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The Sleep Sense Program -- Proven Strategies For Teaching Your Child To Sleep Through The Night

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The Sleep Sense Program -- Proven Strategies For Teaching Your Child To Sleep Through The Night , has helped over 10,000 families quickly and easily solve their children's sleep problems.

190 pages, Spiral-bound

First published January 1, 2007

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Dana Obleman

3 books1 follower

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 40 reviews
Profile Image for Joni.
348 reviews6 followers
September 3, 2012
I liked this one because it was written in plain English, got to the point without any extra fluff, and the strategies included just made sense to me. It's only available as a PDF through the Sleep Sense website (it's not a book), but I think it will work well for me in conjunction with some of the things I've picked up from the other books I've read.

Update: this was hands-down the most helpful resource for getting my baby to sleep through the night (which she started doing at about 11-12 weeks of age). The unfortunate reality of sleep training is that it will take some crying (definitely from the baby and possibly from the mom), but for me it was worth it. By no means did I just make my baby "cry it out," and that is not what this book teaches. But there was about a week of rough nights with crying and then suddenly, it just clicked and now I put my daughter into her crib AWAKE, and she falls asleep on her own, and sleeps for 11-12 hours. Sometimes she will stir or even wake up in the night, but she almost always puts herself right back to sleep on her own. Such a blessing for a tired working mom!!!
Profile Image for Andrea.
181 reviews
August 19, 2008
I have read quite a few books on helping your baby sleep through the night. It has been so hard because I don't want to let him "cry it out" but this book has some GREAT ideas. It's perfect for me because it teaches him to fall asleep on his own but with me in the room. I love that because then he knows that I am there and haven't left him alone but at the same time, I let him work it out on his own. I hate that I have to let him cry but at the same time, I am allowed to briefly give him support and love. After following the program for 10 days, he now sleeps 11 hours straight!! Before this he woke up 2 to 3 times a night! I am a new woman!
Profile Image for Robyn.
484 reviews21 followers
January 10, 2018
2.5 stars. The preamble in this book was very boring. Part of it was just an ad for itself and the authors sleep program she is selling and part of it is very basic sleep knowledge and examples to explain basic sleep knowledge. It was repetitive and I only read the chapters that pertained to me. I have a 4 month old so I didn’t read the chapters on 1 year+ and 0-3 month olds or on twins. She has kind of a narrow view on what works for families. And I really don’t like her nap time method. I would recommend Richard Ferber’s sleep book over hers. I am not even done his book yet but he sounds much more knowledgeable about sleep. Their night time methods are very similar, though Ferber offers more options for varying sleeping arrangements.
I do like some of her bedtime routine suggestions though.
Profile Image for Amanda.
3 reviews
March 6, 2013
I debated buying this many times with my son but wasn't sure it would really help. When my daughter was 18 months old and still getting up five times a night, I reached the point that I simply had to try something. Within a week, she was getting up once at most and now is consistently sleeping 11-12 hours straight. It's not rocket science, but it is a clear, step by step plan. And if you're like me and completely sleep deprived, you need someone to just give you a plan.
Profile Image for Lisa London.
12 reviews2 followers
August 14, 2019
This method of sleep training truly does work if you put in the time and effort! Dana answers all the questions lingering in the backs of parents' minds about baby sleep and crying. Not giving this five stars because the writing itself has multiple spelling and grammatical errors which need some editing.
Profile Image for Amy.
531 reviews5 followers
October 6, 2020
So many sleep training books—where to turn?! I was referred to Dana Obleman’s Sleep Sense by a friend in my Mommy group and I am so glad she told me about this. I’m on Day 8 of using the Sleep Sense and so far it has been working for me and my family. After reading practically all of the different methods, this one isn’t so new and groundbreaking but I like that it’s eclectic. My absolute favorite is that if you purchase specific packages (decent prices too!) you get daily videos, phone support, email support, and multiple books. I felt supported the whole way through. Whenever I had a question, somewhere in the book or videos it was answered.
Profile Image for Claire Grant.
15 reviews
May 25, 2024
In society today people won’t allow their babies to cry because it “damages them”. I was so against sleep training initially, but when you’re waking 15 times a night because your baby can’t self soothe, and you’re so sleep deprived… it’s a form of torture. I got recommended this book and I’m a few days into the program and it’s changed my life. My four month old can already self soothe. He sleeps through the night with a quick feed in the middle. His day sleeps are longer than 35mins. I’m also a better mum and he’s a happy baby. Read it, and teach your baby to self soothe. Teaching your baby to self soothe is not harmful, it’s teaching him his first skill in life.
Profile Image for Arwen Telian.
40 reviews
January 17, 2015
I thought the book was well written, and had the added benefit of getting to the point, which many books on this topic don't do. But, the book isn't saying anything new, I found the exact same info on many parenting websites, for free! She does package it in a way that you feel less guilty for letting your child cry, and many parents need that.
Unfortunately, I cannot rigidly follow her advice, as there is something intrinsically wrong about hearing my baby cry, and not going to his aid. Her advice is sound though, and I will be incorporating some of her advice into my little one's sleep time routine.
One last thing, I read the ebook, and found it a bit off putting that every chapter ended with her offering a discount for her full package (videos, helpline, et al).
Profile Image for Steph B.
194 reviews
August 24, 2019
Personally, I would not recommend anyone buy this. The author is highly repetitive; literally repeating the exact same thing over and over - in one case the next sentence even, just worded slightly different. She contradicts her own written words throughout. Lastly, the same information is available everywhere through a simple Google search. I gave her 2 stars because the basis of the book, and the overall information (if you remove all the repetition) is a decent book with solid and valid suggestions to try.
Profile Image for Lottie.
13 reviews
May 31, 2022
cryi it out with extra steps or sacrificing your childs trust just to get a better sleep or based on scientific research without proper resources


might work on some choldren but definetly that is a 1 of 1000000 chance
Profile Image for Jess.
73 reviews62 followers
September 29, 2019
This book is great. I’m about to have my first child and read the book proactively to help me instill healthy sleep habits from the start.

The overall message of this book is to train your child to fall sleep on their own—instead of them relying on you to fall asleep. If you nurse them, rock them, or sing to them until they fall asleep, they’ll learn they need you in order to fall asleep. This means when they awaken in the middle of the night, they’ll cry for you to help them get back to sleep because it’s the only way they know how to sleep.

This pattern is bad for both you and the baby. The baby’s dependent upon you to get to sleep when they wake up several times during the night. And you have to get up several times each night to get them back to sleep, which deprives you of sleep.

My sleep coach recommended this book to me a few months ago. While she now works with adults, she began her career coaching parents of infants who couldn’t get their babies to sleep.

I’m glad I asked her for this book recommendation. It’s solid. I plan to implement these strategies with my baby from the time she's a newborn.
1 review
February 23, 2021
I wish I had never read or applied this technique to my daughter . It is the worst thing you can do to a child especially in the first 7 years of their life when they need you do the most . I am afraid that this program damaged my daughter for life as she is now 6 and so scared of dark and being alone . Crying it out , taking their favorite toys , closing the door on them when they need you the most when they are so little when they need you the most ?! I don’t know how on earth I even followed all this horrible advise through . My younger daughter who I ever sleep trained sleeps like an anger every night when my daughter who has been tortured because of this evil program still has many issues . Do yourself a favor and educate yourself on the importance of parents being there for their kids when they need you the most to comfort them especially during the first 7 years of their life . Once you missed that boat that boat is gone forever , you have a child with deep issues in your hand for life .
Profile Image for Catalina.
113 reviews
February 4, 2020
A really good book that helps you understand the importance of sleep and gives you tactics to implement with your children from newborn to toddlers.
Highly recommend to any parent struggling to get their kids to sleep through the night.

The only thing that I didn’t like was the fact that it was a bit repetitive if you read it all. But it has good strategies to follow, will definitely implement when my baby is born.
84 reviews1 follower
May 8, 2018
This is the technique I chose to use for my daughter. I love that it gives two options (stay in the room or leave and check in) and everything is done step by step. You know each night what you should be doing and how the baby should be reacting. Although Dana's strategies can be strict, there is some flexibility for you to adapt to your own child.
Profile Image for Christine.
46 reviews1 follower
May 10, 2019
I didn't follow this program exactly but learned many tools that did help my baby learn to self soothe. Baby figured it out around 5 months, and everyone was sleeping much better! Also, join this Facebook group and the one for Rebecca Michi Slumber Academy for great sleep tips and advice from other parents.
Profile Image for Alexandra.
231 reviews3 followers
November 10, 2019
If I could give this book 10 stars I would!
My daughter was waking up at least 2x every night since she was 5 months!
This book is so easy to use -and I refused to do the cry it out method-I felt so confident doing Dana’s method and now my daughter sleeps from 8pm-6am every night! And it took less than a week!
3 reviews
February 18, 2020
Would give it a 0.5 if I could. Some information is true, like newborns can get overstimulated, but the whole idea that babies need to be taught how to sleep and best from day one is completely off the mark. It ignores all available knowledge we have on infant brain development and attachment theory. It's recommended to rely on the latter rather than outdated recipe-like parenting advice.
Profile Image for Katie.
607 reviews20 followers
March 21, 2017
The Sleep Sense Program is a wonderful tool for learning to teach healthy sleep skills to children. Ordinarily, I rate books for the quality of the content, but this book is a tool and has to be rated that way. The book is written for the sole purpose of transmitting content. The writing is concise, to the point, and riddled with a typos. It isn't meant to be read from cover-to-cover either (though I did, because I don't feel that I can mark a book off my READ list unless I've read it cover-to-cover).
However, this book was incredibly useful to me. In reading it, I learned how to get my daughter to fall asleep at 7:30 in the evening (as opposed to 2:00 and 3:00 am!) The book is filled with practical examples and case studies and "what ifs" and FAQs that I found very helpful. This is a necessary read for all new parents.
Profile Image for Paula.
166 reviews3 followers
September 14, 2017
Practical and easy to follow. While I didn't implement the author's sleep program exactly as she suggested, I took away many tips that were useful in helping my 4mo sleep better. A helpful resource for anyone who's getting ready to have a baby or wants to help a child have more success sleeping.
2 reviews
June 10, 2019
5 month old

Very straightforward direction to helping our son learn to sleep. We weren't having him take enough naps, now that he does he's sleeping through the night! It's amazing the amount of sleep little babies need but what a difference it makes when they get it.
July 15, 2019
Unfortunately the program suits certain children but not all. It doesn’t articulate what to do in certain circumstances, and how to readjust the program depending on the child’s needs. Lacks academic approach and specific details and more of a self promotional contents.
Profile Image for Megi Popova.
22 reviews
August 6, 2021
There is too much repetition throughout the book. The essence is that you have to leave your child to learn how to get to sleep on its own, remove any props and don't use as sleep methods rocking, nursing to sleep, hugging to sleep, etc. I think these are all common sense.
63 reviews2 followers
December 26, 2017
Pretty basic but good advice. There's repetition in chapters so you don't always need to read it too deeply, but the parts I did need, I reread several times.
Profile Image for Alexa (Fernandez).
Author 4 books1 follower
September 26, 2019
Only on night 2

The author is right. Every night you implement these strategies, the struggling and crying decreases. Just be consistent so your child knows what to expect.
Profile Image for Doroti.
544 reviews
July 14, 2020
Involves a lot of crying.
Too much to deal with.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sarah H.
270 reviews5 followers
March 19, 2017
This short book is a must read for any new parents!! I wish I had it for my first born. I followed the guide for my second and she's an excellent sleeper, even now at 3 1/2. I just re-read it for my third because we got into a bad habit of her sleeping on me and it helped me break her of that and she's now sleeping in her pack and play. Highly recommended for all parents!!!
Profile Image for Diana.
4 reviews20 followers
June 21, 2023
This is the most repetitive book I've ever came across. 75% of it is absolutely copy-pasted and the rest 25% is advertising for itself.
I hated how the author explained over and over again how important early bedtime is and then mentioned how her daughter goes to sleep at 10 pm.
Also, I see nothing revolutionary in it per se.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 40 reviews

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