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Ren is finally getting used to the idea that she's the last dragon shifter alive—destined to take four alpha shifters as her mates and unite all shifter kind—when more trouble looms on the horizon. The rogue group that slaughtered her family is still out for blood, and they don't care who they hurt along the way.

Ren and her mates set out to quash the rebellion once and for all. But the rogues have allies in unexpected places, startling enough to shake Ren's resolve. Throw in a challenger hoping to wrench the position of alpha from one of her guys, and this dragon shifter has reached her limit. How can a girl who's only known she's a shifter for three weeks heal sixteen years of chaos?

*This steamy new reverse harem paranormal romance series is intended for readers 18+. Expect sexy situations, intense action, ongoing storylines, and a quartet of alluring wolf, bear, jaguar, and eagle alpha shifters you’ll wish you could make your mates.*

218 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 11, 2018

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About the author

Eva Chase

123 books3,225 followers
Eva Chase lives in Canada with her family. She loves stories both swoony and supernatural, and strong women and the men who appreciate them. You can visit her online at www.evachase.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 221 reviews
May 8, 2023
Treachery is afoot!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💙🖤💜💚
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📙📘
World building: 🌏🌍🌎🌍
Character development: 😠😘🤓🥰
Narrator(s): 🎙🎙🎙
Narration Type: Dual Narration

The heroine: Serenity (a.k.a. Ren) - she is a dragon shifter who thought she was human for most of her life. Now she has new abilities and power and is expected to mate with four alpha male shifters in order to bring peace to the shifter world. Though nothing is as easy as it seems, especially the idea of being with multiple men when she was brought up as a human. She has bonded with all four men, but so far has only mated two of them.

The Heroes: West, Nate, Aaron, Marco - West is an angry wolf shifter who has held a grudge against Ren for not being there for the last sixteen years. Nate is a huge mountain of a man and a bear shifter who just wants to protect Ren. Aaron is a sweet and loving eagle shifter who knew what he wanted from the start. And Marco is a feisty jaguar shifter who has a lot of pride.

The Story: The group of them had gone on a dangerous trek to find out what happened to Ren’s mother and get the power that she had been after when she disappeared. They were attacked more than once along the way and after by rogue shifters and fae. Possibly the same ones that killed Ren’s mother and the rest of her family. However, they have been holding their own and even better all along. Now they must go on to the bear shifter’s territory.

Like the first two books this one had a lot of action. I liked that there was more action and dialogue than steamy scenes as sometimes these reverse harem romances get a bit too smutty. There was a lot of strategy around finding out what the rogue shifters were up to and more than one of the guys found out there were traitors in their ranks. The story was interesting and the romance between Ren and each of her guys was more than just smut for the sake of smut. There were actually different relationships between her and each guy.

This book was told in multiple points of view via dual narration and was narrated by Felicity Munroe and Joe Arden. I really like both of these narrators a lot. They both have terrific voices and are awesome narrators. I can’t say enough about Felicity’s New Joysey accent when she does the voice of Ren’s friend Kylie. Though like I said in my last review, I would like to hear more from each of the men’s points of view.

Profile Image for evie ☻︎.
82 reviews3 followers
August 7, 2022
2.5 ⭐ idk whats gotten into me that i really pushed through the series but here we are ... 😔🤦🏻‍♀️

This one became more boring than the first two, and I'm not sure I'll be able to finish the series. Everything about the book becomes tiresome and old. I noticed that I was also pushing and pulling through Ren and West's love life, but I can now say that I am more on Ren's side. Both of their arguments make sense, but I think Ren has already proven herself enough after this book (and all the battles she's fought), and if West continues to treat Ren like a five-year-old who can't understand simple sentences for the rest of the series, I'm going to lose my shit.
I can't say much about the writing, but the only thing I've noticed is that the characters appear to behave in an animated manner. The author fails to evoke emotions in the readers, and the action scenes are all anticlimactic.

AND don't think I'll continue because: (1) their lines became cringe at some point, and Ren's monologue became unbearable; (2) I don't even know who the real enemy is, and frankly, I don't care; and (3) its just so cringe.

The only good thing about this book is Alice. She's so fucking hot, and she's the saving grace of this book.

February 25, 2024
this one was a lot better

the spicy scenes are great yet hilarious because like what lol

i’m becoming very tired of west and ren’s love hate relationship, literally just bang already
Profile Image for Kay's Pallet.
280 reviews5 followers
December 6, 2019
The first 2 books in this series were pretty bad and predictable. I kept reading and started reading the third book, hoping it would get better and unfortunately it got worse. I was only able to get about halfway through before I put this one down. The characters were flat, especially the alpha mates. The transparency in this book is so clear, that i wonder if the author just put all the other reverse harem shifter books into one. I'm sorry, I didn't want this to be a mean review, but understand that I love this genre and I read books for a living and there is only so many books i can fit into this lifetime. I feel disappointed and like I wasted my time when I could have read a reverse harem shifter book with characters i actually like.
Profile Image for Jenny•●♡●•.
114 reviews1 follower
April 26, 2023
Ich habe mich endlich an den Gedanken gewöhnt, dass ich die letzte lebende Drachenwandlerin bin – dazu bestimmt, vier Alpha-Wandler zu meinen Gefährten zu machen und alle Gestaltwandler zu vereinen –, als sich am Horizont neuer Ärger anbahnt. Die Gruppe der Abtrünnigen, die meine Familie abgeschlachtet hat, ist immer noch auf Blut aus. Und es ist ihnen vollkommen egal, wen sie dabei verletzen.

Meine Gefährten und ich beschließen, die Rebellen ein für alle Mal niederzuschlagen. Allerdings haben die Abtrünnigen Verbündete an unerwarteten Orten, was meine Entschlossenheit zum Wanken bringt. Dazu kommt noch ein Herausforderer, der einem meiner Männer die Alpha-Position entreißen will. Die Drachenwandlerin stößt an ihre Grenzen. Wie soll eine Frau, die erst seit drei Wochen weiß, dass sie eine Gestaltwandlerin ist, sechzehn Jahre Chaos wieder gutmachen?
Im dritten Teil der Gestaldwandlerreihe geht es überwiegend um die Katzenwandler. Bereits im zweiten Band hat sich der eingebildete Marco ins Aus geschosssen. War Ren eine Idiotin ihm zu vertrauen? Oder kann er ihr beweisen, dass sie sich nicht in ihm getäuscht hat?
Weiters interessiert mich am meisten der Wolfwandler. Nur leider taut er mir viel zu langsam auf – wahrscheinlich macht das den Reiz aus – und er bleibt auch in diesem Buch ein Mysterium.
Ich fand auch diesen Band wieder spannend und interessant. Man erfährt wieder mehr über die Männer, für mich ist es aber immer noch zu wenig. Durch die Herausforderung bekommt man Informationen darüber, wie das Leben der Männer aussah, bevor Ren aufgetaucht ist.
Schreibstil: ***
Handlung: ****
Spannung: ****
Atmosphäre: ****
Profile Image for Jaime (Two Chicks on Books).
825 reviews396 followers
January 14, 2018
I think this just may be my favorite of the series so far! And not because I got tons of Nate lol I am loving the progression of Ren’s character and the progression of the romance with her an her Alpha’s. I can’t wait to see where this goes next! I need book 4 now!!!
Profile Image for itsmyownlittlecorner.
30 reviews28 followers
February 13, 2024
This is definitely a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for me…. It’s something about seeing someone who thought she wasn’t good enough, wouldn’t be anything more than what she was turn into a straight up bad ass! The different scenarios and stories with her and her mates are all uniquely different with a beauty that tugs at your heart strings. 🐲🐉🀄️

I am currently waiting on someone to walk up to me in a bar and tell me that I am indeed a dragon shifter…. But I’ll keep my current mate 😉💕❤️
Profile Image for Zen.
2,386 reviews
May 2, 2020
Was not a fan of this one. There is only one book left, and these are fairly short, so I will finish the series. I haven't really liked the last two series I've read from Eva Chase. This and her Wicked Wonderland series. Both are reverse harem, and it felt like she was reaching to find an explanation to justify the multiple partners. For example in this one, the female dragon shifter has to have one alpha from each of the four categories to reproduce. Because dragons are too much for just one shifter. And there are no male dragons.

I think a big part if why I haven't liked the last two series, for the most part, is I haven't really liked the heroines. They just annoy me so much.
Profile Image for Natalie.
182 reviews20 followers
July 1, 2020
Ren is growing into her power and her role as the dragon shifter, and its pretty amazing. We got to see all of the alphas in action with all of the fighting that went on. And apparently there is still more to come. I can't wait to see how they handle the new threat.

West is finally to thaw out a little towards Ren. And it's about damn time. I have no clue why he's been pushing her away all this time when she has proved herself time and time again. But he's definitely the most caring one under his gruff exterior.

Marco was such a sweetie. I was worried that the five of them were only feeling the attraction because of the mate bond, but he proved me wrong. When he said he would still love her even if he wasn't the alpha, I swooned so hard.
Profile Image for Stephanie Williams.
869 reviews10 followers
January 30, 2024
Oh my I luv the best friend more and more.... I'm glad they are mated to all but one now. Cant wait to see how this ends
Profile Image for Ellie.
186 reviews
March 20, 2024
Babe is going THROUGH it. Literally something happens then something happens straight away the second she gets one second to have a break. Honestly so realistic in that sense
Profile Image for ꧁Persephone꧂.
296 reviews3 followers
July 2, 2019
Another great installment. I love how the narrators do the voices for the characters - makes it super easy to follow (I listened to the audible version). Can't wait for the next book. I feel a paranormal war brewing!
Profile Image for amanda.
60 reviews
April 6, 2024
Honestly, these books have no redeeming qualities and I definitely would not have finished the first one, let alone all of them if I was capable. You can give these a pass.
233 reviews8 followers
September 29, 2018
So three books in and I like the series but I don't love it. I was trying to figure out why that is. It's interesting even if there haven't been any bombshells. Every time something has been revealed I'm like, yeah, saw that coming, but it is still interesting enough despite the predictability that I'm enjoying it. There are some things that aren't very well thought out that bug me a little bit, like sometimes Chase seems to forget the guys are all insanely rich, or they will have clothes or luggage when they fled a situation or literally ripped the clothes off themselves, or the fact that they would freeze to death, the character's own words, without clothes is suddenly forgotten after a need for a shift when they are mostly exposed. And they never shrug off their shoes when they shift, like Ren will say the only thing I managed to get off was my jacket, so how does she still have shoes? And Kylie and Ren seem to have lots of time off from work and in used sick days and the means to fly across the country last minute and pay rent when they were literally just homeless. But that isn't why this isn't a five for me. It isn't even the fact that the guys all have amazing stamina and skills despite being virgins because the bond didn't let it happen with anyone else. No, I realized it's because I don't have enough meat on the characters. We have little glimpses about their lives prior to Ron's 21st birthday, but not much, and just getting a story here or a mention of insecurity there isn't enough to hook me on them. I want to hear the story behind Mate's mom and dad. Where are Marcus 's parents? Aaron? West? I want Ren to have moments with each of these guys where they are sharing good and bad stories from their lives, where Nate does something particularly bear like and it sends Ren into giggles with the memory of the time her mom took her to the zoo and she shares that story with the guys, where she shares moments of living on the streets and the want to further protect her and erase that for her. I want Ren to be along side the guys when they share what growing up knowing they would be alpha was like, while they get into the grit of it so I'm hooked on these people, uh shifters. I'm just not getting that. I getting acquaintance level and I want soul mate level of stories and character depth.
Profile Image for bananananas.
121 reviews12 followers
March 27, 2023
On the one hand it seems like the bad guys (aka the “rogues”) are disorganized and attacking because they prefer anarchy to alpha rule. On the other, there are hints that someone is behind these attacks and has a deeper agenda. But it’s not well done at all because there is only a tiny hint that the rogues are better organized than the main characters think they are.

This story is truly being dragged out to fit over the four books of the series. It feels like the author is delaying the solving of some mysteries just so there could be more books. On top of that, the payoff when we get answers isn’t very good. Take for example the discovery in the previous book of what truly happened to Ren’s mom. The reveal was anticlimactic.

In this book, we get hints that someone higher up among the feline kin is involved with the rogues and helping them plan their attacks. But when we actually find out who it is, anticlimactic again.

I feel like this series could’ve been edited for pace and a tighter storyline. I also cannot stand when a character does something embarrassing. I can’t handle the secondhand cringe. So Ren continuously does things that emphasize that she doesn’t know a thing about shifter culture but then her mates tell her she did a great job and really showed the doubters why she’s an excellent dragon shifter and leader of all shifters.

I’m also bored with West. Just reveal his backstory already! And enough with the back and forth between him and Ren. I get why this is being dragged out though. The first book was about Ren and Aaron. The second book was about Ren and Nate. This book was about Ren and Marco. So of course we know why the fourth book will be about.

I really should learn to DNF more often but I always want to know how the story ends so here I continue on this ride.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kimi.
443 reviews
June 7, 2019
3.5 Stars

Overall Rating ★★★★
Plot ★★★★
Humor ★★★
Characters & Character Development ★★★★
Narration ★★★


Ren (Dragon Shifter)
Marco (Jaguar shifter) - Alpha of the feline kin
West (Wolf Shifter) - Alpha of the canine kin
Aaron (Eagle Shifter) - Alpha of the avian kin
Nate (Bear Shifter) - Alpha of the disparate kin who didn’t belong to the canine, feline, or avian groups

I liked the story. Ren is becoming stronger in her abilities and becoming more confident. She's learning how to be a leader and protect those she cares about. There were a lot of questions in this book about people's loyalty in the kin groups. There were more battles for control with the rogues. I like how much Ren's relationship grew with Marco in this book. I still feel like West is a jerk. I didn’t like how Ren had to pretty much beg West for closeness and affection. I don’t like that shit. She didn’t ask for any of that. And he blames her for something and treats her like crap and like she’s stupid at every moment. I can’t stand that. He questions everything she does.

Kylie was a dumb ass. Ren is going through so much shit and Kylie flies out to where she is without even telling her. So stupid. She should have asked if it was okay prior given she can’t fight shifters. And she will just be a liability and be in the way. She should know that. I honestly wish she’d never gotten involved. Given what’s already happened, why do it again. I'm glad she realized that Ren needs some space now to deal with all that's going on.

Narration: Joe Arden, Felicity Munroe - Unfortunately I don’t love the narration for this series because of the woman. Joe is great but I don’t care for Felicity. Every time I hear the narration for Kylie, I cringe.
Profile Image for Billie Thatcher.
16 reviews
July 13, 2024
Stars: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice: 🌶️🌶️

Tropes: Shifters, Dragon, Reverse Harem, Fated Mates, Why Choose? — Dependent Series (Not Standalone)
Kinks: Sharing, Foursome

My stream of consciousness:

Welcome back for Book 3. It starts off with an attack on the mammal kingdom, and since Ren just recently accepted that connection with Nate their Alpha, they are heading there. We find out a lot about the rebellious movement against Alphas and the Dragon Shifter. She’s slaying the day and using her flame of truth power (allows her to demand the truth out of someone).

Every time someone doubts her, her 4 babes BACK HER UP. Oh Marco is getting kinda bullied there by Nate’s kin… but he puts on a smile when she arrives not knowing she heard it all. My sweet man. Aaron isn’t back from the mission so she is ✨stressed✨ All this while trying to gain the trust of Orion, a guard who almost joined the rebellion.

Oh my… she was indeed stressed about Aaron and asked everyone else to help her… *clears my throat* well damn…

Oh gosh, now Marco’s been challenged and is risking getting exiled? Well fuck.

Please the ruse to get people out of the training room when Marco and Ren are alone in there, if you know you know 🤭 Oh and now here’s one more mate: 3/4! ✅

Yay West is so cute, he’s literally like “I thought it would be distracting” so he didn’t tell her he’d made up her mind. She thought he was still doubting if she was worthy, but he made up his mind a long time ago 😩

The mirror scene 🤭 Show her the queen she is…

Ok a little Fae and Shifter alliance to fight off them icky vampires!

Best quotes:

💥 *her feeling overwhelmed after an attack: her POV*

“I tried everything I could think of.” My hands, tacky with the muskrat shifter’s blood, clenched in my lap. West’s eyes dropped to them and rose back to my face. A shadow passed through his expression, from dark to light.
“Yeah,” he said quietly. “You did.” He paused. “Ren—”
I pushed myself onto my feet. Too quickly. My legs wobbled, my stomach feeling as if I’d left it behind down by the ground. West caught me by the shoulders. “Hey,” he said, his voice somehow rough and gentle at the same time. (chap 11)

💥 *the mate who “didn’t like her”: his POV*

This game of snarking at each other and dancing around our attraction was getting old. I was ready to be done with it, one way or the other. (chap 15)

💥 *just her and her mate being happy in a pool, she deserves it after all this shit: her POV*

I shook my head, sputtering a laugh, and squirmed out of his grasp. The kick of my legs sent a good spray back at him. Then Marco snatched my ankle. “Hey!” I protested as he reeled me in. “Look what I caught,” he teased. “A rare dragon fish.” (chap 19)

💥 “Less talking, more fucking.” (chap 19)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Annette.
3,329 reviews156 followers
November 18, 2021
I was just gonna read paperbacks this week. I was gonna give my eyes some rest. I was gonna take them away from the screens. But the longer the week lasted, the more I just wanted to see how Ren's story continued. I had given her and her guys a small break, because the Stalking Dead came out and I don't like reading two books by the same author back to back, but that break lasted more than long enough now. Hello Kindle. No time no see!

So far all three books in the series have been extremely different. The first book was all about Ren discovering what she was and discovering her own powers. The second book focussed on what happened with her mother and the relationship between the rogues, the shifters and the Fae. This third book was all about the rogues, and Ren trying to show the shifter world that life is better with a dragon around. I have an inkling what the fourth book is gonna be and I can't wait to read it!

What I love most about this series is that Chase takes her time to build all those relationships. Although they are fated and although there is a mate bond pulling Ren and her guys together, they don't let pheromones guide them. Ren really wants to get to know her mates and it's only when she truly feels like loving them and it's only when she truly feels she doesn't want to lose them that she gives in to all those feelings and urges.

Therefore we also get to know all the guys incredibly well. They have to be vulnerable, they have to share secrets, they have to open themselves up. It's the only way for them to win Ren's heart and it's the only way for them to complete that mate bond and to give their packs back all they have lost. Just like we get to know Ren well, because she gives what she asks. However, it's almost impossible not to love her! She's fierce, strong, compassionate, soft, tender and intelligent.
60 reviews
January 31, 2018
I received a free advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

I am so happy with the way the author took things in this instalment! After the second book, I was worried about the plot being drowned out by the more steamy content, but I am so relieved this wasn't the case. The writing standard of Dragon's Desire matched that of the first two, the plot was the main focus, and none of the characters were annoying or infuriating. The author has done a spectacular job at writing a heroine who is balanced; she can defend herself, she stands up for herself, and she's independent but at the same time knows that she can't do everything and isn't afraid to acknowledge when she needs help. Ren is by no means a perfect protagonist, none of them are, but she's one of the better ones I've read in a long time.

Again, the only real criticism I have is that which I've had since Dragon's Guard, and that is that I haven't been truly able to develop any kind of connection with them. I like all of them, but I'm not in love with any of them. A part of this, I feel, is due to the fact that all of the characters are a substantial amount older than I and are written as such, as they should be. So this criticism is more of a credit to the author's ability to write realistic characters than an actual criticism. It's just a little saddening on my end because I'm missing out on that particular experience that comes with reading. I also found that some of the events were a little predictable, but this is an incredibly minor issue. On the whole, I would have to say that Dragon's Desire is the best instalment yet in the Dragon Shifter's Mates series and I can't wait to see what happens in the next instalment!
Profile Image for fäer.
142 reviews10 followers
December 21, 2020
Ok, this one was better. It took me forever to read this book because other things got in the way and the last two were not that good so I wasn't all that excited for this one, but once I got into it, it was actually more enjoyable than the first two, I think.

Ren's arrogant attitude from the second book seems to have all but vanished, I feel like this time around she was more careful, confident without being an asshole about it and just overall more mature. The thing with Marco finally cleared up, which I'm glad for because I have a thing for him, he has that cocky, devil-may-care attitude that's always fun to read about, and it's nice to read him in a positive light again. I don't know why, and this is super weird because I was not expecting it, but I love West. I know, I hated him with a passion the last two books and it's not like he has changed at all, but I don't know. I guess he's growing on me and his relationship with Ren has actually evolved in a rhythm that makes me feel invested in their relationship instead of just being dismissive about them. The way they have slowly warmed up to each other feels more like a slow-burn than an insta-love kind of thing (there was a whole lot of insta-lust from the get-go but that I understand, I feel like one can be insanely attracted to someone so it doesn't bother me as much as instantly being in love with someone you don't know, cause that feels like a load of crap), and I'm all for it. Nate, as most of the time, was a wholesome sweetheart and Aaron, again, cute but forgettable.

Overall, it was a fun, easy book. It's no masterpiece, not by a long shot, but it wasn't bad at all.
12 reviews1 follower
January 13, 2018
I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of this book.
This is the book where Ren truly shakes off the shackles of uncertainty surrounding her status as a dragon shifter and embraces what it means to be a leader of the kin. And it is truly a sight to behold!
She is fierce. She is beautiful. She is merciful.
This book was eventful and heart wrenching. There was a lot happening but Eva manages to tie everything together and ensure that it is easy to follow. You feel Ren's struggle to adapt to meeting the disparate and feline kin as well as her worry that she isn't adequate as a leader.
It all culminates in one final battle with the rogue where Ren decides that no matter how little she knows about the shifter community, she'll bring more than violence and mayhem.
I was excited at seeing her getting closer to her mates and seeing a softer side emerge to Marco and West. I think I fell a little deeper for Aaron and Nate too and I definitely understood why they were her first. They gave her the unwavering support and love to truly understand her place.
Also Kylie!! I really like Kylie and she's her remaining tie to her humanity but not in a way that really impedes Ren.

I'm really excited to see where the next book goes. I hope that Ren is able to work on holding her shifts for longer because then she'll be truly unstoppable. She truly is going to need to unite all the kin to be able to face against all the threats facing them after this book!
621 reviews
January 13, 2018
I received an arc of this book and devoured it over the next few days at every waking moment!
Ren is developing into the mighty dragon that we all know she could be. She visits the various clans and begin to discover the community and challenges that each group brings with it. Not everyone is excited to meet her. Some want to know what she is going to do to address the rogue threats, others question her mates and why she hasn’t bonded with them all. She’s just learning about the shifter community, how is she supposed to lead them?

The rogue group will do anything they can to disrupt the shifter unification! Alliances are questioned and no one is above suspicion! Despite the chaos and constant threats, Ren faces her challenges head on and still finds time to discover new facets about each of her mates and remember her past. But Ren isn’t the only one with with issues. Each of her mates face battles of their own; traitors, clan loyalties even a challenge for the alpha position!

The future of all shifter kind is depending on the Dragon Shifter and her mates! Can they beat the rogue threat and unite all the clans? Will Ren ever trust Marco? Will West finally give into his feelings and let Ren know how he really feels?

Dragon’s Desire continues on the journey, answering some of our questions but leaving us with others! I can’t wait for the next book!
1,166 reviews32 followers
January 14, 2018
The books in this series just keep getting better!! Absolutely loved this book!
This book began right where we left off with the last one, where Ren and her guys found out that Nate's place had been attacked.
Loved seeing Ren grow and gain confidence in herself, her abilities and as a leader. She was understanding and forgiving when she needed to be, but also strong and sticking to her gut when needed, and speaking up when she didn't agree with her guys and their decisions.
In this book they find out more about the rogues and their plans, and who might be helping them. Loved that the guys were so willing to take Ren's advice, despite how new she is to the situation and shifter world. There's more action and fighting, so we see how strong Ren is getting as a Dragon, and she continues to prove herself to the shifter's were are dubious.
I really enjoyed seeing her grow closer to her guys, especially Aaron and Nate who she's already mated with. She has some really wonderful moments with Marco as she begins to understand him better, and West seems to slowly softening towards Ren too.
All in all, this has become an amazing dragon shifter series and can't wait to see what happens next.
Can't wait for the next book!!
Profile Image for Lene Blackthorn .
1,656 reviews6 followers
December 26, 2018
Third installment in the series does not give in to the pressure of upping the game. Adventurous and action packing, the steamy paranormal romance gives the readers the entertainment they seek.
Ren does not have it easy, not with the rogues leading a rebellion with the only goal of killing the alphas and ending the order of things. But she is growing stronger, and the relationships with her four mates are deepening. Moreover, Kylie is back in her life, and brings the excitement she always did. Ren can really use her support - and Marco can truly use Ren's support now, although it is his obligation to prove himself as alpha against the challenger.
New surprises, new challenges, and new revelations come with this story. We are finally getting some of the answers we crave, although it is still far from the full picture - only enough to drive the story forward with increasing suspense. I like the development in the characters as well, especially when it comes to the dynamics between them, emotionally or physically. Steamy scenes pepper the ongoing romance that balances the action included, and together it makes for a very entertaining read.
Profile Image for Kyan.
591 reviews20 followers
July 17, 2020
I really feel for Ren.
While it, in a sense, is amazing that she's the last Dragon Shifter alive. And they finally found her and order can be restored to the shifter clans. I get why she's struggling.
How lonely it must be to know you're the last of your kind.
While her guys all have their clans to lean on and family still around, she's alone.
We get to see more of her memories and it guts me knowing what she went through. I appreciate that the author made those scenes very realistic.

The drama is continuing to unfold and I am here for it.
We finally start to get some answers. Just not the ones that alpha's and Ren want to hear. What lays before them is a lot more loss, some of it bloody. I will admit that when one of her Alpha's is challenged for his role, I was PISSED.
How dare someone think that these four aren't THE ones for her? It made for one of my favorite scenes in the book though!!

I will be finishing this series because I must know how all of this shakes out. It has been a fun read so far.
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