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A single father struggles to change for his daughters and the woman he loves in this second book in the Cursed Ravens Motorcycle Club series from New York Times bestselling author Chantal Fernando.As a single father of two girls and the sergeant at arms for the Cursed Ravens Motorcycle Club, Jack “Knuckles” Chester doesn’t have much free time. And having earned his road name from his reputation as a fighter, Knuckles isn’t one to back away from a challenge. But what he'll never admit out loud is that his two daughters have changed him irrevocably, softened him even. And these two girls are the only women who will ever hold his heart forever. That is, until he meets Celina. Celina is nothing like the women Knuckles used to date. She’s a journalist for the local newspaper, and basically just has her life together. And the last thing she wants is to be involved with a Cursed Raven. But when the ripped, badass biker worms his way into her heart, she has trouble remembering all the reasons they would never work. But when a shocking story is published her newspaper, it breaks the thin trust she has with Knuckles. Will she lose him forever? Or will Knuckles fight to keep Celina in his life?

215 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 9, 2018

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About the author

Chantal Fernando

75 books5,246 followers
New York Times, Amazon & USA Today Bestselling Author Chantal Fernando is thirty years old and lives in Western Australia.

Lover of all things romance, Chantal is the author of the best selling books Dragon's Lair, Maybe This Time and many more.

When not reading, writing or daydreaming she can be found enjoying life with her three sons and family.

Chantal loves to hear from readers and can be found here:


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Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,803 reviews2,318 followers
July 9, 2018
Amazon US * Amazon UK

Knuckle Down is the second installment of Chantal Fernando's Cursed Ravens MC series and brings us to the Sergeant at Arms story. Jack 'Knuckles' Chester is a single father with a reputation for his fighting but has a soft side that he doesn't try to hide. I loved when we were first introduced to him in the first book but his own story made me love him even harder. He was such a contradiction and I thought it was amazing how we got to meet this tough as nails biker that turned out to be super sweet.

He made this story truly spectacular in my opinion and it was seeing him with Celina that had me loving it so hard. I thought they were great together despite the fact that you wouldn't think a biker and journalist would be a good match. Yet they proved me wrong. There was, of course, some angst thrown in as usual with these books but it was nothing too over the top and instead added a lot of intrigue to the story. I really enjoy when Ms. Fernando gives me that little bit of extra something in the story that keeps me captivated with the characters.

Overall, I loved this book and would definitely recommend it for anyone that wants to meet an adorable, yet bad as hell, biker. And I would say that this book could be read as a standalone with no problem and you won't really get spoiled about the first book in the series.

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Alyssa.
1,069 reviews853 followers
June 16, 2018
3.5 stars. I didn't love this one *as* much as book one, but also didn't dislike it. It had more drama to it, but it was also different in a good way - with it featuring two protagonists that are both experiencing second love (not second-chance romance though). I'm kind of torn about how I feel about the book. Definitely positive, but not obsessed.

***Review posted on The Eater of Books! blog***

Knuckle Down by Chantal Fernando
Book Two of the Cursed Ravens series
Publisher: Pocket Star (Gallery)
Publication Date: July 9, 2018
Rating: 3 stars
Source: eARC from Edelweiss

Summary (from Goodreads):

A single father struggles to change for his daughters and the woman he loves in this second book in the Cursed Ravens Motorcycle Club series from New York Times bestselling author Chantal Fernando.

As a single father of two girls and the sergeant at arms for the Cursed Ravens Motorcycle Club, Jack “Knuckles” Chester doesn’t have much free time. And having earned his road name from his reputation as a fighter, Knuckles isn’t one to back away from a challenge.

But what he'll never admit out loud is that his two daughters have changed him irrevocably, softened him even. And these two girls are the only women who will ever hold his heart forever. That is, until he meets the cousin of another biker’s old lady.

Celina is nothing like the women Knuckles used to date. She’s a journalist for the local newspaper, dresses well, and basically just has her life together. And the last thing she wants is to be involved with a Cursed Raven. But when the ripped, badass biker worms his way into her heart, she has trouble remembering all the reasons they would never work.

But when a scandal at her newspaper breaks the thin trust she has with Knuckles, will she walk away for good? Or will Knuckles fight to keep Celina in his life?

What I Liked:

This book was an honest-to-goodness roller coaster. It had a little bit of everything in it. There was a tough, guarded heroine, a sexy and sweet hero, his two daughters, some baby mama drama, arrests, pregnant strangers, sabotage, plagiarism (our heroine is a journalist)... there was a lot going on, in this book. I'm still trying to decide how I feel about everything. I know I didn't like this book quite as much as I liked Ace of Hearts. That book had a fresh, sexy feel to it. This book involved a lot more drama, and I don't really care for drama. But I did like the protagonists. There were plenty of things to like, but plenty of things that I didn't care for, so I'm torn!

Celina is Erin's cousin (Erin is the female protagonist of Ace of Hearts). Despite her and Erin's age difference - Erin being in her early twenties, Celina being in her late twenties - she and Erin are very close. When Erin invites her to her birthday party at the Cursed Ravens clubhouse, Celina isn't going to say no. There she meets Knuckles, the MC's "protector", and Erin's and Ace's friend... let's just say neither Celina nor Knuckles had a chance, after meeting each other. But both of them have been burned by previous partners, and both of them have trust issues. When Celina's job as a journalist interferes with their fragile trust, she and Knuckles will have to decide if it's game over between them. Celina runs when things get difficult, and Knuckles hides behind his temper. But they both can't hide their feelings for the other, and they both will fight for what they have.

Knuckles was one of my favorite characters from Ace of Hearts, so it was no surprise that I really loved seeing him in a closer light. He's the rough-and-tumble protector of the MC - hence the nickname - but he's also a teddy bear sweetheart. He has two girls - Willow and Westley, around the ages of nine and thirteen, and he loves them dearly. Despite his relationship with their mother Flora not working out, Knuckles has kept things cordial with Flora, and he has gone above and beyond for his daughters (more than Flora). Knuckles is kind and persistent, protective and genuine. He's loyal and honest and just a good person all around.

I loved his relationship with his girls, and I loved the girls too. Usually I do not go for romance novels that feature the hero or heroine with children from a previous relationship. I do not like romance novels with children involved, or surprise pregnancies. But I liked Willow and Westley a lot, and I was pleased with their growing relationship with Celina. She accepted them as Knuckles' children, and she also didn't try to become their mother.

Celina is a tough nut to crack. She has so many walls up because of her last relationship (mind you, she was in a relationship with someone who is still a coworker, which is awkward). She doesn't let anyone in, so it's a miracle that Knuckles got past her defenses. Celina is a strong independent who don't need no man, but she finds one anyway, and he's a strong equal and complement. I liked Celina, I didn't like Celina. Let's put it this way - I liked her sometimes, and other times, I wanted to press her mute button. She was annoying sometimes - her logic didn't always make sense. She passed blame around and didn't accept any, and this always gets on my nerves. But she wasn't all bad, and I definitely see why Erin admires her so much.

As far as Knuckles and Celina's relationship goes, I'd say they are a great match. He's a tough alpha male (though not an alphahole), but also a sweet protector and caregiver. Celina is a tough woman who is guarded but also loves with her whole heart. They get comfortable and peaceful with each other fairly quickly, because they clicked fairly quickly. Their personalities fit together, and their chemistry definitely did too.

I want to say that Ace of Hearts was steamier, but this book had its fair share of sexy times. I feel like the author didn't write out as many though - there were a lot of fade-to-black sexy times.

I said this earlier, but this book was a roller coaster! There was a ton of drama, and a ton of events occurring back to back. You'll have to read the book to see what I mean. But the plot didn't stop until the very end, when the book was over. The ending was a very cute HEA, which is always a good thing. There was a lot going on, but a good HEA makes up for a lot.

What I Did Not Like:

There was a lot of drama in this book, and I personally don't like too much drama in romance novels. For one, Knuckles has a baby mama, and while she doesn't show up for most of the book, she does show up towards the climax, and she's a mess. There is some baby mama drama and it felt so unnecessary and petty. It didn't belong in the story.

And then there was another thing that presented some drama, which I won't talk about because it's super spoiler-y. That thing also felt a little unnecessary, though I do understand why the author worked that trope into the story. It just felt sudden and also near-impossible.

And of course, this book features two protagonists who experience second love with each other. Each of them dealt with lying, cheating exes, before meeting each other. I have nothing against second love romances. It's second-chance romances that I don't like. But somehow, this second love romance had a little too much drama for me. Leave the exes out of the story. But sides of exes felt unnecessary to the story.

I mentioned above how I didn't always like Celina. Sometimes she was irritating. She didn't know how to accept blame, or accept the fact that she was also at fault and also needed to apologize. Knuckles shouldn't be the only one swallowing his pride, at the climax. She needed to fight for him just as much as he fought for her, because the issue was mostly HER fault (not his). He reacted badly, but anyone would, when what Celina did came to light. I felt bad for her because she didn't do everything wrong, but in the end, she should have also been apologizing and trying to win back Knuckles, and not just the other way around. This really irritates me, when it's only the man groveling and begging, but it's the woman who is at fault and should be begging.

I felt like there wasn't as much involving the motorcycle club, in this book. Perhaps because most of the book was spent at Celina's house or away from the clubhouse. I liked how Ace of Hearts showed life inside the clubhouse, and the brotherhood, and the motorcycles. This second book could have been a non-MC-romance novel, honestly.

Also, more sexy times! More written-out sexy times! The fade-to-black scenes were numerous and frustrating. Great chemistry needed to unfold on the page!

Would I Recommend It:

I highly recommend book one, Ace of Hearts. It has basically no drama, no baby mamas, no [insert trope here that I absolutely hate], no children (not that I minded Willow and Westley), and the heroine (Erin) was likable in her entirety. This book... I don't really recommend it like I would the previous book, but it wasn't that bad. Mostly it just wasn't for me.


3.5 stars -> rounded down to 3 stars. I feel positively towards this book, but I just didn't love it like I loved Ace of Hearts. I am really excited about Going Rogue though. Rogue is so dreamy, and I LOVE the sweet nurse + alpha bad boy trope. I can't wait!
Profile Image for Tpagirl Loves Romance.
1,672 reviews173 followers
December 23, 2018
Knuckle Down was the second book in the Cursed Ravens MC series by Chantal Fernando.

Knuckles. We met Knuckles in book one as the MC patched member that became best friends with Erin. He was a single dad, fun loving and quickly became a favorite. When he met Celina, it was the first time that he felt an attraction to someone in years.

Celina. Celina was Erin’s cousin but they were as close as sisters. Celina was a journalist, beautiful, organized, had a plan for her life and never considered a second look at the stereotypical bad boy. She had been let down by all males in her life so she played it safe and guarded herself against any attachments.

Knuckles and Celina had strong chemistry from the start but Celina refused to have anything to do with him until he kept hanging around as “just friends.” The story was told from Celina’s POV until the epilogue, where we were blessed with Knuckles POV. Fernando took us through the development stage, getting to know both of them, their personalities and their baggage; of which they had tons. Fernando also threw in some drama and twists to keep it interesting. Lastly, she provided teasers, setting the stage for future series books.

All in all, it was well written, well developed, a fairly quick read and was enjoyable and entertaining. The gorgeous, mysterious and musical Rogue is up next and I can’t wait!
Profile Image for Lover of Romance.
3,363 reviews1,024 followers
July 25, 2018
This review was originally posted on Addicted To RomanceI received this book for free from Pocket in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Knuckle Down is the second book in this MC series by Fernando and I really liked it, although not my favorite from this author. I wasn't sure how I would feel about this book, since journalist/reporter heroines aren't my favorites and so I was curious to see how Fernando would handle this type of character since most authors never handle them that way I like. I will say that it wasn't quite as bad I was expecting, since there is a certain story line that comes from a journalist/reporter character. But let me lay out the story out for you.

Celina is a journalist and she is looking for a front page story, she is good at what she does, and she likes being able to be the voice to help others when its needed. And it is her passion. So when her cousin has a birthday part at the MC  that her father and man are a part of, Celina is invited and she thinks that this is the perfect opportunity to get an inside look to do a feature. But then she drawns the eye of "Knuckle", a man who is divorced and raising two girls, but is very involved in the MC. Celina has had to close herself off because of her profession, but Knuckle is the first man to make her want to open her heart but doing so might have dangerous consequences.

I really liked having Knuckles book, because he is one of my favorite characters. He is a bit of a bad boy, but deep down he is such a great hero. He is strong, capable, a sweet dad and boy the way he is with his girls is so sweet. I mean he sings Disney songs.....yeah me heart caved because of the hero. The complication with Celina wasn't quite as bad as I was thinking. And I was really relieved that it wasn't handled in the typical way you normally see in romance when you have a heroine that is a journalist. But it did have the "secret" element that I didn't like.

I found the dynamics to their love story quite endearing. There was this sense of chemistry that was powerful, you feel it from the beginning, but we also get to the heart of the relationship and seeing Celina face up to her past and seeing Celina battle with herself and coming to terms with what she has become and what kind of life she wants where love changes her and opens her up to new things and ways of looking at life differently.

I found Knuckle Down to be charming, engaging and a sweet yet wild ride that you find in a MC love tale!!


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 photo Addicted To Romance Reviews 2_zpsplp8m0tb.png
July 9, 2018
This is the second book in the series. We meet Knuckles and Erin's cousin Celina in the first book. Neither are really in the mood for a relationship but sparks sizzle between them. A little fling turns in to so much more.

Love a single parent trope and Knuckles is so great with his pre-teen girls. There is lots of sass and humor in this story. If you are looking for an MC book, I wouldn't necessarily call this series a traditional MC genre. The men are involved in the MC, but most of the action takes place away from the work of the MC. we see the club house and meet the rest of the guys in the club. But the story focuses on the romance of the main characters. Just fair warning--doesn't take away from the story at all.

Loved Celina the most in this one. One well put together lady with lots of thick walls around her heart, Just takes one persistent biker to make her re-assess what she thought she knew. Great awakening for her.

Looking forward to more from this author!

*Complimentary copy provided via Netgalley for an honest review.
Profile Image for ✰  BJ's Book Blog ✰Janeane ✰.
2,898 reviews12 followers
July 4, 2018
ARC received for an honest review

Oh. My. Knuckles!

I adored you as Erin's "best friend" in Ace of Hearts, but now I have a full blown crush on you!

And if you have read the first book, you will remember Celina, Erin's cousin? She's older than Erin, but in some ways she feels younger.

And when the biker and the journo meet - well, things don't go the way either of them expect, but boy is is better than anything either wanted.

A journalist and a biker together -yeah, you can see the conflict between them coming a mile away, however it was not what I expected it was going to be.

A single dad, Knuckles really is all kinds of swoonworthy when he is with his girls. I mean... le sigh. You need to look past the kutte and the rumours about bikers to get to the real man.

I love the push/pull between Celina and Knuckles- well, him pushing for more, and Celina pulling away lol. There is such a spark between them that you can't help but want them to get more.

Was great to get more of the Cursed Ravens MC, loved seeing where Erin and Ace were at in their relationship, and I neeeeeed to know more about Rogue/


Can't wait for Going Rogue - even though it is only a few weeks away, it is too far away!

Gimme gimme gimme!

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Profile Image for Alecia (The Staircase Reader).
1,062 reviews71 followers
July 9, 2018
Knuckle Down is the second book in the Cursed Ravens MC series. This is Knuckle's story. Knuckle is not only the Sergeant at Arms of the MC, he's also a single father to two beautiful daughters. He not only does what it takes to protect his club but also what it takes to protect his family.

Knuckle's swore to himself that he would never let another woman back in, given the horrible relationship he had with his girl's mother, who would blame him. A relationship is nothing if there isn't trust and Flora proved over and over again that she couldn't trust Knuckles..

Celina is a journalist for one of the biggest newspapers in her town. Her dream has always been to have her article on the front page. When her cousin Erin invites her to the MC clubhouse for Erin's birthday party, she didn't go with the intention of finding a man. But when she meets Knuckles all bets are off the table.

One thing I loved about this novel is how independent Celina is. I loved her strength throughout this novel. I also loved the fact that Knuckles respected her independence and let Celina have her way. As these two became closer I learned that each of them is tearing down the others walls. These two are more similar than I thought.

I am a sucker for a single father romance, especially when that single father is a member of a Motorcycle Club. I love the fierceness that comes along with the character, the promise of doing anything to protect what's his.

Overall, I really enjoyed Knuckle Down. This was a fast read for me, with compelling storytelling and an on the edge of your seat romance, I was intrigued. However, I did rate this a 4 out of 5 stars due to the insta-love concept and the somewhat predictability that came along with it. I did love Knuckle but, so far in this series, Ace is still my favorite.

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The Staircase Reader
Profile Image for Mary Mooney.
2,490 reviews58 followers
August 1, 2018
I received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads, so here is my review.
Jack "Knuckles" Chester is the sergeant at arms for the Cursed Ravens Motorcycle Club and he earned his road name for fighting. But with two daughters he doesn't have a lot of time for them. He wants to change that and he wants to find a woman of his own but he doesn't trust easily because the last one cheated on him.
Celina is the cousin of Erin, Knuckles bestie and old lady of Ace, Knuckles' brother and daughter of Gage, the MC's president. When Celina shows up for Erin's birthday party, Knuckles already knows who she is and wants to get to know her better. He doesn't think that her being a journalist for the local newspaper is a problem for the club. Celina also has trust issues because of a cheating ex-boyfriend. She doesn't see a relationship with Knuckles going anywhere. Although she is attracted to him, she keeps pushing him away.
While Knuckles keeps pushing his way back into Celina's life, she is dropping her walls and things are moving along good. That is until her boss and ex-boyfriend run a story and put her name on it, the thin layer of trust between Knuckles and Celina is ripped in two.
Can they get the trust back and repair their relationship? Will Knuckles stop long enough to listen to her side of the story? Can Celina tell him the secret she just learned without him leaving for good? Oh, and you will not believe the zinger at the end, OMG!
I am loving this series and can't wait for more. It seems to get better with each book. I loved the first one and I think this one was better but I can't wait to see who the next one will be about, maybe Rogue? Anyway if you are looking for a great MC story, grab this one and enjoy!

Wicked Reads Review Team
Profile Image for Teresa.
1,295 reviews3 followers
June 19, 2018
**I received a copy of Knuckle Down from Net Galley in exchange for a voluntary and honest review**

Knuckle Down is the second book in Ms. Fernando's Cursed Ravens MC series. If I were to compare Wind Dragon's vs.Cursed Ravens MC it would be a toss up because they are both equally good. This is Knuckle and Celina's story and I give it a high 4.8 stars.

Celina who happens to be Erin's cousin from the first book is a gifted journalists looking for a story within the Ravens clubhouse. When she meets Knuckles a single dad of two girls the attraction between the two is a bit frosty but he knows that he can win her heart. There will be misunderstanding that will bring them back together once again. As well as a young girl who the Raven's take in while their brother is in jail who'll try to take someone precious from Knuckle and Celina.

Jack "Knuckle" Chester is the Sergeant at Arms for the Cursed Ravens but when he meets Celina at her cousin's party he just knows that she is the one for him. First she has to pass his daughter's test of meeting her before he goes any farther and of course Celina's three dogs need to meet everyone also. When an article is published without her knowledge they will step away until she finds out that her boss is now being sued for publishing it. But all in all Knuckle and Celina will follow their hearts and become the family that both of them want so much.
Profile Image for Marie Vasquez.
1,598 reviews78 followers
August 10, 2018
I am TOTALLY crushing on the Cursed Raven men. Each of them are absolute badasses but have marshmallow hearts. Sexy, brawny and gentle. I’m such a sucker for that combo. Who wouldn’t be?

In Knuckled Down we get the story of Knuckles, Cursed Ravens Sergeant-at-Arms, and Celina Hutton, journalist. In the previous book, we see a lot of Knuckles as he becomes Erin’s bestie. He’s kind, funny and easygoing when it comes to his Ravens family. And Celina is Erin’s older cousin.

They shared an instant connection when they first meet but Celina is very independent and controlled. She’s career driven and after having had her heartbroken is looking for nor does she have any time for a man in her life. But Knuckles is quite smitten and VERY persistent.

With lots of wooing they begin a beautiful relationship filled with passion that just melted my heart and made me smile.

The Cursed Ravens MC may be made up of criminals with hard exteriors but with the right woman, their softer sides could rival the clouds. And now I’m SUPER excited for the next book, because I’ve had my eye on Rogue from the moment he played guitar and sang.
Profile Image for Maria11.
1,942 reviews38 followers
July 7, 2018
3 to 3 1/2 Stars.

For the life of me I could not get into this story. The characters just seemed flat. I enjoyed Knuckles in the last book, but he didn’t even seem like the same character. He seemed dull and kind of blah. I really didn’t feel a connection with him and Celina. Celina was just a cold flat out mean person. She was so mean to knuckles and she too was just flat. I couldn’t relate to her at all.

This book seemed so different from the first. It is almost like a different person wrote it. The characters before got on my nerves, but I was into them. This time the story was a chore to get done.

Was very disappointed. Received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.
Profile Image for Tracy.
684 reviews22 followers
July 7, 2018
Digging deeper than the first book, Knuckle Down is the second book of The Cursed Ravens MC. It can be read as a standalone, but the first book gives the reader a bit more going in, understanding Knuckles.

Celina and Knuckles meet at Celina's cousin's- also Knuckles new "bestie"- birthday party. The two have an instant spark, but they have both loved and been burned. Knuckles has children, and they come first for him. Celina is a journalist, He's with an MC, their story shouldn't make sense, but it does. Their story is about learning to trust again, and opening up after being hurt. The characters are damaged, but not broken, and are learning that from each other.

Their story has some more drama than the first book, and it's just as exciting. It's quickly paced and easy to get lost in.

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Profile Image for The Romance Book Disciple (Samantha).
2,016 reviews347 followers
June 19, 2018
Predictable (she is a journalist so you can see exactly what the climax is going to be) and I didn't like Celina and Knuckles as much as Erin and Ace but overall still an enjoyable story. There were still a few surprises at the end that I did NOT see coming.
Profile Image for Rose  Puls .
1,867 reviews323 followers
February 29, 2020
"Tonight took an unexpected turn, but I guess that's what happens when you party with bikers."

I was intrigued by the idea of a journalist with a biker, the whole good-girl/bad-boy, right? Celina thought so too, "The tattoos give him that bad-boy, I don't give a fuck vibe, although boy is not a word I'd ever use to describe him. Bad man just doesn't have the same ring to it though." She shows up at the 'biker party' because it's her cousin Erin's birthday. Erin is the very recently discovered daughter of the club president and she's Celina's younger cousin. They are very close and nothing could keep her from attending...wearing her little black dress. As you can imagine, she's not what The Cursed Ravens MC are used to. But she makes a very good impression on Knuckles. So good, that for the first time, he considers making room in his life for someone other than his daughters.

Well, after his careful consideration, he made up his mind. And as I'm sure you already know, once that happens there's no changing his mind. He's the sergeant at arms for the club, and he's used to making things happen. There's no hope for Celina to be able to resist this sexy badass biker when he lays on the charm. And when she finds out that he's her cousin's bestie, and then meets his daughters, game over.

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed being inside Celina's head, knowing her thoughts. Apparently, he doesn't have a filter so he always verbalizes his, much to my amusement. She tries to convince herself, "Didn't he understand the silent conversation we had last night? We aren't supposed to see each other again. He asked me out, I said no, and that's it. That's how the story ends." I'm so happy that Knuckles doesn't take no for an answer and continues his pursuit. "And even in my dreams, the bastard finds me."

I fell even further in love with the characters that make up this amazing MC family. Their love and support for each other in addition to their incredible sense of humor had me sighing and smiling throughout. I'm really looking forward to each of the books that will feature a different member of the club. I'm especially excited about Rogue that's up next. The line forms here...
Profile Image for Keyrsten.
125 reviews3 followers
July 9, 2018
Celina is fiercely independent and has worked hard for everything she has. She is loyal to a fault and never wants to be the type of woman who needs to depend on a man for anything. Currently she is working at her dream job at the biggest newspaper in the city and she is more determined then ever to get one of her stories on the front page. She can't afford any distractions ... that is till the brute of a man from her cousin's motorcycle club comes barreling into her life, refusing to let her deny the chemistry between the two of them. Celina tries to fight it with everything she has, but before she knows it she is consumed with this man ... but will her loyalty to him cost her the only job she ever wanted?

Knuckles used to be the man that fought now and asked questions later, after all they didn't give him the nickname "Knuckles" for nothing. That all changed the moment he became a father. His girls mean the world to him. No woman has been able to hold his attention in years, that is until he is doing research into the cousin journalist of his bestie before she comes to the clubhouse for a birthday party. The minute he sees Celina's picture on one of her articles, he knows she's the missing piece he didn't know he was looking for. He will do everything in his power to show her that they can be amazing together, but will they be able to make it through when his trust in her falters?

I loved the idea of Celina and Knuckles together the minute he first approaches her at he clubhouse. He challenges her in a way that is endearing and not domineering. Their chemistry is electric and the tension between them is palatable. For the most part he listens to what she has to say, but let's be real we all have our moments where we refuse to listen even though we should. The witty banter they have with one another is just the cherry on the top of what is this Knuckles sundae. This is their second chances at love, and if you ask me I'm glad their first chances failed so that they could find one another.

The relationships between all of the characters were a treat to see. All of the characters felt well developed and their relationships complimented each other in different ways. Celina is able to interact with Willow and Westly in a way that is caring and loving, without trying to be their mother. She in no way wants to replace their mother, but instead wants to be a force they can turn to if need be. I have to say that seeing Celina interact with Akeira and Erin were some of my favorite parts. I don't want to spoil the scene, but be on the lookout for when Celina introduces Knuckles to Akeira cause I was cackling the entire time.

I wish I would have gotten to see some of the story through Knuckles' eyes. We see a glimpses of how he is feeling throughout their entire relationship, but I feel like those emotions could have been more raw and felt easier if the readers could have been with him right in the moment feeling them as he was. It would have given just another facet to his character that would have been refreshing to see.

I'm not going to say what it is, because it'll spoil an integral part of the story, but I did not see that coming. My first thought was ,"What the fuck? How?" because it came right out of left field. When Celina talks her way through it I start to see where it came from, but I feel like the hints leading us there were a little too subtle. When it actually happened it slapped me in the face and left me disoriented.

Knuckles and Celina are the opposites of what they thought they needed, but sometimes we don't always know what's best for ourselves. They are passionate, loyal, and challenge each other in a way that is admirable. Neither of them were looking for their second chance at love, but sometimes it finds you when you least expect it.
Profile Image for Sandy S.
7,366 reviews189 followers
July 5, 2018
3.75 stars--

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 9, 2018

A single father struggles to change for his daughters and the woman he loves in this second book in the Cursed Ravens Motorcycle Club series from New York Times bestselling author Chantal Fernando.

As a single father of two girls and the sergeant at arms for the Cursed Ravens Motorcycle Club, Jack “Knuckles” Chester doesn’t have much free time. And having earned his road name from his reputation as a fighter, Knuckles isn’t one to back away from a challenge.

But what he'll never admit out loud is that his two daughters have changed him irrevocably, softened him even. And these two girls are the only women who will ever hold his heart forever. That is, until he meets the cousin of another biker’s old lady.

Celina is nothing like the women Knuckles used to date. She’s a journalist for the local newspaper, dresses well, and basically just has her life together. And the last thing she wants is to be involved with a Cursed Raven. But when the ripped, badass biker worms his way into her heart, she has trouble remembering all the reasons they would never work.

But when a scandal at her newspaper breaks the thin trust she has with Knuckles, will she walk away for good? Or will Knuckles fight to keep Celina in his life?


REVIEW: 3.75 stars--KNUCKLE DOWN is the second instalment in Chantal Fernando’s contemporary, adult CURSED RAVENS erotic, MC romance series focusing on the members of the Cursed Ravens MC. This is thirty-three year old, Sargent at Arms and single father Jack ‘Knuckles’ Chester, and twenty-seven year old journalist Celina Hutton’s story line. KNUCKLE DOWN can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed were necessary. The Cursed Ravens MC is a spin off from the author’s Wind Dragon MC series and advances the new series arc several years. Celina is the cousin of Erin Dawson –Ace of Hearts Book one.

Told from first person point of view (Celina Hutton) KNUCKLE DOWN follows the building relationship between the Cursed Ravens MC Sargent at Arms and single father Jack ‘Knuckles’ Chester, and journalist Celina Hutton. At her cousin’s birthday party, held at the Cursed Ravens MC property, Celina Hutton would come face to face with her future, in the guise of single father Jack ‘Knuckles’ Chester, a man who loves his daughters, and is very much a man willing to give Celina Hutton a chance with his family. Celina is a struggling journalist who is hoping for the one story that will place her on the front page, a story that could very well involve the Cursed Ravens MC but a story she will destroy when she finds herself falling in love. What ensues is the building romance between Celina and Knuckles; the potential fall-out as Celina is betrayed by the people with whom she works, and a much larger betrayal by someone within the Cursed Ravens MC.

Celina and Knuckles have both been burned in the past, and a very independent Celina struggles to let anyone get close. Knuckles’ first priority are his two young daughters but meeting Celina Hutton has our hero thinking about a potential future for himself and his girls.

The relationship between Celina and Knuckles is one of immediate attraction but Celina is quick to rebuff Knuckles’ overt flirting and attempts at seduction. The $ex scenes are intimate, passionate and hot, without the use of over the top, sexually graphic, language and text.

KNUCKLE DOWN is a dramatic story that focuses on family, friendships, betrayal and trust but the story line focuses more on the relationship than the Cursed Ravens MC. The premise is fast paced, revealing and engaging; the romance is sassy, edgy and hot; the characters are charismatic, likable and colorful.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Profile Image for Rachel (The Rest Is Still Unwritten).
1,601 reviews212 followers
July 14, 2018
Thank you to Give Me Books Promotions and author Carmen Jenner for allowing me to read this in exchange for an honest review!

Find this review and more on my blog The Rest Is Still Unwritten!

Chantal Fernando is back with another deeply passionate and satisfying romance, Knuckle Down, the second novel in her Cursed Raven MC series and once again draws readers into this close band of brothers and the women they fall for.

As a journalist for a local paper and a woman used to looking after herself, Celina Hutton prides herself on her direct attitude and her ability to play with the big boys. She never expected to find herself caught up in a motorcycle club however….which is exactly what happens when she joins her younger cousin Erin for birthday celebrations at the clubhouse where Erin’s father reigns and finds herself unexpectedly attracted to the Cursed Raven’s member Knuckles. Bearded, tattooed Knuckles isn’t the kind of male Celina would normally be attracted to with his shaved head and cocky attitude, but there’s something about him that calls to her. Despite her best efforts, Celina soon finds herself falling for Knuckles but as someone who has been hurt before, Celina is used to keeping her guard up. Will Knuckles be able to crack through Celina’s wall? Or will their relationship only bring more pain into her life?

Knuckle Down is yet another deeply enjoyable MC romance rich in passion, sensuality, humour and family. Continuing to explore the Cursed Raven's MC, Chantal Fernando this time brings to life the story of Celina, cousin to previous main character Erin, and Knuckles who we had the pleasure of meeting in the first book. Knuckle Down is another fast paced novel with a romance that heats up and flairs to life quite quickly. The part of me who hates her characters coming on too strong bristled at this, but for the most part I felt their romance was written really well.

Celina is a strong and independent woman, something she prides herself on. She's also very guarded, the result of being hurt by past relationships. Knuckles is in for a fight winning her affections, but as you would expect from the hardheaded and strong-willed biker, he is determined to convince Celina to give a relationship with him a go. It was entertaining seeing Knuckles refuse to back down or let Celina withdraw while also respecting her need to set the pace.

I thought it was very adorable on Fernando's part to include Knuckles daughters in the story, Westley and Willow. Being a father gives Knuckles more substance than just being your typical biker. Obviously being a biker doesn't mean a person can't be a family man, but in this novel having daughters especially seemed to bring out a softer side to the male hero of the story that really worked in my eyes.

So much fun to read and quick to devour, Knuckle Down was another great MC novel from Chantal Fernando. Fernando is my go-to gal for MC novels and continues to retain this title with another great novel. Can't wait to read the next one featuring Rogue!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jan .
2,156 reviews45 followers
July 8, 2018

Knuckle down is the second book in the series and can be read as a standalone. I haven't read the first book which I now know is Erin's story. Erin is already a member of the MC and has a cousin Celina and Celina is introduced to the club members for the first time when Erin is throwing her birthday party at the club house and this is how Celina meets knuckles and their epic story begins.

I enjoyed this book and I liked both characters. Celina is a person who is put together well she is no pushover and can be ballsy when she wants to be this is a quality in her that instantly attracts Knuckles who is a single dad within the MC.

Knuckles isn't the usual man-whore type of biker,he really is a loving dad and a great guy. Both have been cheated on in the past and it seems fate brought them both together at the right time.

The synopisis is pretty much the book in a nut shell, there are no hidden surprises.
There is no heavy drama in Knuckle down and any angst is quickly resolved by the next chapter. Knuckle down is an easy read really, An MC romance that focuses mainly on the characters, its fast paced and the hotness, drama and other club business is balanced out throughout making this a book where you want to keep turning the pages.

I enjoyed it and would definitely read more in this series
Arc received for review purposes

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Profile Image for Rebecca.
2,860 reviews156 followers
August 11, 2018
At face value, there’s no way that Knuckles, the Cursed Ravens Motorcycle Club’s sergeant-at-arms and single dad, and Celina, Erin’s cousin and a journalist for the local newspaper, should want anything to do with one another…not only because they live in contradictory worlds, but they also seem to be on opposite sides when it comes to breaking the law.

But despite Knuckles and Celina’s very obvious differences, it’s clear from their initial interactions and the more than mutual attraction, that there’s something worth pursuing between them, even if Knuckles thought he’d never want anything ‘real’ with another woman after his ex and the fact that Celina’s walls seem to be even higher than his own, which means he’ll have to work if he wants anything with her other than a whole lot of sexual chemistry.

I absolutely adored Knuckles in Erin and Ace’s story, not only because he was Erin’s ‘bestie,’ but because it was easy to see just how much he loves his two daughters; he’s a born protector, refusing to allow his girls or his brothers to get hurt or suffer needlessly if he can help it.

Celina’s an interesting heroine; she’s fiercely independent and driven to succeed, and she seems to have a standard way to live her life, which means that if someone or something doesn’t fit her wants and needs, adding something to the good life she has then it’s not worth it, but she can’t seem to completely control herself when it comes to Knuckles.

The storyline is a bit predictable, given Celina’s profession, her desire to get her name on her newspaper’s front page, and the fact that the public doesn’t know much about the Cursed Ravens Motorcycle Club, but those factors didn’t really prevent my enjoyment of the story. It also helps that the climax of the conflict doesn’t occur at the end of the story; in fact, after revelations threaten to destroy Celina and Knuckles’ fairly new relationship, there’s a lot more to their story, and while other complications arise, they’re working together a lot more than they’re working against each other.

There’s so much more to a motorcycle club than their illegal activities and the out of control parties they throw, and Chantal Fernando presents those ideas through Celina’s eyes, which adds credence to her perspective and allows for a less judgmental understanding of all of the characteristics that make up an MC brotherhood.

Bring on Rogue’s story!

4 Poison Apples (The Fairest of All Book Reviews)
Profile Image for Doris.
2,974 reviews120 followers
June 25, 2018
Would any biker ever bring a journalist into their MC clubhouse knowing what trouble that could possible mean for their club? The Cursed Ravens MC are not choir boys, they live a criminals life and have the law just waiting to bring them down. So what was Knuckles thinking bringing Celina into their inner sanctum? Celina first stepped foot into the clubhouse because her closet friend and cousin Erin, was the guest of honor for a party being thrown for her. Erin’s father was the club’s Prez and she is now engaged to Ace who happens to be a Cursed Raven as well.

Celina is a person of ethics and one h*ll of a journalist and she has no intention of doing a trash story on the club members. Sure her journalist self can’t help being curious especially since no one gets to enter their clubhouse unless otherwise invited.

Knuckles is the sergeant of arms for the club and totally looks the part. He is a man of many surprises with each one wishing you were the one at the receiving end of the things that this man can offer.

Be ready for surprises and what a biker is willing to do to win over a very self-confident, self-made woman. I can’t wait to see what’s next for the ever expanding Cursed Ravens.
Profile Image for Nicole.
930 reviews147 followers
July 19, 2018
I really enjoyed this one! I'm giving it 4.5 out of 5 stars. This review is for an ARC, and reflects my honest opinion.

Oh man, I absolutely loved Knuckles in this one! He was an amazing dad, and such a sweet guy. The way he was with Celina and his girls...it melted my heart. I did connect with Celina more than I did with Erin in the previous book. Maybe because she loves writing/reading, she's older, and has been burned in relationships before? I could keep listing reasons why I liked her better.

I loved seeing more of the characters from the previous book, and also meeting some new ones. I will say that nothing really surprised me plot wise, but I usually guess things pretty easily, so it's probably just me. The epilogue, and the ending to the chapter right before it, were super cute. It tied up the book nicely, even though I wanted more still, because I loved the characters.

This was a fast, enjoyable read. I could have easily read it in one sitting, if life didn't get in the way of me doing that. I can't wait to read the next book! I'll be sad when I'm done with this series. But that being said, I want to go back and read Chantal's other MC series to compare my feelings.
Profile Image for Caro.
1,492 reviews
June 18, 2018
Let's break it down....

Celina: journo, Erins cousin and likes to spew in churches!

Knuckles: Sergeant at arms in Cursed Ravens MC.

Umm....hold up. MC man and a journo together? Oh there's going to be fireworks!

We met Knuckles in Ace of Hearts, newly appointed bestie of Erin and single Dad. He stole the show for me, the way he loves his daughters and the way he set his sights on Celina and went for her! But he find that Celina is a tough cookie to crack!

Then cue the action......

This is a 2nd chance romance with drama everywhere but it was also very, very sweet in places and steamier in others and the ending was perfection!

I hear that Rogue is next. And I need him. So need him!
Profile Image for Up All Night With Books.
1,157 reviews43 followers
June 26, 2018
5 Stars
Review by Terren
Late Night Reviewer
Up All Night w/ Books Blog

Chantal Fernando's Knuckle Down, the second in the Cursed Ravens MC, did not disappoint. In this book we meet Celina and Knuckle, both who made appearances in the first book. Celina is Erin’s cousin and Knuckles is Erin’s best friend from the club. Opposites attract just like in the first novel.

Celina who is more brash than Erin, accepts all of Knuckles, his girls and his lifestyle. Loyal to the core, Celina and Knuckles learn about old flames, babies being kidnapped and finding that one true love.

Chantal Fernando writes books you want to read, with remarkable stories that don’t take up a lot of your time. I highly recommend the Cursed Ravens series, you'll devour it in one sitting.

**ARC provided for honest review**
Profile Image for Heather andrews.
9,520 reviews162 followers
June 21, 2018

I liked that when Knuckles tells his woman no he gives a compliment with it, “I’ll take your word for it,” he replies cheerfully. “But you are not driving my new car, no matter how nice your legs are.” Knuckles is possessive the man doesn't want others seeing what's his, “I do like that skirt,” he murmurs, not hiding the fact that he’s clearly checking me out. “Kind of want to kill anyone who is walking right behind you though.” Knuckles is just an unfiltered man, "...happy I managed to use the bathroom all sneakily, when he goes, “You know if you need to **** you can just do it. I know women need to poop too.” I loved this book, Knuckles was so loyal and attentive to those he loved.
Profile Image for Bette Hansen.
5,069 reviews40 followers
July 20, 2018

Loved this one. Knuckles is so swoon worthy and I love how he is with his girls. He and Celina are great together. I was impressed how he stuck with her even both his MC and he has worries about her job as a journalist. Definitely a recommended read.
Profile Image for Nicky نیکی.
159 reviews92 followers
December 24, 2019

This book was just so poorly written that I couldn’t continue it. No character development, boring, one dimensional characters, uninteresting plotline, etc.
Profile Image for Shahla's World.
366 reviews7 followers
July 30, 2018
I was so excited to start this book because I wanted to follow knuckle's story and also because this blurb sounded amazing. I wasn't wrong about it, I loved this story.

I can already tell this is going to be an amazing series and can't wait to get more of these brothers. Definitely a recommended read from me.

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Gail.
1,264 reviews24 followers
July 10, 2018
**I received a copy of Knuckle Down from Net Galley in exchange for a voluntary and honest review**
Knuckle Down is the second book in Chantal Fernando's Cursed Ravens MC series. This is Knuckles and Celina's book... It did not disapoint. I think this is my Fave in this series todate..
Celina is Erin's cousin (book 1) ans she is a Journelist for a local paperWhen she gets a invite to the cursed Ravens Clubhouse she thinks its would be a neat idea to write about how great these people are vs the bad you hear about.. Knuckles is the Sergent at Arms for the Cursed Ravens. There is a instant replay attraction between the two.. Celina tries to resist Knuckles because she had a bad experience with a past boyfriend.. but things don't necessarly go as planned. Someone from her past trys to set her up at work to look as if she betrayed the MC..
When push comes to shove will Knuckles and the rest of the Cursed Ravens have her back or will they turn theirs on her?
Thank you for this amazing read.
Profile Image for BookAddict  ✒ La Crimson Femme.
6,826 reviews1,399 followers
May 10, 2021
A quick follow up to the first book in this series, Knuckle Down can be read as a standalone. I have to say, I liked this one better than the first, even if the conflict could be seen from miles away. The main man in this book is Knuckles. He is a sweet and straight forward guy who somehow became Erin's bestie in the last book. Knuckles is a single father of two adorable and precocious pre-teens. When these two start dating, Knuckles may just lose it. Then again, he may be the kind of father that teaches his girls how to take care of themselves and not depend on any man. I digress.

The love interest for Knuckle is none other than Erin's cousin, Celina. Without even reading the book, I can tell exactly where this is headed. Celina is a journalist. Journalist + Motorcycle club equals no bueno. As expected, the conflict is not good. Happily, Ms. Fernando uses it only as a small plot device instead of centering the enter book around it. For this, I'm grateful.

I liked Celina. She is a woman who works hard and does her best to be successful. Based on the article topics she wrote, she is one of the last ethical and true journalist. I admire her for her moral code and her determination to make right what has been wrong.

The fun in this story is Celina and Knuckle's courtship. Both are tentative and both come with baggage. What carries the book for me is their romantic development as well as the character development. This book's character driven theme works well for me because I found both Celina and Knuckles likeable. Celina's responses to conflict is nicely done and shows both her maturity and thinking about others. Her snarky attitude and how she interacts with her best friend is a fun touch. Ms. Fernando's writing style continues to weave a great tale and I can't wait to see what she writes next. This story is recommended to romance readers who like motorcycle club and independent women who fall in love with tough guys.

*provided by Edelweiss
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