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THE UNINVITED Despite being a scaredy-cat and crybaby, high schooler Tetsu finds himself working at the eerie estate on the hill, where Shizu–the only child of the Karasawa family–is secreted away. However, his friendship with Shizu quickly turns to fear when several spirits of the dead appear before him, borrowing her appearance. As he struggles to find the humanity in her supernatural condition, Tetsu must also face a question at once terrifying and heartbreaking: What if the true Shizu never returns?

176 pages, ebook

First published September 11, 2015

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Megumi Morino

39 books67 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 59 reviews
Profile Image for Lucía Cafeína.
1,793 reviews208 followers
February 24, 2020
Sigo sorprendidísima por lo que se esconde tras estas portadas tan idílicas/románticas: en este segundo tomo conocemos más acerca de la protagonista y de todos los espíritus que se toman la libertad de ocupar su cuerpo, además de sumergirnos aún más en la personalidad de él, quien es mucho más blandito de lo que pudiera parecer en un primer momento. Se me hacen demasiado cortitos, hay tanto que quiero saber...
Profile Image for Buchstapler.
107 reviews17 followers
March 18, 2018
Es ist mir leider irgendwie schwer gefallen wieder in die Geschichte zurückzufinden. Die Entwicklungen empfand ich zudem etwas verwirrend. Grundsätzlich nach wie vor ein interessanter Manga, aber irgendwie konnte es mich diesmal nicht ganz so überzeugen.
Profile Image for Lucía.
73 reviews5 followers
February 2, 2021
*En realidad es un 4.5 pero aquí no se pueden poner medias estrellas y un cuatro me parecía poco para semejante tomo*
Profile Image for Zian B..
2,087 reviews31 followers
April 4, 2021
More of a 3.5 star rating;
Shizu’s reckless behavior in this volume scares me greatly but I like that Tetsu is starting to act more caring towards her. After those last few pages, I absolutely don’t trust Shizu’s father. Also, I really wish we could learn more about Tetsu’s mom and specifically her condition/illness; I hope that gets addressed soon since I’m very curious about that.
Profile Image for Dennise.
351 reviews54 followers
August 3, 2020
Why does this dude keeps on dropping his savings like just leave them at home or smth lmaooo fr
Profile Image for Lynn.
1,604 reviews42 followers
January 21, 2019
Today's post is on Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty, volume 2 by Megumi Morino. It is 176 pages long and is published by Kodansha Comics. It is the second in her Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty series. The cover has the two main characters on it. The intended reader is someone who has read the first volume, likes shojo manga, and retelling of fairy tales. There is no foul language, no sex, and no violence in this story. The story is told from third persons close of the main character. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the back of the book- THE UNINVITED
Despite being a scaredy-cat and crybaby, high schooler Tetsu finds himself working at the eerie estate on the hill, where Shizu–the only child of the Karasawa family–is secreted away. However, his friendship with Shizu quickly turns to fear when several spirits of the dead appear before him, borrowing her appearance. As he struggles to find the humanity in her supernatural condition, Tetsu must also face a question at once terrifying and heartbreaking: What if the true Shizu never returns?

Review- We pick up right where left off with Tetsu working for and being afraid of working for Shizu. But he has some hard things to think about concerning her. She is avoiding Tetsu because she does not want to frighten anyone but it more than just that. She does not have the basic will to live. A ghost follow Tetsu and possesses her and then refuses to leave because if Shizu does not want to live her life then he should do it for her. That makes Tetsu start to really think about Shizu and the kind of lonely life she has had to live up to now. This volume was slow to get going but once Tetus started to deal with the ghost and Shizu, it starting going faster. I am curious about how Shizu can be saved and who in her family does not want that and why.

I give this volume a Four out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I bought this manga with my own money.
Profile Image for Rêveuse Eveillée.
287 reviews11 followers
July 4, 2018

Si le premier tome de cette série m'avait beaucoup intriguée et surprise de par la manière dont la mangaka traite des sujets évoqués, la suite gagne en maturité et a accru mon intérêt pour cette série.

Tetsu a accepté de s'occuper du ménage chez Shizu, après avoir découvert sa particularité. L'ambiance entre les deux personnages devient de plus en plus bizarre, à cause du malaise qui persiste entre eux deux et de la peu omniprésente de Tetsu. Autant dire tout de suite qu'ils marchent sur des oeufs quand ils sont ensemble.

On se rend de plus en plus d'à quel point la vie de Shizu peut être difficile. En effet, celle-ci doit cohabiter avec plusieurs fantômes dans son corps, qui ont chacun leur caractère et des envies particulières.

De fait, la rencontre entre Tetsu et Mirei est vraiment explosive car celle-ci n'en fait qu'à sa tête, bien qu'elle tente d'aider Shizu de sa propre manière assez particulière.

Shizu et Tetsu doivent donc apprendre à se connaître et à s'appréhender. C'est un très beau manga sur l'acceptation de soi et d'autrui.

On en apprend toujours plus sur la vie de Shizu et sa famille, mais surtout sur la raison pour laquelle elle se soucis plus des autres que d'elle-même. Mais aussi sur la famille de Tetsu et ses amis, notamment Chihiro qui s'inquiète pour lui, ou encore ses petites soeurs.

Les dessins quant à eux sont toujours aussi beaux et expressif : un véritable régal pour les yeux !

Chaque nouveau tome de Good Morning, Little Briar-Rose révèle son lot de belles surprises et donne à chaque fois un peu plus envie d'en savoir plus sur Tetsu et Shizu. Cette série en vaut vraiment le coup d'oeil et devient toujours plus intéressante à chaque nouveau tome !
Profile Image for Shirley.
904 reviews82 followers
July 18, 2023
I pretty much read dive into this series blindly, the synopsis is interesting but I didn’t expect it to be a lil on heavier side, heartwarming and heart-touching with a lil occult aspect. A lil content warning there’s 1-2 scene of physical abuse and some emotional abuse (neglect) in the series. I like how the relatable the ml is, he’s scared of occult stuff and reacted like how most people would but he try his best to handle it better and understand how others feels. He’s so caring, reliable, and emotionally strong, he’s expressive and empathetic but he’s most definitely not a pushover. I kinda sad for the fl because of her condition she’s being neglected by her own parents, think of her like Rapunzel, sure they provided her with basic necessity but none emotionally. I’m just glad she has kind souls that surrounded and try to protect, help, and encourage her to learn how to be herself. I’m glad to see the growth of not only the ml & fl but also the supporting characters. I thoroughly enjoy this series, it warms my heart.
Just in case, prepare some tissue when you read this book, especially on the later volume.
Profile Image for Melissa.
1,031 reviews34 followers
May 28, 2018
Le premier tome de cette série plutôt originale m’avait beaucoup plu ! C’est donc pour cela que je n’ai pas tardé à me procurer et à lire cette suite.

Ce second volume est dans la continuité du premier, on apprend à connaître un peu mieux les personnages. Tetsu n’est pas très à l’aise en présence de Shizu depuis qu’il connaît son lourd secret.

D’un autre côté, Shizu et les personnes « avec qui elle partage son enveloppe corporelle » nous montrent à quoi doit ressembler le quotidien de personnes souffrant de ce trouble de la personnalité. Seulement, avec des personnalités plutôt différentes et drôles, cela donne de la légèreté à l’histoire.

Un tome deux qui m’a encore une fois beaucoup plu. Je risque de craquer très vite pour le troisième !

Profile Image for Alisha.
957 reviews88 followers
February 3, 2018
So, Tetsu is low-key freaking out about the spirits, he's kind of scared but he doesn't want to be and he's determined to overcome his fear and work with Shizu to get to know her better so he's less afraid. I had to admire his determination considering how much of a scaredy cat he can be! The third spirit, Mirei, makes an appearance in this volume. She's kind of a cow, I'm not going to lie but I'm wondering if there's more to her beneath her bitchy exterior. Haru remains in first place as my favourite!

We also get a new spirit this volume, who appears to be sticking around, and pretty much takes Tetsu for all he's worth. I kinda felt bad for the kid, believe me I did, but there's no need to be such a brat! Tetsu actually gets mildly scary because he nearly grows some balls when it comes to his sister, which was kind of funny.

The ominous ending provides some more intrigue, as does the notebook, as Tetsu tries to work out how to help Shizu. The pace is still quite slow, and I still want to learn more about Shizu and why she is the way she is. Tetsu is a really interesting character to me too and there's clearly going to be some drama revolving around his friend and soccer and I'm intrigued to see what bearing that has on the story.
July 13, 2021
A near perfect second volume with beautiful art.

Art: The art isn't too detailed, but is very pretty. The expressions and composition are amazing. I also like the way Shizu's spirits are designed, you can tell which one's which easily.

Story: I really love this series so far, and this volume was an improvement for me. It was very enjoyable with some little horror elements sprinkled in. There was some good character devlepoment and good drama. It's a supernatural romance done right.

All in all great series so far.
Profile Image for Kitsunebooks_.
87 reviews7 followers
April 4, 2022
Tetsu ha descubierto que lo que realmente le sucede a Shizu, es que está poseída por diferentes fantasmas y toman el control de su cuerpo.
Él le tiene miedo a todas las cosas paranormales, pero aceptó el trabajo de estar al lado de Shizu y ayudarla, se encarga de las tareas del hogar pero también quiere conocer mejor a Shizu y a las personas que habitan en su interior. Por ello se propone conocerla, ayudarla e intentar que vuelva a ser normal, pero no es tan fácil, ya que siempre que hay un espíritu cerca de ella se hace con el control de Shizu.
Profile Image for Christyn.
587 reviews22 followers
November 10, 2019
I am actually really enjoying Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty Volume 2 lets us get to know Shizu (and her assorted companions) and Tetsu more. These two have an interesting, but complicated relationship. I did like that we (and Tetsu) are getting to understand Shizu more in this volume. I really felt for Shizu, the kind of life and past she has experienced. I look forward to seeing where this series goes.
Profile Image for -moonprismpower-.
2,537 reviews12 followers
October 12, 2020
I love the different personalities that inhabit Shizu. Although, it does make me sad that she doesn’t even know who she is.... I assume she wasn’t very loved growing up. Her parents either locked her away out of fear or embarrassment... Tetsu is a scaredy cat but you can tell he wants to get over his fears to help Shizu and in turn, help out his mother.

I can’t wait to see Shizu grow with Tetsu’s help.
Profile Image for Rebo.
719 reviews32 followers
January 17, 2021
3.5 stars rounded up. This series is bizarre but interesting. I love the concept of someone with no “sense of self” and that Tetsu is going to try and help her discover herself. I still can’t tell if there’s any intention to give some kind of message about mental illness and how it’s treated in Japan or not... but I wanna see where this goes. I am confused as to what the connection is between Tetsu earning money is and his mom... but maybe that will be better clarified later.
Profile Image for maria cecília.
260 reviews
August 23, 2022
Sobrenatural e romance, uma ótima combinação. Eu ainda achei a explicação meio rasa sobre o porque os espíritos entram no corpo da Shizu e como eles conseguem controlar se outros espíritos entram ou não. Porém, foi bom saber que pessoas de fora podem levar espíritos pra ela, caso eles estejam em um lugar com muitos. Bizarro.

Eu acho que a história por enquanto tá mais pra sobrenatural do que pra romance, mas tá muito interessante, é diferente.
Profile Image for Cintia.
93 reviews
December 4, 2022
I'm about to finish this series and I can tell you it's one of the best manga I've read in a long time. I would say the genre for this lays more on the psychological and supernatural. Human relationships in general have a lot of importance for plot development, but it's not exactly your "average lighthearted manga", I'm not sure why I found it on the shojo label-

Anyway, this is a complex story with many layers, if you're in the mood, I recommend it to you.
Profile Image for ✮Octjillery✮.
582 reviews10 followers
June 25, 2023
I think one of the things that I like most about this series is that, even though he's a kind, hard-working kid, Tetsu is also still growing as a person while helping Shizu. He's learning so much about himself and what it means to be there for another person. It's not all just focused on Shizu and figuring out her situation, with Tetsu being this perfect character as her support. He has issues to work through himself.
Profile Image for Mademoizelle Virgule.
7 reviews4 followers
February 11, 2018
Je vous avoue que j'attendais ce second tome avec beaucoup, beaucoup d'impatience. Le premier tome avait été un énorme coup de cœur. Ce tome 2, c'est la même chose !
J'ai adoré connaître un peu plus Shizu (et les autres, vous voyez), retrouver cette univers entre le shojo et le fantastique, j'ai autant adoré que le premier et je pense bientôt me jeter sur le troisième !!
Profile Image for Shaya.
475 reviews31 followers
May 19, 2019
Es un manga que me esta gustando mucho porque poco a poco vamos viendo un poco mas de Shizu y como Tesu cada día tiene menos miedo y eso me esta gustando mucho pero por otro lado el último personaje que sale en este tomo no me da muy buena espina y no creo que este haciendo todo lo que puede por Shizu y eso me cabrea un poco pero veremos que pasa en el siguiente tomo
Profile Image for changeableLandscape.
2,185 reviews27 followers
July 30, 2018
This second volume gave me so many additional feelings I had to take a break from the series for a bit; the little glimpse of Shizu's childhood was just such a gut punch. I hope this keeps being good!
Profile Image for Caitlin.
2,597 reviews30 followers
September 4, 2018
A bit more explanation on how the ghosts work, more freak outs from the protagonist, and more haunted hijinks. The story is cute and funny in places, but in others it sinks under the weight of all these complications.
Profile Image for Jessica.
1,205 reviews38 followers
May 13, 2019
Karena aku bacanya online, jadi maafkan ga inget jalan cerita di buku ke 2 gimana. Tapi tetap cute kok. Shizu masih takut disini untuk keluar. Suka sama Tetsu yg ga pantang menyerah untuk nemenin Shizu walopun dy takut sama hal2 ocult
Profile Image for Ibu-Chan.
489 reviews14 followers
February 12, 2020
La historia está bien, es correcta. El punto del problema de la chica está bien. En momentos el chico se me hace insoportable, considero que es algo lenta. El dibujo si me gusta mucho.

Esta bien para pasar el rato pero poco más.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 59 reviews

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