reading reviews for the 2nd book which is out, I am really not sure I want to read the 2nd book until the third comes out.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 180 reviews

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