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Myth of Omega #1

Crave to Conquer

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He conquered an Empire - and she's next.

The most savage Alpha in the land is relentlessly searching for his Omega

And she's hiding right under his nose.

Knowing her life would be over if Emperor Drocco ever discovered she was an Omega, Cailyn is trapped in a desperate struggle.

She came for his secrets, prepared for his arrogance and wild nature, but not for the effect he would have on her.

Now she must fight to escape not only the ruthless Alpha, but also her own desires.

CRAVE TO CONQUER is a full-length fantasy romance novel beginning a dark and steamy Omegaverse romance that delves into the depths of redemptive, carnal love. For fans of faithful Alpha anti-heroes and captive romances. Cliffhanger included but this trilogy is complete.

Crave to Conquer includes romance and situations of a dark nature. Some aspects of this story may be sensitive for some readers. For aged 18 and over.

220 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 15, 2018

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About the author

Zoey Ellis

29 books1,786 followers
Zoey Ellis is a Dark Romance author who unites Omegaverse and Epic Fantasy into intensely primal romances. With her signature blend of high steam, dark angst, and magical worlds, her work satisfies a thriving international community of bold-hearted, antihero lovers.

She lives in London, England, and spends most of her free time with family, collecting pretty fountain pen inks, and wrangling her TBR pile.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 518 reviews
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,964 reviews33.8k followers
June 30, 2020
3.5 Smut Scale Stars

I decided to give myself and this book another shot after some time and distance. And I really enjoyed it more the 2nd time around. That force-field scene really did it for me and I kept thinking about it even months after finishing.

I know there is drama surrounding this book, which I idiotically and ignorantly wrapped myself up in last time; but this time: I’m just here for the food.

If you are interested in the aforementioned drama, my GR friend Meredith is very knowledgeable on said subject and you can read said info HERE in her review.

Profile Image for MK.
703 reviews
March 12, 2018
I wrote an amazing review for this and then Goodreads ATE it. #sorude

Ok, I went into this story thinking it would be some Alexa Riley style romance. Alpha male + Omega female = one lovely relationship.

If that is what you are looking for, DO NOT READ THIS STORY.

Where do I begin?

We have a really well crafted story. I enjoyed the world Ellis created with people's 'dynamics' whether they are beta/alpha/omega and it's something that is developed when they go through puberty. The 'talent' which was magic that people could use was another thing I enjoyed. I just enjoy when authors are able to create different worlds in a simple understandable way.

All right, we have the Eastern Lands (or maybe it's the Western lands? Who cares?) that Drocco has recently conquered. Drocco leads an army of warriors, most of who are Alpha males. In the past 100 years Omega's have been disappearing from the lands and one of Drocco's promises to his army (and why he's so well liked) is that he will find the Omega's. Who are obvs the Alpha's one true loves.

Now enter Cailyn she is a 'historian' but she's not really. In reality she is a spy. Cailyn assumed the identity of the 'historian' that Drocco hired to help read through ancient manuscripts to help find the Omega's. Cailyn is an Omega who is well versed in the use of Talent and is currently using it to hide her Omega attributes from being discovered by Drocco.

Now she's happily in his archives learning things they know and sending it back to the 'mothers' the elite Omega council women, so they remain one step ahead of the evil alpha's.

During this time, Drocco really likes spending time with Cailyn. Why? We don't know. They don't ever talk and Drocco is constantly fantasizing about fucking her when the task is over. But he is in the room whenever she is going through her research.

They continue on this relationship until the gala where Drocco is going to make Cailyn swear fealty to him. The gala is protected by wards though so Cailyn unknowingly drops her guard down and entering the gala she can smell the alpha all over Drocco.

As she's realizing this Drocco is realizing he too can smell the Omega all over Cailyn. He swiftly grabs her and brings her to a room where she begins her 'haze'. The haze is something Omega's go in to when they are fertile and it turns them into mindless nymphomaniacs. Right before her haze she is telling Drocco that she can't stand him and that his lifestyle is archaic and she would never want to have sex with him.

Then with the last of her energy she builds a force field around herself so she does not have to mate with Drocco.

This force field lasts for DAYS and by the time it's finally waning, Drocco is able to break through it and rape Cailyn. Yup, you read that correctly, our heroine gets straight up raped. And this will not be the only time.

This is where the story diverged from your average alpha/omega story. Instead of coddling her and treating her like a queen Drocco traps her in a room and continues to have repeated sex with her. Even though she tells him she doesn't want it. Her "Omega" side wants to have sex with him. So maybe the author doesn't see it as rape.

I'm going to pause here and say something. This is really important to me because it's something accusers tell their victims. A rapist can help a victim enjoy their rape. They can turn them on. They can touch them in ways that the body enjoys. It is still rape. If the mouth is saying no (unless you have a rape play relationship and have a safe word) the person DOES NOT WANT SEX.

It gets better though because! While Drocco is enjoying having sex with her, he also needs to question her on where the other Omega's are. So while he's 'knotted' inside of her. He asks her questions and when she doesn't answer, he viciously rips his knot out of her, which causes Cailyn immeasurable pain. As a woman reader, I was wincing in sympathy.

Now, as a reader, I'm kind of hoping Drocco is the antagonist. Like the guy she needs to get away from. She's constantly telling him that the Omega's left the lands and went into hiding because they were constantly getting abused and raped by alpha's. And Drocco is all "THIS CAN NOT BE TRUE THE ALPHA/OMEGA BOND MAKES SURE THAT DOES NOT HAPPEN!" He says as he viciously rapes the women he calls his Omega.

I'm looking for redeemable qualities at this point. What is Drocco going to do to win me over? We're going to need a complete character re-haul at this point. In fact maybe this guy can die and the author will introduce a new hero.

Drocco winds up going to the library of manuscripts and he's like "head researcher? What the fuck is wrong with my omega? I keep raping her and she still doesn't like me!" And the head researcher is like "holy shit dude. She's never going to like you. Listen there are a bunch of diaries that Omega's wrote, you can learn A LOT about them." And Drocco's like "K thanks bro, I'll try this purring thing to get her to like me."

I was like ohhh diaries! Maybe he'll read them and get an Omega's perspective. Not that there's one sitting in his bed that he's raping every night or anything.

So the purring thing works. I mean anything is better than getting raped right? So they spend three months cuddled together. But Cailyn is like "I am still not your mate." And Drocco is like "fine I'll go fuck someone else." And Cailyn goes into a rage and he just leaves. And he goes to do business with this other Alpha in the Western Lands. And this other Alpha is like "bro, I can give you a spell that will reveal your Omega's past and let you know all about her." And Drocco is like "I mean I could ask her myself and try to be her friend but this sounds way better." So Drocco uses it on her but instead of showing her history, it allows her to use Talent and she escapes from him.

Thank you Alpha from the Western Lands! Maybe he's the hero of our story!

And then, Cailyn contacts the mothers and is all "I've been through the WORST experience of my life." And the Mothers are like "girl you can't come back home. You should just go live with him. He is your alpha after all." And she's like "ummm were you guys even listening to me? He raped me all the time and really hurt me. He's not my alpha" And they were like "NO! That's love! He was loving you! Get your head on straight and go back to your man!" And she's just like "wow, I hate my life... I have no where to go."

And then she gets kidnapped and it's a cliffhanger for the next book.

So did I like this book? No. Was it a horrifying read? Absolutely.

They don't even LIKE each other. There was no character development. There was no good character interaction where they grew and figured each other out. And when Drocco had the opportunity to learn more about Omega's he didn't. He has no desire to learn anything about her outside of that he gets GREAT sex from it and alpha/omega children. So it was really surprising that he was dead set on her being his Omega. I mean outside the fact that there are none, once they find the others, he could find one that better fits him. He seriously could care less about Cailyn as an actual person.

It was really disappointing to read.
February 5, 2022

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I'm somewhat new to the whole alpha/omega subgenre. I know it started in the M/M fanfiction universe and was translated into M/F erotica a few years ago, where it exploded in popularity. My two friends on Goodreads, Maddy and Meredith, are actually the ones who got me into the subgenre in the first place. I've tried several other authors before Zoey Ellis-- Eva Dresden and Addison Cain-- but I really didn't like their writing style, and the alternate universe Quentin Tarantino-esque dystopian sci-fi settings where people have the traits of wolves (except not, because pack hierarchy with alphas/betas/omegas/etc. was actually debunked a couple years ago, so whoops). I was beginning to wonder if maybe a/o just wasn't for me, and then I picked up this book and was like YAAAAASS.

So, first a caveat. I rate every book I read solely based on entertainment and quality metrics that are particular to my tastes alone, and how well the book performs compared to similar titles in its genre. That's why a book that's considered a literary classic by many, like, oh-- Pulitzer prize winner, THE ORPHAN MASTER, might get a two star DNF review, and books about trashy fantasy erotica, like CRAVE TO CONQUER, get a glowing four star review (spoilers). Is it fair? No, and that's why it's so delicious.

CRAVE TO CONQUER, unlike the other two books I've read by the aforementioned authors, takes place in a fantasy setting. Our hero, Drocco, is the ruler of Lox, which cracks me up because lox is the brined salmon that you buy at Jewish delis to put on bagels. So after reading about the kingdom of Lox, Drocco was forever known to me in my head as Supreme Leader of the Salmon Squad™ (SLotSS™). SLotSS™ is an Alpha, which means he's the big man on fish campus, but it's been over 100 years since anyone has had an Omega, which are like the Super Shiny Holographic Pokemon Cards™ of mates: not only are they rarer and more valued, they have magic mating powers.

Cailyn is a secret Omega who is hiding her traits with magic. I've found that this "hiding my Omega status" subplot is pretty common in a lot of these, for various reasons, but here in CRAVE TO CONQUER, Cailyn has the best reason yet. The Omegas didn't actually disappear or die off: they're all in hiding, having left to fend for themselves after Alphas took to abusing their mates and using Omegas up before casting them aside, broken. Cailyn is in Salmontopia™ to make sure that the Alphas aren't close to finding their hiding spots, basically doing a reconnaissance mission. SLotSS™ thinks that she's a Beta female, but he's still wildly attracted to her and even though she's not quite as good as the Omega in his head that he plans to take someday, she'll do in the interim, he thinks.

But then one day, Cailyn's blocking magic fails and TROUBLE BEGINS.

Another caveat, this is a pretty brutal romance. Consent really doesn't happen for a lot of this book and I know that is going to be triggering for a lot of people. It's not very comfortable to read and part of the reason I was able to get through the book is because I really didn't see the characters together as a couple, in that I didn't ship them. To me, it was more of a horrific and fascinating character study about what an alternate fantasy universe would be like if people behaved like wolf pack archetypes that no longer hold any credibility with animal behavior scientists, and there just happened to be some erotica thrown into the mix. It was well written and the world-building was great, and it didn't go quite as over the top as Eva Dresden's BROKEN did (that was so brutal I had to put it down). Thank goodness, because I think this is about as much cruelty as I can stomach.

It does end on a wicked cliffhanger, though, so you've been warned.

Honestly, though, this was a great guilty pleasure. I would read more from this author and from this world, which is not something I can say about every series I've tried. If you're into dark erotica or books from the omegaverse subgenre specifically, you'll probably really enjoy this book.

3.5 stars
36 reviews4 followers
August 15, 2018
DNF 92%


I shouldn't be rating this because I didn't finish it, but it was truly horrible.

There was a very obvious attempt by the author to explain away why a rape wasn't rape.
The male character rapes the female protagonist repeatedly. Not only that but he causes her pain during sex on purpose. Like, literally fucking her knowing, that it will physically hurt her. The author explained this away by giving an inane reasoning on his behalf. Apparently it was his way of torturing information out of her.
But then he very reasonably says "well what did you expect, you betrayed me. Now let's you and I mate for life because you are mine."
But I still stuck around because I wanted to see her released. I wanted to see her go back to her people and the women in her life support her and help her get over what happened to her.

But those women told her not to come back. Which, while unfortunate for her, would've made sense to me if the reasoning behind this was not to endanger the rest of the hidden community by letting her come back. That's practical.

No they told her to go back to him and "be happy" living with him.

I couldn't handle it anymore.
July 7, 2021
The 1 star reviews that claim this is plagiarism? They are 100% wrong, as proved in a court of law when Addison Cain lost in her attempt to sue Zoey Ellis. This post here has all the ACTUAL facts as documented in law. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...

I read this, and the second book, when they first came out, and despite buying book 3 a hectic arc schedule meant I never got around to reading it. This is my year for reading books I already own so I'm going to read that third book, but leaving it two years and more than a few hundred books later meant I needed to do a re-read of this and Crave to Capture. My original plan was to skim read, just flip through and remind myself of some key points that I'd forgotten. Ha! That idea soon dissipated into the ether because within minutes I found myself totally engrossed. So much so that I didn't put it back down until I'd read the whole thing.

Cailyn is a my sort of heroine, feisty, strong, determined and clever. Drocco - well the jury is still out for him. He was arrogant, conceited, assuming and overbearing. His initial treatment of Cailyn, when he discovered her true dynamic, was horrific. He used some extremes of torture to try and break her down and, as with most M/f omegaverse stories, there was a considerable element of dubious consent. Many would argue that it veered into non-consent, and whilst that becomes an argument of semantics, the book definitely contains a few scenes that might trigger some.

Whilst Drocco did earn back some of my respect and affection when he made an effort to learn more about Cailyn, to try and understand what he had done wrong (duh, big stupid alpha male that he was) and to rectify some of his actions/decisions, his motives for that were still questionable. How much was because he wanted Cailyn to be happy and how much was his obsessive desire to 'own' an omega mate? The fact that they could be soul mates only added another layer of complication to the whole situation.

I really enjoyed how this omegaverse incorporated an element of magic, though I've loved the fantasy genre since my teens, when I'd read Anne McCaffrey, David Eddings and Katherine Kerr. The world building was good, the author created an interesting setting for her story and managed to develop our understanding of it without a huge information dump, but also in a way that never left us adrift in this new world.

I'm jumping into book 2 today, and find myself still only too happy to recommend this to those who enjoy darker Mf omegaverse. (The spoiler below is my original review.)

March 12, 2019


The world building is one-of-a-kind. Good introduction

Eastern land ruled by Emperor Drocco. Ruthless and barbaric. Western land ruled by King Malloron. Brilliant and manipulative. Both leaders has opposite personality and currently in negotiation to become ally. But Drocco on edge with Malloron's hidden agendas.

Drocco is really promising leader. He dislike lies and tricks especially from using magic. One of his main focus right now is to found the missing Omegas that disappear many years ago with the help of Beta historian, Cailyn. But, Drocco founds her intriguing.

However, Cailyn is not what she seems. She's a spy for Omega Compound to prevent Emperor Drocco to find them. All the scary tales from the Mothers (leader of the Omega Compound) about Alphas makes Cailyn hate them. Surprisingly, Omegas in this book could use magic. Mostly to protect themselves.

There's a moment of bad-ass heroine.
I hardly connected with Cailyn at first. Yes, she's smart and calculating as a spy. But, I feel something is lacking with her personality. But in the later, I found her feisty attitude towards Drocco is a thumb up. She's clearly not all submissive for the Emperor all the time. Well, except her Omega body reacts to him.

My first read from Zoey Ellis and I found her Omegaverse is really delightful.
The book has different vibe from other Omegaverse's story out there. Zoey Ellis succeed to insert something powerful also magical with her story. However, it is quite DARK but there's a sweet moments between the Alpha and Omega. The sex itself was HOT but not dirty enough. In the end, I feel the story was lack of "foreplay" and too much time skip. I found myself frustrated and still enjoy the hate-love relationship with Emperor Drocco.
March 11, 2019
This is a rip off of Addison Cain’s Born to be bound book, literally everything is the same except for the names of the characters, I really had high hopes for this book but once I read it I realized that it was an almost EXACT DUPLICATE OF ADDISON CAINS BORN TO BE BOUND BOOK SERIES!!!! So disappointed in this author and I hope Mrs. Cain seeks legal charges against you for stealing her work! Shame on you!
Profile Image for Skye-Anne.
Author 18 books20 followers
May 25, 2020
Don't think I'm actually spoiling anything as this book is a few years old now but it's best to be on the safe side.
Okay well I'm too late to comment on the plot or similarities with other authors. It has been already overdiscussed. Here is my honest opinion, going in this book after reading a ton of reviews: I liked it more than I thought I would. Here's why: it's well written, I like the characters, Drocco more than Cailyn (YES, I'm all for anti-heroes that treat the h badly but ultimately learn that their actions are wrong and regret them), and I LOVED the sex scenes (yes, with all the consent issues and all the violence, keep in mind that this is happening in a world where submission is natural, I feel like the people who review this book poorly based on the consent issue are comparing the omegaverse to our own world. It is fiction and as far as rape goes this is on a very soft side. So soft in fact that I can't consider it to be rape. Also again, consider that this is ultimately a work of fiction not a retelling of true events. It may be triggering but the warnings where all over the place).
Ultimately I am giving this 4 stars because even though I enjoyed it, it wasn't the best I have read in this genre. Also I don't like cliffhangers and books that are not on audible because I don't have the time to get right back into it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sweet and Salty Reviews by DD.
604 reviews215 followers
October 11, 2019
3 stars are the worst for me. I would rather love it or hate it. Frustrating 3's!!

-the storyline of the Omegas, why they are hiding
-the reveal of the true issues between Alphas and Omegas
-interesting world build, just flawed characters IMO

Not so interesting:
-Drocco is an uneducated, narcissistic, jerk off
-Cailyn started strong and sarcastic (loved), half-way through she was completely redefined; became needy, emotional, and lost her spark
-Not a fan of the MC breaking the FMC
-Drocco punishments (dude seriously needs an ass whipping)

Ended on a cliffy, but I am uncertain whether I will give book 2 a go.

Happy Reading! DD!
Profile Image for Beatrice.
245 reviews57 followers
November 19, 2018
I do not care to read the rest, it was a fucking rape.
She cried and thought at one point to die would be better. Yeeeah he must be really fucking lovely.
Do not care what's happening after that point, nothing he does can make this better. He raped her!
And he still thinks it is something wrong with her when she do not wanna be hes mate, after he hurt her on purpose! Fuck him and fuck this book!
There was no "hero" in this book.
Now I am just fucking mad.
Profile Image for Melanie A..
1,184 reviews516 followers
September 24, 2022

LOVED every dirty, inappropriate, horrifying word of it. And it was awesome to sit down, get sucked in, and finish a book in one sitting. Moving on to book 2!
Profile Image for ✮ rach ✮.
684 reviews108 followers
February 13, 2018
This is between a 3 and a 4 for me (all for the heroine)...which is surprising since I’m not really a fan of anything considered dark romance. Me? I like rainbows and unicorn shit 😉 but this had me in knots, on the edge of my seat and now I’m (im)patiently waiting for the next one.

Having said all that, the only thing that is going to make me like this hero is if he crawls on his hands and knees...over broken glass...through fucking fire for this heroine. Because that was some bullshit he pulled with her! Can’t stand when a hero blames everyone else for his fuckups and it seems like that’s exactly what he did. Still, i really wanna know what comes next :)
Profile Image for ❤️Emma Book Lover ❤️.
499 reviews295 followers
September 1, 2020
3.5/4 stars

I've come across this series and this author before but I avoided it because of the talk of plagiarism and all that scandal, but at the insistence of a friend of mine I started this series last night and guess what: this is awesome.
The omegaverse world created by Zoey Ellis is indeed enthralling and ensnares her readers from the first page with characters that exude strength, determination and passion. Emperor Drocco is an Alpha and Cailyn is an Omega spy. Omegas have been missing for over 100 years and after he conquered all Eastern lands , Drocco is set on finding the missing omegas for him and his alphas.
What will he do when he discovers that a real omega has been under his nose all along?
Should warn you about certain triggers this book might have: dub con, rape, torture, typical omegaverse mentality. Now, Drocoo is doing some fucked up shit to the heroine, but he has his good parts too, he gained back some respect from me in the second part of the book when he tried to work on and understand his mistakes.
So for fans of this genre this will do just fine. An enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Samantha K.
141 reviews108 followers
January 18, 2018
This book was so good, I devoured it. It now a favorite.

Fyi - This book does end on a cliffhanger but it wasn't annoying to me as I knew it was coming. There will be 3 books in the series with book 2 being released in March and book 3 in May. ***trigger alert****** The H rapes h repeatedly. (I will explain below.)

Crave to Conquer is set in an "Omegaverse" and had a similar feel to Addison Cain's Alphas Claim series, except it was better. This H doesn't cheat and is never interested in an ow after meeting the h even BEFORE they are in a relationship.

I freaking loved this book and can't wait for book 2!!
Profile Image for Mareeva.
382 reviews8,908 followers
January 10, 2021
3 stars

It would've been 4 stars if the mothers didn't try to paint months of solitary confinement, rape and emotional abuse as a completely natural thing due to the TRUE MATE BOND.

I know this is suppose to be a dark romance....but... Im sorry I absolutely refuse to view this book as romance...

The hero was obsessed with the heroine, he raped her -I had genuine bloody tears running down my face during the rape scenes- he acted like a complete psychopath. After locking her up and abusing her he would think about how she needs to give up all her secrets, so he could stop the torture and START THEIR RELATIONSHIP.
Did I mention that he once almost choked her to death? yes I know....perfect recipe for a healthy relationship.

I mean the guy has major issues. But it was also a very realistic and brutal portrayal of his character. He was brain washed his entire life into believing omegas were something they were not.

The way Cailyn reacted to him was so well written (up until the end). I mean the way she nested away from him to feel safe, and thought of suicide, refused to eat, clearly did not want to have sex with him but her omega instincts couldn't be shut off.

When Drocco decided to try a new approach and become gentle with her, at first I thought she gave in waaaaay to easily for someone who has been abused for god knows how long, but then I realised she was doing it because she was tired of loneliness and fear, she needed to feel content and comforted, even if it came from his alpha purring and her involuntary reaction to it. I mean it was bloody brilliantly executed psychological damage. Freaking Stockholm syndrome.

But then it was all ruined when Cailyn escaped and the dear mothers explained that the nesting was her preparing to start a family, and she purred because she enjoyed being with him, and she willingly had sex with him, not because of instinct and blah blah blah.

I have no idea if the mothers were trying to manipulate her or the author is genuinely trying to sell this whole romance bullshit on us. I'm suspecting it's the latter, so goodbye one star.

In conclusion I absolutely did not like this as a romance, however I absolutely enjoyed this as a dark psychological, fantasy read.

Would've been pretty cool if she grew to despise him as he grew more obsessed with her and then she extracted her revenge on him. I'm about one quintillion precent sure that plot will never happen, but you know...
Profile Image for Set.
1,615 reviews
April 2, 2018
This girl makes an awful spy!!! But I guess that's what makes it all the more better. What kind of combat or magical training did she receive to be so helpless the moment she gets caught? I actually enjoyed this short little story but I thought that the torture could have been so much darker. I can't believe I found it to be too light, what is happening to me?
I'm sorry but when I read that the Lox colors were red and black, I literally recoiled from this book. I could imagine everyone celebrating in those disgusting communist colors and I automatically started singing the American national anthem. And this is what we Cubans call communism PTSD.
She did not disappoint in being a feisty omega challenging an alpha which is always fun. I like these short little alpha stories once in a while, they're fun and it's not like I expect these stories to be about substantial relationships with strong character development. These are just mindless erotic fantasy that are fun but an insult to the intelligence. I don't know why people rate these stories so harshly, they don't even live in our world.
Profile Image for Rachael*Caribbean*girl*bibliophile.
1,950 reviews435 followers
September 29, 2020
Spoilers ahead, 4 interesting yet conflicted stars

Wow! This book was intense and left me conflicted. I am not a fan of dub/con because it always feels like rape dressed up and there's a brutal portion here that left me in tears BUT I couldn't put this book down and never skimmed.

Drocco is the most powerful Alpha of the lands, he's brutal and confident and has recently been named Emperor. The lands have been absent of Omegas for centuries and he's promised his army of Alphas to find the missing Omegas. In order to understand where the Omegas have disappeared to he hires a Beta historian and is drawn to her from the first meeting. They butt heads regularly but accidentally finding out she's an Omega sends Drocco into a rut driven from fury and her unique scent. Mistakes are made and his treatment of his Omega causes a rift between them. Cailyn refuses to accept him as her Alpha and refuses to share where the Omegas are hidden. When Drocco realises his actions have done more harm than good he learns to purr for his Omega but acting in haste to learn her history inadvertently gave her the means to escape.

Cailyn has been trained as a spy by the Mothers, a group of older and wise Omegas who run an Omega compound. After the harsh treatment by previous Alphas Omegas are taken and raised and trained in secret. Cailyn is sent to learn exactly what Drocco knows about Omegas, opening a door that leads to brutal treatment from an Alpha who seemingly knows no other way. Finally escaping him seems like the answer to her dreams only it leads to what may be a worse nightmare

Drocco was with lots of Betas before the h, and though he tried after meeting her he's unable to be with any other women
He was the first for her
Profile Image for Just Josie.
1,050 reviews190 followers
July 25, 2020
This was such a mixture of some of my most treasured tropes!

Dark romance
Epic Dark Fantasy
And even hint of PNR- thanks to the Omegaverse aspect!

I am incredible captivated by this Omegaverse trope. I find it so weirdly fascinating. I am a big PNR fan, and I absolutely adore the more animalistic aspect to the story. It is a weird trope- a required taste, so to speak. Because you “feel” like it gets a little shifter-ish, but it isn’t at all. Then add the nesting, the knotting and the drive to mate and you get something so odd, but yet appeals.

I have read a few Omegaverse prior to this one, but “Crave to Conquer” hits the top of my list.

The world building was phenomenal. The characters were strong and thrilling.
Drocco was strong, dark and twisted and Cailyn was strong-willed. I loved that she has fire.

Especially since the power exchange is something quite “delicate”. It’s that type that to me can either completely “irk me” or simply make me turn the pages faster than I can read them. Luckily for me it turned out to be the latter.

I think one of the reasons why I have taken a liking to this particular trope is the fact that I love getting mad as fuck😂
I love all the drama.
The intense anger the characters portraits. The need to follow their instincts, even if it’s in a direct violation of what their mind wants.

The plot was engaging, and I so very desperately wants to know what happens next. So creative.

Read: 25/07/2020
1st rating: 4 stars
Genre/tropes: Omegaverse/dark romance/epic dark fantasy
Cover: 3 stars
POV’s: Dual -3rd person (Cailyn&Drocco)
Will I recommend: Yes

Profile Image for Namera [The Literary Invertebrate].
1,325 reviews3,495 followers
July 13, 2018
So what we have here is an Omegaverse story where Cailyn, an Omega sent as a spy, inserts herself into the life of Drocco, an Alpha emperor. She passes herself off as a Beta historian which I have to say was one of the most gripping parts of the book. Would their entire relationship have happened if she hadn't secretly been an Omega? Perhaps. Perhaps not... It made me realise how much I'd like to see an Omegaverse novel with a Beta/Alpha heroine.

But back to the review!

While I really liked the premise of the story, and I loved Cailyn's dedication to her job, Drocco put me off a bit. (On an unrelated note, did anyone else keep thinking of Draco Malfoy every time they read his name?). Maybe it's just me, but it struck me as remarkably stupid of him to demand a familial sacrifice from everyone joining his empire. Surely that's a recipe for festering resentment which will erupt into a future revolution? It'll be a common reason for them all to unite against him! I also wasn't a fan of how much pain he deliberately inflicted on Cailyn, though Zoey did a great job of laying out his background and motivations behind these deeds.

I must say that even though this particular one wasn't a 5-star read for me, the sequel is definitely really good. Recommended for all and any Omegaverse fans.
Profile Image for ♥♣Mary♦♠ If She So Pleases.
1,412 reviews5 followers
September 27, 2022
One of the best omegaverse series I've ever read. I highly recommend it.

Illustration by l-bunny-l

Read my friend Meredith's Review if you'd like to learn the controversy surrounding this awesome book. LINK
Profile Image for Coco.V.
50k reviews49 followers
Want to read
February 22, 2022
💝 FREE on Amazon & on iBooks today (12/20/2018)! 💝

He conquered an Empire - and she's next.

The Alpha Emperor

He is known as a ruthless barbarian by many. They are not wrong. His savagery has made him Emperor and now it will secure him his mate.

Omegas have gone missing over the past century, but that will not stop Emperor Drocco from finding his. He enlists the help of renowned historian, Cailyn, a strong-willed Beta female. She is not at all a suitable mate for an Emperor... but the longer he spends in her company, the more she stirs something within him like no one else ever has.

Soon, his urge to dominate the defiant female threatens his control, and he begins to wonder if perhaps she's worth claiming as his own.

The Omega Spy

She was prepared for his arrogance and wild nature, but not for his perceptive intelligence or the effect he would have on her.

Knowing her life would be over if Emperor Drocco ever discovered she was an Omega, Cailyn plans to conclude her mission as a historian as soon as possible.

However, when she underestimates him, she is trapped in a dangerous struggle to protect her freedom, while every instinct she has tried to deny since she first saw the powerful Emperor, is unleashed.
Profile Image for Kira Simion.
881 reviews141 followers
February 7, 2019
So long story short, this was the book that I had been looking for for a few months and I just want to thank those who tried to help me. I appreciate it and tada!


I was wrong.
1 review
December 6, 2021
This book has turned me off omegaverse, possibly forever.

Prior to this book, I'd been fortunate enough to read books where the Omegas were never taken advantage of (by the romantic interests/true mates) while they were in a vulnerable state due to their rut/heat/Haze, whatever you call it. Of course, it was glaringly obvious how the tables were turned against them in this kind of world, and how susceptible to danger they were in that state. However, I was comforted by the fact that there were laws that protected them, or how in some books the Omegas had a power of their own, in a way, against the Alphas. The Alphas were driven to care for, to nurture - they weren't mindless beasts in pursuit of their own pleasure, regardless of the impact on the Omega.

But this book. But this book, inadvertently showed me the real sort of cruelty that could exist in omegaverse. It made me aware of all those unlucky omegas who I was maybe turning a blind eye to, in the other books, who didn't end up with their perfect 'true mates', and their fate. And that is the sole, sole, reason I think this book may have done any good.

This book had me in tears not only because of what our heroine had to go through, but from the mere frustration that I couldn't pull this a-hole off a man out of those page and hack him into bits with an axe. Not only does the lead male rape the heroine while she is in The Haze, he also tortures her repeatedly to extract information out of her. If I have to be explicit, he questions her while he knots her, and when she doesn't answer his questions, rips it out of her, causing immeasurable pain. He then applies some sort of 'healing cream' on her only to repeat the entire process the next day. On top of all of this, while still despising him, due to her sexual dynamic, her body and mind respond against her will to his commands. If this book were written to fit the horror genre rather than romance or erotica, I would've given it 5 stars.

I'm not hiding the above text under a spoiler tag because this book should definitely with come with that as a disclaimer.

If you're someone who connects with the characters, this book will leave your chest feeling so damn heavy and feeling helpless at the plight of our heroine. Does the book move you? Yes - to anger and frustration. Is it well written, plot wise? Yes, I suppose so. Does that justify the shit this book is trying to convey? NO. Does that make it a book I would recommend to anyone? HELL NO.

Of course the lead male is going to go through some sort of redemption arc in the following books, but honestly, nothing he could suffer through could possibly be enough in my opinion. Not when we all know she's going to end up with him regardless. Not when his actions are basically justified by some characters in this book, and our heroine is asked to, I quote,get to know him better.

At one point a character asks our heroine if she dislikes him, or only his actions, basically hinting to the fact that maybe he's not all that bad because, you know, he was never taught any better.


I'm a believer of the fact that no matter what you're taught to believe growing up, you have a conscience that is your own. Actions always speak louder than words. And your actions make you who you are. It doesn't matter how noble you are in your thoughts or your words if they aren't reflected in your actions. So don't give me that bullshit.

I can't believe that authors are writing this kind of stuff and thinking it's alright as long as they call it 'Dark Romance'. Or that there are readers who read the rape scenes and are calling it hot. I'm sorry, but I think you need a psych consult.
Profile Image for Denisa.
1,313 reviews319 followers
December 31, 2020
(almost) 3.5, this was fun!

Frankly, the blurb didn't really convince me. But it was on my Kindle and I was looking for something to read, soo.... it was a great surprise.

Just think how happy I was to find a cute, fun, fast-paced read!

I liked this one. I liked the world, I liked the characters. There were some stuff that I didn't really like, but all in all, it made me curious about this series, it made me want to read a bit more and see how the other characters will find their way.

Worth reading if you're looking for something fast-paced and fun and if you're not too weirded out about violence and women being treated... well, not ok.
Profile Image for  Rosebud.
1,052 reviews195 followers
July 23, 2018
Imperial Majesty Emperor Drocco of the Lox is known to be an unforgiving bloodthirsty monarch who rules through violence, fear, and murder. With an army of similar minded Alphas, it's no wonder all others fear and despise him, yet his army of followers pledge unfathomable loyalty doing his bidding no matter the cost.

Many wonder how it's possible to command such respect, loyalty, and admiration though only those who serve him have insight into it. That he has vowed to locate the mystical female Omegas who have disappeared and provide each of his Alpha warriors with an Omega of their own. History and ongoing tracking have verified that the progressive decline in Alpha births is a direct result of the lack of Omegas which is endangering the very future of their race which is why it's important to locate them, if they still exist.

Cailyn is sent to infiltrate and spy on Emperor Drocco though the risks, if discovered that she is an Omega herself, are high. Successfully posing as a renowned and respected Beta historian, Cailyn is able to breach Drocco's palace and tasked with researching all known information regarding the history of Omegas to aid in locating any currently living.

When her cover is blown, Cailyn finds herself trapped and a prisoner to the one person who has the potential to capture the Omegas currently hidden in an enchanted protected location. Worse is that Drocco has set his sights on keeping Cailyn as his own personal Omega.

It's a battle of the ages as Cailyn must protect her sister Omegas even if it means her death while Drocco must break Cailyn to get the answers he needs. The one risk is that if Cailyn doesn't break, his ongoing interrogation might kill her thus sacrificing his own happiness as he becomes more and more convinced that she is his own fated Omega. Regardless, if the Omegas are not located his Alphas will cease to exist.

* * * *

This is one of those 'accidental' finds I happen to come across. Having had no idea regarding this book/series, it intrigued me enough to scope out. Open disclosure: originally I one clicked "Reign to Ruin (Myth of Omega #4)" as it was a new release and THOUGHT a standalone installment, but, started in on it only to realize it wasn't. Bottom line I invested in this book (first in series) and proceeded to spend my entire weekend doing a marathon read of the series. To me it was that good.

I'm conflicted whether to categorize this series with a 'dark epic fantasy' or 'dark sword-n-sorcery' tag as both apply in the world building the author has created to some degree so "alternate universe" it is. If I'm being honest, it has that whole "Game of Thrones" vibe, including the magic, but without the dragons or Night King elements. So, if you look for that slant in your erotic romance reading tastes, this would be an excellent one to check out.

Time for my cautionary warning: the author made a point of including that this is dark erotic romance and includes disturbing situations. Take that to include that non-dub con along with a handful of violent and/or bloody situation scenes will be featured in this story. It's for that reason it's important to include that anyone with triggers regarding forced sex and/or abuse will have a hard time with a few of the scenes in this book. Proceed in reading it with that in mind. Seriously.

The main characters Drocco & Cailyn. Can't really say this is an enemies to lovers sort of thing. Cailyn is a spy and got caught. Drocco is an ass. It's therefore logical to conclude that Cailyn, the spy, will be interrogated by Drocco, the Emperor, who is an expert on all forms of torture and lacks a real moral compass mindset. In the middle of all that is the issue of angst as each come from a different back story of experience. And, of course, throw in lust and pheromones that seal the deal. There's so much more but basically these two characters put me through a wringer as the story evolved.

Secondary characters. The only secondary I'm gonna do a shout out for is Torin, Drocco's right hand man and second in command. That character deserves an Emmy award for putting up with all that he has to from Drocco. There are times I'm of the mind Torin's loyalty and affection are simply because of manly affection and a three-way Alpha/Beta/Omega triad possibility. This is of course when I insert that potential readers will have to read this for themselves to make up their own mind if that's something that will develop in the future of the series. mwahahaha

Personally, I started reading this book thinking to read a few chapters and see how it goes. Hours later and cancelling existing Friday night plans because I just couldn't tear myself away from finishing, I'm hooked - and yes that includes the info this ends in a cliffhanger - and a rabid fan. Luckily, there are four installments already out so I don't have to go through withdrawal waiting. It's all there with my 'one click' option. Just love it when I'm late to find a series so addictive.
Profile Image for Julia's Book Haven.
768 reviews212 followers
June 2, 2020
So I don’t usually like to leave bad reviews but I’m pretty proud of myself for actually finishing this book. Still though I’ll put the rest of my review in a spoiler tag.

So definitely take that warning in the blurb seriously.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 518 reviews

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